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    The King's Hunters [Job]

    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Posts : 365
    Guild : Tartarus (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    The King's Hunters [Job]  Empty The King's Hunters [Job]

    Post by King Gil 10th February 2016, 10:46 pm

    Job Description:


    even though i do bad things


    such horrible things

    A letter, in a crisp white envelope with a melted wax seal upon it, the twin hammers of Tartarus pressed into the crimson wax. Inside was equally white paper, with such an elegant cursive scrawl that it could have only been written by one person. Of course, it only took a single glance to know just who had sent the letter considering that the signature, Gil Vessalius, took up nearly half the page. The letter in itself was short, simple, and to the point. It bid the mages of Tartarus to meet the man known as Gil Vessalius at the ruins of an ancient temple. Perhaps under any other circumstances that request may have been ignored but Gil had risen within the ranks of the small guild. Gone from a member to a master within a matter of weeks, Gil handled the change better than most would think. He was far from the power hunger tyrant that most would believe him to be. He had more or less become a recluse since attaining his position.

    Those within Tartarus wouldn't have known of the change of power within the guild if not for Gil having placed a document upon the guild doors. The said document, was nothing more than a piece of paper, a collection of ink that took the form of words and signatures that held more power than any inanimate object should have. Of the countless names listed upon the paper only two of them stood out, the first being the signature of the previous Guild Master Lyserg, and beneath that was Gil's name. The parchment in short was a sort of deed to the kingdom and more specifically to the guild that resided within the kingdoms walls. It was passed down from generation to generation, each name could be found in the kingdoms archives, all of them valid. During the first week in which Gil remained tucked away from prying guild members sights, it became increasingly evident that Lyserg was nowhere to be seen and that the paper declaring Gil Vessalius ruler of a forgotten kingdom, and master to a supposedly dead guild was anything but a joke. A few weeks had passed and Gil had finally taken on a more active role, though he still avoided certain members of the guild. He had recruited another to the ranks of Tartarus, an acclaimed god by the name of Chaoris, and then after that he had snatched Alexander away on a mission of sorts. Still, the handsome male avoided contact with the other members, until he had finally reached his own conclusion of sorts.

    « tag: @Tartarus // Words: 436 // Notes: Sorry I'm rusty! »


    The King's Hunters [Job]  Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:


    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
    Position : None
    Posts : 176
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 1543
    Experience : 425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cycle of Revenance
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    The King's Hunters [Job]  Empty Re: The King's Hunters [Job]

    Post by Alexander 14th February 2016, 9:17 pm

    Perhaps, it's better relics be left to the sands of time,

    rather than be dragged along as a memory


    Ruins had long felt like a home to Alexander. More than any polished stone or cut wood, the decayed remains of what was matched him. Withered colors and frail exterior. The smile was fleeting, but still present as he scanned the grounds. People found comfort in truly strange places. He never quite understood it, but even before his descent into semi-life, the shambles others scorned welcomed him more. Weary from the journey, he shambled over to a near rock, sitting down against it for rest. Cold stone infiltrated his back, penetrating through his cloak and other layers. Dawn had yet to break. He scanned the horizon once more, looking for any other figures amongst the fallen stones. None.

    It was unusual, to say the least. Alexander was never the first to arrive. Since when was the laggard the forerunner? Perhaps the others were in no rush to heed Gil's command. Not that he would blame them. More likely than not, the situation was above them. A small tumble. Rocks cascading down above him, brushing softly past his shoulder. It seemed the life mage was not the only thing waking. It was likely the movement of small creatures above him, previously hiding in the ruins. Not many desired his company, or to even be near him. The area around him was even more grey than normal the dirt beneath him hollow and pale. Sometimes it even unnerved himself. The speed at which its life drained.

    A quiet sigh, frozen words flying from his lips and disappearing before him. He was protected from the wind hiding inside the ruins, yet it still stole the heat around him. He kept his eyes locked on the horizon. Awaiting the breaking beams of day, as well as the rest of this ragtag party. On the way here he had scanned his notes, taking in all he knew about those coming. Some where unknowns however, and that was a critical flaw for him. He had hoped to be more forward today, but the number of unknowns urged him back. What mattered most was what Gil wanted from him however. He was here on his new Masters words, and as such, he would make himself of use.

