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    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?


    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  Empty An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?

    Post by Wolfe 29th August 2015, 1:22 pm

    Job Details:

    Wolfe woke up to the sounds of lightning cracking just above him. Since he had installed the Tesla coil he had actually been able to sleep for a few hours a night now. Something he never thought he would ever do. He assumed the lightning essence inside of him felt more at peace with the feeling of lightning so close and sounds of it constantly just above his head. In truth, Wolfe felt calmer from it as well, which he assumed was because for better r for worse he was almost more lightning then man. Honestly it was that very trait that was killing him and recently, even though he had moved away from the town and onto the coastline into the abandoned castle in the ruins, he had just signed himself to the fate in front of him. It had been close to a month now since his last job and all he had done was go into town a few days a week and worked on RAINE. He could have moved her program out here, but for some reason he had left it in the building back in town. Subconsciously he knew it had been to give him a reason to leave the castle and go into town, otherwise he would never leave.

    This morning he knew he needed to head into town and pick up some stuff but he was running low of jewels. So no matter how he felt about it, he needed to pick up a quick little job and get it over with. Wolfe dragged himself out of bed and looked over the table on the other side of his huge room. It was scattered with books and notes, but ost of them were covered in a light layer of dust as he hadn't even looked at any of it in about 2 weeks. He made his way over to the closest and threw on some pants, socks, and boots and turned to walk out as he reached out and snagged a shirt as he left the walk in closet. As he passed by his bed he grabbed his eye-patch from a night table and as he walked out out of his room and down the hall as he put on the shirt and realized it had cuts and holes in it, and for a second it hit him as he realized he just didn't care anymore, and he continued on to the kitchen as he put his eye-patch on.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 100%

    Posts Number: 1/25
    Rolls: 0/15
    Boss: 0/1


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  QO55HpX

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  Empty Re: An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?

    Post by Guest 3rd September 2015, 8:04 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Rank C ♦ Black Rose ♦ Glacier God Slayer    

    Doing jobs left and right was a very good thing for Izayuki, honestly. It kept her mind focused when she had a lot of new things to do. Nothing ever stayed too old for long, and she was able to move through the days as if they were nothing. In a way, they were fun. She enjoyed working. While certain community service tasks could be tedious, in the end they normally payed off. Her favorites, however, were always the action and adventure oriented jobs; the ones that sent her to faraway places, some hardly explored. Ever since she had joined Black Rose, it had been one fun event after another for her. Like something out of a dream when it came to those who were daring and enjoyed danger really, and she was one of those few.

    But speaking of dreams, the young mage in one now. Not the sweetest of dreams either. Instead of that familiar distorted world of the sleeping hours, clear pictures could be seen. Ones of the past, hard, cold, and cruel, flickered through Izayuki's mind as she tossed and turned in her sleep, even managing to throw her covers, the blankets, and her pillow off from her violent moving in her bed. The face. So close yet so far, and how much she despised it, in everything it was, was right before her. And as the ice dagger came penetrating through, Iza opened her eyes, sitting up and waking with a loud gasp of fear. Panting heavily, she only just recognized the situation moments ago as nothing more than a bad dream. A nightmare.

    "Damn," she muttered, clenching her fist, still quite shaken from the entire imaginary scene from minutes ago. Normally she would not feel so angry over a simple dream. But this time, it was with those images, and was that event that could happen if she did not get stronger. "Even now it still haunts me. All of it...." her thoughts trailed off as she still tried to wake herself up. Izayuki gave another sigh as she pulled herself from her bed, noting that it was morning. It was still quite early and 'in the middle of the night' in her lazy terms, but a fair time to wake up regardless, with the sun already in the sky and creeping its way up towards midday.

    Location;; Personal Room
    Muse;; 10/10. So. Much. Muse.
    Word Count;; 393

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  Empty Re: An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?

    Post by Wolfe 3rd September 2015, 11:47 am

    Wolfe reached the kitchen and made a pass straight for the fridge. As he opened it he remembered with a disappointed look on his face, as he stared into an empty fridge. It hit him as he remembered now that it had been almost 3 days since he had last eaten and at the moment like a fright train it hit him how weak he actually felt. 3 days was the longest he had ever gone without food since he had hit his teens. When he was younger he could get away with it, but not since he was about 13 or so. His body needed too much energy to skip more then a day. However, this was just another notch to his acceptance of his death, as he seemed to welcome the idea of it and was testing it with everything now, even his eating habits. He closed the fridge and walked a few steps back and sat down at one of the chairs near the table on the side of the room and brought his hands to his face as he rubbed it trying to get his thoughts together. As he rubbed his hands across his face he could feel the weeks old stubble and feeling of despair on his face. It was almost overwhelming.

