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    First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte]

    Alivya Tarrin
    Alivya Tarrin

    Spirits Keeper

    Spirits Keeper

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Summon
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    First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] Empty First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte]

    Post by Alivya Tarrin 19th June 2015, 10:01 pm

    Lamya looked around too see if she could spot her master it had been some times since she had seen him and now she was dearly missing him. But where could he have gone? The purple haired girl felt a tingling sensation at her waist where ker keys jingled on their ring. It was Pavo. She could tell by the mord glittery sensation that the tingle gave off. He must have known that she was very much lost on the town of Oak. But, as Lamya looked around once again she wondered to herself why would her Master Nii-san ever come here? He knew everything. Well everything that he needed to know. Not that she would tell him that of course. Afterall her Master Nii-san was so kind to her in the times that they spent together. With a sigh the purplette laid her hand over her keys and assured them that she was alright. She smiles as she felt the confidence drift off of her keys, allowing her to know that her keys supported her and trusted her. Trust. Wasn't that the most important thing? What could be if there was not trust in the world? But her soon happy thoughts dimmed as she thought of her master and where he could be. The blonde short haired man was no where. She couldn't wait to tell him of her adventures in getting her passport and helping the family build the cottage. Making friends with the young boy and his father and meeting the newly wedded sister as the newly weds came to visit the finished cottage. But, that meant she had to find him first. But having him gone for so long Lamya didn't know if she wanted to find him again. She was finally free to do as she pleased! Though now she was no longer in the care of Gil shenwould have to be much more careful of her otherside which was more than eager to come out and play.

    The celestial mage wandered through the town looking at all of the buildings, smiles appearing on her face, they werd beautiful and the sweet melodic music that filled the streets had her humming along. It seemed that at this moment she was plently playful and seemed to be friendly.

    WC: 383
    TC: 383

    Last edited by Alivya Tarrin on 17th May 2022, 1:04 pm; edited 1 time in total



    The Flaming Storm

    The Flaming Storm

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 131
    Guild : Surīpingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 2
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Gamaken/Sage of Wisdom
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vibration Magic
    Second Skill: ---
    Third Skill:

    First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] Empty Re: First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte]

    Post by Alistair 20th June 2015, 12:51 pm

    A young man wondered around Oak Town taping and dragging his pipe along the ground changing its sounds that echo from it with the vibrations coming from his body creating a tune that filled the air with a music as he walked along the somewhat crowded streets humming along with the tune he made singing a song that no one heard the words to

    "In every sound the hidden silence sleeps,
    Those who listen believe it never makes a peep,
    Never hearing the echo that passes by,
    Nor knowing their thoughts that were a lie,
    The echo that continues to walks alone,
    No sticks nor stones be able to break his bones.
    Drifting along unseen from place to place,
    Only feeling the heart of which that aches.
    Hearing only the the ticks of clocks and lies gone by,
    Wounding his heart again and again until he dies...."

    The young man sheathed the pole as if it was a sword by a loop of fabric on the back of the long black jacket he wore with a buckle on the left sleeve, underneath a blue shirt and vest, a frilled cravat, and a simple belt holding a pair of loosen light-blue pants with black boots. He young mans cracked his fingers that were underneath his pair of brown leather gloves before pulling down the rim of the large black top hat that had a pair of cyan goggles over the band in attempt to keep the sun out of his eyes as he began to look around as if looking for something before he continued to move once more this time calling out what seemed to be a name followed by several nicknames  "GAMMAKEN! KEN! KENNY! BIG BOSS GAMMA! BIG BOSS KEN! GAMMA!" he continued to call out the names in the same order looking in odd places such as in trash cans and under benches even if people where sitting on them, but seemed to be having no luck as after awhile the young man collapsed on a bench under the shade no one even was taking notice of the young man that was searching for his only friend "Geez where could have he gotten to? He goes off saying he is going to do something and not to go into town before disappearing for a week. How does he not expect me to come looking for him..." the man took off his top hat resting it on top of his chest letting out a sigh "Where are you Gamaken?"

