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    Kings And Queens Of The Sky

    Rhace Tarrin
    Rhace Tarrin

    Lineage : Blade Of The Sixfold Path
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 126
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    Experience : 805,380

    Kings And Queens Of The Sky Empty Kings And Queens Of The Sky

    Post by Rhace Tarrin 28th January 2023, 1:00 am

    Rhace Tarrin
    Kings And Queens Of The Sky

    Rhace Tarrin had a very real sneaking suspicion that he had been in this exact same situation more than once already before. Now, okay, exact was a touch of an exaggeration. He had not, in fact, organised to take some very specific people to a particular new years’ party in the past. However, the fact of the matter was that there was a pattern when it came to big holiday periods - some very specific people were dragged out in order to celebrate particularly large festivals, and this seemed to be the routine that permeated their lives, over and over again. To be fair, there was a method to this particular madness: it was very specifically intended to be a way that he could show his undying and infinite gratitude for the work they put in, because as anyone who knew Rhace well enough would say, he was in way over his head. He spent his entire life learning how to wield a sword - and how to teach wielding a sword, to be rather precise about what else was involved with that - and not how to run a guild for mages that specialised in repairing natural environments. Therefore, to his aid were two very talented and (quite frankly) gorgeous deputies, who both deserved enough approbation to last a lifetime. They had somehow managed to sneak their way into his life, presumably by the fact that they’d been the ones to welcome him aboard, provide him with some good-natured needling along the way, and from there he’d found them indispensable once their original guild master had decided to return home and had handed the reins of what was very literally a gigantic alien sky whale starship over to him.

    Yeah, to say the last year had been eventful had been the understatement of the century. When life decided to take a hard left turn, then a couple loop de loops, and then a one hundred and eighty degree twist from there, yeah, the trajectory of ambition usually changed along with it. Rhace had originally not been overjoyed by this change, but with their help he’d changed his mind to be a little more amenable to the new outlook. It had not been easy, truthfully. That change had been a hard pill to swallow, especially because the way he had been raised bred into his mind the necessity of living up to the family tradition. Running Meliora Vitae all but prohibited that from happening - but, with their help, he’d come around. After all, doing something along with the people you loved was a lot easier than going at it alone. Cass and Cord had been nothing but the best pair of assistants he could have ever asked for, and he found that he likely would have survived neither life nor his captaincy without their assistance.

    As always Rhace wanted to throw them a party, or take them to something, in order to celebrate the event that was about to go down. The end of the year was usually either incredibly high-key and a party, or very low-key and something best celebrated in small groups. However, he’d decided that it might have been a good idea to avoid the crowds and the hustle and bustle of suburbia this time. While they didn’t normally get to leave the ship more often than not, he knew he was going to have to really turn the dial to eleven to ring in the end of the year for the two people that he cared about the most in his life. Last time was Halloween, where they’d attended a local festival - there, things had gone… more than slightly south when they’d tried going through some manner of illusory haunted tunnel. That was a mistake that he was never going to repeat, considering that Cordelia had come out of it feeling not only worse for wear but apparently shaken to the core. No, this time he was going to do something a little bit different.

    Actually, by different, Rhace was going to leverage everything he’d learned about his gigantic sky whale and put it to perfect use.

    The Endeavor had been flagged down to an absolute skeleton crew at this stage. Anyone who was non-essential for third shift operation had been given some liberty time to do whatever they wished with. Many had returned to Fiore in order to see their loved ones, and almost every single shuttle had been whisked off the ship’s deck– and some couldn’t be removed fast enough. A lot of the crew had decided to disembark at their temporary pitstop at Maclean Park, where all of the crew of the ship were given the opportunity to enjoy any part of the park for free should they so desire. Those who remained aboard were either working, or there by choice. Rhace had asked both Cassiti and Cordelia to stay behind.

