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    Party of Secrets


    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
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    Partner : Gaia
    Posts : 643
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Party of Secrets Empty Party of Secrets

    Post by Kyran 8th December 2019, 3:07 pm

    Kyran stepped off the WFTC ship. It had been a long journey. One which gave the VP too much time to think. Why was he being sent on this mission? This was for someone with a delicate touch! Someone that knew how to deal with people. Any of the other vice presidents would have been a better pick. Ada would have been able to do this even. He scrubbed a hand over his face. The stress of responsibility had robbed him. Bellum was a kingdom of magic. There were wonders to be beheld every mile. Yet Kyran hadn't been able to enjoy any of it. This mission was of vital importance. The WFTC couldn't be known to deal with corrupt nobles. Kyran also couldn't ruin the reputation of the guild with his usual tactics. Blunt and straightforward worked elsewhere but not with these people. Violent magic was a no go as well.

    The redhead straightened his vest and tie. It was a party after all. It was time to make himself known. As he was about to step off the ship, a commotion drew his eye. A woman and a man were struggling in the street. The man had a collar around his neck. Magic glowed in the eyes of the woman. They shouted at each other. Kyran stepped off the ship. Everyone else was ignoring the fighting couple. Those that did stop merely laughed at them. One or two had chains attached to another humanoid's collar. Kyran stopped. He'd been about to step between them. However, this was a part of what Bellum was. They treated the magicless as disposable commodities. Slaves if they were lucky. There was a chance this was a trap. A way of showing how barbaric Fiore was. Or on the other hand, saying the WFTC endorsed the slavery of non-mages. Neither was an outcome he could afford.

    As Kyran watched the two fight, he saw the magic spread down the woman's arms. His eyes widened. That couldn't be anything good. A choice needed to be made, now. Ruvel and Sol better forgive him for this later. "Hey!" He called out. The woman barely glanced his way. Right, newcomer. He could be magicless for all she knew. The man didn't even look at him. That didn't bother him much. He wouldn't have paid attention if someone was about to use magic on him. Fire gathered on Kyran's fingers. "Would you mind listening for a moment?" He said calmly getting the woman's attention. "Kindly offer me that man's services? Preferably without harming him?"

    The woman gave him a look of disbelief. "You? A Fioren? Want to buy a troublesome slave?" Kyran hesitated. He had to speak very carefully. Otherwise, this would lead to a whole different mess. "I'd like to acquire his services to help with a project." The redhead said carefully. The woman released the man, throwing her black hair back. "Do you have the jewels for that, Fioren? Kyran smiled slowly. His various book series had taken off. He was a president of a research company and a vice president of a trading company. The redhead had enough jewels to buy this city. Even after that purchase, he'd have more than enough to live comfortably. Thank the gods Bellum had such a terrible economy.

    Kyran pulled out a handful of jewels. "Would this be enough? Or might I need a little more than pocket cash?" The woman's jaw dropped. She stuttered for a few seconds. Before she could say anything, an official-looking man walked over. "Mr. Dyer! Did you lose your way?" Kyran raised an eyebrow at the man. While he wanted to tell the man off, he was representing WFTC. "Not quite. I found something that caught my eye. I wished to resolve it before going to the party." The man smiled briefly, turning away from Kyran. Perhaps he meant to hide that smile. "I happen to be the sales official for Nobleman Keir. I can officiate a sale of this kind." That was one of the nobles he was here to investigate. That confirmed this was a trap.

    A contract appeared in the man's hand. Kyran gently took it from him. "I'll read that first, thank you." A quick read over told him everything he needed to know. The contract was a way for Nobleman Keir to point fingers at WFTC. Time to put his neck on the line. A few lines were quickly changed. He handed it back to the official. The idiot didn't even look at the contract. "Everything seems to be in order. Shall we sign it?" The woman nodded, signing without reading the contract. Kyran's eye twitched. She must have been in on this as well. He was very glad for his changes. They were about to get a huge surprise.

    "Alright, this deal is officiated by contract. I'll place this in the archives and let Nobleman Keir know." The official turned to go. Kyran held up a hand. "You are meant to enforce the contract as well yes?" The official stopped, shocked by Kyran's forwardness. The redhead smiled nastily. He handed the woman the jewels he had agreed to. She handed him some weird bracelet thing and turned to go. "Well, what about the rest of them?" Kyran asked innocently. The woman stopped in her tracks. "What?" Kyran chuckled waving toward the official and the contract. "You signed away every single non-mage employee under your care to one Kyran Dyer. That's me by the way, unaffiliated with any organization for this purchase." The official blanched, tearing open the contract. His eyes got wider and wider as he read the paper. Kyran saw the man nearly crumple it in his fist. They'd been had. Kyran had managed to get the better of them.

