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    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 8th June 2016, 5:40 am

    Job Details:
    Wordcount Method: 3,200 words per person


    Just as Lexa took her finger from the intercom, an anomaly occurred... A rift, a tear in space that was circular in shape opened up for a mere split second and an object fell through. Clad in black with blue circuit markings, representative of the two activated beforehand that contained yellow circuits instead, it landed gently in Lexa's lap. She picked it up, turning it in her hand while questioning who sent it, and why this person knew the exact position of her vessel...

    She set it on the table just as the ship began turning to face the east, heading towards Lavanitir Port, the home of Black Rose's Guild Hall, and pressed a finger to it. A small blue spark gave the item enough energy to power up, this time a voice playing... The voice sounded exactly like Lexa's when she was using her childish tone. "Umm... hi Nee-san... It's me, Lexa. The... other... Lexa. The one who tried to kill you... not the one who protected you... I'm sorry for what I did, but I was following dad's orders! I... I need your help with finding out who... or... what I am. I know you don't have a reason to help me, especially after what I did, but if you do I'd be eternally grateful to you." Her voice sounded confused, unsure of itself and weaker than the real Lexa's.

    Lexa let out an exasperated sigh. "I left Black Rose so my friends won't get caught up in my problem..." she said with a solemn expression before reaching back over to the intercom. Her voice came in over several speakers, including a set in the helm itself. "Attention all crew, I want EBR Team 6 at the ready at 0800. We're going to the Ancient Ruins, conditions are unknown. All members sound off." A set of five voices, two female three male, said 'Aye Sir!' over the intercom. "You really enjoy making me turn this damn thing in circles don't ya cap..." a sarcastic voice cam in after them as the ship began making a massive circle to begin heading south west.

    Lexa turned to Rei, folding one of her legs over the other in a lady-like position. "Since you're gonna be going for a ride along, I guess I owe you an explanation..." she said while rolling up her sleeve. "My memories are a bit iffy, but from what I've learned in the past few months... just before I left Black Rose that is, I'm not quite human... at least not anymore." Lexa's eyes grew sad, the knowledge that she is and isn't what she should be was unsettling for her. She lifted up her right hand, the sleeve of her garment rolled down to expose the full arm. It began having a circuit board pattern that was dark blue in color shining through the skin. "These are my magic circuits. When I was young I was taken from my home, me and over twenty three thousand others, and used in Magic Council funded experiments." the magic circuits stopped glowing and Lexa put her arm down. "They implanted non-human components in the others, using them as guinea pigs and disposing them when they found a component had malfunctioned. I was unit ex-zero-zero-three, the twenty thousand and third experiment. They replaced most of my muscles, my eyes, ears, nose, nails... almost everything that was organic... The only human things I have is my heart, brain, and a couple other unimportant organs. I was implanted with my magic circuits, the first person to actually accept the circuits without dying or mutating." Lexa then rested her hand over her stomach, somewhere around where her cervix was actually located. "The last experiment on me had something to do with reproduction capabilities, but as you heard it didn't go right." her hand moved away from the spot and rested on the table. "I was ordered to be terminated, but one of the scientists disagreed with that order. He ran away with me and trained me to be an assassin. He taught me to fight, to hide, to hunt..." Lexa's eyes narrowed on Rei like a predator ready to strike "...to kill."

    Lexa then stood up, walking over to the window and pressing a button on a console, the shutters opening up. "Taranis took me to Black Rose to teach me the one thing he couldn't teach me on his own... How to lead, and have friends. The guild became my family, the only thing I wanted to protect. One day I found a notice to go to the Ancient Ruins where I found a laboratory, and soon after I learned what I was." Lexa turned around to face Rei again, leaning against the dashboard with her arms crossed. "Unfortunately the MC found out I was part of Black Rose. I left so they wouldn't try to attack the guild, next thing I know they tossed out a little gift to make my life that much harder." Jack walked to a filing cabinet, opening the first drawer and pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to Rei. "It's a bounty notice for Miss Grimoire." If Rei would look at it, it would read:

    'Wanted: Alexandria Lexicus Grimoire!
    Alive or Dead

    Crime: Theft of invaluable MC property
    Reward: 500,000,000 Jewel alive, 250,000,000 Jewel dead
    Must bring back the full body for confirmation'

    Lexa scoffed. "Assholes... reducing me down to 'MC property' I'll fuckin' kill em all." she said with a fairly annoyed tone. "Anyhow, we'll be there tomorrow morning at 8.. Lucky you, ya get to see where I was born so to speak. Rosa's yours till this is over, if you need me she knows where I'll be." Just like that, Lexa vanished along with Lillian.

    If Rei would choose to get some rest, Rose would happily walk with her to make sure she didn't get turned around in the ship. If Rei would choose to hang with Lexa, Rosa would show her to the absolute top of the ship, taking her outside to scale a 500 foot tall ladder to the very top of the tower where Lexa would be seen looking out over the front of the ship with her eyes closed as she took in the world around her in deep meditation.