    Last edited by Alistair on 11th August 2015, 9:29 pm; edited 1 time in total


    First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] NIcSzU5
    First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] 8bcBk2DFirst times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] JpghjKoFirst times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] ABgHET9First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] JpghjKoFirst times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] WoUKdoo
    Alivya Tarrin
    Alivya Tarrin

    Spirits Keeper

    Spirits Keeper

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Summon
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    First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] Empty Re: First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte]

    Post by Alivya Tarrin 23rd June 2015, 3:37 pm

    Lamya continued to hum as she walked, her legs kicking out in front of her like that of a toy souldier. Still in her own head she didn't see the person in front of her until it was too late and the young woman squeaked as she fell backwards onto the pavement behind her. Stinging sensations ran through her palms and the celestial mage hissed softly trying to ignore the monster in her head trying to get out.Grrr they knocked us over, let me out so that I can see their blood spill

    'No, shut up you cannot come out, they didn't do anything wrong. I was the one who ran into them. The purple haired girl sighed and got back up before looking for the person that she had bumped into. Seeing a teen age girl on the ground Lamya extended a hand to her. An offereing to help her up. Yet instead the brunette that had also fallen to the ground glared up at Lamya and pushed the offereing standing up on her own, brushing off her faded demin jeans and baby blue tank top. I don't nood help from someone who can't watch where they are going." With a huff and an upturned nose the teen aged girl was off.  leaving Lamya looking after confused and an enraged voice in her head. 'You should have let me at her.' The other voice inside of Lamya's head hissed at her. If I had done that then you would have also hurt all of the people around us just because they watched. Her sensible side scolded back. Upon hearing the voice talk back at her Lamya froze in the middle of the walk way'Who would care, they are just a bunch of people that don't know anything.' A stern glare appeared on the face of the young woman. "I don't care if they don't know. We won't hurt them, we won't be like them."

    The purple haired girl stomped off and towards the shade of a near by tree that had a well placed bench next to it. Unfortuetly the bench was taken, but not the tree itself. Relaxing against the tree the celestial mage could feel her keys tingling with several of her spirits mad and wanting to come out.

    WC: 383
    TC: 766

    Last edited by Alivya Tarrin on 17th May 2022, 1:05 pm; edited 1 time in total



    The Flaming Storm

    The Flaming Storm

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 131
    Guild : Surīpingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 2
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Gamaken/Sage of Wisdom
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vibration Magic
    Second Skill: ---
    Third Skill:

    First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] Empty Re: First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte]

    Post by Alistair 24th June 2015, 10:56 pm

    Alistair had briefly fallen asleep only to be woken up a few minutes later as the sound of someone stomping towards him, he sat up right and cross legged on the bench holding his hat to his chest seeing a girl standing in the shade of the tree that the bench was placed next to, relaxing against the tree.
    Alistair observed the girl seeing she had a slender with a good amount of muscle being able to see in in the skin exposed and her small but slightly calloused hand. She wore a white dress shirt underneath a black skirt with the skirt ending about mid-thigh, along with boots that reached to a little below her skirt, a pink ribbon anround her neck and a small bunny in her hair that Alistair couldn't figure out if it was real or not.
    It was then he saw a ring of keys with the girl and Alistair's eyes went blank looking as if the life had be taken away from them while turning a faint neon green all upon looking at the purple haired girl and her keys "Magic identified, Celestial Spirit Summoning magic...keys identified, total four consisting two gold keys and two silver keys. Gold Keys: Gate of The Judge: Aizen and Gate of the Maiden: Virgo one of the zodiac 12...Silver Keys: Gate of the Ocean Warrior: Delphinus and Gate of the Feather Swordsman Pavo...Key holder scanned determined not as threat." Alistair spoke so quickly it sounded like gibberish before falling silent as his eyes returned to normal, he placed his hat on his before jumping onto the bench in a crouching position from after being lying down on it before he back up swiftly grabbing his pipe holding it as if it was a walking stick before tipping his hat to the girl who had just walked up "Well madam who will not acknowledge me nor can see like the rest of the world...*sighs sadly* I bid you adieu....to bad she was rather stunning to the eye as well...no point being whatever I am feeling now I better get back to looking for Gamaken...now where to look next?..."


