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    Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings]

    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings] Empty Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings]

    Post by Faith Caliburn 26th January 2016, 11:37 pm


    How crazy it is?...How unfair?...The ones who want to live seem to have the shortest of lives....Those who want to laugh, seem to be the ones to cry first....How sad it is to truly realize how fleeting our meager existence really is... Sometimes.....I think my life is a tragic comedy.... Irony plagues my life, as if fate simply winds me up like a toy. Only to watch me head down one direction. The key on my back turns, the gears in my spin, and my legs take me closer to the edge of the table.......and then....I fall..... The same heart that brings me pain, and suffering.....is the same heart that pumps the very life through my veins.... The same eyes I see all things beautiful, is the same eyes that shed my tears..... Is Death really just Life being a hypocrite?.....Why is it that I who was said to be the first to lay to rest, is still awake? Why is it those I love are the one sleeping, deep in an eternal slumber?...... Why them, Why not me?.... How many times has it been? How many times Have I desperately tried to collect the broken pieces only to have them turn into dust in the palms of my hand? Am I cursed, or am I just blessed with misfortune?

    These were the thoughts that Aika was having. She was sitting up right on the hospital bed. Her eyes fixated on a wilting plant resting upon the windowsill. The room smelled like alcohol and latex gloves. The blanket that covered her legs didn't give her enough warmth, and the thin hospital garb was little to no help either. Aika was silent as she listened to the drops, of magical water drop from her near by I.V. The needle buried in her skin no longer hurt, it was just there like a very large splinter waiting to be removed. On her arms could be seen, bruises and small dots. All of which came from the multiple needles that constantly pierced her flesh everyday. What was she feeling? Emptiness? Sorrow? No, Aika was just numb. The nurse spoke to her about her condition.

    Cue the words:

    You're condition is stabilizing.

    Don't push yourself.

    Eat the right foods, stay healthy.

    Come back next week for your treatment.

    You have another test next month.

    Perhaps its best if you stay here at the hospital.

    These all so familiar words, rang in Aika's head. Sure enough the nurse, said the words as anticipated. Aika didn't even bother to look, as the nurse took more blood from her. A slight prick, priced through Aika's arm as the needle dove deep into her skin. The nurse smiled and thanked Aika and left the room. Once again, Aika was alone. She looked at her new band aid that stuck upon her skin.

    "Another one to my collection....." Whispered Aika as her bandaged finger tips ran across the gauze of the band aid.

    Last edited by Gemini on 27th January 2016, 12:19 am; edited 1 time in total


    Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings] 1195bly

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings] Empty Re: Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings]

    Post by Yukinon 26th January 2016, 11:59 pm


    "Sometimes we just have to let go."

    Yukina walked through the white halls of the hospital. Everything glowed a luminescent purified white. The doctors uniform, white, the Nurses uniform white. The walls, the ceiling, and the floor were white. The florescent lacrimas that glowed ever so intensely, illuminated the whiteness of the hospital. Everything felt synthetic, unreal, cold and distant. Yukina spoke to the receptionist and acquired Aika's room number. She walked down the hall listening to the murmurs of the rooms she passed on by. Soon enough she came to Aikas room. A-163 was written on the door to Aika's room.

    Yukina had discovered that, Shinra had already made reservations in the hospital for Aika. Her accommodation, daily check ups, and emergency treatment have been paid in advance. Everything mentioned was available to Aika for the next three years thanks to Yukina's brother. Shinra never failed to impressed Yukina, her younger brother always seemed to be ahead. He always seemed to be walking alone, helping anyone he comes across in his dark and lonely path. That was one of the reasons why Yukina wanted to see her brother.

    Yukina slowly opened the door, to find a dainty, small, almost frail looking girl. Her hair as green as the blooming leaves on a tall tree. She seemed to be a small wilting plant, and the hospital room was the small pot that constricted her growth and life. Yukina knocked on the door before fully opening. "Hey, Aika....it's me.....Yukina" Yukina entered the room, with a smile in an attempt to lift Aika's waning spirits.


