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    Cow Hunting (Mission Private)


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    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

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    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) Empty Cow Hunting (Mission Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 30th October 2017, 5:12 am

    Feitan gave a shrug as the boy said he wasn’t going to kill anyone “I don’t need you to do my killing for me. Besides, I wouldn’t want you to kill these fools. You couldn’t handle it. It is better for someone like me to destroy his soul even further. That way when I go back to the Netherworld I can become an Overlord of my own power.” He said almost as if he was talking to himself and not actually the companion that he had found himself with.

    The comment about his maid was given and Feitan gave a shrug in response “Fair enough I suppose.” He said quite agreeable for him. Then he was silent for the longest time watching the horizon. He watched as the island drew near and then they washed up on the shore along with everyone else he was out helping to haul it into place. However, his arms were the glowing powerful arms of the Mujin, so he was doing the work of five people. As soon as the ship was anchored and would not be going anywhere the ramp was lowered and Feitan called out “We shall be back with the cattle, make sure you are all ready to help herd them on board when we do return!”

    He looked around and made sure that his partner was with him, and with a nod he turned and walked into the darkness that was Shadow Island. He was sure that there would be plenty of nasty monsters that they would have to fight, but that wasn’t important. Right now he had to find the herd of cattle, and giving himself a minute to inhale and follow his nose he pointed himself in the general direction that a huge herd of cattle made.

    WC: 299
    Link to start of Job: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t29168-cow-hunting-private-mission?nid=42#305926
    Sea Section: https://www.fairytail-rp.com/t29216-cow-hunting-private-mission-sea-section?nid=125#310728


    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

    Get Married- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Custom Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Death's Cycle
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    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 21,756

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    First Skill: Cursed Existence
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    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) Empty Re: Cow Hunting (Mission Private)

    Post by Oykai 17th December 2017, 6:24 am

    It had been a few weeks since the job that had her help in the murder of a rune knight major with the help of a guild member whom introduced himself as Feitan, she hadn't been feeling right and so had stalled her journey back to her room within Sol's castle until she could get the uneasy feeling gone and once again feel tranquil. A few things that were taught to her within that job stayed however "The weak make way for the strong he said, but do I really have the strength to walk this path." she spoke to herself as if she was trying to decide one way or another her future but she knew while Sol held her contract that wasn't her decision but his. "I said I would help him achieve his goals and that I would become stronger." she continued as she sat at the shore of Shadow Island having been there for a few days, the sounds of the water helping her ease her mind.

    Aguya who had become increasingly worried at her long absence had found her waiting for a ship two weeks later in Hargon and told her off for worrying him until he heard and understood, it was he himself that suggested going to the island for a week might be a good thing due to being able to see something new which she was happy to agree on given she believed he was going to demand that she return to the castle to rest. Still neither believed that the castle was their home it was Sol's home and they still felt like servants that where permitted to remain due to the contract, it of course couldn't have been further from the truth as Sol had converted and altered an entire section of his home for their comfort even adding additional security measures for Yuii's safety at Aguya's request. "You are strong my lady, they realise it and want you because of it." the taller male said looking down to Yuii "I must admit I don't like it and still think that we should leave, if a guild is what is needed perhaps Lord Kasai's would be more fitting it's in your home region." he suggested worrying about the darkening madness, Yuii only shook her head "The rules Aguya, he has my contract so I will remain loyal to him until he gives it up." she said knowing the sad truth of the matter thanks to Aguya was that she'd never be free, she knew her attendant was far from happy about the situation but would stand by her.

    "And my lady just because you follow rules and traditions doesn't make you a sheep, you are who you're meant to be." he said calmly kneeling beside her before kissing her forehead knowing it was a way to settle her stormy mind. Yuii smiled but turned her head towards the nearby dock hearing a familiar voice over the waves having Aguya more curious than anything else "Is something wrong my lady?" he asked standing once more helping her up as she held out a hand to him shaking his head "I think I heard Feitan's voice." she commented making Aguya think back "The man from your last task that spoke of madness, its dance and the Netherworld? None of which you are going to deal with I might add." his tone stern at the end, he might have been her attendant but he was also the closest thing she had to a relative "That's the one and I'll learn in secret if I have to Aguya." she said walking towards the docks Aguya closely behind. "Feitan!" she called out seeing the robe clad mage waving at him happily as she moved towards him quickly.

