Fairy Tail RP

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    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|


    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

    Regular VIP Status- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1831
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Crimzon 14th April 2015, 11:32 pm


    The desert, a land where great empires have risen and fallen and where now raiders and criminals of all kinds gather. How Aether wished to explore the various ruins and possibly make a huge discovery in the world of magic, however today was not the day for research but to work. A group of raiders who reside near the heart of the desert in an oasis called the Red Sand Bandits have swept through a variety of villages and left destruction and death in their wake. Some survivors managed to put out a request to legal guilds, and some others put a bounty on their leaders head, promising extra jewels for him to be taken back to the villages. Naturally being part of a bounty hunting guild would lead to such a job being taken.

    Leading up to the village where the chieftain of the Blue Sky Clan had issued this request, Aether spotted some creatures which seemed to be diving in and out of the sand like dolphins in an ocean and made a mental note to come back here at some point in the future to research these creatures which seemed to flow through the sand like it was water, could be useful later. “Hunters! You have arrived!” a voice shouted out from a nearby tent, the chieftain walking out with his staff in hand to a group of mismatched people. “I assume you have heard of our predicament and the bounty we’re offering for their leaders head?”


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
    350exp Regular VIP
    400exp Seijin gift
    250exp Priory event
    3750exp To a New Land! event
    Okura Jin
    Okura Jin

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 1120
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 4143.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heat Manipulation Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Okura Jin 15th April 2015, 8:10 am

    The heat mage now accompanied with the guild master and a new member had arrived at the desert village. This village and the ones nearby were being oppressed and raided by some troublesome bandits. Being an individual who believed magic to be a way to help people and to achieve great things, it was only natural for Jin to come along. As usual, he wasn’t focused on the reward as much as he was on the aspect of using his abilities and magic to aid those who needed. If that required taking care of some ill behaved bandits, then so be it.

    He couldn’t help but wonder about this new individual. He knew Kakuma, well not that much but at least he knew her name. This other individual he didn’t even know his name, he hadn’t met him before. ”I wonder what’s his name is and what kind of abilities he uses. Thinking about abilities, I wonder what abilities Kakuma has. With her, these bandits shouldn’t pose too much of a problem. Most likely, she’ll just take them down in one swoop”. He expected no less from the fearless leader of Black Rose. Indeed she was lazy and had a weird persona but Jin felt that she was far stronger than some might perceive her to be. Her looks and habits were deceiving but her title surely couldn’t be. Jin continued to smile but didn’t utter a word as the chief arrived, it would only be appropriate for kakuma to reply to him. She was the leader of the guild so better for her to start the conversation and introduce them.


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Shogo_makishima_signature__jin__by_dreamishlyme-d9bo856
    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

    Assassin Queen

    Assassin Queen

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 713
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,968.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Purifiers Flame
    Second Skill: Resonance (WIP)
    Third Skill:

    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Irina Naginata 16th April 2015, 10:41 pm

    Irina wandered the desert aimlessly, she had left at least six hours ahead of her team in order to scout the region, though doing so may have been a mistake. "Tracking bandits in a place like this, I must have been delusional." She thought allowed to herself while protecting her face from the sand, any traces of the bandits would have been blown away with the wind and thus the likely hood of her tracking would be near impossible. Strangely the heat didn't effect her very much, as if she had adapted to it in a couple hours despite never being in a hot climate before. Eventually she found herself before what looked like a maze of rocks watched by a rather large bird. Using the sand as cover to get closer she found herself unable to see what the bird was watching over but she could hear the cheers of many men, as if they were celebrating something, something like a village raid. Irina immediately fled the scene wary not to allow that bird to take note of her presence, she was certain this was where the Red Sand Bandits had set up camp for the time being, now it was time to meet back up with her team.

    Arriving several hours later where their agreed rendezvous point Irina took in the site of what was the Blue Sky Clan, and noted that her team had already arrived. Seemingly as though she just appeared with them she spoke to rest of the team with a quiet tone. "You guys certainly know timing." She said remarking on their time of arrival. "I wasn't fortunate enough to get much information but I feel as though I have a good idea of where they are hiding." She continued informing them of her findings.


