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    God of Nothing [Private]


    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Decayuss 22nd June 2016, 3:48 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    "Mmmhm." His eyes found themselves staring right into her's, and there they stayed for quite some time. With the kiss she gave him on his lips, he licked them very shortly after wards, as if he was expecting the taste of her's to still be there. He gave himself another quick drink of the strawberry whiskey--in which he drank straight from the bottle rather than from the glass. "And it was also on that job that I vowed to myself to become a God of Ishval." He remembered that moment like it was yesterday. On the beach of Crescent Island just before the Storm King attacked, all on his own, he made a vow and a promise to himself to become one of the most powerful Mages on the Continent. And that's exactly what he had done. "It's fine, Yuno. You'll get tales of your own one day. I'm certain of it." When he first started out as a Mage, there weren't any heroic deeds for him to tell either. Given her strength, at least how he measured it by being around her, there was no way she could do what he did. Not yet anyways.

    He found the feeling of her face between his shoulder and neck to be quite comforting, and he could quite literally just sit there with her on his lap all night and be comfortable like that. Taking in one more drink of the whiskey, he smiled at her and ran one hand down her back, with his fingers stroking her hair in the process. He placed the bottle on the ground, practically empty, and tapped her so she could take her face out of his shoulders. "Are you kidding? Of course I will!" He was slightly drunk at the moment, so he was a little more energetic than usual, but still his normal self. Once he agreed to stay with her, he swiftly pressed his lips right against hers. The taste of the strawberry whiskey was right on it, and that got him curious about something. Taking their kiss a little bit beyond, he had his tongue slip right past her lips, and then search around and explore her mouth for the taste of the strawberry whiskey. And to him, it was everywhere; as a result, the kiss that he plated on her lips not only lasted much longer, but was also much more affectionate on his end. His hands went to her waist during the kiss, and he let his tongue explore inside of her mouth, and the other way around allowing her's to enter his.

    After what seemed to be about ten minutes, he couldn't really tell just how much time had passed, but he suddenly separated their lips with a drop of saliva traveling down his mouth. He wiped it off quickly, and offered her a goofy grin. "Sorry... got a little bit carried away." He reached down and picked up the bottle that had been near his feet at the floor, and finished off the last of his whiskey inside of the bottle. "I'm curious, Yuno... where exactly are you from? How'd you end up with a demonic Take Over?"
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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Sayuno 22nd June 2016, 5:17 pm

    Sayuno Yato

    the monsters in my head
    are scared of love

    ”A hero like you shouldn’t drink so much,” Yuno’s hand gently wrapped around the bottle, pulled it away from his grip and placed it onto the ground. ”You never know when the Magic Council will call you in, you shouldn’t be drunk like this,” strangely enough Yuno could not feel the effects of the alcohol just yet, albeit having drunk a lot as well. She was very used to alcohol, but not immune to its side effects. It would be quite a shame if she was anyways, so the concern she expressed for Deniel was genuine. He told her a little more about himself, his aspirations and Yuno had to admit to herself that she was quite envious of his accomplishments. Unlike her, he didn’t seem naive in spite of his apparently young age, he had been through alot and he still made the right decisions. ”I respect that. You’re whole existence is.. it’s quite..” she struggled for a moment, trying to find the right words to describe how she saw him but only shook her head when she realized there were none. ”The scar on your chest makes me think you shouldn’t be alive, but here you are.”

    Of course his family business was none of hers, but Yuno couldn’t help but wonder what they were like. His parents. Those thoughts, however, were quickly brushed away when he - very much to her surprise - agreed on staying with her and he immediately came forward with a long lasting and very loving kiss to which Yuno responded by returning it. It was the question that followed that caught her off-guard and she immediately shoved him away and climbed away to sit on the other end of the couch. The young woman sighed heavily before brushing back her hair, adjusting her clothes and crossing her legs. She had to lie. Telling the truth wasn’t an option, no matter how sweet his kisses and how playful his tongue was.

    ”I am..from a small village, somewhere around the border of Fiore. It’s a place not worth mentioning, far away from here. It’s nothing you should bother yourself with.” Her voice seemed cold at first, but she looked at him while she spoke. Yuno was an excellent liar - he wouldn’t be able to figure out the truth. ”My demons came to me in my dreams. It’s nothing I enjoy talking about, but they are here now and I will live with it. I share every moment I experience with them, so you best be careful with what you say.” A bold thing to say to the God of Ishval, but Yuno only smirked at the man before leaning herself back against the backrest of the couch. She closed her eyes so she wouldn’t have to look at him. ”Where are you from, Deniel?”




