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    Dearly Departed

    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
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    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
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    Age : 34
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    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
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    Dearly Departed  Empty Dearly Departed

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 21st March 2015, 7:04 pm

    Kite was sitting at one of the tables of the Guild hall’s upper level, he had a nice breakfast in front of him consisting so an oriental style omelette made, a piece of buttered toast, some steamed vegetables, a bowl of Udon noodles and a cut of green tea. Kite was excited seeing as breakfast was his favorite meal of the day. He positioned his chop sticks in his hand so he was able to move them so he would be able to pinch and pick up his food. He had his omelette pinched in between the chopsticks and was bringing it up to his mouth but before he could get it to his mouth he had the boy who acted as Sabertooth’s personal mail man came up to him and practically shouted “ KIte! you have Mail!”. Kite sorta jumped when the kid said it in such a loud volume, mainly because Kite had not had any interaction with the mail kid up until now. This was mainly because Kite didn’t really have anyone in his life to send him mail, except maybe Asmodeous but it hadn’t been quite so long since they last saw each plus Kite knew his mentor would have a bit more flash when sending him a message. However all of this was a moot point because when Kite jumped the Omelette dropped from his chopstick’s grip and landed on the ground. This was a problem because the omelette happened to be Kite’s favorited part of the meal so naturally Kite had a bit more of a serious and angry look on his face as he looked at the kid almost like he didn’t hear what he said. ” For your sake there had better be a reason why my omelette is on the ground instead of being in my belly kid” Kite said to him letting his body temperature raise a bit.

    The kid pointed at at the door, “There is an old man outside dressed in black. he came up when I was playing outside he said he as a letter for you but didn’t wanna give it to me and said only would give it to you. I didn’t mean to make you drop your food Kite’s eyes widened as it hit him that he actually has mail and this kid was only trying to help, this made him drop his risen body heat to normal temperature. He put down his chopsticks and drank his tea real quick before he put his hands on the table and pushed himself up and started to leave the table.  ” Alright kid, as a Thank you you can have the rest of my meal”  

    Kite exited the guild hall and saw the man standing a few feet from where the steps would end and the ground would begin. Kite didn’t know this man so he made sure to study the man before approaching.He noticed that the man was shorter than he was and he was wearing an all black pinstripe suit and had a grip serious look on his face. Kite crosses his arms ”Alright, Here I am where is this letter that you can only give to me” Kite asked with suspicion in his voice. Kite didn’t know this man and would be surprised if anyone he knew would know him. The man said nothing to Kite but simply tossed the letter at Kite which Kite caught in his right hand. The man in black turned and walked away simply saying. It has been delivered farewell. Kite examined the letter and saw it had his name on it. ” well let’s see what he had to give to me directly” he said to himself as he lifted his left index finger and began to heat up the tip of his finger and pressed it against the letter’s seal which made it melt and lose it’s stickiness making it easy to open and pull out the note that was sealed in it. Kite put the empty envelope to the side and unfolded the note and started to read the lines that were written on the paper. In his head he read the note ”Dear Kite, I know it has been quite some time since we had last seen… scratch that since we had even heard from one another. Any way I know this is out of the blue but I have found myself in a bit of a situation here. You see I managed to escape like you did and fled to my family’s old land however I wasn’t aware that the land somehow fell under a curse and well… things started to happen and something bit me pretty bad, bad enough to break skin. If you have the time to help out an old friend please come… I think i really need saving. There is coordinates in the envelope please hurry I don’t know how much longer I can last. Yours Truley, Levi." Kite’s eyes widened when he saw this. Levi was the name of the boy Kite use to play with when he was younger, it was the same boy who ratted Kite out when he discovered magic. Kite crumbled the letter up in his hand and let it light on fire. ” Like hell I would ever help him” Kite said as he dropped the ball of paper on the ground and went to do the same to the envelope but stopped. He began to realize if not for him he would have never met Asmodeous and learned his demon slayer magic, also the boy escaped also which means he is not allied with the cult anymore. Kite looked in the envelope at the paper with the Coordinates on it and saw it lead into the cursed lands. ” In the cursed lands huh? maybe I will go, he wouldn’t come to me if he didn’t need any help… also my magic might give me an edge there” Kite said. He walked back inside and to the table where he was eating. The boy finished the meal and Kite patted him on the head before he reached for his goggles and then exited the door real quick.

    It didn’t take Kite nearly as long as he thought it would for him to reach the area in Fiore that was labeled the cursed lands. Kite could sense the presence of evil that flooded the area like a plague. It was at this point he had no idea why his friend would have even moved in here, but started to understand it was possible he was desperate to leave the cult. Kite stood there for a bit of time as he looked down at the paper that would act at the map for him. ” It looks as if It isn’t too much further than here. I wonder what sort of opposition I will be facing when I enter into this cursed wood.” Kite said. His face grew serious and he started to let the aura of his magic flow from his body in the form of his white fire ” Alright time to get to work” He said as he attempted to head into the thicket of woods.[/color]

    Crazed Violence

    Crazed Violence

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    Dearly Departed  Empty Re: Dearly Departed

    Post by Alex 21st March 2015, 7:53 pm

    The winged female quickly shuffled into her room, quickly closing and locking the door behind her before rushing towards her bed, a medium sized box in her hands. She had finally found it, after months of searching, only to find it in the most obvious of places, the old brick furnace. Took me long enough! Why was I there anyways..? Alex was quite peeved by the fact that the box continuously had a habit of leaving her room on its own, but this time, it hid very well right when she had decided to rummage through its belongings to face the past. She didn't remember what was in it, but she had a faint idea that it was some old photos. "Don't rush out of my hands this time when I try and open you!" The silver haired female wagged a finger at the box before placing it on the bed sheets in front of her.

    Lightly running her fingers over the carvings for a few moments, Alex admired the craftsmanship of the old box. She didn't know how old it was and didn't much care for that information, but she did know it was old enough for it to be at least considered fairly ancient. "I want to remember what you contain.." Alex muttered the words under her breath, placing her fingers on the latch. She quickly flipped it upward, the thin piece of metal clinging quietly as it bounced against the wood, her fingers rushing to pry the lid open before the box slammed the latch back down and hopped out of the room like it usually wood. "Well.. Aren't you fairly calm today," Alex smiled softly at the fact that she could easily peel the lid off, the piece of wood leaning against the air, stopped by rusted hinges.

    Alex reached a fair hand into it, hands rummaging around to get a fairly small pile of old papers for her to look at. "There we go.." Her wings lazily spread out across the bed, starting to ache from the small amount of space they had including the fact that they were basically being sat on. Alex pulled her hand back out of the box, an old pile of photos in her soft grip. "So.. This is what you held from me?" She chuckled softly, her free hand reaching up to brush a stray piece of silver hair that decided to cross her line of sight to behind her ear. But, before she could take a good look at the photos, they fell from her grip as she jumped in surprise from a loud knock at her door. "Alex? Alex! There's someone here who wants to speak to you! Something about a letter! It might be about that old box, ya know!"