    The official's heels clicked together, bowing to Kyran. "I'll see that the contract is fulfilled, Mr. Dyer. You head along to the party. I know Nobleman Keir is eager to meet you." The woman went livid in an instant. She began shouting at the official and Kyran. "You can't fucking do this! I am a 25th mage of the 4th order of the Ice mages of Bellum's Fortress Knights! I own thousands of non-mages! I oversee thousands more! You can't buy them all for a pittance! This is a travesty, a con! I will not allow it! You told me this plan was safe and legitimate! How can you allow this to happen?!" Magic gathered in her fist. Kyran stood his ground. If she attacked first, he could respond without issue. The embassy wouldn't take issue with him defending himself. The official interposed himself between the two. His entire form was glowing with magic. "This is a legal contract, Miss Travestan. Should you attack the other party, all you own will belong to him. I will also be forced to defend him and I'm sure you can't handle both of us on your own, no matter how prestigious your position." Kyran smirked, realizing the official took his job seriously.

    The woman realized she was outmatched and outmaneuvered. The magic faded from her hands. Kyran bowed to her. "I apologize for the inconvenience." He said softly and turned to go. The non-mage followed him. Kyran blinked, realizing the non-mage was now his responsibility. "I didn't catch your name back there." Kyran said to the defiant-looking man. The non-mage blinked. He probably wasn't used to being addressed as a person. "Malcolm, my lord." Kyran waved away the title. "Just Kyran please, Malcolm. Take this and go back to my ship. You're a free man while you stand aboard it. The WFTC is not affiliated with Bellum and does not support the law of slavery." Malcolm caught the device Kyran threw. His expression softened. Tears may have even welled in his eyes. Without saying anything, the man bowed to Kyran. Then he hurried off to the ship floating nearby.

    The redhead smiled, typing out a message on his iLac. While the purchase may not have been affiliated with the West Fiore Trading Company, it didn't mean he couldn't use its resources to move thousands of newly freed slaves out of Bellum. It seemed that suppressing his magic had been the right call. Bellum's people were more likely to underestimate him if he gave off only a weak magic sense. Not that he could take credit for the idea. The upper management of WFTC regularly suppressed their magic to avoid crushing people just by walking through the halls. Kyran planned to use the tactic on newbies. Teach them not to underestimate their opponents. The way he had with Aven. That fight had taught him more lessons than his entire time, fighting in the mountains had. He'd be sure to put those lessons to good use.

    The moment Kyran walked into the hall, he was announced. "Now presenting, Lord Kyran Dyer, representative of the West Fiore Trading Company!" The redhead tried to hold back his cringe. Every single eye turned to look at him. They sized him up. Each noble in the room wanted to know his worth. By their standards, not by the standards of Fiore. With his heightened hearing, he picked up many whispers.

    "That's him? A looker, but weak magically."
    "Pfft, and we thought the WFTC were good partners. This was the best they could send?"
    "The West Fiore Trading Company sent such a weak mage as their representative? Things in Fiore must be absolutely ghastly. Imagine weak mages or even non-mages holding such high honors. I shudder at the thought."

    The whispers were all pretty much the same. Kyran smiled at the crowds, pretending he couldn't hear them. Then he descended the stairs. Crows latched on once he reached the bottom steps. "Ah, Mr. Dyer. I've been looking forward to your visit. You have the ear of the CEO's at the WFTC, do you not? I'd like to go over a few trade proposals." "Mr. Dyer! A pleasure to meet you. I'd like to go over some business with you, immediately. I feel like some of my trade agreements with the WFTC are rather unfair to me. We should rectify this, yes?" "I can't believe you are here already, Mr. Dyer. We should get drinks later. It must be a pleasure for you to work in the shadow of great mages like Ruvel Mizune and Sol Detholusin. Oh, and we mustn't forget about the ladies! Yona Hisamori and Adalinda Ortinbras are quite the beauties. Powerful mages too! We must talk about them all over drinks!" His hand was grabbed by one after another. He smiled politely, bowing his head at their requests. These were three of his four targets of the investigation.

