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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}


    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 24th February 2016, 5:47 pm


    A young man and a small black cat walk side by side down the streets of the port city. It was close to mid-day and the sun was at its highest point. The odd duo walked in the direction of the Hargeon Park. The rough looking guy seemed to be nervous about something. Tykva looked up at the scarred Dragon Slayer. "Hey, are you going to be okay without me?" The little exceed asked concerned. Without looking down Gamon replied, "Yeah... I think I should be fine. I'm just kind of nervous. Metallicana never taught me anything about this. He trained me for fighting, not dating. I hope I don't mess this up like the last one." Tykva flew up and landed on Gamon's shoulder, as she usually did. "Well, if you ask me, I think you will do just fine. You just have to be yourself." She paused for a moment before continuing, "Oh, you know what you should do? You should go and buy some flowers for your date. I'm sure she would like them. I know I would... if I had a date." Gamon stopped walking and looked around. "You know what? That's a pretty good idea, but do you see a flower shop around here?" Tykva answered with a tone of confidence, "Actually, yes I do know where one is. Just keep going to park There will be a small stand at the entrance."

    The two of them made their way to the entrance to the park. As Gamon rounded the corner, what Tykva had stated turned out to be the truth. Sat next to the gate to the park was an elderly lady with a small table filled with. Gamon approached the table with a polite smile on his face. "Umm... Excuse me. Would I be able to buy some of your flowers?" The old lady looked at Gamon over. "Let me guess, sonny. You have a date and would like to get some flowers for the lucky lady?" She cheerfully said. Gamon look surprised. "Yeah... How did you know?" The old lady smiled, "A young man like yourself wouldn't be buying flowers, unless he had a good reason to." Gamon rubbed the side of his neck, where his scar is. The old lady chuckled a little bit. She stood up and gather up all kinds of flowers to make a beautiful bouquet. She handed it to Gamon and said, "Don't worry about paying for it. Just promise me you have a good time. Alright?" "Oh thank you so much. And I will try my best." Flowers in hand he made his way to a bench inside the park and sat down. He placed the flowers between himself and Tykva. Gamon let out a sigh of relief. "At least I showed up early, to this date. Oh also if she doesn't want you to say are you going to be okay by yourself?" He asked the exceed. "Yeah, I guess I'll be fine. I might just end up flying back to the guild hall with at you." She said sarcastically, sticking her tongue out at her friend. Gamon quickly joined in her silly games. He shot a funny face back at her. Just then, a young lady walked up to the two. Interrupting their face making shenanigans. 



    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Te9PCpv

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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Corliss 25th February 2016, 6:55 pm

    in someone else's happiness

    Dating is fun. the gut-wrenching nerves that make you woozy and stutter? Not so much. Corliss wasn't sure she’d be able to talk at all on this date, let alone have a nice, meaningful conversation with the man. Kistiñe was excited that the white-blonde had found someone, and insisted on helping her prepare. She offered to let Corliss borrow a dress, but the younger girl was too short to run into any of Kistiñe’s, so the girl was now in the same blood-red dress she had worn for the past few dates she had been asked to. To be fair, it was her favorite dress, with a hem that fell to her knees and a sweetheart neckline that accented just enough of the small mage’s not-so-ample cleavage. For her hair, Kistiñe corralled the white locks into a bun atop her head (which took a lot of instruction from Corliss, but hey, the former bird wanted to learn to be a woman, right?). Taking a wildflower she found along the path to Hargeon Town’s park (as she was to meet her date there), Corliss placed the newly-created rose in her hair, and turned to Pyrrha for approval. “How do I look?” The gryphon purred excitedly in response, and lept into the air, obviously eager to meet the gentleman in question. Giggling, Corliss mused on what kind of guy she was meeting, before her thoughts turned from daydreaming about the perfect date to shoes, then to the question of food. Her anxiety over her date was pressuring her into gorging herself on any sweets she could find, but the white-blonde didn't want to eat before her date. On the other hand, she didn't want her stomach to make any unseemly growling noises…

    Arriving at the park a little later than she had intended to, the mage scanned the crowd for a single male, in hopes of finding the right one. Seeing a white-haired man and an exceed playing around, she felt the slightest bit guilty for breaking up their humorous interaction as she approached. “Uh, hi there! Are you Gamon Kinzoku? I'm Corliss Aelle,” better to be bold than to not be anything at all, right? Corliss mused, standing before who she hoped was her date. At least I didn't stutter... As the girl introduced herself, Pyrrha sniffed at the exceed and her human companion. The hybrid seemed suspicious at first, but quickly decided she liked the new flying cat and proceeded to nuzzle up to her.