    At the sound of that, Alex quickly slammed the photos back into the box before rushing towards the door, pinning her hair back up into its original bun. "Thanks!" If this was about the box, she was beyond curious, everything else would contain much less of her interest. The female quickly unlocked the door, opened it and rushed out before slamming it behind her. "S-Sorry!" She didn't know if some people were asleep or not, so she quickly tossed an apology over her should before racing towards the entrance to the guild. Sure enough, after she had reached the outside, there was someone waiting for her. "The.. The letter..?" Alex smoothed down her dress, the second skin like fabric containing her worries. The man simply handed her the letter, his suit making a quiet crinkling sound as he moved. "O-Oh! Th-Thank you..!" She quickly took the letter and pried it open with curious fingers. But, what she didn't expect was for it to be a letter.. From someone.

    So, when she had lifted her head back up to ask the man who had given her the letter what this was all about, she discovered that he was gone. "W-Well then.. He was a strange person.." Alex shook her head lightly before folding open the letter. Dear old friend, I don't know if you remember me but I need your help. A strange cursed has swept across my homeland and destroyed most of the population. I managed to escape, and am now in hiding, but while I was escaping from those creatures, one of them bit me. Within the envelope I have placed my current location. I am currently at an old cabin in the cursed lands, please come as soon as you can as I am beginning to feel rather feverous. Yours Truly, Levi.

    Alex collapsed to her knees, the letter falling from her shaking hands. "L-Levi..?!" If someone had asked her if she knew a Levi earlier, she might have just shrugged and not answered, but this one, she could remember lividly. So.. Finally got in trouble, eh? She laughed quietly, staring at the letter before her eyes crossed over to a separate sheet of parchment that contained the location. "Cursed Lands.." She knew of the place and if something had honestly happened, well, she would be doing something good. Otherwise, it's just a stupid lie that Levi had expected her to believe, in which she does now. "Fine.. I'll play along!" Alex gripped the letter in one hand, pushing herself to her feet and brushing off the dust that had clung to her dress and wings. She quickly rushed back into the guild, up to her room only to snatch her staff and race back out again.

    Leaving her current location, the female hesitantly approached the area of Fiore in which she new the Cursed Lands was placed. Self doubts slithered their way into her mind, causing her posture to stiffen, the air around her becoming even stricter than it normally was and it wasn't something that she enjoyed. But, when her wings began to spread away from her body at the feeling of a creeping darkness, Alex could only become even more convinced that the letter was no prank. But, to enter it was a bit different for Alex, her grip on the staff that she constantly carried around strengthened considerably, her eyes narrowing. She wasn't exactly scared but she definitely did not enjoy the aura that the area emitted.


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Age : 34
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    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
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    Dearly Departed  Empty Re: Dearly Departed

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 21st March 2015, 9:03 pm

    Kite stood at the edge of the wooded area just taking in the sensation that this plot of land was giving up. It was almost enough to make Kite say screw it seeing as Levi hadn’t been a part of his life since he was a young boy but he not only felt that he had a job to do as a Demon slayer but he also owed Levi a debt of sorts. Kite took a second to think back to when he was caught using magic, that event made him have to leave the village but that made all of this, these current events possible. ”Levi, you had better be alive when I find you… so i can drop you for that stunt you pulled way back then” Kite said as he let the aura simmer down quite a bit and started to make his way into the woods. The more he entered the cursed area the more he was able to sense the evil that surrounded him and it was strange, it was like even the ground, the trees everything seemed to be inflicted with whatever evil force just so happened to curse this land. ” I have never felt like this before, I spent time with a demon in a land that I can only describe as a burning hell and still, that place didn’t hold a candle to the evil here…. it is quite overwhelming” he said to himself as he continued to walk forward.

    Kite walked for about five minutes through the land, he noticed that that feeling that was bugging him seemed to just dwindle. He still felt the evil but it seemed as if the sickening feeling in his stomach vanished. He was unable to tell if he managed to get use to the feeling or if maybe he somehow got turned around and started to walk away from the cursed area.. ”that is quite strange, I wonder if my magic somehow filtered out the feeling for me… or perhaps i am finally getting my nerve back?” Kite said once again. What sucked even more was that Kite didn’t know Levi when he became a Demon slayer ” Damn that Levi…If i could only track his scent but I don’t know what he smells like” Kite said as he stopped and sniffed the air but had nothing to search for so he had no choice but to rely on the map.  

    Kite still tried to use his enhanced sense of smell, while he knew he couldn’t track down Levi by scent but then something clicked ” Wait a second…. I didn’t notice it but the curse the infects this land also seems to have permeated the air… so if i can’t search out Levi but a known scent perhaps I find a scent that doesn’t match the air then I think I can get my bearings. Kite took a deep wiff of the air while he walked and he started to notice something, there was a hint of a different scent in the air. Kite caught onto this after about another minute of walking and stopped for a second ” Huh, that is a new smell but where is it coming from?” Kite said as he sniffed in one direction and then continued until he got a general area to travel. ” That way” Kite said and started to run in that direction and the closer he got the stronger the new smell got and eventually the sense of evil started have some irregularities. What Kite saw was a bit unexpected, he came out into the open and saw another person and he didn’t sense any evil streaming off of her but she was most certainly the source of the new scent. ” Well, this was certainly unexpected, excuse me miss are you lost?” Kite asked Politely trying not to spook her, he knew this area could play at a person’s nerves so he kept that in mind. " My name is Kite and I am from Sabertooth" He said showing the guild mark on his arm trying to solidify his kind nature.

    Crazed Violence

    Crazed Violence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Dearly Departed  Empty Re: Dearly Departed

    Post by Alex 21st March 2015, 9:23 pm

    After wandering for several minutes, Alex finally stopped in her path, crossed her arms over her chest and groaned loudly. There was no cabin, just a forest that constantly leaked a gut twisting aura. She wasn't used to this and it almost made her sick, each sound she heard whether it be the clanking of her armor or simply the twigs breaking under her feet, it only had her stomach do even more backflips. But, if Levi was speaking the truth then by god, Alex would find him and do whatever she could in her power to help. Despite the fact that she might not have great memories of Levi, she still refused to let someone die. "If the arse is being honest about this whole ordeal.."

    Alex rested her staff back upon the ground, straightened her back and continued forward, or what she hoped was forward. The female had a horrid sense of direction and could have easily turned herself around despite the fact it seemed she was walking in a straight line the entire time. She sighed. But, her attention was quickly brought to what she thought was a bird, a small one at that. Alex smiled softly, her dark colored orbs watching the creatures movements, but when she shifted her weight, it seemed to only fly off which rarely happened when she was around birds due to the fact that she was often considered one. "Strange.. After living in such a place as this, I shouldn't be surprised.." Alex wasn't exactly surprised or shocked, but a bit disappointed that one of the only things she could find comfort in was terrified, or so she thought.

