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    Delivery Boss(Job)

    Ultra Magnus
    Ultra Magnus

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 114
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : ---
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ReQuip: God of War
    Second Skill: Unknown
    Third Skill:

    Delivery Boss(Job) Empty Delivery Boss(Job)

    Post by Ultra Magnus 9th June 2016, 12:33 pm

    Delivery Boy/Girl:

    It was an overcast: Nothing sunny, nothing straight rain. The only difference between this day and most others was that it was windy as hell, and things were being thrown all over the place like they were nothing. That still didn't deter a certain blonde-haired mage from sleeping about ten hours of his life away.

    Ultra's bedroom would've looked clean if it weren't for all the junk strewn all over it: Even his own bed was not safe from the hoard as there were shoes, pants, jackets(you name it) all over it, and on Ultra himself. It wasn't until five minutes past 6AM that his undeniably crappy alarm clock jolted him awake.

    He threw all the clothes that were on the bed onto the floor where they met a carpet that hadn't been vacuumed in at least a month. It wasn't the cleanest space, but it was still where he slept, and that was really all that mattered to Ultra.

    Crusty eyes blinked twice a minute as he made his way over to the bathroom, where he would splash some water over his face and brush his teeth afterwards. It wasn't until he left that he realized the ear-splitting growl in his stomach:

    He was hungry. Like hell. It was the worst time to need food, considering Ultra literally emptied his wallet in one night in some club. Now Ultra knew what to do what his money...most of the time. And let me tell you that last night was not one of those times.

    "Screw it, I'll just eat out."


    Ultra Magnus
    Ultra Magnus

    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 114
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : ---
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ReQuip: God of War
    Second Skill: Unknown
    Third Skill:

    Delivery Boss(Job) Empty Re: Delivery Boss(Job)

    Post by Ultra Magnus 9th June 2016, 12:53 pm

    Ultra threw a black sweater over his person as he left his house, noticing the dull mood of the sky. Hardly anyone was outside: Probably still asleep or something. Something kept eating away at Ultra's mind as he walked, he didn't realize until he literally got to the end of the street:

    He was broke.

    After dropping an F-bomb under his breath, Ultra began wondering just how the hell he was supposed to get money on such short notice. If he hadn't gone to that damn strip club, he wouldn't be dealing with this bullcrap as of now.

    He didn't have enough time to worry about that as a truck sped past him, drove onto the sidewalk, and rammed a pole, smoke bellowing from its exhaust pipe the entire time. It looked like your average postal truck, right?

    It wasn't until a man came out of the back of the truck holding a whole shitload of mail did Ultra remotely realize what the hell was going on.

    "Young man," the old guy seemed to be the kind of guy who really got to the point of crap, "I need you to deliver this mail for me."

    Immediately thinking that he was about to get paid for doing so, Ultra replied with an "It is done," while stifling a laugh for whatever reason. "You are served." The GoW ran to the old man, scooping up all the mail, and literally ran like the wind with it.

    Ultra began throwing mail at the various houses that made up the block that was across his. There was a package containing a really heavy object, a bunch of pornographic magazines, and what appeared to be one of those spinning top toys.

    It didn't really matter, since Ultra just threw them at whatever house they were supposed to be for. When you think about it, the whole process was quicker than initially thought by myself(Considering how easy this is), but at any rate, Ultra ran out of mail to throw in about forty-five minutes.

    Now came the matter of actually getting back to the mailman. He realized that he was forty-five minutes away from where he was supposed to get his money.

    That meant forty-five minutes of walking, with a stomach devoid of food and body devoid of energy.

    As Ultra waded the place, he realized just how dangerous it was. Not only were there shots fired, but there was a giant explosion in somebody's backyard, it looked like.

    Needless to say, Ultra couldn't hear out of his right ear for about the next week thereafter.

    By the time he had reached the end of his block, he was sweating, believe it or not. It didn't make too much sense considering the forecast said it'd be around 40 degrees for that day, but walking in that neighborhood seemed to slam heat on Ultra.

    "I want my money," is all he could say as he walked over to the broken-down-ass mail truck.


      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 5:11 pm