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    Minx Chaotica


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    Minx Chaotica Empty Minx Chaotica

    Post by Fluffy 3rd February 2018, 3:22 am

    Nyx Chaotica
    Alias Fluffy
    Ghost = Ageless
    Birthdate: Unimportant
    Sexuality? What is that, Chaoris is loads better than sexuality.
    Special Characteristics
    Nyx Is a ghost at present moment and entirely lacks a physical form of her own. Meaning for the moment unless someone has the ability to harm a soul she cannot be severely harmed or killed. However this does not make her immune in fights, she still has a functional Hp bar, running it to zero simply means she can no longer materialize herself to visible nor use her magic/spiritual abilities this is rendered effectively ‘dead’ for the purposes of combat, if she is in this state someone who can naturally see spirits can still view her.

    One way someone could beyond easily use to describe Nyx is also how some people may describe the best of nuns, a devote faithful worshipping her god to a fault. Only the god she worships? Makes her reverence of Chaoris, actually more dangerous than most people going through life in a ‘religious’ manner, as her god is that of blood, skulls and honorable warfare. In the entire world, there is nothing Chaotica would not do to further to worship or her god, which can lead to her sometimes taking actions that may seem to be against the rest of her personality. For example? Even if she desires to protect the natural and supernatural from each other, she does not desire to stop wars and given the chance will actually take steps to ensure a situation verging on the edge of war will spiral into it. However, it should be noted she will not pit two groups against each other if one has absolutely no chance of victory, due to focusing on causing honorable wars instead of just wars in excess. Nyx can be violent, she enjoys bloodshed and death, but it’s all in moderateration, she’s largely made peace with certain demons within her and accepts that honorable violence in moderation is good for one’s heart, soul and meager existence in the face of the universe.

    However, not every part of someone’s day can reasonably be spent in homage, especially when your god is one that does not require it of his worshippers. While her faith may be a lifestyle? She has her own traits and goals that live along it giving further light to who she is. Nyx has been through a lot, having carried misguided and dirtied ideal’s for so long, making her someone who carries a rather remorseful and regretful air at times, guilt over hatred driven acts a driving force within her. In spite of being someone that may be thought by other’s to be innately violent, unreasonable and insane? Nyx is actually a very sane and even caring individual. The kind who gets enraged seeing two people team up against someone weaker and smaller than both of them. Nyx can actually be a rather reasonable, easy to deal with and normal person so long as her beliefs aren’t challenged. Also she should come with a massive warning label. While she can be very hypocritical, for all but a nearly non existence select few? Pointing this out only comes to a near instantaneous attempt on her part to murder whoever pointed it out.

    Being the master of a guild she has become very impressive at leading those around her, coming up with plans and strategies. Yet as someone who has another higher than her? She has also well adjusted to marching at the beat of another as well, independent on both ends one could say. Through everything her fighting style has remained a bit necessarily torturous at times, via her flames or an intent direct method via her telepathic abilities.
    ★ Skull’s, while she was once freaked out and even scared by them from time to time, she has since come to adore the head of a skeleton, particularly cleaning them as offerings for her god.
    ★ She enjoys the supernatural these days as if not for her own abnormal abilities she would be entirely helpless right now.
    ★ Honestly is an important thing for Nyx more importantly self honesty, as lying to herself was part of what helped birth Fluffy in the first place.

    ★ That bitch Fluffy was in her body, and got the body killed while she was at it, alongside the fact she basically ruined or almost ruined a good portion of Nyx’s life.
    ★ Nyx is made rather unsettled by the presence of being in something like a laboratory as she is now something a scientific person would want to study
    ★ Science wants to understand the supernatural, she would rather destroy it so that it doesn’t get the chance.

    ★ Above all, Nyx has finally accepted that she isn’t alright with being dead, there are things she has left to do and she needs to be alive to do them.
    ★ Ever since she began following Chaoris she has been very motivated to please the god, make him happy with her in any way she can.
    ★ Somehow now that she is free of the void, Nyx wishes to help make the world a safer place for everyone, whether they’re normal or not.

    ★ Someone connecting her current life to her human one and taking out something she did or something Fluffy’s done out on her mother.
    ★ Nyx has a large fear of confronting people that rather Fluffy or herself have wronged in the past over the hate priorly held.
    ★ Nyx is afraid of ghost stories, even if she is a ghost herself, the thought of something mysterious that she has no power to protect herself from going bump in the night, still frightens her.

    Height: 5 feet, 4 inches
    Wieght: Uh- Ghost's Don't Have One!
    Hair: Cut short to right around her chin, curving inwards colored brown
    Eyes: Muddy Brown
    Skintone: Pale, glowing and transparent cuase she's a ghost.
    Appearance: Nyx appears as a slightly glowing specter dressing in the uniform of a school girl, yet there are some questions as to her age as its hard to tell if she was a young school girl or if she just kept wearing a uniform after graduation as her outfit is very typical her body seems well developed.

    Guild: Savage Skull
    Tattoo: On her chest right beneath her collar bone, black outline with red fill..
    Rank:: B

    Last edited by Fluffy on 8th February 2018, 8:29 pm; edited 1 time in total


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    Minx Chaotica Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★
    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

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    Minx Chaotica Empty Re: Minx Chaotica

    Post by Lester Drynedi 5th February 2018, 1:42 am


    Minx Chaotica 4hAgpZB



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    Minx Chaotica Empty Re: Minx Chaotica

    Post by 88 30th August 2018, 4:49 pm


    Unlocked and moved per user’s request~


    Minx Chaotica 65698_s

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