Fairy Tail RP

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    What Defines Success? (Shiva)


    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    What Defines Success? (Shiva) Empty What Defines Success? (Shiva)

    Post by Ran 24th June 2021, 7:02 pm

    There was something to be said for sitting down, body bent in half, with her elbow on her knee and her fingers pressed against her forehead. The brooding pose looked stupid, all things considered. Well, maybe that was a little harsh. Silly? Shiva shrugged inwardly, the movement pushing her elbow off of where it was balanced on the top of her knee. Anyway. So there was something to be said about staying in this position. First off, she could gently stroke her eyebrows. Rubbing the pads of her fingertips against her skin would probably end with a lot of acne and a lot of oil, but her eyebrows? ... Probably had the same effect. Still. They were furry, and even though they were a little thin of caterpillars, they were still caterpillars! A slight, slight unibrow existed as well. Shiva had never been the kind of person to pluck her own body hair, so everything was still in its natural state in regards to the fuzz on her face or the miniature hairs above her nose. Honestly, she wondered in a detached fashion what had gotten her thinking like this. Observing herself like this. The young woman had never been the most self aware type of person. Her focus was on everything around her. Shiva had little to no time for thoughts of her own lacking or possible self deprecating ideas that would get under her skin and into her morale and- well, now was different. Suddenly, everything was flooding back into her mind. Leaving the temple. Finding solace in the ocean. Discovering in herself, the truth of the water and of what she could become. It wasn't every day that she could find out new talents. Or even force herself to learn them. There had been a time when she hadn't been able to breathe underwater and when even the thought of the ocean, much less the vision or sight of it right in front of her, baffled the girl.

    Watching these pictures in the water orb. The images of the past. Her family and her first love, all painted on the surface of the water like a ripple. Just a reflection of what she had lost and had no hope to gain again. Shiva dragged her fingers through the orb, sending it crashing to the ground as a puddle. With it, the images distorted and finally dissipated. She remembered when she'd told herself to remember the moment. Holding her brother's hand. She hadn't been sorry. In that moment, she wasn't sorry, and was she now? No. Shiva had no regrets, but that didn't mean she had no sorrows. Silent tears that fell when she was alone. She had taken so many lives over the years, and they were also hers now.


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:13 pm