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    AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all


    Public AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Guest 22nd January 2016, 6:14 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Her reason for being in Magnolia Town? Well, there really was not much of a reason, but everyone needed a change in scenery every so often, right? Bosco was getting dull, so why not fly to Fiore for a little while just to spend some leisure time? She had traveled in the form of a pink-feathered blue jay, promptly returned to a human form upon landing in Magnolia, then continued walking with the pastel-colored ends of her scarf flying back behind her in the breeze. It was a beautiful day, sunny, fairly warm, breezy, without too many clouds in the sky. A perky and cheerful smile on her face, Izayuki continued walking at a smooth pace, gazing up at the sky every once in a while to admire the brilliant, bright blue.

    Location;; Magnolia
    Word Count;;
    OOC;; Anyone can join at any time. Just a low-pressure, casual, fun, open thread. Any guild. Let's see where this takes us~

    Last edited by Izayuki on 22nd January 2016, 7:57 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 34
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Holy Flame Magic
    Second Skill: none
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    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by NashiTheNeko 22nd January 2016, 6:25 pm

    What a day to be alive! Nashi was finally accepted into Fairy Tail, and soon her friend, Tammy would arrive. All she had to do was prepare. She arrived by Train and walked out. She Gazed around Magnolia, and quickly noticed the crowds of people all through the town, worrying her. She looked down at her list and hurried down the block. She ran into a store and bought a cake, desperately trying to balance in in her grasp. She shakily walked out the store and into town. Looking down, she didn't notice the girl walking right in front of her. With a loud yelp, she slammed into the girl, and threw the cake in the air, only for it to land right beside her with a great squish.


    Character Info: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t19421-nashi-koharu

    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t19417-holy-flame-magic
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 1298
    Guild : Suripingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 32
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lunar
    Second Skill: Imperal Demon
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Daemon Spade 22nd January 2016, 6:42 pm

    Daemon walked through the city streets yawning a little as he felt the morning get to him. Daemon stared at the sky and grimaced at the massive blazing star practically mocking him. He growled as he began to feel the blood in his body heat up even in his spring kimono. Daemon sighed to himself as he continued his walk through the city streets. Daemon stopped abruptly as he saw as his nose picked up the scent of cake. Daemon's stomach inadvertently growled slightly at the smell and ordered him to follow it. To keep himself from looking deranged Daemon decided while on the way through the allyways to shift into his wolf form. As he reached the location of the scent he noticed two people on the ground next to the cake . Daemon walked over to the cake proceeded to sniff it then grimaced slightly at the strawberries.


    AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 34
    Guild : None Yet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None Yet
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Holy Flame Magic
    Second Skill: none
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    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by NashiTheNeko 22nd January 2016, 6:52 pm

    Nashi looked up at Daemon. "No! that's for Tammy!" She cried. In a panic she got up and batted the  cake into the watery Canal nearby in a desperate attempt to pick it up. She looked down at the wolf and at the girl and sighed. "oh no not again...". She backed away and bowed. "I am so..so..SO sorry!". Her hood fell on her head, revealing a cat-like design. She hurriedly got back up and looked down at the waters below to try and retrieve it.


    Character Info: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t19421-nashi-koharu

    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t19417-holy-flame-magic

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Guest 22nd January 2016, 6:59 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    The last thing that Izayuki had expected that day was a sudden ram to the front of her, pushing her back onto her torso. Blinking pink-hued eyes in surprise, the girl stared at the other girl in front of her who was apologizing and failing to get her cake. Picking herself up and brushing herself off, the Black Rose mage shook her head and smiled warmly. "No harm done, see! Sorry about your cake though..." Izayuki said, watching the scene take place before her. How unexpected... and was that a wolf? Most peculiar. She herself was a canine, though that fact remained a secret as she used her Bakedanuki shapeshifting to maintain a human form. Nobody needed to know how weak she really could be, anyways. The only people who did know were Azalea, Marschal, and Elyx, and it would stay that way. "Say, want me to buy you a new one? I have some spare jewels," she continued in a sincere and friendly manner, still giving that reassuring and cheerful grin. "The name's Izayuki, by the way. Izayuki Hyoujin~"