    Irina and Nova Battle Theme:

    Kakuma Blackflower
    Kakuma Blackflower

    Wolf Spirit

    Wolf Spirit

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Goddess
    Position : None
    Posts : 1077
    Guild : Laughing Coffin?
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 0

    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Kakuma Blackflower 18th April 2015, 4:11 am

    Kakuma had entered the village and set off to find food leaving her other two guild members to do their own thing. She didn't really care about the enemys, simply getting paid for it, the detail were something that Crimzon and Elyx could handle that. Kakuma walked around looking for something to eat, Kakuma was smelling something that smelled like fire cooked meat. She followed her nose to a group of people sitting around a fire. Kakuma could see the pig roasting over the fire, she walked over. "Umm.... Can i have a piece?" Kakuma licked her lips and stuck her finger in her mouth, giving the best puppy dog eye she could.

    The eldest man in the group looked at her and blinked. "Uh... sure." He motioned to the man who was in charging of cutting it. "Its not quite ready yet so you will have to wait a f..."

    "Oh but it smells so good right now" Kakuma was drooling slightly, the people in the group all made funny faces are her. "Sorry... I'm not human..." Kakuma stuck her tongue out as she spoke. "I'm really a wolf."

    "Right and I'm a snake. I don't want to risk you getting sick cause you think your a wolf lady. Fact is we are being nice by giving you a piece in the first place so the best you can do is be patient." The man with the knife said.

    Kakuma cocked her head. "think im a wolf?" Kakuma had a mean idea pop into her head. Kakuma took a stop and changed into her Wolf form, which cause a cry of surprise to be let out by the people. "I really am a wolf." Kakuma sat down as she spoke.


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| KF68skC

    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

    Regular VIP Status- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1831
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Crimzon 19th April 2015, 5:20 am

    Before he could respond to the chieftain their Guild Master had disappeared, most likely smelled some food cooking and went off to get a slice. With a small, inaudible sigh he responded to the chieftain. “We didn’t come just to admire your wonderful village, you can rest easy knowing that they won’t be attacking you or your neighbouring villages for a while after we’ve dealt with them.” The man grinned as he replied. “I’ll hold you to you to your word.” After that light conversation a scream could be heard coming from a street a few houses down, most likely Kakuma. Bowing to the man he began to walk in that direction, hoping that his teammate and his little cat would follow him.

    On the way to the scream Irina had made suddenly appeared beside them, remarking the time of their arrival and began to inform them of what she found out as they walked to catch up to Kakuma and make sure she didn’t accidentally start biting on someone. When they found her she was in her wolf form in front of a small meat cart with a vertical rotating spit, which from the smell could probably a roasting pig, or probably a pig-like creature which survived somehow in the desert. Regardless they had to get her mind back on the mission, Aether had already packed some food and water for the long trip into the desert, and according to Irina it was going to be a long trip, by the time they get there it could already start to get dark.


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
    350exp Regular VIP
    400exp Seijin gift
    250exp Priory event
    3750exp To a New Land! event
    Okura Jin
    Okura Jin

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 1120
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 4143.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heat Manipulation Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Okura Jin 19th April 2015, 5:36 am

    The mystery of his fellow guild mate’s identity remained unsolved and they assured the chief that they would solve the raiding issues. Jin couldn’t help it and finally stepped up as he and the other fellow departed; along with Kaya. ”This is kinda weird but we haven’t met before”, ”I’m Kaya” said Kaya before he could say anything. Jin smiled and nodded and then continued to speak, ”yes and I’m Jin Okura, just call me Jin”. After that the two arrived at where Kakuma was to be located. The guild’s leader had disappeared from their side instead of talking to the chief. Jin was now noticing the childish side of the guild master and was beginning to understand why Sophie was always angry at her.

    Irina had been away while they had arrived, she had been acquiring information. Even though according to her she hadn’t found much of it, Jin was still impressed at her commitment. She was quite serious if she was already investigating things while he and the others were meeting the chief. ”That’s Irina” said Jin to Kaya who had been eye balling her ever since she had arrived. Kaya was a curious little tigress poking her nose into everything and trying to find out about everyone. So the three mage and one chibi saber tooth arrived at the scene of the crime; in other words, the location where Kakuma was. There sat a wolf, among a frightened group of people. She looked quite innocent but knowing her, she must’ve devoured anything those villages were cooking.

    Noticing the tense air around himself, Jin smiled and waved at Kakuma, ”there you are, where have you been? We were going to get rid of the raiders for these people remember”. Jin said that loud enough on purpose so the people around them looked at Kakuma and relaxed a bit that she was one of their saviors. They weren’t happy about their food being stolen but they were going to let it slide since she was going to help them with the bandits and everything.