    Words: 1,046 Total: 1,046 Out of: 3,200

    <div align="center"><div style="width:400px;padding:20px;background-image:url('http://i.imgur.com/9EP3Cy0.jpg');"><div style="background-color:#333334;padding:10px;color:#ffff00;font-family:baskerville;font-size:13px;line-height:12px;text-align:justify;"><div style="margin-bottom:7px;float:left;background-color:#232121;width:100px;height:100px;margin-right:13px;border-bottom-right-radius:25px;border-top-left-radius:25px;background-image:url('http://i.imgur.com/J55pCwp.jpg');"></div><div align="right"><div style="width:240px;padding:13px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#000000;background-color:#ffff00;font-size:12px;text-align:justify;margin-bottom:5px;margin-top:-5px;"><i>BY THE EDGE OF MY BLADE, AND THE TIP OF MY BULLET I WILL PROTECT THOSE I LOVE... EVEN IF I HAVE TO PROTECT THEM FROM MYSELF.</i></div></div>[justify]

        [/justify]<table><tbody><tr><td style="width:120px;padding:3px;background-color:#ffff00;color:#151515;font-family:baskerville;font-size:13;line-height:15px;"><b>Words: 1,046</b> </td><td style="width:120px;padding:3px;background-color:#ffff00;color:#151515;font-family:baskerville;font-size:13;line-height:15px;"><b>Total: 1,046</b> </td><td style="width:120px;padding:3px;background-color:#ffff00;color:#151515;font-family:baskerville;font-size:13;line-height:15px;"><b>Out of: 3,200</b> </td></tr></tbody></table></div><div align="center"><font color="8a8abc"></font></div></div></div><div align="center"><div style="font-size:8px;font-family:times;">coded by <a href="http://adoxographyv2.boards.net/user/3692"]D3571NY</a> of <a href="http://adoxographyv2.boards.net/">ADOXOGRAPHY V2</a></div></div>


    Rei Katsura
    Rei Katsura

    Lineage : Musashi's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : SaberTooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Restrict Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Rei Katsura 8th June 2016, 7:59 pm

    Oh boy, Rei knew she had gotten herself into a very deep personal situation..

    She sat quietly and respectfully as she listened to Lexa's long and complicated backstory. She had only joined the guild recently, so it must've been after Lexa had left. a dozen different thoughts were running through her brain as she thought about her current situation, and about Lexa's past... It must've been very hard for her to know that she wasn't even fully human anymore. Her own past wasn't the typical growing up with a family, but it definitely wasn't as morbid or sad as being stolen and experimented on. She had been cast out of her hometown and disowned by her parents for her magic and uncontrollable rage and hurting the other children. Since then, she had always been by herself... Until Elyx saved her and her dear friends lives, and showed them they could have a family. A family in Black Rose, a guild of misfits that got along and didn't care about each others differences. But everybody was different, everyone had their own problems. And now, as a new friend of Lexa... She'd do everything in her power to help her out. After all, she was even a former guild member.

    She couldn't even believe she had a bounty on her head. when she took the wanted poster and looked it up and down, she scoffed at the stupidity of it. Putting a bounty on her head for stealing "MC property" she tsk'd at the poster, and set it aside neatly. She watched as lexa stood to take off, and virtually disappeared once again. Damn, she was fast.

    She turned around to see Rosa standing there awaiting to know where she wanted to go or do. She had to admit that she was tired, but she also felt it would be weird to just "go to sleep" or anything of the sort. So she turned to Rosa, and politely asked to be taken to see Lexa and Lillian once again. As they walked through the hallways of the giant ship, and climbing the most massive ladder she had ever had to climb in her life, she reached the very very top of the ship. She Saw lexa looking out the window, she herself looked out on the view at the sea of clouds swimming by being shined on like water in the moonlight. she calmly walked up to the window and looked out at the view with Lexa. and she just had to ask her one thing... "Hey Lexa...I'm flattered your brining me along on this mission... but, I've only known you for half a day, why are you bringing me with you?" she asked really wanting to know the answer.


    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} U5hEqV5
    Character l Rei Katsura l Character
    Magic l Restrict Magic l Magic
    Bank l Katsura’s Vault l Bank
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 11th June 2016, 6:40 pm

    iyol was sitting amongst the ruins of a castle seated among the mountains between Rose Garden and Hargeon. The location was remote, long forgotten to the pages of history and buried by the sands of time while its foundation rotted, its walls crumbled, and its skeleton served as a shelter for those not nearly as worthy as the ones who once resided within. However, the shirtless man was not alone in this place frozen in time, no not at all...

    Laying with her body pressed against him, arms holding onto Niyol and sleeping peacefully as she always did in this position was Hana Lich. A very bright young woman who joined Niyol's side when she realized that the difference between their power was the difference between a mountain top and the moon's surface... astronomical. She had wanted Niyol to teach her to be strong, teach her to fight and be a force to reckon with like he was... and he agreed to it. While initially she thought the man to be a cold blooded killer who had no concern for human life at all, Hana soon learned that Niyol was actually a very loving man. She found out that in her times of need, he was not only there for her faster than her tribe, but he was truly there for her, and not for the guardian of solar flames. When she cried, he was always the one holding her and encouraging to cry until she was feeling better, even if it meant staying like that for the whole day. When she had troubles sleeping, he sang for her. When she was cold, he wrapped his own wings around her to keep her warm... He had been more of a father to her than her own father, and he had simultaneously been the focus of her adoration, and her best friend all in one...