    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Decayuss 22nd June 2016, 6:38 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Quite obviously him asking that of her had struck some kind of nerve or bad memory, and it made him quite curious. Though he was expecting, above all else, a complicated and elaborated lie. He leaned himself over with her no longer on his lap, and rested his elbows on his knees as he turned his head to stare over in her direction. Just as he suspected, what she was telling him were complete lies. There existed no villages on Fiore's borer, or at least beyond it. Widely it was not populated, except for a few military outposts. Deniel had been to Fiore's border several times; he had been all around the world as he was allowed to roam free. And he knew that in itself was a life. Though in spite of that, there wasn't enough information that could possibly lead him more towards the truth. Her demons were an entirely different story, one that he assumed to be a lie, but had absolutely no notion as to whether or not she was. "I see."

    He stood up from where he had been sitting on the couch. Instinctively he walked to the far end of the room. Usually in his own room, there would be a window there that he would stare out of...but her room didn't have any windows. So he just stared at the blank wall with his hands crossed behind his back. "Yuno, I believe we both know you're lying to me. With absolutely no notion of the truth. Fortunately for you, I will spare you these lies." Getting a little bit more creative with his story, Deniel smirked and clapped both of his hands twice. On her wall, was a giant square composed of a dark blue purple energy. And it suddenly morphed itself to create shapes on the wall, very similar to drawings. The drawings depicted houses, a village, and a small figure walking to it. A child. "I was raised in Bellum, in isolation, with my brother Vergil. But one day, a siren called out to me, and I was drawn to this certain village. Unfortunately, there my powers had awakened in a very violent fashion." The Chaos Energy changed itself to depict an explosion coming from the child, that destroyed the buildings around them and set them on fire.

    "I was taken to Bellum's Private Institution; the prison for their worst criminals. A flying fortress with no escape. There I was tortured for my crimes, and forced to compete against the other inmates in their weekly arena fights; not to the death, of course. If it were that, I would have died my first day there. I lost a lot of them at first, naturally. I was a child with no notion as to what was happening." The Chaos Energy showed the child, terrified with his hands shielding his face being attacked and mauled by much bigger figures, some of them often carrying weapons. And then it showed the child in a corner, weeping with all of the figures of the other men creeping up on him. "Fortunately that's during the time when I went through adolescence. My body grew exponentially stronger, and was open to any kind of change. So that's when I made friends, allies. I received training in various types of weaponry and combat from Bellum's worst criminals. In a way, I was trained by the worst of the best." The child was shown practicing with numerous weapons; a hammer, a broadsword, shortwords, daggers, and what eventually became his signature weapon: a katana. He was also shown to be practicing different types of martial arts and street fighting, and was also growing by the second. "I made allies with criminals, friends. They treated me like one of their own, in spite of the battles. Ironic. The general public loathed me, while the worst of criminals treated me like a family."

    Deniel turned right back to Yuno, with the Chaos Energy on the wall continuing to depict the story as he spoke. "Eventually I burned the place down. Straight from the sky to the ground. And I made my escape; on that day, the Black Devil and the White Angel awoke in me. I was granted a demonic arm to destroy anyone and anything I loathed for revenge. And my desire to bring Vergil to justice--I thought he sold me out at first--gave me wings to fly and live." The fortress was shown to be burning and crashing, while a small figure of a child jumped right out of it, and flew to freedom. "Shortly afterwards, Vergil and I moved to Fiore."
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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Sayuno 22nd June 2016, 8:00 pm

    Sayuno Yato

    the monsters in my head
    are scared of love

    Little was known about Bellum, at least to Sayuno. None of what he said would have mattered either, a few days ago, but the circumstances surrounding the white-haired sorceress and the Nephalem had somewhat changed. Sayuno had grown fond of the man. Not too much--that would be ridiculous, right?--but enough for him to make her listen up when he called her out. She immediately felt bad, a sickening feeling spread through her stomach and she sat up, but looked away. It wasn’t a lie told out of spite, but rather she had told it out of fear. Sayuno was a woman with many secrets and none of them were ready to be unveiled in front of Deniel. She wasn’t going to tell him that, however, because it would make him seem more special to her than he really was. ”Please..don’t..” she begged him, but politely listened to him speak anyways. She was in no position to tell him to be quiet after all.

