Fairy Tail RP

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    Hi I'm Shinra...and my guild master glitters like a kindergarten art project! :D

    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : None
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Grand Arcanum
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    Private Hi I'm Shinra...and my guild master glitters like a kindergarten art project! :D

    Post by Faith Caliburn 20th November 2015, 12:54 am


    Rank: D

    Guild:Fairy Tail



    Magic: N/A

    Words: Too lazy to count

    Akihito Shinra
    Fairy Tail
    Shinra was walking through the streets of magnolia. He had just finished apply and acquiring his passport. The trip to Rose Garden was quite taxing but rewarding nonetheless. Shinra was in no rush to get back to the guild, after all he wasn't exactly excited to be thrown once again into the chaotic fray of the drunken, battle hungry mages of Fairy Tail. Regardless, a small shard of his heart hidden within the depths of uncertainty, was actually looking forward to the warmth and the bellowing noises of the festivities in the guild. Living in a lively place liek Fairy Tail was quite a culture shock for Shinra, but Fairy Tail was certainly felt like a home more or less.

    Shinra stopped by a shop to buy himself some metals and other chemicals to experiment with, lately Shinra had been dabbing in the arts of Alchemy. One thing that Shinra liked about his guild was the colossal library, he could easily barricade himself away from the noise with a wall of books. Often times he would have a table to himself just to reasearch and experiment, the libraries silence and arsenal of knowledge was a haven for a bookworm like Shinra.

    "Perhaps I should purchase myself some tea...." muttered Shinra as he ruffled through his bag. The usually sharp and alert Shinra let his guard down for a fraction of a second, in that split second he accidentally bumped into a young woman....

    NOTES: notes notes notes notes notes because i mean what else would you put under 'notes'. Other than that have fun!

    Princess Natsu
    Princess Natsu

    Child of Thunder

    Child of Thunder

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
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    Posts : 333
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
    Cosmic Coins : 3
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Corenglaw ⌜Alive⌟
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer ⌜1st Gen⌟
    Second Skill: x
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    Private Re: Hi I'm Shinra...and my guild master glitters like a kindergarten art project! :D

    Post by Princess Natsu 20th November 2015, 3:03 am

    "I'll be taking these." at least four souches of herbs and mecidinces descended onto the counter with a thud, the man on the other side looking down at the items before peering back up at the blonde; astonished. What she were to buy was very expensive, an almost irritation sensation of deserpate curiousity pushing him to speak. "Um, Miss, you do know how much this will cost.. right?" slender hands ravaged through her bag, pulling out a single and much larger pouch as it fell against the counter; aside the other four. "Yes, which is why I will be trading them for this." gesturing down to the large bag, worn and evidently on the breaking point of being useless, the blonde continued to speak, "This is Salvia Officinalis from the Mountain Village. I'm sure you've heard of if before." as soon as she mentioned the name of this herb, the man behind the counter seemed to pale just barely; as if in a literal shocking state. It took him awhile to gather words, unable to believe what had just fallen past her lips.

    "Y-Yes of course! I humbly accept this, please, take anything else you might need! After all, I'm sure you've traveled very far." hesitantly pulling the souch towards him, she took the other four by the rim of their cloth and tossed them into her bag. With her back now veering towards the owner, lengthed sun-kissed strands fell out behind her form; nearly reaching the floor. "That would be to much." dull-toned, the young woman meandered across the wooden floor and out the door, isolating the man in the comfort of his quiet old shop. It was true she had indeed ventured far to get to Magnolia; but, perhaps it would've taken a week if she had not been riding on the back of Kurama. Wait, where is Kurama? The orange she was so used to seeing out by the corner of her eye, was nowhere in sight. There was a possibility that the tantrum he had caused earlier made him run off; after-all the very fact of coming all this way for humans threw him into a fit like some hot-headed child.

