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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]


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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Chesha 16th November 2015, 4:52 am


    It’d been a spur-of-the-moment trip, one of those “I need to get out of the house” kind of deals that led the (supposedly) young woman to this place. She trusted her guild (or so she thought), loved her guild (or so she thought), but at the same time all these holes made things so…difficult, so confusing. Could she trust them? Did she actually like them, or was that something fabricated? The unknowns forced Mao to seek a certain sense of privacy, at least as far as getting away from people who would recognize and know her, possibly see the difference when she chose to communicate with that entity.

    If after all this she chose to stay with them, and recalled her supposed fondness for faces that turned into strangers seemingly by the day then it might be another matter entirely. For now though the tailed woman didn’t want them thinking her insane as she became lost in that mental communication whilst also seeking a few answers from a distant library. The place was a little known for some of its more arcane and old texts, inspiring her choice of destination rather than an aimless walk through the woods. She’d read plenty of interesting works, but ultimately not a single one helped relieve any of the anxiety she gained as of late.

    ”So eager for answers, yet so afraid to take them when you know where they lie.”

    ”It’s not as easy as you think…not when she holds a power over me and I do not wish to harm her. I don’t even know how I’ve planned…whatever it is I have planned to date, not with all these memory wipes. Things only appear easy as you’re an outside force.”

    ”Yes, one who has been watching, and waiting…well, it’s not as if either of us don’t have the time…but your’s will more likely run out before mine. I’d rather view a success than see you fail.”

    ”And it’s hard to tell whose benefit you speak for,” she murmured aloud, afraid to voice the thought to that other presence. They’d begun haunting her thoughts with increasing frequency to the point she feared someone hearing parts of their conversation. How they would didn’t matter as the paranoia existed all the same, a part of her unsure whether or not he could hear more than just her thoughts anyways and merely opted to remain quiet on it. While Mao believed this entity that declared itself one of her ancestors held some desire to help her, she found it hard to believe at the same time knowing more and more by the day that she was little more than a tool for her people. For all she knew this was merely another way they exerted their control over her, causing the puppet to dance upon its strings for their amusement and personal gain. And yet the shared goals it spoke of…but still she continued to question it.

    Lost in thought she continued to walk at a slow pace, nearing the edge of the small town that housed the library. The woman wasn’t eager to return home immediately, but she found little reason to stay in this town as recent knowledge of her purpose wilted her usual desire to read for the sheer pleasure of it.




    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Benjamin 17th November 2015, 12:56 am

    A lonesome wind blew through the land at Fiore's edge, a certain gray haired mage trekking along.

    Dmitry Kazakov had, in truth, no particular reason for being here. He had simply been wandering for a few days, trying to lose himself in the land as he used to. Despite how used to Hargeon he was, wandering was something he'd done for most of his life and he would always be accustomed to it, a nomad at heart for the foreseeable future. Recently, something had unnerved Dmitry, putting him through an experience he had never encountered before. Possibly one of the dearest, if one of the only friends he had was going through a problem he had encountered when he was a child and still regretted to this day.

     Mao Nakiri had a severe case of amnesia, even worse than what Dmitry suffered. And for whatever reason, it's become worse, causing her to almost completely forget him. Dmitry had never been one to be overly engrossed in the problems of others, thinking it best if they solve those problems themselves. However, upon discovering this dilemma in his friend, that strange girl who buried herself in books and seemed oblivious to what was actually happening around her, the Lamian became furious. A condition like this was not natural; someone caused this. That someone would do this to his friend made him sick to his stomach. 

    And that was why it was so confusing. it wasn't as though Dmitry couldn't figure out why he was upset, it's that it was so hard to get used to. This uncharted territory in so many ways and despite the progress he had made in figuring everything out, he felt lost and scared. What if he failed? What if he couldn't get her memory back? The questions that floated about his head were compounded by something else. A feeling he was getting about all of this, ever since this started. Something Dmitry could only identify as instinct was telling him that something horrible could end up happening to the girl that had been on his mind.

    As he approached a nearby town to rest, he would have probably ran into the person infront of him had they not caught his attention with a rather distinct feature.

    Dmitry stood wide-eyed, unsure of what to do or say, as if what he saw before him was nothing more than an illusion. Finally he blinked a few times, the source of his anxiety standing before him, as if to mock him his efforts.

    "Mao..." The name came out of his mouth in a whisper, before the Great Wolf stepped in.

    'Watch yourself, boy...' Hati warned his pupil, knowing full well what kind of attachment Dmitry had for this woman. 'You must have noticed it by now, yes? That thing permeating the air around it.' Finally taking notice of the strong yet odd presence around Mao, Dmitry narrowed his eyes just a bit. 'That is an ancestral spirit, a being that gains power through time and reverence. And this one has been revered a long time. I'd be careful aro-' 

    'Shut the hell up, old man!' Dmitry mentally shouted at his mentor, before shaking his head and looking back at Mao.

    "Uh...hey..." The mage greeted her almost timidly, if he was even capable of such a thing.

    "Can we, uh...can we talk?"

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Chesha 17th November 2015, 6:19 am

    Belatedly the woman realized she almost crashed into someone, slightly jumping in surprise as she awoke from that minor stupor and backed up a couple of steps. About to excuse herself with an apology hearing her name almost whispered caused more shock than being unintentionally jolted back to her senses, forcing the bewildered crystal mage to look up at the stranger. Small recognition crossed her face, hood-covered head tilting a bit as those long, dark ears leaned back a little. It was the man who’d been so concerned with helping her in the sewers, his attachment to someone who barely knew him so odd at the time. Yet mostly she could remember excruciating pain as the arsonist melded the crystals to her skin, the recollection causing a tiny wince.

    ’What is it he wants to talk about?’ she wondered, unsure about accepting. The man appeared a little dazed for some reason prior to his request, hesitant upon his return to the present. He always acted so strangely around her, the responses curious and a little unsettling in ways.

    It’d been her hesitance and lack of surety that spurred the protective beast into action. Awaiting Mao’s return on the outskirts of town, hiding himself within the woods to avoid alarming any of the town’s people. Whether or not they were used to such beasts thanks to prior mages’ visits he couldn’t be sure, but with the rising anxiety he quickly rose up from his nap and charged into action. While they assigned him the duty of protecting her and watching over their little “tool,” to Nocshanks it’d been his chosen mission as he witnessed her people subjugate his kind. If he had to act the monster to prevent her from experiencing pain, then so be it…

    Feeling that sudden surge of protectiveness Mao’s eyes widened before she grabbed the man by the sleeve and tried to pull him behind her even as the tailed woman moved to stand between him and the sudden growling beast. Lines along its body glowed a light sky blue as golden eyes matched their brilliance, teeth barred towards the young man.

    ”What are you doing?!”

    ”Getting rid of the threat. He’s wrought enough problems unknowingly, I shall not permit him to do so knowingly.”

