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    Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    Private Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by That Adopted Kid 21st May 2015, 2:20 pm

    The sun was high in the sky, the birds were chirping, and the children were playing. You could say it was a beautiful sunny day within the capital, filled with blue and happiness, also possibly massive debt as people spent money. Frankly despite the upbeat attitude of this place, there was something sinister lying beneath the city, the underbelly, the violent crime ridden sections that dragged good people to do horrible things. In Mei's mind she had found the headquarters of such a place. Now Mei was a simple girl, she valued the discipline of using your abilities and mind above all else, which is why the place she had found was clearly made from the devil's hand. Why had she accepted this blasted mission, probably because she was in a panic.

    New to the guild hall she didn't want to actually make any kind of commotion so instead she had hidden within the room, and shifted over to the job postings and picked the first one she could find, and basically ran out. She'd have to get over that some day since she had chosen one which made no sense... till she got there. Now Mei didn't know what a cosplay was, she thought it was a stage production... with food, so that's why she chose it. Now she was learning the error of her ways. Not only would she have to appear immodest in a frilly french maid outfit, call others 'master', but she would have to serve them food.

    This was a true trial of all her training, the food in front of her would be laughy taffying, snickersing, and make her all butterfingers. She really wanted to just indulge, but instead she had to serve all manor of people, from nerds to smarties. Still there was some reprieve, the manager had seemed nice so far, and while she was changing into the outfit, Mei had heard there were apparently others who had signed up as well for today so it wouldn't just be Mei facing these temptations alone. While the thought of working with others made her nervous, she would have to fight it today, since after all this job wasn't just for the pride of her new guild, but for jewels, glorious food buying jewels. Her fourth fridge was almost out of stock and needed more in it after all!



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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by Cr1tikal 22nd May 2015, 12:28 am

    Today was the day! Her first job as a member of the Lamia Scale guild! Too bad her mood wasn't as good as it should at the time. It had been about eighteen hours since Aiyana had eaten, and it was starting to bother her. Being low on money wasn't the reason for not eating, not wanting to SPEND that money for food was her problem. It's fine, after I get paid for this job I'll buy some food and I'll be okay for a little while longer, she mumbled to herself as she looked at the door of the building the "job" was to take place in.

    Walking in, Aiyana realized that this job was going to be VERY easy for her. Getting to dress up in any costume you wanted and being a waitress for the day. She was used to being social, which meant she could deal with even the worst customers for this job without violence. Who knew? Maybe she could even manage a decent tip and get an extra meal out of it! With that in mind, she walked into the dressing room and started to look around at all the insane costumes they had in there.

    Ooh! What's this? Aiyana thought as she walked, curiously, up to a bright red costume folded up in the corner. She knew it was the one for her to wear when she began unfolding it and looked it over. It was basically a one piece swimsuit with red knee high boots and a long cape of the same color. To go along with it there was a red mask that went around the face instead of concealing it. Without thinking about who was around, or about her own decency, Aiyana just took off everything she was wearing and put it into one of the employee lockers. It wasn't until after she got the entire costume on, and moved around it in a bit, that she noticed there were other people in the room with her.

    There was no blushing, nor was there embarrassment. Oh! Hi you guys! Looks like we'll be working together today! I'm Aiyana, it's nice to meet you, she spoke cheerfully as she patted down the costume and double checked to make sure it all looked great. You can't just go out into the crowd looking like you didn't try to look nice after all. After she was happy with her costume, and they way it was situated, she looked up at the others to see if they were willing to respond.

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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by Chesha 22nd May 2015, 11:43 pm

    ’This might’ve been a mistake.’ The thought struck the Sabertooth mage clear as day as soon as she stood before this…establishment. There hadn’t been anybody around to really get a definition of “cosplay” and for some reason the bartender at the ground location had been less than helpful beyond a few chuckles and a “you’ll find out soon enough.” Strange since he’d been pretty helpful in making sure Mao didn’t get lost on the way to a job, never mind a little coaching so the sometimes blunt woman avoided saying the wrong thing…too often.

    The conversation with the café owner took place over the phone, the fellow going so far as to mention that two other “fine ladies” had also accepted so the work wouldn’t be too overbearing luckily. In fact he’d sounded relieved, so taking the job felt right at the time, but being greeted by someone in that type of clothing, well, it brought back unpleasant flashbacks to when she first showed up at Sabertooth. The incident, as far as she knew, was more or less covered up because she was pretty sure no one saw her in that ridiculous getup. The notion that she might be wearing such uncomfortable clothes caused the pit of her stomach to churn a little as she noted a variety of other costumes.

