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    Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR

    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    First Skill: ЯɛǪʋιρ; Ƭнɛ Ɖιʌιиιтʏ
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    Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR Empty Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR

    Post by Janneline Ariel 1st May 2015, 10:53 am

    The monster inside me, it lurks and awaits its hour.
    Talonia. Such a peaceful, little town, a place that differed from others so drastically, with its silent streets, calm atmosphere, and generally rather abandoned appearance. A place often visited by people, when seeking an escape from the mundane noise of the big cities and their other issues, and also, a place often visited by Guildless or Dark mages, who seeked a place where their illegal deals would not be noticed, most of the time, and where they were out of reach of the heavy hand of justice.

    Yet Janneline Ariel, Ace of Savage Skull, had not came to seek refugee from the grasp of justice, nor had she came to seek a place where to perform a secret illegal deal with someone else. Quite the opposite; considering the amount of things that had been happening to her lately, she had decided to escape the big cities for a few, at least for a day, and visit a place not only sure for someone like her, but also a place where she could sit down, and think through everything that had happened to her lately. And, obviously, attempt to figure out what changes she would have to go through in her life from now on, considering who and what she was now. Although honestly, she had always been it, despite the fact that she had acquired knowledge about her true race not long ago. Information that had shocked her initially, yet with which she had grown to live with now, and which she treated as a valious information, a valious difference that made her supperior from other humans. Something which, honestly, was exactly that.

    The fact that, inside her chest, there was not a beating heart. There was a stone, the sheer power of which kept her alive and would keep her alive for centuries and centuries. A stone that made her immortal, uncapable of falling dead due to human illness, giving her resistance to human illness, even the most ferocious illness. The fact that she had no mother, that she was not born the traditional way, which she considered weirder than the way she was born, but was "born", or rather, created, with her "Father"'s Alchemy abilities, the fact that she was not an actual human made her different. And supperior. Why? Because she was immune to illness. She was an artificial human, someone that was created to be perfect. She was created, more specifically, to be the most loyal of Warriors, always by her Master's side, the most devoted of Knights, always ready to complete her duty, and obviously, the most skilled of Knights and Mages.

    Walking through the Solemn park, her white dress and hair slightly brushed by the wind, Janna stopped in front of the river, placing her hands on the metallic bars that prevented people from falling onto the water, staring at her reflection in the crystaline water below her. Her pink eye was ever so beautiful and cold, her red eye always covered by a perfect Lily,, an eternal flower, a magical one, which represented herself, in a sense. Beautiful and elegant as the lily, yet eternal like the flower that covered her eye. Smiling, she softly removed it from her eye, revealing her red iris, watching as it ignite, in a sense, in the same second that its lock, the flower, was removed. The only imperfection in her, the flaming eye. Every time she removed the lily and revealed her red eye, it seemed to ignite in crimson, harmless flames, the meaning of which Janna could not discover and which was the only error in her creation. An error, which she actually enjoyed, as it was quite an interesting error.
    WORDS: 0616 - TAGS: @Elijah - NOTES: Janna's red eye looks like Black Rock Shooter's flaming eye in this post.
    made by Jasmin of GS


    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

    Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

    Berserker Knight

    Berserker Knight

    Quality Badge Level 1- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR Empty Re: Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR

    Post by Elijah 2nd May 2015, 6:03 am





    As the wind moved the man's crimson hair, he sat motionless on a small bridge in the town of Talonia, wondering what exactly was he supposed to do now. After disappearing for some time, time which he couldn't keep track of anyway, Elijah had lost almost everything and was now in a dilemma. If he should return to his old life or not, he could start a new one, maybe go and find his brothers, it would be quite nice. But an image of someone kept appearing in his mind, someone he was worried about, though he didn't expect to meet the woman soon.

    Elijah had gone through multiple changes over his time missing, the most noticeable being his now crimson hair. This was just one of many side effects to the new powers, which had made their home inside of him now. These powers that had mixed with his precious Lava-make, had tainted the magic, causing it to evolve to the new Lava-Rift. He had never thought that he would get corrupted, just like his older brother, who had spent much longer within the realm of madness. Only good thing to come out of Elijah's time in that sick place, was an understanding of what his older brother had gone through. This all had made him miss them, miss all of his brothers, which he hadn't done before. But the cursed must stick together at the end.

    The man snapped out of his thoughts, when he heard the sound of someone walking over the bridge. His eyes shot up, but it seemed to be someone who he didn't know. Even if he felt a familiar feel from the woman, who now had her back to him. It couldn't of had been her, no, this would be too convenient, the man could try to fix everything that happened, but he was worried. The old guild master to Basilisk Fang, was worried, this woman had been the only person he cared about for some time and he had disappeared on her, which most definitely affected her and not in a good way.