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Shogo_makishima_signature__jin__by_dreamishlyme-d9bo856
    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

    Assassin Queen

    Assassin Queen

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 713
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,968.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Purifiers Flame
    Second Skill: Resonance (WIP)
    Third Skill:

    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Irina Naginata 19th April 2015, 5:58 am

    Irina followed the two men as they went off to find Kakuma, as they progressed through the little village Irina caught a whiff of something tasty cooking and suddenly her stomach was growling uncontrollably. When they did find Kakuma she seemed to have just had dinner, without Irina which made Irina a bit angry and depressed at the same time. "Kakuma, why would you eat lunch and not invite me?" Irina said in a slightly booming voice while towering over the wolf. She hadn't actually eaten since she left on her original mission leaving her starved and hungry. Once again her stomach growled rather furiously and Irina fell back into depression. "I suppose you wouldn't happen to have left overs?" She asked the tribesmen who were cooking as her stomach once again growled and she gritted her teeth. This isn't fair. She thought to herself as all the men laughed at her and her grumbling stomach as a plate of freshly cooked pork was transferred over to her. Within seconds the plate was empty and Irina was holding it out."More please." It didn't take long for the tribesmen to burst out laughing again. "Do what you came here to do then we will consider it." One said with a little wink trying to get Irina's attention though it didn't really have an effect on her. She put the plate down and crossed her arms and looked over at the rest of her team. "What? I didn't have much to eat out here." She said making an excuse for her behavior.


    Irina and Nova Battle Theme:

    Kakuma Blackflower
    Kakuma Blackflower

    Wolf Spirit

    Wolf Spirit

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Goddess
    Position : None
    Posts : 1077
    Guild : Laughing Coffin?
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 0

    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Kakuma Blackflower 20th April 2015, 10:27 pm

    "HEY!" Kakuma cried out as the men handed Kakuma food to Irina, "No fair i was here first!" Kakuma exclaimed, The men laughed again. Kakuma stood up and padded away, "lets go." she was a bit miffed at the others, especially Irina, she had taken Kakuma's food. Kakuma kept in wolf form as she walked, then suddenly it dawned on her, she didn't know where she was going. "Um... so where are we going." Kakuma changed forms and turned to fact the others. Kakuma blinked some more and blushed, "i... well was not there for the explanation." Kakuma fell back to follow the others as Nizria decided to start bugging her.

    *So what are you going to do about the twins?* Nizria asked. *I mean your responsable for them now.*

    Kakuma Scrached the back of her head as she walked. *Yeah... I didn't exactly think it through when i offered it. Honestly i have no idea how to be a mother.*

    Nizria sighs inside her head. *Your hopeless.* Kakuma raised a eyebrow after she thought about it some more.

    *Why the hell do you care?* Kakuma asked, Nizria had tried to steal her body, why in hell did she care about what Kakuma did.

    *Cause... I have to deal with them when i finally do get your body.* Nizria said like it was nothing. Kakuma sighed, she wondered why she had asked now.

    *Not if i have my way, you will never have my body.* Kakuma was a bit miffed now and she it showed on her face. Currently the only people who knew about Kakuma problem was Sophie, Charlotte and Irina.


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| KF68skC

    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

    Regular VIP Status- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1831
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Crimzon 23rd April 2015, 9:35 pm

    Aether glanced down at the small creature that sat comfortable upon his guild mate’s shoulder, observing it for a second before smiling behind his mask and turning his attention back to the man it sat upon. “Aether Lepan, but just Aether is fine.” He told him, digging his hands into the pockets of his coat. Approaching the men who were serving leftovers he pulled out a few thousand jewel notes and placed them on the counter. “Will this be enough for the rest of that boar?” he asked in a quiet tone, pointing to the roasting beast on the spit. The men looked to the jewels placed before them and grinned at him, taking the boar off the spit and wrapping it in a metal foil only to wrap again in papyrus before handing it to him. Nodding he picked up the wrapped lunch and opened a small portal, placing the cooked beast inside and closing it then turning to his comrades. “We’ve got a long trip ahead of us, best make sure we don’t starve.” He spoke, slipping his hands back into his pockets and turning his attention towards Irina. “Since you know the general direction of where they are would you like to lead the way?” he asked, landmarks are very hard to come by in a desert especially with the constant shifting of the sand which resulted in things being discovered and lost at a constant rate. If these raiders were to survive within the desert they’d most likely have bunkered down in an old fort.