    An overly joyous voice rang out as an arm clapped her on the shoulder, ”Welcome, welcome! You must be the third mage, excellent! I see you brought a costume with you…though I’m afraid it’ll need a little bit of tweaking. The ears and…well if you can control that tail, they can stay, but this odd little…desert traveler look will have to go I’m afraid. If it was more of an Arabian princess look then it might’ve worked, but I’m afraid it simply won’t gel with most of our customers.” The energetic owner guided her further into weird café, his free arm waving about with enthusiastic gestures that managed to avoid hitting anybody by some feat as he led her to a door.

    ”Here we are, the employee changing rooms. There are costumes inside that are much more the shop’s style, so feel free to pick one out and keep it! Who knows, it might come in handy at a later date~” Before he shoved her through the door, the man winked at her as if she might understand his double entendre, and then there she was, in some room with two other strangers.

    And one of them was already completely naked.

    Not that she cared once she realized she wasn’t alone. In fact, her bravado impressed Mao, knowing that many people wouldn’t react so nonchalantly, even less while wearing what amounted to underwear and a corset. ’Reminds me of one of the books Silabus wouldn’t let me read.’ Without thinking too much she quickly grabbed one of the outfits off the rack, eager to change and get this over with seeing as she was the late one to the party. Unfortunately her tail got in the way a little, forcing the short nurse’s dress up so she stole a pair of white short-shorts from another getup, making the outfit a little better when combined with the tall pair of pale-pink stockings. Rather than a hat it came with a small headband to keep the thing in place, just an arched band of white with a pale red cross stitched into place. ’Now if only this came with gloves…’

    Alas, she’d have to work with her arms bared, oh the humanity! On the bright side she wouldn’t be alone, all the fictional stories implied this to be a good thing! Something about "bonding" and "friendship" or other.


    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by That Adopted Kid 23rd May 2015, 2:57 am

    Mei was just minding her own business, finishing up the little outfit. it had too much in the way of ribbons, and frills. She didn't understand the need for all of this clutter, or that there was another girl in here completely naked. Wait what? Why was she completely naked, this was just... well it was a changing room but still, no underwear!? Unless she was only wearing underwear before... oh my. Mei was a hot-blooded freedom lover, but for a moment she went full communism, becoming redder then the mid west without a cloud in the sky. She couldn't actually react or process anything, instead she just had to keep tying the little ribbons, and pretend like she didn't see it.

    Then the girl spoke.

    Now it got awkward, and not just because of the nudist pride conversion going on, but because now another girl had joined in, and she was already in half her costume. A nudist and a professional cos-player? Man Mei had chosen the wrong type of job for herself. This was certainly not going to end well.

    "Uh... it's um... nice to uh, meet you. I'm uh... late to get started..."

    Mei scattered out of the room like a lobster who was a doctor. She didn't do the weird noises though, well at least out loud, she instead just ran out. This was becoming harder than she thought, between the food, and the now nudist and professional cos-player. Mei was now outgunned and honestly she had to  resist just turning invisible and running. Mei knew though that she couldn't run, the pride of the guild was resting on her shoulders. She would stick through this no matter what, and get it done. Mei wasn't the type to quit, only the shy type, at least around new people!

    Still, she was starting to get hungry, she hadn't had her snack yet, which could lead to problems in the near future. Hopefully some of the customers would at least be kind. She apparently wasn't allowed to talk back at all, and instead would have to call them master... oh boy, that didn't sit well with her, but that's a story for another day.



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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by Cr1tikal 25th May 2015, 8:54 pm

    'Oh my god! That girl in maid costume was so cute!' Ai couldn't help but giggle a bit as the taller one of the group ran off. It didn't help that she had turned as red as a lobster and got all flustered over her getting dressed. 'Wish she would have at least introduced herself thought. I'll have to get her name as I go,' she thought as she turned back to look as the other one was getting dressed.

    This one was turned the other way as she was starting to put on a nurse costume that she had picked out for the job they were committed to. 'Do she got the booty?' was the one question that ran through her head as she took the chance to look. It was at that moment she realized that the tail was NOT an extra costume piece she had brought in, but a part of the girl she was looking at. "Damn that's some fine tail," she mumbled to herself in appreciation of what she was looking at. While it wouldn't be loud enough to hear normally, she didn't take into account the ears the girl had. Hopefully she wasn't paying too much attention as she wouldn't like it if there was hostility over her mistake in volume.

    "Well, here goes nothing!" With the decently loud exclamation, Aiyana opened the doors and walked out of the dressing room and back out into the area they were going to be working in. 'Let's hope I get someone with some good cash flow. Would love to get a decent tip today,' the woman thought to herself as she looked towards the entrance of the cafe. Any moment people would start to come through those doors, and they would be the ones to help them out. With luck, they would all get good tips, and maybe she would make a few new friends!