    A sigh escaped his lips, it couldn't have been her, the look was different. Janneline, here, right now, where he was, it was just such an unbelievable coincidence. One which Elijah could not believe, but he would need to take his chance, to make up for it. If this truly was who he thought she was, it would be good, he could try to fix his mistakes, but firstly, he would need to see, if it was truly her. Though another thought popped into the man's head, would she even recognize him, with his new physical appearance, it was doubtful, but it was pointless to question this, Elijah just needed to do it.

    The man stood up, straightened his hair, which had been messed up by the wind and walked next to the woman. He didn't look at her for now, but saw her reflection from the water, he still wasn't sure even then, but decided to go on a hunch. ''You look beautiful, as always.''
    deltra of gangnam style
    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ЯɛǪʋιρ; Ƭнɛ Ɖιʌιиιтʏ
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    Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR Empty Re: Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR

    Post by Janneline Ariel 3rd May 2015, 6:15 am




    Despite having heard the footsteps, slowly and cauteously approaching her from behind, Janna had not even bothered to turn around and face whoever was bold enough to even consider approaching the white haired girl, not to mention speak to her, which she expected to happen at some point. Quickly, yet gracefully, Janna placed the white lily over her scarlet iris once again, the crimson flames ceasing the same second in which the flower made contact with her skin. Sighing, she prepared herself to deal with whoever dared to approach her, tapping her crimson nails against the cold, metallic bars absentmindedly.

    As the voice of the mysterious man that had approached her resonated near her, Janna turned her head around slowly, lazily, to look at whoever he was, lips pursued. He was a tall, athletic individual, much taller than herself, as everyone was, usually. His skin was healthy pale from what she could judge, his yellow eyes placed on her, two small locks of his fluffy red hair falling in front of his face. He was handsome, to say at least. Janna had expected some fat freak or stalker, judging by his words, but he was quite a pleasant sight for the female's eye. His words intrigued her, for sure. She did not recall knowing him; and she remembered every handsome man she had met in her short life. Yet he did seem to know her, as he had just told her that she was as beautiful as always. There were a few options in this particular case; Or Janna and the man had met somewhere and sometime, and she had forgotten his appearance, yet not his voice, because, honestly, his voice did sound familiar to her, or he had been stalking her, or he had mistaken her with someone else. Tucking a lock of her white hair behind her ear absentmindedly, she yet again analyzed him from head to toe, rising her eyebrow slightly as she attempted to remember who he was, in case she did really know him.

    Your words are true, I am as beautiful as always, indeed... She proceeded to say, her arrogant side making its appearance in her atittude and soft, melodic, yet cold voice. However, I wonder how can you judge that, in particular. I am pretty sure I have never met you, and therefore it is impossible for you to know if I am really as beautiful as I have always been. Grinning slightly with her typical evil, twisted grin, Janna turned to the man fully, crossing her arms over her chest, which was her typical action when she desired to make the presence of her chest even more noticeable. Now that she had gained a decent one, she wanted to make sure everyone would notice it and admire it. Given the case, mind introducing yourself to me, stranger? I wish to know your name, and who you are.
    deltra of gangnam style

    Last edited by Janneline Ariel on 23rd June 2015, 5:57 am; edited 4 times in total


    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

    Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

    Berserker Knight

    Berserker Knight

    Quality Badge Level 1- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR Empty Re: Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR

    Post by Elijah 3rd May 2015, 1:19 pm





    A smile made it's way onto Elijah's face, it had been very long since one of those has popped into his world. But there was a reason to the smile, finally meeting this woman again, made him happy, more happy than he had been during his time away from her. And just seeing her again, was enough to make the man forget everything bad, even for a few seconds, he could see his life as good and happy, not a twisted time it was usually.

    But the woman's words, shook the Lava mage's thoughts. He hadn't expected this, she didn't recognize her one bit. Now, this would get awkward if he would just tell her who he was. It may shake her too much, something that Elijah truly wanted to avoid. Though it wasn't like he didn't want her to know who he was, he most certainly did, it was just, not to surprise her. But to be fair, there was no way not to surprise her with this. Likely, if he didn't, he would miss this chance, to hopefully fix the broken time between them, the time they lost, with Elijah's disappearance.

    The man let out a sigh, turning fully to Janna now, still holding on tightly to the railing with his right hand. He opened his mouth, starting to say who he was, but suddenly fell speechless. There was something different with the girl, he chest, had gotten much bigger than it had been before. This had thrown Elijah totally out of the zone, as he now just stared at the girl, with his mouth open, like some total idiot. Totally embarrassing himself in front of the woman, but for once, he couldn't care about it, as the pervert the man was, he loved the sight.