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
    350exp Regular VIP
    400exp Seijin gift
    250exp Priory event
    3750exp To a New Land! event
    Okura Jin
    Okura Jin

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 1120
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 4143.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heat Manipulation Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Okura Jin 23rd April 2015, 11:28 pm

    Jin felt bad that his friends had to eat with the local villagers since he was there and he was a cook. ”If only I had some way of transporting some ingredients and utensils here, I would love to cook for them”. Irina was really hungry since she asked for seconds, Jin found that a tad bit cute.”We should all eat our fill here, we will be departing on a journey to look for bandits. Those bandits have the advantage since they live here and we aren’t used to travelling in the desert. I know I’m not”, he said to all his team mates. He too sat down alongside Kakuma and was given a little chunk to eat which he ate. There was nothing special about the flavor it was just bar be qued meat.

    Jin looked at Kakuma when she inquired about where they were headed. It appeared that she didn’t even know what their job would be and just ended up coming along. ”We are going to head out and find some pesky bandits who have been annoying the villages around here”, Jin said to the guild master. ”Say, you’re a wolf right? Don’t have they have that amazing sense of smell? Shouldn’t you be able to find them from a distance using that?” he continued to speak having forgotten Kaya. ”Meanie Ginny!!” she said as she punched him gently in the face. That was her way of telling Jin to introduce her to the guild master, ”Oh right, sorry” he replied to her a bit apologetically. ”Kaya meet Kakuma, the guild master of Black Rose”, he said to Kaya and then turned to Kakuma, ”This is my pet, Kaya”.

    Finally, the mystery of this masked fellow’s identity was solved and now Jin had a name. ”Nice to meet you Aethar and we look forward to working with you”, he said to him and by we he meant himself and Kaya. Thanks to Aethar’s mysterious ability, they were able to store food for their journey. It was about time that this team departed and headed for their job. They still needed to track those felons and take them down. ”Yes, Irina could lead the way and Kakuma could help us with her ability to track their scent”, he then cast a gaze at Kaya. She was a saber tooth tiger so wasn’t her sense of smell good too? May be it was but he wouldn’t know, he could only find that out later on.


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Shogo_makishima_signature__jin__by_dreamishlyme-d9bo856
    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

    Assassin Queen

    Assassin Queen

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 713
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 6,968.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Purifiers Flame
    Second Skill: Resonance (WIP)
    Third Skill:

    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Irina Naginata 24th April 2015, 12:20 am

    Irina watched as Aether stuff the pig into some other dimension as he usually does with useful items, it better keep the food warm too, nothing worse than cold pork. As to when they inquired as to where the bandits were she closed her eyes and thought for a moment, the winds were blowing south at the time but had shifted quite dramatically to the north as they usually did in the desert, she remembered that at the time the direction of the wind was blowing from the right making her left south and her right north. Her mind made the final calculations and she determined they needed to head east, sometimes she hated directions, especially when it had to do with a location where you could get lost very easily. "We're going east, we are looking for some rather large rocks eroded from the wind and sand, there will be some sort of large bird." She announced to the party as she headed off. Jin was making the suggestion that Kakuma could lead the way with her sense of smell though Irina doubted that she could get anywhere with that until they got anywhere close to the hide out. "I don't think Kakuma will be of much use from this distance Jin, the winds here displace pretty much all hints that anyone has been there, including smell. I doubt we will even be able to track my footprints not to mention the winds have changed directions by threehundred sixty degrees." She said sounding rather logical yet lacking any hint of insult. "It's hard enough for me to tell where to go just by the fact the wind is now blowing differently." She further explained as they finally made it to the edge of the village. "I recommend you cover your mouths, breathing wont be easy." She said as she pulled some random cloth over her mouth to keep the sand out, and set off to lead the time to their intended destination.


    Irina and Nova Battle Theme:

    Kakuma Blackflower
    Kakuma Blackflower

    Wolf Spirit

    Wolf Spirit

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Goddess
    Position : None
    Posts : 1077
    Guild : Laughing Coffin?
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 0

    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Kakuma Blackflower 25th April 2015, 5:16 am

    Kakuma sighed as the others started talking, Irina was right with all the sand her nose was useless. Kakuma didn't really pay attention to what was being said at all she had to figure out where to go. Kakuma caught something about Irina knowing where to go, Kakuma turned back to them. "you know where to go?" Kakuma asked, Kakuma thought to herself for a second. "I think i can carry all of you on my back." Kakuma knelt down. "Irina you sit up front near my head, Guide me with your hands." Kakuma waited for some argument, but she would be able to deal with the dunes and cover ground faster then walking would. The only issue she would have is that it would be harder on her to run, meaning she would tire quickly, which could be a problem if she was truly needed. It could not be helped, if they got caught out at night they would freeze to death. She also might hurt herself if the sand shifted suddenly.