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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by Chesha 26th May 2015, 12:00 am

    The others appeared eager to get to work, especially the first girl who dashed out of the room almost as soon as she was done! She stuttered a little in her speech, confusing Mao since she couldn't decide if the girl was nervous about the job, shy, or just so eager she tripped over her words a little...well it'd be no use distracting her with questions about it. Mao would have to observe in silence whenever given the chance.

    As for the other, she lingered for a little extra to make sure everything was situated with her getup. Ears twitched slightly as the mumbled words just barely made it to her, Mao's eyebrows raising a little as she paused in adjusting the little headband. Again, the person was gone before she could think of a proper response beyond a small smile to the mirror in front of her. 'How nice, she recognized all the care and effort I put into it.' Keeping that large limb in prime condition was a labor of love, but filled with love nevertheless. The compliment left her with a small, light feeling inside she wouldn't be able to fully describe if someone inquired about it.

    By the time she left the room a few seconds later the smile vanished, such things rarely lasting long. A few feet from the door the owner greeted her a second time, jamming a pair of fake glasses onto her face, "There, perfect!" He would, naturally, avoid mentioning that the glasses might help push the short, blazé girl into the "serious megane" category - an attempt to help increase her potential moe levels, or save his sales at the very least. "Just a few reminders before we start hitting the rush: do NOT harm the customers, no matter what! I can't afford to have business driven away, so please just go along with their requests and if they're too outlandish I'll...err...do something," she sensed a great bit of hesitance, and wasn't entirely sure she trusted that statement fully, "But don't worry, we haven't had any serious incidents in a long while!"

    Comforting, really that was, if Mao felt worried to begin with because she failed to understand the fascination people had with others dressed up in costume...wait...was the "Cos" in "Cosplay" for costume? 'I still don't get it...' she thought to herself while nodding, "Understood."



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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by NPC 26th May 2015, 12:00 am

    The member 'Mao' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)  NormalMonster


    #2 'Monster Dice' :
    Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)  NormalMonster


    #3 'Monster Dice' :
    Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)  NormalMonster
    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by That Adopted Kid 26th May 2015, 12:46 am

    Mei had run out of that room specifically because of the one girl with the mint hair. She didn't even seem to care that others could see her naked! Who did that, like seriously who lacked that level of modesty. The world was sure filled with strange people, oh well at least now she could focus on this 'job'. Still she didn't know what she had to do fully, but the manager before she had  arrived within the changing room told her to call the customers master, or young master, or something like that.

    Such a strange custom this was, did every place like this do this? Would she be forever cursed to end up getting these kinds of jobs? Well apparently a massive party of kids all came in before she could ponder those most precious of life circumstances. Twelve in total it seemed, and they each sat down at booths fairly close to each other, but distanced enough to where they would have to yell... and be obnoxious. Still they seemed like nice kids, keep in mind that Mei doesn't have any, so she has no idea what she even talking about. ignorance would soon turn out to not be bliss, but a terrible nightmare that would drag her sanity down to the depths of hell.

    Approaching the children, Mei smiled and took a little bow.

    "What would the young masters and mistresses like to order?"

    And then they all started speaking at once, and Mei had a sweat drop the size of texas appear on her face. Seriously this kids wouldn't shut up!

    "How about one of you at a time."

    "How about you just listen, butt face!"

    "Very well, what would the young master like?"

    "Oh, oh I'll have some your stupid!"

    "Okay, and how about you young mistress?"

    "I'll have some tea, and maybe some ice cream!"

    "You ordered normal, dummy you gotta tell her you want like boogers."

    "The same kind you like to eat behind the swing set, no thanks!"

    There was a rousing "ooooo", as the boy was clearly "pwned".

    "You young master?"

    "I'd some chocolate, chocolate covered cake with ice cream, and skittles. All the skittles"

    Mei had to resist saying 'one order of diabetes coming up.

    "Last but not least, for you young master?"

    "I just want my mommy to stop drinking and my daddy to stop hitting me."

    Silence dampened the air and table as everyone had a look of 'what' just happened on their faces, Mei's especially became covered with a dark shadow of disbelief. That was out of left field.

    "But I guess a hotdog will do."

    Repeating the kids orders back to them as they went about bickering, Mei took off to go and report each one to the chef. Hopefully this wouldn't that hard, but by the looks of it, it was a war zone, and she was out manned, but not out gunned. She had wit while they only had instinct. She would pull through this victorious no matter the cost of lives, or panties shots.