    Corliss | Magic | Bank | Pyrrha | Dulcina | GFX | Shop

    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} TEmrTHZ

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    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 27th February 2016, 1:22 pm

    Gamon quickly stopped making faces at Tykva and looked at the girl. She looked to be about the same age as Gamon. She introduced herself as Corliss Aelle and asked if he was indeed Gamon Kinzoku. He stood up quickly. "Yeah, I am Gamon and this is Tykva." He looked back at Tykva over his shoulder. She looked kind of uncomfortable about the hybrid animal smelling her and just being curious about her. Tykva isn't used to animals being this curious about her. After a few more seconds of sniffing Corliss' pet seemed to have decided that it liked the two of them and took up nuzzling against Tykva. She was unsure about what to do, but she just kinda accepted it.

    Gamon turned back to Corliss. "What is your pet's name? Also I'm kind of curious what is it? I'm not trying to sound rude or anything. I just haven't seen any animal like it before." Gamon would then remember the bouquet that he had gotten earlier. He turned around and scooped up the flower and then proceeded to hand the flowers to the beautiful girl. "Oh, here I got these for you I hope you like them." At that moment Tykva spoke up now standing on Gamon's head. "Hi. Nice to meet you. Like he said before I'm Tykva."


    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Te9PCpv

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    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Corliss 1st March 2016, 12:30 pm

    in someone else's happiness

    As Pyrrha kept snuggling Tykva, Corliss inspected her date. Spiky blue-white hair and red eyes were his most prominent features, but his teeth were sharper than most and his attire seemed to be filled with red. Together they just looked like mirror images of eachother: red on red, white on white. “Oh, that's Pyrrha, she's a Pygmy gryphon: partially cat, partially owl.” Her date then turned around, grabbed a bouquet of flowers, and handed it to her. Absently taking the flowers as she watched Pyrrha decide to play with the uncomfortable exceed, Corliss’s magic kicked in, turning the bouquet into a pink hue, the color of Corliss’s blush once she realized her error. Before she could turn to apologize to her date for altering the wonderful flowers he gave her, a new man appeared, looking both stressed and relieved at once. “Excuse me miss, are you a mage? Of course you are, I just saw you transform those roses! I hate to be pushy, I really, really do, but I need a mage to cast some interesting spells and draw a crowd. I'm hosting a fundraiser for our local orphanage, but everyone keeps passing us by! Please, I really really need your help Miss Mage!” As the man pleaded, he began dragging her from Gamon, Tykva, and Pyrrha. Corliss, being one who couldn't say no to an interesting challenge, nodded her agreement, and gestured to Gamon. “Come on! This’ll be fun!” She called, giggling as she followed the desperate stranger towards the center of the park.



    Corliss | Magic | Bank | Pyrrha | Dulcina | GFX | Shop

    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} TEmrTHZ

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    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 9th March 2016, 7:25 pm

    there’s a line that we’ll cross and there's no return
    As Corliss was explaining what her pet, Pyrrha, Gamon just stood there in awe. The once colorful bouquet that he had given her, had slowly changed. The diverse flowers transformed into light pink roses. He was not sure what to say. He never had seen anything like that before. Gamon just figured that was her magic at work. Corliss looked embarrassed that she had changed the flowers, she turned and to try to apologize. Before she could say anything, a middle aged man came to her asking if she could help him out. The man started to drag Corliss away from Gamon. Before he could react to what just happened the silver haired girl invited him along. Now this could work in my advantage. He thought to himself. I can show off my slayer magic and impress her.