    *Risky Kakuma.* Nizria remarked. *Perhaps its best if you walk with the rest.*

    *No... the faster this gets done the faster i can get them to a place i find that is safe for them.* Kakuma responded. *I am ok getting hurt as long as they are fine.* Kakuma yawned and turned to look at the three. "Well come on lets go." Kakuma was ready to run as fast as she could, "An make sure you don't pull any of my fur out... A. it really hurts and B. The fur come back slightly off color... ERRR." If Kakuma were not a giant wolf right now she would be blushing.


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| KF68skC

    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

    Regular VIP Status- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1831
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Crimzon 25th April 2015, 5:58 am

    “Whilst it might be slower to get there by foot it is the safest. If we manage to get caught in the desert at night we can take shelter somewhere inside a ruin we might so happen to pass or simply camp out. We have a rough estimation of their numbers and we’ll all need our energy when we attempt our attack.” Aether explained. “That and it took Irina hours to get back here, even with her speed. The desert is a dangerous place for speed, especially for those who are not suited to run on the sand.” He said, taking note on Kakuma’s current form which was more likely suited for a forest or mountain. “And we must not be forgetting the amounts of sift that would be flung into our eyes if we were to travel at a fast pace, to which none of us here have protective eyewear.” Pulling out a compass from his pocket he faced the general direction for east. “And I doubt you’d want a blind navigator.” He added, closing the compass and putting it back in his pocket and taking a quick look at his shadow. “It’ll be nightfall within 7 hours, and from what Irina has told us it took her 7 hours to get back here.” Turning to his comrades he tapped his wrist. “We’ll be able to hit them at night when they’re unable to see as clearly and when they’ve got their entire base light up at best, at worst we camp out for the night and hit them at the time of red sand.” Nodding he placed his hands back into his coat pockets. “Those are our two options, I’ll go with whatever you choose.”


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


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    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Okura Jin 25th April 2015, 8:45 am

    Irina was right, Kakuma would have a good sense of smell but in the desert it was useless. That was one plan out the window, the other was presented by Kakuma. So they could ride on her back and get to their enemy way faster but then Aethar explained and Jin now began to question her suggestion. It was indeed a noble gesture from her part that she volunteered to escort them on her back. If they did ride her and allowed her to transport them, they would end up tiring one strong ally. ”I’m going to have to agree with Aethar. We will also need your energy Kakuma, so let’s not do it your way”, he looked at all his team mates when making the suggestion. He hoped that all of them would agree and Kakuma wouldn’t mind, well at least not that much.

    With Irina’s directions and Aethar’s navigation skills, the group would take seven hours to arrive at the intended location. After having decided to walk, they would all begin the perilous journey through the desert. Kaya too struggled with the desert wind and the sand that was blowing around. Jin made two small covers using some random piece of cloth, one for his mouth and another for his pet. If someone else looked at these two, one might think that Jin and Kaya were the bandits. ”If we are going to arrive by night then making a stealthy attack would be the obvious choice right? I suggest we look around the place, know the ground and surround them. We will have the element of surprise and the multidirectional attacks will further confuse the enemy. Shock and awe” he said while they walked, suggesting an attack plan. Hopefully, his friends would agree to that as well.

    After making a journey that comprised of several hours, the Black Rose mages would arrive at the location that Irina had told them about.


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Shogo_makishima_signature__jin__by_dreamishlyme-d9bo856
    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

    Assassin Queen

    Assassin Queen

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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Purifiers Flame
    Second Skill: Resonance (WIP)
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    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Irina Naginata 26th April 2015, 3:18 am

    Irina stared over the dunes as the sun set, the light shed clearly outlined that rather large bird still perched on top of the rocks that towered over the bandit camp. She turned around and sat in deep thought, why would a huge bird sit watching over a bandit camp, it was a pain just thinking about it. "That bird is still there." She complained. "One of the bandits must have it as a pet." She spoke logically, there was no way something that big would just sit there while there was a bandit camp directly bellow it, not to mention it had been there all day. She leaned back and groaned which was not like her, not to mention it was getting colder, though oddly enough it still felt like mid day to Irina. "I think we will need a diversion, that bird doesn't look like it will let us just walk into the camp." She announced to the team as she was already beginning on working out a strategy. The diversion would have to be someone who can handle multiples of opponents at once and capable of taking a beating at the same time. She then remembered their run in with some slavers a couple weeks back and how Kakuma just walked right up to the hide out like it was nothing. As if she just came up with the best strategy every she turned to Kakuma as if announcing the idea of having Kakuma be the diversion. "Me and Kakuma will handle the diversion." She announced, this wasn't like her, she wasn't suited for frontal assaults nor was she a good diversion. No one would even be able to tell what was going through her mind, as if she was mad on the inside.