    Snapping her head to the direction of footsteps, Alex lifted her staff and held it before her, her wings slowly separating from their tightly folded position. But what she didn't expect was for a male to appear, asking if she was lost. He seemed polite enough, but he was still a stranger, in an even stranger place. "Kite..? From Sabertooth?" Alex lowered her staff and let it rest upon the ground again before introducing herself, "I am Alex, from Eclipse Soul. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance." The female bowed slightly, a bit calmer now. "And for your earlier question, I am not. In fact I am.." Alex scanned the unfamiliar surroundings, "Well, I might be a bit lost as of the directions I was given were very little." She brought her calm gaze back to the male, her free arm coming to rest behind her back in one of her more comfortable positions.


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
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    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
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    Dearly Departed  Empty Re: Dearly Departed

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 22nd March 2015, 4:12 pm

    Kite had an unexpected run in with another person in the area that is suppose to be cursed in fiore. Kite had asked if she were lost but upon seeing that she was in fact spooked due to the feeling that the area was giving off, he was able to determine this when he noticed how tight a grips he had on her staff and how it was held up in front of her lifted pretty high for a combat scenario. So the first thing to pop in his mind was to introduce himself and even show his guild mark to prove he was who he said he was. After his introduction he heard her say his name an then say the name of his guild before she had lowered her staff back down and had it resting the one end on the ground. Kite let out a small sigh in the back of his head ”I am really glad I have this guild mark somewhere visible otherwise I might have had to fight this girl and I am really to doing that, she doesn’t seem to be a threat to me or my well being.” Kite thought to himself. She then had introduced herself to him stating that her name was Alex and she was from the Eclipse Soul guild she even maintained her politeness by saying it was a pleasure to make his acquaintance, this made Kite smile for it had been a bit of time since he had such a polite greeting, and it was even nicer seeing where he was at the moment. Kite took a step towards her and bowed slightly ” The pleasure is all mine Alex” He said as he straightened back up giving her eye contact.

    She then started to address his question regarding if she was lost, she started to state that she wasn’t lost and was even about to state where she currently was which Kite waited to see if she could actually say where she wa, aside from the obvious answer being that she was in the cursed lands. Kite took this moment to study her a bit more while she looked around trying to get her heading. He took in account the fact she dressed nicely. He noticed the white colored gown like dress with bits of gold around the seems and ruffles, she was wearing the gown in a way the seemed allow it to be folded around what seemed to be wings that were down by her legs Kite stopped for a second to make sure he saw that correctly. They were blue in color with black tips and Kite was quite amazed to see this ”Well that isn’t something you see everyday” he thought to himself as he noticed that she wasn’t some dainty girl either seeing as she had heavy styled leg armor with shoes with a small heel on them which did have a nice effect on her legs. Kite looked back up at her as she faced him and took back what she was saying about knowing where she was and said that she was actually lost but mainly due to the lack of directions she had to go on. Kite paid attention to her but noticed her deep dark blue eyes how her hair was up in a neat bun but that was enough of the observations for now she had moved her free arm behind her back that is when Kite decided to speak figuring that she was done for the time being.

    He was quite surprised to hear that she was following directions, directions that lead her here of all places. He only thought of this because while she was wearing armor of sorts and had that spear like staff she still was a pretty girl that seemed to be harmless, but Kite knew better than to assume that after all she was in a guild and he was also taught by his mentor to not expect anyone to be weak. ” Well, lets see what we can do here” Kite said as he placed his hand on his chin and hummed while turning to the side thinking for a second. ” I know Levi is waiting for me somewhere out here, but that being said he is as much as a stranger to me as this girl is and with this being a cursed lands I would be more worried about her safety at this juncture. Kite looked back at her when he decided he would give her a hand. ”Well if you don’t mind me suggesting this…” Kite said pausing for a second as he lifted up his goggles to reveal his deep red colored eyes to her ” If you would like maybe I can help you find the way to your destination. I happen to be searching for something too but I have little directions myself” Kite said as he pulled out the map that Levi had made for him. ”So if you happen to have the directions perhaps I can take a look and maybe we can get you there quickly and who knows maybe we can find my friend’s cabin along the way too” he said as he held up the map for the location he was searching for.

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    Dearly Departed  Empty Re: Dearly Departed

    Post by NPC 22nd March 2015, 4:12 pm

    The member 'liquidsteel90' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Dearly Departed  NormalMonster

    Crazed Violence

    Crazed Violence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Cursed Seal
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    Dearly Departed  Empty Re: Dearly Departed

    Post by Alex 22nd March 2015, 4:46 pm

    Alex nodded, bringing her free hand from around her back and under her left wing, peeling it out a ways before ruffling the under feathers, her fingers finally coming in contact with the small folded piece of parchment that had the directions she was earlier attempting to follow. “This is all I was given, aside from a letter I had thrown away before coming here,” She unfolded the square piece of paper and clipped it between her pointer and middle finger before holding it out to the male, her eyes never leaving the map that he held. It seemed oddly similar to the one that she contained. But, what he had said intrigued her even more. “Did you say.. Cabin?” Her midnight blue orbs snapped up to his own red ones in narrowing suspicion. “Who did you receive these directions from?

    The female pressed the question forward, her posture becoming rigid. He had the proof that he was in Sabertooth and he seemed polite enough, not like someone who would be a monster in these devil woods. But the information he was providing her made her all the more suspicious. So.. This really must be some kind of cruel joke? Trying to get me killed, Levi? Alex slowly bent her position, bringing her staff just a few inches in front of her. She wasn’t just about to allow her guard to fall around a stranger such as the one before her.

    But her concentration was soon broken for the male before her and soon to the sound of rustling somewhere to the left of her. A monster?! She quickly switched her position away from him and towards the direction of the rustling, bringing her staff beneath her bust and the crystal somewhat pointed towards the ground. Her eyes scanned the area which was now before her, all was silent for a split second to her, but when two large transparent creatures rushed towards them, Alex acted on instinct. Her wings snapped out from her sides and she launched herself several feet into the air, hovering for a moment before bringing her staff out in front of her, a cruel look in calm eyes.

    Cloud Scythe!” As soon as she uttered the words, clouds began to form rapidly around the top of her staff, clustering and creating a curved blade. Crap! Alex snapped her head towards the male, her eyes wide, “Oi! Move!” With that hurried order, the female approached the ghost like creatures at a rapid pace, swinging her staff above her head before bringing it down roughly on the first monster it came in contact with. She grit her teeth angrily as she watched her scythe simply slide through its transparent body, making her retreat back into the air, her wings spread out widely and curving inwards as she hovered several feet above the ground. “Stupid.. Stupid!” This entire situation was making her utterly frustrated and somewhat scared.

