Fairy Tail RP

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    Spy Criminal Watch! [Job l Solo]


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
    Position : None
    Posts : 783
    Guild : ◇ sabertooth ◇
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    Spy Criminal Watch! [Job l Solo] Empty Spy Criminal Watch! [Job l Solo]

    Post by Iesha 3rd March 2015, 10:26 am

    Job Description:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
    Position : None
    Posts : 783
    Guild : ◇ sabertooth ◇
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

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    Spy Criminal Watch! [Job l Solo] Empty Re: Spy Criminal Watch! [Job l Solo]

    Post by Iesha 3rd March 2015, 10:29 am

    Riley roamed around oak town simultaneously in search for the location of her client. She looked at the flyer in her hand over and over again. “Are you kidding me? Where the hell is this place?” The young black haired girl was starting to get frustrated. She looked at Theo, who was calmly walking beside her. 

    The young arctic wolf seemed to be enjoying this walk. The ice dragon slayer read the flyer over and over again until she gave up trying to find the specific house. “You know what? I give up. Let’s just ask someone.” Riley could feel Theo’s eyes on her.  If the young wolf could talk, he’d probably be saying something along these lines. ‘I told you so’ or maybe ‘you should have listened to me.’ The young girl could feel his eyes piercing through her back. When she couldn’t take it anymore, she turned around. 

    “Alright, I admit I was wrong to not listen to you. I’m sorry. Are you happy now?”  Theo started happily waging his tail as riley muttered to herself. “Spoilt little brat.” But she still had a smile of her face. She and the young wolf may have silly arguments like these, but she loved him. She looked up to a few people staring at her and muttering something between themselves. “Is she talking to a dog?” Riley felt like slapping someone. From which angle does Theo look like a dog? He’s a wolf. Why don’t people understand that?  Although she was in the mood for giving people a piece of her mind, she let it go. 

    She didn’t have time for this sort of foolishness. The young girl had a job to get to. She walked around looking for someone who looked like they could be helpful. Her eyes landed upon a man, who was casually leaning back on a wall, smoking a cigar. She then looked around and found no one else who looked like they knew much since most of the people around were kids or teenagers. Not that he looks very knowledgeable but why not give it a try. She walked up to him, followed by the young arctic wolf. “Excuse me? Can you help me out?” The man opened his eyes, which were previously shut. Riley assumed the man was sleeping. “What do ya want?” He asked in a very annoyed tone. Maybe waking him up wasn’t such a good idea. “I’m actually looking for this residence.” She points at the paper. “Can you show me the way?” The man leans in and takes a closer look at the paper. He then leans back again and gives the black haired girl a blank look. 

    He didn’t say anything for a while, which confused Riley. She looked at Theo, who wasn’t understanding the situation himself. Her gaze then shifted back to the man. “So, do you know where it is?” The man’s blank look did not fade away, even for the slightest second. “You’re standing right in front of it.” He said in an obvious tone. Riley looked up to see the small building standing exactly to her right. There was a name plate on it. 

    Riley didn’t know what her clients name was as the flyer was sent by an unknown person but it was worth a shot. She looked back at the man before sheepishly grinning and lightly scratching the back of her neck. “Hehehe…..thank you.” The man simply growled at the young girl and told her to get lost. Riley was a bit taken back by that. “Isn’t he a nice fellow?” Sarcasm was dripping from her voice. With the flyer in her hand, the ice dragon slayer walked over to the door and rung the bell. After a few shuffling noises heard from the other side of the door, the wooden door creaked as it was opened. As the wooden door opened, it revealed a young man, probably in his mid-twenties.

     “Yes? Can I help you with something?” Riley smiled at the man. “Hi! My name is Riley. Actually I’ve accepted this job and it has this address given on it.” She showed the paper to the man. He looked at it before turning back at her. “Yes, yes. Please come in.” The black haired girl stepped inside the house, followed by her furry little friend.  She walked over to the couch and sat, just like she was asked by the man.

     “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but why didn’t you give your name in the job request? And even the job details weren’t exactly reflecting on the job.” Riley knew that she was being blunt but maybe his reason for doing so would help her with the job. “I ddin’t give my name or the job details for protection. I had to take precautions. But now since you’ve accepted the job, I’m going to tell to everything.” Riley’s ears perked up. She wanted to know. The young wolf simply sat of the comfy rug placed in the middle of the enormous room and listened.

     “My name is David. For some odd reason, my money would decrease whenever I bring the jewels with me to spend on. I suspect that my money might be stolen to some hypocrite as whenever I would look around I find the same man over and over again. The man would be covered in black clothing in which was mysterious to me. Not only that, but in every afternoon, he would be at the center of the city, looking all suspicious like. I know this as I spied on him, once. Now, I need you to check him out and report to me to what he did.” Riley nodded as he ended his story. “Well then, I’ll get right to it. Do you know where this man will be?”  David simply nodded. “If my theory is correct, he goes to the market everyday around this time. He’s probably looking for a person he can steal from. “. David had a disgusted look on his face. From what Riley’s observed, the man does not like thieves. “Well then I better head to the market then.” With that the young dragon slayer left the client to accomplish another job.