    ”Nocshanks, STOP!” she shouted, teeth gritting before she relaxed her stance from the defensive hunch into a commanding one, ”If he wishes to speak to me, then I’d like to know what about…I…already understand…” Even the strong aura she possessed wilted a little as those green eyes slid to the side and she bit her lip, knowing that he was amongst her “forgotten.” It lay at the root of her problem, creating so many questions and curiosities about his actions and intentions, among others she’d come to recognize bearing that heart-wrenching title. Regaining a bit of her strength and resolve the dark-haired woman again grabbed the man’s sleeve and started dragging him past the beast, keeping herself between them, ”We can talk in the forest. Nocshanks will make sure no strangers interrupt us.”




    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Benjamin 18th November 2015, 3:20 am

    Dmitry suddenly heard something barreling towards him from behind and crouched, drew his knife, and turned to face it all in one motion, a fierceness in his eyes that rivaled, if not surpassed that of the creature in front of him. However, before either of them could lay into one another, the rabbit eared girl who was both figuratively and literally at the center of this stopped the two dead in their tracks, before dragging Dmitry off towards the woods in a confusion induced stupor. He took one last look at the beast, wondering what his connection to Mao was, before it disappeared beyond the trees.

    When the two mages stopped, the medium sat down on a tree stump and thought about what to say, having never thought about it until now. "Look, I went on this job in those ruins...and I found something. A journal from one of the original wizard saints, he...he knew someone like you, Mao..." Dmitry paused, uncertain of what kind of reaction to expect, before continuing. "She had absolutely no memory of who she was when he met her and eventually the memories she made afterword were lost too. After a year and a half...she was gone...vanished. He never saw her again." The gray-hair looked at Mao before concluding his findings. "I used the Zuo's library to figure out all the places this wizard saint went during the time he wrote the journal, and everywhere he turned up there was someone with him that matches her description. It ain't much, I know, but we could use this. If we track where she went, we mind find more details and those could lead us to better info." The tribal looked at the ground again, finally realizing his knife was still drawn and placing it back in his boot. "I get that it's a shit lead, but it's... it's somethin'. You gotta start somewhere, yeah? I just...I just thought you oughta know about that...you know...if it helps..." Dmitry trailed off, unable to think of anything else to say, before looking at the surrounding forest.  

    A place like this should have made him feel infinitely better than he was at the moment, abound with living things and spirits alike. Unfortunately, everything felt so mixed up for him that even a place like this offered little to no comfort. Once again, his eyes fell on the woman who had him so caught up lately.

    "So what do you think?"

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Chesha 19th November 2015, 3:13 am

    Whatever she’d been expecting it hadn’t been this, though in retrospect the girl really lacked an idea what he wanted to talk about. ’Someone like me?’ Her head tilted a bit at the comparison, curiosity present as he moved on after a moment’s hesitation. It gave her reason to ponder to say the least, though perhaps not for the reasons he hoped as she considered this information. ’If someone came before…did they decide to hold off on any decrees until the society evolved more? Or were they sent to investigate a different people and they merely befriended the saint along the way?’ She wouldn’t be surprised if there was some archived records back home, though someone of her stature likely couldn’t access them.

    The way he looked at her though and the eager lengths he went to “help” her found the woman offering him a kind, but pitying look. If she didn’t remake today’s crystal with false memories in it then this single moment would be worthy of labeling her “broken” and having her decommissioned or destroyed. Yet Mao felt it’d be unfair to retain what knowledge she’d come across and let this man continue fumbling in the dark for reasons that still eluded them both. ”If she malfunctioned even half as bad as I have,” she started, using the same terminology they’d use for her, eyes roaming back up to meet his mismatched ones, ”then her…’technician’ would likely have to perform memory wipes here and there to help create more distance. She was meant to only get close enough to the people to watch safely…”

    This was so blasphemous and even her ancestor questioned telling this person information, especially if it could get her killed, and she had to outright shut out Nocshanks’ worried voice from her mind. Steeling herself with a fortifying breath she opened those soft green eyes and continued to explain, ”Once she’d collected sufficient data then her assignment of observing whatever people she’d been assigned to was completed, they picked her up, erased all memories of it, and then probably sent her onto her next assignment soon after. She’ll probably never remember her time with the Wizard Saint or anyone else she met during that time because they won’t consider it important. We’re just tools after all…and as cruel as it sounds, the people observed don’t mean much to them either. No matter how much people come to care about us it doesn’t matter, because we’re not people, not to them. We’re just tools they bred and can be discarded at their whim.”

    She laughed without any real feeling to it, ”To be fair I probably should’ve been scrapped some time ago, but for whatever reason I guess they determined I still function within their parameters…”

    More than anything she didn’t wish to drag this fellow she must’ve considered a friend into her problems, not eager to watch the gray-haired man come to harm all because of her. ”Someday I’ll probably disappear too…but that’s life.” The woman gave a half-hearted shrug. What more could she say? Whatever she’d been plotting in the past she couldn’t recall it right now so the tailed mage couldn’t offer him any comforting words or promises. ’There’s no saying it’s something I can accomplish in this cycle either…’




    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Benjamin 20th November 2015, 12:53 am


    That was all that came out of Dmitry's mouth when Mao said her piece about disappearing, looking at the ground for about a minute. He did not move and he barely breathed, eyes covered by his hair.

    "That's...that's not gonna happen..." He finally said as he looked at Mao, the same animal like intensity in his eyes as before. "I won't let it." One could feel the wind pick up around him and the temperature rise, the earth beneath his feat giving off a bizarre, almost tangible pulse. He wasn't trying to comfort her, nor was he trying to act tough. In truth, this was all he could do to contain the rage in him. If his full wrath was let loose right now, the forest they were in would be wiped clean in a matter of seconds. Naturally, he couldn't let that happen, considering present company.

    After that, he simply looked to his front for two more minutes as he cooled down, when something...strange happened. At first, Dmitry's anger hid this phenomenon from his senses, especially considering how little light and sound it produced. However, after some time, he began to feel a sensation that was unfamiliar to say the least, drawing his attention the way supernatural activity always did. Soon, presence began to invade his attention and seep into his mind, causing him to stand up and look around, like a dog catching a scent.

    The now alert mage looked about the area, trying to find the source of this feeling, when he caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a sliver light in the air. Approaching the sliver, he kept his guard up as he had never felt this kind of activity before, a natural cause for concern. 

    'Careful, boy,' Hati spoke, voicing concern over his pupils actions. 'I think I've felt this before...'

    Of course, Dmitry wasn't paying any mind and was soon observing the disturbance up close, raising his hand to cautiously touch it. As soon as his hand made contact, the fissure erupted with brilliant light, engulfing the medium. Anyone who managed to get even a glimpse through the light might have seen Dmitry's figure being sucked through the fissure, as it his form was being swallowed whole. It seemed for a while he felt like he was tumbling though this light, until finally the motion ceased, the light fading soon after to reveal where the mage had 'landed', as it were.

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Chesha 21st November 2015, 1:18 am

    Fear crept into her, causing the girl to take a step or two away from the man as the very earth trembled. The very intensity with which he rejected the idea both intrigued and confused her, more curious now about their interactions prior to the memory alterations. What caused someone to react so strongly to such stimuli? Were they really so close? ’This would be on par with many a character in a story’s reaction to losing a friend or family member: which did he consider me?’ She hesitated to ask, now worried that perhaps she’d pushed the gray-haired man too far by offering him the truth? ’Maybe I should’ve humored him rather than reveal so much?’

