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    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |


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    Completed Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Arata 9th August 2015, 10:54 am

    Shackles of the Damned
    ( Once the Chains of Hell bind you they'll never let go. )
    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | FEj0afFrt1s


    Primary Magic: Shackles of the Damned
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder: Holder
    Description: The Shackles of the Damned are a horrible thing, they are a set of chains that wrap around the user, inflicting burns on them and twisting their personality to a point beyond recognition. Shackles of the Damned are only bestowed upon those who are evil, and their main goal is to make the evil person act good. However, Arata recieved that Shackles because his father -- the man who was supposed to have the Shackles -- tricked him, and caused the Shackles of the Damned to bind to Arata. Because Arata is a good person, the Shackles became confused, and decided that him being a good person was just some sort of illusion, so they cause him to act evil, believing that they are revealing their true personality.

    Combat-wise, the Shackles of the Damned are very strange, only usable while Arata is experiencing a Shackle-induced fit of rage. However, once the Shackles are in fact usable, they are devastating, inflicting huge amounts of damage with each and every hit. The Shackles can be used as whips, and can also be controlled by Arata telekinetically, allowing them to wrap around people. Generally, the Shackles of the Damned have no element, however, Arata can make them have the flame element, causing them to give off heat and burn things. Also, chains from the Shackles can split apart, allowing them to barrage people separately, making them hard to dodge.


    • The Shackles of the Damned can have the fire element, but can also be used without any elements.
    • The Shackles of the Damned can be used as whips, or they can be controlled telekinetically, making them good at close range and far range.
    • The Shackles of the Damned can be used as separate chain links, allowing Arata to swarm his enemies with many chain links at a time.


    • When the Shackles of the Damned are burning, the burning can be deactivated by water spells.
    • Before the Shackles of the Damned can be activated, Arata must take damage from them.
    • The Shackles of the Damned are very effective against one person, but they have little use when it comes to AoE.
    • While the Shackles of the Damned are in use, they make the normally sweet Arata extremely evil.


    Aspect of Neptune:
    Unique Abilities:

    Burning Shackles:

    Alleviating Shackles:

    Shackle Swap:


    ~Signature Spell~:

    ~D-Rank Spells~:

    © marzia at shine & gs.

    Le non-fancy version.:

    Last edited by Arata on 1st January 2016, 10:15 am; edited 53 times in total

    Kitty Avenger

    Kitty Avenger

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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Chelvaric 22nd September 2015, 7:50 pm

    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | OsrTydV


    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Bakugou.Katsuki.600.1932217

    It is a man’s heart which sets the world aflame..

    magic bank /Character

    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Beigecat

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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Thorn 23rd September 2015, 7:50 am

    sorry I have pulled this magic a quote with fixes will be put up latter sorry for inconvenience


    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | S6Eaz9K

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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Thorn 27th September 2015, 3:25 pm

    Riko wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Holy Potential: Locked

    Secondary Magic: N/A

    Caster or Holder: Ancient Curse (Lost Magic)

    Holy Potential: Locked is more of a curse than it is a type of magic, however, Unlocking this Potential requires vast amounts of Holy Energy, which is this Curse's equivalent of Mana. Holy Energy, however, works almost the exact opposite of mana. Every post, the user builds up twenty five Holy Energy Points, and every melee hit they land adds another fifty. However, once the user hits one thousand Holy Energy points, it starts physically stressing their body. The only way to solve this problem is to release their Holy Energy into a Potential: Unlock. However, using a Potential: Unlock, does have it's drawbacks, because the more Holy Energy the user has, the more devastating their melee attacks are. This may sound confusing, so I have a short description below. This curse is applied to someone at birth because they exhibit signs of being 'Blessed by the Light'.