    The first one to speak was Nobleman Teruk Amon. He had a ratty appearance, dirty blonde hair, gray eyes and constantly wringing his hands. He was currently contracted regarding the moving of magic crystals out of Bellum. The WFTC helped him move the crystals into nearly every other country. It was lucrative. Nobleman Amon had other enterprises he wanted to expand with the WFTC's help. The second man was Nobleman Yai Tan. He held several contracts with the WFTC, all of which were varied technologies. The WFTC helped him move components and the technologies themselves around Bellum. Sometimes they were moved outside Bellum as well. His appearance reminded Kyran of a sweaty pig. A pig that had balded long ago and should have gotten a bigger suit. It strained to contain Nobleman Tan's girth. The final speaker held a single contract with the WFTC that traded animals back and forth. Her name was Archmage Waq. She was not human. Her skin was light red, horns grew back from within her long black hair and runes replaced pupils and irises. It was rumored her species absorbed the magic from the air. It was little wonder what she wanted with the executives of the WFTC. Kyran found it odd she could not feel his magical strength. One would think such creatures could feel strength regardless of if the mage was suppressing it.

    "My friends! My friends! Let the man breathe! He's only just arrived in Bellum. I'm sure you'll all have the chance to speak business with him later." The three business partners parted for a tall white-blonde elf. Here was Nobleman Illo Keir. The Nobleman was standing beside another man. The hair and eyes reminded Kyran of somebody. His brow furrowed trying to figure out who. Keir stepped forward, gesturing to his companion. "This is Lord Bartolomeu Sabin! I'm sure you've heard of him, even in Fiore." Kyran couldn't contain his shock. Nor his anger. This was his wife's father. Keir kept talking as the redhead clenched his fists. "His wife and two oldest children are here somewhere. I hear one of their daughters is in Fiore. Perhaps you've met her? Gaia Sabin?" Kyran struggled to keep his expression under control. He almost corrected the man as to her proper name. Each person within sight made a note of the look on Kyran's face. Barely here for a minute and already blundering.

    Bartolomeu looked down his nose at Kyran. The redhead stared back, not giving an inch. Keir watched them speculatively. Assert dominance. Punch the rude one in the face, blast the pig with wind, smack the rat around and stab the elf! Medea purred in Kyran's ear. Ahriman howled for violence in the background. They must have sensed his agitation. The mage took a deep breath. He had to control himself. This mission represented the West Fiore Trading Company. Throwing away the reputation of the guild over a personal matter would not stand. Kyran struggled to smile at one of his wife's nightmares. "It's my pleasure to meet you all." Kyran managed to say evenly. He bowed. Each one responded with a variation of 'Yes, of course, it is. We are powerful mages.'

    Kyran turned to the least suspicious of the group. Archmage Waq was a relatively open book. It wouldn't take long to figure out if she was corrupt or not. "I promise I will get to all of your concerns. It's what I'm here for. However, I'll need to do so one at a time with some breathing room in between. Is that agreeable to everyone?" He waited for their consent. "Excellent, I'll start with Archmage Waq. She is, after all, the highest-ranking among you and as such, valued partner of the WFTC. Not that any of you is less valued because of your ranks or anything." Kyran knew he'd messed up immediately. His attempt to cover up his mistake didn't work either. Expressions tightened, though Waq's brightened. There was his second blunder. Things were going oh so well! Not.

    As the pair turned to have their conversation, Bartolomeu grabbed Kyran's arm. "I am actually the highest-ranking member here, as a Councilman and Archmage of the Order of the First Wind. I'd like to speak with you regarding a business proposition." Kyran struggled not to hit the man in the face. These hands had laid open his wife's back. Broken her spirit. Made it difficult for Gaia to trust again. His demons writhed happily in his head. Eae's gentle touch didn't settle him as it usually did. "I apologize, Councilman Sabin, I wasn't aware. However, Archmage Waq has an existing contract with the West Fiore Trading Company. I'd like to see to her concerns first. I will do my best to get to your proposition as quickly as possible." Councilman Sabin let go with a snort. He stalked away muttering under his breath. Of course, Kyran heard every word. "Uppity mage, who does he think he's dealing with? If he wasn't a representative...I'd put him in his place."

