Fairy Tail RP

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    Who's that Guild Master?


    Lineage : Zenith
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,250

    Who's that Guild Master? Empty Who's that Guild Master?

    Post by Esper 29th October 2021, 9:22 am

    Esper had found himself starting in Oaktown and ending up in another city entirely in front of Fairy Tail's guild hall. He'd already gotten his guild stamp from another member he'd assisted on the way, but he was told he needed to go finalize it by filling out some paperwork and introducing himself. He waited in a bush outside the hall when he witnessed others talking to a man they were calling Guild Master before entering. He'd enter the hall in his normal form, a fox like creature that screamed cuddle me, after weighing his options.

    "Hello. I'm Esper. I'm here to fill out some paperwork and see the guild master please." He was greeted by a cheerful woman who wanted nothing more than to squeeze him, but she resisted. It was demoralizing at times to be regarded as merely a mascot or pet, but oooweee the scratches. When someone gave him a good hug and started scratching him behind his ears or belly, he forgot all about how demoralizing it could be not being seen as more than a magical beast.

    Because he couldn't write, because he didn't have hands, he'd go into the guild master's room and find it empty. He appeared to be elsewhere at the moment so before the master returned to the room, Esper would transform into the master and then he'd walk out and tell another member to finish the paperwork for Esper. It wasn't the most honorable thing to do, but he could be a little mischievous at times. After returning to the room Esper would leave again after a pause in his normal form and approach the first woman he saw. "I think that about covers it. It said to have someone else do the paperwork for me and leave it on his desk when done."

    Esper would snicker to himself as he started to leave before the true master arrived. He was well aware that what he did may have a variety of consequences, most of which would be minor he hoped. If anything it showed he had interesting magic that was now being added to the guilds ranks. When he was almost to the door, the woman he had initially seen stood in front of him. She'd reach down and grab his tail, lifting him up to face him. Her grin was innocent, yet it was rife with power and potential fury. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, t I think it amusing that the master just went downstairs yet came out of his office the instant you walked in. Do you want to explain yourself, small one? What exactly are you? What kind of magic do you use?" With a smile on her face, she raised an eyebrow at the final query.

    The joke was over, and he'd been apprehended. His honorable spirit would kick in and he wouldn't even try to wiggle free. "I'm not sure what I am; I'm just a supernatural beast with innate magic that people term transformation and take-over. It's what I refer to as evolution magic. Sorry, I can't write, I only have paws, and believed what I did was harmless." She would look over and observe who was handling Espers paperwork. "There is no need to be concerned. Because Rosci botched his last job, let's delegate the paperwork to him. However, do not mimic the master in the future. Do you understand?" He wouldn't be morphing into the master again...at least not anytime soon.

    Word Count: 580

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Unexplained Prowess
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Who's that Guild Master? Empty Re: Who's that Guild Master?

    Post by MoRueran 29th October 2021, 9:22 pm

    Waddling into the guildhall was the peculiar MoRueran, the non-mage brawler of the guild who had gone missing during his trip in Talonia. Whatever happened there was a complex chain of events that saw him almost dying in the process. Now recuperating from his trip, the young apprentice baker was looking into doing simple jobs taking place within Magnolia when he wasn't resting or working in the small bakery along with his boss Billiam Feyson. Looking at the postings upon the commission's board, Mo was using his innate life-sensing abilities to feel out who was present within the headquarters of Fairy Tail.

    With his abnormal abilities developing as they were, the red-clad fighter remembered that he had to be careful if certain individuals like the guild master were present as Mura's lifeforce-- which was intertwined with his magic-- was considerably massive and would cause MoRueran great pain if he perceived it without preparation. Then, he came across the lifeforce of one individual that was both new yet oddly familiar. Penguin-walking his way over to investigate this new arrival, he came to find the newcomer literally being held up by the tail by one of the female staff.

    Waving at the two, the woman would give a small wave in greeting before she placed the small creature down and went off to probably do whatever tasks she needed to do. Mo's near-closed gaze went to Esper and, he went down on all fours to give a deep bow of respect to the small animal. "To you, many hellos and good cheers I give, yes!" The lifeforce exuded by the prospective recruit was one that was both constant yet in flux which hinted at the nature of his being and his ability to alter his form. It was very close to the inhabitants that Mo lived alongside of in the Amorphous Forest, the home of his childhood that he tried desperately to find. They were beings of imagination made real, whose form was dictated only by what they felt like being in the given moment.

    As a means of welcoming him and as a token of goodwill, Mo took out a small green tea pastry with red bean filling, placed it on a saucer, and then offered it with both hands to the fluffy critter as though they were a person. Because they essentially were a person in animal form.