    Holy Energy: 25 Holy Energy Points are gained each post, and for each melee attack that the user lands, they gain another 50[/color=red]do they stack if so you need a max per post please[/color]. Holy Energy Points are also used to perform a Potential Unlock. It works like this:
    'Amount of Holy Energy' / 10= The percentage of which physical stats are increased. However, this has a limit. D rank = 10% C Rank = 20% B Rank = 30% A Rank 40% S Rank = 50% H Rank = 60%

    A Potential: Unlock is not the same as the Physical boosts that Holy Energy gives, it is, in fact, the opposite. Potential: Unlock is a way to increase Holy Energy, which allows the user to perform Light Energy Attacks. There are two types of Unlocks, 'Potential: Unlock Health!', which costs a minimum of 100 Holy Energy Points. For every hundred points, one of these heals the user's health by 2%I have high lighted this because it dose not quite make scene to me as a sentence. There is also 'Potential: Unlock Energy!', which is ever-so-slightly more complex, there is an explanation below. As a side note, the ability lasts for 1 post, for every hundred points used. Energy Unlocks have cool-downs that are the same as their duration, however, Unlocks that use less or more points than the one cooling down can still be used. as this second one is a ability (guessing the first is aswell) they need to be removed from discription so it dose not look like you are trying to get free ability

    The effectiveness of a 'Potential: Unlock Energy!' increases with every hundred points used.
    100 Points: The user can create small beams of light that travel at 10 meters per second, and deal 50% damage one rank below the user (it's still D-Rank if the user is D-Rank).

    200 Points: The user can create balls of energy with a diameter of one foot and travel at 20 meters per second, and deal 100% damage one rank below the user (it's still D-Rank if the user is D-Rank). Can use the abilities of lower point Unlocks.

    300 Points: The user can create wings of energy with a wingspan of 2 meters, which look like golden angel wings. These wings allow the user to fly at a speed of 25 meters per second. Can use the abilities of lower point Unlocks.

    400 Points: Once, during the duration of this Unlock, the user can use an Energy Nova which affects everyone in a 5 meter radius, and dealing 125% damage equal to the user's rank. Can use the abilities of lower point Unlocks.

    500 Points: A light clone of the user is created, which lasts for 5 posts more than the duration of the Unlock, and dealing Holy Physical Damage of the same rank as the user. This clone can sprint at the speed of a normal human. Can use the abilities of lower point Unlocks.

    600 Points: The user gains the ability to create two Holy Whips each of which can extend up to 30 feet. When hit with a whip, the target takes 75% damage, one rank above the user. Cannot use the abilities of lower point Unlocks.  

    Above 600 points, no new abilities are added, the duration is only increased.

    The Blessing on the user's arm is given to them by the Gods at birth, and the suppression curse is given to them at the same time, by the Ruler of the Underworld. The Suppression is temporarily removed if the user uses an Unlock above 900 Points. When this happens,  the full power of the Blessing is unlocked, this well be clarified in the abilities section.


    • Holy Energy: Holy Energy builds up, and has many different uses.
    • Physical Boost: Holy Energy can help boost melee attacks.
    • Energy Attacks: Holy Energy allows for energy attacks.


    • No spells: Holy Potential: Locked totally lacks any type of spell.
    • Posts: Holy Energy takes a while to charge up.
    • Health: Having Holy Energy Points over 1,000 slowly drains the user's health.
    • Defense: Holy Potential: Locked lacks many defensive capabilities.

    Power of Apocalypse:
    Unique Abilities:
    Holy Energy Generation:
    Holy Energy Usage:


    Holy Affinity:

    Blessed By The Light:

    Holy Potential: Unlocked, has no spells, and instead has five abilities.

    these abilities need to be classed as passive or active. the passives are free but active ones use the same layout as spells with weaknesses strengths duration and cooldowns.


    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | S6Eaz9K

    Lineage : Aspect of Jupiter
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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Arata 27th September 2015, 3:52 pm

    Idk if this is what you wanted, but, uhm,



    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Arata_by_ravenart5-d9mu30e

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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Thorn 27th September 2015, 4:07 pm

    HOLY ENERGY GENERATION (PASSIVE) - do these stack if so they need a max please

    HOLY ENERGY USAGE (ACTIVE) - this as an active need cooldown and duration (if i missed it sorry)

    ACTIVE'S need duration and cooldowns


    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | S6Eaz9K

    Lineage : Aspect of Jupiter
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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Arata 27th September 2015, 4:17 pm

    Did everything.