    Word Count: 632


    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) 59867_s

    Lineage : Comet
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    Posts : 664
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    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) Empty Re: Cow Hunting (Mission Private)

    Post by Nadarr 17th December 2017, 11:08 am

    Apollo has been told to meet some fellow guild mates at the Shadow Island. He sighed a bit walking shaking his head a bit his hands in his pockets as he looked around the harbor for where they were suppose to meet. He had been given very good descriptions on who he was suppose to meet up for this task, one guild mate named Fetian, and another named Yuii and Aguya. As he walked around the harbor people seemed happy for the most part doing there work, running around, boarding and getting off boats. Apollo could shake his head and continued on his way wondering how they could be so happy, They were like cattle...not the cattle they were after though...he scoff at his own thoughts and his lame humor. But none the less the cattle would be slaughtered soon enough, such was the fate of cattle. As he continued onward he eventually finds someone people that fit the description they were looking for Two girls were with a male talking. Observing them from a distance wondering how to approach them for the most part. He sighed shaking his head walking over to the trio somberly looking at the three of them. As he got close enough he stopped looking at them Nodding a bit, looking at them in order as he rested there names "Fetain, Yuii, and Aguya if i'm not mistaken..." He was state looking at them all not knowing if they no much about him or not. "I'm Apollo..that's all you really need to know" he said giving a slight smirk assuming they knew they were waiting for him. His hands now out of his pockets as he waited for them to speak. Though as he waited it may not seem like it but Apollo was studying them very carefully, making mental notes of stuff they have, don't have, and could possibly have logically with what little he knew about them at the time. though while studying them quickly he had a casual look to him a very...none treating look minus the slight smirk or smile.

    WC: 350

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Guild : Errings Rising
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) Empty Re: Cow Hunting (Mission Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 20th December 2017, 7:32 am

    Feitan heard his name and he turned from his path to look at Yuiisai and her attendant Aguya. With a smile that was hidden behind the collar of his cloak he nodded his head in greeting “Hello Yuiisai, you sure are a long way from the castle, and the guild hall. What are you doing here on this island of all places? This is not the place for little birds, or for Basilisks who can’t kill with a look.” He said a bit dismissively. Looking around the shores of the Shadow Island.

    That was when he heard the sound of another and he turned to raise his brow looking to the new comer. Tilting his head in confusion he looked at the new comer. This one knew his name, as well as Yuiisai’s name, yet his face was unknown to Feitan. Still, that wasn’t saying much because Feitan made it a point not to get too close to the rest of the guild members in Basilisk Fang. Hearing the point about the name Apollo was all he needed to know Feitan’s eyes flashed with that wicked madness that warned those who were observant enough to see that he was not to be trifled with. Reaching behind his back he wrapped his hand around the hilt of his blade slowly drawing it holding it loose in his hand ready to attack at a moment’s notice.

    Presently he said in a voice that was the sing- song tone of madness “Apollo, Apollo, the Sun god, up high in the sky, but now too low. Away from the sun he is weaker than Demons, and Demons there are on this isle of darkness. Beware, beware little sun god, for Madness can consume all. Lead you to the grave Madness will, if Madness does not like your next answer.” Flushing his sickly green aura through his blade it grew to an immense size taking on its true form. “Tell me quick, tell me quick, little sun god. Why are you so far from your home in the sky, why are you here picking fights with demons?” He asked gripping his blade a little tighter to show he was perfectly ready to kill this youth. His eyes had little swirls of his toxic green aura showing even more how his madness was consuming him at this point.

    WC: 392 / 691


    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Lineage : Comet
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    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Experience : 7,500

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    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) Empty Re: Cow Hunting (Mission Private)

    Post by Nadarr 21st December 2017, 8:19 am

    Apollo stared noticing him gripping his blade more, and aura of unpleasantness was radiating in the air around him. He would have to keep his wits about him on around this one, while fighting him was always a option...it sounded like a nuisance and would draw a lot of attention. He though about his limerick esk thing sighing. He looked at the man calling him a sun god.....Why in the hell would he want to be a god. Being a god would such a pain in his ass it wouldn't even be fun, it be a wash having all that power nothing to challenge his mind. As for the madness...heh sounds like a lullaby to him, he welcomes it and is counting on it but...that was neither here nor there to be quite frank. But he would answer his question and humor him for the time being. "sorry but...decided being a god was sorta a drag you know" he smirks only a little at him looking around. The madness of this area sounds a lot more entertaining then the havens ya'know" He would retort looking at the one called Feitan. As people walked around him he took only a moment to look him up and down before nodding a bit." So what exactly did you drag me out here, i do hope it wasn't for nothing...not that i mind that terribly. He wasn't going to lie, he found amusement on a boat full of drunken sailors on the way over here. However they got boring so he left them...he wondered if they would be okay out there...they were only a a couple hours they can swim. while thinking of this his eyes never left the boy in front of him of the blade he was holding sighing. Why does he have to do that...act all threading when nothing has been done...this was already more trouble then he wanted.