    Turning over to search the street, the immediate action caused her to sharply bump into someone; with a surprising amount of force. Stumbling back, briefly dizzy from the impact, indigio gems peered towards the stranger; concern barely laced within her eyes. "Are you perhaps blind?" she spoke as if this was something normal to say, the light-hearted, yet, emotionless tone to her voice not enough to regard she was being surely rude.

    yay! lets get this started!

    Last edited by Princess Natsu on 25th November 2015, 1:50 am; edited 1 time in total


    Hi I'm Shinra...and my guild master glitters like a kindergarten art project! :D  6JfY43L
    Character Magic History
    Main Theme // Child of Corenglaw:
    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Grand Arcanum
    Second Skill: None
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    Private Re: Hi I'm Shinra...and my guild master glitters like a kindergarten art project! :D

    Post by Faith Caliburn 20th November 2015, 12:48 pm


    Rank: D

    Guild:Fairy Tail



    Magic: N/A

    Words: 411

    Akihito Shinra
    Fairy Tail
    Shira looked at the young woman, to others she may have been jaw dropping gorgeous, but ti Shinra she wasn't anyone special. He was well aware that to many peoples standards this woman was "beautiful". Truth be told Shinra couldn't fathom the idea of beauty and attraction, he found things fascinating therefore beautiful, but he never really found anything attractive in an aesthetic manner. When the young woman had asked him if he was blind, Shinra narrowed his eyes a bit. He found her statement to be quite comic. For a brief moment Shinra pondered on how he should act, he quickly browsed through his collection of inner personas and decided to to wing it by smothering this woman with cheesy jokes and kindness. Shinra thought that perhaps he could get the young woman to show a bit more emotion, now that would be interesting....

    Shinra cleared his throat, and straightened himself up. "Blind?.....it seems I was.....I was momentarily blinded by you're beauty my lady..." smiled Shinra as he gave the young woman an apologetic and respectful bow. Shinra's icy teal colored eyes returned a stare equal to the intensity of the young woman's indigo eyes. He lifted his head up from the bow, his warm radiant smile never wavering. He let out a small chuckle.

    "Pardon me.... I am simply jesting with you.....I can see that it was not very wise of me to do that.....perhaps you're lactose intolerant.......I can tell cheesy pick up lines don't really sit well with you." Shira's grinned from ear to ear, the joke wasn't that funny but Shinra found it humorous. His words were playful, it was clear he wasn't flirting, rather he was just simply striking up with a conversation with young woman. Then legion of spirits inside Shinra became slightly restless as soon as he exchanged a social interaction with this woman, Shinra found it incredibly interesting....it was quite rare for the spirits under his command to resonate with someones soul rather quickly.......

    "Ah!....hehehe I guess it's a bit of  tough crowd......errrr where are my manners I am Akihito Shinra, a newly recruited mage of Fairy Tail.........once again I apologize for my foolishness...I certainly need to pay more attention to where I am walking.......you are not hurt are my lady?" Shira finally offered a sincere apology and a short introduction in hopes of striking a better conversation with the new acquaintance.

    NOTES: lmao I think they'll be good friends, perhaps even great allies lol XD beware Shinra can act like a total dweeb sometimes lol!

    Princess Natsu
    Princess Natsu

    Child of Thunder

    Child of Thunder

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 333
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
    Cosmic Coins : 3
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Corenglaw ⌜Alive⌟
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer ⌜1st Gen⌟
    Second Skill: x
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Hi I'm Shinra...and my guild master glitters like a kindergarten art project! :D

    Post by Princess Natsu 21st November 2015, 12:14 am

    As indigo pools crossed over the gaze of blue, fused within colours of diversity; she found herself briefly lost within those eyes. Despite anything nearing of normality, it was an outlandish mixture of tones, anything but human. Then again, this was a world of magic. Having strange hair or even eye colour was of course possible, and in the end, her attention fell upon the rest of his features. Silver locks that hung almost messily around his face, the ace symbol, usually seen on cards, imprinted against his skin; assumably a tattoo. As he suddenly cleared her throat, she was jerked back into reality, startled over the fact she had been drawn into such a measly trance by somebody whom she didn't even know. Huh? Did he just─? A blank, yet, somewhat perplexed expression forged along her features, unsure if she had just heard him correctly or not. It was not uncommon for the blonde to receive compliments, but, regarding the constant avoidance of civilization or anything near to interaction it had been awhile since somehow last used such a cheesy line on her.