    A small hole in space opened up and a blue rock came out, tapping on Niyol's chest and causing his cold, dull, purple eyes to look down and realize he had no hands by which to pick the item up... Why didn't he have any? Well... in his other arm was a young woman with long blue hair, her body pressed against Niyol with her arm wrapped around him just like Hana's. This was his true daughter, Kateri, a woman who looked sixteen, but was actually seven years old... She had come into Niyol's life when he was training to use Ice Magic in the silent glaciers, but he had learned that Kateri had been watching Niyol for quite some time before that but was too afraid to actually approach him. She outgrew that fear in the Silent Glaciers and confronted Niyol for the first time, quickly seeing the man accept his role as father without hesitance. She had secured her fate when Niyol was attacked by an assailant and she formed a demonic contract that had a peculiar price... While many contracts required you to kill people, or destroy sacred artifacts, or sell your soul to the demon, Kateri's contract merely required her to accept being aged 10 years. This was done when she was six years old, and her current age remained looking sixteen despite her having had a birthday recently.

    Using his telekinesis, Niyol lifted the object and turned it slowly, straining to do so but still managing. It had been a short time that he unlocked his mind, and he wasn't particularly used to using his psychic abilities as of yet, but he was slowly adjusting. He set the lacrima back down on his chest and channeled a bit of magic into it, surprisingly the item reacted to the souls and played a message in Niyol's mind... "Umm... hi Nii-san... It's me, Lexa. The... other... Lexa. The one who tried to kill you... not the one who protected you... I'm sorry for what I did, but I was following dad's orders! I... I need your help with finding out who... or... what I am. I know you don't have a reason to help me, especially after what I did, but if you do I'd be eternally grateful to you." Niyol had remembered the fight vividly. He remembered having others stand back while allowing the real Lexa Grimoire to take on a cloned version of herself. Lexa, the real one, was young and somewhat foolish back then... she was constantly addressing everyone as family, and not caring to question anyone's motives. Last he'd seen her, she was different... very serious, and less trusting.

    Niyol gently tapped both his daughters on their backs, the two girls returning with the exact same reply. "-groaning- Too early..." Kateri said while nuzzling herself against Niyol and shifting and arm. "Give us another hour..." Hana said with a just as groggy tone. A small smile appeared on Niyol's face as he let out a sigh. It was these moments that he adored, these moments when he felt like not killing himself was a good choice. 'They're exactly like each other...' he thought while his eyes glided between the two. "Come now, we have an old acquaintance in need of aid." "But daaaaaad... the sun's not even up..." Kateri said with her face buried in Niyol's chest, her long hair covering her eyes and blocking out the sunlight that was blatantly hitting her face. Suddenly the two girls burst out in laughter as Niyol began poking at their sides, them screaming between breaths for him to stop, saying they were awake. Having gotten the reaction he wanted, Niyol sat up and held out the lacrima, replaying the message for them. "Oh hey... I remember that, you really wanna help her?" Kateri asked referring to the battle between Lexa and Lexa. Niyol nodded and Hana stood up, grabbing her master's weapon and holding it out to him. Niyol received the sheathed blade and stood up, Kateri got up and went to put her weapons on before heading back to Niyol. A portal opened below the three and rose, when it had finished rising, the three of them found themselves standing in front the Ancient Ruins. This time, Kateri was packing a brand new toy she'd gotten specifically for dealing with pains in her ass...

    Hana Lich:
    Kateri's Weapon:

    Rei: 459/3,200
    WC: 1,045
    Out of 3,200

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 11th June 2016, 8:12 pm

    'Hey Lexa...I'm flattered your brining me along on this mission... but, I've only known you for half a day, why are you bringing me with you?' Rei said, her tone was genuinely curious as it came across in Lexa's ears, though, at this point Lexa wasn't sure that her ears were really ears... Lexa leaned against the communications antennae, letting the breeze blow through her hair, causing it to gently flicker as the massive ship moved through the sky. "You're not coming along cause I want you to sweetheart, no offense." she turned her face, looking at Rei with a tired expression. "On my ship, in my guild, under my command, in my life... I don't care where you are. If you're needin' help, I'll drop everything and come. That's how it works with me..." she looked back towards the bow of the ship and closed her eyes. "You're coming along cause I'm not taking the time to drop you back off at Silver Island, and I ain't leaving no BR member with my crew." Lexa crossed one hand over the other, relaxing her body and letting herself fall asleep just after muttering "Sweet dreams..." And just like that, she was completely asleep. Lexa didn't look like a killer while asleep... she didn't look dangerous, or scary, or even like she had any sort of adult like qualities to her. She looked like by far the most loving, adorable twelve year old in the world... making her crew feel like horrible people for even being the same species as the scientists who operated on her...