    Health: 600/600
    Stamina Pool(SP): 600/600
    Character Speed: 80 mps
    Melee Damage: 40 hp [+36 hp][+36 hp][+34 hp]
    Erythrite Domain Sensory: 150-meter radius [When Activated]
    Unexplained Prowess

    Lineage : Zenith
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,250

    Who's that Guild Master? Empty Re: Who's that Guild Master?

    Post by Esper 30th October 2021, 11:49 am

    When the guy dropped down on all fours and bowed, Esper was taken aback. He wasn't sure if he was being teased or if the person was genuinely attempting to be courteous. For as long as he had absurved humanity, he could never be certain. That's when the red-clad man shouted up. He had an odd manner of speaking, which Esper genuinely enjoyed. It was at that point when food was offered. Sitting up like a proud beast or person, he would sniff it, seize it, and begin to devour it with joy and liking for the flavor. He'd never tasted anything so delicious in his life.

    He'd rearrange himself to be more regal and respectable after snarling the meal down, assuming a sitting position with his head up. "Many hellos and happy cheers to you, yes!" He'd repeat his statements and then add to them. "It's a delight. Esper is my name. I'm new around here." Holding up one of his paws revealed that he possessed a chroma colored guild insignia. Despite his desire to be deemed human, or at least equal to humans, Esper had the instincts of an animal, and this man was not raising any warning signs. As a result, he'd extend a paw for a shake. "Don't suppose you'd like to grab a seat somewhere and share more of whatever food that was? Last meal I had was a rabbit I caught a day ago."


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 115
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Unexplained Prowess
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Who's that Guild Master? Empty Re: Who's that Guild Master?

    Post by MoRueran 30th October 2021, 9:04 pm

    Having made a good impression upon their meeting, MoRueran clapped cheerfully while giving his usual dopey grin as he gently took the furry little person's proffered forepaw in the fingertips of his right hand and wiggled his hand up and down to give an appropriate handshake. Having exchanged greetings, a realization came to the young weirdo as he remembered the manners that Billiam taught him and would then properly introduce himself. "MoRueran I am, with you good meeting I have, yes!"

    After the duo was comfortably situated at a table, the apprentice baker would reach into one of his coat pockets-- which were surprisingly deep given how far in his arm was-- and would pull out a brown paper bag containing more of the pastries. A slight episode of dizziness came over the red fighter, a lingering side effect from what was a massive battle taking place within the mountains that were near Talonia. Or at least he believed there had been a battle. Mo's memory of the events that happened was lacking, as he had sustained a head injury that caused him some loss of recollection pertaining to what happened.

    There were vague snippets that come and go, one of which was a dreamlike impression that he was being nursed back to health by a man and woman that looked at him with eyes filled with concern. They were familiar but he couldn't recall where he saw their faces. Returning his attention to the well-mannered Esper, Mo would place another plated pastry well within his new acquaintance's reach. "Best boss-man Billi make, best big brother he is, yes." Giving a thumb's up, the childlike fellow would then look around-- not wanting to risk sending his mental faculties in shock by trying to perceive the sizeable lifeforce-- Mo tried to spot Guild Master Mura while the two would wait and the newcomer would eventually go through the formalities of his joining.

    @Esper @Mura Kensho


    Health: 600/600
    Stamina Pool(SP): 600/600
    Character Speed: 80 mps
    Melee Damage: 40 hp [+36 hp][+36 hp][+34 hp]
    Erythrite Domain Sensory: 150-meter radius [When Activated]
    Unexplained Prowess

    Lineage : Zenith
    Position : None
    Posts : 62
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,250

    Who's that Guild Master? Empty Re: Who's that Guild Master?

    Post by Esper 1st November 2021, 11:55 am

    Esper wasn't sure what he was saying at first, but he eventually realized he was referring to the guild master. Esper was eager to see him because he had just impersonated him. He'd privately hope that anything like that would strike him as amusing rather than repulsive. If he did, he knew not to do it again so as not to jeopardize his status inside the guild. Esper would also see his new friend's pain. His head swung about and his eyes fluttered, as if he was disoriented.

    "Are you all right, new friend? We can discuss somewhere else if you need. There are a lot of scents in here that I'm not used to and they are a little overwhelming. Though I suppose I should try to tough it out so I can get used to it."

    Esper would take his jaws away from the tasty delicacies his new buddy had given him long enough to raise his head up and smell the air. There were a variety of odors from the alcohol, different dishes, and the varied people. There was also a faint fragrance he couldn't identify that gave him the hibby jibbies coming from somewhere in the hall. It smelt of magic, which was odd since he had never smelled magic before.

      Current date/time is 9th November 2024, 5:10 pm