    ~HP: 100%
    ~MP: 90%


    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

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    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
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    Dearly Departed  Empty Re: Dearly Departed

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 22nd March 2015, 7:06 pm

    Kite was holding up his map which simply had coordinates for him to follow but that was about there was on there. He watched as Alex moved her hand from behind her back and went under her left wing reaching for something. Of course he noticed how the wing moved when she did her reaching motion and he was slightly astounded to see that her wing actually moved, which meant that it was a part of her body just as much as her arm was.  After a quick moment she pulled from under her left wing she pulled out a folded up piece of paper and explained that this was all she had been given except a letter that she discarded before travelling here. Kite couldn’t help but wonder if the letter held some sort of importance but then again he would imagine a girl like her would have considered that before she would have tossed it aside. He watched as she carefully unfolded the paper and held it out for Kite to take a look at it. So he did, he reached out with his right hand and held it a bit more steady so he could read it a bit better and upon reading the note he started to notice the similarities between the map he had and the one she had.

    However he seemed to be a bit slow on upkeep, he didn’t realize that when he mentioned something about a cabin that Alex had now had her eyes on him with a fair amount of scrutiny. ” is she suspicious of me for some reason?” Kite asked himself and noticed that her body was a bit more tense at the moment. She had then asked him who exactly he got the directions from. Kite lowered his map and removed his hands from her map and looked at her ” Well to be honest, I don’t know who the person was who gave me this. he  also gave me a letter that was written by an old friend of mine who was asking for help.” Kite said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the letter that Levi written for him. ” he said he was in hiding from something or someone and needed a help and seemed to be desperate.” he said with a matter of fact tone, but he also couldn’t hide the fact that he was unsure of the exact details himself and couldn’t hide it in his voice. He had watched as she raised up her spear up a bit and her posture had become more rigid from a few moments ago, it was as if she saw Kite as an enemy for some reason. ” She knows something I don’t and it is making her think I am someone she has to be on guard against."

    However his concetration was broken from her when her head snapped to the side and was looking into the thick of the dark area and in the direction of something to the right of him. He couldn’t tell what it was and was pretty disappointed that he had allowed himself to be caught off guard in such a way to not notice the arrival of some sort of enemy. ”Don’t tell me I missed out on the scent of something bad because of a pretty girl” He said out loud forgetting he was talking to himself. That is when he focused his mind and started to sense the evil presence approaching them, what they were they would know shortly but one thing he did know is that they weren’t here to give them hugs. It was then that the source of the evil presence made themselves known by coming at them with the intent of inflicting some serious harm to them. The best way to describe them were ghosts, which meant something that was dead already, and they rushed at them. Alex told Kite to move and in an instant Kite saw the ghost’s hand coming to swing at him but as a reaction Kite leaped backwards and with the momentum arched his back placed his hand on the ground and brought his body around to complete the back hand spring. It was with in that instant that Alex had lifted herself into the air with her wings and conjured a spell which had the clouds wrap around her staff and become a scythe like weapon. Kite saw this but then noticed that one of the ghosts was still after him so  Kite crossed his arms in front of his chest and let his magical aura flare up revealing the white flames that he controls ”Flame Demon’s Twin Flamberges!"  and with swift pulling motion he pulled out two curved swords from thin air made completely out of white fire. Kite charged at the ghost that was coming after him and swung his swords in a pincer like motion so both blades would strike and ignite the ghost in his white flames and it quickly burned away. Kite quickly snapped his attention to the other ghost which seemed to have not been phased by Alex’s weapon from Kite’s point of view. She had jumped away from the ghost and was hovering in the air which gave Kite an opening. ” Alex watch out!” Kite said in a concerned voice and then started to concentrate his demon fire up to his mouth. ”Flame Demon’s Rage!” Kite yelled as all focused  flames launched a stream of white fire from his mouth at the ghost engulfing it and causing it to burn away into nothing. Kite inhaled deeply and looked at Alex. ” wow wasn’t expecting that!” Kite said looking at her with smoke coming from his mouth.

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    Last edited by liquidsteel90 on 22nd March 2015, 8:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by Alex 22nd March 2015, 7:52 pm

    Alex cautiously approached the ground, the clouds that formed her temporary scythe being dispelled as she moved. “White flame?” She muttered the two words under her breath, dark blue optics watching the man with a new found uncertainty. Her wings brushed against the ground as she stood, causing her to flinch and quickly fold her wings back up against her sides, the cold feeling of dirt against her feathers was not a pleasant one and only reminded her yet again that she was in a place the made her feel sick as well as being near a stranger who seemingly just obliterated two monsters in a matter of minutes.

    The female sighed and shook her head, placing her staff back on the ground before resuming a guarded stance. She guessed she would trust him for now, seeing as they both oddly had to reach the same destination. Just what are you planning, Levi..? Alex lifted her gaze towards Kite, blinking as she caught sight of the smoke drifting from his mouth. I shouldn’t be surprised, it was flame that came from his mouth after all. No, she has a right to be surprised, this day has been jam-packed with so many different odd moments that Alex is surprised that she is still standing here, withstanding the amount of stress it should be weighing on her.

    Thank you.. For what just happened,” Alex bowed politely, thanking him. After all, he did just save her from having to murder the already dead. Probably saving her life at the some time, but she just preferred not to admit that part. “Looks like we shouldn’t stand in one spot for so long.. I’m not surprised monsters have already appeared,” The female shook her head, wrapping one arm around her waist comfortably, her eyes scanning the surroundings, seeming to expect a random horde of undead creatures to pop out of the bramble at any point of time. When she shifted her gaze back to Kite, Alex seemed to relax at the obvious distance between the two. Not that she hated his presence, just that she was more relaxed by the fact that she didn’t have anyone near her after that small occurrence.

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    Kite Wilhelm
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    Post by Kite Wilhelm 22nd March 2015, 8:46 pm

    Kite let the smoke continue to pour from his mouth and then with a small huff he pushed the smoke out of his mouth and looked as the ghost was completely incinerated by his Flame Demon’s Rage. He watched as Alex slowly lowered herself to the ground using her wings like a bird would. He kept his Flame swords lit, the last thing he wanted to do was get caught with his pants down. He watched as the clouds that were once molded together to make her Scythe like weapon dispersed into thin air as she kept an eye on him, it was a look that was full of uncertainty. Kite walked over to where he slashed the first ghost which ignited on fire and burned into nothingness. As he began to kneel Kite put the Flameberge in his left hand into his right and with his now free hand he picked up the scorched dirt that remained from his fire and then walked over towards Alex who seemed to be in a state of disbelief? maybe confusion or was it worry. He didn’t ask for when he reached to where Alex was as well as the ashy like remains of the ghost that attacked her and he picked up the ashy like dirt into his hand and in him mind recited a quick prayer and dropped the dirt back. Kite had a reason for doing this, while he had trained with his demon mentor, the demon told him something very odd. He told Kite that while there were spirits that were naturally evil, in which his magic could burn away, there were spirits that didn’t have much choice in being evil such as the ghosts that attacked them which were most likely under the influence of the cursed land. He was told that if he managed to burn away an evil spirit that he must say a prayer so the spirit might be able to find rest in the after life.