    Everything left the tailed woman unsure what to say in the aftermath, the very limb swishing and curling about in a minor attempt to relieve some of her anxious energy. Dmitry’s change in demeanor caught her attention as something else grabbed at the man’s focus, drawing him away from the little scene. Even Nocshanks became intrigued by the man’s shift, creeping a little closer through the trees to watch from the comfort of their shade as the wolfish mage (in his point of view) walked towards some odd distortion.

    What happened next left them both a little muddled as Mao groaned. There’d been a large burst of light engulfing him, prodding Mao to reach out for him and in the natural chain for the large canine to leap forward, and forcing all three to slip through the crack in reality. Lying on the ground groaning some more, she belatedly realized it was Nocshanks nudging her side, trying to rouse the woman. ”Are you all right? You…may wish to move, you’re blocking the man from standing up.”

    Heaving herself off of poor Dmitry, who’d cushioned her fall she mumbled out an apology while her senses attempted to readjust to their new setting. The place seemed to glow, the brightness a little disconcerting and disorienting compared to the nice and shaded woods they’d been in moments before. Yet for all the light she didn’t feel overheated like in the deserts, and the ground felt rather soft beneath her hands and body – so much so the woman experienced a strong temptation to merely lie down and cuddle the soft substance. Everything, even the very air around them, felt so peaceful the urge to suddenly sleep struck her as the best idea.

    ”To sleep here would not be wise,” the deep and rumbling voice audibly advised, nudging the female mage again, ”as peaceful as it is, I do not trust this place.”

    ”I would listen to your little pet. Wherever you are it tastes rather…strange…from where I am.”




    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Benjamin 22nd November 2015, 10:07 pm


    A sensation Dmitry had never gotten  accustomed to.

    It was a rare thing after all, hen he was a child. He was lucky if the ground wasn't to hard, let alone soft. As a result, he had never been able to get comfortable lying on soft surfaces, choosing instead to sleep against a wall, on the floor, or even on top of a roof. And yet, here he was, surrounded by this sensation called soft, above and below it seemed. Strangest of all, he seemed unperturbed by it, perhaps even enjoying it. Perhaps it was the warmness of this place or maybe the intoxicating presence that seemed to fill it, lulling him into the near-sleep state he was in. Or was it the strange comfort he took in the weight that was resting on top of him, pressuring and at the same time, reassuring him in some way. Something about it made all of this seem alright, like everything was the way it should be. But then it was gone and the softness faded away, the comfort gone.

    Dmitry's eyes slowly opened, having to adjust to the ridiculous amount of light in this place. He sat up and looked around.

    "Just where...is this?" Said the gray-hair, now wondering just what the hell happened, how they got there, and how they were going to get back.

    'What do you think, old man?' Dmitry asked the wolf spirit, wondering if he might recognize this. '...old man?' Nothing. No response whatsoever. It was at this time that Dmitry realized a grave fact: he could no longer feel his spirits around him. Because they were constantly around him, the mage became used to their presence to the point that he did not consciously notice them. However, while the bonds were still intact, Dmitry couldn't detect the presence of those spirits that he formed those bonds with anywhere in this world, wherever that was. What's more, he knew that if he stayed in this place to long, those bonds would fade until they were no more. It left Dmitry with a feeling he hadn't felt in a decade. Loneliness 

    Just as he began to let that feeling show on his face, something like a horn blew out into the air, loud and strong. The summoner turned to see what the noise was all about and saw what appeared to be a massive shining city, with something flying away from it that Dmitry couldn't make out through the glare of all the buildings. Soon, those flying objects came further into view, causing him to be on guard.

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Chesha 25th November 2015, 12:32 am

    Aside for everything seemingly radiating light she might’ve liked this place, the atmosphere peaceful and soothing as if one should want to be here. ’It’s…a little intoxicating…but…’ she frowned, a little concerned by that fact, ’that in of itself could be a trap as well…a very good predatory ability.’ Absentmindedly she rubbed her hand against Nocshanks’ neck, the tall beast growling lowly under his breath as if to stave off the same sensation. He’d always been quite cautious, though she didn’t blame him either as animal instinct spurred her on to do the same beneath the soothing sensation.

    A loud horn caught her attention, forcing the woman from her reveries and only now noticed the city in the distance, the place almost daunting in its presence and mere being. Something left into the sky, Mao raising a hand to try and block it out, but to no avail with the sun shining right behind them. Behind the woman her tail twitched, swishing a little thereafter even when she could make out the three flying figures. ’We didn’t…come…home did we?’ The bewildering thought fell away quickly enough, Mao pretty sure her home world wasn’t normally this bright nor comforting. She might not be able to remember it, but instinctively her body didn’t recognize it so the crystal mage felt pretty sure about the claim.

    As they neared details could finally be seen, the woman flanked by what appeared to be two guards bearing a serious look as one of her hands held her staff tightly. Her dress danced in the wind, held down in places by seams or armor – though she wore only a few plates compared to the other two who bore complete chest plates and gauntlets, their feet clad in boots. Only their pants remained a lighter material that wavered with each flap of their wings, helmets only adding to their glaring looks. For now their swords and shields remained stowed, but Mao bet that could change in the blink of an eye if they weren’t careful. Long blond curls flared out behind their leader, changing to a bobbing dance when the trio came close enough to speak and yet remained hovering in the air to keep their distance.

    ”Halt intruders,” her melodic voice rang out, commanding, ”step no further. Speak your names and your reason for trespassing demons: you know you hold no place in the heavens. If you speak honestly we may be lenient with your punishment.”

    ’Heavens?’ She’d always believed that to be some tall tale people used to soothe themselves in regards to death. To find it to be an actual location mystified Mao, stunning her for a second, though she refrained from completely accepting the woman’s words, ”We are not demons lest you consider every mortal beast one…if you do then I refuse to call you ‘angels’ if that’s what you truly are…” She couldn’t help the challenging tone, not caring for the way she seemed to especially glare at Nocshanks, paying little mind to the way one of the guards in turn frowned at her, especially eying the unusual tail.




    Silver Glare

    Silver Glare

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Benjamin 27th November 2015, 12:29 am


    A curse muttered with a short exhale.

    Dmitry knew full well what these beings were: angels, as they were known among man. Hati had told him a bit about these very real denizens of what men called 'heaven'. In truth, this was not some place you go when you die, but an entirely different realm, full of it's own laws and life. Perhaps people did go to a nice place when you pass on, but it certainly wasn't here. Dmitry began to step towards the woman flanked by guards, for once turning to negotiation.

    "Look, we didn't come here on purpose," he said to the obvious superior among the three. "We just wanna go ho-" Unfortunately, he was cut off when one of the guards grabbed his shoulder to stop him, causing his instincts to kick in. Dmitry grabbed the mans wrist and turned while twisting said wrist over and pulling the angel towards him. He then grabbed the poor sod's shield and slipped it off his back as he flung him into his equally ranking compatriot, just before throwing it at them both like a Frisbee. Unfortunately, as he turned towards the woman, she was already sweeping Dmitry off his feet with her staff. Before he hit the ground, the medium turned and landed on his hands and feet, pushing himself off the ground just in time to avoid the woman's next attack.