    This time, the ship had been given specific instructions, and both of the executive officers had been barred from the bridge for the remainder of the evening in order for Rhace to conceal his mystery. It was a moment created in two parts: first, he had requested that the kitchen prepare a light meal– really, a midnight snack, considering the event– and to prepare that for his collection at one hour before midnight Fiore local time. The second was that the ship, at that exact moment, was going to begin a very slow climb. One that was almost imperceptible, so that Cass and Cord wouldn’t be able to work out what was going on.

    There was a clearing in the centre of the Arboretum that he’d already picked out for the moment - in fact, it was the exact same place that Rhace and Dagda had discussed their mission to return the stone titan home. There was a viewing platform there that afforded them a view over the bow of the ship, which would, when the time was right, provide an exact view that Rhace was rather hoping the two girls he’d invited out would enjoy as much as he was going to.

    The message in their group chat was simple:

    Thanks for waiting! Come to the Arboretum viewing platform when you’re ready.

    And there he waited - picnic basket set up, drinks already laid out with glasses, sandwiches and other nibbles made ready for them for the moment they arrived. Having already donned his rather comfortable white double-breasted jacket, the black-haired captain waited with bated breath, hoping to see what their reaction to the first part of the show would be.

    TAG: @Cassiti Calixte @Cordelia Beaumont WORDS: 1,103 TOTAL: 1,103/6,000+ JOB: N/A
    MEL @ WW


    Kings And Queens Of The Sky Q5QUxlX
    +100% Jewels In Effect - Lineage
    Cassiti Calixte
    Cassiti Calixte

    Lineage : Spirit Walker
    Position : None
    Posts : 83
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Louie
    Experience : 6,624

    Kings And Queens Of The Sky Empty Re: Kings And Queens Of The Sky

    Post by Cassiti Calixte 28th January 2023, 9:04 am


    This was becoming a bit of a theme.

    Every since Dagda had gone to return home and Rhace had taken over as captain of the Endeavor, Rhace had been understandably reliant on Cordelia and herself to do his job. This was due largely in part to the fact that Rhace had not been a member of Meliora Vitae very long before being handed the keys to the kingdom, so to speak, and he still had much to learn just as a member, let alone as a leader. Yet, that was something that neither of the women begrudged him. In fact, Cassiti thought that Rhace was a perfect fit for the position. She certainly hadn’t wanted it for herself. Cass was comfortable with a certain level of leadership and responsibility, but not with an absolute amount of it. Frankly, the fact that Dagda had ever even talked her into becoming an ace was a miracle in and of itself, and the man had needed to offer quite a bit of reassurance that the position wouldn’t compromise her in any way with her way of life.

    To the man’s credit, he’d been right. And while that was still a surprise to her some days, Cassi still wasn’t interested in entertaining any notions of higher ranks, and so she was quite comfortable with where she was: middle management, with an emphasis on passing along her knowledge and experience to her current boss. Though truth be told, it wouldn’t be long before Rhace wouldn’t have much more to learn from either of them. He was a quick learner, very disciplined and educated – if a bit of a rascal at times – and Cassiti hadn’t really been with the guild a whole lot longer than he had. Every day he was weaning away from needing them more and more, becoming more confident and self-sufficient in his leadership, and needing them, at most, for emotional support. Something he likely got more readily from Cordelia, who was arguably more well-adjusted than Cassiti was with such things, but that didn’t stop the Avalonian from doing what she could with the tools available to her.

    Yet, Rhace continued to insist on doing these things for them periodically. These.. Parties and gatherings, events and excuses to take the two women out and spend money on them. Cassiti supposed she understood it to a point, and she certainly wasn’t ungrateful for the time. She greatly enjoyed both Rhace and Cordelia’s presences. They were the only people in her life that she could really see as friends, which was a luxury Cassi had never been afforded before. In fact, it had been downright prohibited in Avalon. But here in Earthland, on her pilgrimage, the rules were a bit different. There were no attending priestesses to hover over her and dictate her every move, and while Cassi certainly had a strict lifestyle to maintain, there was no denying that she possessed a modicum more of freedom here than she did with her homeland, and she had decided that such freedom allowed her to have friends rather than distant, worshiping supplicants.