    Kite then heard Alex say something to him, she gave him gratitude for what he had just did, taking out the ghost that had wished to attack her. She had even bowed towards him to show how genuine her thanks was. Kite smiled and with his free hand scratched his head ”Don’t need to mention it. I was glad to help” Kite said to her with a cheery smile. Kite started to look around, he wasn’t a fan of how active the area seemed to be and he had only just gotten there and they were standing still. That is when he heard Alex say to him that they shouldn’t stand in one spot for too long and even stated that she wasn’t surprised to see that they were already seeing monsters. Kite nodded ”I have to say I am a bit surprised by their sudden advancement but I agree, the faster we move the better” Kite looked around the area and moved a bit closer to Alex. ”I am not terribly sure which way to go to be honest, it seemed Levi gave us both vague directions on how to find him… for that matter I am not sure what he said in your letter but he was rather vague when referring to what exactly was going on out here” Kite said to her trying to make the conversation somewhat existent seeing as Kite was able to pick up on the fact that while they were both only a few feet away from each other the distance between them was incredibly large.

    Kite looked that around and then back at Alex, he kept his Flameberges lit but then he decided to released them to conserve magic power, he then used his right hand to point in a direction. ”I was heading in that direction before I sensed you over here, My directions sorta pointed me in that direction, I think that might be our best bet for right now” Kite said as he started to walk in that direction and then looked back at Alex ”Along the way if there is anything you would like to ask please do so, I am not too fond of this little bit of distance I am sensing between us” Kite said as he started to walk in the direction he said they should go.

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    Post by Alex 22nd March 2015, 9:28 pm

    "Wait a moment," Alex quickly followed after him, lifting her arm to lightly tap his shoulder with a slender finger. "You just said Levi, what are your affiliations with him?" Her eyes narrowed dangerously, for what seemed to be the hundredth time today and she didn't much enjoy it, it made her feel much more cruel than she actually is. But, he spoke of Levi as if he had known him his entire life and if he did, Alex wouldn't be surprise seeing as Kite didn't seem like someone who would come out here to save a random person.

    It wasn't only that he knew Levi, but it seemed to also be the fact that he could so easily sense the distance Alex was carefully placing unconsciously. It made her uneasy. But Alex probably would never admit that for the life of her, she was fairly confident in herself, enough to know she wouldn't destroy her pride to stupidly blunt. She parted her lips to speak again, but halted before she was able to utter a word, only to breath a heavy sigh and allow her free hand to fall back against her side limply, loosing her grip on the staff in her other hand as well. She just wanted to rest her mind for a bit and if that meant having to trust this man for as long as need be, then she would.

    "White flames, you knowing Levi, us both receiving pretty much the same directions and being caught up in this odd place," Alex tilted her head to the side, confusion, uncertainty and a fair amount of stress swimming in her blue optics, "Just who are you and what is your goal?" She knew that he was from a fairly popular legal guild and his name including the fact that he was looking for someone, but everything else was foreign and made her gut wrench with uncertainty. It was like this quite a bit when it came to strangers, just most she ended up scoffing at and disappearing, but she couldn't do that now seeing as she had absolutely no clue where she was in this devils forest, attempting to find someone who she hadn't had contact with for several years.

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    Kite Wilhelm
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    Post by Kite Wilhelm 22nd March 2015, 10:12 pm

    Kite started to walk in the direction that he believed to be the correct way to reach the cabin that happened to be the destination on both of their maps. He didn’t get very far before he was stopped by the sound of Alex telling him to wait but before he could turn he felt a delicate tap on his right shoulder. She started to talk to him mentioning the fact that he mentioned Levi by name and asked what his relationship with Levi was. Kite turned only to see her deep blue eyes narrowed and full of intensity and they were aimed right at Kite’s eyes. Kite put his hands on his hips. In order for him to explain his relationship with Levi he would have to dig way back into his past which he didn’t do often for total strangers, but it seemed that the trust he had from this girl seemed to vanish and if he wanted to get to Levi and make sure she was alsos safe she needed to trust him which meant Kite had no choice but to un bury his past. Kite let out a sigh ”Well you see I am not a man who is acquainted with Levi, in fact you can say that I buried him like I buried my past ties.” Kite said as he pinched the bridge of his nose ”but when I was a kid Levi and I were the only ones in my village who were around the same age, so we became fast friends and played all the kid games with each other. However I wasn’t aware of how much danger that village was, You see I discovered that I was in a village full of people who were extremely against magic and I had developed an affinity for magic. One nice Levi followed me when I went to practice and since he was brainwashed by the cult’s teachings he told the Village’s leader and then everyone turned on me” Kite said solemnly keeping the part out about the village’s actions against those in the magical community nor did he mention the orphanage.

    ”So i had managed to escape and left that life behind, and well I had managed to get stronger over the years with my magic and then I joined Sabertooth and up until I got this letter I hadn’t heard from him. I didn’t want to.” Kite said and then taking a deep breath ”I am merely here because in a way I owe him, if he didn’t tell my secret I would still be in that horrible village and not where I am, so when he sent me of all people that letter asking for help I figured he was in a pretty bad spot and well the rest is history because here I am” He said completing the answer to her question. ”What about you?” Kite asked her.

    Kite reached behind him and pulled out a canteen full of water that he packed with him and took a small sip. Kite noticed how she was flustered by this whole thing, between Levi asking her for help as well as the ghost attack. He held out the canteen for her offering her a sip of water while she would explain her story on the subject. That is when she started to speak in a rather random way mentioning White flames, Kite knowing Levi, the similar directions and lastly their location. He could tell she had a lot going on in her mind and wasn’t happy with how things were going.  Kite was going to say something in regards to everything that she had mentioned but that is when she asked him who is was and what his goals were. ”alright well, I’m Kite Wilhelm I am a man with a deep past that he prefers to keep buried, mainly because I know how hot my fire gets It won’t burn away.” Kite said and then he remembered her mention the white flames in her list a second or two ago. ”I guess I will add a bit more to the who I am thing… you see the white flames you saw they come the magic I use. I am from Sabertooth and I take pride in that but I also am known as the Flame Demon Slayer.” Kite said with a smile ”My flames are hot enough to burn away evil spirits which you saw me do a few moments ago.” Kite paused and let his face grow serious ” and as for my goals, I came here to help someone from my past who also escaped the same hell I had come from… but now my goal is a bit different” Kite calmed his expression and looked at her in an almost tender like way ”it seems that my goal now is to also make sure you and those beautiful wings of yours out of this place in one piece” Kite said as he placed the canteen in her hands and started to walk in the direction he wanted to go ”The faster we find Levi the faster we can do that” he said looking over his shoulder with a smile and then looking forward, keeping his senses sharp so he wouldn’t be caught off guard again.

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    Post by Alex 22nd March 2015, 10:43 pm

    Alex watched his movements curiously as he spoke, they didn't resemble those of a liar and the story he had just explained to her did not seem like something a liar could think of in just a few minutes, it seemed to hold a much deeper backstory, probably a little to deep for him to be comfortable explaining seeing as Alex guessed he wasn't quite comfortable explaining that amount either.