    Lexa woke up the next morning just an hour before it was time to get ready for the mission. A short shower, and a few minutes taken to get a new set of combat robes preceded her waiting for her men to assemble on the massive runway that served as the deck of the ship. Five men lined up, each holding an assault rifle in their hands and all standing at port arms while looking straight ahead, not a single eye twitching as Lexa slowly moved back and forth in their field of view. Behind them was a small, six foot wide machine with a barrel sticking out the front... the SD-031AU as they knew it. The machine had its own AI, a self educating program that emulated emotion flawlessly.

    If Rei wasn't with Lexa when she had woke up and gone to get ready to start their day, she would have sent Rosa to get Rei. Once she was present, if not already there, Lexa would let her know she'll be using the SD-031 to get down. The roof to the drone would open up to allow her access as the massive ship got lower t the ground, stopping a few hundred feet above the tree line. As always, when Rei got down to the floor in the drone, Lexa would already be standing on the ground along with three other people...

    The male standing with them was a six foot tall man with messy, unkempt black hair. He wore no shoes, his bare feet visible due to the legs of his hakama being badly torn. Around his waist was a white sash that had flayed ends, and above that was medical bandages tightly wrapped around his torso. His abs showed through the bandages, revealing them to be very well toned and quite solid looking. Further up was a bare chest with not even bandages to substitute for a shirt, allowing a massive amount of scars of varying lengths and depths to be seen. Under his left eye was a demonic looking scar that seemed to glow a dark crimson color, it ran behind his jaw and vanished behind him. However, this same scar lead to a much larger one on his back that was hidden partly behind the bandages, but was also connected to a linear scar that wrapped around his right arm and spiraled its way all the way down it, ending in a demon's face burned onto Niyol's hand. A pair of cold, dead looking, dark purple eyes stared down at the two girls, Rei and Lexa, as though they were staring into their souls... However, what was more terrifying about this man beyond his appearance was that not a single drop of magic could be sensed coming from him...

    The girls he had with him, the one wearing a hat and the one wearing a black cloak with her two strands of hair dangling to the floor, carrying a massive gun both emanated large amounts of magic power... but Niyol himself radiated nothing at all... it was as though he didn't even exist in terms of magic.

    Words: 788 Total: 1,834 Out of: 3,200


    Rei Katsura
    Rei Katsura

    Lineage : Musashi's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 204
    Guild : SaberTooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Restrict Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Rei Katsura 12th June 2016, 9:45 pm

    Rei was half confused and slightly offended in a way, that the only reason she was coming was because she wouldn't leave her on the ship alone or take the time to job her off on the negative end, but on the other hand... she also wanted her to come because she wanted her to go, she said it nicely, so she figured she actually wanted there. and decided just to think positively. She was going to say something else when Lexa all of a sudden fell asleep on the spot, out of the blue. Usually she would at least like go to a room with a comfortable bed before passing out. looking at the exhausted Lexa she rolled her eyes. She could still feel the electricity radiating from her, the closer she got, the more her hair would begin to stand on end. It would probably just be best to leave her be, fore Rei's own safety...

    Rei decided to sit and enjoy the view for a while. As the ship moved, waving her long pink ponytail behind her, she could see nothing but wasteland and ruins as far as she could see. The scene wasn't exactly what most people would consider beautiful, but in a way... it still was. Rei could hear footsteps behind her, and looked to see Rosa standing behind her. she asked if Rei wanted to have a place to go to sleep, she obliged with yawn, as it was getting quite late. Rosa led her down the giant ladder and into a small room with a cozy bed for her to rest her head. Rei bid Rosa goodnight, and flopped down on the bed, pulled the covers over totally ruining the neat way it was all tucked under the mattress. she hated the way it felt for the blankets to be restricted. she finally got the blankets the way she wanted, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

    She awoke the next mourning rather early, since she was used to getting up between 5-7 almost every day, she had gotten up and roamed around the hallways trying to figure out where to go. her hopes brightened when she saw Lexa was up as well and followed her outside. Not like Rei knew where to go without her.

    she followed her out onto an open area on the ship, where a man with two girls was standing. He seemed to be much taller than all four of them, his dark purple eyes made Rei want to look away. It was like he could be peering into her very soul with a stare that intense. But the other girl with blue hair... it made Rei's mind go to mesh at how big it was! how the hell did she carry around that giant thing!? she was afraid to say a word to these three people she hadn't met yet, but she waved at them rather awkwardly. Giving a small bow just for respect purposes so she didn't come off as a total idiot.