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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by Cr1tikal 27th May 2015, 11:28 pm

    The excited Aiyana didn't stay that way when the customers started to flood in. 'Dear lord! It's the Kidocalypse!' She thought, unhappily, to herself as schoolchildren started a raid on the place. 'Of all the people it could have been, it had to be children! Little brats with small amounts of money here just to buy snacks and light foods and probably just leave lousy, if any, tips!' After she finished her miniature rant inside her own head, the young woman started off to the table she wanted to help; the one which two of the children were in fancy dress and seemed to have wealthy parents because of it.

    "Hello young children! I shall be your hostess for your time here. Let me know when you're rea-"

    "Haha! Boobies guys!"

    "Ooooh! She's in a bikini!"

    "Mommy says I'm not allowed to see boobs! I don't want to get in trouble guys!"

    "Jimithy, it's fine! No one's going to tell on you!"

    It looked like she was going to have fun with this group all right. Little kids distracted by her tits instead of worrying about ordering, and they had just sat down. With an internal sigh, Aiyana just stood there with a smile and made herself blush. "Oh my kids, I'll make sure your mom doesn't find out. Just make sure you order so you can get something to eat and not waste your trip here!"

    "I'll have a hotdog! And a Bepsi."

    "I want a tossed salad and a medium rare steak."

    "I want some nuts, and a water."

    "I just want some Lady Fingers, and a PhD Salt to drink."

    'What do they want next? A vagina to go?'
    She thought to herself as she wondered if most of the kids were purposely doing these orders or if it was just dirty by chance. "Okay! So I hav-"

    "Wait! I changed my mind. I want a Steak and tossed salad too! But I want the steak well done."

    "Eww, well done? That's like eating a rock!"

    "Nuh uh!"

    "Uh huh!"

    "Shutup buttface!"

    "You're a buttface!"

    'What have I gotten myself into here? This really is the Kidocalypse...'

    "Guys, please don't argue with each other. The manager doesn't want to have to make you leave if you keep going. He loves that you would come here, but he doesn't want damage to anything or anyone." She just wanted to keep the peace here. Why did children have to be so argumentative! It just made her realize how little she wanted children.

    "So is everyone happy with their orders currently? Or would someone like to change it before I go have the cooks prepare your food and bring out the snacks that don't need to be cooked?"

    "Can I have Cola Coca?"

    "You sure can sweetie!"

    "Okay! I think we're all good now!"

    "All right," she said with the friendliest smile she could put onto her face. "I'll be right back with your drinks and the snacks!" With that said, Aiyana walked up and brought the food orders to the cooks before walking over the the drink station. 'It'll be okay! You can do this Aiyana!' She thought to herself as she took a deep breath as she filled cups with drinks.

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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by Chesha 28th May 2015, 12:37 am

    Shit hit the fan.

    Some school in the area must've ended for the day because suddenly a small swarm of silly kids seemingly ran inside for some snacks and soda. En masse no less. They split up into groups blessedly - not that there was much choice given the sizes of the tables - ensuring that no single, poor soul was stuck with the entire lot. Before she could approach one of the tables the manager pulled on her shoulder and whispered something in one of those longish ears, the line causing her to pause for a moment before nodding.

    Once at the table the woman gave a small nod of her head, expression still lacking in much emotion, "How may I help you, my patients?"

    They all giggled as if she said something funny and then whispered amongst one another, surely plotting their orders. Why would children hatch any nefarious plans?

    "Can I have a Fiore Dry and burger, spit on the side please?"

    Again they all giggled until Mao repeated the order back, "Fiore Dry, burger with spit on the side," and then giggled more.

    "I'll have the..umm...the soup...no, no wait I want fries and an ice cream! Yeah! And...err...Miss Bipp...and um, the vile condiment?" Only one friend snickered, the other two rolling their eyes.

    More scribbles and a confirmed order before those green eyes turned to the third child, a young girl with her gang of boy friends, or boyfriends, who was Mao to judge? "I'll have just a water to drink, and a salad with green cheese dressing, but make sure the ice stays at the bottom of the water, kay?" she ordered, ending with a small hair flip and smirk towards their waitress.

    The fourth boy rolled his eyes, "Lay off Mel, sheez." With a wink to their nurse of a waitress, he tried for something that could only be described as a "child's thoughts on a suave grin" before ordering, "I'll have a Bepsi, large plate of fries with ketchup, and a little tail for dessert if you know what I mean."

    Much to his disappointment, and the uproarious giggling from his friends, Mao repeated his order back with the same feeling she'd used on the other orders. Once they were all confirmed Mao bowed a little before leaving them to chat as the cooks started on the bounty of orders and she fixed the drinks. It'd be hard to mess up drinks and ice at least, though keeping ice at the bottom would be a little tricky no thanks to the laws of physics.