    Waq skipped nearly all the way to the table Kyran had picked at random. She probably wasn't used to being picked over the 'Councilman'. Spending a little more time on the intricacies of Bellum politics might have been a good idea. "Now, what was it you wanted to talk about, Archmage Waq? I assume it wasn't simply to gain intel on the executives of the West Fiore Trading Company." Silently, Kyran called Eae to the fore. The archangel had a limited capacity to sense lies. If he kept Waq's guard down, lies would be detected. "I would never try to gain intel on my business partners." Waq said placing a hand against her chest. Eae snorted, a clear sign for the blood mage. Kyran smiled slowly. "Of course not, I apologize for the insinuation. The way you were speaking earlier merely came across as such." These words felt clumsy on his tongue. It was easier to write such things.

    The elfin creature sat daintily at the table. "Then I apologize for my forwardness and lack of self-control. The executives of WFTC are something of celebrities among my people. You might call me... a fangirl." Kyran bowed his head to the woman. "Completely understandable. They are quite impressive mages. I'm lucky to be working with them." Waq tittered behind her hand. "Of course you are. Such a thing would never be allowed here in Bellum. I'm sure, if your usefulness ends, they will replace you." Eae tapped Kyran's mind. The blood mage didn't respond. The implication was clear. Waq wanted him to fail at some point. Probably to replace him with one of her people. Whether it was an intention of corporate sabotage was impossible to tell.  

    "Yes, obviously. No one likes a faulty piece. Now, to business. What was it you accosted me for?" Waq looked over at him slyly. Her hand snaked across the table to rest upon his. Kyran could only imagine what she thought it would bring her. "I'd like to expand my enterprise with the WFTC. Sign several more contracts regarding transporting teams of people to hunt the animals, acquisition of rare species and potentially cage matches on the ships for entertainment." Kyran slipped his hand out from under hers. "I see no issue with the first two requests. However, the WFTC does not partake in acts of cruelty regardless of who or what is involved." Waq waved a hand. She didn't care about the cage matches then. So that part was a probe.

    Kyran stood up. "If that is all, Archmage Waq, I'll take my leave. I'll bring your proposals to the board and see if they wish to expand your trading contracts." The elfin woman let Kyran leave. Her eyes stayed upon him, burning a hole into his back. "Eae, did you sense anything?" Kyran muttered under his breath. Nothing other than her first lie. It was as if she closed herself to be after touching your hand. Kyran smiled wryly, realizing something immediately. "Archmage Waq is clever. She senses power level through touch." Most likely, the mage couldn't understand why Kyran would suppress his power. More investigating would be needed for the Archmage's innocence to be apparent.

    Yai Tan waddled up immediately after Kyran cleared the crowd. "Ah, now you can listen to my complaints." Kyran's lips pressed together. The nobleman was used to getting what he wanted. Most especially from the people he considered lower than himself. Kyran forced a smile onto his face. "Yes, of course. Tell me about your troubles." The piggie man dabbed at his forehead with a handkerchief. A crude smile spread across his lipless mouth. "The West Fiore Trading Company is gipping me on profits. I should be making many more jewels with these business ventures. I demand a larger share of the profits. If WFTC cannot abide by that, I'll take the difference from you" Kyran found the pig's forwardness to be rather refreshing. He thought he'd be able to intimidate the WFTC representative. Make him suffer! Put him in his place! You are an Alpha among these creatures! Medea hissed. Kyran would have liked to very much. In order to do so, he needed Tan to make the first move.

    "Are you asking for a Duel, Nobleman Tan? With a representative of WFTC whom you have dealings with?" Kyran said quietly. The menace he sunk into his voice made the pig step back. Then he stepped forward once more. "Yes. Yes! I challenge you to a Duel by proxy!" Kyran kept a smile off his face. "The terms?" "60% of all business profits on our agreements, the difference of the current agreements out of your fortune - if that exists - and no malcontent placed upon me as a result of this affair." Kyran raised an eyebrow. Tan was confident his proxy could win this fight. Based on the terms, it was not to the death. It wouldn't reflect badly upon the WFTC if he won or lost. This tradition was a way for those in Bellum to resolve differences. Of course, this would potentially end the contracts Tan had with the WFTC. Sixty percent of nothing was nothing.