    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

    Get Married- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Custom Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
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    Experience : 21,756

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    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) Empty Re: Cow Hunting (Mission Private)

    Post by Oykai 21st December 2017, 11:14 am

    Yuii stopped as she was acknowledge the taller form of Aguya stopping just behind his hand going to his sword making Yuii sigh a little "Aguya, he's not a threat he's a friend." she tried to get him understand but knew it would be like talking to a mountain. "Even friends can become enemies under the right circumstances and the mad even more likely." he explained making her groan a bit "I think Sol's knocked you to hard on the head one to many times Aguya, you sound paranoid." she grumbled "Yes, he's the keeper of madness but that's not the only side of him, now, will you stop this." she continued, she didn't want to keep arguing with her attendant over the robe clad males intentions but at the same time she understood that she was still learning about the world and so was just being safer than sorry when it came to her. "Will you at least try be nice Aguya?" she asked him, watching as he sighed nodding "I'll try, but I can't promise my lady." he stated now looking to the other two men.

    "I know I'm a long way away, but there's been a shift in the fates it would seem Feitan. Sol is no longer loyal to Basilisk Fang, he is changing allegiances but that should be more of a conversation for when we are alone. I hope you understand." she said to the other, to her certain things shouldn't be said in front of people that where unknown, her cheeks puffed out a little as she was called a little bird making Aguya chuckle a little "So very cute my lady." he said gently "Aguya..." she huffed clenching her fists making him laugh once more "Feitan, I am aware that I seem like a delicate little bird that should be in their cage for theirs and likely everyone else's protection and that I may not have the gaze of death that you and others do, I can still disarm men and women with mine." she said sweetly, though he would be able to notice the the dark almost insane flicker in her eyes showing she wasn't exactly what she seemed. "Besides this time I have Aguya to help me, he's been my attendant since I was an apprentice at the house." where this was true the bond between them was more family though they kept their roles as it always had been in public.

    Hearing their names being spoken by another both Aguya and Yuii turned their heads, the larger male bringing Yuii behind himself as a cautionary tactic. "Someone you know my lady?" he whispered his forest green eyes looking back to her, she had already started to shake her head. "I would remember such an odd name." she whispered back making the attendant grip his sword slightly tighter "You're quite rude and hold few manners do you, now care to tell us more than your name before the ground becomes painted a nice carmine red." he demanded "An as much as I would hate to dirty my blade for a lesser male like you, at current you are an unknown threat to my lady and I will end you if needs must." it was clear as day Aguya wasn't messing around "So the questions of the day are... How do you know our names? We don't know you after all and why do you speak as if you where expecting to meet us here? No one knew where we went I made sure of it." both good questions that had to be answered in his mind.

    "Apollo is a kami of the sun?" Yuii said to herself Aguya nodded "In the mythology of the west, an oracle as well but I doubt this false prophet could foresee his own demise was coming today when he woke this morning." his voice calm as he spoke. Yuii listened to what Feitan continued to sing smiling happily "Will I gain my own song one day you think Feit-" her smiling stopped seeing the sickly green aura, she remembered seeing it when she touched the parasol of the takeover form he had been in at the time. Then again she also remembered his words afterwards that perhaps she wasn't to far from madness herself. "I'm not like that... I can't afford to be..." she whispered to herself "Did you say something my lady?" Aguya enquired "Just talking to myself, sorry." her smile returning as it always had been there.

    Yuii listened to the remarks of the newcomer towards Feitan 'Is he really such a fool?' she thought to herself, though made sure not to move from behind Aguya. "Apollo, none of us are he kind to suffer fools, so stop acting like one before you end up being snuffed out like a candle." her voice was still kind as she spoke but it held a subtle irritated undertone to it "Feitan, Aguya stop playing with the ember, it's not worth the effort or the mess afterwards." she spoke finally walking forward "What are you doing here Feitan? I didn't expect any familiar faces if I am to be honest with you." she stopped beside him her back to the newcomer but Feitan would see in her eyes she was always aware of what Apollo was doing in case of issues such as a flanking.