    That Adopted Kid
    That Adopted Kid

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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by That Adopted Kid 28th May 2015, 1:44 am

    Mei had taken the order to the chef in the back, and now would wait for it to prepare. She didn't know exactly what she was going to do with these children, but the idea of not helping them as much as possible came to mind. No she had to do her best for the guild! It was her mission, her hope in life, her duty, and she needed more money for food too. being honest with herself that was probably ninety percent of the reason, but really she loved her guild mates too, even if she didn't know any of them!

    Finally after what seemed like forever the kids order was complete, Mei had managed to hide herself while waiting for the chef to finish it, thus she didn't have to talk to the other two, she was terrible at talking to peer's or strangers when it didn't involve a job or something. She didn't know why she was so shy, maybe she just needed a kick in the ass, or a hearty smack.

    Either way when the order was Ready Mei rushed to the table, and presented the food for each one of them, and then with a nice smile retreated, or so she thought. Just as she was retreating to go and relax in silence, the kid that seemed hot for vengeance let out a mighty war cry in his highest pitch little prissy voice, and launched his buddies chocolate cake directly towards the back of Mei's head. It was like a mid-evil catapult designed to siege a city, except with chocolate!

    Sadly this kid had underestimated Mei's sixth sense, and not the type that dealt with magic, but with FOOD. Dodging her head to the side as the food flew past, she quickly darted her head towards the cake, and latched into it well enough to let it keep its shape, then without even using her hands she proceeded to scarf it down. The kid's expression of conquest quickly turned into terror. He had awoken something truly scary!

    Mei's ability to catch the cake was terrifying, but that wasn't all. Nearly as soon as she had caught it, it was all gone. She had eaten all of it, and she didn't even have any crumbs around her mouth, or chocolate. Worst of all Mei pulled out a small watch and looked down towards it.

    "So close to a new record."

    Putting the watch back into her maid skirts pockets, she smiled back towards the kid, her teeth perfectly clean. He sunk back down into his chair like a defeated man, he had nothing left now, he could throw more food or yell, but what was the point. She was clearly this little kid's better. Mei was surely proud of herself.

    "Do not worry young master who has lost his cake, I shall get you another one, on me, oh wait, none of it got on me!"

    Making a darting glance at the boy sunken within the booth, she turned around, and headed to go and re fill the order. She was on top of everything right now, and even got a free meal out of it, well the first course of her normal thirteen courses. Still it was something right?

    Last edited by That Adopted Kid on 28th May 2015, 1:44 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : herp derped on wording.)



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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by Cr1tikal 28th May 2015, 9:27 pm

    'Okay! One each of Bepsi, Water, PhD Salt and Cola Coca!'

    With that thought, Aiyana put all the cups onto a tray to carry back and walked her way back to the table she was tasked with assisting. 'Maybe once they get their food they'll calm down? I sure hope so,' the woman thought to herself as she got to the table.

    “Here's your drinks guys! I'll be right back with the non-cooked snacks in a flash!”

    Without waiting to see what would happen next, Aiyana went and grabbed the nuts, lady fingers and both salads. As she laid everything onto a tray the hostess overheard a shrill cry and the clinking and clacking of a plastic cup hitting the floor, followed by the sound of splashes. It was the sound of the end of patience for most. It was the sound of THOSE DAMN KIDS KNOCKING OVER THE COLA COCA!

    With a deep inhale followed by a rather sharp exhale, Aiyana walked over with a semi-smile to see her table had turned into a lake in the few moments she was away from it. Each of the kids was sitting there quietly, innocent looks on their faces as they all smiled at her.

    “Aww, looks like someone spilled the drinks. Would any of you like refills?”

    All of them nodded their heads in a show of yes as she dried off the table as quickly as possible with her free hand, considering she still held a tray of snacks in the other, and gently set each kids food in front of them before walking away to get the refills. While she new they had done it on purpose there was nothing she could do about it without getting herself in trouble with the manager. As she brought the new round of drinks, and the steaks and hotdog that were now cooked, over she decided that if they did something else like that on purpose she would report them and hope something good would come of it.

    The sound of another person coming into the cafe made her look towards that direction to see a woman in her mid-thirties walking in and instantly glare at her before looking to the boy named Jimithy.

    “Jimithy Bob Smith! What did I tell you about going places just to see boobs! Why do I HAVE to remind you twice a week that you're too young to be doing these kind of things and stringing your friends along with you!”

    “But Mom! It wasn't my idea to come here anyway! We just wanted something to eat and this was the closest place! Plus he was going to pay for all of us!”

    Jimithy's last statement also had a finger pointing towards one of the kids in fancy clothes, proving Ai's insight on the kid having money.