    And it was that knowledge that made Rhace’s behavior odd at times. She didn’t feel that he needed to keep going out of his way to lavish them for their efforts in helping him. Surely he knew by now that he was no burden upon them, but that didn’t stop him from his attempts to spoil them. Perhaps it was her inexperience with friendship – and men – that kept her from realizing that this was simply what friends did for one another at times… or how people attempted to court those whom they were interested in. It was difficult for her to understand, but that didn’t stop her from trying, nor did it prevent her from at least appreciating that her two friends wanted to spend time with her outside of just work.

    Rhace’s orders had been very clear that Cordelia and Cassiti were not permitted on the bridge until such a time as he called them. The only other instructions they had were to be dressed up, something that Cassiti hadn’t done in quite some time. She had almost always been in some regal attire in Avalon. It was practically all she’d ever worn before coming to this time period of Earthland. Yet despite that, she wasn’t sick of such things. It was exhilarating to wear more casual things, as was more appropriate in the cultures of today, but being more dressed up didn’t really bother her, especially when the fashion of this era was different than that of Avalon’s.

    Since she and Cord were in the same spot, Cassi had invited her companion to join her at her treehouse to pass the time and get ready for the evening. While Cord had attached herself to Cassi fairly quickly upon their first meeting, there was something slightly different about her now. Or perhaps, more likely, different in Cassiti’s perception of the other woman. Their last holiday spent with one another had been Halloween, and while most of the night had gone by rather pleasantly, there had been a moment where Cordelia had been plagued by some nightmare of her past, one that had rocked the woman’s emotional center and put her into a bit of a funk for most of the remaining evening.

    Yet that wasn’t what had truly stuck out to Cassi. People were prone to emotional straits, something she had known long before her pilgrimage even if she had no direct experience with it herself. No, what had stuck with her were some of the things that Cordelia had told them afterward, once she’d calmed down a bit. Her gentle and halting words of appreciation, telling them both that she loved them, and prior to that admitting to Cassi that she had wanted to kiss her. On the cheek as she had done with Rhace, perhaps, but for someone that had never touched another person since she was old enough to walk and dress herself, it was a comment that had practically been stuck in her head like a silent record ever since. And not only Cordelia’s voice, but Rhace’s as well, who had followed suit and delivered similar admissions. At least, in his appreciation of their “dream team”, not so much with wanting to kiss Cassiti on the cheek.

    It had been a lot of vulnerable talk that Cassiti hadn’t really known how to respond to. It hadn’t made her nervous so much as pensive. She did appreciate both of her friends, but had no experience with expressing such things for herself, so while she had made her gratitude for their words known, she hadn’t really said much of her own response outside of a small smile to show her agreement. And ever since, the scene had been run over and over again in her mind as she tried to decipher all of it. While she still had much to realize, she had at least one understanding dawn upon her: there were almost certainly feelings brewing between Cordelia and Rhace.

    Cassiti was putting on the last of her makeup when both of their phones went off with a message from the man himself advising that it was time for them to join him in the viewing platform of the Arboretum. She tilted her face this way and that with a neutral expression, letting the light hit different parts of her face so she could examine her work. “Does dis look alright?” The Avalonian had very little experience with modern make up, but she had been practicing enough to at least be passable with it, with Cordelia’s assistance and instruction. She was wearing a white off the shoulder, floor length gown that was trimmed in gold floral designs along the bust and hem. There were two thing spaghetti straps keeping the dress up and modest, but they were almost unseen in comparison to the long sleeves of the gown, one of which was fully detached from the dress itself. Her thick braids were adorned with gold bands and pulled up above her head, and an ornate gold band hung from her hair onto her forehead.
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 1368 | TAGS: @Rhace Tarrin @Cordelia Beaumont 


    Kings And Queens Of The Sky 62320_s
    Character | Bank
    Golden Lacrima until 12/4/2023
    Cordelia Beaumont
    Cordelia Beaumont

    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
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    Guild : Dies Irae
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    Kings And Queens Of The Sky Empty Re: Kings And Queens Of The Sky

    Post by Cordelia Beaumont 28th January 2023, 1:06 pm

    Once you find your light, I'm sure it will lead you back here.