    Kyran bowed to Nobleman Tan. "Will you allow me time to wrap up business with Nobleman Keir, Nobleman Amon, and Councilman Sabin before our Duel?" The Nobleman inclined his head. He spread his pudgy arms. "For the WFTC, of course. We are business partners after all. Not to mention, I'm not but patient and giving to those lesser than me." Kyran couldn't keep the smile off his face. The temptation to unleash his full power lingered heavily in his chest. He smothered it. Medea snarled unhappily. Kyran chuckled softly, drawing looks. A few whispered about the arrogance of lower mages. That only made the blood mage chuckle louder. "In such case, prepare your proxy. I cannot refuse lest WFTC pays the price for my cowardice." That was why Tan had agreed. If Kyran backed out, the WFTC had to abide by the terms. Dishonor was the name of those who refused a Duel.

    The blood mage couldn't be sure if this counted as stealthy or not. Tan had given him what he wanted. The man had been corrupted by greed. Waq was a businesswoman as far as Kyran could tell. The other two needed to be investigated without stirring up any more trouble. The redhead feared they might be as difficult to crack as Waq. Not everyone was like Tan. Plus Kyran couldn't duel every single one of them in order to gain intel. That would set a bad precedent on the WFTC. 'They want information, they Duel for it.' Kyran sighed, stepping away from the crowd. It had formed when Tan yelled his intentions for the hall. Nobleman Keir approached with Councilman Sabin.

    "That was a brave thing you did. Not something I would take for someone who owns slaves. That is illegal in Fiore, is it not? The WFTC will have some explaining to do to your Magic Council." Keir said smugly. Kyran offered the Nobleman a smile with teeth. This cocky bastard thought he had Kyran on the ropes already. He'd assumed a weakling would fall for his trap. Keir clearly had no idea Kyran had flipped the trap on him. "Are you sure your company can afford this Duel? A bad loss is the same as forfeiting one. Besides, Nobleman Tan's proxy is my oldest son Vesa. He will crush you into the dust." A vein popped in Kyran's forehead. Gaia's father couldn't be a bigger bastard. Before he could stop himself, Kyran responded "Care to wager on it, Councilman Sabin? Personal wager, not affiliated with the West Fiore Trading Company. Should I win against your son, I would like... oh say half a million jewels and a thousand of your workers transferred into my care." The Councilman chuckled softly. He stepped forth, trying to tower over Kyran. However, the blood mage was taller. "What would you possibly have to wager against that? Your pitiful fortune? Some children you have via seducing non-mages? Perhaps the WFTC granted you a few estates, due to the gross habits of Fiorens."

    Kyran looked the man dead in the eye. "I can guarantee your daughter comes to visit you sometime in the near future. Along with your future grandchild." The shock on Sabin's face was worth losing his temper over idiocy. Ruvel and Sol would probably punish him for it later. Kyran didn't care at that moment. "How can you-" The blood mage shook his head. "I'll explain later if I must. Do you accept or not?" The Councilman glanced at Keir. The Nobleman was watching this exchange intently. Sabin gave a terse nod. "I'll be over by the musicians with my wife, Bellona, and daughter, Adsila when you are ready to talk business." The Councilman bowed his head and stalked off.

    Keir took the opportunity to speak up. "I cannot tell if you are brave or foolish, Mr. Dyer. Nor can I say how that reflects upon the WFTC." Kyran quickly went over what he knew about the elf. His contracts were regarding lacrima and the associated technologies. WFTC had gotten him land permits in Fiore for research. They also lent him personnel from time to time for his ventures. Lacrima mining could be dangerous. "I've been looking into another company to take my business too and your actions today seem to validate those movements. Can you convince me otherwise? Especially since WFTC is hiding black market slaves under the noses of the Magic Council?" That seemed to be the game. Offer something sweeter for his continued business. If they failed to provide something he wanted, he'd release his 'blackmail' to ruin the company. Not corrupt so far, merely sleazy. His plan had hinged on the incompetence of the representative. There were probably other plans in place given how smart the elf was.

    The redhead offered Keir a smile. "I'm not sure where these rumors are coming from, Nobleman Keir. The WFTC harbors no slaves. We have only honest hardworking men and women. Would you mind offering your sources? I'd like to get people on this immediately. Such dreadful rumors cannot be tolerated." Keir smiled predatorily. He waved his hand, summoning a contract. "Rumors, Mr. Dyer? No, no. These are substantiated claims. I hold a contract you signed this morning, barely an hour ago. It is for the purchase of slaves for the WFTC." Kyran shook his head, gesturing to the contract. "You should read the contract again, Nobleman Keir. I purchased honest labor unaffiliated with the West Fiore Trading Company. I paid quite a good price for the amount of labor I will receive." Keir tore open the contract. Kyran watched as the elf's eyes got wider. The slaves had been purchased as labor and as soon as they crossed the border, they would be freed. Keir knew he'd been outplayed. By a lesser mage at that. Kyran grabbed water from a passing tray. He sipped it slowly as he waited for Keir.