    “Well, I think I'll stay here and make sure you children at least behave yourselves for the rest of your stay here!”

    There was a collective groan that resounded from the whole table as 'Mommy' sat down next to Jimithy. 'That was interesting,' Aiyana thought to herself as she started to walk towards Mei and her table to see if she needed any help. Although it PROBABLY wasn't a good idea to be looking back over her shoulder at her table in the process...

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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by Chesha 31st May 2015, 2:37 am

    Fiore Dry almost overflowed onto the counter as Mao's attention became riveted on one of the other girls. Blinking a few times, she decided to accept the reality of the situation: the girl was amazing. It'd been the banshee's cry from the child that caught her initial interest, the startling and harsh noise hard to ignore. When he'd tossed the cake a second later Mao entertained the thought of "What a waste" as the dessert flew through the air with a planned meetup with the maid's head. Alas the rendezvous was not to be as she not only Matrix dodged it, but proceeded to scarf it down at speeds eating competition participants could only dream of reaching.

    At the end, she could almost watch a visible arrow from the woman's comeback stab the little hellion as he sank further into his chair.

    One of the chefs caught her attention however, the food ready according to her scribbles and she'd just finished all the drinks. Time to deliver.

    Clunk. Clunk. Clunk.

    With each dish Mao repeated the order in that same monotone voice, the children's eyes widening with incredulity at just how literal she'd taken their order.

    "One Fiore Dry and a burger, spit on the side for the young miss," down went a small cup usually reserved for condiments, sporting only the spit from one of the chefs. He'd given her a long, hard look as if searching for the joke when she clarified the request, but after receiving nothing more than a reply look that would only result in a staring contest the man gave in and spit. "The customer is always right" was the motto after all. The friends laughed as the unfortunate girl twisted her face in disgust, pushing the offending cup as far away as her reach would allow.

    This one proved a little tricky as she set them down, a small frown marring her face, "Fries, your vanilla ice cream, Miss Bipp...and I'm afraid the cooks couldn't figure out what the 'vile' condiment was...we are probably out at this time, so I poured some vinegar into a cup for you. I hope that is to your satisfaction young sir." As the smell wafted in his general direction, he too suffered the wrinkles of a grimacing face, a hand shooing the cup away until Mao placed it back onto the serving tray. She shrugged before moving onto the other girl, her smug expression so sure that their silly, nurse-dressed waitress couldn't have gotten her order so literal or weird...

    ...until she saw the double-cup structure placed before her. "I'm afraid the Laws of Physics demand the ice float, so instead of placing them in the water itself, I left them in a separate glass and left enough room so the ice wouldn't cause the other glass to be off centered, but still capable of cooling off the water. Now you won't have to worry about the ice causing you any issue. Here is your salad with green dressing young miss." The child's bemused expression completely passed over her as she turned to the final customer, the boy gulping as he could only wonder...

    "And for you young sir, here is your Bepsi, fries with ketchup, and there wasn't any dessert listed as 'tail' I'm afraid. Do not fear: we have creative cooks here," she ended with a smile, pleased with their efforts as she placed a bowl of ice cream before him.

    Inside it was chocolate ice cream, except rather than scooped it appeared to have been stylized in a strange, twisting mountain formation. Staring at it, they all shared the same thought: 'It's poop...'

    "If there is anything else you need, please don't hesitate to ask," her voice had taken on a slightly friendlier tone compared to before, the woman obviously pleased with her efforts on getting their orders as right as much as possible. Taking their speechlessness as a sign of how happy they were, she left them to their meals, completely oblivious to their frozen state of shock.


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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by That Adopted Kid 3rd June 2015, 12:59 pm

    Mei's table had been good. Sure they threw food at her, but Mei just viewed that as a free bit of a potentially larger meal, but since she wasn't allowed to eat the food she was serving under normal circumstances, it was still a freebie. It gave her a bit of a smile to see that the kids had been not only thoroughly defeated, but were actually enjoying their meals. She had done a good job, even if it was a little rocky, and that filled her with pride. Then all of her pride shattered as she walked back towards the kitchen to ring up the check. As Mao walked past her, Mei caught a whiff of the food, and boy was she not offended. She didn't even know what to think, it looked like a Monty Python skit. Did the kids order some spam or something?

    Sadly Mei wished her ability to smell and feel the food around her wasn't a natural instinct, because one of them seemed less than appealing... in fact you could say one of the dishes being served was downright shitty. Mei's one wish for Christmas was some bleach to wash out the feelings, the emotions that such a horrible tray filled her with. If she wasn't so headstrong about being a disciplined and hard-working mage with moral standards, she might just say screw it and join some dark guild, or form her own... with black jack and hookers, and of course mountains of food that made SENSE.

