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    Private Matters, Right? (Seika)


    Lineage : Kingdom of the Dead
    Position : None
    Posts : 650
    Guild : Abyssal Fleet
    Cosmic Coins : 11
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 24
    Experience : 3,131,511

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    Private Matters, Right? (Seika) Empty Private Matters, Right? (Seika)

    Post by Ran 8th June 2020, 7:39 pm

    Today, Seika was extremely excited! She was officially going to be able to help the guild. Her Ace of Creation, the almighty and lovely Odhran Aegisbane, had requested her help with a small task. Apparently, there was someone investigating the guild! That was nothing new; after all, Elysium was such a beautiful and interesting place. She was confused at first as to why there was anything wrong with more people trying to come to their guild hall and look around and see how amazing it was, until he explained to her the situation. It seemed that this man was suspicious of them for some reason or another. The details were unclear as to how exactly he came about these suspicions. Either way, Seika was determined to dissuade him. Where on earth did he even get these ideas in his head? It was a private matter what Elysium was up to, anyway. So, where did he come in, with his fanciful notions of darkness? The girl shook her head in exaggerated disapproval before realizing she was still just standing out in the open, outside the skeleton that covered the entrance to the underground guild hall. With a shrug of her shoulders, Seika set off to her left, since Aphelia had tipped her off that the private investigator was that way.

    It wasn't long before she found him. The man was positively sweating, his perspiration visible on his forehead and running along the sides of his face and neck. Seika felt sorry for him, and she slowly melted out of the mist right behind him. Digging quietly in her pocket for a handkerchief, she pulled out the small square of fabric and pressed it against the back of his neck. "Aiee!" his scream, filled with surprise and terror, lit up the blank atmosphere and bounced off of the thick mist that was swirling around the scene. "Woah! Calm down, Mister, are you okay?" Seika hadn't moved from the original spot she first showed at, her hand still holding up the handkerchief even after he had leaped away and whirled around to stare at her with wide eyes. "I... who the hell are you?" He asked her, or rather, demanded of her. Seika blinked at him uncertainly. Was this truly the man that Odhran had mentioned? He didn't really look like much of a threat, but she supposed that anyone spreading rumors about the guild was a bad person. There was no rhyme or reason to what people looked like. Appearances were often deceiving.

    "I'm Taneda Akies, but everyone just calls me Seika!" She cheerfully told him, but based on his still terrified- but slowly becoming more guarded- expression, he wasn't impressed nor influenced by her enthusiastic greeting. "Are you lost?" She asked curiously. There was a chance that he was not in fact the person that she was meant to be talking to. But if that were the case, Seika would happily talk to him anyway, and then afterwards she could fetch Aphelia or something like that and have her teleport the man away. Her thoughts were quickly dashed to uselessness, though, when he said his name and introduced himself with a flip of a badge as a certified private inspector investigating the home of the supposed dark guild, Elysium. Upon hearing this, Seika's heart sunk with pity for the guy. He had been duped, and she was determined to tell him such and help him see the light. "Ohh, I see! You're here about Elysium. You know, I was once in your very shoes. Wandering around Sin alone, not sure how I arrived here or where exactly I should go..." she took a step towards him, smiling brightly. "But then I found Elysium, and they brought me home!"

    He paled visibly at her words and the revelation that a mage from the very guild he was investigating was standing with him in an empty, unfamiliar area. But she didn't make any hostile moves. "I don't know what you've heard about Elysium, but it's a beautiful place. There are so many lights, and there's a huge library. I'm sure you would love it there." His shoulders fell a little bit, the relief obvious as she continued to prattle on rather than rushing at him or trying to kill him on the spot. "I heard that Elysium is no good," he said cautiously, testing the waters. Immediately, Seika's eyes flew up to meet his, and she stared at him puzzledly. "I'm not sure where you heard that, Mister, but whoever told you is wrong," she projected patience into her voice and adopted the mannerism of a teacher explaining something to a student.

    "No, Elysium intends to take over the world and crush everyone under their feet," he revealed, while carefully watching her reaction to see what she did. Seika stilled as she listened to his slander, her fingers the only part of her moving as they twitched restlessly. "I'm sorry, but you're wrong," she said finally, her voice slightly less bright. He shook his head at her words. "I'm not. And I can prove it to you-" She interrupted him with an even stronger, more vehement tone, shaking her head aggressively. "You are! I... I can show you too! We're going to make the world a beautiful place. Have... have you ever seen the guild hall? You know, you know how Sin looks, right?" She gestured to the area around them, and he nodded warily. "Well, inside the guild hall, it's nothing like this! But, it still came from the same thing as this. Does that make sense? We're going to make beauty out of the rubble. You can be a part of it! I promise, it's amazing, and there's a wolf, and she's the best puppy dog ever, and-"

    "Will you shut up!?" Nerves broken, the private investigator whipped out a gun and pointed it at Seika's face. Less than a few meters away at this point, the shot was essentially point blank range. "I don't want to hear about your stupid dog or your-"

    Suddenly, it was deathly silent in the cold mist of Sin. Seika stood in front of the man, her hair blowing in the wind as the stench of decay and rot swirled around them, that funny and odd smell that kept so many dangerous creatures at bay. "Why did you insult Lupa?" Seika asked the empty air as he slumped to the ground, his eyes open, unseeing. "You're so mean..." she muttered before stepping closer to him and loosening his grip around the gun before picking it up curiously. It didn't look like much, but when he had pointed it at her... and then saying Lupa was stupid... Seika's blood had boiled for a second, and then she didn't know what happened, but he was on the ground and his throat was marred by a gaping, raggedy gash as her hand dripped with blood. But either way, she guessed that it was done. Inhaling a short breath, she wrinkled her nose before turning away. "Why does it always smell funny here?" She complained to nobody at all.

    1190 Words


      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:34 pm