    The Nobleman smiled weakly at Kyran after a long minute. There wasn't anything he could do. His ploy had been discovered and overturned. His sales official had ratified the contract making it a legal purchase. He could no longer use this trap to force Kyran into a corner. The blood mage waited for the Nobleman to speak. "It would seem you discovered my ploy and turned it against me. I do hope the WFTC won't hold this against me. It's just good business." Kyran waited as he mulled it over. Keir wasn't a malevolent businessman, just a sleazy one. If he was corrupt, he'd try to still use this opportunity to pressure Kyran. That was how the Blood mage saw it anyway. "It won't be held against you this time. Try more ploys like this one and the executives will tear up your contracts and blacklist you. Other merchant guilds won't touch you with a thirty-foot pole then." Kyran held out his hand. Keir regarded him coolly but the Nobleman knew he'd been beaten. He took Kyran's hand, giving a firm handshake. "A pleasure doing business with you, Nobleman Keir." Kyran said before stepping toward Nobleman Amon. The ratty-looking man hung on the fringes of everything. His eyes shifted rapidly back and forth, his hands constantly in motion. Kyran could almost see the rat interposed over him. It was a disgusting image.

    WC: 4,708



    Main Account- Get Married- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Inner Presence
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    Age : 29
    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 1,302,466

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mystic Blood Beasts
    Second Skill: Flame God Slayer 2nd Gen
    Third Skill: Sky Demon Slayer 2nd Gen

    Party of Secrets Empty Re: Party of Secrets

    Post by Kyran 9th December 2019, 7:25 pm

    Nobleman Amon bowed at Kyran's approach. "Mr. Dyer, a pleasure for you I'm sure. Let's get to business, shall we? I have something I want to be transported across the border in regular increments. That shouldn't be a problem for the West Fiore Trading Company, should it?" Kyran blinked rapidly. The man jumped straight into what he wanted. Then he tried to insinuate that the WFTC couldn't handle it. Whatever Amon wanted to be transported, he wanted the deal for it open and shut. A long draw was taken from his water. "Nobleman Amon, I cannot, in good conscience, simply approve a business deal without knowing the cargo you wish to be transported. For all I know, you wish for something illegal or highly dangerous to be transported. Please, tell me of this cargo. I will tell you whether the WFTC can transport it for you or not." Amon wrung his hands. His eyes darted from side to side. A shifty look entered the man's eye. "I cannot tell you the contents." Kyran spread his hands. "Then we are at an impasse and I cannot give you what you want." Amon clicked his teeth together. The sound grated on Kyran's hearing. "I challenge you to Duel by proxy then!"

    Kyran sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Bellum's traditions couldn't be more annoying. They'd been helpful before but this was ridiculous. "The terms, Nobleman Amon?" The Nobleman looked awful pleased with himself. He put his hands in his pockets and straightened. "You transport a shipment when you leave, across Fioren borders, without asking what you are transporting." The Nobleman walked off. Kyran rubbed his chin. That was the second time the terms hadn't involved what Kyran and the WFTC would get if they won. The Noblemen were confident their proxies would pull out ahead. A bad feeling bubbled within his stomach. He headed over to meet the in-laws.

    "Councilman Sabin, Lady Bellona, Lady Adsila. Lady Adsila, I presume you are Nobleman Amon's proxy?" The Sabins all gave him a look of disdain. Adsila didn't even bother answering. She simply gave a sharp nod. Kyran held back a scowl. While he wanted to dish a little payback to Gaia's abusers, he didn't want to risk the guild's reputation while doing so. "Are you ready to talk business, Mr. Dyer?" Kyran nodded shortly. He hoped this one conversation might go well. Small chance, if he was being entirely honest with himself. Councilman Sabin turned slightly towards Kyran. "I wish to transport some of my people across Fioren borders. There is a mage I wish to find." He finished the champagne and threw the glass on the ground. Several people screamed at the sound. Kyran took a step back to avoid the glass. "However, you already know the mage I'm looking for. You will tell me where she is and how you can guarantee she comes to visit. Otherwise, I will crush you."