    It took him a few minutes to gather himself enough to get up and realizing that if he lingered anymore he would lose even the slightest will to head to town and if that happened, there was a good chance he would never leave this place.

    Wolfe got up and made his way out of the kitchen and down the main hall. As he did he ran his hand along the old tables and paintings on the wall/ He felt the dust moving along with his fingers as he walked along. These paintings, and furniture were not his but left over from the last owner of this place. However, just like the tables, chairs, and paintings he didn't feel like he belonged here but rather he was just one more object in this old place that was meant to never leave and collect dust till he was just one more addition to the scenery to be covered in the dust. He pulled his hand back to his side and started to rub his fingers together with the dust in between them as he felt every particle of dust roughly rub across his fingers as they fell to the floor. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust...


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  QO55HpX

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  Empty Re: An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?

    Post by Guest 4th September 2015, 6:20 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Rank C ♦ Black Rose ♦ Glacier God Slayer    

    Having pulled herself from her bed, Izayuki went on to dress herself in a clean black long-sleeved undershirt, short skirt, white short-sleeved jacket, and boots. After combing out her long hair, she proceeded to put it up in the style everyone was familiar seeing her wear with a small bun loosely hanging in more of a messy fashion. It was always tied up with that same red ribbon which she treasured greatly due to it having been from her village so long ago. The other prized possession from her past home was her pastel-colored scarf which she always wore regardless of the weather. It had been a birthday present, and represented her former village and family's acceptance of her. She always kept it close to remember them, but also remember her goal...

    Shaking the thoughts as she did not wish to ruin the lovely morning by contemplating the past and her dream the night before, the young mage continued to groom and prepare herself for the day ahead. She had a fair amount of money to cover her rent and food, but jobs were fun and it was always good to save up what she could in case of emergency. Not that there would be one, but if she ever wanted to buy herself something nice in the future or upgrade her dwelling, she could. Speaking of her dwelling, the small room that counted as her sleeping and living quarters in the massive guildhall was fun, but lacking for a girl her age. She hoped to perhaps buy or rent her own house out in the port city before long. Maybe soon enough she would have the funds she needed to make such a move.
    Finished getting ready, Izayuki began to make her way out and down to the tavern for breakfast, and then a story below perhaps for finding a good job. Or she could reverse their order. She had not decided yet, but was enthusiastic to begin the day regardless.

    Location;; Guild Hall
    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 332

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  Empty Re: An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?

    Post by Wolfe 4th September 2015, 10:09 pm

    Wolfe finally made it out of th eold building and found himself in the huge cave opening with the exit on the other end leading up the area net to the coastline. It was raining all the time since he installed the Tesla-coil. Unlike the one in town he had left there and turned one, this one was more powerful and was set to max level, which in turn created a perceptual thunderstorm just over the area of coastline and now it rained all the time. The cave always had water flowing into it from different places but also from holes in the area above it, the rain also fell in a good part of the cave as well. Normally Wolfe would just bolt out of one of the holes and head fr town, but truthfully he could do that even f he wanted to. He was too weak and honestly he would be lucky if he made it to town at this point. He looked up at the top of the cave and where all the rain was falling in though into the sky above. Dark...

    Wolfe slowly started walking forward, not even trying to avid the rain as he walked through the cave and to the exit of the cave and as he did he was rained on and in minutes he was soaked through from head to toe and he didn't even care.

    He soon broke through the area from which the entrance and exit of the cave was and he was now standing out outside a very small lake near the outskirts of some woods that laid between here and the town. As he turned and looked left he could see the coastline and a small beach just about 200 yards away. Wolfe took a deep breath as he stood in the rain and then continued along on his way towards town and guildhall.

    It took about an hour as he slowly walked along the lightly travels path that he had made only a little over a month ago. As he looked over it he was amazed how even just over a month ago he had enough life, spirit and strength in him to run this path enough times to make a walk-able path, and here it was just over a month later he could barely make the trip one way.

