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    Saiya Takara


    Saiya Takara Empty Saiya Takara

    Post by Guest 1st June 2016, 7:49 am

    Name: Saiya Takara
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Birthday: December 24th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: She has a pair of bunny ears on top of her head that are a cream colour.
    Day to day:
    On a day to day basis Saiya is a joyful girl that enjoys being outside and with the people that she likes. She is easy to approach with her peppy attitude and she is always welcome to being friends with people. The bunny is almost always excitable and is fun to be around. However, she is also innocent. Through her friendly attitude and her energetic aura the young woman is innocent and ignorant to everything that is around her. Well, that is to the people that she doesn't know for she doesn't "like". Saiya will dedicate her entire being to only one person at a time and as she does she won't give anyone else the treatment that she gives them. Saiya also feed on attention, like that of a bunny she can never be alone as she will begin to collapse mentally and slowly die from the inside out.

    Saiya like to meet people and she loves to help them with their problem. She is willing and giving to every person that she meets and because of that she can often give off this dumb vibe that many people will want to take advantage of, however the bunny is not dumb, she may be innocent and ignorant, but that is to the assets of her own body. Saiya doesn't like liars and she is able to tell who is lying and who is not. If she considers you a friend and she catches you lying you better know that you will probably receive a foot in the face.

    Interaction with people:
    This is always on the mind of Saiya, she holds no ill feelings towards people until she meets them herself. She doesn't listen to rumours and she doesn't judge someone by their first impression. She will try her best to get to know the person before she decides if she likes them or not and usually she does. Saiya will put trust into people without a doubt and will treat them as if they were family. She will care for them and she will harbour them in her safety.

    However, the moment that you lie to Saiya, she will know and her trust goes out the window. She will continue to be friends with you but she will never trust you and because of that she will always be skittish around them until they earn her trust back. To earn her trust back there must be to a certain extent that the person will sacrifice themselves for her. If they never do get her trust back and they continue to break it Saiya will eventually just ignore them and even after that they continue to pester her she will kill them, or try to without a second thought. But with Saiya's patience it would be really hard to reach that point on her line of disfavour.

    In battle:
    In battle Saiya is very fast. She has high ability thanks to being part bunny and due to this it is very hard to land a hit on her. Saiya is not much of a hand to hand fighter and has a more ranged type of spells. In a battle Saiya is mainly focused on the affect of the people that are around her and are bystanders of the fight. She doesn't like to see them get hurt and she will do most anything in her power to avoid getting them included in a fight. Saiya is pretty tame in a fight until the opponent talks to her and tries to urge her on. She has a breaking point in a fight and the moment that she passes this breaking point the girl snaps and she will without a second thought use anything and everything to kill the person in front of her. Another way to make her flip is if the person that is threatening her is a person that has lied to her in the past and is now picking a fight with her or threatening the people that she cares about.

    At a point like this Saiya is not easily snapped out of her thoughts and there are not many things that can influence her and her fighting. Words will not reach her ears and other such sounds. She become relentless and even if a bystander is in the way, unlike before she will not care and simply go through them. The only way to snap her out of this trans is for the fight to end or if someone that she deeply cares about physically stops her and makes her take a breath.

    Under leadership Saiya is a relatively good listener and will follow the orders of the leader. Though not always to the dot like they may hope for, but pretty close and though she might make adjustments to what they are asking, she will always get it done. They more clear and descriptive the orders are done the faster she will do it and the faster things will get done. Saiya is always quick to finish what she she is given and if things start to talk longer than she wanted them she will start to change the plan in order to get it done faster, but keep the final goal the same.

    In a leadership role Saiya will give a final goal to each person and she will not care how it gets done. only that it gets done. She is not much a person for leadership, she if much more of a follower and will usually just agree with the crowd. Saiya likes to take the personal opinions of every one and all have them pitch in an idea of what should happen while they are on a job or something of the sorts where ti takes planning and team work. She like to play with peoples strengths and give them missions that will seem easier to them because of what they can do, but then again who doesn't do that.

    ~ Ribbon:
    She likes the velvety feeling on her hands and the way that it falls through her fingers and the way that it looks when it is used.  
    ~ Water:
    Saiya loves water and everything that comes with it and she loves to be able to swim in its refreshing tone.
    ~ Heights:
    She loves heights the ability to look down on other people as they are passing and to feel better than everyone else is something that she always enjoys.
    ~ Naps:
    A nap in the sun is about the best thing that could ever happen to the girl and she would do it all day long if she could.

    ~ Fish:
    She hates fish, it is the one thing about water that she hates. They are slimy and they smell terrible and they always look at you with dead eyes.
    ~ Tripping:
    A cat should never trip. The girl hates tripping it is about the most annoying thing that has ever been created, but upon being nimble she always lands on her feet.  
    ~ Sharing:
    Cats hate to share and Saiya is no exception to that. She hates to share with a burning passion because she believes if something is hers then she doesn't have to let anyone else have it.

    ~ Find the person who summoned her and turned her human:
    She was summoned from another world as a familiar but when she arrived she was no longer the white rabbit she used to be but a young woman with ears. She wants to find the person who did this to her.
    ~ Love:
    She wants to find love, as a rarity on the other planet she had always been fought after by other bunnies, but it was not love, she wants to be able to find love and enjoy it.
    ~ Restore her magic:
    Being summoned on another planet zapped all of the magic power that she once had and she wants to be able to get that magic back in order to retain the pride that she once had.

    ~ Dogs:
    She hates dogs, she never liked them they are big, ungraceful creatures that eat everything that they can get their hands on and they have no regression for personal space.
    ~ Being alone:
    She doesn't like to be alone it scares her as she had been alone for so long in the other world in which she lived, the thought of being alone scares her.
    ~ Losing her ability to get home:
    She doesn't know how to get back home she is worried that how ever she will get back home will quickly diminish and she wont be able to get back to her home planet.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 146
    Hair: Her hair is a long cream colour placed in a braid that travels down her back. She has bangs in the front of her that if she lowers her head kust barely will cover her eyes. It has a slight wave to it, just like the rest of her hair were it to be released from the braid.
    Eyes: Red with a touch of pink
    Skin Tone: Tan


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: It would be on the middle of her back in a white cream like colour to match her hair
    Rank: D-Rank
    Edward Von Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 341
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: TakeOver: Angel Soul
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Saiya Takara Empty Re: Saiya Takara

    Post by Edward Von Aurence 19th June 2016, 8:52 pm

    Approved by Vinn.


    : Magic : Vault :Plot And History [In Progress]

    Jobs: D : 6 | C : 0 | B : 0 | A : 0 | S : 0 | SS : 0 | 10y : 0 | 100y : 0

    Current EXP Total: 150
    Total EXP Needed To Rank Up: 1200

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 11:07 am