    Oh boy.

    To say that Cordelia had been in full denial, repression mode since Halloween would be putting things lightly. The next time that she had seen Rhace and Cassiti, which had been the very next day, Cordelia had returned to her usual self, thanking them for a night out and completely brushing over both her traumatic breakdown and her emotional opening afterwards. It was unusual for the brunette to simply ignore things that happened or things she had said, far more comfortable talking in open and honest conversation about whatever. But any attempt to revisit the more troublesome parts of that night were met with dismissal, deflections or complete changes of subject.

    Truth was, Cordelia wasn’t ready to talk about what had set her off. She wasn’t really sure she ever would be. It was not something she even allowed her mind to venture into or browse over so there was little doubt that addressing it with anyone, even her most trusted friends, was unlikely to happen. Moreover, she had her feelings thrown in her own face by her own words, somehow made more aware of just how much she cared for both Cassiti and Rhace. Of course she knew that she found them both attractive and enjoyed their company and companionship. They both provided strong foundations, reliable ears and shoulders to lean on, metaphorically, and they were both outrageously sweet in their own ways. She truly loved them both but there was something more to it than just kinship. It had been so long since she had felt such fluttering feelings for any one person and now she was there, feeling them for both.

    It complicated things in her head and her heart. Mostly because she wasn’t sure, if it even came to that, if she could choose. Truthfully, Rhace was the safer choice. Not that she would be settling for him, far from it, but he was one that she could at least touch. Cordelia knew that Cassiti wasn’t allowed to be touched and while she was happy with their emotional connection, Cordelia was a woman that thrived off of physical touch as well. For the right person, she could probably make do and if anyone was right, it was Cassiti…

    Ugh, it was so much to think about! That was exactly why Cordelia chose to box her feelings up and return to the status quo. Any kind of further analysis or deep thought was just going to make it more frustrating. She didn’t even allow herself to wonder over it too deeply when she was by herself. No, instead she moved forward, as she always did, accepting that she was being silly and overly romantic. Of course, it wasn’t helped when Rhace kept insisting that they spend major holidays together. And without much surprise, as New Year’s approached, he asked that both Cassi and Cordelia join him for the evening aboard their lovely vessel, though he left any and all details of what he was planning a secret. That probably meant he was pulling out all the stops to make a truly magical evening. It was quite frustrating how much that made her heart flutter.

    She made a few preparations herself, if only due to the topic of the evening. With those preparations all set, she headed over to Cassi’s place. Her fellow Ace had invited her over to spend some time together before Rhace gave them the green light. It wasn’t uncommon for the two of them to spend time together, the only added event being preparing for whatever awaited them. They dressed themselves and began putting on their makeup, nearly finishing up when their phones both buzzed at the same time. Rhace had finished up and had asked that they meet him at the viewing platform of the Arboretum. With their destination set, Cassiti turned to look at her and asked if she had gotten her make up right.

    Cordelia turned to look at her and then took a step back. She was trying to play off like she was studying the woman scrupulously but her smile was already peeling over her face. “By the Elements…” she said softly. “You look beautiful, Cassiti. Like… unbelievably stunning.” Usually she would be super upbeat and bubbly but her tone was gentle, genuine and equally in awe. “Lemme just get this one little spot,” she said, stepping forward and taking the small brush used for blush. She leaned in close to Cassiti’s face and ran the brush over her cheek gently, making the slightest adjustment to perfectly meld the make up onto her skin and even it out. She took a moment to examine both sides of her face before smiling once more. “Beautiful,” she complimented her companion.