    Word Count;;

    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 34
    Guild : None Yet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : None Yet
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Holy Flame Magic
    Second Skill: none
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by NashiTheNeko 22nd January 2016, 7:07 pm

    Nashi smiled and nodded. "O-okay..." You two don't seem bad. I'm more just afraid that wolf is angry." She smiled wearily. and looked at the dog. "the names Nashi by the way. I just moved here." She smiled and held out her hand. "I'm fairy tails new member so I thought I would explore and such." She kept staring at the wolf though, obviously suspicious of it. "I..I think we should go now...lets just go buy that cake." She felt that this girl was a good person, and that she could trust her. The wolf however, felt.....off. She awkwardly inched away from it in the direction of the shop.


    Character Info: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t19421-nashi-koharu

    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t19417-holy-flame-magic
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 1298
    Guild : Suripingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lunar
    Second Skill: Imperal Demon
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Daemon Spade 22nd January 2016, 7:11 pm

    Daemon looked at the women in front of him and tilted his head. What strange madness did I walk into ?" He said out loud ignoring the fact that he knew normal wolves didn't possess the ability of speech. With the Cat out the bag he decided to switch back into his human form with yellow eyes and turquoise hair. My name is Daemon Spade. It's a pleasure to meet you two. " He said as he held out his left arm to shake the young maiden's who smelled strangely similar to a Bakedanuki hand.

    Daemon looked at the girl in the cat hoodie with impassive eyes. Your kind of clumsy aren't you ?" He asked her as he pulled out a box of pocky and promptly devoured a few pieces of pocky as a jet black wolf tail appeared down his back which promptly began to wag happily at the sweet treat.


    AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 9
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by theflyhigh 22nd January 2016, 7:19 pm

    Xal sighed. He hated going into town to eat. Especially since he wanted cupcakes. He usually wasn't this anxious but it was his first day in the town and didn't know anything about the people here. He walked into the bakery and walked in line waiting for his turn to get his cupcakes. He looked around not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. He didn't want to start anything in this bakery. His stomach growled once. He sighed, "Boy aren't I hungry." Xal said to himself. Hopefully no noticed his stomach growling at him. He barely ate anything on the train here.

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Guest 22nd January 2016, 7:20 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Izayuki had seen plenty of talking wolves. Heck, her own guildmaster, of Black Rose, Kakuma, was a wolf. Thus, it was no surprise and she only blinked at the wolf once before smiling as he switched his form to that of a human. "Nice to meet you too, then, Daemon~" the girl said with a smile, shaking his hand. "Heh, funny, you remind me a lot of my guild's master, Kakuma Blackflower. I'm from Black Rose," the girl said with a happy and innocent smile, giggling a bit at Daemon's comment of the Fairy Tail wizard being 'clumsy', and later laughing out loud at the wolf-boy enjoying his sweet treat. "Great, Nashi~" Izayuki continued on with the girl, beginning to walk back towards the bakery. "Feel free to join us, Daemon. Snacks are on me~"

    Word Count;;

    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 34
    Guild : None Yet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None Yet
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Holy Flame Magic
    Second Skill: none
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by NashiTheNeko 22nd January 2016, 7:29 pm

    Nashi nodded anxiously and ran behind Izayuki. She smiled nerveously and said. "its erm...a bad..habit of mine.." She was clearly surprised by all that happened so far. "I also have some money to spare. We can all go to the bakery. " She studied Daemon a bit more, trying to pinpoint what magic he was using. She clearly wanted to flee before more people showed up, but alas, she knew this was just the cost of living in a big town. She smiled genuinely, and stepped out. "I'm sorry for such a bad introduction. I should be the one owing you two for causing such a mess." She patted down her hoodie and triumphantly shook both of their hands.