    Irina and Nova Battle Theme:

    Kakuma Blackflower
    Kakuma Blackflower

    Wolf Spirit

    Wolf Spirit

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    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Kakuma Blackflower 29th April 2015, 2:32 pm

    Kakuma sighed as her idea was shot down, she just followed the group not really speaking at all. The sun was hot and her fur didn't help at all. It took a few hours to arrive and when they did Kakuma simply flopped on the ground waiting for the others to make a decision. Irina said something about a distraction which cause her to perk her ears up, what kind of distraction she wondered. Kakuma stood up and padded over to Irina.

    "What kind of distraction are you talking about?" Kakuma asked as she poked Irina in the back with her nose. Kakuma sat down waiting for a answer, she hoped that i t would be fun she was growing quite bored. Kakuma decided she didn't care how she wanted to do it, Standing up she put her head through Irinas legs and fliped her up making her slid back to just above her shoulder blades. "Hold on Irina." Kakuma set out as fast as she could, a wolf was uncommon in the desert but not unheard of. Kakuma ran away from the other two but not towards the city yet she wanted to talk with Irina first. After a few minutes Kakuma came skidding to a halt, throwing up grouts of sand.

    "Ok Irina how do you want to do this?" Kakuma kneeled down to let Irina off, she had basicly just kidnapped her but it would be ok. "I was thinking i could wander into the city first, a wolf in the dessert is rare but it happens. so i was thinking i enter the city and raid there foods stores, cause a bit of a commotion." Kakuma offered a wolfish smile. "Perhaps eat that bird."


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| KF68skC

    Space Weaver

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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
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    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Crimzon 30th April 2015, 11:51 pm

    Before Aether could offer a different plan Kakuma had already flipped Irina onto her back and run off to the base. He sighed, observing the base to judge the height of its walls compared to the men patrolling along the walls whilst also looking for any sort of equipment along the wall they could use to bring down the giant bird in the sky. He spotted some ballista along the walls then turned to face his guild mate and the tiger cub “Whilst those two are drawing all the attention, we’ll climb up the walls and take out the forces along the battlements. There’s some Ballista along the wall, we could use one to take the bird out of the sky if we get the chance, if they have any ammo that is.” Turning his attention back to the base they were in he began to note the surrounding terrain and the location of the guards to estimate the time they’d spend in one area before moving on to the next, luckily for them it didn’t seem like there were that many that were on guard duty upon the battlements, most likely just lookouts. Before long Aether had spotted a tall dune that could allow them to remain unseen whilst they approached the base where the bandits were squatting in. “There’s a blind spot behind that dune, as soon as they start the distraction we’ll move in and scale the wall.” Turning his head back to Jin he added “Think you can handle that?”


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


    Exp: 1619/7500
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    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Okura Jin 1st May 2015, 12:26 am

    Irina proposed a diversionary tactic and Jin was in agreement with her. That was the best way to deal with it. He was the type to devise strategies but he wasn’t as experienced when it came to stealth as Irina. So he decided it would be best to leave the stealthy strategy to her. However, before anyone could indulge into further details Kakuma literally kidnapped her and was off. She probably wasn’t to think of details. ”Wait, where are you two..” it was already too late since Kakuma had already begun running, he then shouted his temporary farewell: ”Be careful you two!”. Obviously, there was Kakuma and there was no need for concern but Jin couldn’t help but care for his fellow guild mates.

    The two who left were the diversions so that left a heavy responsibility on Jin and Aether. Aether now devised the strategy for both Jin and himself. ”We can still take down the bird without the ammo but that would require me being a little reckless. However, if the bird noticed we won’t be able to do much. So, let’s go by your way then”. Indeed Jin was able to take on the bird with kaya’s help but that would require him to be reckless; Aether’s proposed strategy was better. When asked if Jin could handle it, he was about to answer but Kaya did it for him. ”Handle it? Ginny could do that in his sleep” she said with a cute devilish grin, Jin patted her head and shook his: ”yare yare Kaya, be more modest”. He turned to Aether and replied with a smile, ”We’ll manage, lead the way”.