    SUBLOCK can't really have a duration, but I did add a cooldown, so...



    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Arata_by_ravenart5-d9mu30e
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 1st October 2015, 2:06 pm

    Ok. THorn has asked me to double check this and tbh dude I am very iffy with this application.

    This is for two main reasons:

    Reason 1: We don't currently have, and we don't intend to, put in any rules that allow for transferring spells for unique abilities. So you would still be limited to the base amount of unique abilities.

    Reason 2: Your 'abilities' feel like spells. Far too much like spells. There are also too many of them for a starting member.

    What I would prefer (after a brief looking of this over).

    Is instead of having holy energy usage as a unique ability. I would like each of these 'unlocks' to be registered as actual spells.

    That way you need to charge up a certain amount of holy energy in order to execute the spells.

    It also means you don't need to charge up as high an amount to do what is essentially a normal spell.

    I think you should also start off with a certain amount of holy energy and if you hit 0 then you suffer the same symptoms as a mage without magic power.

    Sorry if this is a pain, but that is the only way I can see this working as otherwise this is bending far too many systems/


    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Arata 1st October 2015, 2:39 pm

    I really wanted this magic to be used in this way. If that is not possible, would it be possible for me to just make a different magic?


    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Arata_by_ravenart5-d9mu30e
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 1st October 2015, 2:41 pm

    Yes that is fine.
    I know and I hate killing off creativity, but this just seems to be trying to sidestep rules(perhaps unintentionally, but thats how it seems) and that is something I can't allow. I gave you some options to make this work. You could just use the concept of this magic and make it into a normal magic.


    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Arata 1st October 2015, 2:43 pm

    Yeah, I know I could, it's just in the past few days, I came up with a new magic, and I wanted to try it out.


    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Arata_by_ravenart5-d9mu30e

    Lineage : Aspect of Jupiter
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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Arata 3rd October 2015, 8:25 am



    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Arata_by_ravenart5-d9mu30e
    Mistress Venir
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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Mistress Venir 5th October 2015, 2:12 pm

    Hey there! I guess I will be looking at your magic! All edits requested will be made in this awesome color! If you have any issues with the edits I request then please shoot me a PM, I am always willing to talk these things out! Anyways let's get cracking!

    Riko wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: Shadow Strand Magic (Lost Magic)

    Secondary Magic: N/A for now.

    Description: Mana... it is the sole thing that defines a wizard, and Shadow Strand Magic allows the user to pinpoint their Mana into their fingertips, allowing them to create black strings that move according to the user's will. However, 'Shadow' makes Shadow Strand Magic sound very dark, and while this isn't necessarily true, it very well could be. Almost everyone can use Shadow Strand Magic, although your Soul must be tinted with darkness in order to allow you to use it. All this really means is you need to have a dark side. All this really means is that there must be some negative aspect about you. Whether you're a murderous psychopath or just slightly selfish, you can use it.

    Now for what Shadow Strand Magic actually does. It is extremely versatile, the strands that the user expels from their fingertips can be used similarly to the The Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear from Attack on Titan. If you haven't seen Attack on Titan, this just means that the user can use the threads to propel themselves in different directions, allowing for extremely fast maneuvering. Shadow Strands can also be attached to inanimate objects, and the user can manipulate them at will, they can also permanently animate them for a portion of their mana and health. Shadow Strands can also be used similarly to whips and swords, they can be snapped around, and they can also be solidified and sharpened. They can also be attached to living beings, sucking away at their live (or mana), as well as potentially paralyzing them by wrapping strands around their entire body.

    However, Shadow Strand magic isn't strictly Dark. If the user is exposed to dark light, their attacks lose some of their strength, but they gain the Holy element. This can be viewed as either a strength, or a weakness, it obviously adds an element of versatility to Shadow Strand magic.