    As she returned with the check, she saw that the kids were now just chatting, and while they still had food on their plates to an extent, it finished off enough to give her even more of a sense of pride. Placing the check on the table, the kids all pulled out money from their pockets and paid it right then and there. She was actually shocked that they had the money and were so well-behaved.

    Thanking them for coming, it was a mixed reaction back, as the boy who tossed the cake was the depressed one now, his dreams of crushing Mei beneath his boyish charms and witty lines crushed by her gullet. Defeated at his own game, food wars.

    Not fully paying attention, Mei took the money and placed it within her pocket, and hummed a bit. She was going to look around and see if anyone needed any help, but in her confusion she didn't notice Aiyana coming towards her since Mei had her eyes closed like an idiot.

    Tripping over a table leg, Mei flew forward towards Aiyana, Mei hands forward to try to cushion the blow. Sadly they were in the perfect place to grab hold of some marshmallows to soften the blow. Mei was glad though, unlike that one kid Mao was serving a 'chocolate' ice cream cone to, Mei's panties were at least clean, with a cute white with blue strips pattern. This meant if they became exposed, at least her bum would be cute, and not just pure ecchi, not that the manager would complain either way.



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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by Cr1tikal 4th June 2015, 12:49 am

    Looking over her shoulder at her table proved to be one of the worst decisions of the day. The young woman looked forward to see where she was going in time to see the lobster girl lunging forward at her. With no time to react, Aiyana put her hands out in a way to catch the shy girl, but didn't quite succeed in it. Instead, it seemed the other had managed to catch herself on something soft. Her boobs. In the process of trying to catch, and failing, Aiyana's hands managed to cup the taller girl's butt quite firmly. 'It's not the best buttocks I've had the pleasure of grabbing, even though this was an accident, but it's a pretty firm gluteus maximus! A little small though, but a butts a butt.'

    Looking down at the girl put Aiyana's chin just barely touching the girl's head through her hair. “While this isn't the worst first date I've ever had, I'd love to at least know you're name before we get to this part,” she whispered gently as she smiled and held that position. “But nice booty cutie.”


    The shrill scream of an angry mother rang throughout the entire cafe, causing Ai to break her hold and step back slightly so she could look over at the sudden loud noises without knocking the other girl out in the process.

    “But Mom! I swear I didn't know this was going to happen! Please don't tell Daddy!”

    “Oh, Your dad is DEFINITELY hearing about this young man!”

    With that said, the mother dropped enough jewels on the table to not only pay the tab, but enough money to possible pay for all the food twice if everyone decided to order a second helping to go!

    “I hope that covers for the whole table! Keep the change! I don't want these children in here any longer than they have to be!” With those words, the mother pulled a bawling Jimithy out of the cafe by his ear.

    With the events over Aiyana went to look over at Mei to see her reaction, only to find her gone. 'Wow, she must have ran fast to be no where in sight already.' Not thinking too long on where that girl went, the young woman went and found the girl with the tail. “Well, this has been an interesting job first job for me so far, what about you?” The question was one of innocent curiosity, one to try and get her to talk and get to know each other.

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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by Chesha 4th June 2015, 2:46 am

    Stationed behind the counter with a cloth to wipe down glasses, Mao had the perfect vantage point for the spill of the century. It might as well have been a scene drawn in some white-haired fellow's licensed book series read by an equally strange teacher or something equally ecchi. The few older customers who could see past the children certainly received a delight, but the children were in mixed states of shock, confusion, and bleeding of noses. Girls and boys alike blushed for different reasons as Mao stared blankly at the display and tried to process it. One could almost see her eyes blue screen before rebooting with a few blinks.

    "So...this is the sorta thing people come to these cafes for," she muttered under her breath, eyes darting to the side in thought before nodding. Yes, this must be why all these men came to this cafe, and the children might've wandered in unwittingly - that she couldn't be sure of without asking the kids. It could've been Jimithy's intention if his mother's yelling was anything to go off. Some children grew up too fast.

    In fact, Mao wondered if the owner coerced her "partners" into this little act because those lines were far too perfect to not be rehearsed or some such. Surely people didn't have those things prepared for these situations! At least the girl couldn't imagine such...

    The yelling was a bit much, especially as it excited the other children into a cacophony assaulting her sensitive ears. Just barely she managed to bring the bill to her table, the lot getting close to shouting to drown out each other's loud laughter as they dropped crumpled up bills onto the platter. They covered the costs at least despite some of the weirder parts of their order, including the poo-shaped ice cream, and then she retreated to the safety of the changing room.