    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} U5hEqV5
    Character l Rei Katsura l Character
    Magic l Restrict Magic l Magic
    Bank l Katsura’s Vault l Bank
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 18th June 2016, 10:50 pm

    iyol's eyes narrowed in on the person who had accompanied Lexa, seeing that she was actively avoiding his gaze for whatever reason. Kateri however had let her gun go and latched onto Rei's torso, delivering a powerful and loving hug. Hana reached her hand out to stop the weapon, but due to the size and weight of it ended up getting crushed by the massive thing. "How the hell do you walk with this thing!?" she exclaimed from under the weapon. Kateri pulled away from the hug and looked at Hana innocently "I pick it up..." "THIS PIECE OF SHIT WEIGHS HELL!!!!" Hana shouted in a rage while trying to get it off her. Niyol let out a sigh and bent over, using a single hand to lift the item off Hana. Despite Hana being the same size as Kateri, she was considerably weaker in terms of combat ability. "Miss Grimoire, it's an honor to see you again. You may address me as Nii-san as always." he said in a nearly emotionless tone, but sounding humble and calm while doing so.

    Kateri looked at Rei with large, warm eyes that seemed to be the same color as an iceberg. She smiled warmly while saying "I'm Kateri, you can call me Kat if you want!" A small creature, covered in black, with an armoured skull and several plates of armour running along its back poked its head from under the black cloak Kateri was wearing. It slithered out like a snake, but had a pair of black, leathery, dragon wings on its back in two different areas. The first pair was closer to its head, where arms should be and the second pair was closer to its tail. It jumped from Kateri and glided onto Rei's shoulder and letting out a high pitched set of clicking sounds. Kateri giggled before saying "That's shadow, he seems to like you."

    Hana had finally gotten the strength to get off the ground after being crushed under the weight of Kateri's weapon. She said "Name's Hana..." with a pained voice. "So who's the blonde?" "Her name's Alexandria Lexicus Grimoire. An extremely powerful woman with an extremely difficult past. I'm assuming you got the same message that I did?" Niyol said.

    Kateri would hug Rei once more, whispering in her ear "Don't cry when this is over..." before disconnecting and skipping back to her father's side and taking her gun up, lifting it as though it were little more than a piece of printer paper. Shadow would leap from Rei's shoulder, gliding on the air and landing on Kateri. Niyol turned his gaze to Rei, narrowing his eyes on her specifically. "Who might you be?" he asked with a calm, emotionless tone...

    Rei: 966/3,200
    WC: 1,502
    Out of 3,200

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 18th June 2016, 11:28 pm

    Standing before the three people, Lexa's eyes were focused on the man in the middle. She didn't feel any danger coming from any of them, as though the three of them felt no threat from Lexa herself at all. One of them had shot past Lexa and hugged Rei, the action warranting no defensive reply from Lexa. However, a scene played afterwards that normally, under better circumstances, would have made Lexa giggle if not explode with laughter.

    The man, Nii-san as Lexa apparently called him, had greeted the prepubescent looking woman rather casually, and cordially by name. Lexa looked him in the eyes but could see no emotion to judge just how much of a threat he would end up being on the job. The other person, the one with black hair, hard introduced herself shortly after as Hana before asking who Lexa was, getting her answer from the man of the group. Lexa had heard the girl, named Kateri, whispering for the Rei to not cry when this job was done with... This was how Lexa knew that Kateri and Niyol truly did know her... because they knew what happened when people were away from her for long periods of time.

    'Who might you be?' Niyol had asked Rei, Lexa finally opening her mouth saying "Her name's..." Lexa paused, looking at the ground with a concerned expression. 'No way... it can't be this soon? I- I remember her face... she's... she and I met in the cursed lands... she was on my ship, she told me her name but why can't I remember...' Lexa thought. "It's..." Lexa said out loud, her fists clenching. "SD, let's go." she said and began walking into the ruins, deciding to give up on remembering the name.

    The drone turned into a bipedal robot that followed behind Lexa, moving itself so as to not bump into anyone and possibly cause offense. Niyol turned to Rei, "I am Niyol, the Guardian of Souls. You have chosen a difficult ally. Difficult, but invaluable." he said before turning around and walking behind Lexa with Hana and Kateri behind him.

    Words: 353 Total: 2,817 Out of: 3,200


    Rei Katsura
    Rei Katsura

    Lineage : Musashi's Descent
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    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Rei Katsura 24th June 2016, 6:13 pm