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Shogo_makishima_signature__jin__by_dreamishlyme-d9bo856
    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

    Assassin Queen

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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Resonance (WIP)
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    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Irina Naginata 1st May 2015, 6:22 am

    Irina found herself wide eyed as Kakuma flipped her up on her back and took off, a literal kidnapping in broad daylight in front of her team mates. When Kakuma finally stopped to talk to Irina about this distraction Irina found herself dizzy. "Please don't do that... again." She said gasping for air. When she finally regained balance she notice Murasame wasn't entirely in its hilt anymore and sheered a little tuft of fur off Kakuma and left behind a tiny bit of its cursed aura on that very spot. She slide Murasame back into its hilt and got of Kakuma and brushed the dust off her skirt. "Right so for a distraction, well I figured that you wouldn't care and just do your own thing anyways, so why not use that to your advantage." Irina explained a little bit insensitive about Kakuma's way of doing things. "However where I come in is to cause fear in those who you distract, they would be worried about me striking them from behind while you beat them from in front." She finished her explanation of her plan. "Feel free to do whatever you want now, it's up to you." She finished as she too started to take off to take a position, it was starting to get very risky as the wind was beginning to pick up, it was as if there was something big coming and Irina could feel it though it was a bit to dark to tell what was going on.


    Irina and Nova Battle Theme:

    Kakuma Blackflower
    Kakuma Blackflower

    Wolf Spirit

    Wolf Spirit

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    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Kakuma Blackflower 4th May 2015, 5:07 pm

    Kakuma just grinned even more when Irina told her that she could just do her thing, she didn't wait for Irina to get far before she blew past her. Kakuma had been serious about raiding food stores, she was quite hungry after Irina had jacked her food earlier that day. She ran at the little place that the bandits inhabited, the bird was looking for intruders that meant them harm... Kakuma only wanted food, so it ignored her. Kakuma used her nose to hunt down a store of food and ran off to find it. It was a small shed which held salted meat and other preserved goods. Kakuma licked her lips and broke the door down, she was making sure to cause as much noise as she could. She started in on the meat as soon as she got the door out of the way, snapping up large chunks of the meat.

    "I heard a noise over here!" Kakuma's ears picked up as she ripped off another piece of meat. She could hear foot steps, the foot falls were heavy and coming her way. Kakuma snapped up one last piece and pulled her head out of the shed to look at the two brute like people walking her direction. Kakuma Growled and ran around the corner, Changing into her human form once she was out of eye sight. Kakuma Climbed on of the building near her waiting for the two guys to go past. Which didn't take long for them to come running around the corner. Kakuma smiled and waited for Irina to attack, once she did Kakuma would end that bird.

    Last edited by Kakuma Blackflower on 4th May 2015, 9:20 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| KF68skC

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    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by NPC 4th May 2015, 5:07 pm

    The member 'Kakuma Blackflower' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| StrongMonster

    Space Weaver

    Space Weaver

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    Mentor : Ardere, Nathir (Demon God of Bone)
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Bone Demon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Second Skill: Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Crimzon 8th May 2015, 3:45 am

    Grinning behind his smile-locked mask at the small beast and kept his eyes locked on the guards and the bird above. “The wall is about a dozen meters high, once we reach it I’ll reach up and grab onto the edge, then I’ll grab you and carry you up with me.” He explained, eyes still locked on the guards then a noise began to erupt from the other side of the fort, sounding much like a wolf that had gotten its paws on a bountiful feast and was consuming vast amounts of meat. Immediately the thought of Kakuma in her wolf form consuming their food supply came to mind which brought a slight curve to the corners of his mouth, she hadn’t had anything to eat for the past few hours after she had consumed a moderate amount of the boar he bought earlier, even though it was meant for the entire group she consumed at least half of it.

    “Intruders in the meat shed?” he could hear from the wall, a group of guards discussing what would have happened to the intruders at the shed and wondering if they had any updates on it. Using this chance Aether began to lead the man and the tiger over to the dune before quickly advancing towards the wall. “Heard a wolf was in the meat shed, someone found a giant bite mark in some of the beef and some fur.” Apparently word travels fast in this fort of raiders. “I heard that it was just a giant white rat.” And much like most words, get lost in translation. Quickly letting the tendrils slither from his back and out of his trench coat he let one extend to its full length then used another to give him the extra distance needed to grab on to the ledge above and positioning himself facing the two at the base of the wall and noticing that Jin had picked up the small beast. Using the tendril that he used to get extra height he picked up Jin and the small cat and lift them up to the top of the wall whilst at the same time reeling himself up, placing them down on the wall gently before throwing himself over the wall and directly at the guards that were arguing about what attacked the shed.