    There was… a moment of lingering, as Cordelia realized just how close she was. She certainly wasn’t breaking any of the understood rules but it was about as close to Cassi she had ever been. She was taken up in the moment, her heart pounding against her chest as her eyes met the always-gorgeous emeralds of her friend’s. And the way the light played across her face and her lips…

    Cordelia pulled hard on her mental reins, easily playing off the moment with a smile as she put the brush back down on the counter. “Now then,” she started, adjusting her dress slightly before taking a step back to showcase herself to Cassiti. “How about this? Not too risque, right?” It was definitely a different look for Cordelia, who was used to wearing her hair back. She’d brushed it and teased it to get some body and then pulled it over the left side of her face, allowing it to drape down and half-cover her features. Long, dangling silver earrings hung from each ear, gently brushing against her bare shoulders. The green dress she wore was nearly as floral as Cassiti’s but had an open back and a deep V-neck in the front that showed off her ample bosom. Leaves and flowers had been sewn into the sleeves, around the opening in the back and over the front of the dress. A slit on the right side allowed her bare leg, up to mid-thigh, to be seen, with billowing fringe flowing along the opening.

    Cordelia struck a playful little pose, even giving her ruby-red lips a bit of a pout. “Not as scandalous as Halloween but definitely a bit more adventurous than I’m used to,” she said with a chuckle. “Well, better not leave our handsome leader waiting.” Grabbing a small clutch, she would lead the way out of Cassi’s home and onto the path that would bring them to the Arboretum. It wouldn’t take them too long to arrive and find Rhace waiting for them, looking as dapper as always. He’d set up a small picnic area, complete with drinks, so that they could relax, dine and enjoy themselves. “Rhace!” she practically squealed. “This is amazing! Look Cassi, a picnic. Oh you’re just too much.”
    ✎ tags @Cassiti Calixte @Rhace Tarrin ()
    ✉ words: 1167
    ※ notes:


    Kings And Queens Of The Sky 58995_s
    Character | Magic | Armory
    Let's go on an adventure!
    Rhace Tarrin
    Rhace Tarrin

    Lineage : Blade Of The Sixfold Path
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 126
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 805,380

    Kings And Queens Of The Sky Empty Re: Kings And Queens Of The Sky

    Post by Rhace Tarrin 29th January 2023, 12:06 am

    Rhace Tarrin
    Kings And Queens Of The Sky

    It would be an absolute lie for him to say that the war that was tearing Earthland in half– one that he was willingly fighting in, mind– didn’t have him scared feckless at the thought that he’d die. It was a constant and ever-present companion for those who walked the warrior’s path and he knew that there was a very real chance that he could be killed by the enemy every time he engaged in battle. This was the kind of thing that kept him up recently. Couple that with the fact that he had a glimpse into Cordelia’s mind and her own fears and just how much it shook her to the very core, and he’d lost a lot of sleep in the last couple of months thinking about what was going to happen next. He hadn’t ever brought it up with Cord, of course. He wasn’t that stupid, knowing full well he wasn’t as equipped to handle deep emotional conversations like that when he wasn’t exactly in the best place himself- nor was he really good at it, either. So he’d left well enough alone ever since, and hoped that perhaps she’d come to him with that sort of thing if absolutely necessary. However, it made him think about three truths that now guided his worldview in the present moment - one, he was going to fight, one way or another; not just because his ancestors and even his father had lived in service to the royal court of Ca-Elum and the kings and queens that served, but because he had people to protect. Two, any hope of him going back to the peaceful life of running the school was now long gone. Three, he knew he didn’t want to go another day without both Cassiti and Cordelia at his side. Was it greedy? Absolutely. But he knew the way that they all looked at each other. He knew how he looked at them and held a genuine appreciation for everything they did. He’d most certainly observed how Cordelia’s gaze could linger for just that extra second on the back of Cassiti as she walked away, and that Cassiti was ever-present in every moment for them both, a little more so than usual, especially after Halloween - imperceptible to most, but not to someone who spent almost every waking moment together. He had, in recent times, almost just flat-out asked Cordelia on a date - though held himself back, the more he thought about it. It wasn’t the right way to do it, as much as he wanted to - the three of them were a package deal, if nothing else, and broaching that particular subject would be no small task. Yet, as they approached, it filled him once again with that wellspring of joy and relief and appreciation for the small things in life that they blessed him with.