    "Me?" The female seemed a bit shocked at the question. She wasn't offended or the such, or even that she was uncomfortable explaining it, its just that she barely remembered anything about it. So, she simply shook her head, "I don't remember." Alex simply answered his question with that and stared at the ground for a few fleeting moments before noticing that he began to speak again. Flame Demon Slayer..? Now isn't that interesting. She smiled softly. Alex enjoyed interesting things greatly, especially things that involved magic and history, which was why when she heard that the letter that was delivered to her might be about the old box in her room she was so ecstatic about it. Waiting for him to finish speaking, Alex soaked up each word delicately.

    "What?!" Alex's head snapped upward, her dark blue optics wide with sudden surprise. "W-wait.. Wh-what did you just say!" A light shade of pink dusted across her normally pale cheeks, her mind reeling for words. She hated indirect compliments like that, not that she disliked it, just that she hated how she had no clue how to deal with it. Usually she would end up a stuttering mess for a few moments before drowning in her own self loathing for another minute and then go back to normal. But when it came to her wings, which, naturally, she quite adored, she would become even more flustered. Alex looked down in her hands to see the canteen he was drinking from earlier and a bewildered expression made its way onto her face.

    "I swear.. Once we're out of here I'll make you into a fried pigeon!" Now, Alex was not a violent person, but she would often end up saying something like that if someone flustered her enough. I just want to find Levi, get out of here and go back to looking at through that old box! She huffed quietly to herself and followed after Kite, tucking his canteen away beneath one of her wings. But, her train of thought quickly went of course. I can remember some things though.. Maybe not the best of it all, but some.. No! Don't think about that! Just keep walking! She shook her head roughly, lightly flicking her own cheek just incase before quickly straightening her posture and resuming her normal front.

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    Post by Kite Wilhelm 23rd March 2015, 10:18 am

    Kite wasn’t a man who often felt exposed or distressed but revealing the nature of his past was something that he knew he had to do in order to gain her trust. Kite had flash backs of the night he had managed to escape the village, the face of Levi as Kite started to run away. It was cold, like he didn’t care his friend was in danger of being killed. Kite shook his head, for if he didn’t let go of that night he might change his mind and leave Levi to fend for himself. Kite had then asked Alex what her relation with Levi was and so he studied her as she started to conjure an answer. He watched her as she struggled to come up with an answer, but from Kite’s point of view it seemed that he might have crossed a line somewhere with asking such a personal question.

    The answer she had given was a short one but it spoke volumes to him, she simply told him that she didn’t remember. Kite’s eyes had a hint of sadness in his eyes, here he was speaking about his past and complaining about it and here was this girl who didn’t even remember who Levi was and she was here in this dangerous place to help someone who was practically a stranger. It was at this moment that Kite couldn’t help but feel some sense of admiration towards her at, she had such courage, enough courage to come all the way here despite her feeling the amount of fear and stress she must be going through. ”I have to give you credit, I honestly didn’t want to come here initially despite the fact that I remember him clear as day. But you… you came here for someone you just remember by name despite the land’s reputation. I am really impressed by that.” Kite said admittingly. It was after this he started to explain a bit more about himself, telling her all about him being a Demon slayer but left out the actual part about him being taught by a Demon, and even told her what his goals were at this juncture and then made mention of his new goal, the goal of protecting and getting Alex out of the cursed area and to safety, he even made a subtle compliment to her mentioning that he thought her wings were quite beautiful.

    He noticed as she started to pay close attention to his words but had a bit of a delayed reaction to the compliment and snapped her attention back to him and started to question him about what he had said. Kite took notice of the pink color that now dusted over her cheeks. Kite however just simply responded with a question. ”Which part? the part where I said my goal was to protect you or..” he at that point realized what he had said to her, mentioning that she had beautiful wings. Kite smiled ”Ahh I see what you are asking about. I said that I think your wings are beautiful” Kite said with a smile. He added to it by simply saying  ”and it just so happens that I think the girl who owns those wings is quite a beauty too” he said not sure why he was saying this exactly but he just went with it, he had no idea how she would react to what he had just said but really didn’t  care, he had given a pretty girl a nice compliment and that is what mattered. He had began to walk again when heard her say that once the two of them were out of there and into a safe area she would make a fried pigeon out of him. Kite smiled at that but kept quiet making sure that he didn’t miss anything moving around.

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    Dearly Departed  Empty Re: Dearly Departed

    Post by Alex 25th March 2015, 3:52 pm

    Alex cleared her throat, one hand covering her eyes. She was quite aware that she was pretty in some sort or another, but to hear it from another person was just a bit to much for her, if not obvious by the now dark maroon color of her cheeks. She refused to open her mouth and speak though, knowing that she'd most likely just end up tumbling over her own words which was quite uncommon for herself. Alex took great pride in herself, well, the usually calm one, so to be so flustered was not something that she enjoyed so much. Was she supposed to respond with another compliment? Threaten him? She'd never really understood what to do in these situations.

    "Just keep walking.." Alex simply muttered the words under her breath, her voice seeming much to high for her liking but continued to follow after, her hand still clasped lightly over her eyes. She didn't want to see at the moment and really just wanted to disappear all together. Well, maybe that was a bit over the top. But, she was definitely quite embarrassed. I don't like this feeling.. The female just shook her head, ridding her mind of as many thoughts as she possibly could. Though when she felt a branch lightly scrap against the skin of her arm, Alex immediately brought her hand away from her face, eyes wide. The cabin! She had almost entirely forgot, which was again strange.

    "Kite," Alex quickened her pace, "Do you have any idea how close we are to the cabin by chance?" By what information she gathered, he apparently had quite the senses. Also sense she was pretty much useless when it came to these things, she had almost no choice. Not that it was a bad thing.

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    Last edited by Alex M. on 25th March 2015, 3:55 pm; edited 2 times in total



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    Post by NPC 25th March 2015, 3:52 pm

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    Post by Kite Wilhelm 25th March 2015, 8:07 pm

    Kite had turned when he started to hold a conversation regarding the subtle compliment that he had given her about her wings. So when she asked about what he didn’t understand but responded when he realized what she was getting all bent out of shape for. He confirmed to her that he thought her wings were beautiful but when he told her that he thought that she too was beautiful he did he did notice that Alex’s face, mainly her cheeks had turned a deep deep magenta color and that she even used her hand to cover her face. Kite was surprised by how much that a compliment managed to get her riled up. ” It is almost like you never heard someone compliment you before” Kite said in a teasing like tone meant to poke fun at the girl’s reaction. It wasn’t long after he made this comment that he was told by Alex to turn around and to keep walking Kite put his hands up in the air which mocked a surrender and turned back around facing the way he was walking and just said ”As you wish, but don’t be surprised if that isn’t the last nice thing I happen to say on this little adventure of ours” He said as if he was predicting for that very thing to happen, or perhaps he was planning it. Either way she wouldn’t know until he said something.