    Deniel created a visual aid and told her the story of his life. Sayuno had never thought about it up until now, and while she could have guessed that it was going to be sad and bitter this wasn’t what she’d expected. Humans were cruel creatures. The most cruel ones to ever walk the earth and yet everyone demonized her kind, his kind, anything that practically wasn’t human - the irony of life and fate. Deniel was a different person, and proven to be less naive than Sayuno had been, and yet the man had still suffered the same consequences. Worse consequences even and it saddened the young sorceress. The two of them both had suffered under humanity’s cruelty, their lies, their selfishness and their hatred. It was almost unbearable for her to watch, not only because he had been through the worst times as a child, but because she once believed in humans and craved to be one of them, so badly that her wish had actually been fulfilled.

    And now she hated everything. Herself and the world she lived in.

    As a demon, Sayuno still had more heart and love for other creatures than humans ever could. ”I didn’t know,” a weak whisper barely made it past her lips before tears started welling up in the girl’s eyes. Big, round droplets rolled down her cheeks and dropped onto her thighs. Sayuno wasn’t a pretty crier, so she hid her face behind her hands for a moment and took a few deep breaths before standing up and walking over to Deniel. She did not bother to wipe away her tears, new ones were still coming out, and so she hugged the man and gently pressed her body against his. ”I shouldn’t have lied to you. But I cannot bring myself to tell you the truth either. All I can say is that you didn’t deserve any of this. Any of what has happened to you, you didn’t deserve it. You know that, right?” She had to make sure he did. She had to make sure he wasn’t going to make the same mistakes she had and with her arms wrapped around his body the girl looked up to him before pressing her cheek against his chest again.

    ”It should have never happened to you. If I could undo it, I would. But this planet were live on we have to share with humans, there is no way around it. You’re strong enough now, Deniel, it won’t happen to you again. You won’t let it happen to you again..right?” There was nothing else she could do for him other than to hug him and cry the tears he probably wouldn’t cry himself. Sayuno had lost all her power because she had fallen in love with the human race, for whatever stupid reason, and that love had taken everything from her. Deniel wasn’t human, though. Maybe he would understand her. And maybe, hopefully, he would never hurt her like they had.




    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Decayuss 23rd June 2016, 12:10 am

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    With his story, Deniel brought back memories of days that he had long forgotten, long put right in the very back of his memory. Yet in spite of reviving them, he seemed relatively unaffected, unfazed, about all of it. It was far back in his youth, well over ten years ago. And though it took up what was easily his entire childhood, there were beneficial factors to it; his body underwent one of the fastest, most profound transformations into a warrior in history. And were it not for those days, perhaps he wouldn't be as strong as he was today. He found it ironic that the story he told her brought tears into Sayuno's eyes, and yet it didn't do anything to faze him at all. Perhaps it was because it was new to her, and he was long past it. Regardless, he did not follow his initial temptation, which was to lie to her rather than tell her the truth. But that was something he couldn't do; he could never lie about what those prisoners did for him. They helped him in more ways imaginable... and he contemplated if any of them at all survived that day. Perhaps not.

    Reluctant at first, Deniel's arms eventually went around Yuno's, as his gaze pierced straight ahead of him, and didn't stare down at her for a moment. "I know..." he said very quietly. He never thought about whether or not he deserved it. In his mind, it happened, and that's all there was to it. Next she had asked him a rather difficult question. Would he let it happen to him again? If it did, then he would be able to survive it, perhaps so much that it wouldn't even affect him one bit. He was well beyond that stage right about now. And if he went through something worse, but similar? Being honest with himself, he would. That would mean greater power and strength, something he could never resist. Though for the sake of her and her flowing emotions right about now, all he said was: "No. I wouldn't." Perhaps he would. He could just never know. Even with Yuno weeping like she was, he had to take some kind of measure to reassure her everything was fine. His goal wasn't to make her cry and let her emotions flow fourth; the purpose of it was to be honest with her like she wasn't with him.

    He backed himself away just one step so she would take her face off of his chest, and stared down at her for a just a moment before bringing his face towards her's, and connect their lips with a kiss.
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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Sayuno 23rd June 2016, 8:49 am

    Sayuno Yato

    the monsters in my head
    are scared of love

    Deniel’s reaction was sobering to say the least. He hardly cared, if at all and even her tears left him unimpressed. Sayuno wasn’t sure how to react, but when he wrapped his arms around her she could feel that it was out of pity. It was strange that his own past saddened her more than it saddened him and it seemed that, in spite of his young age, Deniel had already gotten over everything. ”I wonder if you’ve always been this cold or if those events have turned you into this. I’m not quite sure what to do with you..” She heaved a sigh and shook her head. He forced her to take her face off his chest then, moved away and she looked up to him, unsure of what to do. He went in for a kiss but Sayuno turned her face away and his lips met her cheek instead.