    "Your movements are puzzling, for a demon in our realm..." She said, a surprised tone in her voice. Dmitry eyed her carefully, unsure of what this officer was capable of, due to what little even Hati knew about these ones. "Like I said before, if you'll just let us, we'd be more than happy to return to Earthland." Dmitry hated this kind of approach, but it seemed like the safest option at the time, the alternative being to fight his way out. Considering he had no idea how he got here, let alone how he could leave, and the fact that Mao was with him, the latter choice seemed unlikely to succeed, at best.

    "I cannot allow that," The woman objected. "To do so without first confirming your claim would the epitome of irresponsibility." Dmitry's frowned deepened even further at that. He was on a timetable after all. "All right then," He said, ready to get this over with and go home.

    "What is it that we gotta do for you guys to believe us?"

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Chesha 3rd December 2015, 12:44 am

    They struck for whatever reason, the one guard perhaps a bit antsy and quick to jump the gun. Yet before she could even think to help the man had things under control in sorts – or at least she couldn’t interfere without potentially getting him too. Even a quick jab with the tail might hit the wrong target with how fast everything happened. She was more impressed however when the woman knocked his feet out from under him and yet he recovered so quickly, ’Well…he is a bit wolfish…suppose good reflexes feel right.’

    Having never met a demon before – to her knowledge or recollection, which she’d determined to be faulty – Mao could only wonder how they moved to begin with let alone in this realm. ’Does this realm somehow affect them? I know that in general fiction and religious works they tend to be at odds, and with the god and demon slayers they’re good at slaying their faction due to a sort of corruption or holy variable to their element…I suppose if this realm might somehow be permeated with holy energy then any demonic entities trying to sneak in would fall under some effects. So then why can’t they determine if we are or not?’ It was an annoying conundrum, leaving the girl to wonder if maybe demons could create some protective measures against it or abilities to hide such facts.

    Unfortunately they wouldn’t be allowed to go Scott free, which she could understand even if the tailed woman found it a bit troubling at the same time. Sure they knew they weren’t demons, but apparently the angels couldn’t figure it out and needed to test them somehow.

    ”We shall have you fight in the stadium. Even if you are the strongest of demons you would fail to uphold your disguises or temporary immunity to our realm after being exposed to our holy combat for long. And if you refuse then the answer is simple.” Judging by her serious glare they would be labeled demons simply by refusing, “guilty by admittance.”

    It didn’t sit well with Mao, her stomach churning at the way this woman acted…so familiar…she could see sparks of a shadowy figure overlay her, passing judgement…offering no soothing words, merely factual statements with absolute authority. Some small, willful part of her wanted to lash out at this woman for daring to insinuate she’d take Nocshanks away from her and…some part of her resented the slight attack the man suffered as well.

    For a brief second Mao envisioned sinking fangs into the woman’s neck where it met her shoulder.

    The desire slid away quickly enough, the girl more prone to violence for the sake of protecting and even then taking life unnecessarily wasn’t her style. Food being the exception, she’d prefer to let people live because the woman believed everyone deserved their chance at life. This woman here was merely doing her duty to protect her people, something Mao could both sympathize with and understand. ”Very well, if you would kindly show us the way…we will participate in your…gladiatorial tournament.” Still….seemed like a funny form for angels to use. ’I wonder how far they differ from the human’s idyllic form?’

    Once the lady began leading them towards the location, the two grumbling guards behind them, Mao whispered to Dmitry, ”Are you all right?”


    [Wave 1]
    Chesha carried out 1 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] OdAaNwh



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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Benjamin 4th December 2015, 12:23 am

    Dmitry scowl became deeper still as Mao accepted the terms, not that they had a choice. But as much as he realized her skill and the necessity of proving their mortality, he didn't like the idea of her being put at risk in foreign territory, let alone with his inability to invoke spirits in this place. Resigning himself to the task ahead, he got back to his feet and followed after the bird lady along with Mao.

    "H-huh?" This was the sound of Dmitry's reaction to Mao's concern, a bit surprised at her worry. However, he smiled warmly at her, glad to see she was still the same girl he had come to know. "Don't worry 'bout it; I'm used to ending up on my back." He said as he put a hand on top of her head, scratching the back of her ear the same way as he saw Sillibus doing until he was interrupted by the apparent angel-in-charge.

    "Eh? Oh yeah..." Dmitry said, putting his hand back down at his side as they arrived at what appeared to be a colosseum. "I you're quite through, this is where the trial will take place," the A.I.C. said, motioning towards the arena. "There will be six stages of judgement, you will fight a different number and skill level in the fighters that you face off against in each stage. You will be given a short period of rest between each to account for reasonable levels of exhaustion that a mortal may be expected to come under. Any questions?" Dmitry didn't answer that question about questions and instead walked into the colosseum, ready to get this over with.

    As his scowl returned, showing just how much he despised this situation, the gate on the other side opened to reveal a single angel with a sword, the blade of which was about five feet long. Dmitry simply cracked his neck and walked toward the man, doing his best to stroll in a manner that appeared over confident and arrogant. Naturally, the poor fool took the bait and swung the blade at the mage in a downward, vertical arc. Dmitry leaped to the right about a foot and rushed the angel as his blade hit the ground, bashing his forehead into the winged man's nose before grabbing his knees pulling them out from under him. As the two landed on the ground, the gray-haired savage began ruthlessly beating the angel's face, landing four blows until the gladiator had managed to throw him off, using a foot for extra lift. Dmitry, of course, landed on his back, though he immediately rolled over and got into his usual, low stance.

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Chesha 4th December 2015, 10:33 pm

    ’That seems a bit strange to be used too, but if he’s all right then I guess no harm.’ He really was a bit of a funny fellow to Mao, the answer gaining a small smile and chuckle that quickly changed into a small purr as he curiously touched behind her ear in just the right spot. ’How does he know?’

    It was a strange thing, the girl pretty sure she barely let people touch her let alone find out such a sensitive spot as that. Not that there existed time to question the man about it as the angelic woman interrupted the moment, but it left her wondering how he’d come to know about it all the same. How close were they before?

    The woman certainly couldn’t remember any librarians who’d done it offhandedly one day, unable to help momentarily treating her like a pet.

    Rather than show any ounce of caution Dmitry began strutting towards their decided foe, confusing the long-eared girl for sure and even attracting the horned canine’s curiosity. The headbutt evoked a wince from Mao as more often than naught nobody won with a headbutt, yet watching the two duke it out so closely Mao donned her gloves: she wouldn’t let him deal with it all. Whatever the case, this man already put himself through some sort of journey for her sake so it’d be irresponsible to leave all of this to him, never mind the injuries he might wrack up otherwise. As they separated, the angel warrior forcing the gray-haired medium off of him and getting up the winged fellow found himself yet again at the mercy of a headbutt, albeit with the armored skull of another world’s beast.