    • Puppets: Shadow Strand magic can essentially be used to make inanimate objects into the user's puppets.
    • Weapons: Shadow Strand magic can essentially be used to create weapons, many can be made at a time.
    • Movement: Shadow Strands can be used to make the user move exceptionally fast, which can be very useful.


    • Fingertips: If the user's hands are bound or otherwise occupied, Shadow Strand Magic is much harder, almost impossible, to use.
    • Holy Element: Since Light and Dark are stuck in a perpetual cycle, Shadow Strand magic is weak against Holy Magic.
    • AoE Spells: Shadow Strand magic is designed to be used against single individuals, and AoE Spells are very hard to use, when it comes to Shadow Strand magic.
    • Defense: When the user is using Shadow Strands, they are much more susceptible to attacks from others.

    Power of Apocalypse:
    Unique Abilities:
    Shadow Strand Creation:

    Shadow Physiology:

    Shadow Dweller:


    Name: StreamLine

    Rank: D

    Type: Shadow/Holy

    Duration: 2 Post (by default)

    Cooldown: 3 Posts (one more is added for each extra post that the spell is active.)

    Description: While this spell is active, the user gains the ability to create small purple threads, only about 1 millimeter in diameter, which move at a rate of 25 meters per second. These threads can only stretch up to about 25 meters. In order to successfully use one of these threads, the user must attach the threads to objects. This happens when the thread hits a solid object. Once the thread hits a solid object, the user has two options, moving themselves towards the object at a speed of twenty five meters per second. Or, they can move the object towards them at the same speed, however, if the length of the object is larger than two meters, only part of the object will move towards the user. The user can swing these threads around, however, once they attach to something, they solidify, so the movement is fairly predictable. Also, these threads can only move in one direction, the direction that they were launched from. The user can lengthen the duration of this spell by 1 post by sacrificing 5% of their mana. These threads cannot be broken by fists, but can easily be snapped by any blade.(They can move at 7m/s, and can you only lengthen the duration of the spell once for 5% mana or can you do that multiple times? I say you can only do that once and then the CD changes to match.)


    • Movement: These threads move extremely fast.
    • Length: This spell can last for as long as the user wants, as long as they sacrifice enough mana.
    • Solidification: Once the thread hits something, it solidifies, so it can work as a tripwire.


    • Maneuverability: These threads can only move in one direction, which makes them not be very versatile.
    • Solidification: Once these threads hit something, they solidify, which makes their movement very predictably.
    • Size- These threads can't move anything, if an object (excluding the usera) is two big, the thread will only move part of it.
    • Weakness: Depending on whether or not Shadow Dweller is active, this spell is weak or Shadow or Holy mages.

    Name: SideLine

    Rank: D

    Type: Shadow/Holy

    Duration: 2 Post (by default)

    Cooldown: 3 Posts (one more is added for each extra post that the spell is active.)

    Description: Upon activation, the user launches a Shadow Strand from all of the fingers on one of their hands, and all of these shadow strands will fly towards one inanimate object, that can be a maximum of 10 meters away. They fly towards this object at a speed of twenty meters per second, and attach to the object on contact. The user then gains the ability to manipulate the object at will, as long as it isn't larger than 15 meters. The user can also animate the object, giving it a soul, for 5% of their health, this animation lasts for 3 posts. If they permanently animate something, the Shadow Strands disintegrate, and the cooldown of the spell is activated. The user can detach the thread from the object if they want, and they can attach it to another object. However, these threads are very visible, and can be snapped by almost anything. The user can lengthen the duration of this spell by 1 post by sacrificing 5% of their mana. (They move at 7m/s, the animation lasts only as long as this spell lasts and it is limited to this spells rank in damage. Once again as far as the lengthening of the duration same comments as the previous spell.)


    • Puppetry: The user can manipulate any inanimate object using this spell.
    • Speed: The threads are rather fast, which causes this spell to active very quickly.
    • Animation: If the user would like, they can permanently animate the object that they are manipulating.(Hmmmmm okay and does this object fight for you still? I'm gonna say this is a cool idea and can be used in out of combat scenarios but in jobs/PvP no.)