    Character Info: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t19421-nashi-koharu

    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t19417-holy-flame-magic
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 1298
    Guild : Suripingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lunar
    Second Skill: Imperal Demon
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Daemon Spade 22nd January 2016, 7:37 pm

    Daemon stared at the boy with an indifferent look as he than turned his head back to the girl in the cat hoodie."It's okay kid everyone is clumsy every now and than. " He said with a polite voice as he felt her piercing gaze upon him. "If your trying to analyze me little one I'm a lunar mage. "

    Daemon's ears twitched a bit as he heard Kakuma's name with a smirk he gently reached up and petted Izayuki's head. I'd be honored to accompany you He leaned in close. Little Bakedanuki" He said softly to her with a smile as he walked into the store and proceeded to some green tea and small amount of azuchi buns than sat down and waited calmly for his order to be ready. A few minutes passed as until Daemon's tea and bun were ready causing the young male to drool at the bun with a child like smile Daemon grabbed one of the buns and chewed on it happily.


    AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 26
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 607
    Mentor : Meme Oshino
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Deity of Darkness
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Shinobu. 22nd January 2016, 7:42 pm

    There was no reason in particular why Shinobu had decided to follow Izayuki this time. It had just turned into a sort of habit of her's. Of course it's not like she could leave Black Rose's land often, mostly only on missions or if she was going along with someone else. Otherwise she'd get in trouble, thinking she was going to run away. This was the only way to get around these days without being found out. And being stuck in the guildhall all the time was starting to get boring... Even the city was no fun to explore anymore. She needed something new. And though Magnolia wasn't what she had in mind... it would do.
    Just after the collision and cake spilling the vampire would rise up from the pink haired girl's shadow, yellow eyes cold and emotionless as she stared at the strangers, arms crossed across her small chest loosely as her feet settled upon the stony pavement, bare feet settling to the warmth of the walkway as she started walking alongside them.
    "Ey, mutt" She would huff to Iza, one eye closed.
    "Why are we stopping for these guys? Let's just keep going..." She would ask quietly, a small hand tugging at the taller girl's arm.
    The new town and new people were overwhelming her quite a bit, and stopping while walking in the middle of the town made her awkwardness worse. Shinobu wasn't always like this. Hell, she was usually the opposite, flaunting her power and laughing at other's. But after so many years of being alone, big crowds made her feel uncomfortable.



    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 34
    Guild : None Yet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None Yet
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Holy Flame Magic
    Second Skill: none
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by NashiTheNeko 22nd January 2016, 7:50 pm

    Nashi suddenly stopped dead in her tracks and gasped at Shinobu. "d-dark magic?" she whispered. She glanced at all the new faces and studied them. Her first day in town and she already met some very strange people. She then turned to Daemon and with her eyes glaring, she singed Daemons tail as a warning. Unbeknownst to the group, Nashi was very protective of people she considered friendly or her friend, and she know she would stop a skirmish from happening at all costs. She got up, and ordered a cake from the bakery like nothing happened.  like nothing happened, keeping an eye on the four new acquaintances.


    Character Info: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t19421-nashi-koharu

    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t19417-holy-flame-magic

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Guest 22nd January 2016, 7:56 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    "Like I said, Nashi, no harm done~" Izayuki said happily as she kept walking with the others towards the bakery. As Daemon stepped forward and accepted her invitation, the girl froze in place for several heartbeats, her eyes widening for a moment as the man patted her head. "Little bakedanuki"... how did he know? Did he pick up on her scent as a raccoon dog yokai? Blinking several times, Iza only stared after the man as he entered the bakery, slightly bewildered and baffled. She could not allow that to get the better of her though, at least in front of others. Hopefully, nobody had heard him. Later on, she would definitely have to talk to him... and for now, pray he would not tell.