    Well, supposed safety except from "coworkers" as a quasi familiar voice poked through the dull hum of muted voices. It would seem the actress made her exit from the performance, her partner nowhere in sight quite yet - maybe she was collecting the tips? - and Mao stared up at her from the bench. "Well, it has been an interesting one, to say the least...definitely a strange one next to the chicken..." Although the free ride had been quite fun even if that'd been a strange job with not enough details given at the beginning.

    "Still I'm surprised that the owner would request such a strange act of you two. I'm not sure I would've been able to perform it nearly as well as you two...you guys must be amazing actresses. I was almost certain the other girl's blush was real. Did you ad-lib the line or did the owner provide it?" Mao inquired with honest curiosity, a hint of admiration in her voice.


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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by That Adopted Kid 12th June 2015, 2:04 pm

    Nice booty cutie... it was that statement that took Mei's sudden realization of what had happen, to massive levels of nope. She couldn't handle this level of embarrassment, it almost deleted her system thirty two. Turning invisible in the blink of an eye she darted off of the girl and fled into the changing room, her face beat red with embarrassment. She had made massive mistakes, and now she was paying for it. Grabbing her normal clothes and changing into them, she almost ran away without getting paid, but then realized it was disservice all of her guild if she didn't complete the mission proper, even if she didn't know anyone else yet.

    Finding the manager she suddenly appeared in front of him, almost giving him a blasted ehart attack in the process.

    "Sir uh... well... I think it's about closing time.... and..."

    "Yes I know, good job t all of you, especially at the end that was great, the other customers were certainly pleased."

    Mei turned red again, and had to avoid eye contact with the manager.

    "Well no matter, as pay i'll give you not only the money, but the costume too. Someone messed up an order long ago and gave me a bunch of random ones instead of the loli swimsuits I had ordered so it's all good."

    Mei took the money, and went back to the changing room for the costume as a speed that was record breaking. As a matter of fact after the manager had said loli swimsuits she was out. Fleeing in an invisible cloud of embarrassment Mei began her trek homeward, and to hopefully just burn this entire day off with comfort food.



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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by Cr1tikal 15th June 2015, 12:58 am

    Wait, did this girl really think what had happened between her and lobster colored girl had been schemed up by the owner and the two of them? It was almost adorable at how naïve she was! “Oh darling, that was no act and DEFINITELY wasn't planned, or ad libbed,” she said with a bright smile on her face. “Who needs to act when it was the real deal?”

    Opening the locker she had shoved her personal belongings into earlier, Aiyana continued speaking to the other girl. “So, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name? I didn't stay long enough when we got here to do it before!” With that said she stripped out of the costume quickly and neatly folded it up so she could put it in her bag. After doing so she put on what was considered the woman's 'normal clothes; albeit almost as skimpy as what the mage had worn for work today!

    Aiyana turned with eyes squeezed shut and a big smile on her face. It was almost TOO exciting having finished her first job as a member of Lamia Scale, something he two she worked with were sure to know she was a part off. The tattoo was quite visible on her lower back after all. Once she got this answer, or not, from her job partner she would collect her pay and head back to the guild to see how they were doing and announce her first job a success!


    Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)  MQNhOUw


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    Private Re: Maid to order. (Iayui, Mao)

    Post by Chesha 15th June 2015, 1:38 am

    Wait…that’d been real? But…everything seemed so perfectly choreographed, like straight out of some of those manga her friend read…It was like you could hear the cogs in Mao’s brain grinding to a halt before breaking free of their perfect order. The blue screen might’ve even been visible in her eyes before the reboot happened and she mechanically changed her clothes, answering the woman in her normal, even tone, as if completely unaffected. Yes. Unaffected. ”Mao Nakiri, of Sabertooth,” she tacked on the end, forgetting that the tattoo sat on her back as well, turned away from the other woman as they changed.

    ”It was a pleasure working with…well, both of you, though the other girl’s already left…have a safe journey home.” Having a little more to put on, the other girl left first – or second if you count the one who fled immediately post fan service scene. Now alone, Mao stared at the nurse’s outfit now rumpled on the bench. Should she take it? Should she leave it? Would there ever be a use for the thing again? ”Well…I suppose one may never know, without precognitive abilities…” Plus it was free, so…why the hell not? Maybe she could later fashion it into a more reasonable outfit, or pass it on to someone more suitable for the get up.

    Outside the room she received her paycheck and an offhand thanks, her performance falling a little under that of her partners’. The man even suggested she play up her “style” a little more – whatever that meant – going so far as to take on some cartoonish cat pose. Why would she act like a cat? That was…”…I don’t know.” Rather than dwell on the thought that almost never was, Mao thanked him and left, happy she didn’t work in food service.

    ’What a confusing profession.’


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