    • Range: This spell has very little range, its range is only 10 meters.
    • Animation: If something is animated, the spell is deactivated, and the cooldown is engaged.(Animation still follows along the spell duartion/CD is not activated until spell is over.)
    • Vulnerability: If the user is being a puppeteer, then they are much more vulnerable than normal.
    • Size: The user cannot manipulate any objects, there is a limit to the size that the object can be.

    Name: DiscipLine

    Rank: D

    Type: Shadow/Holy

    Duration: 2 Post (by default)

    Cooldown: 3 Posts (one more is added for each extra post that the spell is active.)

    Description: While this spell is active, the user gains the ability to create small purple threads, only about 0.5 centimeter in diameter, which move at a rate of 20 meters per second. These threads can only stretch up to about 5 meters. The user can use these threads as whips, and they can also be hardened and sharpened, allowing them to be used as swords. These threads, however, only deal 75% D-Rank damage. The user can lengthen the duration of this spell by 1 post by sacrificing 5% of their mana. While these threads whips, they can be easily stopped by something as hard as stone, and while they are swords, they can be snapped in half by anything of a higher rank than the spell.(7 m/s, you're allowed to have it do full D-Rank damage if you want. I'm gonna say the same thing I said first time about extending the duration of the spell but it appears as though you're doing all of this for all of your spells, please try and keep it to only 1-2 of your spells.)


    • Speed: These threads can move at twenty meters per second, they are very fast.(7m/s)
    • Versatility: The user can create more than one thread at a time, allowing the thread to be very versatile.(5-6 threads would be fine)
    • Whip/Sword: The user can make the threads into whips or swords, which makes this spell very unpredictable.


    • Range: These threads are pretty short, and are basically short range.
    • Damage: This spell cannot deal as much damage as your average D-Rank spell.(Change unless you really want them to not deal full damage.)
    • Stone: The whip form can easily be stopped by anything as hard as stone, or harder.
    • Sword: While in sword form, these threads can be broken by anything a higher rank than the user.(Then the spell not the user.)

    Name: FlatLine

    Rank: D

    Type: Shadow/Holy

    Duration: 2 Post (by default)

    Cooldown: 3 Posts (one more is added for each extra post that the spell is active.)

    Description: When activated, this spell causes 1 single thread, with only a diameter of about 1/2 millimeter, which flies at the nearest enemy at a rate of 15 meters per second. This thread can only attack to someone 15 meters away, or less, but, once it's attached, it stretches indefinitely, and can only be broken by weapons or spells C-Rank or above. Once attached, this thread slowly starts sucking out the mana of the attachee.  If the attachee is the same rank as the user, it sucks out 5% mana per post, if they are 1 rank above the user, they suck out 3% mana per post, and if they are 2 ranks above the user, or higher, it only sucks out 1% mana per post. The user can lengthen the duration of this spell by 1 post by sacrificing 5% of their mana.(7m/s, can be broken by 2 D-Rank hits or 1 C-Rank hit, as far as mana drain it can drain 2% mana per post if the user is D-Rank, C-Rank is 1%, and above is unaffected by the drain. I'm going to have to say not to have having the duration lengthen with this spell seeing as you wouldn't be paying much if any mana for this as your draining the mana from an enemy.)


    • Stretch: This thread can stretch indefinitely, which means that it will be very hard to get rid of.(Max 15 meters for it to properly attach afterwards it can stretch unless of course broken.)
    • Mana: These threads suck out the mana of the the person that they are attached to.
    • Speed: This thread is fairly fast, which means that it attaches enemies fairly quickly.


    • Rank: This thread sucks out less mana, depending on the rank of the enemy.
    • Breaking: This thread can be easily broken by anything above the rank of the user.(2 hits of D-Rank or 1 C-Rank)
    • Range: This thread only has a range of 10 meters, it's fairly short range.
    • One thread: This spell only launches one thread which means that it can only be used on one per.

    List of Spell Fusions:(Locked until B rank)
    Name Name of the Spell )
    Rank: (What rank is your spell? H, S, A, B, C, or D)
    Type: ( Fire, Water, etc. Offensive, Defensive, Supportive.)
    Fused Spells(What Spells Went into the Fusion and their Ranks?)