    Lowering the crown slightly, a few lengthed strands of gold fell past her shoulder, dark lashes fluttering closed, "Great.. blind and immoral." she muttered, mainly to herself before he started to speak once again. "Uh, I'm not─" a single bead of sweat assembled along the temple of her forehead; barely remarkable frown seen briefly between the arch of brows, "You certainly have a sway with words, stranger. I presume most think you're rather funny?" she wondered if he had perhaps bumped into somebody else, they'd laugh whole-heartedly to his charming smile. The ability to laugh was something she had lost a very long time ago. Even smiling was something that was rare to see cross over her lips. Letting a quiet sigh disembark from her lungs, a single hand, slender and seemingly frail, rested over her hip. "I'm fine. Something like that wouldn't hurt me." with a pause, striking indigo clashed against his gaze once more, "I'm just surprised you're not hurt." with an obvious intention of tease, fleeting play ran across her pools.

    The free hand, one which bared its emblem, extended towards the silver-haired male, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Shinra. You can call me Evelyn." awaiting for the warmth of another to shroud itself around the palm of her hand, the blonde stood there, misplacing the urgency of a missing fox. One, which had already meandered straight into the guild of Fairies.

    nah shin-san is cool! i like him already B)

    Last edited by Princess Natsu on 25th November 2015, 1:51 am; edited 1 time in total


    Hi I'm Shinra...and my guild master glitters like a kindergarten art project! :D  6JfY43L
    Character Magic History
    Main Theme // Child of Corenglaw:
    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Grand Arcanum
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Hi I'm Shinra...and my guild master glitters like a kindergarten art project! :D

    Post by Faith Caliburn 22nd November 2015, 11:39 am


    Rank: D

    Guild:Fairy Tail



    Magic: N/A


    Akihito Shinra
    Fairy Tail
    Shinra took Evelyn's hand gently, his fingers warped around her hand to form a soft and gentle, yet firm handshake. "hmmm? Me? Immoral? No.... I'm simply a human...who enjoy's casual talk..." Shinra assumed she was talking about him. Shinra held the handshake for a fleeting few seconds. Under that short span of time, Evelyn would surely feel Shinra's cold body temperature. It wold feel as if she had her hand wrapped around a small ball of fluffy snow. As he withdrew his hand he listed to her speak once again, the spirits within Shinra murmured in glee as he would hush them once again internally. He found her attempt at a playful banter quite amusing, he had expected the young woman to be a bit more hostile.

    "I try to be funny......but it seems that I'm just not cut out to be a comedian....what shame stand up comedy was a dream of mine." Shinra let out a fake sigh pretending to utterly defeated and heart broken, as if his dreams of being a brilliant comedian had been shattered. "My words sway? I think not....I simply speak what my mind, heart and lips tell me too. Any ol person can speak as eloquent and charming as me...hahaha kidding." Shinra joked once again as he eased his right hand into his pocket to take up a more casual and relaxed posture. His left hand would raise itself slowly in Shinra's usual graceful manner, his left hand would then brush a strand of sliver white hair away from his eyes. He's smile glowed even more brightly as he he heard Evelyn joke around once again.

    "Me hurt? I certainly am.....I think you might have broken a few ribs." Chuckled Shinra as he returned the joke with a light hearted joke of his own. "Perhaps you'd be so kind to accompany me to the nearest hospital? Ahahaha" chuckled Shinra's he teased a little bit more.