    Suddenly, the little vampire she had come to know rose out of her shadow. A handy trick, she had to agree, and the blonde child seemed to enjoy following the tanuki girl around. With what had already transpired, Izayuki could not help but be slightly startled by Shinobu's voice. "Shi-chan! What are you doing here?" she asked, refusing to allow the small vampire to pull her along. "I told Nashi here that'd I'd buy her a new cake, and Daemon some sweets. I guess I could get you some donuts..."

    Jeez, she was in such a nice and generous mood to day. Little did they know what she had up her sleeve, but what did that matter now? Daemon had definitely thrown her mind off course, and she could not stop thinking about his realization of her true nature. Nevertheless, she tried to make her way into the bakery, with or without Shinobu... or possibly dragging her. Maybe some red velvet cake would cheer her up a bit. Jin had introduced her to the wonderful dessert, a bit of Kvasir bonding. While the former guild ace was missing, she still remembered when he first offered her the delicious piece of cake.

    Muse;; 10/10
    Word Count;; 300

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 26
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 607
    Mentor : Meme Oshino
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Deity of Darkness
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Shinobu. 22nd January 2016, 8:09 pm

    The mention of getting the sugary pastries seemed to wash away all other thought's the vampire had at the moment, replacing her usual calm and quiet nature with that of a loud, cheerful child. More like how she actually looked...
    With a sparkle in her yellow tinted eyes and hands clasped together she let out a gasp. "R-Really??" Oh it had been forever since she lasted tasted a donuts, her favorite of all treats! And by forever she meant maybe about a week.
    Letting a big grin form across her face the vampire would let a giggle get stuck in her throat as she stuck out her hands to her sides and ran ahead of them into the bakery, plastering herself upon the glass case to the donut section. "Chocolate... Honey glazed... Maybe strawberry..." She would hum, her pale face ever so close to the deserts that any closer she would be breathing on them. Oh they all smelled so good, to the point now where her mouth was watering. How could she possibly choose?
    Did she mind Iza knew her secret addiction? No not really. Just meant more treats for her. Hell as long as she had the promise of these things the mutt could call her whatever name she wanted and Shinobu wouldn't even care.



    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Guest 22nd January 2016, 8:32 pm

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you
    Marschal silently followed after the group of five, keeping his mouth shut in a tight line while they headed into the bakery. The conversation that followed after was of no interest to him, instead his eyes wandered over the baked goods. He preferred candy over sugary, baked goodness, as he liked to suck on things like suckers and lollipops. However, a bakery didn't have that kind of stuff; it only had cupcakes, cakes, doughnuts, and various other things like that. Those things didn't interest him as much, and found them to be a waste of jewels, but Shinobu happened to like this all. Her top interest were the doughnuts, and with the mount of jewels he had (15,000 jewels to be exact), he could but them all for her. So, the young mage followed after the childlike vampire, pausing behind her from where she was pressed up against the glass.

    The panther hanyō was almost always wherever Shinobu or Izayuki would be, not because he was attached to either, but because he felt a brotherly love toward them. While he hated Shinobu's guts, there was something about the childish vampire that screamed "little sister" to him. Izayuki, on the other hand, was capable of handling herself, but again, that brotherly protectiveness screeched in his ears whenever she was around. Towering behind the vampress, the Black Rose mage stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans and relaxed his stance. He jangled a bit of the jewels he had on him, wondering how the girl could love doughnuts so much like this. In fact, he was quite entertained by it, but kept his mouth in the straight line that he already had it pursed in. Marschy would merely wait for the girl to choose the doughnut that she wanted, or all the doughnuts for the matter.

    Ignoring the other four who were close by, he stared down at Shinobu and jingled the jewels in his pocket again. "Feel free to buy them all if you want; I have enough jewels to cover the cost of the entire bakery if I wanted," he stated calmly. He figured letting the child splurge on doughnuts wouldn't be a bad thing; in fact, it would likely keep her busy the entire time. That meant no noise from her, expect the occasional mumbling of how good the doughnuts were and various other noises of satisfaction. Briefly, his red eyes would scan toward Izayuki and her newly made group of friends, glaring down Daemon at the time. His eyes would then flutter back down to Shinobu, but he couldn't resist from staring at the wolfish Lunar mage.