    Held in place thanks to the horns, the man found himself at the mercy of the oversized canine as it flung him aside, body skipping a bit like a rock. Finally feet found purchase as he slid across the ground crouched down, arms barred in a protective X in front as he cautiously opened an eye. The man grimaced as the beast charged again, feet pushing against the ground even as both wings gave a mighty flap to propel him into the air. What he couldn’t see behind the animalistic foe was Mao running until she stepped on the armored behemoth’s tail, the muscled limb boosting her to his back and allowing the woman to get extra propulsion from the flinging of his head. Skyward she flew, the man too startled to maneuver as she was upon him within seconds, tail wrapping around one wing to disable it as they crashed down, and all the while the grappler careful to position him as the landing cushion.

    Dust flew up, covering them from view before a small breeze pushed it aside, and revealed Mao atop the passed out warrior’s back, tail still holding one wing down even as she’d pulled an arm behind the man’s back, knee braced against his lower ribcage. It took some serious willpower not to let out a growl or hiss, or anything similar if only to avoid confusion with a demon, but a small part of her wanted that little victory noise too.


    [Wave 1 - Done]



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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Benjamin 10th December 2015, 12:22 am

    He wasn't sure why, but as the dust settled and Mao stood victorious, Dmitry felt a strange, tingly sensation in him accompanied by a compulsion that he didn't recognize. Rather than dwell on whatever the hell that was all about, he shook his head and looked around for some confirmation that this round was over.

    "Well done," came the sound of the AIC, prompting Dmitry to look in her direction. "It seems you can at least deal with one warrior. But I'm afraid that alone will not prove your mortality. You may now rest in the room next to the entrance until you are called upon." Dmitry huffed and made his way over to Mao, not noticing the strange the angel lady was sneaking at him...

    "C'mon, Mao. Let's get some rest...Mao?" It seemed as though she couldn't hear him, lost in her own victory as she seemed ready to howl or roar at any moment. Dmitry put his hands on her shoulders, guiding her towards the waiting area. "Mao...the fights over, well, this round is. You gotta rest up a bit so you can be ready for the next one. That way we can get the hell outta here." As soon as it seemed she was coherent he took his hands off and walked normally towards their current destination, as though nothing had happened. It didn't seem like much of a big deal to him, after all. Dmitry himself wasn't exactly a 'civilized combatant'. Then again, it seemed as though doting over Mao had become the norm for him, always concerned for the seemingly young girl, whether he knew why or not. Now that the mage thought about it, he might have been getting ahead of himself, having no experience in trying to look out for someone to this degree. When they arrived at the waiting area, Dmitry simply sat down on the nearest chair and was silent for about a minute.

    "Hey, uh, Mao?" The medium asked, acting far more held back as was usually the case when he was dealing with this woman. "Look, if I uh...ever get a bit to nosy or...annoying...just say the word and I'll shut my trap right quick or, uh...stop doing whatever I'm doing or...whatever..." Of course, he stumbled over his words. It was only natural, considering he never actually talked about this sort of thing, not usually caring what other people thought of his behavior. "I know I can go a bit far sometimes..." He said, still not sure how it sounded to her.

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Chesha 16th December 2015, 2:52 am

    A few moments passed before Mao reacted, holding back the mild urge to knock away whatever touched her. The briefest inclination of ’someone wants my kill’ crossed her mind, yet passed just as quickly as the woman regained a grip on herself. ’What was that…’ Her eyes slid off to the side, more and more worried as of late in her altered demeanor during combat. It felt more natural, but it also seemed so strange compared to her past actions. This created a sort of thrill inside whereas before the woman abhorred unnecessarily harming someone or something.

    The trio moved into the resting room, Mao plopping herself on a bench as Nocshanks laid his head down next to her. After removing the gauntlets she reached over the long horn to gently thread her fingers through that odd colored mane, combing through it slowly and taking pleasure in the silky texture as the adrenaline rush finally receded. Those warm, golden eyes closed as he rested, the fight not particularly draining so much as the sensation soothing and a bit ticklish at the same time. A huff from the oversized canine gained a small giggle, knowing soon he’d be at that perfect Zen like when the beast took naps in meadows.

    The peace shattered as the other occupant spoke up, both sets of eyes turning towards the gray-haired man. Confusion rushed in as Mao’s head tilted slightly, trying to discern where this came from until she recalled earlier. ’Not that long ago, yet things were so strange after that portal opening it feels longer…’ Eyebrows knitted as she considered her words, trying to place words to feelings, ”The concern and effort was appreciated…please make no mistake about that. Recently I came into memories, ones I’d hidden in a more ‘self-aware’ time. I know why I’m here, and understand better why I hold no memories prior to a point…though it’s still disorienting not to recall everything before then…so I can also understand a bit what that girl must have gone through,” her head drooped a bit, a melancholy tone tinging her words, ”Assuming it wasn’t me.”

    She sighed, unsure how much he’d taken from before given his outburst and emotional state afterward. Perhaps it was better to leave it there rather than try to explain again, or attempt to point out it’d be in his better interest to avoid getting too involved. Some of the things she planned alone would pin a target on her head, as long as she actually lived through the task. ’And that’s assuming I even accomplish them as failure is a strong possibility too…’ Yet she couldn’t help at least voicing a small wish, perhaps more a whim than anything.

    ”I simply don’t want anybody unnecessarily hurt, not over me, not when the future is so unsure…”


    [Wave 2]
    Chesha carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] OdAaNwh , Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] OdAaNwh



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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Benjamin 16th December 2015, 11:48 pm

    Dmitry sat down next to Mao and thought about what Mao said, remembering when he used to think about the future. He closed his eyes and exhaled deeply, knowing he couldn't screw up what he had to say this time. 

    "The future's always unsure, know matter what you do." He said, carefully choosing his words so he could get this across to the person next to him. "Hell, I should know; I can see the future and I'm not sure about it. But it doesn't matter how unsure the future is or what kind of odds your looking at, I'm not leaving you to do this on your own. And I'm pretty sure there's a lot of other people who feel the same way." Dmitry put his hand over top of Mao's before he continued, simply because it felt right for some odd reason. "I made you a promise, Mao. We are gonna fix this. Cause I'd much rather get hurt than let you go through all this alone." He then looked Mao straight in the eyes, his own showing a far softer expression than anyone other than her had likely seen before. "Your not alone." Without even realizing it, he gave her hand a gentle squeeze as he said this. With that, Dmitry leaned back at the ceiling, forgetting that his hand was still on Mao's. "I wonder what the old man would be sayin' about now." He said, thinking aloud. "He'd probably tell me that I'm gettin' soft on him. Heh, maybe I am..." Then his eyes slid shut, hand still unmoved, as Dmitry dozed off.

    Ten minutes later...

    "Hey! Wake up!"

    A pair of mismatched eyes shot open, roused by the rather rude awakening. "It's time for your trial to continue, invaders." Dmitry groaned as he got up, finally moving his hand, and headed for the door. 

    "Alright, alright. Don't get your panties in a bind, I'm goin'." The mage said, irritation clear in his voice. As the gate to the coliseum began to open, Dmitry took a deep breath and prepared for the inevitable annoyance of what was going to happen.  