    "well....my lady Evelyn....are you here with someone?" inquired Shinra as he patiently awaited Evelyn's answer.

    NOTES: yup I think they'll be good friends lol XD

    Princess Natsu
    Princess Natsu

    Child of Thunder

    Child of Thunder

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Feeling Empty
    Position : None
    Posts : 333
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
    Cosmic Coins : 3
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Corenglaw ⌜Alive⌟
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer ⌜1st Gen⌟
    Second Skill: x
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Hi I'm Shinra...and my guild master glitters like a kindergarten art project! :D

    Post by Princess Natsu 25th November 2015, 7:36 pm

    Cold. As the strike of gently writhing fingers ringed around her open hand, it was only normal to discern that his skin did indeed feel like ice. Perhaps he was frequently chilly, though, Natsu was not one to point out these things in people she did not even know. And before she knew it, her curiosity subsided once their hands separated from one another. "Was it now?" she commented quietly to his mention of once longing to be a stand-up-comedian, her voice slightly dull, as if uninterested in this aimless note of information. Azure pools fluttered over to the side briefly, composed despite his persistence to tease; it would take at least a year before the young-lady showed any sort of expression towards him. Or towards anybody for that matter. She had always deliberately gone out of her way to avoid or get close to others, because in the end, no matter what, she would always be left alone. Friends left and appeared in the blink of an eye, leaving behind tears, regret and desolation. She longed for the day to fall before them. To be swept away into the embrace of death, and to be reborn perhaps as a mortal in another time, somewhere else, far away.

    Is he really? Shinra seemed to joke around a lot, carefully letting his words slip past his lips as he spoke in a bewitching demeanour; passing eyes wandering into both of their direction as they stood there off to the side, just next to the shop she was in moments ago. Her opticals of ocean blue lowered slightly as she watched him, the motions he conducted almost seemingly planned out like the act in a play; flawlessly chiseled features shimmering against the light of the sun. The citizens of Magnolia were beginning to wonder if the two were perhaps idols. "No actually I—" features suddenly extended, shifting to a shocking expression of realization, "Oh, right. Actually, I got separated from my friend." with a pause, her attention turned towards the hoard of moving people, like a school of fish crowding along the streets of coral and weed. "You wouldn't have happened to see a small orange fox, would you?" eagerly awaiting his reply, she hoped he would have at least noticed the one being capable of grabbing somebody's attention; especially with his evident hatred for the species of human-kind.

    sorry it's a bit crappy, had to rush a little.

    This template does not belong to me, all credit goes to the original owner.


    Hi I'm Shinra...and my guild master glitters like a kindergarten art project! :D  6JfY43L
    Character Magic History
    Main Theme // Child of Corenglaw:
    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
    Position : None
    Posts : 129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Grand Arcanum
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Hi I'm Shinra...and my guild master glitters like a kindergarten art project! :D

    Post by Faith Caliburn 26th November 2015, 7:15 pm

    Shinra was not trying to attract any attention. He simply kept the smile going in reality his disliked the prying eyes, in his opinion Shinra felt that he wasn't anything special, he had no great magical power to boast of, he had no particular talents but reading and playing strategy games. He wasn't as grand as he people saw him as, and this mad him feel uncomfortable their expectations really got to him, for a brief moment he was regretting he stayed and chatted.....But his mentality changed completely when he had heard Evelyn's question. She was looking for someone....during the conversation she didn't really show much emotion, but for a brief moment Shinra felt her slight distress, this missing fox must have been very precious to her. Shinra decided to help Evelyn locate the missing fox.

    "I'm afraid I haven't....erm...." Shinra's smile slightly began to diminish the peoples prying eyes began to get to him. He cleared his thoughts and regained control his desire to help his new acquaintance filled him a small boost of determination. He began to think of many places where the fox could be. A young boy Shinra had met while getting his passports approached Evelyn and Shinra.