    Though with a shook of his head, the mage snapped out of the trance he had been in. The trance only someone like Janneline could place on the man, only her really. But now, there was the task of introducing himself in front of Elijah, the annoying task, which he had hoped he wouldn't need to do. Although, now it was the time to do it, Elijah sighed again, taking in a deep breath and came up with the perfect way to make the woman remember everything that happened between the two.

    ''Well, Janneline, i am the man you shared a room with together once, in a small tavern, at the River Village. I am the Rune Knight from that day.'' He stopped, with a sly smile on his face, fully oblivious as to what may happen next.
    deltra of gangnam style
    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    Posts : 592
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ЯɛǪʋιρ; Ƭнɛ Ɖιʌιиιтʏ
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    Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR Empty Re: Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR

    Post by Janneline Ariel 8th May 2015, 6:25 am

    The monster inside me, it lurks and awaits its hour.

    To love, is to destroy. And to be loved, is to be destroyed.

    Janna had assimilated that concept at a very frail age. At 6,to be exact. She became conscient that love, despite being a simple, petty emotion, an unexplaineable feeling caused by one's mind, was more perillous than a legion of armed soldiers, more perillous than an artillery of high-technology weaponry. A single emotion, so mysterious and yet so simple, could destroy a person, both physically... And mentally. Despite being conscious of the peril that love was to one, she had regardless fallen to the petty arrows of Cupid and had commited the greatest errors because of that. For a single day, for a few hours in which she felt loved for the first time, she had pretty much commited one of the things she considered as a great sin; she had betrayed her Guildmaster and her Guild. Beginning a relationship with a Rune Knight sure wasn't what was expected from a Dark Guild's Ace. In exchange of a few hours of love, she had betrayed those beliefs that she herself had been assimilating and sticking deep into her mind for years. And for what had she sacrificed that? For a few hours of kisses and nice words. Nothing else.

    And after that single day was over, she had not seen her beloved again. He had left, and she had not heard of him for months. Then, as she finally figured out what had been of him, and went to seek him, a charming man whom she quite disliked due to his cheerfulness had told her that the one who stole her heart had dissapeared, leaving Janna absolutely devastated... and pissed. Really, really pissed. She considered by his actions that he had played with her, that he felt nothing for her and had only made her fall for him in order to make fun of a pathetic dark mage, who, despite spending years attempting to figure it out and control it, still did not have absolute control over her own feelings. Something that now was solved.

    Elijah... Rendlev... She spoke, her voice icy cold, similar to the aura she emmited. Her body was rigid, she did not move an inch, not near him, nor away from him. She remained still, his name still on her mind. How dare he return and act as if nothing had happened. How dare he humiliate her in such way, and then act as if nothing changed? Things had changed, and not only their physical appearance was one of those things, no. Janna's attitude and view on things had changed. She became more mature with time, wiser, more arrogant and very, very rude. She was perfectly conscious that all the anger and humiliation bottled up inside her would be released soon, as even she, despite being an Artificial human, could not hold those absolutely human emotions back, as much as she disliked that fact. Although she caressed some emotions, such as worry or dread, she did have others, like anger and love. It was ridiculous in her mind. All of this was so ridiculous...

    ... Slap.

    Without previous warning, her hand rose and flew, slicing the wind and hitting Elijah's cheek with all the strength the, although petite and fragile looking, girl had. Remaining silent and still, with her hand on his burning cheek for a second, Janna took a step away, attempting to dominate the wild look her face had adopted for a second and return to her previous cold, calm persona. How dare you come here, to me, after so much time, acting as nothing happened? Her chilling cold voice resonated through the solemn park. She was pissed. Beyond pissed. Taking a step back from Elijah, Janna prepared to summon forth one of her loyal blades in case things got pretty ugly because of the slap. But it was worth it. At least she now felt a tad bit better.
    WORDS: 0660 - TAGS: @Dunkmaster - NOTES:
    made by Jasmin of GS


    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

    Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

    Berserker Knight

    Berserker Knight

    Quality Badge Level 1- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR Empty Re: Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR

    Post by Elijah 22nd June 2015, 11:29 am





    The man just stood there, the slap from Janna had knocked his head empty, his trail of thought gone, totally gone. Elijah had expected something like this, but it actually happening, shocked him more than expected. He didn't even know what to do now and Janna's questions weren't helping his mind.

    But right now wasn't the time to remain as a silent sheep, staring at the girl he loved, Elijah stood up straight and looked deep into Janna's eyes. ''I won't harm you, you don't need to be on guard.'' His voice sounded calm, but serious, not in the slightly happy tone like before. The slap had removed the happy out of Elijah for now, but that was just for now. As this would be hard to explain to the woman, but he would try to do his best to do so.