    TAG: @Tartarus Basically

    Word Count: 370

    OOC: Gil and his band of merry men

    Made by Zirnitra of Template HQ


    The King's Hunters [Job]  R9bdomr
    Alivya Tarrin
    Alivya Tarrin

    Spirits Keeper

    Spirits Keeper

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Posts : 255
    Guild : Divine Calamity
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    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Summon
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    The King's Hunters [Job]  Empty Re: The King's Hunters [Job]

    Post by Alivya Tarrin 17th February 2016, 9:18 am

      The Innocent

    372 Words
    Living Beyond our Dreams

    The pinkette played with her keys as she sat on her bed within the castle that made up the guild hall for Tartarus it had been an uneventful day with the girl and she now looked down at her keys. She had gained on that was much different from that of the others and she smiled at it. It was a precious key to her a possession that she knew wouldn't go unnoticed by others would she meet them today. her hands traced over each key. Their golden and silver translucent glow illuminating her hand just slightly, she had just polished them with the idea that each key needed a perfect portal.

    However, her boredom would only last so long before the girl knew that she had to go and do something to keep her mind and her body active. It had been a while since she went on a job with someone, actually the only person she had gone on a job with had been Alexander a male within the guild that had blonde hair and purple eyes. He didn't seem much taller than her, yet she knew that he was just as powerful as her if not just a little more. This of course didn't bother her she needed to go and entertain herself. Her body lifted itself off the bed and her feet padded against the stone as she walked towards the door and opened it before heading down the stairs and to the main hall of the castle.

    It was still empty, like it always was, but she could sense an air of activity that she usually would not have. Her eyes flashed around in hopes of finding what was creating such and aura but there was none that she could find. She carefully looked at the door. No way. A smirk graced her lips, a feeling of the joint of the two sides of her and she opened the door finding that of a single piece of paper stuck to the door. AH HA! She knew it. It had been a while since she had felt the aura of the old guild master and now with his distinctive hand writing Gil, the king of being a jerk, was the guild master.

    She didn't touch the paper but she did take off in a well paced run to find the guild master.

    Made by Siren of GS and THQ



    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Monokuroen, Monochrome Demon
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinners White and Black Flame
    Second Skill: ---
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    The King's Hunters [Job]  Empty Re: The King's Hunters [Job]

    Post by Roya 7th April 2016, 4:37 pm

    she was the

    -Meanwhile, Phat Monster Village-

    Bills, Blah, Blah, Rent, Blah.

    Sitting cross legged in the rug in the center of the entry room to her cottage Roya flipped through the mass of stamped and marked envelopes, tossing each one back behind her as she shuffled on to view the next. She only stopped when she set eyes on a remarkably white envelope; the same mark tattooed upon her waist was imprinted upon in the red wax seal. Tartarus… She hadn’t really been around much not had the guild- until as of late. It was just the other Gil, the new master himself, made an so rude intrusion in her home.

    ‘Tsk’ the sound of detest snapped off of her tongue as she tore into the paper envelope, withdrawing the sheet inside...She stared at the long assembly of text and scribbly lines at the bottom half of the page. Nothing clicked for Roya except her brief memory of some of the letters on the page. She lacked something, something just about everyone in Fiore took for granted….  A black wisp of flame leapt onto the page where she clenched it tight and Roya smacked the paper and snuffed out the flame just as soon as it had sprung from her leaving a black mark the parchments bottom, page partially eaten away around the variety of signatures...

    Tucking the note beneath her solo arm, Roya reached for her pipe. Both of the once broken pieces had now been stuck back together beneath many layers of some thin plastic tape. Having popped her chibouk back between her lips Royanna again retrieved the indecipherable note in her free palm as she paced towards the doorway. If she couldn’t  read it herself she might just have to ask around--- maybe she’d play the part of the confused foreigner? She still knew some of the tongue from her upbringing in Desierto, but only fragments and common phrases at that…

    Stepping outside her run own little cottage Roya stretched in the direction of the sun just shining its warm golden light over the city’s wall. The damp rooftops were glowing under its morning warmth and the dew was still plainly visible on all the pavement and the window panes of the home behind her.