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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Arata 5th October 2015, 8:16 pm



    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Arata_by_ravenart5-d9mu30e
    Mistress Venir
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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Mistress Venir 6th October 2015, 8:18 pm

    Shadow Physiology:

    The user's body is made of shadows. Out of combat, they can walk through solid objects, and in combat, for 2% of their mana, they can half damage dealt by a spell.(Still too many effects for a single ability, and an ability should not half the damage of a spell by sacrificing 2% fof one's mana.)

    Shadow Dweller:

    In dark environments, the user's hair and irises glow a light purple color, increasing all of their stats by 25%. However, in light environments, the user's hair and irises turn light yellow, and all of their stats are decreased by 10%, however, when they are exposed to light, the user's spells lose their Shadow element and gain the Holy element.(Both of them are 10%)


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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Arata 6th October 2015, 8:42 pm



    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Arata_by_ravenart5-d9mu30e
    Mistress Venir
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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Mistress Venir 7th October 2015, 3:57 pm

    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | ZeE1vMj


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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Shipping Goddess 29th October 2015, 1:18 pm

    Unlocked due to user request


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    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | CKWpl03
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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 3rd November 2015, 7:11 pm

    Mizu Fubuki wrote:


    Primary Magic: Water-Make: Full Circle

    Secondary Magic: N/A For Now

    Caster or Holder: Caster

    Description: Maker Magic, also known as Molding Magic, is one of the most unrestrained types of magic. It allows the user to create almost whatever they want, however, there is one limitation. You either use Dynamic Molding Magic or Static Molding Magic. Dynamic Molding Magic allows the user to create 'living' things, such as animated water sculptures. Static Molding Magic centers around creating inanimate objects, such as weapons. Mizu, however, has mastered Water-Make Magic, and created his own version of the magic, Water-Make: Full Circle. Water-Make: Full Circle incorporates both Static Water-Make and Dynamic Water-Make, however, it also incorporates a third form, designed by Mizu himself, called Destructive Water-Make. Destructive Water-Make involves natural phenomenons, such as storms and tsunamis. Another explosive technique of Water-Make: Full Circle involves 'Full Circle' Molding. 'Full Circle' Water-Make involves combining either Static Water-Make and Destructive Water-Make or Dynamic Water-Make and Destructive Water-Make. An example of 'Full Circle' Water-Make is a storm of daggers, or a tsunami of eagles.

    Water-Make: Full Circle combines the versatility of Maker Magic with the destructive force of straight up Elemental Magic, making it one of the most destructive forces out there. Another thing that contributes to the abilities of Water-Make: Full Circle is the fact that Mizu is the only one who uses it, making it similar to Lost Magic, but not really. Water-Make: Full Circle is something that Mizu calls 'Unique Magic', a magic that isn't Lost Magic, but is extremely rare.


    Can Stack Water-Make Spell Effects on top of one another in succession to increase the damage output of a spell.

    Large Splash Damage and soaked effect (speed decrease) upon impact.

    Will Break Through Any Fire Spell Effects of Equal or Lesser Rank.

    Deals double damage to robotic creatures or cybernetic creatures.

    Will Cause Lightning Effects of Equal or Lesser Rank to backfire on the user or electrocute them. This wouldn't be allowed for PvP, but for PvE it's cool. If you wouldn't mind adding "During Non-PvP encounters" to the beginning, I'd appreciate it.

    Fire Effects of Equal or Lesser Rank will be put out, dispelling them immediately; increasing the damage of the Water-Make spell by the rank of the fire spell that was extinguished. This wouldn't be allowed for PvP, but for PvE it's cool. If you wouldn't mind adding "During Non-PvP encounters" to the beginning, I'd appreciate it.

    Causes Lightning Wizards to loose control of their spell effects; and possibly harm their allies. This wouldn't be allowed for PvP, but for PvE it's cool. If you wouldn't mind adding "During Non-PvP encounters" to the beginning, I'd appreciate it.