    As he walked across the sand or whatever the hell he was walking on, he raised his middle finger to the crowd around him and Mao, hoping to get a rise out of their captors. When their opponents showed up, two more angels carrying swords, Dmitry furrowed his eyebrows and set after the one in front of him, eager to get this over with.

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Chesha 22nd December 2015, 1:15 am

    A comforting thought even as it brought out a hint of worry. As one who didn’t assume friendship, Mao treasured it greatly as the more she realized her purpose and who she really was, the woman realized she held no allies within her society beyond her sister. The fact that others would even consider helping her in questionable endeavors warmed the tailed mage greatly even as she balked at the thought of putting them in such danger. Immediately eyes shot towards her hand as a warmth encompassed it, the man barely halting as he reiterated his promise to help her with this, something she felt bad for chiding him last time even if his fervor had been more out of friendship than some odd obsession as she’d believed at first.

    ”Thank you, truly,” she smiled at him, a bit of tension leaving. Odd how the notion of “not being alone” could help someone relax despite how daunting the task that laid ahead – though to be fair the trio first had to deal with wave after wave of the angel’s men.

    However the thoughts caught her attention, ears flickering in confusion as she tilted her head. ’Old man….the spirits he wields? Can…he not hear them? Is this realm somehow interfering…’ She supposed it was possible they hadn’t crossed over to this realm with Dmitry, though the realization erased some of the warmth as she fretted a bit for her friend’s safety. He was a capable fighter: there was no doubt about that. However they’d be fighting increasingly more difficult battles and as far as she knew this meant he had no access to his magic, at least the one she was more accustomed to seeing.

    Letting him rest, Mao let her thoughts wander only to jump at the sudden yelling, forcing the duet from their breakroom. By then she’d taken to rubbing the sides of Nocshanks’ head when the beast placed his large noggin in her lap, horns situated on both sides of her small frame. As they trailed behind Dmitry, the man moving to insight the crowd against him for reasons Mao couldn’t quite decipher, she couldn’t help experiencing another bout of worry with his arsenal of tricks limited by this place.

    ”We’ll have to win quickly,” she sent to her canine partner, the black dog nodding his head as they both sized up the other angel. It would seem another round of dealing with general warriors was in store, though they’d upped the ante a little. ’I will protect my friends, no matter the cost.’




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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Benjamin 24th December 2015, 11:41 pm

    Dmitry cracked his neck and sized up his opponent, seeing if the man had any obvious defects the mage could exploit. If he was going to show Mao that he had her back, he had to prove he could actually watch it for her. Naturally, the angel tried to rush Dmitry, attempting to cleave him across the gut with a sword. The medium leaped back, narrowly avoiding the blade before ducking under it as it was swung at his neck. Seeing this as his opportunity, he quickly closed the distance between him and the angel, catching him at the wrist and stopping his next short. He followed up with a jab to the chin, twisting the wrist in his hand so as to disarm his opponent. However, after the blade fell, the angel used his off hand to clock Dmitry in his right temple, sending him reeling back a bit. 

    The winged warrior stepped up to throw another punch towards the medium's gut, which he blocked before responding with a heel kick to his enemy's chest that sent him stumbling a few feet back. Regaining his footing, the warrior attempted a right hook at his foe, only to be blocked and countered with a low hook to the gut, which he caught. The two were locked for half a minute, until Dmitry bashed his head into his opponent's, driving him back again. 

    Closing in, Dmitry socked the angel under his jaw and removed the helmet from his head, attempting to bash him the way he did the last one. However, the swordsman ducked under the swing and punched the mage across the face, sending him back and changing the direction of the fight for a change. He then managed to land a hit into Dmitry's gut, knocking the wind out of him. Soon after, he landed another blow on the tribal's chin, sending his head up and his body stumbling backwards until he fell on his back. The angel then walked over to the sword laying on the ground, picking it up so that he could finish off his designated target. By the time he turned to head back to the mage, Dmitry was already upon him. He surprised the angel with a fist to the throat before planting a foot in his knee, releasing a shriek of pain. Finally, Dmitry drew back his fist and slammed into the warriors nose, sending him to the floor for good. 

    Among those watching, a female angel grinned at the young man.

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Chesha 27th December 2015, 1:58 am

    If Dmitry ended up with the brawler out of the two, then Mao received the one that fought like a girl: dirty and a hair puller. Large, brilliant wings immediately blew a gust of dust at the other duet, forcing Mao to shield her eyes whilst Nocshanks unwillingly closed his lids. A tug to the main from one side caused him to react immediately, jaws snapping down on air despite the protective beast’s best wishes for a juicy leg or maybe even a wing bone. Even the thick tail met with little more than wind resistance as it flicked out, the aerial man easily swerving around it to hover behind the woman just as she lowered her crossed arms.

    A yowl escaped Mao as the flying buzzard of a man yanked on her tail, hugging the thing and trying to force the woman up into the air with him. Hair stood on end in pain and surprise while annoyance bubbled inside, but the man made the mistake of pulling the tiger by the tail and refusing to let it go. If he wanted to play dirty too, well, then so would she damn it! An uncharacteristic bout of childishness sprung forth from the short woman as she spun about and jumped for the man, unable to revel in the way his eyes widened due to her focusing on the prize: his leg. Thighs locked around his foot even as claws pressed tightly against his knee, thumb finding its comfortable spot against the soft flesh behind the joint as the other hand sunk those clawed tips into a well-toned thigh muscle. And then the coup de grace of her wild cat instincts brought to life: Mao bit the jerk on the lower back of his thigh.

    The yelp that escalated into yelling was pleasing to her even as he started thrashing and then fell to the ground as the pain of both gravity and force of waving her about with teeth locked on tender flesh became unbearable – and the silly man had dropped his sword to take her by the tail in the first place. He’d wanted to cause distracting pain and perhaps drop her from some height, unsuspecting of the immediate desire and reaction to attack him, the soldier now sought to grab the discarded weapon with a desperately grasping hand. Another yelp sounded as she bit down harder, the man now groaning with the effort to grasp the hilt.

    And then a grinning mouth full of fangs stared down at him, darkly amused molten gold eyes meeting his distressed baby blues. In that moment he knew: he wasn’t getting the sword. ”AH!” he cried out again, feeling flesh further rip, ”Okay, okay, I’m sorry now stop biting me! Finally the man cried uncle and the tailed woman relented, pulling away as she wiped the blood from her claws onto his garments. A single spit would see a splatter of red flee from her mouth as she glared down at him.

    ”Next person to pull my tail is getting their wings pulled: see how you like it!” If there was one thing the crystal user could get touchy about, it was her tail.


    [Wave 2 - Done]



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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Benjamin 29th December 2015, 7:29 pm

    Even Dmitry winced a bit when he saw Mao dominate the warrior, something he hadn't expected to see from the usually shy girl. Part of him thought back to that day in the sewer, hoping he wouldn't see her lose control again. It didn't bother him to see her take a more vicious approach to combat, after all, it was how he was taught to fight and that had kept him alive despite a lack of any solid fighting techniques. What bothered him was the idea of her losing sight of herself and possibly doing something she regrets, like hurting someone she cared for or even herself. Dmitry knew the young woman well enough to know that she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she did something like that, whether it was hurting her friends or people she didn't even know. While he couldn't understand the idea of caring about total strangers, he did understand that it meant something to Mao. 