    Royanna glowered at the faces walking crossing along the roads and passes of the settlement… She sighed on the pipe she held between her teeth, a generous amount of smoke gasping from the tube. This letter… She couldn’t have any pedestrian decipher it if it discussed internal...personal... guild matters. Well she supposed she could --but it would risk consequences… Roya was beginning to feel the translation plan wasn’t exactly full-proof huh?

    W O R D S

    T A G  

    N O T E S  
    Whoop a post!



    The King's Hunters [Job]  Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Position : None
    Posts : 248
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    Age : 1135

    The King's Hunters [Job]  Empty Re: The King's Hunters [Job]

    Post by Khorne 11th April 2016, 10:34 pm

    So the 'King' had bid him come to help on a job. So be it. Chaoris had no issue with being there when asked, so long as they let him do as he commanded those under him; to shed blood. His invitation to the guild had been an interesting endeavor, one people would talk about if they actually knew what had taken place, and the ascended being had gladly allowed himself to take a simple tattoo to be around those that worshiped him; no matter how oblivious they were to actually doing so.

    The man found himself quickly moving to the place in question, an ancient ruin that may have been any sort of facility for those that had come before them. Ascension had its perks. He no longer had any magical power, his abilities purely based around his own blood which was only his to control and was tainted by his own godhood. Not only that but he felt more powerful, stronger than he ever had before. The voices no longer stayed in his head, only those that actually spoke near him would be heard. Same for his other senses, the schizophrenia no longer affecting him.

    Upon arriving the man would stand in the area that the guild master of Tartarus had said that they all would meet at. He had no issue with his orders, not when he already knew what his place in the hierarchy was. What was a king to a god? Nevertheless, this event taking place interested him. If he was lucky maybe he would even had a worthy skull to take back with him at the end of the day, or sooner. One could only hope he would be lucky enough to find someone worthy to fight. Maybe he would even have the chance to fight them one on one, instead of the entire group ganging up on them together.



    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Posts : 365
    Guild : Tartarus (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    The King's Hunters [Job]  Empty Re: The King's Hunters [Job]

    Post by King Gil 23rd April 2016, 2:58 pm


    even though i do bad things


    such horrible things

    Each member had arrived at the meeting place in their own time. Some faster than others, and some simply not at all. Whether they would show or not it did not matter. Not when the guild master himself had yet to appear. He was late, not there at the specific meeting time in which he had requested them all to be there. Whether his tardiness was done out of lack of care or on purpose it was hard to say. Only after the entirety of their group had assembled, did Gil Vessalius finally make an appearance. One moment there was no sign of him, and the next he stood there in his golden glory.  Hardly a word had to be spoken, his presence alone was statement enough. Even before his rise to power, Gil had a way of commanding the attention of others by just walking into a room. That was simply the enormity of his existence, a presence that could not help but draw others attention. His sudden rise in status only enhanced this natural charm of his.


    He spoke, voice a deep baritone to match his appearance. Handsome, incredibly so, but he was handsome in such a way that there was no threat to his masculinity. A perfect balance between looks, and physique, truly a model for humanity to be crafted after. "I see you have all come here as I bid..." He began, slow and deliberate, as he peered over his few but precious members. They got on his nerves, but they were necessary. "It's about time we gather the guild. Or the shambles of a guild that Lyserg has so graciously bestowed upon me." It was almost sarcastic, but there was a certain twinkle to his eye that suggested he was almost pleased, almost. "Some of you I brought here myself, and others had the pleasure of knowing Lyserg. Regardless, it's about time I evaluate you all. Prove your worth to me." He paused looking over them again, as if in thought, "If you're as valuable as I think you are, then you shall remain a member of this guild, and a part of my...Legion." There was evidently something else that he wanted to say but it went unspoken. Whatever it was, whatever his goal he had in mind for his so called legion had yet to be revealed.