    Water will steam right through Fire Spell Effects of Lesser Rank; flying through the Fire effect and causing the water spell to hit the caster of the fire spell, dealing damage. This wouldn't be allowed for PvP, but for PvE it's cool. If you wouldn't mind adding "During Non-PvP encounters" to the beginning, I'd appreciate it.

    Water will instantly break through wood and nature spells of a lesser rank, ripping them to shreds. This wouldn't be allowed for PvP, but for PvE it's cool. If you wouldn't mind adding "During Non-PvP encounters" to the beginning, I'd appreciate it.


    Mizu must put his closed fist on his palm to begin a Water-Make spell properly. Binding his hands effectively would screw him over big time. If he casts a spell without the formation it will be decreased in damage, size, and magnitude by 2 Ranks.

    Water-Make, innately is weak too the Metal element.

    Ice Spell Effects and Water-Make spell effects explode upon impact with one another if they're the Same Rank.

    Metal Spell Effects of Equal or Greater Rank will immediately block Mizu's spell effects.
    Wind is also extremely useful against Mizu's Water-Make; Wind Spell Effects of Equal or Greater Rank will merely slice through the water. I'd also like to mention that any barrier, armour, or spell that blocks attack will be able to block this. You don't have to add that, it's just so you know that. The exception to this, is if you have a spell that directly states it can pierce defenses, and provides a reason why.

    Side note, would you mind splitting up the first sentence, and the second one? It looks like you have 9 strengths and 9 weaknesses, when in reality you have 10 weaknesses.

    Fire spell effects of Greater Rank will hold up as the Water of Water-Make splash against the Fire; although it will be 50% weakened; visibly steaming afterwards.

    Metal Spell Effects of Greater Rank will instantly gust out Mizu's spell effects.

    Cold based spells of a greater rank will freeze Water-Make spells solid.

    Water spells of equal rank will simply clash with Mizu's spell, causing the two to fizzle.

    Enchantments and Creations are one Rank Lower in Volcanic or Desert Areas.

    Aspect of Jupiter:
    Unique Abilities:
    Active- Scald:
    Active- Frost:
    Passive- Basic Maker Abilities:


    Signature Spells:
    D-Ranked Spells:

    Locked Until B-Rank:

    All comments are in This Color
    I'd also like to let you know, for the spells with buffs/debuffs on them, that those buffs/debuffs are reduced by 25% for each rank the recipient is above the rank of spell. It's also increased by 25% for each rank the recipient is below the rank of that spell.

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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Arata 3rd November 2015, 7:32 pm

    Bump! All edits made!


    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Arata_by_ravenart5-d9mu30e
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 3rd November 2015, 8:02 pm

    Mizu Fubuki wrote:


    Primary Magic: Water-Make: Full Circle

    Secondary Magic: N/A For Now

    Caster or Holder: Caster

    Description: Maker Magic, also known as Molding Magic, is one of the most unrestrained types of magic. It allows the user to create almost whatever they want, however, there is one limitation. You either use Dynamic Molding Magic or Static Molding Magic. Dynamic Molding Magic allows the user to create 'living' things, such as animated water sculptures. Static Molding Magic centers around creating inanimate objects, such as weapons. Mizu, however, has mastered Water-Make Magic, and created his own version of the magic, Water-Make: Full Circle. Water-Make: Full Circle incorporates both Static Water-Make and Dynamic Water-Make, however, it also incorporates a third form, designed by Mizu himself, called Destructive Water-Make. Destructive Water-Make involves natural phenomenons, such as storms and tsunamis. Another explosive technique of Water-Make: Full Circle involves 'Full Circle' Molding. 'Full Circle' Water-Make involves combining either Static Water-Make and Destructive Water-Make or Dynamic Water-Make and Destructive Water-Make. An example of 'Full Circle' Water-Make is a storm of daggers, or a tsunami of eagles.

