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    Post by Thorn 26th July 2015, 4:41 pm

    Thorn moved towards the cabin in the distance the creepy vibe that admitted from it sent a shiver down her spine but thorn just smiled softly her head tilted softly "I think this will do!" she stated lightly.

    walking through the entrance she made it so the could be conftable for the next night or two a storm was brewing and even though thorn did not mind rain but being out in it for a long time would even damper her mood.

    Thorn sat on the ground looking around she tried looking for something to cover herself with as cold rolled in. Thinking for a moment she whistled softly and JD came running "do me a faver find Shunsuke for me, it has been so long i wonder if he would remember me!" she whispered letting JD out the door he went to find Shunsuke as thorn thought of the past few times they had come together.


    Social  S6Eaz9K

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    Post by Shunsuke 30th July 2015, 3:19 pm

    The Devil Slayer looked as the locks of white hair fell off of his head and into the sink. He then looked at the bottle of black liquid which stood tall next to some of those locks of hair.

    The truth was, even though his body didn't experience the effects of aging at the same rate of a normal human, his hair sure did. It turned greyish-white after a couple of years, when Shunsuke was supposedly twelve.

    The black liquid that stood next to the chopped-off locks of hair was in fact, a hair dye. A hair dye so consistently designed that it wouldn't wear off for another hundred years, guaranteed. Or that's at least what it said on the label.

    Shunsuke started patting the dye down into his hair with a special brush. With each patting, the brush became increasingly blackened.

    The truth was, that wasn't his brush: it was the landlord's. No matter. It wasn't like it was the only one she had, hopefully. Anyway, Shunsuke finished dying his hair, and used a special device to dry the dye into the hair, so that it would look more realistic.

    The Devil Slayer, after admiring himself for a second decided that he needed to do something about his beard.

    He shaved the beard, so that it would be in a cool-shape, and dyed it black with hair dye.

    Now he was done.

    And all of this took the Devil Slayer just under an hour, whereas his landlord could be done showering and doing her business in less than thirty mint=utes.

    The Devil Slayer walked out of the house, and into the forest. As he walked through, he heard a creaking sound. Well, not a creaking sound. Kind of like something was slithering after him.

    True enough, it was not only Orochimaru, which he had almost forgotten about, but it was a tiger. Something made out of sap, perhaps.

    The tiger motioned for Shunsuke and the anaconda to follow, and sure enough, they did.


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    Post by Thorn 30th July 2015, 3:42 pm

    Thorn waited for hours it seemed, at least that's how it felt to her, as she felt the storm coming closer the plant life became existed there voices in her head became louder and more joined the excitement by the minuet soon she had hundreds all speaking at once all trying to say something different to the other all trying to get her attention, this was the main reason to stop all the voices in her head had once made her open to attacks so now Thorn told herself if they became like it once again she would find somewhere to hide away and send for the one person she trusted a both the rest, Shunsuke.

    Crouching in a corner as far away from the door as she could get, hidden by the mess inside the shed already there Thorn moved her hands over her ears in an attempt to block the noise, even though she knew it would not work. After a short time she sighed in defeat shaking her head trying to knock some sense into herself Thorn rose to her feet staggering slightly as if drunk and unable to be steady she went to the door and looked outside in hopes JD would be there with Shunsuke close behind.


    Social  S6Eaz9K

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    Post by Thorn 11th August 2015, 8:50 pm



    Social  S6Eaz9K

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    Second Skill: Takeover - Anaconda Soul(Unfinished)
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    Post by Shunsuke 14th August 2015, 11:59 am

    The Devil Slayer continued walking, and Orochimaru continued slithering alongside him. Wherever this creature was taking him, it seemed like something was that important that something would seek him out and tell him to follow them.

    As he walked through the forest, he noticed that the thing seemed to look like a plant. Something of a tree. Creepy as hell to the average wizard, but nothing short of normal for Shunsuke.

    Anyways, the Devil Slayer began thinking for a minute. Why did I dye my hair, he thought. Shunsuke's hair is naturally white, but like I said earlier, it started to get gray after a while. So he decided to dye his entire head of hair black.

    Mind you, the black hair looked sexy as shit.

    Anyhow, the JD, or whatever the hell Thorn calls it, kept leading Shunsuke until they saw what seemed to look like a cabin in the distance.

    It was when Shunsuke realized something: There was a storm going on. Just was that there was no rain. Yet. And yet became now.

    The rain began pouring like hell, as if though they were being shot by highly pressurized water guns. The dye was supposedly waterproof, so nothing really dripped off of Shunsuke's head

    The JD began running or crawling, or whatever the hell he does, Shunsuke began running, and Orochimaru began slithering.

    Once they got to the cabin, the Devil Slayer pounded the door with enough force to break it open, though not off its hinges.