    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
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    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings] Empty Re: Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 27th January 2016, 1:38 am

    Apollo sighed not knowing about Aika's condition he sighed a little. He was told to watch over them and he was already doing a poor job. he shook his head looking at the hospital as he entered. He looked around the Hospital waiting room sighing then he walked over to the nurse's station giving a wave asking for Aika's room she smile at him pointing down the hallway. he gave a nod and walked down the hallway seeing other patients in wheel chairs and other things of nature. He then saw the room he had to once entertain a group of sick patients. he smiled thinking back that was one of the first jobs he shook his head as he walked one then sighed a little walking by. "those were simpler time" he thought to himself as he got to the room

    He saw Yuikna in there already then he adjusted his tie. he then stood at the door and gave it a knock "Hey Yukina" He nods only meeting her once before. He then looked at Aika nodding a little. "you doing alright what happened?" He asked in a concerned tone. Even though they had just met He felt responsible for her and her well being since He promised Shinra that he would watch over her and her brother. Hr then took a few more steps inside He looked at Yukina and then looked back at Aika nodding seeing she seems ok. "Oh here i didn't know how long you'd be in here so i bought you a book" he said with a nod it was a mystery novel. Apollo didn't know what was going on about this whole situation so he remained a little quite.

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings] Empty Re: Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings]

    Post by Haru-senpai 27th January 2016, 3:09 am

    Heero stepped in the hospital room many times as he had before. After stopping and talking to the Receptionist at the front, and then the Doctor who had notified him one of his guildmembers was hospitalized. He moved through Magnolia's famed hospital, the best one in Fiore. Fairy Tail had put hundreds of people in the hospital. Many enemies of the Guild had been patched up here free of charge, as the Guild would literally pay for the ass whipping. Even transporting them from wherever they were to Magnolia for treatment.

    Recently, Heero had lost someone very important to him in a hospital just like this one. So to himself, he would say a prayer as he moved through the building somberly.

    Slipping into the room and leaning with his back against the wall, arms crossed. Heero would nod to Apollo. The type of nod that said "I'm glad we're both here." He would then turn to Yukina and just...be in awe of her beauty, his eyes trailed to her lips, but for the first time---he didn't say anything to her. Merely turned away with his arms crossed leaning on the wall due to the gravity of the situation.

    The Guildmaster would eventually walk over after 10 minutes of the Hospital Monitor beeping and bend down into a sitting position almost at the edge of Aika's bed.

    "......Seems, good ol Uncle Shinra took care of everything." he would simply stay slightly hunched at her bedside, putting a hand on her wrist and holding her hand rubbing her fingers slightly in a show of brotherly affection. "Hotaru's out working hard, using his magic on Jobs to keep you taken care of. I'm sure he'll be here soon." ever since he'd taken Hotaru in at Fairy Tail, Heero had been frankly amazed with his talents as a wizard. His jobs had a 100% success rate thus far. Over the past few months he'd gotten to know them all so much better. "Your family's a lot bigger now Aika. We all feel this with you now. Not just Hotaru...different huh?" as he struggled to hold back tears in his eyes, he never knew how big of a person Shinra was for taking in Aika and Hotaru. He didn't even know he'd taken in two kids like that. He'd been alone at Fairy Tail, having left them for whatever reasons. He'd always been so headstrong, and brilliant. Overly focused even. But Heero never saw this side of him.

    Staying kneeled at her bedside for awhile, Heero would continue to hold her hand looking back up at Yukina with an expression she'd never seen him wear before. True sadness. It didn't become him as he looked somewhat angry at the situation too.

    When Apollo gave Aika the book, Heero stood up and had to walk out of the room he hated seeing Aika like this. He'd wait for Hotaru outside of the room to ask more about her condition when he arrived. Heero was a God of Ishval, his reach and knowledge of magical herbs and remedies stretched even beyond this planet, of Earthland. Perhaps if he knew more, he could help; maybe even cure Aika.