    ”I guess there isn’t much to say about this,” she freed herself from him and walked over to the bed, wordlessly dropping her clothes to the ground before climbing into the sheets. Needless to say, the woman wasn’t in the mood for anything sensual now, but she still hoped he would join her. ”I appreciate your honesty with me. I didn’t expect you to tell me much about yourself and of course you didn’t have to. I have no rights to know anything about you and that is fine, however you need to remember that it is the same for you. You have no right to know anything about me and if I choose not to tell you where I’m from you’re going to have to accept that. I don’t care if you make me sound like a liar, you can keep those thoughts to yourself. And if you’re trying to make me feel bad for lying to you while you are being oh so open with me I’d like to tell you that you failed. I’m not going to feel bad for something like that” Truth be told, that was all she really had to say to this topic. She curled up on the left side of the bed, leaving the right free for him if he wanted to join her.




    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Decayuss 23rd June 2016, 2:04 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Had he always been this cold? No. Before he went to that dreadful institution he was just like any other child, at least until he cried out every last tear that he could produce, and then proceeded to fight for his survival. Deniel proceeded to remove his coat from his body, and his combat boots, to which he left just beside the couch. He placed the coat on a hanger, and then made a decision: couch or bed? Yuno left room for him on the bed, but after what she said about him, and the whole story he presented, he didn't much feel like sharing a bed with her. Ultimately, in spite of his hesitations, he joined her on the bed anyways. She left room for him, and that was good enough for him. Though he kept himself turned away from her, and all he said was: "Good night." He didn't have anything more to share, or anything to say about her or himself. There was enough of that for his tastes tonight. So he merely closed his eyes, and slowly but surely drifted off into a deep sleep.

    Hours into the night, something made its way right into Yuno's house. It crept right underneath the door from the first floor, and quickly skittered itself across the floor to the first floor. With each of the steps, the tiny black figure hopped up each one, and traveled in a wave like motion with its back part and claws climbing up one step behind the front part. After he reached the top of the steps and on the first floor, the small figure looked with its glowing beady red eyes all around, and eventually found the door it was looking for; a massive one at that. He squeezed himself right underneath it, and made his way over to the bed. Clawing and hopping its way up, the tiny dragon looked for the female among the two figures, and climbed right up towards her ear. It sat right on her neck as its clawed hand lightly tapped her cheek as it spoke quietly, but very harshly: "Hey... wake up. And don't wake Deniel."
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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Sayuno 23rd June 2016, 2:53 pm

    Sayuno Yato

    the monsters in my head
    are scared of love

    Deniel laid himself down beside her and Sayuno, who was truly surprised, was a little reluctant at first but came closer to him to plant a soft kiss on his cheek while wishing him a good night as well. ”Sweet dreams, Deniel.” After that she would leave him alone. Back on her side of the bed the woman made sure not to bother the man or invade his personal space. The consequences of their little fight required them to spend the night without outliving the intimacy they both had so grown used to and Sayuno, who couldn’t sleep, stayed up for much longer than him to think about many things. One hour passed, then another one and the girl was finally dozing off. She had been trying to cure her restlessness by moving around a little, getting comfortable and even nestling up to Deniel’s back. With her body close to his she could finally sleep.

    But it wasn’t going to be for very long, because after not even another hour had passed the sorceress felt something small and claw-like poke her cheek. If it wasn’t for the deep voice that came with it and was very uncommon for reptiles she wouldn’t have moved as drastically as she did. Sayuno’s reaction was clear, and without hesitation her arm, already morphed into that of a demon’s, darted out and towards the creature and wrapped its long fingers around it’s slender body. Sayuno’s eyes remained closed until she found something within her hand and slowly turned around on her back while lifting the creature above her head. Momentarily the girl’s eyes wandered over to Deniel but the man hadn’t moved an inch and was still sleeping. She now took the time to take a glance and whatever she was holding. A serpent-like creature, black and 'bout the size of Deniel’s cock. Sayuno arched a brow and sat up in her bed. Without a word the girl grew herself a pair of gigantic wings and with the creature still in her possession she flew straight out of the roof hatch a few meters away onto another house's’ roof, where she wouldn’t disturb Deniel’s sleep. Sayuno sat down cross legged and carefully put the ‘thing’ into her lap. She eyed it for a few more seconds, obviously trying to figure out what it was, and once it doomed on her the girl’s eyes widened and a smile spread across her face.