    ”Goddess be good, I do not deserve this,” he mumbled under his breath, the moment that emerald eyes fell upon the forms that ascended to the watch platform. To say that Rhace was blown away by the way they looked tonight was probably the understatement of the century. They looked nothing short of divine– in Cassi’s defence, that was her very literal normal state of being and in Cord’s defence, she did that flawlessly regardless of whatever she was doing no matter the occasion. It was just about every day that he considered himself the luckiest man on the planet, because not only did he know that they would do just about anything for him, but the sheer fact that they would go to these lengths for each other - and he for them, rather evidently - was enough to remind him and humble him with the knowledge that he had it really, really good. Sure, it wasn’t the original goal of his life where he’d be back at home in Ca-Elum running a sword school having inherited it from his father and pioneering the new generation of students that he’d hoped he could do. However, here he was now responsible for the training and education of so many more, as well as their safety. While he wasn’t a genius when it came to flora and fauna, he damn well would fight tooth and nail to ensure that every man and woman (and, in one extra special case, slime) under his command came home safe and sound every time he issued an order. That much he could do for them, for sure. And he would - it was what they all deserved.

    These two were the shining exemplars of why. This was the way of his world - he, the earth, implacable and unrelenting in its eternal quest; they, the sun and moon, influencing every action and movement with their mere presence and proving his reliance on them.

    ”You both look absolutely damn incredible,” Rhace said, inviting them both to take a seat with a flourish of his arm as he beheld them. Their individual styles were almost like night and day, both elegant and stylish, though their paths diverged from there. It was a testament to the fact that they were two entirely different people, and he loved them both for their differences. The refined, upstanding Oracle, whose thoughts and words belied the demure nature of distant Avalon. The coquettish and very playful Ca-Elian, whose devotion to the natural world drove her to excellence in all she did. White and gold, and green, both so vastly different.

    Yeah, no. Luckiest man alive for sure.

    As soon as he found time for them both to settle in, he reached for three wine glasses and uncorked with a ringing pop some expensive champagne, imported from Enca at a premium that he was not going to discuss out loud. He didn’t exactly have much need for jewels these days, anyways, so doing nice things for the people he loved was a good way for him to simply express his gratitude. One glass for each of them, handed to the ladies first, as he sat cross-legged rather comfortably on the red and white checkered blanket he had laid out for them.

    ”If I had to count the amount of times I’ve wanted or needed to say thank you to the both of you this year alone against the number of stars in the sky, we’d run out of stars,” he admitted. He wasn’t too ashamed to ask for help when he needed it and, as much as he felt like he had a long way to go, he knew he was improving. More than anything, they were the pillars of support that kept him standing, as he was no island - he was not self-sufficient and would not pretend that he needed to be. Having people to delegate to and ask opinions from was a good leadership trait. ”This year has been rough for all of us. Losing Dagda rather suddenly was a challenge, but we overcame it. We’re watching a war unfold and the world go insane but we’re still managing to put a lot of good back into it despite all of that. You two make that happen, and I couldn’t be prouder of us. So… tonight, I’m doing something that I’m not even sure has been done before on this ship. I’ve got a surprise for you both, thanks to the very smart people down in Engineering. I’m not gonna spoil it yet, but this has been in the works for weeks and I hope you enjoy the chance to kick back and unwind and watch everything go by.”

    Sure enough, were one to cast their gaze out past the Arboretum and the nose of the sky whale, the horizon was slowly lowering, and the darkness of night was permeating more and more of the sky. The stars began to lose a little of their twinkle, for there was less oxygen and atmosphere for them to refract their shine against. The glass was raised to his lips as the sweet dessert wine was tasted and boy was it good. He’d earned it– no, they’d earned it. That was the reality of the situation. He looked out over the sea of stars and found himself content - but he would not be so content as he would in ten minutes or so when the ship arrived at its final destination.