    First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] NIcSzU5
    First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] 8bcBk2DFirst times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] JpghjKoFirst times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] ABgHET9First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] JpghjKoFirst times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] WoUKdoo
    Alivya Tarrin
    Alivya Tarrin

    Spirits Keeper

    Spirits Keeper

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Posts : 255
    Guild : Divine Calamity
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Summon
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    First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] Empty Re: First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte]

    Post by Alivya Tarrin 16th July 2015, 7:16 pm

    Lamya had closed her eyes and sighed, she just needed a break, but as soon as she had closed her eyes to calm down her nerves another voice started to speak. It was not to her no, but it was about her and all of her magic. Her teal eyes snapped open and she looked at the male who was sitting on the ench in front of her. His eyes seemed to be glowing before the went back to normal. Lamya frowned slightly as she watched him squat on the bench as if he was going to take off and spoke a good-bye before looking at her and sighing sadlt making a comment about her beauty. The Celestial Mages eyes went wide. No one had ever complimented her on her beauty. But then again she hadn't talked to many people other than the man who had been sent to kill her after she had escaped the guild Cor Torva with Cirven, the man who had tried to kill her at her side. Well maybe not tried, but ordered to kill her. Lamya shook her head at the thoughts, that was the time that she had lost it since she had first gone crazy. Someone had taken her most prized possession and she was no longer able to control her darkside any longer. "Wait, please." She spoke to the man who was looking to take odd once again. He had said something about no one being able to see him, but she had been able to see him. So what did the man mean?

    WC: 264
    TC: 1030

    Last edited by Alivya Tarrin on 17th May 2022, 1:06 pm; edited 1 time in total



    The Flaming Storm

    The Flaming Storm

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 131
    Guild : Surīpingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 2
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Gamaken/Sage of Wisdom
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vibration Magic
    Second Skill: ---
    Third Skill:

    First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] Empty Re: First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte]

    Post by Alistair 31st July 2015, 12:13 am

    "Wait, please." The young blonde haired man turned around looking back at the violet haired beauty as she looked at him with her eyes widened looking at him as if no one had ever complimented her on her beauty looking just as shocked and confused as he was though they were probably confused from very different reasons from hers. He stood still looking ridiculous as he stood standing with as foot in the air as if he was about to take a large step away before lowering it and standing up straight leaning forward tipping the rim of his tophat as he looked at the girl wide eyed as he taps his pole on the ground as he stared into her eyes enfactuated with her as no one has ever seen him and remembered him after he began to move away. "Y-yo-you can see me?"
    Alistair asked still staring into her eyes his face inches away from hers as he continued to lean forward towards her face using his pole like a walking stick to keep him from falling over, a goofy looking grin grew on his face as his eyes began to water up slightly while his body lept into the air slightly off the ground as he back away clearly flustered and excited "This is amazing no one but Gamaken could see me before you, wait maybe she wasn't speaking to me but someone else. Oh cr*p if that was the casethatwouldbesoembarrassingIwouldn'tbetotalktoheragainevenifshecouldn'tseeorremembermewaitallihavetodoistestifshereallysawmeornot!" His words began to slur together as he spoke faster and faster the more he got worried before quickly spinning on his heals to look at the violet haired on holding up three finger on his extended hand he held up infront of her face looking at her with his eyes sparkling with hope "Quick madam you must tell me how many fingers am I holding up?"


    First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] NIcSzU5
    First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] 8bcBk2DFirst times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] JpghjKoFirst times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] ABgHET9First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] JpghjKoFirst times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] WoUKdoo
    Alivya Tarrin
    Alivya Tarrin

    Spirits Keeper

    Spirits Keeper

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Summon
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    First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte] Empty Re: First times [Lamya&Alistair | Piravte]

    Post by Alivya Tarrin 19th September 2015, 7:56 pm

    Lamya could only watch as the male that she had been talking to started to speak incredibly fast. She herself had only managed to catch a word or two before she was lost all over again. She just looked at him in awe. How was a person able to speak so fast? The purple haired mage blinked once then twice as the male finally slowed his talking and looked at her as he raised three fingers and asked her how mant fingers he was holding up. "Three?" Lamya was now very much confused. It was as if this person had never talked to another human being before. Was it that he had said something about no one being able to see him? With a quick shake of her head Lamya smiled at the man before her. "Nevermind that. My name is Lamya, may I ask what yours is?" She held her hand on in a greeting.

    Living beyond our dreams
    These moments do not make us who we are but who we are to become.

    Notes go here

    @Alistair | Words
    © Hyacintho| hover lyrics for notes

    WC: 157
    TC: 1187


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 7:09 pm