    "UWAH! Your the fairy tail mage! My names Klowbi.....you might not remember me...but I'm the kid from Rose Garden! The time when you went to go get your passport! I didn't get your name though big bro....you mind tellin me?" The kid, no older than ten looked up at Shinra full of admiration. Shinra found it......unpleasant.....unsettling....he wasn't used to being thanked by people.

    "Uh yeah...I remember you kiddo....My names Akihtio Shinra....Just call me Shinra...." Shinra said in a nervous chuckle trying to look away from the kids bright and hopeful eyes. The kid turned to Evelyn and smiled.

    "Wow miss your really pretty! My bro over here's the best! Ya know...my big sister was off overseas trying to make some money for our family....but you see she was tricked by some bad people and lost all her money and had no way to come back home....but mister Shinra over here gave me 1000 jewels! So I gave it to momma! We had just enough money to buy a one way ticket for big sis! Se was able to finally come home all thanks big bro over here!...Saaaaay arebig bro Shinra's Gir-mfffded?" The kid rambled on embarrassing Shinra even further, just before the kid could say anymore Shinra dash forward and covered the kids mouth with his hand.

    "Listen Klowbi...it's great you think I helped you out...but I didn't do anything...trust me there's no need to thank me!" Whispered Shinra as he took his hand away from the kids mouth.

    "Oh....alright is she not your-" once again the Klowbi was cut off.

    "NO SHE'S NOT! I'M NOT INTO THAT KIND OF STUFF!" whispered Shinra intensely.

    "Oh....so you in to uhh guys or somethin?"

    Shinra face palmed and let out a sigh of defeat. "NO I'M NOT INTO GUYS!....Kid.....just let it be...shes just an acquaintance!" replied Shinra trying to sort out the misunderstanding.

    "A wha?" obviously the kid had no idea what acquaintance meant.

    "She's a uh...... in lack of a better term a new friend.....j-just forget about it...." sighed Shinra as he gave the kid a pat on the head. The little conversation he had with the kid was much like how a younger brother would pester their older sibling.

    "Okie-dokie bro!" klowbi beamed obviously happy to talk to Shinra.

    "Can you quit with the bro thing? I'm not you brother..." Shinra sighed once again obviously feeling a bit awkward after being constantly called "bro".

    "Y-you don't like it?" said Klowbi slightly sad.

    "mother fu-errmmm I mean......whatever... call me whatever you like....got it....bro?" Shinra decided to just let the kid have his way.

    "Alright!" klowbi's face brightened up once again.

    "Anyway kid...have you seen a small orange fox around here?" inquired Shinra as he scratched his head obviously already mentally exhausted by speaking to the kid.

    "OH YEAH! I HAVE! IT WAS HEADED TOWARDS YOUR GUILD!" The Klowbi said excitedly. Shinra smiled and gave the kid another pat on the head, he handed the kid a 100 jewels as a reward.

    "Thanks kiddo...go get your family something to eat...it's not much but I hope it helps" smiled Shinra as he let out a small chuckle.

    "T-thanks! Your the best bro!" Klowbi laughed and ran off to the nearest candy shop.

    "I SAID TO GO GET SOME FOOD FOR YOU FAMILY NOT SOME CANDY!.....Damn kid..." Shinra shook his head laugh quietly to himself.

    "YEAH IMMA BY MY LITTLE SISTERS SOME CANDY!" Klowbi said as he waved goodbye.

    Shinra let out another sigh and turned to Evelyn. "I'm sorry you had to see that...uh lets go check my guild...maybe one of my comrades has seen the fox." Shinra put his hands in his pockets and looked towards his guilds direction.


    ooc: Sorry I didn't have time nor the effort to use my template XD lol hope you don't mind, sorry for the stupid dialogue and late reply lol

      Current date/time is 25th October 2024, 10:54 pm