    Word Count: 892
    Total Word Count: 1'524


    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) 59867_s

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

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    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) Empty Re: Cow Hunting (Mission Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 23rd December 2017, 1:39 am

    Feitan sighed as he heard the talk and shook his head snapping out of his madness due to boredom. Slowly, he slid the blade back into its sheath and rolled his eyes “Apollo, I assume since you were on this ship that you were sent to help me with my mission.” Turning to regard Yuiisai he bowed his head “It is fortunate that you are here. I and apparently Apollo have been sent here by a man with lots of money. He wants a herd of brilliant red cattle that lives here on this island. We are to kill those who would stop us from taking it, and escort the herd back to the ship keeping it safe from any beasts that would try to trouble us on the way. With all of this done we will be well rewarded. Now then, I would like to hurry and get this done.”

    Stepping closer to Yuiisai he whispered “We will have words about this matter when the mission here is done. I will know why Sol is changing allegiances, and I will know where he is going. For now, we will not speak of it.” Turning back towards the forest he smiled and moved towards the forest that lined the beach “Now then, I am done with the talking. We are going to go ahead, and I will suffer no fools to fall behind. Hurry up now.” He moved through the front line of trees and headed into the darkness “This place is full of darkness and madness. It will consume you both if you are not careful and do not hurry.”

    He didn’t much care about what happened to Apollo, but Yuiisai, on the other hand, was a different story. He found that he didn’t want the bird to be broken just yet, and so he felt the warning was meant to be given. Now he was leading them into the forest and towards the center of the island to find the cattle following that intense scent that all cows left behind.

    WC: 342 / 1,033

    OOC: Please observe the post order. It goes Me, Yuiisai, and Nadarr. Please do not deviate from this, and remember to post the Word Count of each of your posts at the bottom of your post.


    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

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    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) Empty Re: Cow Hunting (Mission Private)

    Post by Nadarr 27th December 2017, 8:00 am

    The air was heavy as he walked Apollo spoke of nothing Listening to them talk, Sappose he made a bit of a bad impression..., he didn't care however...and neither did Apollo, it was clear he could died and they not even bat a eye. who could blame them though...Apollo would show no such emotion for them. Apollo had no such need to devolve such information about himself when he knew next to nothing other then why he was really here...but that would stay his secret for the time being, for now these two required his help so he would. As he walked he looked over the one named Fetian He had a aura of death and mystery around him. As for the the other ones...Lets just say even a rose has thorns...He would need to stay sharp around them since he was on thin ice, but it made things more interesting to say the least. Apollo looks around as he walks not liking this, There was a better approach he was sure of it...but he highly doubted they would listen to him and fussing with his cyrptic nature and her need for him to act differently would only give him a headache more then before. He decided to stay quite and see how these two so called dark Wizards truly handled there work and in what fashion. Having this be his first true dark guild job, he was needlessly curious about them...it felt so different working worth them rather then trying to capture them all. He continued to walk in silence which feels like it droned on and on forever and ever. granted it hasn't been all that long he was simply enjoying his time observing the two of them and listening to what was around him. Though even with his look of slight annoyance and ittrtaion he was ever cautious and ready to act if he needed to.


    Cortesan of Mist

    Cortesan of Mist

    Get Married- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Custom Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Death's Cycle
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    Mentor : Sol
    Experience : 21,756

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Cursed Existence
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    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) Empty Re: Cow Hunting (Mission Private)

    Post by Oykai 28th December 2017, 2:54 pm

    Aguya glared the instant that Apollo seemed to ignore what was by all pretences two simple and noninvasive questions, he didn't care if the other didn't want to share his magic or purpose of being there but right now he was seen as a threat and one he wanted to eliminate. "Don't think about it Aguya..." Yuisai said suddenly breaking the silence knowing just how protective the taller male was and being in the dark guild Basilisk Fang hadn't helped any. "If he wishes to be a threat let him, if he makes one wrong move he will find out why birds like swans are so dangerous." her voice gentle which matched her ever present elegant smile; where the outside world may have seen her as a flower, she had always seen herself more as a bird kept within a gilded cage and even being freed from the one she grew in she had just been placed in another surrounded by ice and snow.

    "As you wish my lady." He bowed his head a little but his hand remained steadfast on his sword "What is with you people and wanting her to kill people?" Aguya asked hearing the information on the job "A-Aguya, we spoke on this." she held her right arm with her left hand almost as if trying to reassure herself that she could do this, but in honesty it never felt right to her and Aguya knew as much "My lady, you need not kill... I will be your sword." he assured her taking her hand away from her arm making her pause before he kissed her forehead making her smile weakly "You aren't evil my lady, nor should you be surrounded with such darkness, so I shall do such things so you can remain you." his voice though stoic was clearly caring towards the smaller woman he was in the service of.