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    Post by Thorn 20th August 2015, 4:14 am

    Thorn looked up when the door flung open her arms wrapped around herself as she shivered shuffling back as far as she could into the corner her head almost burst with the voices of the existed plants in the storm her body felt the exhilaration the plants felt when the water started to come down.

    her eyes glazed as she shore Shunsuke but not quite the person she expected thorn thought it was a stranger a man come to kill her in her most weak moment "no... you cant be here Shunsuke will be here any minuet if you do anything to me you will have him to dear with!" she said her voice not the same as useale not a confident not as strong. Even Thorns voice was weak and it said a lot about what was happening to her


    Social  S6Eaz9K

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    Second Skill: Takeover - Anaconda Soul(Unfinished)
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    Post by Shunsuke 26th August 2015, 2:40 pm

    Shunsuke looked around for a bit, utterly blind to who was in the room. That huge run(okay, it wasn't that huge) put him in a state where his subconscious was ignorant to anything else except the background.

    If you're really wondering why Shunsuke ran, it was because the dye was taking longer than usual to dry off. And if he got his hair wet, it would almost immediately start dripping off, and his hair would become a mess of black-and-gray-white.

    The Devil Slayer shook his head a little, and regained his right mind. Just as soon as he did that, Orochimaru slithered right in front of him and began hissing violently. Like a snake poised to attack something.

    Shunsuke rubbed his eyes a bit. "Whoever's the hell in here must be something bad. I guess I'll just have to kill it."

    The Devil Slayer turned to see his favorite woman standing there with what seemed to be a scared look on her face.

    "Down, Orochimaru. It's just my Goddess." The giant snake gave a bit of a warning hiss and slithered next to Shunsuke, making a coil.

    "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell him about you. He seems to like to attack things that he thinks are a danger to me. Such a loyal pet." Shunsuke smiled a bit, fang-like teeth showing. "I didn't think I'd see you in here, beautiful. What's up?"

    Meanwhile, Orochimaru began thinking to himself, "Who the hell is this bitch?" Just so you know, he's very vulgar when he thinks.


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    Post by Thorn 26th August 2015, 2:58 pm

    Thorns eyes narrowed as she watched the man's snake get into attack mode and she stepped back slightly she had a serten amount of resistance to poison but even she knew if the snake bit her she would not be able to survive that long.

    Her eyes moved to the dark haired man a fermilirer feeling came over her when she looked at him "Shunsuke? she asked softly her voice weak and as she spoke her head started to kill once more and she winced in pain.

    "He feels I an a threat to you that is laughable at this moment in time!" she stated she sat back down onto a stall near by careful not to get to close to shunsuke a snake bit is far from what thorn needed right now.

    "the plant life are excited with the rain their voices are so loud in my head when it happens my magic dose not work and I end up an a ball defenceless so I found this place and thought better than out there then I thought about you and how if someone found me I would need someone to protect me and well i sent JD to find you and....... Ow" she had started to explain what was going on then the pain got to grait her hands shot to her head and she crumpled up.


    Social  S6Eaz9K

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    Post by Shunsuke 27th August 2015, 2:27 pm

    "So that's what that thing was. I was wondering why the hell it looked like a plant or something." The Venom Devil Slayer replied.

    Shunsuke may have been uncaring most of the time, but he wasn't stupid. He could see that the Goddess was in pain; a pain that only the Devil Slayer himself could heal. Okay, maybe I was lying with the healing shit, but you get what I mean.

    At least it was a good thing that this isn't Kenpachi we're talking about. Anyways, to be perfectly frank, Shunsuke had no idea whatsoever how to remedy the situation. It wasn't like he was going to stop the rain sometime soon. And it wasn't like that his Magic was suited to this kind of thing.

    Nonetheless, Thorn's one of the few people the Devil Slayer actually gives a damn about. So he was gonna do everything in his power to help her out.

    Another spontaneous thought: Shunsuke's also not the kind of person to really show his feelings. But enough about that.

    The Devil Slayer sighed after hearing everything that the woman said. He then took off his priceless coat(the one which costs enough money to buy two mansions in Magnolia Town) and dropped it on the Goddess. He then sat down, ass-on-floor and back to the wall.

    "So your magic doesn't do so well with water, that's too bad. Whatever, at any rate, I'm here, and it's not like I was going to go anywhere or do anything today."


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    Post by Thorn 28th August 2015, 10:49 am

    thorn laughed softly as she sat on the floor in the corner her mind eased for a moment as the rain carmed for now. her eyes looked at he now cub pet "the find was rear but he is like you, my soul mate!" she said without even thinking. After a moment her eyes widened by the shock of her own word "I mean..... at a loss of words thorn could not finish her sentence.

    shaking her head softly her mind raced and quickly changed what she was talking about "water i can deal with rain however makes the plant all jittery and excited and well that makes me all jittery and existed and I cant concentrate on magic the voices are head splitting loud aswell!" she stated trying not to thin of her earlier comment.


    Social  S6Eaz9K

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