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    Looking to Convert my Magic to FTRP~+


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Looking to Convert my Magic to FTRP~+ Empty Looking to Convert my Magic to FTRP~+

    Post by Chesty 23rd July 2019, 11:29 pm

    Alright, so I've been on this site before and played for quite some time. I was enlisted at the time, so it's been a while, but I did manage to dig up my old abilities and would love to get them adapted to use my old but gold character here!

    Chesty uses Bardic Performance Magic to further master Sonic element magic. He's a hard rockin gentle soul who much prefers the back lines and support, but he's not shy for the fray if needed. As a result, Chesty always kept his weaknesses in mind, and used tactics and strategy to get the win.
    I'd love to keep his same style of more support and strategy above pure brawn and magical prowess. But of course I want to match these spells as best I can to the system here! Please feel free to post below with ideas on what and how to convert! Thank you!

    Custom Spell ID: 3
    Name: Howl!
    Type: Defense/Offense
    Rank: C
    Magic Element:
    Range: Short/Medium
    Magic Cost: 11
    Attack Damage: 15
    Defensive Power: 8

    Description: Exhale with an intense howl of sound magic as a circle reveals itself behind the caster's head! This blasts everything in a cone in front of the use and launches it backwards. Deflects spells C Rank or below and redirects projectiles.
    Recover Time: 3 Turns
    Spell Creator: Chesty
    Warning! If used on solid unbreakable objects such as the ground, or a spell above C Rank, the spell can backfire and send the user flying instead. In this case user will take 5 damage from this attack along with the remainder of the Spell not deterred.

    -Howl! Is meant to be variable in attacking, defense, and useable movement with a stiff downside. This freedom is part of the reason Why Chesty was able to rank up before with only a single true attack spell~

    Custom Spell ID: 4
    Name: Empowering Song
    Type: Support
    Rank: D
    Magic Element: Sound
    Range: Long
    Magic Cost: 6
    Attack Damage: N/A
    Defensive Power: 4

    Description: A magic circle shines above Chesty's head like a halo as he sings a magical song. His singing carries to the hearts of all allies around him and grants them a boon. Buffed allies receive +5 to Strength and Stamina as well as +5 Health regeneration per turn. This buff increases effectiveness by 5 each value per caster character rank. This spell is channeled and the user may not cast another sound spell until they have finished their song. The buff affect fades 1 turn after the song's end.
    Recover Time: 2 Turns after completion of song
    Spell Creator: Chesty
    This spell costs 6 MP per turn channeled.
    This song must be given lyrics which the user sings per each post.
    This spell may be used in a non combat setting to rouse a crowd. Similar to the Charm effect, those around affected are uplifted emotionally, or roused into a partying state of mind, depending on the mood of the singer.

    -The Main Performance spell in Chesty's arsenal, meant to give a moderate buff to attack/defense/ and a small amount of healing across the board. It'd require Chesty to perform it himself the entire time instead of attacking, so the buff is more to spread his power out to his allies to deal damage in his stead.~

    Custom Spell ID: 5
    Name: Revitalizing Melody
    Type: Support
    Rank: D
    Magic Element: Sound
    Range: Long
    Magic Cost: 6
    Attack Damage: 0
    Defensive Power: 7

    Description: A magic above Chesty's head like a halo as he sings a magical melody! All friendly units caught in it are charged with Chesty's positive energy and granted boon. 15 HP regeneration per turn, +15 to Stamina, as well as the defensive power of this attack which acts to dullen incoming damage each turn. These buffs increase by their value for every two caster levels the user has gained. This spell is channeled and the user may not cast another sound spell until they have finished their song. The buff affect fades 3 turn after the song's end.
    Recover Time: 2 turns after completion
    Spell Creator: Chesty
    This spell costs 6 MP Per turn channeled.
    Lyrics must be given to this as the user sings each post.
    Chesty cannot cast this spell when in Bestial Presence.
    In a social setting, this song acts as an effective charm, inspiring happiness, love, affection, and other positive emotions from those whom hear it. This song holds the same strength as the banned magic, Charm, and can be frowned upon by certain public figures.