    Marschal cleared his throat, lifted a hand from one of his pockets, and hooked a forefinger on the collar of his shirt, adjusting it.

    "While I don't trust or care to know any of you; do know that I won't hesitate to kill any of you if you do something to Shinobu or Izayuki," Marschy spoke to the threesome of strangers. No, he didn't care about Shinobu's well being or the fact that she would scream at him that she was stronger than she looked, but she was still a guildmate.


    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 34
    Guild : None Yet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None Yet
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Holy Flame Magic
    Second Skill: none
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by NashiTheNeko 22nd January 2016, 8:42 pm

    Nashi looked at her cake, but then looked up as Leigh spoke. It took a minute to register, but when it did, she flipped. The monks always told her not to trust other humans, and they may have been right. Dark magic users or not, instinctively she pushed Iza and Shin behind her, fearing that Leigh might actually hurt her new friends. She stood up, and started throwing bits and pieces of candy at him from the jar on the table. " Stay back you...you dangerous person!" Was all she could mutter as she kept throwing candy. This was suicide, throwing candy at a random stranger in a crowded shop. She didn't care though, as her training kicked in. " you wont steal my friends food or souls or whatever you want!"


    Character Info: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t19421-nashi-koharu

    Magic: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t19417-holy-flame-magic

    Lineage : Technological Superiority
    Position : None
    Posts : 9
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by theflyhigh 22nd January 2016, 8:52 pm

    Xal hears all this going on. He just got his cupcakes come on! He gets up and walks over. "Excuse me. I was wondering if you guys could quiet down I am trying to eat some cupcakes." Xal said in a calm voice. He didn't want to make this any worse. Hopefully they are mages about to fight because if they are the building is gonna get destroyed. Maybe he could try and calm them down a bit. Hopefully he doesn't get caught up in the battle. If that happens he would be in trouble.
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 1298
    Guild : Suripingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lunar
    Second Skill: Imperal Demon
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Daemon Spade 22nd January 2016, 8:54 pm

    Daemon looked calmly at the newly arrived panther Hanyo with a smile. I don't plan to harm miss Izayuki in any way shape or form my friend." he said as he took a sip of his tea as a wolf pup that followed him from the forest surrounding the Guild base jumped on the table looking at him while barking for a treat. Daemon looked at the pup than tilted his head. What are you doing here little one? Daemon asked the pup who barked in reply to Daemon's question  causing him to face palm in slight annoyance."Lunos I thought I left you at home" Lunos barked. Don't even try to kiss up to me you just followed me for a free snack "

    Daemon continued to enjoy his snack than picked up the wolf pup and walked over to the counter to pay for his order and decided to sit  back down withLunos in his lap as he gently petted his black fur as he watched Nashi throw candy at him with a slight smirk on his face. Theres nothing wrong with having a bit of fun Xia.


    AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Guest 22nd January 2016, 9:04 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Black Rose ♦ B Rank

    Sheesh! Now Marschal was here? This day just continued to get weirder and weirder... and here she thought it could actually be normal! Ha, what a joke!
    Seeing Nashi suddenly throwing candy at the panther yokai, Izayuki quickly leaped in front of her, taking the brunt of the candy to avoid it hitting her half-brother right away. "Hey! Don't worry, it's just Marschy... he's my guildmate," she said with an uneasy laugh while retaining her familiar smile. Turning to the person who had just requested them to quiet down, the girl nodded quickly. "Er, sure! Sorry 'bout all that~"