    The young black haired girl slowly pulled down the magazine she was reading, more like hiding her face with. Through those black sunglasses, those purple eyes scanned the market from a corner. She looked down to her right to see the young arctic wolf sitting there with a pair of shades covering his eyes. As people passed, they looked at the two with a weird expression on their faces. “Good, I don’t think anyone suspects us.” The young girl whispered to the Theo, who bobbed his head in agreement. 

    She looked around, from above the magazine, waiting to find someone with black clothing. Then it happened. Her eyes landed upon a man covered fully in black clothing. She couldn’t see his face as the collar of his coat was too high. He was looking around simultaneously, probably in search for David, Riley assumed. He then began walking with the crowd. In no time he would have blended in and Riley couldn’t let that happen. She quickly got up from the wooden bench. Theo, realizing what she was up to, jumped off too. 

    The young layer threw her shades down and began blending into the crowd. She didn’t want to lose her young friend, so she picked him up and began following the man. She kept a close eye on him. In the middle of the crowd, while everyone was talking and enjoying themselves, the female mage saw the man slide his hand into a woman’s purse and take out loads of jewels. Riley’s eyes widened. “So he was the one! David was right.” 

    Usually in these cases, the female mage would probably go and beat the living daylights out of the man, return the woman her money, and then give the thief a long lecture about how stealing isn’t a good thing.  But not this time. This time she intended to find out the thief’s intentions before taking any action against him. If she catches him now, she may never know his motive. As the man separated from the crowd, the young girl followed him. He walked into the empty streets where all the shops had been closed as it was late in the evening. He looked around making sure that no one was following him. 

    Every time he turned back, Riley had to hide behind something or the other. She even hid behind a trash can. This is what her life had come to.  She assumed that spying on someone would be fun, but this was anything but fun on her part. The young mage never understood people’s need to steal. She failed to understand people’s needs to hurt others. But this was not the time to be thinking about these things, she had a criminal to catch. Theo, the young wolf, was also with Riley, keeping an eye on the man in front of them. The dragon slayer did not know the routes of this town but she found this place rather familiar. She remembered this route as she had previously passed it when she was lost and was searching for David’s house. If she had remembered correctly, this was the route that led to the hospital. Now, the female mage was very curious. She had decided that she will find out the truth no matter what. Soon the two followed the man in black to the hospital. Riley’s assumption was correct. 

    Before the man moved inside, he hid behind one of the bushes and removed the black hat and coat that he was wearing. From her hiding spot, Riley could see the man’s ace. He looked old, with a very tired face. He also looked very poor. He walked into the hospital, as the black haired girl and the young wolf followed. The guards standing outside the hospital gates refused to let Theo enter. Riley walked over to Theo before bending down to pet him. “Be a good boy and stay here. I’ll be right back.” With that Riley left her young friend outside the giant building and walked inside. As soon as she entered, her nose was hit with the strong scent of medicines. She looked around in search for the man, and she found him, walking in one of the corridors. She followed the man as he walked into one of the rooms. 

    Riley knew she couldn’t enter so she stood outside and watched. Inside, on the bad, lay a small girl, no more than ten years of age. She seemed really ill. Her tiny face was tired and worn out but she still managed to smile after seeing the man. Riley was beginning to understand the situation.  She heard voices behind her so she quickly acted like she was patient and went unnoticed by the staff members. The doctor, along with the nurse, walked inside the room. “Mr. Larry. You’re going to have to pay for your daughter’s treatment fast if you want us to conduct the operation.” Riley overheard their conversation as the door was left slightly open. ‘yes, I know. I’ll pay today.” The man walked to the reception to pay for it. Riley did not know what to do. She now knew the man’s intentions, that were only to save his daughter.  After debating with herself, the young girl walked out of the hospital, where she picked up her young friend and returned to her client. She then updated David about everything she had observed. “Now, it’s your decision what you want to do. I did my job.” 

    David looked like he was in deep thought. “Come with me.” He began walking and Riley followed him, like she was asked. A while later they reached the hospital where Riley guided David to the man’s daughter’s room. David walked inside and the both men seemed to be having a conversation. Riley did not know what they were talking about but when the two men embraced each other, a smile grew onto the young girls lips. She was happy that she managed to do something that may have helped a young girl’s life. After collecting her reward from David, she and Theo were off to the guild of Sabertooth.


    [Word Count: 2067/2000]

      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 2:26 am