    TAG: @Cassiti Calixte @Cordelia Beaumont WORDS: 1,402 TOTAL: 5,040/6,000+ JOB: N/A
    MEL @ WW


    Kings And Queens Of The Sky Q5QUxlX
    +100% Jewels In Effect - Lineage
    Cassiti Calixte
    Cassiti Calixte

    Lineage : Spirit Walker
    Position : None
    Posts : 83
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Louie
    Experience : 6,624

    Kings And Queens Of The Sky Empty Re: Kings And Queens Of The Sky

    Post by Cassiti Calixte 5th February 2023, 7:17 pm


    “Thank you.” Cassiti took the compliment well, neither brushing it off nor becoming flustered or embarrassed by it. She had never been a woman that put too much stock in her appearance. Or at least, not the way that most people did. Sure, she had a duty to make sure she was always presentable as an Oracle – at least, on Avalon – but outside of that, she had never really stopped to care about if others would find her physically or sexually attractive based on what clothing choices she made or whether or not she was wearing make up. Whatever affects her choices of attire had on others, the Oracle was almost always oblivious to it.

    Cordelia requested a brief moment to adjust one spot on her companion’s face, picking up one of Cassiti’s brushes and approaching. The smaller woman didn’t pull away or move with any hesitancy, trusting that her friend knew her boundaries more than well enough by now to not test them. Cord would touch her only with the brush, not directly, and despite that they were close enough to feel the heat from one another’s bodies Cassi merely stood patiently as her fellow ace made some adjustments to her face paint. Yet as she finished and gave Cassi one final compliment, there was a brief moment of… something. The Oracle wasn’t entirely sure what it was. Cordelia was simply standing there, practically staring at her with a soft expression, causing the more stoic woman to tilt her head slightly in thought and consideration…

    And then the moment was over, Cordelia pulling away and bringing the attention back to herself with a small showcase of her own attire. “I do not think it eez too risque, no. De color is perfect for you. Though I think my favorite might be your earrings. You look very… erm, what eez de word… glamorous.” Cassi gave the woman a very small smile, only to chuckle quietly as Cordelia struck a pose and compared it to the slightly more scandalous outfit that she had worn for Halloween. But then it was time to be off as they couldn’t leave their host and friend waiting.

    Cassi gave a nod of agreement and the two were off to the Arboretum where it wouldn’t take long to see at least part of what Rhace had prepared for them. There were the makings of a picnic set out on the ground, with sandwiches and other appetizers, as well as drinks. The guildmaster himself was looking exceptionally sharp with a white coat over a rather dapper suit. He invited them to sit with a small wave of his arm and a compliment to their efforts at dressing up. Cordelia gave a small noise of excitement over the picnic and Cassiti’s emerald gaze took in the sight of the set up – and the view from the platform, with her usual calm but attentive observance. Yet there was a bit of brightness to her gaze that betrayed her appreciation and interest in it all.

    She took the offer to sit, approaching the blanket on the ground with demure grace, gathering up her skirt and dropping gently to her knees before ultimately settling on a hip with her feet tucked beside her. Meanwhile, Rhace popped open a bottle of champagne and poured a glass for each of them. Cassi took her with a soft, “Thank you,” holding the stemmed flute but not drinking from it just yet, rather waiting until the others had their own drinks as well. Her attention turned to Rhace once more as he spoke about how often he’d wanted to express his thanks to them, claiming the number far outweighed the stars in the sky. The last year had been rough in losing Dagda, a fact that none of them could deny, and with the war looming over the rest of the world, there was an air of tension and fear affecting many around them. But that hadn’t stopped any of them from focusing on their work and maintaining the balance by funneling good back into their surroundings.