    Gamon followed the man and Corliss closely. From out of the corner of his eye he saw two blurs fly past them. It seemed like Tykva had started a friendly game of tag with Pyrrha. Or she was just trying to get away. The man lead them to the center of the park, where a table was set up. No wonder why no one came over to donate. The table was bland and the signs lacked creativity. It was obvious he need their help big time. "As a Fairy Tail wizard, I am sworn to help those in need. How would you like us to go about using our magic?" Gamon would say proudly, slamming his fist to his chest, where his guild mark was.


    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Te9PCpv

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    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Corliss 29th March 2016, 3:42 pm

    in someone else's happiness

    Gamon, her date, followed Corliss and the desperate man to a table, poorly decorated and lacking in appeal. Around them, Pyrrha chased Tykva around trees and over the heads of people, and it was unclear if both flying mammals were enjoying this game. The man babbled some more about what he wanted, something along the lines of a spectacle, but Corliss had no intention of listening. She was too busy focusing on what she was going to make first to impress Gamon. Smirking as she figured out just what she wanted, she stretched out her hand, shouting so her voice would carry throughout the park. “Rose Make: Snare!” A brilliant flash of red from her hands, and there was a rose-laden wreath in the shape of a heart on the ground, about two feet in height, and three in length, standing upright so the people around could see through it. Turning to Gamon, and ignoring the stares of the other park goers, she winked. “What are you planning to do to top that?”



    Corliss | Magic | Bank | Pyrrha | Dulcina | GFX | Shop

    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} TEmrTHZ

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    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 31st March 2016, 1:52 pm

    there’s a line that we’ll cross and there's no return
    Gamon watched as Corliss took the inititive of casing the first spell. With an outstretched arm she called upon one of her spells. With a brilliant flash of red, she spawned roses. The roses took up the shape of a heart. Not the anatomically correct heart, the generic heart shape. It couldn't have been more than two feet tall, who was that going to draw anyone's attention? Gamon decided that there was one good spell that could capture people's attention. Gamon would turn to corliss with a smirk. "Not bad, but I'm afraid I will have to steal the show now." Gamon walked forward from the group. He got into a relaxed stance, and began to inhale deeply. With his lungs filled to maximum capacity, he looked skyward. "Iron Dragon's Roar!" A tornado of wind and shards of iron twisted from Gamon's mouth. The tornado reached upwards of fifty meters and five meters wide. Gamon head it as long as he could, but like a normal human he ran out of air. He looked around to find that more people have gathered around. They looked amazed and curious. Gamon looked back at Corliss. He was wondering what she would think of the awesome power of a Dragon Slayer. 


    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Te9PCpv

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    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Corliss 11th April 2016, 7:59 am

    in someone else's happiness

    Okay, so Gamon was a lot more impressive than she thought. He was a Fairy Tail mage after all, the silver mark gleamed in the sunlight to scream that fact. His magic was fascinating- he was the Iron Dragon Slayer-, and Corliss couldn't help but feel a little inferior. Trying anyway to compete, she called to Pyrrha, hoping the hybrid’s abilities would make up for her own. “Pyrrha, Gryphon’s Size!” Now, it was up to the owl-cat hybrid to obey her, which was a fairly risky gamble. Thankfully, Pyrrha decided to show off, and rapidly grew in size. Once she had reached the size of a horse, she padded over to Corliss and knelt, allowing the white-blonde to sit side-saddle on the gryphon’s back. Letting Pyrrha walk around like a show pony, Corliss glanced at Gamon, plastering a falsely triumphant smirk on her face. She had lost the competition in terms of her own magic, but how did Tykva compare to Pyrrha?



    Corliss | Magic | Bank | Pyrrha | Dulcina | GFX | Shop

    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} TEmrTHZ

    Team Banners:


    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 18th April 2016, 4:31 pm

     Don't bow down when you could be rising up
    Corliss face said it all. She was impressed with Gamon's slayer magic. She also looked defeated as if they were in competition. If that is how she wanted to view it, Gamon was fine with that. He waited for Corliss to make the next move. She didn't make Gamon wait too long. The rose mage called out to her pet. The hybrid stopped playing with the black exceed and started to make its way back to Corliss. Pyrrha started to grow in size. Gamon's eyes widened with amazement. He had never seen anything like that before. Full grown Pyrrha was roughly the same size of a horse. He watched as Corliss as she mounted the hybrid animal. As she looked over at him, Gamon would try to hide his surprise but do a miserable job of it. "Well, I guess I will have to one up you once more." Gamon would say with a confident tone. "Tykva! Quick, transform into battle form!" Tykva had flown next to Gamon just moments before. She just gave him a dumbfounded look. "Battle form? Are you stupid? You know I can't do that." "Oh... yeah... I forgot." Gamon's tone totally changed to one of defeat. He looked at Corliss, "I guess you win this one." By this time, a large group of people had formed around the mages and the charity table. It seemed as if they had done thier job.