    For a moment there was silence and so Kite had a second to think to himself, not about the little bit of fun that he had been having with Alex but about the actual job. There was something that was bothering him that he couldn’t shake and that was how come he wasn’t able to pinpoint where Levi would be at. He had the ability to sense presence of evil so any other kind of scent or presence would appear as anomaly, like how he was able to sift out where Alex was in this evil land, and while he was sure that Alex had a different nature when it came down to her personality versus his. ”I can sense her clear as day now but from a distance I was able to pick up on her trail, but is it possible that the cabin is too far away for me to pick up on him… or is it because I don’t care for him aside from a debt?” Kite said to himself puzzled about the current situation. That is when, in the middle of his thought and observations that Alex broke his train of thought by picking up the pace to match Kite’s own walking speed and while doing so asked him if he had any clue on how close they were to the cabin. Kite looked at her as he began to speak to her ”Well, no I haven’t been able to pick up on the cabin’s location, nor was I able to pick up the scent of Levi either for that matter.” Kite paused and then looked forward once again facing the direction they were currently taking. ”but if our maps are right, I think it is safe to say that the cabin is in this direction” Kite said with certainty. He wasn’t lying by any means but he wasn’t exactly sure either.

    Kite was going to continue the conversation with Alex, seeing as this is probably the closest thing to a casual conversation that they would have had since meeting however that didn’t happen. Kite stopped walking the instant he caught the wiff of something rather foul coming their way from two different directions from the front and from the back so pivoted and spun so now his back was against Alex’s so they were standing back to back. ”We have guests” Kite said to her making that her cue to prepare for battle. Kite’s eyes lifted up when he saw in front of him were the same sort of ghost like creatures that they encountered earlier. He took a quick glance over his shoulder to see that on her side she had 2 small but undead and assumed to be deadly animals. Kite smiled when he saw them emerge from the surrounding darkness ”I will take these two things out… watch my back with those furballs” Kite said to her as he charged at the first ghost ”Flame Demon’s Claws!” and with that both of Kite’s hands were completely encased with his demon slaying flames which molded to become claws on his hands. The ghost took a violent swing at Kite, which he countered by letting his body drop down and did like a baseball slide which brought the ghost’s attack too far above it’s target. Kite quickly got to his feet and swung his hands going upwards at an angle striking the ghost with his attack and quickly dispatching the ghostly fiend. ”Ashes to Ashes” Kite said before he would target the next ghost.

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    Last edited by liquidsteel90 on 25th March 2015, 9:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post by Alex 25th March 2015, 9:01 pm

    Alex nodded quietly, turning her head back towards the direction in which they were walking. She tilted her head up towards the sky, a sad expression crossing her face. I wish I could see the clouds.. But all she could see was the underside of the dense trees that surrounded them left and right, the trees didn't even seem as comforting as they usually would've for Alex. It was quiet, to quiet, and she decided that she'd probably loose that feeling of unease if she had something to focus on and the easiest option was to either continue a conversation or start anew. But even then, she lacked. She knew how to provide in a conversation, but to start or continue one on her own was a bit complicated for her.

    The female stiffened when she noticed Kite pivot around so his back was towards her own, but what had her spurring into action was that he had say the two had guests. Alex swung her staff outwards, the words tumbling from parted lips, "Cloud Scythe!" And the clouds she was gratefully familiar with quickly formed around her staff, instantly forming the familiar weapon. Alex nodded in response, eyes trained calmly on the two undead creatures before her. Those ghosts again and now living dead animals? Why am I not surprised?

    She shook her head quickly, quickly allowing her wings to spring from her sides and charged at the two creatures. Alex swung her weapon downwards on one, flinching back as she heard flesh tear apart before the scythe cleanly swung through its body. "God.. That's disgusting.." She muttered her breath, utterly repulsed. But she watched in horror as the top half growled and snarled at her, feebly approaching. Seriously?! Alex sighed and shook her head, ignoring and turning her attention towards the second animal that seemed to be sneaking up from her left.

    Her dark blue optics narrowed dangerously and she quickly swung her scythe out with an inhuman amount of force, the dull end of the blade slamming into the animals side and sending it siding several feet away. This granted her enough time swing her scythe through the first animals neck, the head rolling off to the side and making Alex flinch back in disgust, guilt creeping up in her stomach. But the growl of the second animal brought her attention back, instinct controlling her limbs and causing her to rushing forward and swing her scythe into it, the blade lodging into the side of its stomach. "Oh come on!" An agitated expression crossed her face, eyes squeezing shut.

    Just die.. Just die.. Just die.. Her eyes popped open and she yanked the scythe blade out of its still body before bringing the tip of the blade down on its dead, sliding cleanly through the skull. Well isn't that great.. Alex gripped her head with one hand before turning towards where she guessed Kite was, "Have you defeated the ghosts, Kite?"

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    Post by Kite Wilhelm 26th March 2015, 10:06 am

    Kite’s hand went through the ghost like a hot knife cuts through butter, no resistance whatsoever but the fire, unlike his hand stuck to the ghost and it caught a blaze and vanished like the other ghost had earlier. Now there was the matter of the second ghost, which Kite believed would be taken out by his holy white flames but he couldn’t be sure at this juncture and thought it was wise to believe this ghost could do some damage if it struck him. However the ghost seemed to not want any part of Kite keeping its distance from him. Kite let out a smirk when he noticed this ”so tell me something if you can. While ghost seem to instill fear into others can a ghost in turn feel fear?” Kite asked not sure if he would receive an answer to this question. He assumed not and was correct for the ghost remained silence so Kite once again spoke ” I do find this curious, you see your fellow spirit fall to my flames so it would be natural for such a thing to occur… and if that is to hard for you to comprehend.. lets simplify it….” Kite said as he took a step with his hands still ablaze around his hand. ”I am simply saying that you should be you undead freak!” he said to him.

    That is when the ghost turned away from Kite and seemingly turned its attention to Alex who materialized clouds out of thin air and reformed that scythe like weapon which she used in their first encounter with the undead. He watched as she, with grace she swung at one of the undead creatures and with a clean slice from her scythe he was glad to see that she cleaved furry beast in half. He couldn’t help but hear her yell out that it was disgusting but then readjusted her gaze to the second animal which she without fail sent it flying. Kite was quite amazed at her skills and her grace on the battle field. Kite couldn’t help but show a bit of blush on his cheeks. ”wow, what a woman” Kite said to himself before he turned his attention back to the ghost. The ghost started to circle around, as if he was preparing to fight Kite but when Kite counter circled the ghost looked to go after Alex instead who was busy with with finishing the second creature off. Kite reacted the instant he saw the ghost had turn in her direction.