    And as a reward, he was going to do something that he wasn’t sure the ship had ever done before – though he was very mum as to what the surprise was, only that he had been working on it for several weeks. “I look forward to seeing what you have come up weeth. Thank you, Rhace. Dis eez lovely.” Her small smile returned as she took a drink alongside him, raising the glass to her lips and giving the liquid a taste. It was very sweet and aromatic, reminding her a great deal of home. A small wave of homesickness washed over her very briefly, though it wasn’t obvious by her expression. She brushed it aside after a moment, turning her attention instead to the spread before them. “Did you make all of dis yourself?”
    deltra of gangnam style
    WORDS: 821/2189 | TAGS: @Rhace Tarrin @Cordelia Beaumont 


    Kings And Queens Of The Sky 62320_s
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    Golden Lacrima until 12/4/2023
    Cordelia Beaumont
    Cordelia Beaumont

    Lineage : Keeper of Peace
    Position : None
    Posts : 158
    Guild : Dies Irae
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    Experience : ‭22,335

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Curse of Lust
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    Kings And Queens Of The Sky Empty Re: Kings And Queens Of The Sky

    Post by Cordelia Beaumont 3rd March 2023, 3:04 pm

    Once you find your light, I'm sure it will lead you back here.

    Rhace was always a charmer and a bit of a showman; inherited traits that Cordelia honestly believed came from his background as a swordsman. For as violent as they could be, there was a kind of elegance in swordsmanship that was full of grace, not unlike a ballerina. The major difference was that a swordsman unwound and draped wreaths of gore rather than ribbons about their field of artistry. But beyond that, he was a gentleman who always sought to shower them both with appreciation and care. It was an adorable trait and honestly just deepened her care for him even more.

    “And you, as always, show that you can clearly clean up well,” she returned his compliment as she passed by him, reaching out just enough to lay a hand on his shoulder softly and dragging it along his arm before pulling it back. As she did her best to gracefully take a seat, which was more finding the right angle to plop down at, she watched in amusement as Rhace went for the glasses of wine and opened up a bottle of champagne. Pouring drinks for his guests first, Cordelia took her flute gently and waited for the man himself to be equipped with his own glass. Once they all had their flutes, Rhace would once again speak up about wanting to offer his thanks for all they had done for him and the guild over the past year, admitting that it seemed their actions seemed endless against the very cosmos itself. He went on, talking little about how losing Dagda had been a shock but they had worked together to surpass it before focusing on the state of the world, such as it was. In celebration for their actions, he had come up with a surprise, working with Engineering to make it a reality.

    “Such high stakes then!” Cordelia remarked with excitement, letting out a small giggle at the end. “Rhace, this is lovely and all and please don’t think I don’t appreciate your kind words but there’s no need to keep thanking us,” she said, casting a glance to Cassi before continuing. “We’re more than happy to work with you and keep this guild going. I don’t want to put words in Cassi’s mouth but for me, it’s not just my obligation, it’s something I enjoy! You’ve done a wonderful job keeping us together and there’s no amount of words for me to express just how much I care for the both of you. The only thanks I need, personally, is just to have you here with us.” She offered him a genuine and warm smile before it wormed into something slightly more mischievous. “With that said, I absolutely will not turn down champagne and surprises so you can keep that going, moving forward.”

    Giggling as her own tease, she held out the glass in the air between them, seeking a toast. “Here’s to us. I know most people would toast the guild or what we’ve accomplished as leaders of it but… I just want to take a moment to toast us. We were thrown together by random chance and look where we’ve arrived. Dressed to the nines, enjoying some champagne at a picnic on New Year’s! Despite how the world is, you have to admit, this is pretty great.” With that said, she waited until they clinked their glasses with her’s and then take a sip from the expensive champagne, eyes panning away from the other two and towards the front of the sky whale. She nearly choked on her fizzling drink as she began to realize what was happening outside.

    “Are we… going further into the sky?” she asked, having managed to swallow the mouthful of champagne without coughing. “Rhace… exactly where are you taking us?”
    ✎ tags @Cassiti Calixte @Rhace Tarrin ()
    ✉ words: 632/1799
    ※ notes:


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