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    Love or hatred? [private, invite only]


    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

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    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Scinis 29th December 2014, 8:23 am

    Acalia walked through Oak Town, it was the first time she was in this town. It seemed awesome, nothing wrong with it in any way. The true reason she had been in this town at this time wasnt because she wanted to go site seeing, it was because she was seeing her older half-brother which she hasnt seen in ages, the last time she seen him was even before Zellha's soul entered her body, so what would he react to her having a second soul? The horned girl sat on a bench, with Zellha's soul next to her. "Hey Zellha, how do you think he will react to seeing me after this long? I'm so excited i could just-" "Shut up. You are so annoying. I dont care about your stupid family, but I might just make an appearance to your brother, it could be fun. Perhaps destroy a couple houses or something, he'll get the impression that I'm you and hate you forever." Zellha started laughing. "Hey! Dont do that thats mean! If you even try to take over our body you will get it!" She turned, then she saw him. Acalia jumped up, and waved at him happily and excitedly while Zellhas soul, which would be invisible and inaudable, stood beside her with her arms folded.

    White without quotes- Narrator
    "White with quotes"- Acalia
    White with italics- Acalia thinking
    "Black with quotes"- Zellha
    Black with italics- Zellha thinking


    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] InvisNewSig

    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Guest 29th December 2014, 8:34 am

    "Who the hell is this, who the hell is this, who the hell is this?" The thought resounds in the Sky Dragon Slayer's head. Not only had he been rid of that cursed Fullbring, he was elected to the position.

    "I really hope that this half-sister I've been hearing about isn't-"

    There she is. Some red-headed girl. I'll be damned. And she waves at me, Nikolai thinks. Probably one of those .....types.

    "Who are you?" he asks.

    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Scinis 29th December 2014, 8:42 am

    Acalia stood there, tearing up and almost crying. "Y-Y-You don't remember me? I'm Acalia, your little sister!" Zellha was next to her dying of laughter. "HAHAHAHAHHA, the so called "beloved brother" of yours can't even remember you! Ah this is hilarious. Acalia you better make a great impression on him then!" Acalia ignored the other soul she had, because that last sentence she said was filled with sarcasm. "You're Nikolai, I haven't seen you in forever! You can't seriously not remember me..." Acalia goes back over to the bench she was at, and then puts her head in her hands.


    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] InvisNewSig

    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Guest 29th December 2014, 9:18 am

    Nikolai buries his face in his scarf to think. "Little sister......" He spends the next minute mulling it over. "Oh yeah! You used to follow me around in the catacombs or something. Your image is still a little fuzzy to me.

    The Dragon Slayer takes off his white scarf, which he had just bought, and rewraps it against his neck loosely, so that it slumps on his shoulders. "Okay."

    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

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    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Scinis 29th December 2014, 9:27 am

    Acalia jumped up. "You remember me!?" She ran up to him and hugged him, with Zellha sitting down with a "are you serious?" sarcastic look on her face. "Acalia, he doesnt remember you one bit. He just said that so you wouldn't cry. And dont do that in my body..." Acalia released the hug, then looked at Zellha face-to-face, or appear crazy and looking at the bench. "Its my body too so I can do whatever I want while I'm in control! Hmph!" Acalia then turns around and folds her arms, but then runs back up to Nikolai. "Well if it would be that easy you should have just told me..." Zellha plotted for the perfect moment while Acalia stood there looking up at her brother. "So... how has it been?"


    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] InvisNewSig

    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Guest 29th December 2014, 9:55 am

    Nikolai became flustered upon being embraced. Oh God! If she was always gonna be like this, better for Nikolai to have not met her at all. He then sees her talking to herself. "What the hell?" And then, he hears the question "How has it been?"

    "How has what been?"


    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

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    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Scinis 29th December 2014, 10:06 am

    "You know.... Life, magic, all that stuff. Oh speaking of which I am a mage now!" Acalia seemed really happy about this, yet Zellha gave another "ARE YOU SERIOUS" look to her. "That's a lie. You don't even know how to use magic. I am the mage here DONT try to take my name!!!" Acalia hears Zellha and flashes her a glare, but then turns back to Nikolai. "So so so! Back to my previous question, whats up?"


    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] InvisNewSig

    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Guest 29th December 2014, 10:27 am

    How has my life been, I don't remember. But whatever.

    "I used to be a part of Tartarus before joining Cor Draco, and I became a Dragon Slayer. How about you? What's your magic?" Nikolai tried to maintain a smile on his face, all the while thinking about who she was talking to.

    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

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    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Scinis 30th December 2014, 12:14 pm

    "Well I use Ruin Magic, its a magic from an ancient goddess!" Zellha was now simply pissed. How dare you!!! You DARE tell him my magic is yours?!!" Acalia ignored Zellha once more. "So Nikolai what should we do huh? What were you coming here for?" Acalia was absolutely intruiged with this man she barely knew, she didnt even know why. It was just her nature as the happy soul she was to be this way.... But Zellha wasnt. She stood next to Acalia, staring at Nikolai with a cold expression, waiting for the perfect moment. She wouldnt kill the man no, she would simply crush Acalia's soul in the figurative way, by making Acalia seem like an even worse person that even Zellha herself was.


    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] InvisNewSig

    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Guest 30th December 2014, 12:38 pm

    Nikolai raises an eyebrow. "What is Ruin Magic?" He tries to refrain from his signature "What the hell" question. His white hair glistens in the sunlight as he thinks.

    "What the hell is Ruin Magic?" The Draco Mage asks himself.