    Rei stood quietly not saying a word until the small blue haired girl suddenly embraced her torso. Rei stuck her arms in the air out of surprise, she seemed nice. At least, thats what she could gather from someone willing to randomly hug her like this. However, since she was no longer holding that massive, MASSIVE weapon anymore, it went thudding to the ground. The other girl tried to catch it but was consequently squashed underneath it. She complained about how heavy it was, Rei couldn't help but smile at their clumsy behavior. It made her feel a bit more at ease from the awkward tension she felt just a few minutes prior. The man she had found very intimidating before was talking to Lexa, she wasn't really listening. This whole thing seemed to be a private thing between him and her. she picked out bits and pieces just to get a small clue of what was going on. Being snapped out of her thoughts, Rei looked down at the girl that had been hugging her. "I'm Kateri, you can call me Kat if you want!" Rei smiled at her, nodding her head. "Alright then, Kat!" She quickly looked up to see a little black, dragon like creature with two pairs of wings and armored plates jump out from under her cloak and flew over to land on Rei's shoulder, she reached her hand up for him to sniff it, learning that his name was shadow. But what happened next, Rei didn't expect... Kateri hugged her once again, but this time... It didn't seem as friendly as the first one."Don't cry when this is over..." She said, after leaning up to her ear to whisper in it. Rei's eyes narrowed, what the hell was that supposed to mean!? She watched as Kateri and Shadow skipped away, like she didn't just say something dark and creepy in her ear. She looked over to see the man narrowing his eyes at her, asking her about her name. She was going to speak when Lexa cut her off to tell him for her, but she couldn't even remember Rei's name. wow, kind of sad, but they'd only met yesterday. It was understandable, "I'm Rei Katsura, Sir..." she said bowing her head at him. Lexa had started to walk away with a drone behind her, and before the man turned around to follow, he introduced himself as Niyol, Guardian of Souls. he said something about the ally she had chosen, a difficult but invaluble ally... "uhm, thanks, i guess?" Rei said, not really sure what that really meant.


    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} U5hEqV5
    Character l Rei Katsura l Character
    Magic l Restrict Magic l Magic
    Bank l Katsura’s Vault l Bank
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 29th June 2016, 4:49 am

    he one walking in front, Lexa Grimoire, had spoken no words from the time she had began walking. Niyol had gotten used to many things in his life. The feeling of loneliness, the sadness of losing everyone he knew and loved, the shame of being the one to kill everyone he knew and loved, the weakness his people was cursed with, Altsoba... He had adapted to becoming a father, and gotten used to softening up for Kateri's sake, and then he got used to seeing Hana and treating her as his child. While neither of them were his children, he had gotten so used to treating them as such that they both had become what they were not. Of all the things Niyol had gotten used to, Lexa Grimoire acting childishly, constantly hyper, constantly talking, and constantly hugging him was the hardest of them all... up till now.

    Lexa was moving ahead of the group, the blue lights from her magic circuits illuminating an area far up ahead, but ultimately left Niyol, Kateri, Hana, and Rei in the dark. Niyol extended his right hand, holding it with his palm up and formed a blue orb in it that glowed bright enough to light up the world around them, revealing the stalactites and stalagmites in the cavern. Niyol had spotted Lexa perform her standard vanishing act, letting him know that there was that seemingly bottomless cavern down ahead. Upon arriving, Niyol looked at the ten meter gap and saw Hana teleport herself across. Kateri had created a pair of ice crystals and floated across. "Lady Katsura, if you have no transportation you may come across with me." Niyol said calmly, keeping the small blue orb in his hand dangling on the massive hole that stretched from wall to wall, the other side barely visible and a full 10 meters away. If Rei would have no ways of clearing the gap, Niyol and her would both be engulfed by a portal of sorts, and appear on the other side.

    Whether or not Rei had went across with Niyol, on the other side, Niyol will stop Rei from advancing. "Lady Katsura, before we press further, I wish to tell you some things about our mutual comrade... I have no doubt you've seen her fight, Lady Grimoire is a very proud woman, and is in fact a full-blown woman, do not let her appearance fool you. Additionally, someone among us will die before the end of this task." Niyol then began moving ahead, pausing when they caught up with Lexa who was looking at what must have been half a dozen or so enemies. "Lady Grimoire, Lady Katsura, the three of us can press on. Kateri, Hana..." "Right!" "On it!" The two girls shouted and charged into battle. "Let's go, my daughters will catch up later."

    Rei: 1,401/3,200
    WC: 1,974
    Out of 3,200

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Niyol's rolls:
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
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    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 2nd July 2016, 6:15 pm

    Lexa had paused, seeing the various enemies... one that looked grotesque, it barely had a form at all, and looked like it was trying to speak but couldn't properly form words due to what looked like a tire sized tumor on its neck... Niyol had assured her that his daughters could handle it, but earlier he said that someone was going to die here... However, Lexa figured if either of them were the ones that would die, their father of all people wouldn't so readily let them stay behind. Lexa nodded and began running to a hallway that lead off to the side with Niyol behind her. "Let's go!" she said as she started running.

    The hall they ran through was decorated with skeletons, just like the last time she was here. Many of them looked to be that of older individuals, but here and there Lexa whizzed past a room with several child-like skeletons inside, and gratuitous amounts of blood splattered in the walls. If Rei knew anything about Lexa from what the guys at Omen normally told people, she would know that when Lexa fought, the walls normally turned a new color... If Rei knew human anatomy, then she would be able to notice by the shape of the pelvises on the corpses, the children were all female...

    "Oh dear... so X-004 met her gene donor, how unfortunate... Lilly would you be a dear and dispose of X-003 please?" a feminine voice that was rather seductive sounding said over the intercoms. "Lilly..? N-no..." Lexa said, her blue eyes shimmering as she turned to see Lillian Grimoire standing only ten meters behind her. "It was really fun being with you sis." she said in a sweet voice before changing form...