    Magic rolled off Kyran's shoulders. He trembled from the effort of keeping himself under control. Gaia's father threatening his family, threatening the peace and stability they'd built for themselves. Sol and Ruvel could forgive that transgression. Kyran would explain himself once he returned to HQ. "Out of business context, of only my personal opinion, with no affiliation to the WFTC, Fuck off!" Kyran jabbed his finger into the Councilman's shoulder. "Gaia has suffered enough from you bastards! She deserves the peace, she built away from you! You think, 'cause you're a big bad mage, I'd hand over my wife to you without a fight. Fuck you. Fuck your family. You don't get to see her after the hell you put her through. You'll never meet your grandchild as long as I have something to say about it either."

    Councilman Sabin's face went ruddy with color. His wife blanched going pale. It was their daughter that responded. "Who are you to decide whether Gaia sees us or not? This is her decision!" Kyran lost control. His magic rippled out over the crowd, letting them know exactly how powerful he was. "When have you - any of you! - cared about Gaia's decisions?! You beat her! Left scars across her back and soul! For what?! Because she didn't have magic! You have no right to start caring now! No right! I'm her husband! I will not make decisions for her but I will try to do what is best for her! Especially now, that our child is on the way. Don't... don't even try to act as if you care." The blood mage walked away from his in-laws, unable to look them in the face any longer. They disgusted him.

    "Nobleman Amon! Nobleman Tan! Are your proxies ready for our Duel?!" He called out. A space cleared in the room immediately. Kyran stepped into it. Magic buzzed around the edges. A barrier to keep the crowd from getting hurt. Kyran hoped the barrier could take everything. "Which shall you face first?" Amon asked loudly. Kyran sneered, tired of this game. Politics was not and never would be his forte. "I'll take them on at the same time, Noblemen." The crowd gasped, immediately whispering to each other. They couldn't believe his brass. Or perhaps his arrogance, even after feeling his power. Vesa and Adsila stepped into the ring. A barrier snapped up behind them.

    Kyran reached out with his sensory. Vesa was the weaker of the two. However, each had nearly as much if not equal to his amount of power. This would be a fight for sure. He pulled up his memory of the fight versus Aven. His recklessness and lack of strategy had cost him that match. The same mistake could not be afforded here. Vesa's hands lighted with fire. Adsila's body began glowing with magic. Vesa probably had Fire magic then. Adsila's was impossible to identify. For the moment anyway. A blood-red mist floated around Kyran's form. As it lowered, a black duster formed over the blood mage's body. A warhammer formed in his right hand. Fiery wings spread outward from his back.

    Adsila attacked first. Her body blurred, becoming a comet that shot toward Kyran. Vesa threw small fireballs from the background. Kyran smirked, activating the abilities of his duster. He vanished away from Adsila's attack. An aura of red popped into being once he reappeared next to Vesa. Wind gathered around his arms. Before the fire mage could react, Kyran unleashed his Rage. His various spells and abilities augmented the spell. Light green wind spiraled forth. It slammed into Vesa forcing the fire mage backward. The spell ripped into his flesh. Blood splattered the arena floor. The barriers pulsed containing the spell. Kyran didn't let up.

    The rest of the fight was brutal and short. With Vesa finished, Adsila took only a short amount of time. She relied too much upon her speed to deliver her attacks. If someone could dodge, she was caught up at the end of her spell. Kyran stood over them both. His spells had managed to keep him safe. His weapons and coat vanished in puffs of red. "I believe I have won the Duels by proxy. Shall we discuss the terms?" The Nobleman looked at each other before trying to make a run for it. Kyran teleported in front of them. "I think its time the three of us had a talk."

    At the end of an hour, Kyran had gotten the information he'd come for. Amon and Tan were crooked. Surprisingly, Waq was as well though she played a longer better game. Keir was who Kyran had figured he was. Councilman Sabin, as greasy as his personality was, kept honest upkeep. It had taken a long time but Kyran had got the information he'd come for. It hadn't been quite as stealthy as had been asked of him, unfortunately. Hopefully, the CEO's would forgive him for that. He'd done his best to keep WFTC's reputation clean. Most of his blunders had been placed solely upon his own head.

    WC: 1,338
    TWC: 6,046


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:29 am