    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

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    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Scinis 30th December 2014, 1:02 pm

    "Well.... Ruin magic is basically... uhm..." Acalia paused. She didnt really know what the magic was about, she has saw Zellha use it before but she never really knew how it worked. So she gave it her best shot. "Well ruin magic is a magic using this green energy that basically destroys everything in its path. Its really violent but I make it work..." Zellha scoft. "HA! This is one lie after another, when will you tell the truth? Or should I tell the truth to him, huh?" She laughed, and then circled the two. "So what do you think about it huh?" Acalia looked up at him, hoping he would say something good about the goddess's magic.


    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] InvisNewSig

    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Guest 30th December 2014, 1:26 pm

    So a flood of green whatever kills everything it touches. Goddamn. I should really be careful, Nikolai thinks. Even with my Sky Dragon Slayer powers, who knows what power is in store. Nikolai remained quiet, thinking.

    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

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    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Scinis 30th December 2014, 1:31 pm

    Acalia looked down, with a depressed look on her face. "Of course, its horrible. I know that... I can cause mass destruction and lots of lives could be lost within that destruction..." She felt like crying, having the thought she disappointed or scared Nikolai. However this just made Zellha want to die of laughter. "Well well well! You acknowledge my power, and even though you clearly dislike it and keep lying about you being me, you acknowledge its importance dont you?" Acalia decided she was having enough of Zellha's treatment. "SHUT UP!" She yelled at the goddess, not really realizing nikolai was still there. "Ah so now you want to stand up to me? WHatever, just keep in mind if he asks for any type of explanation or example of your power, i may or may not show. You should watch the way you speak to me." She laughed, then continued watching the two with a devious smille on her face.


    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] InvisNewSig

    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Guest 30th December 2014, 1:34 pm

    Nikolai kept thinking about an unknown thing for a second, then broke his silence. "What is this Ruin Magic green crap about? I mean," he couldn't not express his confusion, "What the hell? So you mean to tell me that a big huge flood of green crap just comes out of God-Knows-Where, and swallows everything in its path? Goddamn, even I don't think I have magic that powerful enough."

    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

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    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Scinis 30th December 2014, 4:13 pm

    "Well i think the expression would be Goddess knows where, huh?" Acalia giggled with her stupid pun and joke, but then returned her gaze upon Nikolai. "But yes, thats just about the jist of it. I throw green energy and stuff explodes, gets destroyed and chaos wreaks. Its truely painful seeing all of those people hurt but... I guess if they deserve it its ok, right?" Acalia pondered on the thought. What if she ever actually learned to use the magic Zellha used? Would she actually use it? No, it was too destructive, just the fact that Acalia was lying about this made her sick to her stomach, she couldn't face herself if she ever was compared to Zellha.


    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] InvisNewSig

    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Guest 30th December 2014, 6:52 pm

    Nikolai thought for a second. "I throw green energy and stuff explodes"... A floodgate type of magic? Grenades? This was making Nikolai sick to his stomach just thinking about it, as if though he lost his soul or something. "So you throw green energy and stuff explodes....interesting."

    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

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    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Scinis 31st December 2014, 11:57 am

    "Its not that interesting... Its moreso horrifying..." Acalia gave a very weak laugh. "How come you think its so interesting? Its some destructive magic... it doesnt compare to the dragonslayer magic you use, its awesome i assume!" She kicked some dust before thinking. "So... you never really told me why you were here. Whats going on? You traveling, or is there something you wanted from Oak Town, or are you just sightseeing? The place does hold some ancestry and stories could be told, you know." Acalia tried to push back the thought of her using the murderous, destructive magic that Zellha used. It pained her, sickened her, and this was clear through her expression which basically read "something is bothering me."


    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] InvisNewSig

    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Guest 31st December 2014, 12:07 pm

    Nikolai tried to think, before being interrupted. "I came here because I wanted to be here." Nikolai was trying to steer clear of the fact that he didn't necessarily come here for her. Goddamn. I hate hiding things, Nikolai thought. Anyways, something just has to be up with her. She's got that facial expression about her that makes it look like she doesn't want me to find out about something or something. Time for me to find out.

    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

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    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Scinis 17th January 2015, 1:54 pm

    "Well why did you want to be here is what i asked!" Acalia laughed. Zellha didnt know what it was about Nikolai that appealed to Acalia, but something did. She was trying to figure out what. He was someone who doesn't care about her obviously, she hasn't seen him in ages and somehow she still cares for this guy? Really a fighter, Zellha had to give that to her. "So... why did you wanna be here exactly?" Acalia said nervously, looking down waiting for a response.
    (sorry i havent posted in forever, got caught up in stuff)


    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] InvisNewSig

    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Guest 19th January 2015, 10:23 am

    She just had to ask me, Nikolai thought. Why the hell am I here? Yeah, yeah, just why the hell am I here, is what I want to know. But whatever. The Draco Mage didn't feel like lying to the girl so he muttered something from the corner of his mouth:

    "I don't know why I'm here."

    The truth? Absolutely. Nikolai didn't even plan to be going on this outing and was busy with a job when he got the opportunity. Having thought "Well let's check this out", he decided to break his train of work and check it out.

    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Scinis 19th January 2015, 2:44 pm

    "Well why dont we do something together? It could be fun! What do you wanna do Nikolai?" said Acalia like a clinging puppy. She scanned the area looking for things to do while waiting for Nikolai's response. After finding nothing she just waited for him after turning back. "So...?"


    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] InvisNewSig

    Love or hatred? [private, invite only] Empty Re: Love or hatred? [private, invite only]

    Post by Guest 22nd January 2015, 2:59 pm

    Nikolai took out a comb from his jacket's pocket, and started running it through his hair. I don't know what the hell I want to do, the Draco Mage thought as he ran the plastic "teeth" through his locks. I mean, it's not like there's anything to do around here, anyway.

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