    ”It’s a fucking fairy!”




    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Decayuss 23rd June 2016, 11:44 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Nidhogg took a huge gasp of air when he felt Yuno's demonic hand grasp out on to him. His eyes bulged out slightly, and his forked tongue stuck right out of his mouth. He was having trouble breathing, in fact he couldn't at all, and he frantically patted her hand to loosen her grip on him or just let him go. This isn't what he had planned. Though his beady eyes lacked irises, his gaze glanced right over to Deniel, as if to go back on what he had said by attempt to call out to him. Unfortunately, his speech was completely cut off, and Deniel was unmoved in his sleep; Nidhogg knew well only danger moved him. He was a rock. Very soon Nidhogg found himself being carried right from where he and Yuno were straight into the sky and on the roof of a nearby building. At long last Nidhogg was allowed the chance to breath, and once more he gasped for breath and air as he quickly coughed up, and dropped to the knees of his hind legs while his front ones held on to his chest. He was a small creature, and the shape of his body didn't allow for much either, so it was important to handle him with care.

    "No!" Nidhogg immediately stated as he gasped for air one last time, and very slowly caught his breath back to a normal pace. "I'm not a fairy. I'm a dragon." Nidhogg stood up proudly upon his hind legs with his beady red eyes, glowing just like Deniel's, straight up at Yuno. "Name's Nidhogg. Deniel's weapon of choice, partner, sometimes his pet, but always his best friend. Now... you two gettin' along nicely?"
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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Sayuno 24th June 2016, 4:26 am

    Sayuno Yato

    the monsters in my head
    are scared of love

    “Oh,” the girl immediately let go of the little creature and gently massaged its neck a little, so it could breathe again. “I’m sorry,” she said, but there was no guilt evident on her face. “Are you okay?” Upon further inspection the little creature didn’t seem to be all too fairy like - much to Sayuno’s disappointment. She sighed and looked over the housetops of Talonia Most people were asleep at this time of the day, so they could talk without being interrupted. Before she could say anything else the little thing already had begun protesting and she gasped before breaking out in laughter. Was this a dream or something? Did Deniel really have a mini dragon? “You’re really cute for a dragon. And really small.” She said and poked Nidhogg in the belly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Nid-chan. My name is Sayuno.” She wasn’t really a modest person so without asking she turned the little creature on its back and started rubbing its belly. “You are really cute,” she said again, “But very small. I guess someone as strong as Deniel doesn’t really need a partner who is powerful anyways.”

    She wondered what he meant by saying that he was his “weapon of choice”, or sometimes his “pet” - couldn’t he be either one or the other - not both of them at the same time? He asked how things were going with Deniel and for a moment Sayuno pondered how to tell a cute, innocent little baby dragon how she was feeling around his master. “Well...you see… I don’t know if you know but..” She lowered her head and moved her lips closer to the creature’s ear. “..Deniel has another dragon. In his pants. It’s about your size, but quite pale. And thicker, much thicker. Thank god!” She giggled and almost rolled herself across the roof. “Sometimes I get to play with his dragon, and when we do that everything’s alright. Everything’s perfect actually. But outside of that we are sometimes not getting along.. But it’s not all the time. He has shown signs of wanting to take care of me, and I surely have shown signs of wanting to be with him...we are both just a little awkward and very different from each other.” She couldn’t even explain why she wanted to be with him. She just wanted to. “I don’t really know what to do when he is angry with me.”




    The Nephilim

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    Post by Decayuss 24th June 2016, 2:28 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Nidhogg took a step back with his two claws gripping his stomach when Yuno poked his belly, obviously not taking too much of a liking to it. "Nid-chan?" No one had ever called him that before, so it might take him a while to get used to it. She called him cute a second time, and rubbed his belly without even asking. Needless to say Nidhogg wasn't the kind of person, or thing, that took a liking to those kinds of things; he might be cute in appearance, at least to her, but deep inside he was still the same old dragon he had always been. He squirmed out from under her grip without a word, and brushed his belly off with his claws crossing themselves over his chest. And he didn't take too kindly that she underestimated his strength either, but... he was willing to let this go on account of his size. The small dragon shook his head, and almost smacked its claw across Yuno's face when she mentioned Deniel's 'dragon'. Nidhogg knew all too well, but it was things he had rather not get involved with. "Hahah. Very funny... that shit is between you and him." Perhaps she was underestimating Nidhogg's nature because of his size as well, so he made it clear by saying 'shit' that he wasn't just some innocent creature. He was a very old one, and powerful at that.