    Giving a sigh, the youthful mage would walk over to the counter before gazing back at her guildmates, new friends, and the candy on the floor. "I'll buy it all," she said seemingly begrudgingly and apologetically, only to crack a mischievous and sly grin as the cashier looked down for a moment. Reaching into the pocket on the inside of her jacket, Izayuki pulled out a few jewels in paper form, plus a number of leaves. Using her Bakedanuki abilities once again and manipulating the perception of the leaves, she subtly turned them into 'jewels' before completely taking them out of her pocket and paying the baker. Yes, it was dishonest and robbing to a degree, as those jewels would later turn back into leaves once she had walked out of range, but still, it would work and make everyone around her content. She was a tanuki after all, a trickster, prankster, a free-spirited being who loved to have a good time, even at the expense of others. How could she fight her true nature, even while she was in human form?

    Location;; Bakery
    Muse;; 10/10
    Word Count;; 282

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Guest 22nd January 2016, 9:17 pm


    Strolling through the streets of Magnolia Town was the newest member of the dark guild, Basilisk Fang, Kage with an Erotica book in hand. He isn't much of a perv, but more of a fan of any genre of books, using them as a way to pass by time. His eyes were glued to the book as he navigated the streets, not seeing where he was going even though that wasn't a problem for the dark mage.

    "Well, that's a....creative way to use a baseball bat..." the dark mage said to himself as he continued reading, his face lacking expression as usual. Today was a lazy day for the snarky Etherious and he didn't intend on wasting it by staying in that below temperature death trap of a guild hall. A random bystander accidentally bumped into the reading Kage which caused the bystander to turn around with a pissed off expression on his face. The bystander looked life he lifted weights for a living, compared to the slim but still muscular dark mage. "HEY, BUDDY! WANNA TELL ME WHY THE HELL YOU-" the buff bystander paused as Kage slowly turned around, staring at the muscled buffoon. His dark green expressionless eyes locked with his, almost as if he were staring into his soul, causing the bystander t back away slowly before running off in fear.

    "Hmm, could've sworn this town was a little more...friendly." Kage said with a sigh, referring to how much he has heard about the citizens of Magnolia being cheery and festive. Maybe he came on a bad day? Kage shrugged as he went back to the book. The black haired Etherious continued walking, his eyes still on the book until suddenly he felt some different sources of magical energy coming from a bakery. He paused in front of the bakery his eyes still on the book before his eyes slowly peeked up. He wasn't too surprised since this town is the location of the guild Fairy Tail so there would bound to be mages here, but for some reason, the energies coming from that bakery peeked Kage's interest.

    He closed the Erotica and walked into the bakery with it still in hand, not knowing what's to come next.

    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 26
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 607
    Mentor : Meme Oshino
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Deity of Darkness
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    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Shinobu. 22nd January 2016, 11:06 pm

    Even when the young girl tried to push her aside the vampire's strangely strong grip upon the glass didn't falter. In fact it had gotten stronger since Marsh's appearance behind her and the all too familiar jingle of jewel coming from his pocket. Izayuki or Marschal it didn't matter which one ended up paying for it, she would get her prizes anyway.
    "Oh! Maybe i can eat half of them right now and then stuff them away in Elyx's room! Oh, or maybe i can just eat them ALL right now on the spot!..." The blonde would giggle to herself, smiling brightly as her eyes shone an unusually happy light in them, not leaving the pastries alone for even a minute. It had been such a long time since she was actually able to enjoy herself like this... It was nice.



    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Guest 22nd January 2016, 11:22 pm

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you
    A feral growl emitted from within his throat, though his lips didn't prove to move an inch to reveal the sound. It was just a sound that rumbled from deep within the male's chest, rose up to his throat and settled there as menacingly as it could. His pupils had dilated as the candy was thrown at him, and despite liking candy, he showed no interest toward it. Fingers curled into a tightly knitted fist, his claws digging into the palms of his hands to release blood from them. The man, who towered over his half-sister that now stood in front of him to block the thrown candy, tried to push her aside, passing by her. He would loom over Nashi, then lower to just her eye level, and bare his sharp canines at the younger lady, growling as well. This growl was threatening, a warning to the woman that pushing his patience was not something she should do.