    Shortly later he broke the edge of the forest and was standing nt but about 100 yards from the guildhall. Wolfe slowly made his way the guildhall doors and barely managed to open it as he made his way in. About half way thought the woods the rain had stopped, but he was still pretty wet as he slowly made his way to main hall. Wolfe made sure to avoid most of the people here. He wasn't hungry, but he knew his body was, and he reluctantly ordered a few plates and then slowly made his way over to corner table in the darkest corner and sat down as he waited for his food, his hands laces palm down on the table in front of him and his eye half open as he must of looked like death at this point.


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  QO55HpX

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  Empty Re: An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?

    Post by Guest 9th September 2015, 6:58 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Rank C ♦ Black Rose ♦ Glacier God Slayer

    Food was most important, yes. When it came to weighing the options of looking for a job or getting breakfast first, the idea of building her energy for the day won over. How could anyone look at work possibilities on an empty stomach, anyways? It seemed tedious and impossible. Thus, Izayuki took her seat in an empty booth, sad not to see Jin, Magna, Kaya, Elyx, or anyone she truly recognized around. Perhaps they were off duty, out on jobs, busy with other stuff, or simply still asleep. Not that anyone slept longer than her very often, but still.

    Ordering herself a cheap but filling plate of eggs, bacon, and hashbrown, along with a giant cup of water chock full of ice for dessert, the young mage waited patiently for her food to cook. It wouldn't be long- then she could enjoy a nice breakfast and go off to look for a job. However, it seemed too quiet in the tavern right then. Too lonely, and Iza was never really one for silence. Taking a look around the now-familiar tavern, she instantly recognized a face that she had not seen in a while now.

    Leaping up from her seat, Iza made her way over to the familiar eyepatch-wearing man. "Hey Wolfe~! Long time no see!" she greeted in her usual chipper and happy manner. However, she could not shake what she was observing. In all honesty, he looked like death itself in a manner of expression. Gloomy. Quiet. Detached. And there was something else off about it all, but the slayer could not quite put her finger on it. "Mind if I sit here?" Iza asked, just to be polite, but already taking a seat near or across from him. His entire demeanor and ill aura was concerning her to a degree. Just what was wrong?

    Location;; Tavern
    Muse;; 9/10
    Word Count;; 307

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  Empty Re: An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?

    Post by Wolfe 6th October 2015, 11:26 pm

    Wolfe sat there rubbing his hands over his face over and over as he felt the stuble and wear and tear of neglect on his skin. He was so focused on the idea that death was knocking at his door that he didn't even hear Izayuki at first. However somewhere around the third or forth word her voice seemed to crack past his dulled senses. Wolfe slowly raised his head from his hands and brought his eyes up to see a young girl standing on the other side of the table he was sitting at. It took him a second but her face looked familiar, but then it clicked like a lock that just just opened. This was one of the younger, and newer members of Black Rose, Izayuki. It had been a while now, but he remembered helping her on her C rank exam.

    Wolfe went to motion that she could take the seat but it seemed she had already taken upon herself to sit. Wolfe then opened his mouth after a few minutes as he welcomed her "Hello Izayuki. It has been a little while since i saw you last, your exam i believe. How are you?" Every word that seemed come out of his mouth almost seemed to just fall out of it. There was no energy and no real life in his voice and all his words seemed like death rolled across his tongue with each of them. Wolfe tried to pretend there was some life to him, but even a blind man would see through his act.

    At that moment a plate was placed on the table in front of Wolfe and he glanced up just in time to give a thankful nod to the waitress she turned and walked away. Wolfe went to pick up the fork on the table, but there was a moment when he couldn't grab it right and fumbled with it. He was so weak it was effecting his motor skills. it took him a few more seconds before he got a good enough hold of the fork to lift it. He then tried to crack a smile, but it woud have looked fake and dead and he knew it. However, he was trying to play off how weak he really was as he slowly lowered his fork to the plate and scooped the first bite of food and brought it to his mouth. He then slowly began to chew as he lowered his fork again to the plate and scooped for a second bite of food. As he finished chewing his first bite he glanced back up at Izayuki "So what are you doing here? i came to pick up a job" Wolfe ego was dead as his body at this point. He had always been strong and had fight, but at this moment death could have walked in to take him and he wouldnt of even tried to move as he would have been to weak to try.