    -Chesty will show take-over like traits within his lineage, succumbing to those means he cannot utilize this song. But this song is purely meant to buff defenses, and focus on healing all those Chesty can. Once more this needs to be not only cast, but performed.~

    Custom Spell ID: 6
    Name: Sonus
    Type: Support
    Rank: E
    Magic Element: Sound
    Range: Long
    Magic Cost: 1
    Attack Damage: 0
    Defensive Power: 0

    Description: This is a stealthy and very versatile spell. Chesty can manipulate and throw his voice to either create any specific sound, or mimic any known voice in a certain location. This vocal control allows him to distract and confuse enemies as he himself doesn't make a movement. This also functions to naturally change Chesty's voice upon command. If he uses this to change up his voice entirely, it counts as being channeled each turn, and doesn't spark the recover time until released.
    Recover Time: 1 turn
    Spell Creator: Chesty

    -A very RP/sleight of hand styled ability. Mimicking voices, throwing sound around, and making specific noises are what this ability does. Pretty much all used outside of combat.

    Custom Spell ID: 7
    Name: Countersong
    Type: Support/Defense
    Rank: C
    Magic Element: Sound
    Range: Long
    Magic Cost: 15
    Attack Damage: 20
    Defensive Power: 11

    Description: Tiny magic circles open in the users eyes as they speak a silent cantrip. This spell counters an enemy damaging spell (C Rank or below) the user is aware casting by ensnaring it, ripping it apart at the seams, and blasting all enemies with intense sonic energy. The damage of the spell disrupted is then added to the defensive power of the user's next target Defensive spell used within 3 turns.
    Recover Time: 4 turns
    Spell Creator: Chesty
    This can only be used on spells the user is aware of, so stealthy spells, even if already active, are not effected when this spell is used.

    -Meant to be a staunch counter to enemy's strike coupling with stealing its energies. It canonically works well with Howl! if Chesty manages to steal a good attack~


    Weapon Name: The Brutal Axe
    Weapon Rank: D Rank
    Weapon Appearance:
    Physical Attack Damage (Optional): 30
    Physical Defensive Power (Optional): 21
    Weapon Cost:
    Weapon Abilities (Optional):
    Ability Name: Accompany
    Attack Damage: N/A
    Defensive Power: N/A
    Magic Cost: 5
    Description: Empower your song with music from your mighty axe! Your song gains +10 to its boon values for 3 turns upon beginning your song with this weapon. The user of this skill is enabled to play music and sing, allowing him to extend his song. Following the song as though it were played during battle, the user will play and sing according to their progress. The user is also enabled to use Sonic spells while not directly singing.
    Restrictions: This spell can only be used during Bardic Performance Magic, and cannot effect other spells.
    Note 1: Extensions to a song must blend with the actual music played. For a single turn, if no lyrics are currently playing, the user may quote a 10-18 second interval of play to enter in turn of said lyrics. Round up and down to fit the song/battle, as nothing can be exact in this regard.

    Ability Name: Amp
    Attack Damage: 15
    Defensive Power: N/A
    Magic Cost: 8
    Description: Channel a sonic spell through your axe instead of your voice! Cantrips and other simple sound spells are empowered by the guitar and given a damage boost. This spell activates alongside the spell targeted for use.
    Note 1 : This spell cannot be used on any songs.
    Note 2 : After use, wielder cannot Amp another spell until 2 turns after the current amped spell ends.

    (This was Chesty's previous weapon, and trusty axe. I'd like to also design this, but the spells of course come first.)

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 17
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Looking to Convert my Magic to FTRP~+ Empty Re: Looking to Convert my Magic to FTRP~+

    Post by Chesty 26th July 2019, 12:33 am

    All italics are how Chesty utilized them often in case there's any confusion.

    Lineage : Progeny of Arcanos
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1038
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 60
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,401,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arcane Fate Magic
    Second Skill: Night God Slayer
    Third Skill: Relativity God Slayer

    Looking to Convert my Magic to FTRP~+ Empty Re: Looking to Convert my Magic to FTRP~+

    Post by Fraag 26th July 2019, 9:55 am

    Okay, so there's good news and well, not so bad news.

    The good news is, you should easily be able to adapt these spells to something more attuned to the mechanics of today. The not so bad news is, I'm sometimes quite lazy (like now), so I'm not going to fit them into the mold for you. You can do that yourself, with a good reason being that you'll get used to the magic system as you do. This should be the spell template. Oh, and I'd advise you to roll for a lineage for your character, before you really get deep into readjusting your magic. The outcome may flavor your spells. It's not compulsory for that to happen, but I like my characters' lineages to have strong ties with their backstory, magic, or both. It's more literary fun.

    Should you need any other thing, be sure to check here. Should you be confused, just send a PM my way. And should I eventually get both of us confused, well, I guess we'll just look for one of the top brass, then.

    So, what are you waiting for?


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 5:28 am