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Tumblr_o3vqbk3Hxd1tydz8to1_500


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    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by NPC 8th May 2015, 3:45 am

    The member 'Crimzon' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| NormalMonster
    Okura Jin
    Okura Jin

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    Age : 33
    Experience : 4143.75

    Character Sheet
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    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Okura Jin 9th May 2015, 10:17 am

    Jin and Kaya were both helped up by Aether and were now on top of the wall. The distraction had begun, the rumors had begun to spread; the plan was set in motion. Aether didn’t waste any time strategizing, after helping Jin he just launched himself at the enemy. Doing something like that took guts at least Jin wouldn’t do that mostly because he wasn’t that reckless and also because he always had been afraid to fail. Attacking without having an idea about the enemy and their number would put him at risk. After arriving on the wall, Jin counted the bandits that he and Aether were up against, there were a total of ten visible. ”So once we take these guys out and take control of the siege weapons while Irina and Kakuma do their part, this job is as good as over. That means, I can go all out from the beginning”. He smiled and looked at Kaya, placing her on the ground: ”Now you be good and stay here, leave the fighting to us, okay?”.

    Jin wasn’t aware of the true abilities that Kaya possessed, that was a given because she had never revealed them before. Just as soon as he set her on the ground, she didn’t waste time listening to Jin; she charged in like Aether. In a single moment, the small cute chibi little saber tooth tiger grew in size and grew into a ten foot tall saber tooth tiger. She pounced and crushed two of the bandits underneath her claws with a large evil smirk on her face. For a moment, Jin’s jaw was dropped as he witnessed this spectacle. The jaw dropping was scene was unanimous with Jin and the bandits since they weren’t expecting that either. Now, there was a monstrous tiger on the wall, some rampant large wolf on the prowl and the attack was only beginning. The surprise attack had begun and the foe was only baffled.

    ”How did I end up being the last one to join the battle?” he said it out loud looking at both Aether and then Kaya. He assumed that Kakuma and Irina were already engaging the enemy on their end. The bandits turned their guns to the one large foe in front of them, with her size Kaya was apparently the easier target. Sadly for the bandits, Jin had already begun to raise the temperature of their guns so before they could fire; they dropped their guns because they were too hot to hold. After that, Jin summoned two warriors one with a large bow and the other with a large sword to accompany him in this battle. The one with the bow climbed on top of Kaya and began to aim his arrows at the bandits that tried to attack Kaya before she did. While Jin and the sword wielding warrior rushed ahead and began to engage the other now unarmed bandits.


    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Shogo_makishima_signature__jin__by_dreamishlyme-d9bo856
    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

    Assassin Queen

    Assassin Queen

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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Resonance (WIP)
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    Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB| Empty Re: Raid the Raiders (Crimzon, Irina, Okura Jin, Kakuma Blackflower) |JOB|

    Post by Irina Naginata 16th May 2015, 1:40 pm

    Kakuma rocket ahead of Irina as they made their way into the small stronghold of bandits. Irina decided to slow down a bit and let Kakuma do what she happened to do best and awaited the proper time to strike. Keeping to the shadows Irina attempted to keep an eye on Kakuma, she was indeed fast but Irina was fast as well keeping up. Kakuma had started to dig around in what looked like a food shed. Irina almost nearly facepalmed, if Kakuma was hungry she could have just got Aether to give her some food but instead she went and started to dig around in the bandits food storage. She was on the verge of going in with her cause it was in fact food that she was stealing and she was already finding it difficult to resist when voices of two running men started to approach. As Kakuma poked her head out and started to make off with her ill gotten loot the two brutes took off after her and Irina used this chance to make her move. "Awaken Serpent of Night, Pierce my Enemies... Cursed Fang." Irina chanted as she held out her hand taking aim at one of the brutes who seemed have heard her and turned to face direction only to receive a black projectile directly to the face causing him to stagger right into the brute behind him. "What the hell." One Screamed as they started to argue only for Irina to follow up with Murasame's Malice appearing behind the one she hit and towering over him. "I'm sure you will have all the free time in the world to argue with each other in hell." She said as she finished her initial attack slashing across the mans back before jabbing Murasame into his leg pinning it to the ground. She then faced down the other brute as he stood up and towered over Irina ready to make his move, which Irina knew was now up to Kakuma to enter the fray.

    Spells Cast: Cursed Fang, Murasame's Malice
    Current Magic Power: 90%


    Irina and Nova Battle Theme:


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:03 pm