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  QO55HpX

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  Empty Re: An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?

    Post by Guest 13th October 2015, 2:55 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Rank C ♦ Black Rose ♦ Glacier God Slayer

    The state Wolfe was in... Izayuki almost wanted to deny it completely. How could he get this bad? It had not been long since she had seen him last. How could a month do this to one man? Just what was wrong?
    Even his actions, the daily skills that nobody had to think about- the ones that were just routine. Eating with a fork was hard, she would give him that much. But most humans had just about mastered it one way or another. It was hard not to just stare at her friend in utter disbelief of what was happening.

    One way or another, however, she had to remain cheerful. Focusing on the negativity would not do anything good for the both of them. Still, she had to ask. "I've been doin' well," she responded with a smile. "I came to get a job, but since we're both here, how about we do one together? Goin' it alone is not as fun as teaming. What do you say?" Iza asked, her food being served while she was talking. She was able to easily and casually eat it not too formally, but luckily having been taught to use at least some table manners despite her more... 'unformal' heritage.
    "On another note.... you don't look good, Wolfe. You look like death. What's happened?" she asked with a more serious tone, popping a piece of toast in her mouth. Her pink eyes were gazing in simple curiosity at the man who had helped her on her exam, whom she considered a friend.

    Location;; Guildhall
    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 261

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Pride of the Mercenary
    Position : Ace of Destruction
    Posts : 619
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 39550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Lightning
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  Empty Re: An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?

    Post by Wolfe 17th October 2015, 10:24 pm

    Wolfe continued to eat a forkful of food at a time. He made sure to take his time with each bite as not to drop his food and make himself look even more pathetic. He just watched Izayuki started in on her food. He could tell by the look in her face that she was concerned about Wolfe and wanted to ask him what was wrong, and he wondered how long it would be before she caved in and just asked.

    After a bit of silence of them both eating she broke the silence by saying she was doing well, and then explained she was looking to pick up a job and then suggested they take one together. Wolfe in his weakened state wasn't sure if he should do a job with another person or not, but maybe it might be a good idea to go ahead and do it. Wolfe nodded his head yes to her question as he took another bite of food. Then she finally asked what Wolfe was surprised she actually asked as she brought up his current condition. Wolfe would have smirked if he had the energy as he answered "I haven't eaten in like 3 days... with the way my body works, that is basically a death sentence. I am not human anymore, but i am not fully evolved yet either, and because of this my metabolizem is like 100 times more then a normal human. So 3 days to me is equal to well over a month to someone like yourself." Wolfe took another bite of food and then reached out and slowly grabbed the cup of water in front of him and brought it to his lips and and took a small sip before slowly placing it back down.


    Character Sheet: Wolfe Raijin
    Magic Sheet: Cursed Lightning Magic
    Pet: Loki

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  QO55HpX

    An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?  Empty Re: An Ancient Place, a Guildmate in Need, and a Dark Path to Follow?

    Post by Guest 9th November 2015, 8:23 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Rank C ♦ Black Rose ♦ Glacier God Slayer    

    At hearing Wolfe's explanation, Izayuki blinked a few times. Wolfe was not human? She had seen his lightning transformation a few times, but other than that could not think of a label or species to put her friend under. Why had he not eaten for so long? What was the point of starving himself like that? The reason behind it had better have been good, as the very idea was unthinkable to one like Iza. "Well sheesh, that was a stupid thing to do. If you need food, get it one way or another," the teen girl said in both a teasing and reprimanding manner, finishing her toast and almost finishing the rest of her meal. "On another note, what do you mean you're not human. You sure look like one to me, so if you're not, what are you?" she continued to inquire in a curious way.
    She was mostly just intrigued as one could be over the fact that there was a non-human standing before her and she had never known it. Her guildmates were really in the same position when it came to her. Iza was far from human, even if she preferred to stay in this form and knew that imitating and pretending to be one was both essential and a lot of fun.

    "Now, on the subject of jobs do you want me to find us one?" she asked with a pleasant smile and a small reassuring laugh, both for herself and her friend. "I promise I'll find one that is both interesting and fun."

    Location;; Guildhall
    Muse;; 8/10
    Word Count;; 260
    OOC;; Apologies for the wait. I totally missed this thread.

      Current date/time is 4th October 2024, 7:47 pm