    Yuno then discussed the problems that she was having with Deniel, and they sounded quite typical for a person like him. Nidhogg had spent a majority of Deniel's life with him, and he also knew of his existence before the day he was even born. If there was anyone more experienced about Deniel than the man himself... it was Nidhogg. He followed her when she rolled across the roof, this time more slowly due to the fact that he was walking on only his hind legs. "Yeah... Deniel's a tough bastard alright, but that is what makes him so valuable." Nidhogg was never the one to intervene in Deniel's relationships, but he decided that perhaps this one time only he would help him with a woman... just this once. And it was up to the both of them to not mess it up. He stared up at the starry sky and the moon before glancing right back down at Yuno. "Let me tell you a few things about him, actually. Deniel will be kind to you and make sure you won't get hurt. And then other times he might hurt you himself. He will defend you when someone insults you, but then he might insult you himself. He will be warm many times, and cold and callous others." This was perhaps something Yuno already knew, or was about to be experienced with. So, he decided to share the rest of the secret with her.

    "The trick is to stick with him no matter what. He was raised through hardship and toil, and he knows that's how one grows strong... that's how he grew strong. If he hurts you, it's to make you stronger. If he insults you, it's to make you more impervious. And above all, if he turns his back against you, it's to make sure you'll stick with him through thick and thin. None ever do; if you can, then I assure you he will lead you on the greatest adventure of your life. In spite of what others may think, everything and anything he does is for the greater good; his methods just may be questionable from time to time."
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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Sayuno 24th June 2016, 4:18 pm

    Sayuno Yato

    the monsters in my head
    are scared of love

    The tiny dragon was a wise one. Nidhogg was small, but something about his voice and his eyes made her believe that he was much more than it seemed. Perhaps the black creature had something like a ‘true’ form, something that was completely different from what she was seeing right now and she decided to respect him a little more. ”I understand, and I’m sorry for insulting you. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful,” still scantily-clad in her white nightgown, a cool breeze swept over the roofs and the girl’s body shivered under it. It was a good feeling nonetheless and she was glad to get some fresh air. Nidhogg’s comment made her assume that he knew what was going on between her and his master and it honestly surprised her a little. She had never noticed his presence before - not that it was outstanding anyways - but it seemed that he was watching over Deniel.

    When Nidhogg explained his master’s qualities to her the girl smiled a little and closed her eyes. She was lying on her back now and the back of her hand rested upon her eyes. ”He seems so hard to love...but at the same time so desirable..” Deniel was difficult at first glance, but the more she thought about it she found his behavior actually quite normal for his case. ”I understand, I think. He needs someone strong to be with him. If I can’t even survive the pain he will cause me, how am I going to survive what’s and who’s coming at me because I’m with him?” It will be little compared to everything he had been through and everything she would go through. ”He is the only one I know who is like me. And the only other person I know. I haven’t had contact to humans in a very long time. I don’t trust humans anymore, but he is not one of them. How am I ever going to find a person like him again? Perhaps that is why I want to be with him more than I thought I would.” She shrugged and turned around so she could look at the little dragon.

    Suddenly, Sayuno sat up and looked at Nidhogg. ”You know, that helped. I will make you something delicious to eat the next time we meet. And besides.. I should go back in.” She missed him already. Sayuno quickly jumped onto her feet and kneeled down in front of the dragon. She gently nudged his paw with the tip of her index-finger as if to shake it before flying back to her own house and through the roof.  




    The Nephilim

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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Decayuss 24th June 2016, 4:46 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    One thing Nidhogg could easily admit was that Yuno was certainly a fast learner. If he had explained that to someone else, they might just consider Deniel much too hard of a person to keep around; though her, on the other hand, she knew why Deniel was a harsh person. There were many dangers in his life. He as a God of Ishval, which brought even more dangers... unknown ones. Enemies could know him, but most of the time he could not know enemies. More faith than before was put into Sayuno by Nidhogg, and one that he was hoping wouldn't disappoint. She could be healthy for Deniel if she applied herself in the right way, and stuck with him. Nidhogg was plenty for Deniel as a best friend, but a woman could provide so much more. "Good luck," Nidhogg said to Yuno, shaking her index finger only slightly with his claw. After she was gone, the small dragon looked around for a moment, and was already off skittering away to see if he could find a place to sleep for the night without disturbing the two.