    « tag: @Tartarus // Words: 395 // Notes: Sorry I'm rusty! »


    The King's Hunters [Job]  Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Alivya Tarrin
    Alivya Tarrin

    Spirits Keeper

    Spirits Keeper

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Summon
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    The King's Hunters [Job]  Empty Re: The King's Hunters [Job]

    Post by Alivya Tarrin 25th May 2016, 3:19 pm

      The Innocent

    368 Words
    Living Beyond our Dreams

    She certainly was not the last person to arrive at the scene, but she was also not the first. There had been one person before her. He had short blonde hair that seemed to have a tint of white. He carried in a sense that he was above everyone, much like the guild master did, but that never worked for her. She wasn't much one for following orders since she had been left behind by her master. Her feet padded softly, one in front of the other until she was right next to the other man. Her back was straight and the man easily was several inches taller than she was but that didn't stop the young woman from appearing to be strong. Her keys jingled at her side and the mage looked around to see who else would show up.

    It was true that she had been in the guild for a long time but that didn't mean that she knew anybody. In fact she knew nearly no one in the guild. With this realization the pinkette turned to the person net to her with a smile on her face. Best way to approach a person was with a smile, that way they never suspected anything. "Hello! My name is Lamya, I've never seen you around Tartaurus before, what is your name and what is your magic?" The person next to her would hopefully respond well to her introduction and to her question.

    She hadn't seen the other woman enter into the room, when she did she didn't turn to her in hopes that she would get a response from the man that she had introduced herself to. As she waited for her response the girl couldn't help but look over at the other mage that had entered. She was really pretty with her long blackish brownish hair and to be honest she really couldn't wait to get to know everyone here and be able to interact with everyone on the job. Hopefully Gil wouldn't stop her either and just let her do what she wanted as he knew that she would continue to stay loyal to him, he had saved her life at one point.
    Made by Siren of GS and THQ



    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 169
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    Mentor : Monokuroen, Monochrome Demon
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinners White and Black Flame
    Second Skill: ---
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    The King's Hunters [Job]  Empty Re: The King's Hunters [Job]

    Post by Roya 3rd June 2016, 11:51 am

    she was the

    In a continuous and stubborn examination of the note she flipped up the other side of the page… Her hold on the parchment intensified bitterly as she glowered down at the visual that had been drawn out for her:


    And for a moment, standing there Roya’s own visage seemed to look just like the pissed-off depiction of her on the map. “Gil,” the name hissed from her tongue bitterly. Despite the lack of understanding she had for the words on the page she understood now perfectly.

    This was the job that arrogant bastard had provoked her into. “Tch.” It’s not like she had much planned for this morning in the first place. It had been a long time since she’d had any sort of a venture or conquest…


    To Roya, the trip had not necessarily been a fun one, she’d spent the time fighting doubts that she was going the right way. Roya didn’t get out as much anymore and when she did she was hardly an optimist, but eventually she met the top of the small summit a couple miles outside the walled village. She laid her eyes on the dilapidated structures and columns of grainy brick, bushes of moss clinging to the edges of the foreign materials while untamed grasses brushed upwards well enough to meet her at her knee.

    She was hardly surprised to hear new voices and an all too familiar and proud one. Royanna zipped forward, hopping up the slanted slope of one of those dusty pillars so she may look over them all. Roya couldn’t resist the urge to poke at Gil as soon as her green hues set sights on him.

    “Nice map, Master.
    Roya insulted with a provoking grin. The corner of the parchment she pinched between her fingers was struck by a black ember, the small conflagration growing as it feasted on the page. She finally let go of the sheet as the rest of it jumped up in flame, fluttering to the ground in a swarm of silver fireflies. Placing her heel on the edge of the weather-worn pillar Royanna pushed off it's surface with a leap hopping down into the dirt they all stood. Suddenly wedging out from the dry grasses, chips of leaves wafted up upon her landing. There was a breeze that whirled them back along with the ragged cloak hanging off her shoulders and her disheveled mane.

    W O R D S

    T A G  

    N O T E S  



    The King's Hunters [Job]  Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500

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