    Kite charged at it and couldn’t help but smile when he did so, he quickly caught up to the ghost and with his hand still a blaze and with a thrust of his right hand he threw an opened palm strike right to the back of the ghost, which once again his hand passed through but the flames burned every inch of the entry with the area around the ghost’s body in flames. It was at this time Alex had finished the undead animal and asked him if he had finished off the ghost. Upon turning around she would see the ghost with Kite’s hand sticking out of it’s would be chest and then it would evaporate into nothing as the flames would burn it to nothing. Kite would see Alex looking at him as soon as the ghost burning in his flames vanished as well as the flames around his hands and simply answer ”Yup. They are all gone now” Kite said to her with a smile. Kite couldn’t help but still hold some admiration for the skills Alex seemed to possess with her cloud magic. ”I must say even in battle you seem to be a graceful woman” Kite said not trying to cause any issues but just amazed by her skills in combat. Kite turned and grew serious ”I think it might be best though if we get going, it would seem that Levi will be in much more danger than we initially thought.” Kite said as he walked over to Alex and took off his vest and handed it to her. ”Here, if you got anything on you, you can use this to clean it off it since it looked like your opponents were quite messy to deal with. Kite said to her as he put the vest in her hand and then continued to walk towards the area he believed the cabin to be located. Kite couldn’t help but be worried that Levi might have been killed by one of these things.”I wonder, if he is even alive by this point. It is hard to think he would have magic at all let alone magic to deal with these things and so far it isn’t hard to see him or any normal person surviving this.” Kite said to himself not trying to alarm Alex as he walked.

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    Post by Alex 26th March 2015, 9:54 pm

    Alex swung her weapon out before her, grimacing painfully as she watched a repulsive substance slide from the blade and slop onto the ground. The thick liquid seemed to hold chunks of flesh, only making a sick feeling rise up in her gut, her head turning away from it in disgust. Though her attention was pulled back towards Kite, her mind slowly processing his words before the rosy color returns to her cheeks, "Thank you.." Alex watched as he grew serious, her composure finally returning to her relief. When he mentioned Levi being in more danger than they had originally thought, her blue optics seemed to only darken, a blank expression clouding her features.

    "Huh?" Alex hadn't realized she became lost in her tangled sea of thoughts until she was brought back into the real world, only to see that Kite was handing her his vest, "Ahh.. Thank you, but I'm fine," She smiled gratefully before handing to back to him, shaking her head. It was a nice gesture though.. I guess he isn’t all bad. Alex glanced back at her weapon, flinching back as she realized she hadn’t dispelled the clouds yet, Well then.. Yet another thing I’ve forgotten.. She groaned internally, withholding her urge to shake her head repeatedly.

    When she heard Kite wonder if Levi was even alive at this point, Alex’s eyes widened slightly is sudden surprise. But she had to agree, with what the two had gone through and observed so far, she wouldn’t be surprised if Levi wasn’t alive now. She shook her head lightly, straightened her posture and resumed walking after Kite.

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    Post by Kite Wilhelm 27th March 2015, 7:05 pm

    Kite noticed the slight pinkish color on Alex’s cheeks when he shared his opinion on how he believed her to be a graceful woman during a battle even one that involved quick and slightly gruesome killing of the undead animals. Kite realized just what this meant, that he had it in his mind that whether she was fighting or not he saw just how graceful she was. Kite would have found this a bit more interesting but due to the fact he was in an area that was less than flattering for emotions and such he kept this opinion to himself but wasn’t ignorant to it. After she had said thank you to him Kite smiled at her ” you are very welcome” he said nicely. He then offered her his vest so she could clean off any sort of gunk she managed to get on her but she went to hand back his vest saying that she was fine but not before thanking him for the offer. Kite took it back but instead of putting it back on he swung it around her so it draped over her shoulders covering her exposed shoulders. Kite smiled when he did this ”Starting to get cold, keep warm ok?” Kite said to her before he walked off and started to think out loud about Levi and how much danger he found himself in, and the possibility that he is already dead.

    Kite kept walking in the direction with Alex walking close to him. Not picking up on anything coming their way Kite looked back at Alex looking into her deep blue eyes, and then brought his eyes to her wings. He was curious about them, he could guess that they were real, but were they always hers? was she born with them? he didn’t know but for some reason he really wanted to know. ”Alex, do you mind if I ask you something?” Kite said to her as he brought his eyes back up to hers while continuing to walk. ” If I may I was curious if you could tell me a bit about your wings” Kite said requesting to know more about her. ” They are marvelous and beautiful looking, but I have never seen wings quite like those so please forgive me if that is too personal” Kite said firing her an apology right off the bat just in case.

    While awaiting for her answer he looked back to the path in front of him and noticed something right off in the distance not that far ahead of them. Kite couldn’t make it out right away but the closer they got the more the actual shape was able to make out. It was a cabin, and presumably the cabin where Levi was suppose to be hiding out at. It seemed to be a building with only one floor, but big enough to have a couple different rooms throughout its interior. Kite could assume that at one point that it was a nice cosy little cabin until the land had become cursed now all that remained was clearly rotten wood, broken windows all over.. ”Well It seems that we have found his cabin” Kite said to her as he lead her to the cabin door. He tried to open it but the knob wasn’t turning. ”It’s locked… not surprised” he said as he lifted his foot and kicked the knob breaking it off. ”Usually I would hold the door for a lady but I hope if you understand me going first” Kite said as he opened the door and walked in looking in the main living area of the cabin. It didn’t seem to be different than a regular cabin however what little furniture that was left had been thrown around and it was seemingly empty. ”Well he ain’t here… but” Kite said as he took a small wiff of the air ”Something smells awful” Kite said to Alex.

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    Post by Alex 27th March 2015, 8:50 pm

    Alex laughed softly, tilting her head to the side as she smiled gratefully yet again at him, “You didn’t need to.. But thank you,” She lifted her free hand to grip the edges of the vest, pulling it a bit tighter around her, unconsciously comparing the temperature of the vest to the one she had become accustomed to in the small amount of time she’d been in the forest. Though after a few minutes of walking, Alex brought her gaze up to Kite, curiously watching as his eyes went from looking into her own before down to her wings. Hm..?

    When hearing that he was curious about her wings, blue optics snapped towards where she wished the clouds were, floating endlessly in the sky. The corner of her lips quirked upwards at the compliment and quickly added apology. She was curious why others would always get the idea she would become offended when they asked to know things about her, but she knew she couldn’t really do anything about it. Deciding it be best she answered now, her eyes traveled back to her wings, “I’ve had them for as long, I have small snippets of my childhood, and each in each memory, I have these wings,” She answered, easily recalling a small one that had her chuckling under her breath. “They aren’t that special really.. All I can really do is fly with them, I’m almost positive I can do other things with them though, I just have yet to figure out what they are yet.

    Alex shook her head from side to side, releasing her grip on the vest to resume a more comfortable position as they walked, and soon enough, the cabin came into view. It wasn’t exactly as she expected, not that she was thinking it’d be in perfect condition, just not as beaten up as it seemed to be now. A blank expression replaced her last, her dark blue orbs scanning the building. Alex turned her gaze back towards Kite, watching as he kicked the knob off the rotten looking door before entering, the female following closely behind. Instantly she was hit with a rotten scent, her nose scrunching up slightly. “I agree.. It looks as if no one has been here for at least weeks, months maybe.." Alex shook her head with a slightly disappointed sigh, So, it pretty much all was an ugly lie.. She wasn’t entirely sure, but, from what she could tell, her earlier suspicions were pretty much confirmed now.

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    Post by NPC 27th March 2015, 8:50 pm

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