    ''I can't act like nothing happened, but i can tell you why it happened.'' Elijah sighed and leaned against the edge of the bridge, lowering his jacket, to reveal the guild mark for Basilisk Fang. ''I'll start with this mark here. It's the guild mark for a dark guild called Basilisk Fang, a guild i lead.'' He paused for a second. ''I killed the previous guild master to it and now it and it's goals are mine. I'm no weakling Rune Knight anymore, but a master on the same level of Savage Skull's guild master. You have nothing to fear of me now, in the sense of the law that is.''

    Elijah paused and looked at Janna in a way more serious manner. ''And the reason to my disappearance for this whole time, was a man you know. He goes by the name of Indar and well, he is my older brother. Thanks to his genius idea to toughen me up, the bastard threw me into the Void and left me there for months, before i fought my way out.'' With that Elijah produced a very similar purple glow from his hand, a glow with the same eerie feeling as Indar's magic, but much more warm. ''The Void infused into my body and i had no control over it for a month after i got out from the prison of that dimension. It took time for it to settle and form a working bond with me. After that had happened, i had to check on Basilisk Fang and to see to it's needs.''

    After telling Janna his story, Elijah places his hand onto the girl's shoulder: ''I tried to find contact with you, but there was no way for me to reach out. I wanted to be with you again ever since that night, you never faded from my mind. I am very sorry Janneline.''
    deltra of gangnam style
    Janneline Ariel
    Janneline Ariel

    Quality Badge Level 1- Coming Storms- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Malefic Illusions
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    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    First Skill: ЯɛǪʋιρ; Ƭнɛ Ɖιʌιиιтʏ
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    Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR Empty Re: Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR

    Post by Janneline Ariel 26th June 2015, 12:56 am

    we all hide
    behind masks

    If I told you what I was, would you turn your back on me? And if I seem dangerous, would you be scared? I get the feeling just because everything I touch isn't dark enough, then this problem lies in me....


    Anger was boling deep inside Janna with such ferocity, that she was forced to grab onto the railing that kept the passangers from falling into the river randomly, in order to prevent herself from doing anything stupid or unreasonable under the insane desire to avenger her fate that boiled within her. Elijah's words had their reasoning; they were actually a rather good argument for his sudden leave, yet it still did not explain many other things. Not a single note had been sent to her since that night. Not a single letter that explained how he was, that he had became the Guildmaster of a newborn Dark Guild, and had forced Janna into discovering it herself, the hard way. Not a single time had he tried to contact with her. Would it have been any different if this retarded person, who was apparently Elijah's brother, Indar, had not thrown him into the void?

    The answer to that, Janna did not know. She saw the reasoning behind Elijah's words, but she could not trust him regardless. She had been abandoned so many times in her life that, she had learned, when someone abandoned her again in her life, if she gave him the chance, she should never trust him again if he reappears in her life. And this was the current scenario. Yet there was something weird within her, something pure, something she had felt before, yet that she despised with all her heart and wanted to delete from its existance. Love. That burning feeling that managed to destroy even the people like her, the people who had about the same feelings and emotions as a rock, or melt even the everlasting ice blocks. As a Homunculus, someone built to be exclusively loyal to a Master, Janna felt rather annoyed by this feeling, for it had meant she had evolved, she was not a successful creation. Humunculus were not supposed to evolve, her father had stated that. Yet she.... she was a failure. Do you expect me to forgive you at such ease? I was dissapointed. Not hurt, simply dissapointed. Why? Because it had been the first time I decided to trust anyone. And what did I get? She stopped for a second in order to tghten her grip on the railing and take a deep breath, calming herself down... slightly. I get nothing, in return! More abandon, more dissapointment. Your arguments are reasonable, and allow me to tell you that your dear older brother will either be throwed off the highest tower in Savage Skull, or I'll have to shove a blade up his.... Whatever. Just.... Just I don't even know how to react to all this.

    Crossing her hands over her chest she sighed, shaking her head. I don't even know if there's a reason for us to even try to be together now. Try to convince me, but I do not see a reason. I may not see factors, or anything like that, but tell me, does a relationship where the contact is pretty much null, is a real relationship? Or a stupid game? Because as I understood from a rather annoying cheerful dude, prior to your dissapearance you hade achieved the title of Guildmaster, and therefore, you could have contacted me. But no. Why should you? Gritting her teeth and pursuing her lips, Janna awaited Elijah's reaction, impatient to know what he would say next, how he would react to her outburst. Would he try to convince her to be with him again, or would he walk away? Would she let herself be convinced, or would she be strong willed and turn away?
    deltra of gangnam style


    The demons told me everything they whisper in the night.

    Hatred and Love | Private | ElijahR 3lpUorN

    Janneline Ariel // Requiem of Reality

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:40 pm