    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Te9PCpv

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    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Corliss 23rd April 2016, 2:22 pm

    in someone else's happiness

    The girl laughed, thankful to have gotten that over with, and dismounted her gryphon. She had finally matched Gamon, even though it was thanks to Pyrrha. Looking around, she saw the crowd that they had gathered. The orphanage’s fundraiser was going splendidly, and the man who had approached them was having a field day, bringing in the jewels everyone was donating. From the bustling crowd, Corliss could tell that they were impressed by the abilities and the kind hearts of the mages, showing off for such a good cause. She came to the conclusion that their job was over, and turned to her date with a smile. “So, what would you like to do next?” the blonde was up for just about anything, but the growling noise from her stomach indicated that she was hungry without Corliss's consent, causing the girl to blush slightly. She wondered if Gamon was hungry too, and if they could find a place willing to serve the four of them, especially considering Pyrrha's size, which, by the fact the the gryphon was still trotting around and basking in the attention of the crowd, seemed like it would be a while before the pygmy gryphon would return to being small.



    Corliss | Magic | Bank | Pyrrha | Dulcina | GFX | Shop

    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} TEmrTHZ

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    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 9th July 2016, 10:46 am

     Don't bow down when you could be rising up
    Gamon watched as Corliss would hop off of Pyrrha's back and walked over to where he was standing with Tykva resting on his shoulder. "Congrats! You actually managed to put Gamon in his place. Not many people can do that, besides the whole team." Tykva said poking fun of Gamon. "Yeah yeah. She got lucky if we have another contest like this I will make sure to win." Gamon confidently said. But Gamon knew that Corliss' Rose make magic could beat him in a competition like this again. Her magic was more flashy than Gamon's. Whereas Gamon's was more for power and combat. Corliss then asked the slayer what he wanted to do next. Gamon thought about it for a few seconds. "Umm.. How about... we go get something to eat. If I'm not mistaken there is this really good restaurant a few blocks down from here. If you are up for that?" "I know that I would be down for that. After being chased by Pyrrha I worked up an appetite." Tykva commented.  


    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Te9PCpv

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    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Corliss 9th July 2016, 8:40 pm

    in someone else's happiness

    Corliss nodded thoughtfully, giggling a little when Tykva chimed in. As if on cue, Pyrrha trotted over, shrinking in size. The gryphon, who was the size of a golden retriever at that second, took off, taking to circling Corliss and Gamon's head. The white blonde took that to mean the hybrid was hungry, and was willing to cooperate on this date. "It looks like you're not the only one Tykva. Gamon, that restaurant sounds perfect," Figuring he might need a bit of a push to think a little less like a mage and more like a guy, Corliss moved closer to Gamon as she spoke, holding her elbow a little wider out than usual. It was subtle, but Corliss felt like testing the waters before leaping headfirst into dragging the poor boy into affection that he couldn't see coming. Maybe he could figure out that she wanted him to take her arm and lead her, but she was willing to make the first move if need be. "Lead the way," she chimed, overtly flirting with her date, who may or may not have been in need of assistance.



    Corliss | Magic | Bank | Pyrrha | Dulcina | GFX | Shop

    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} TEmrTHZ

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    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 13th September 2016, 5:46 pm

    there’s a line that we’ll cross and there's no return
    Gamon watched as Pyrrha started to walk towards the two mages. As the gryphon approached them it started to shrink in size. It shrunk from the size of horse to the size of a dog. Pyrrha then started to fly around the two wizards. She seemed to be excited about getting food. "I guess Pyrrha is okay with getting food." Gamon chuckled. Corliss Started to move closer sticking out her arm. Even though Gamon has never had a girlfriend he was good enough at reading people and the situation... Most of the time. Gamon took Corliss up on her offer, and interlocked arms with her. With a smile on his blushing face, "Well, let's start heading to the restaurant. It should only be a few blocks away. If my memory serves me correctly." The two started walking in the direction of the restaurant. All of the sudden, the loud mouthed slayer, couldn't think of anything to say. He was so nervous that he couldn't come up with anything to say. He opened his mouth several times hoping that words would just flow out and start the conversation. Sadly that didn't happen. Gamon was left speechless. 