    "I would rather she not be near you madman, it will do her no good." he said taking note of how he wanted information on their lord "Aguya!" she exclaimed on how rude he was being towards the mad man he had just met and knew only what she told him, but yet he had taken an instant disliking to him. "She knows nothing, it is me you will speak to on the matter not the lady Yuiisai." he said coldly making Yuii sigh "Aguya, with how protective you are I'll never make any friends and with how we aren't at home I don't have the other courtesan... I'm lonely, I know I have you, Sol and Aio but I need more than three people in my world." her tone was frustrated with the whole situation before she looked to Feitan "Sorry about Aguya Feitan... he means well but he's cautious." she explained knowing that it was nothing against Feitan in general he just disliked dark guilds or anything that could harm or change her like madness. She and Aguya rushed after Feitan they knew they could handle themselves but it was better to remain with their guide lest they become lost within the darkened sea of trees.

    Word Count: 524
    Total Word Count: 2'048


    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) 59867_s

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
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    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
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    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) Empty Re: Cow Hunting (Mission Private)

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 2nd January 2018, 6:40 am

    Feitan walked through the forest and looked from this way to that. He did not know for sure how much trouble would be waiting for them, but he still couldn’t allow himself to be cut off. As he walked, however, he was conscious of the sounds of forest animals. He was also clear that Aguya seemed to hate him for some reason. Well, it wasn’t for no reason, but he only glared at Aguya shaking his head slowly “I warn you valet, that I will suffer no irritations to me, nor shall I suffer your harassments without retaliation.” Glancing over to Yuiisai he nodded his head showing that he really didn’t blame her for any of it. Instead, he said “We will talk once this is over. With or without your servant.” He said simply before continuing on.

    As they walked the group found that they were no longer in forests alone. They could see that the trees were actually uprooted and cut down in order to make grazing land for the cattle. Feitan saw this change in scenery and pulled out the jar of Sardines that he always kept with him. Opening it he swallowed down three of them shaking his head in utter disgust when he was done coughing and gagging as he tried not to let them come back up. When he was sure he had swallowed them all down for good he nodded his head “Be careful, we are getting closer, and I was warned of a Guard Dog, unlike anything I have seen before. Knowing what I have seen that is a tall order, but I have no doubt our client believes that to be true.” He gripped his blade a bit tighter moving forward once again.

    The ground did indeed seem to be covered in a soft carpet of grass, but across this grass lay cow pies, and signs of a poison, or sickness. These patches were indicated by the spots of black dried out grass that looked diseased and disgusting. There were also signs that some of the droppings that were littering the ground were too large and too different to have been made by the same creature. Clearly, there was some new creature near at hand and they would have to be careful or they would draw its wrath upon them.

    WC: 389/ 1,422

    OOC: to help keep this going we'll keep the same posting order. Feitan, Nadarr, Yuiisai. This'll just make it easier.


    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Lineage : Comet
    Position : None
    Posts : 664
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magical Alchemy
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    Cow Hunting (Mission Private) Empty Re: Cow Hunting (Mission Private)

    Post by Nadarr 8th January 2018, 7:22 am

    As he mention the guard Dog that might be lurking about he mentally prepared himself looking around for any sort of clues or signs of the beast, He decided do to the look of the area to throw on his filter shields to be safe from and lingering poison in the areas he looked around. He looked at the two of them wondering about there fighting process, what were there skills and abilities, not that it mattered to much, he'd only end up having to carry them more then likely. Such was his life. Though As they walked it seemed to only get worse and more eventide that this beast was not to be trifled with or taken lightly. After a very short amount of time from Fetain warning about the guard dog there was a crashing sound to the side of them As Apollo looked over his hands in his pockets yet a giant, well what could only be described as a dog jumped onto the path they had been walking down behind them cutting off there escape route for the most part, the rather large two headed dog growled and and out of nowhere released two blasted from each mouth, one was like a greenish gas and the other being scorching red flames. As he It all happened he smiles "Trinty Shield" he murmured as three orbs circled over head then fused just in time to create a blue tinted shield which turned to a blue green and red hue, but blocked the fire and poison. As flames and poison engulfed around the shield he took only a brief moment to ensure it would hold before speaking. "there you go, a taste of what I do" He paused, not that he expected a thank you or anything form them..to be honest he didn't even want it from them. He smiles " My shield should hold till This is done but then you two will have to pull your own damn weight, can't be doing everything after all." he said in a vexy but not necessarily aggressive tone. Whichever made made the first move didn't matter to Apollo much, he did his job so it was time to see what they could do.

    MP 85%
    ( who ever attacks next is when I lower my shield)

    Trinity Shield:

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:34 pm