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    Ragnarik "Fenrir" - Ragnarik's Character


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 32
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Necromancy - 4th Book Of Death - Attrition
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    Completed Ragnarik "Fenrir" - Ragnarik's Character

    Post by Ragnarik 4th May 2016, 4:26 pm

    Name: Ragnarik Eos a.k.a. "Fenrir"
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Birthday: 4th April
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics:
    Ragnarik's body is in a suspended state of decomposition. Only bone and strips of flesh remain where once his upper and lower jaw were. His spine lay bare and his still heart for all to see. All in all, Ragnarik's body is that of an undead being (a.k.a. zombie).

    In a few words, Ragnarik's personality could be summarized as unpredictable, volatile and unstable. Where one person knows him as an average, held-back young man, others may remember him to be a bloodthirsty sociopath. The difference in his behaviours is so great that most law-enforcement failed to form even a marginally accurate profile.
    There are times when Ragnarik may be calm and laid-back. He seems like an ordinary stranger living life as it is, giving off a feeling of apathy. These are the very few sound moments when his mind is not in turmoil, but absolute harmony. It is during these times when one can observe the kindness and generosity that lay behind the darkness of his mind.
    However these moments are rare and usually only appear when brought on through certain people.  
    Mostly is mind is constantly on the edge between sanity and insanity. Never truly on either side, but always having a tendency towards one. His past obsession with the occult drove him to this state of mind (and body). What he longs for now is to observe life and death in its most grotesque form. To see thee seed of death being sowed and the fruits of life to be reaped - to create one without completely destroying the other. As a result he sees death not as an end or cruelty, but rather a beginning or even a form of mercy. And thus his sense of morality is warped beyond the comprehension of most. He could kill a room full of innocents over the most trivial matters or even just on a whim. Yet he may do the exact same with a room full of the vilest people alive. His line of reasoning is so erratic and inconsistent that the fates of those around him might as well be determined by the time of day in proportion to the frequency that  a unicorn farts rainbows. Still all of his actions are governed by one uniform thing: self interest. Almost nothing Ragnarik does is ever out of the kindness of his heart. There is always some self-centred motivation behind his actions; be it wealth, fame simple curiosity or even just a feeling that something might turn out to be fun for him. Although his sense of fun and amusement usually comes at another's expense. Basically his entire personality boils down to that of a sick and twisted goofy child obsessed with the manipulation of life and death. Everything, even life itself is almost like one big joke for him to ridicule. He has no inhibitions be it in his actions or his words. However he is not lost, there is still hope for him to change for the better. Though he may never truly be sane and/or rational again (or even less destructive) he may be persuaded to direct his personality towards evil and act for the greater good.
    All of this, his entire current existence is simply a result of one thing: his past. The more you get to know him the more shrouded his true self becomes to the observer. Inside all that chaos is a piece of shrivelled humanity that no one can quite reach. His obsession with the dark arts have always existed, but his plunge into darkness itself took place at a singular event. Once point in history that defined his very being, one fact of history that he will never share. Because even though he seems like an emotionless monster, the pain and grief of his past are too great for him to bear. Simply hinting at the subject of his past will instantly enrage him...If he were to ever openly state the events of the past it would be like admitting they actually took place. The despair that could emerge would finally destroy what little is left of his humanity  and sanity. In conclusion: His whole persona is the result of his mind trying to repress his past – the result of absolute denial. But to fuel the strength to carry on he seeks power. Whilst the power he requires is in actuality emotional strength, it manifests itself as the hunger for occult and dark might.
    If one were to wish to befriend Raganrik, there are only two ways. The first is to be, at least in some way, likeminded. The second is to get him to divulge his past or at the very least fragments of it. Sharing these thing with another, sharing facts that he himself cannot fully admit, is his ultimate sign of trust. If one were to convince him to do so, there would be no force that could separate that bond...for he has very few of these and forming them does not come easily. His allegiance, although difficult to obtain, is eternal. And it is for his true allies that his last bit of humanity struggles for. This undying loyalty and the will to sacrifice anything to keep those dear to him is one of the last remaining aspects of his old self....though lengths that he will go to may not agree with many.
    Finally the one thing that he takes extremely seriously is the topic of necromancy. This is the one subject that, when brought up, he handles with absolute rationality and enthusiasm. He has studied this lost art for several years and is well aware of both its power and its consequence. He will introduce anyone to it who is willing, but only after he has made them aware of the horrid truths that lie behind it. If you wish to learn anything about the magic of death, you must first learn the reason it was eradicated in the first place.

    Ragnariks style of combat is quite plain: one that does not consider consequences, neither for him nor for others. He will attack any and all who oppose him with a wicked grin on his face and bloodlust in his eyes. He sees no victory in mercy, only death will quench his thirst. To achieve this victory he will sacrifice anything or anyone, be it bystanders or his supposed allies. There are no limits he will not cross to achieve his goals and to gain power.