    O.C.C: Sorry it took so long... I'm hoping to get back into it again


    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Te9PCpv

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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Corliss 17th September 2016, 12:03 pm

    in someone else's happiness

    Gamon caught on quickly, much to Corliss's delight. Unfortunately for Gamon, this meant he was in for a rigorous test of his observational skills, since Corliss was dead-set on pushing the poor boy as far as he could go, just to see where they went. Letting her date lead the way to the restaurant, she noted his blushing cheeks with a slight smile, but the tension in his arm wasn't good. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out, and it finally dawned on the oh-so-observant Corliss that her date wasn't used to this, and that she should strike up the conversation. "So Gamon, how did you become a Fairy Tail mage?" Keeping her voice bubbly, she walked a little closer to her date, and flashed him a bright smile of encouragement at the end of her question.



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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} TEmrTHZ

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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 23rd September 2016, 4:02 pm

    Don't bow down when you could be rising up
    Gamon was so nervous. He wasn't to sure why though, he has face powerful enemies without ever breaking a sweat. Gamon has literally taken on armies and won, but for whatever reason, girls were his weak point. This five foot two girl is making Gamon more nervous than he ever has been. The Rose wizard spoke up first, due to the slayer's lack of words. "Why did I join Fairy Tail..." Gamon repeated to himself, thinking of the answer. "Well, I didn't start out as a wizard believe it or not. I was born into a family with a long line of blacksmiths. I was going to be the fifth generation to run the Kinzoku Blacksmith shop. That was until..." Gamon paused, obviously haunted by a painful memories. "Until.. the dark guild attacked the shop and killed my family." He Continued, "As you could imagine that was a low point in my life. That's when Metalicana found me and trained me to become the Iron Dragon slayer. Shortly after Metalicana disappeared I went to the nearest town and join the first legal guild there was. That guild just so happened to be Fairy Tail." Gamon turned to Corliss with a smile, to show that she didn't need to worry about his past that he has moved on and became stronger.


    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Te9PCpv

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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Corliss 9th October 2016, 9:52 am

    in someone else's happiness

    Gamon was way too tense, and he wasn't getting any better. Her encouraging smile going almost unnoticed, Corliss listened in horror as the dragon slayer told his tale. The five-foot-two girl felt herself shrinking under the weight of the can of worms she had opened, impossibly small and insignificant compared to the story he had to tell. All she had was a boring family and a grandmother with a dusty magic book; Gamon had suffered beyond her wildest imagination already, and the girl had no idea how to repair he shambles of her date. Then, he turned and gave her a shy smile, not unlike her own previous attempt at keeping him calm, and it took every ounce of her being to keep her sigh of relief inaudible. Returning his smile with a shy grin of her own, she gestured ahead. "Is that the restaurant there?" Corliss's stomach growled loudly, causing her to blush a little.



    Corliss | Magic | Bank | Pyrrha | Dulcina | GFX | Shop

    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} TEmrTHZ

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    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Empty Re: A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon}

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 11th October 2016, 5:57 pm

     Don't bow down when you could be rising up
    After he told his dark past to corliss, Gamon hoped that he didn't make things awkward between the two of them. A lot of people in the past have treated Gamon differently after learning of his dark past. Gamon of course left out the darkest of details. Only a select few people know what it is. Gamon waited for Corliss to give response, anything at all. She gave a quick smile and then pointed to the building in front of them. "It looks like we made it." Gamon said with a smile. "Let's go in and get some food." Gamon walked over to the door and opened it motion for Corliss to go in first. "After you." 

    OOC: Sorry for the short response... I was falling asleep while I wrote it.


    A Date or a Job? {Corliss & Gamon} Te9PCpv

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