    "Well done, once again," came the voice of the AIC, as Dmitry had come to know her. "It seems you have done quite well...for now..." The gates opened once more, signaling the end of this match and their designated rest time. However, as Dmitry made for the waiting area, he was stopped at the door.

    "The Captain has asked to speak with you, prisoner." The guard said, motioning to what was likely this 'Captain's' office. "Aww c'mon, I'm tired damnit!" Dmitry wasn't normally one to complain about such things, but he felt he needed to conserve his energy to get through other waves in one piece. However, the look that the guard was giving him made it clear where he was going, whether he liked it or not. He looked to Mao and motioned towards the waiting room, trying not to worry her.

    "Go rest up, I'll be back in a bit." He said, not caring how long these angels thought he was going to be. With that out of the way, Dmitry was escorted to the office of the officer to whom he was now audience, irritated at the situation.

    "Welcome, have a seat." Came the voice of none other than the AIC herself, much to the surprise of the mage in the room. "Well now, I was kinda expectin' some burly guy with a handle bar mustache." Dmitry replied, only half joking. The response was met with a light giggle, something he wasn't sure this woman could produce up until now. "So why am I here? I didn't figure you the type to keep 'demons' in your company."

    "Please, you and I both know that you are not a demon and neither is that girl. Unfortunately, my superiors are too cautious for their own good and now we resort to the archaic practice of combative spectacle to prove one's innocence." The Captain got up and walked over to Dmitry, who had yet to be seated. "Out of curiosity, how did you two get to this place anyway?" 

    "Well...you kinda left the front door open." Dmitry said, forming a look of confusion upon the woman's face. "That...and I may have...touched something I shouldn't have..." He didn't want to go any further, intent on avoiding a revisit of that moment. 

    "Hmm...alright, your free to go." Before Dmitry could voice his surprise, the to guards that escorted him here came back and pulled him from the room as the Captain pondered. Not long after, He was all but thrown back into the waiting room where Mao was, turning to her with his usual bored expression.

    "Well, what did I miss?"

    Last edited by Dmitry on 7th January 2016, 12:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Chesha 7th January 2016, 12:24 am

    A small “harrumph!” type snort left Mao as she glared down at the angelic warrior, though it appeared little better than a kid having a disagreement with their teddy bear, the anger more annoyance than anything to truly be feared. ’Hopefully he’s learned his lesson about his cowardly tactics. They will not always win one the battle.’ Whether it’d been “strategy” or not mattered little: no one pulled her tail and got away with it! Again however it seemed they were to be shuffled off to that little room to rest and await their next bout, though what would come next could be anyone’s guess.

    Nudged by her quadruped companion, eventually the dark canine’s entire body hid the defeated foe from her vision, allowing the animalistic woman a chance to cool down a bit more as they left the arena behind Dmitry. ”Hm…?” She came back from her toiling thoughts as one of the guards informed Dmitry that their “Captain” wanted to speak with him, worrying her a little. Had they done something wrong? Was he going to perhaps pay for a mistake or offense she’d performed? Had he done something and she failed to stop him from going too far? Annoyance was clearly written on his face, but he managed to subdue it as he gestured for the duet to enter the room without him.

    ”Be well.”

    She murmured it as they passed him, hoping whatever may come wouldn’t be severe. Who knows, maybe he would be congratulated on his performance? It was hard to stay positive though with their near prisoner existence in this place over something that felt petty (and yet somewhat reasonable).

    They were left alone in the room, the men preferring to stand guard outside the door as she sat on one of the benches. Lightly Nocshanks placed his large head in her lap, the horns on either side comforting rather than confining to her as one hand stroked his jawline, the other running through his mane. Even if he never vocalized it, the mage knew the beast enjoyed the occasional grooming she performed in order to keep it somewhat soft. ”Is it so wrong to hope for someone else’s well-being? It seems somewhat….strange compared to other’s, if only cause a part of me knows I know him…even if I can’t fully remember…”

    A sigh escaped his large nose, the warm air ghosting against her layers of clothes as yellow eyes remained shut. ”It is because you are doing something I have not seen you do before….I think…you are creating a ‘pack’ out of these people…you’re starting to place trust in them in ways you do only two others.” She could sense a bit of aggravation over this, a tiny part of her almost wanting to tease the behemoth mutt about jealousy, but she held back. ”It worries me though…”

    ”Because I will miss them?”

    ”Because they will punish you for it…”

    It was a sobering reminder that this life wasn’t her’s yet, if it ever would be. Even if the faces remained vague however there lived a variety of people in the world she’d been living in for perhaps a year or more that…she didn’t wish to give up. It may have been greedy of her, but the bud of a dream began to grow without her notice and persisted through the small series of memory wipes and alterations.

    She wanted to live, and she wanted to live with all of them.

    As the door creaked she peered up, large eyes blinking as they looked for any signs of “punishment” or anything negative. Dmitry appeared bored and relaxed as one could be given the circumstances. ”No, not really…but I hope they offer us some food perhaps after the next round. We’re feeling a bit peckish after that last one.” She may have been speaking up for herself a bit more than Nocshanks, though she didn’t doubt he could use a snack either. Biting the angel did leave her wanting a juicy fowl leg or a steak, but she’d make do with whatever they offered. ”Did everything go all right? What did the Captain want with you?”




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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Benjamin 8th January 2016, 1:39 am

    "Food, huh? I'm actually not that hu-"

    Dmitry's line of speech was quite rudely interrupted by the protests of his stomach, which he had just realized was quite empty when he and Mao entered this place. "You know what? I'm gonna get us some food."

    With that, Dmitry walked over to the door and began banging quite loudly, certain he would receive a response. "Hey! We need some food in here damnit!" He shouted to whoever could here him. "You know, the service in this joint is terrible! If we don't get some food in here soon, I'm gonna start singin' the Fiore national anthem. And I've never sung anything in my entire life, so you don't wanna here that." Soon the door opened and Dmitry was handed two loafs of bread, the entrance shutting shortly after that. It was a good thing too, as the mage didn't even know the kingdom's national anthem. 

    "See that? Sometimes complainin' actually get's you somewhere." The medium said as he tossed Mao her bread, sitting down next to her as he began eating his. "Funny that they had this; I never figured them for havin' to eat." Dmitry was never one to complain about food, no matter how bland it was. In his current situation, he considered it a punless blessing, even if they were in a so called heaven. Having finished his 'meal' Dmitry leaned back and rested his head against the wall, slowly drifting off to sleep.

    [Enter Dream]


    So much darkness.

    An endless sea of darkness.

    The boy sinks in an abyss of darkness.

    And then...light.

    A machine.

    Massive in both size and purpose.

    A battle to decide the fate of the world.

    Some wish to activate the machine, others to destroy it.

    Two friends.