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    Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings] Rose

    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 150

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    First Skill: Grand Arcanum
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    Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings] Empty Re: Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings]

    Post by Faith Caliburn 27th January 2016, 6:38 pm


    Aika was surprised by the sudden entrance of her guild mates. She wondered how did they find out, she was aware that Shinra's sister was going to visit, but seeing Nadarr and Heero caught her off guard. For a brief moment she wore a face distress, but it was so quick. She immediately threw on a mask, she curled her lips into her usual smile. She wanted to pull her hand back as Heero put his hand on top of hers. Aika just smiled and remained still. "I'm fine! Geez guys, relax! This is nothing. i'm used to it, this is just my normal check up. I visit this place this at least once a week so it's not even a big deal. Seriously I don't even know why you all came" Aika laughed as she scratched her head a bit. She tilted her head in a cute manner and let out a soft sigh. She accepted Nadarrs book and met his eyes with hers, she gave him a warm smile. Anyone who saw that smile could almost hear her saying "I'll be fine, this is nothing.". It was quite a wonder how the seemingly frail girl could easily speak such strong words with a simple smile.

    Aika stretched her arms up, but quickly hid them beneath the covers. "Geez, you all are, like, too serious! Relax it's not like I'm dying or anything hahahaha!" laughed Aika as she slapped Heero on a the back. She turned to Nadarr and threw up double thumbs up at him. She laughed and joked with them, like how she normally would in the guild hall. She seemed, healthy, strong. The truth was that having all these people exhausted her. She wanted to be strong, no she had to be strong in front of them. If there was something she learned in her life, was that weakness was a sin. She just wanted to huddle up in the covers and sleep the rest of the day away till they let her out. Just please go away......stop looking at me like that......just leave me alone.....don't look at me.....please...please....please..... She would keep saying this in her head over, and over again. Her smiled sealed her sorrow with abright smile that brightened the room.


    Hotaru appeared in the room in a cloud of ash, and embers. His eye's glowing a sinister purple, he walked over and picked up a sweater and wrapped around his sister. "What the hell are these people doing here?" sighed Hotaru as he leaned on the wall beside Aika's bed. He looked around the room as if staring daggers. His glare softened once Aika tugged on his sleeve. He let out another sigh, and looked at everyone with a more relaxed expression.

    "Relax, Haru, they're just visiting." Aika said to her brother as she gave him a reassuring smile. Haru nodded, he respected his sisters wishes. After all she was far stronger than she was, far stronger in heart and soul... Hotaru wondered how he could protect someone so strong. He eventually pulled himself from his thoughts and cleared his throat.

    "Yeah I know sis, but you need to get some rest. That way you can get out of here faster." replied Hotaru as he ruffled his sisters hair. Aika would puff her cheeks and scowl, before playfully punching Hotaru in the gut. Hotaru chuckled, it didn't at all.

    "PUUUHLEEEEZ! You're big sister is stronger than this." Aika nodded as she put her arms in the sweater sleeves to hide her shots and bruises. She flexed and winked at Hotaru in a heroic manner. Hotaru simply shook his head and chuckled at his sister antics.


    Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings] 1195bly
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings] Empty Re: Daily Check up and Tears [Private Yuki & The Siblings]

    Post by Kit Kerrington 21st February 2016, 2:05 pm

    Apollo looked over at Aika and sighed standing up. "All right if you say it isn't serious I will believe you I just wanted to be sure" Apollo gave a small smile then moved the chair looking at Heero who had already left but stood out side the hospital room then at Yukinon who was standing there with a smile. Apollo shakes his head a little and at then looks at Aika who is laying there in the bed. Apollo can tell how she is feeling and gave a small nod feeling the same as her before. He walked to her side as she gave her heroic pose to Hotaru and shook his head and rustled her hair slightly. He knew she didn't want a lot of people here but his promise to Shinara was one of the things he had to keep so here he was. on top of that he would do it for any of his other guild mates if they got hurt. "Hey Aika there is a side reason for this trip other then making sure your good which it seems you are I was wondering more about you...I mean Shinara was one of my better friends in the guild so if your his students and family i am more then curious" he said wanting to pull the conversation away from her condition the best he could he had hoped this would do it. he didn't know a lot about the practice of medical or really anything medical so it was probably best he left that part alone for now. he pulled the chair next to her bed and sat for a moment hoping she would want to talk to him though understood if she wanted to be alone. He hoped this would be enough to distract her from everyone worrying so much but knew the odds of that were slim. He then looked at her then her brother and waited for one of them to start to talk about anything.

      Current date/time is 25th October 2024, 10:54 pm