    Water-Make: Full Circle combines the versatility of Maker Magic with the destructive force of straight up Elemental Magic, making it one of the most destructive forces out there. Another thing that contributes to the abilities of Water-Make: Full Circle is the fact that Mizu is the only one who uses it, making it similar to Lost Magic, but not really. Water-Make: Full Circle is something that Mizu calls 'Unique Magic', a magic that isn't Lost Magic, but is extremely rare.


    Can Stack Water-Make Spell Effects on top of one another in succession to increase the damage output of a spell.

    Large Splash Damage and soaked effect (speed decrease) upon impact.

    Will Break Through Any Fire Spell Effects of Equal or Lesser Rank.

    Deals double damage to robotic creatures or cybernetic creatures.

    Will Cause Lightning Effects of Equal or Lesser Rank to backfire on the user or electrocute them.

    Fire Effects of Equal or Lesser Rank will be put out, dispelling them immediately; increasing the damage of the Water-Make spell by the rank of the fire spell that was extinguished.

    Causes Lightning Wizards to loose control of their spell effects; and possibly harm their allies.

    Water will steam right through Fire Spell Effects of Lesser Rank; flying through the Fire effect and causing the water spell to hit the caster of the fire spell, dealing damage.

    Water will instantly break through wood and nature spells of a lesser rank, ripping them to shreds.

    (All of the above are only usable in PVE.)


    Mizu must put his closed fist on his palm to begin a Water-Make spell properly. Binding his hands effectively would screw him over big time. If he casts a spell without the formation it will be decreased in damage, size, and magnitude by 2 Ranks.

    Water-Make, innately is weak to the Metal element.

    Ice Spell Effects and Water-Make spell effects explode upon impact with one another if they're the Same Rank.

    Metal Spell Effects of Equal or Greater Rank will immediately block Mizu's spell effects.

    Wind is also extremely useful against Mizu's Water-Make; Wind Spell Effects of Equal or Greater Rank will merely slice through the water.

    Fire spell effects of Greater Rank will hold up as the Water of Water-Make splash against the Fire; although it will be 50% weakened; visibly steaming afterwards.

    Metal Spell Effects of Greater Rank will instantly gust out Mizu's spell effects.

    Cold based spells of a greater rank will freeze Water-Make spells solid.

    Water spells of equal rank will simply clash with Mizu's spell, causing the two to fizzle.

    Enchantments and Creations are one Rank Lower in Volcanic or Desert Areas.

    [spoiler="Aspect of Jupiter"]
    Description: The Aspect of Jupiter, once a king among gods he has now become as fallen as any other. Having freed his siblings from the belly of his father, Jupiter is tenacious and clings to his immortal essence. Jupiter was hailed as the ruler of the sky, and these certain traits bring themselves to bear in his host.
    Ability: The Aspect of Jupiter lends to it's host a certain favor with the winds. Their magic can only be eaten by God Slayers. Wind magic costs 5% extra when targeting the host and they are 30% resistant to the element. The host can spend half of the magical energy of a wind spell to nullify it (max S-rank).
    Gains a user-ranked Wind-based signature spell (S- rank Max). It must be made in the magic app as normal in addition to the spells made.
    Usage: Small passive, 3 post cooldown on nullification. Can only be done three times per thread.

    Passive- Basic Maker Abilities:


    Signature Spells:
    D-Ranked Spells:

    Locked Until B-Rank:

    A few more comments in This Colour.

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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Arata 3rd November 2015, 8:11 pm

    Bump! All edits made!


    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Arata_by_ravenart5-d9mu30e
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 3rd November 2015, 8:41 pm

    Before I re-approve, I'll give you a couple options...

    1: You can edit your Unique Ability so it reduces MP costs by 25% instead of 50%

    2: You can removed the water spells providing MP towards the next spell entirely, making it so the spells cost 50% less MP, and you have to provide it yourself.

    I also apologize for messing up a few minutes ago.

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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Arata 3rd November 2015, 8:45 pm



    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | Arata_by_ravenart5-d9mu30e
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Completed Re: Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ |

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 3rd November 2015, 8:48 pm

    Shackles of the Damned | ダムドの足かせ | MqXl8kK

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