    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Vwg2Nis

    She spoke, this time sounding very adult like and not sweet at all... "But unfortunately I have to kill you all." Lexa clicked her tongue, her eyes growing immeasurably angry as electricity arced up and down her entire body. "Nii-san, take Nee-chan and get lost... Big sister's about to become a very scary person." Lexa said meanacingly as even more lightning began forming, now spreading tot he walls as though Lexa were a Tesla Coil. The blue sparks of lightning would prove non-lethal to Niyol and Rei so long as they didn't touch the walls, or take off their shoes...

    Niyol grabbed Rei's hand and began pulling her along, saying "Have no fear, I said someone among us would die, I did not say I was opposed to who it was." with a calm voice.

    Words: 427 Total: Done Out of: 3,200


    Rei Katsura
    Rei Katsura

    Lineage : Musashi's Descent
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    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Rei Katsura 9th July 2016, 11:29 pm

    Rei followed Niyol, his two supposed daughters, and Lexa down a dark path. She was still slightly unsure of what she was getting into, but it seemed to be very personal to lexa, and half to Niyol. Since the two seemed to know each other well. She tried to let her eyes adjust to the darkness before her eyes imminently focused on a burst of light in front of her, which appeared to be Lexa with her blue electricity. But before Rei could even blink, Lexa seemed to vanish into thin air. The darkness didn't last long however, as Niyol made a ball of blue energy to light their path. They walked for a bit before they came across a giant cavern, and she watched as one of Niyol's daughters was able to easily teleport herself across. Unfortunately for Rei, her magic wasn't helpful in a situation like this, so when Niyol offered to give her a hand, she took it gratefully.

    Once they had made it to the other side Niyol stopped Rei with his arm. "Lady Katsura, before we press further, I wish to tell you some things about our mutual comrade... I have no doubt you've seen her fight, Lady Grimoire is a very proud woman, and is in fact a full-blown woman, do not let her appearance fool you. Additionally, someone among us will die before the end of this task." Rei choked slightly at his words, someone would die before the end of this? first of all, how the hell did he make a conclusion like that in the first place? was it part of his magic to be able to predict the future or something? she wasn't sure. She stayed quiet, not really sure of what to say...

    As Kateri and Hana took on the horrific beast, Niyol, Lexa, and Rei were able to advance. They came across a horrific looking scene, something straight out of a horror movie. Old blood splatters and skeletons lay across the walls, there were some that looked to be fully grown adults, but most of them appeared to be children.. Girls, to be exact. what happened here? was it something to do with Lexa's past? Rei asked herself in her mind as she fallowed.

    Rei heard a voice over the an intercom, it left her very confused, But Lexa seemed to fully understand it. before she knew it, Lilly was standing in front of them, but she had morphed into something very unfriendly. Lexa buzzed with her blue lightning as Niyol began to tug Rei along with him. "Have no fear, I said someone among us would die, I did not say I was opposed to who it was." oh, now Rei understood, at least she thought she did. they needed to take out lilly, she felt like she was a bit amateur of a mage to be doing something like this. "so... are we going to help Lexa take Lilly out?" she asked.


    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} U5hEqV5
    Character l Rei Katsura l Character
    Magic l Restrict Magic l Magic
    Bank l Katsura’s Vault l Bank
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 18th July 2016, 10:12 am

    I need not a vain title bestowed on worthless men by glorified fools seated in opulent chairs of safety...

    Post WC: 336
    Total WC: 2,310
    Needed WC: 3,200

    Niyol grabbed Katsura's hand when she asked if they were gonna help Lexa and began running. "We are continuing the mission. Lady Grimoire can hold her own against most enemies." he said calmly while running. "Don't worry my loves, I was prepared to deal with X-003's friends." a seductive voice called over the intercoms as a wall dropped down behind them, cutting them off from the option of helping Lexa. The sound of several doors opening in the direction Niyol was leading Katsura followed by the sound of many footsteps... The source of which became evident as several dozen men with the same circuit markings as Lexa walked out... Alongside them were dozens more human like creatures, except they were huge with extremely thick arms. In one hand they had shutguns, in the other was some metal pole with a skull on it...

    "Lady Katsura..." Niyol said while slowly drawing a blade from his left side, the room growing extremely cold as he did so. His voice came out solemn, calm, and confident all at once. "Continue the mission. I shall provide an opening, go down the hall, take the first left, the second right, and that will put you at a control room. I suspect our enemy will be waiting for you. Let the spirits be your guide."

    Niyol turned the sword upside down, the blade facing the ground and the hilt facing the ceiling. "Stand..." he said before letting the sword drop, twelve pillars rising from the ground as the sword sunk into the floor as though it were water. "Dance, Tamashi Reitoko." he said with an emotionless tone causing the twelve pillars to vanish, and suddenly a blast of icy wind and snowflake like particles erupted from nowhere and forming a small tunnel by blasting through the enemies. "Go!" Niyol shouted while keeping his hand held out. The fact that he didn't move should be enough to let Rei know that he wasn't able to leave while doing what he was doing.