    Not long after Yuno had left, Deniel rolled over to his bed, and something awoke him from a deep sleep. The fact that he had so much room, that's what. His eyes shot open when his palm found nothing beside him, and he woke up in almost a panic. Yuno wasn't at his side, and he wondered quickly where she was. He didn't hesitate one bit to hurry out of the bed and open the door. His first thought was that she was downstairs, and he didn't take the time to notice that the roof hatch was opened up wide. When he checked downstairs, his red eyes glowing brightly to provide some light, he knew for certain she wasn't down there anywhere. A frown appeared across his features, and his trip back upstairs was much more slower than the one downstairs. He contemplated just exactly what had happened to Yuno; no way she was taken.... that was just downright impossible. She had to have left voluntarily, but why? It wouldn't be for good, at least he hoped it wouldn't given the fact that most of her belongings were still there. Did she want to sleep somewhere else and not be at his side?

    "Perhaps..." he said to himself quietly. After the way he acted and treated her, he wouldn't be entirely surprised... though at the same time he knew that if she gave up on him so easily. When he opened the door back inside of her room, he found that she had come back, through the hatch in the roof. "Yuno!" He called out with a smile spreading across his features upon laying his eyes on her, closing the door behind him quickly.
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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Sayuno 24th June 2016, 6:10 pm

    Sayuno Yato

    the monsters in my head
    are scared of love

    Deniel wasn’t in the bed anymore. Sayuno’s heart skipped a beat when she noticed the open door, but it calmed down almost immediately after hearing a noise coming from downstairs. He returned to their bedroom and his expression showed that he was just as surprised to see her like that as she was to see him coming back from wherever he had been. It seemed as if he had been looking for her and his warm smile didn’t went unnoticed. ”Deniel.” Her wings dissolved into a thousand tiny magical particles and she ran across the room and straight into his arms. Standing on her tiptoes now, Sayuno wrapped her arms gently around his neck and pressed her lips against his. A smile like that could only mean one thing, he wasn’t angry at her and she surely wouldn’t be angry with him. After about a minute she broke the kiss and gasped for air. ”I’m sorry,” she spoke softly and ran her fingers through his hair. ”I didn’t mean to be harsh to you, nor did I want to leave you here. I had a...strange dream and needed some fresh air.”

    She noticed that he was still wearing his outside-clothes and sighed in response to that. ”I woke you up, didn’t I? Either way, you should never wear your outside-clothes to sleep.” She got rid of whatever the man was wearing that didn’t belong there according to her and laid herself back down with him. According to the clock on her nightstand it was still in the middle of the night and the two of them needed to rest. Sayuno pulled on the string hanging down from the roof and closed the hatch, but not completely so air could still get inside. This time she made sure to face him and be close to him. Sayuno placed her hand on his cheek and pinched him tenderly. ”Where you looking for me?” The mere thought made her snicker. Her lips found home on his once again and this time she didn’t plan on parting them very soon.





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    Post by Decayuss 25th June 2016, 12:35 am

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    It certainly was her alright. And before Deniel could even make a move to go towards her, she came right for him, so he opened his arms up to Yuno without a moment's hesitation. Surprisingly enough, after their kiss, Yuno was the one to apologize, in spite of Deniel feeling like he had to... although technically he didn't because all he had done was share his backstory. Regardless, he accepted her apology with a gentle nod, since he didn't have too many words to say at that point. Though the mood and subject quickly changed when she brought up his clothes. He looked down at what he was wearing, and didn't really see any problem with it; oftentimes he was able to sleep in a tree with his katana blade at his chest, fully clothed in his combat boots, and his cloak wrapped around him. "Oh Yuno, trust me I'm fi--" though apparently she probably wouldn't have that kind of attitude. She took off a majority of what he was wearing, and although he didn't feel much of a difference, that just meant it didn't hurt anyone. So he went along with it.

    He found himself in a much more comfortable position with Yuno on the bed, with the two of them actually facing each other this time. Her pinching on his cheek was certainly something new he had felt, and he couldn't tell whether or not he liked it. "Maybe~" he said softly to her. That was something he would never admit to, and would just leave it up to her discretion. And afterwards, the two met with a kiss that would lead to a long night before finally sleeping.