    After about a minute of glaring at the Fairy Tail mage with his ashen eyes, decorated with red orbs, he moved away. His clenched fist relaxed back into its natural state, though pinhole pokes were visible in the skin of his palm. Blood trickled down his hands, but he ignored the sensation and returned to Shinobu, who was still staring at the doughnuts.

    "Yeah, sure, whatever. Eat them all now, save them all for later; do whatever the hell you want with them," he grumbled. Marschal would place the precise amount of jewels it needed to pay for the amount of doughnuts that Shinobu wanted. The person behind the counter would bag the items and hand them to the little girl, smiling kindly at her. It was then that Marschy turned back to Izayuki and crossed his arms over his chest, taking on a more bodyguardish stance.

    He was not about to deal with these people anymore, and on top of that, a person was staring at them from the outside. Marschy would watch Kage as he entered the building, having just missed the threat he imposed on Nashi. Maybe he had seen it through the window though, or maybe he had entered just on time to see it, Marschal didn't know.

    "Don't test my patience," the Black Rose mage stated in a cold, aloof tone toward the timid female who had thrown candy at him. "And I suggest that you clean up your mess before the baker gets pissed off at you for wasting candy in their store."

    "You know what would be best, Shinobu? I suggest you place them in secret places all over Elyx's room. That way, he won't know where to expect them to be at, and when he goes to do something, 'Surprise! A doughnut!'," Marschal suggested after turning back to the vampire.


    Lineage : Knight of Black Ice
    Position : None
    Posts : 26
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 607
    Mentor : Meme Oshino
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Deity of Darkness
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Shinobu. 23rd January 2016, 12:29 pm

    Hm, Marschal did bring up a good point. Elyx's face when he found a sticky donut under his sheets or clothes would be a sight to behold. And even better she could probably blame it all on Izayuki. After all, who would ever expect Shinobu of all people to get a kick out of pranks? Not a lot of people who didn't know her true nature. Which was practically no one.
    Seeming to ignore the currently growing situation around her the blonde would grab the overflowing bag of pastries from the baker and press it against her chest, trying her best to look over the pile of treats in the bag, since it seemed to be bigger than even she was. Crinkling the paper bag Shinobu would stick her tongue out to hook it upon one of the donuts, inching it closer to her mouth before chomping down on it, letting out a hum of satisfaction as the strawberry flavor of it ran through her mouth, smiling brightly as she managed to somehow already make her face a mess by having the icing and bread crumbs surround her mouth.

    Casting her gaze back to her guild mate she nodded, being the only way to signal to him that she agreed on the idea and thanking him for the treats as she stuffed another sweet into her mouth.



    Public Re: AN ECSTATIC VIVACE ♦ open to all

    Post by Guest 23rd January 2016, 1:26 pm

    Kage took one good look at the messy floor then towards the group of mages who were in the bakery, most likely responsible for this. He then began to walk his way towards the counter. Might as well get himself something while he is in here, plus he is kind of curious of what is going on in here. The shadow walker listened as Marschal talked to the timid girl in a cold tone about not testing his patience and suggesting that she'd pick up the wasted candy before the owner gets pissed.

    "Hmm, such bravado, picking on a frail child." Kage said in an expressionless, saying it as he walked past Marschal. The dark mage didn't care for their little conflict nor did he care about the girl, he simply just wanted to provoke the neutral mage, appearing to be someone who won't take crap from anyone. "Maybe you should try tripping up the elderly, or drowning puppies? Sounds like the only things you are capable of accomplishing? Kage said as he walked up to the cashier, still talking to Marschal even though his face is towards the cashier.

    "A bag of your finest chocolate chip cookies?" Kage asked the cashier, his face still as cold and expressionless as ever.

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