    Rei: 1,898/3,200

    Original Template by Swan of Adoxography2.0
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 18th July 2016, 10:20 am

    Having heard the shutter close behind her, she figured it was best for them to be safe from any possible debris that might result from the battle. Lexa took a brief moment to close her eyes and remember to manage the amount of current flowing through each part of her circuits.

    ((OOC: Short post is Short.))

    Words: Done Total: Done Out of: 3,200


    Rei Katsura
    Rei Katsura

    Lineage : Musashi's Descent
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    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Rei Katsura 18th July 2016, 3:10 pm

    Rei was being tugged along by Niyol away from Lexa as they continued forward. "We are continuing the mission. Lady Grimoire can hold her own against most enemies." Niyol told her while they ran. She thought it seemed logical since she really could handle just about anything from what she has seen so far in knowing all these people for less than twenty four hours.

    "Don't worry my loves, I was prepared to deal with X-003's friends." Rei heard a voice say over the intercom before a wall dropped behind them seperating Niyol and herself from Lexa, they couldn't turn back now.

    As the wall shut others opened to let in an army of enemies after them. They all looked similar to lexa except a few taller ones who had extremely bulkey arms and heavy looking weapons. She head Niyol say her name, and she looked at him to see what he had to say. "Continue the mission. I shall provide an opening, go down the hall, take the first left, the second right, and that will put you at a control room. I suspect our enemy will be waiting for you. Let the spirits be your guide."

    "gotcha!" Rei nodded and got herself into position to start sprinting through the enemies once a way was provided. Rei knew she was physically fast and had a lot of endurance naturally without the help of magic, thanks to her excessive and almost over training She narrowed her good eye in preperation as Niyol began to do his spell. Rei felt the room suddenly get colder...

    Rei watched as the spell took place, and a tunnel suddenly bursting through her enemies. She pushed off her back foot before Niyol could even finish saying go. she rushed past the army before they had time to re-group. "first left, second right, first left, second right..." Rei repeated in her head as she rushed down the hallway, sprinting as fast as she could then taking a left, going down that hallway, then taking a right. Their enemy should be here, according to Niyol...

    Rei being Rei, and being horrible at being stealthy or having plans and strategy burst into the control room without a second thought.


    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} U5hEqV5
    Character l Rei Katsura l Character
    Magic l Restrict Magic l Magic
    Bank l Katsura’s Vault l Bank
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Second Skill: Ice
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    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 23rd July 2016, 8:31 am

    I need not a vain title bestowed on worthless men by glorified fools seated in opulent chairs of safety...

    Post WC: 443
    Total WC: 2,753
    Needed WC: 3,200

    Facing the horde of enemies with a wall to his back, Niyol retracted Tamashi Reitoko and reverted it into her Katana Form. A gentle smile grew on the soul mage's face as he too his combat stance. His right leg slid behind him, acting as an anchor and a way to balance himself in case a great force was to try and knock him back. His front leg went forward to as a balance for when he swings. His grip shifted on the hilt of the blade, moving the fingers to a more comfortable position as he turned the weapon so the hilt was parallel to his shoulder, raised in the air with the tip pointing towards his enemies.

    The several dozen men, all now getting up from their fallen positions had prioritized Niyol as their target, either through annoyance or deductive reasoning pointing to him being a greater threat that the person with no weapon at all. "Come mine enemies, feel the mother's embrace." Niyol said in a low tone, the smirk on his face letting off that for once, Niyol was feeling something akin to happiness. One of the armoured men let out a battle cry before slamming his pole on the ground sending a shockwave out in all directions, hitting Niyol with immense force and knocking him back. However, instead of him hitting the floor, Niyol appeared in the beast's face, resting his feet on one of its arms and slashing it sideways, expelling some magic and causing a pillar of ice to shoot out that took up half the hallway and engulfed all of the enemies in its path.

    Landing on the massive frozen cylinder, Niyol slid on his bare feat down the line towards a group of enemies who were beginning to realize that the girl might be a better target. They were cut off by Niyol beating them to the end of the hall and using a set of quick movements creating a single cut on their legs, turning the appendages to ice which quickly broke off. Niyol began inhaling, small blue orbs beginning to flow into his mouth as he gave a quick leap back. Niyol bent over and shouted "Soul Guardian's Flare!" with a powerful tone, sending a massive blast of soul energy outward that encompased the entire hall and annihilated all of the large enemies, but left the humans with scientist coats on alive for some reason. "Dance" Niyol said, causing the blade to revert into its avalanche form, sweeping across like a wave of white death and returning to Niyol to reform into a sword, revealing all the enemies had been killed.

    Rei: 2,270/3,200

    Original Template by Swan of Adoxography2.0
    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura} Empty Re: Act II: Adflictio {Job:Lexa Grimoire/Niyol/Rei Katsura}

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 23rd July 2016, 1:56 pm

    Lexa and Lillian locked eyes, preparing to enter combat. Through the large steel shudder they could hear the sounds of Niyol's fighting, either him or Rei Katsura's...

    ((OOC: Short post is still short...))
    Words: Done Total: Done Out of: 3,200


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