    Deniel was up much brighter and earlier in the morning than Yuno, and that was for a specific reason. When he awoke on the bed, he noticed that she had still been sleeping, but also heard something; a distinct sound for him. It came from his coat which had been hung up earlier. Lazily he got out of her bed and reached his hand inside of the pocket, pulling out a Lacrima Vision that had only two ways: Deniel and the Council. He clicked his thumb on it, and then began the very brief conversation. Just as he suspected, it was them calling for him to take another job that they believed he would be the right man for. After ending their conversation, Deniel was about to hurry right out the door while getting his clothes on, until he realized where he was and who was with him. He turned around to see Yuno still softly sleeping on the bed. Just one night ago it was his goal to be out of there before she woke up, and right now he could have very easily accomplished that. Though after what had happened yesterday... something was telling him not to just leave her and never see her again. Quite the opposite. The first step he did was get dressed in all of his clothes once again, including his combat boots.

    Once he was ready, slowly he approached the bed, and sat down right beside her. He shook her body gently by the shoulder. "Yuno. Wake up." Once she awoke, he thought quickly of what he had to say. He didn't want to admit anything that would sound ludicrous, but... damn it. She was already awake by then. "The Council called in... I need to go or else they'll start getting really upset. And I might not be back in a while. But before I go, well... I just want you to know you're the first I haven't left without a word. And you can believe that I'll be back for you as well. There's something about you that makes me want to just stick around, for a long time. So... I'll come find you. I promise."
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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Sayuno 25th June 2016, 10:38 am

    Sayuno Yato

    the monsters in my head
    are scared of love

    ”Mhmm,” Sayuno wiggled across the bed and pulled the blanket over her body. ”Nyaa...what?” Deniel’s body should have been right underneath hers - but he wasn’t. Sayuno’s eyes immediately shot open and the girl sat straight up in her bed only to find him sitting right next to her. Her hair was slightly curly now, somewhat messy and she looked rather tired. He was already fully dressed and for a moment she couldn’t believe that it was going to be over already. She slouched her shoulders and pulled the blanket up once again to cover her bare chest. ”W-what?” The Council called him in? She looked at him with disbelief in her eyes before realizing what situation they were in. ”I mean, of course! Of course! You have to go, I’m sorry.” How long had it been? 2 days, perhaps? It felt like he had been with her forever and the girl had gotten used to sharing her bed with him. Of course it wasn’t always going to be like that. Silly Yuno.

    She moved over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She nudged him and placed her lips on his for a kiss. ”I can’t wait to see you again,” she whispered and rested her head on his shoulder. ”Well...now that you know where I  live it shouldn’t be that hard. But I will wish you good luck anyways, because I won’t make it easy on you.” She climbed out of the bed and lead him to the door. A sigh escaped her lips and she gently squeezed his hands. ”Take care of yourself, will you?” She knew he would, he had survived until this day somehow after all. She waved him farewell and quickly closed the door behind herself. Him leaving wasn’t something she wanted to see.




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    God of Nothing [Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: God of Nothing [Private]

    Post by Decayuss 25th June 2016, 1:59 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    It came as no surprise to him that she showed affection all the way up until the end, with a kiss coming to his lips and words of safe prayer coming from her just before he departed. "Yeah... I'll come back sooner or later. Don't worry." She escorted him to her bedroom door, and just before he left her, he said something that was going to come out one way, but just ended up blending into something else. "I l... I'll miss you." He didn't say what he meant quite yet; it was far, far, far too early for that. With everything in place and where it needed to be, he walked downstairs and was out the front door in just a matter of moments. He wasn't in a hurry to leave her, rather in a hurry to get the job done and get back. As Deniel opened her front door and closed it behind him, a tiny black figure bolted right from where it had been waiting, and went right up Deniel's leg, spiraling up his body until it reached his shoulder, where it stood on its hind legs and leaned the other half of its body against his neck. "So... how'd it go?" It was something Deniel didn't feel like telling Nidhogg, so he just shook his head at the dragon with a smirk spread across his face. "I'm not tellin' ya'."

    Nidhogg sneered and moved across Deniel's shoulder to the other one. "C'mon... we've got a long trip ahead of us. We could use something to talk about." Deniel pulled the hood from his cloak right over his head, and then held out his palm. The small dragon transformed into black mist, that flew itself right into Deniel's open palm. It shaped itself into a curved rod type before materializing to a black katana sheathed inside of a black scabbard; the scabbard itself containing a golden design of a dragon coiling around it.

    "Another time, Nidhogg. Another time. Let's just get this done."
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