    Equal in their origins, opposite in their objectives.

    One wishes to end his suffering, the other wishes to bring meaning to his own.

    Both fight to find absolution in the lives they have led and decisions they've made up until now. 

    The Destroyer.

    He seeks to bring an end to every one and everything.

    He has lost all and received little, finding himself alone in this world.

    A man with nothing left to lose and everything, the world itself, to take.

    The Creator.

    He has taken back that which he cast aside.

    He has fought to claim that which was denied to him.

    A man who has known life and death in their full and truest forms.

    This world will know it's defining moment...

    [End Dream]

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Chesha 18th January 2016, 2:18 am

    Once again Mao was treated to the musical stylings of Dmitry’s stomach, the man’s hunger at times a bit startling in its ferocity. ’If I wasn’t sure, sometimes I’d imagine a bear lived in there…and if I didn’t know he didn’t have access to his familiars right now, a spirit of one…’ The dark reminder lacked time to set hold before the man’s more startling threat: to sing. The fact that the threat worked left her a little nonplussed, holding the proffered bread silently while staring down at it. Either way they managed to shut him up by giving into the small demand, though she couldn’t help wishing they’d offered a bit more. All the same she broke it in half, allowing Nocshanks to devour it all too quickly while she more casually munched her half.

    She’d make note of it for next time, though the long-eared woman sincerely hoped she didn’t have to play the part of prisoner again any time soon if at all. ”Yes, funny,” she agreed, though muffled into the bread as she considered how like regular mortals these “Angels” actually were. It left her pondering on the differences between the religious variations and the current reality Dmitry and Mao experienced.

    All too soon she was out of food as the medium napped, the slamming of the door meant to wake him if the angry voices of the angels to “get a move on” didn’t. They remained pushy, though at least kept their distance even if their voices stayed brusque, letting the gates slam behind the trio’s back.

    A stench assaulted both her and Nocshanks’ nose, the beast scrunching his in displeasure even as a hand covered the short woman’s. It didn’t take a genius to figure out where it came from, four of their opponents sporting shovels stained with bits of brown – Mao swore she could see the smell wafting off them as well. ’Six opponents though….they’re ramping this up more and more each time, but why? Even normal creatures would experience more and more fatigue with sequential fights like this, demon or not.’ The fact that the four shovel bearers appeared weaker than their soldier counterparts mattered little as they retained the numbers advantage.

    ”We’ll have to be more wary…they’re adding more each round they make us fight…” ’And this is merely the halfway mark. How many will we be fighting by the end?’ An orb manifested in her hand, the pinkish crystal a little more foreboding than one might think as her hand clasped against it, grip growing firmer by the second. She’d try to watch out for both of them as well as her back, even if it meant using a less favored gemstone. ’But they seem eager for bloodshed…so I must not fear striking either.’

    [Wave 3]



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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Benjamin 24th January 2016, 12:47 pm

    Dmitry shot up as the guards barged into the room, a cold sweat on his brow from the vision earlier. He panted as he quickly looked about the room, not entirely realizing where he was until the ones who barged in spoke. 

    "Uh, yeah...gimme a sec." Dmitry said, his tone a bit more reserved than usual. Shaking it off, he headed out the door with Mao, entering the arena with a yawn. 

    "They probably wanna make sure we aren't just really powerful demons." He said, not yet noticing the type of opponents he was facing. "Still, not too reliable of a strategy...wait a minute, what's that smell?" Dmitry looked to the four shovel carrying angels that entered the field, giving off one of the most putrid odors he had ever smelt, which was truly saying something in his case. 

    "Oh, you gotta be shittin' me..."

    Just as Dmitry was saying this, two of the shovel masters came running at him, pooper-scoopers held held high. Before they even got close, he teleported behind them using his Arc of Destiny and grabbed one by the back of his collar, his momentum carrying the worker/warrior off his feet and landing him flat on his back, shovel hitting him in the face and dazing him a bit. The noticed this and turned to face Dmitry, charging at him only to be hit in the face with his comrade's own shovel, which the mage had picked up and thrown. With this opening, he rushed the shoveler and threw his fist into the poor angel's gut, knocking the wind out of him. After grabbing the shovel's handle, Dmitry planted his foot firmly into his opponent's knee, shattering it and loosening the grip on the shovel. As soon as this was in his possession, he smacked the keeper of the poop up side his face and brought it back down on the back of his head after. When the shit-heel was on the ground, Dmitry gave him one more good smack before looking to the other guy, a little surprised he was getting back up. Before the poor sod could accomplish this goal, the mage slammed the shovel on top of his back, sending him back down again. 

    Just as he turned to face the warriors who had hung back, one of them turned was running toward him with his blade held high. Dmitry sidestepped the attack, a downward swing, and used the opening to smack the swordsman in the face. While his opponent was dazed, the shovel wielding medium broke the shovel across the angel's chest, sending him onto his back.

    Dmitry prepared to finish up as the warrior began getting to his feet.

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    Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry] Empty Re: Heavenly Trials & Tribulations [Job/Dmitry]

    Post by Chesha 2nd February 2016, 6:26 am

    Things would get tricky, though as the shoveling angels shot forward, Mao held the distinct impression they may not have been completely combat oriented. Call her crazy, but judging from the smell wafting off those things…they may have scraped the barrel a bit for opponents. ’I guess anything will do against demons…or maybe demons dislike the smell of waste as much as any other creature?’ Blessed be his heart Nocshanks charged forward, rolling into a ball and rocketing towards some of the backline. She watched as the wrecking ball didn’t get a strike – some of the group already eagerly vying for the silver-haired medium – but he managed to send one unfortunate shoveler flying with the abrupt attack.

    His cohort had taken to the sky a beat behind the warrior, confusion written plain as day on his face – though as he watched his charging compatriots an “idea” of what to do took over before he grimaced at only the beginnings of their fate and seemed to rethink some of it. Instead his gaze switched to the one actually combat trained, gripping the shovel tightly as the angel swung his sword and repelled the cloud of swarming shards. The look of relief and slowly rising hero worship swiftly changed to surprise and panic with a hint of pain as part of the cloud went unnoticed under the brilliant light from the sword’s repel. A part of her would feel guilty later, but in the moment she’d gone for his wings, the suddenness of the attack sending him plummeting to the ground after they’d twisted the limbs and forced him to the ground.

    If the fall hadn’t left him breathless, the man barely staggering to his knees, then the sudden hit from the bowling ball canine that sent him flying and landing off in the distance certainly clocked out the last puff. She didn’t expect either of the shovel wannabe-knight angels to get back up as her focus returned to the glaring, aerial warrior. There might’ve been some anger at being unable to support the lesser warriors involved, the shards keeping up a constant attack against him, some breaking through as he favored fighting the larger groups over the more singular slicers. Above all else he appeared adamant about protecting his wings and not falling like the other.

    ’He’ll have to come down at some point if he truly hopes to win,’ Mao reassured herself, turning her eye back to Dmitry and reassuring herself that he was doing fine so far. More than anything she wanted to wrap this series of trials up as soon as possible, worried what the broken connection might mean for her friend.



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