    • Necromancy: From a young age Ragnarik has been drawn to the unusual and horrific. Necromancy was no exception to these fields. Though his original cause for interest was curiosity, his obsession about it is fueled by the agony that is his past. Now he passes his time with it; treading the forbidden arts with care.

    • Killing: There is no rational reason for it. His warped mind sees death as a form of relief and a way to add to his own power. In a sense he likes to kill because he sees it as doing  good deed for these he deems to lead a pitiful existence...also a slight god-complex might play a role here...

    • Gore: Brutality is his trademark, though no reason actually exists for it. the sight of mangled flesh and bone, of insides strewn about and blood drenched soil instills a feeling of both ecstasy and serenity at the same time. A malformed manifestation of his interest for the grotesque.

    • Human Flesh: Oddly enough his journey has taken him to some dark places. It was in one of these places that he was introduce t the consumption of human flesh. Although his mind was indeed already broken at the time the real reason he enjoys consuming it is the undead state his body was in...as a rule don't eat any meat that he serves....you never know.

    • Cooking: Despite it all Ragnarik is actually quite the decent chef and he enjoys catering to the tongues of others. A lingering part of his old personality. In fact he is so good that you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between cheap and quality pork....or the difference between beef and human meat. The sight of people finding out that they just committed cannibalism is an amusing prank.


    • People who fear death: 'Those who fear death are fools. For it is mercy. It is relief from the agony that is life and grants freedom to the soul from its flesh prison.' - Ragnarik Eos

    • Religious Institutions: Ragnarik doesn't exactly hate them. He just finds it ridiculous that most religions try to sugar-coat death, yet preach that killing is a sin. Also he finds it very rude that most "holy men" try to exorcise him on sight almost every time...and temples make him feel uncomfortable.

    • Oceans/lakes/rain/rivers: Having a half-decomposed body comes with many inconveniences beside the smell. One of which is that he tends to start "dissolving" in water. Strips of skin and flesh tend to start sagging and/or falling off. Combine having to clean up the mess and reattaching everything on a regular basis and you get a pretty annoying chore.


    • Finding ancient Necromancer artifacts/ruins: Necromancy being a lost magic, there are still many holes to fill concerning Ragnariks current state of knowledge. Whilst he has indeed gathered many pieces of ancient texts, there are still many mysteries to this dark art that can only be explained with the help of forgotten Necropoli and lost artifacts. However this is only one step towards his greater goal.

    • Revival of Necromantic Magic: Ragnarik's goal in the long run is to unlock the the lost secrets of this ancient magic and to revive its school. He wants to reintroduce it to society, be it willing or not. For now practicing this sort of magic is frowned upon, thus he must hide his goals in the shadows to avoid too much interference.

    • Ascension: Ancient Necromancers used to be near immortal undead beings with almost absolute power over life and death. How exactly this race of people was vanquished remains a mystery, but one thing is for sure: Ragnarik must possess this ancient power. He must Ascend.


    • The Past: No one likes to remember a traumatic past. Especially not if it made you become an undead, murderous cannibal. However it is less the return of those horrid memories and emotions that instill so much fear, but rather the return of certain persons from his past. All the years constantly on the move not just to search for the source of Necromancy, but also to run from those who broke him.

    • Death: 'practice what you preach' is the common saying. As ironic as it may be, no intelligent creature is completely fearless when faced with its own mortality. In fact, his fear of death is part of the reason he has such a warped view of death and also part of the reason for perusing necromancy.

    • Weakness: Ragnarik fears his own lack of power. Without power others can do with you as they please. Without power your will may as well not exist at all. But if you possess absolute power, the will of others belongs to you.

    General Appearance

    Height: 1.94 m
    Weight: 85 kg
    Hair: Black messy hair of medium length
    Eyes: Shamrock Green
    Skin Tone: Extremely Pale
    Ragnarik has a muscular yet sickly thin build owing to his half-rotten corpse of a body. However in order to avoid too much attention he wears a black hooded robe with a black fabric sash tied around his waist. For the comfort of communicating without the other party freaking out, he wears a plain white bone mask of which the only notable characteristic are the two simple eye holes. In order to hold the hood and mask in position he wears a bone circlet decorated with a red crystal over the two. His arm and hands are wrapped in cloth as well, to cover up several holes where bone is visible.
    Ragnarik "Fenrir" - Ragnarik's Character Necrom11


    Guild: Basilisk Fang
    Tattoo: Literally on his open heart
    Rank: D
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Completed Re: Ragnarik "Fenrir" - Ragnarik's Character

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 5th May 2016, 1:18 pm

    Ragnarik "Fenrir" - Ragnarik's Character JvQoGEt


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