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    Viktor Gennady Vinn

    Edward Von Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 341
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: TakeOver: Angel Soul
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Viktor Gennady Vinn Empty Viktor Gennady Vinn

    Post by Edward Von Aurence 8th August 2016, 3:06 pm

    Life is a box of chocolates and I shall taste them all.
    Name: Viktor Gennady Vinn
    Aliases: Lord Viktor; The Vampire Prince; ViVi [Pronounced as V-2]
    Gender: Male
    Age: 259
    Birthday: December 21st
    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Unique Characteristics

    Throughout the course of the chronicled antiquities of the creatures referred to as humans, anecdotes upon anecdotes that expand and catalog millenniums of history possessed by mankind speak of  various occurrences where humans intermixed their genetics, their essences, with a myriad of otherworldly or supernatural beings. Tidbits of these recorded accounts, similar to everything in the world, has been tainted by the hands of mankind and have been altered to serve a more selfish purpose or perhaps a self-righteous one as well ranging from glorifying a leader to inspiring terror or fear to even teaching a supposed moral lesson. These myriad beings whose depictions in legends vary dependent on the region may have led to the tainting of records as well for in certain regions these beings are referred to as monstrous demons or perhaps they were fortunate enough to be revered as deities or gods. Whatever the truth behind these chronicled accounts, there is one single truth that remains which the intermingling of humans and other species and they were able to reproduce.

    Children born to these intermixing species were born with talents and powers outside of the realms of normal man.  A prime example of a mixed child conceived from the mingling of being worshiped as a deity and denoted as the personification of death, Thanatos and a mortal human woman who would become Gennady Vinn’s grandmother, Natasha. Their child, Sasha, who continue in the future to serve as Gennady Vinn’s mother was born to these two individuals. As a mixed blood, Vinn’s mother was normally depicted as a demi-god. However, Vinn’s entrance into the world wasn’t as simplistic as his mother for he wasn’t conceived through normal means or rather means that were common place however through a process which could be depicted as manufactured or crafted. The maestro or the individual who was behind his creation was the exact individual who could be deemed as Gennady’s father.  The source of regarding his birth also caused the source of his magic follow a different set of rules or rather the energy used differs from the source used by normal beings in Earthland. The energy signature is similar to Curse Power in a way and is the easiest way to depict the source. However while it isn’t able to be negated through normal means which simply means that Vinn can access his spells in areas where normal individuals could not and such, the energy source is used just like the normal source of magic in Earthland.  Not only was this creature the father of Gennady, but the father of members of his race and was heralded as the strongest individual among them. His name was Vlad Drăculea. While the reason for Vinn’s existence still eludes him due to his mother’s desire not to elaborate further on her relationship with Vlad Drăculea. Unlike his mother who is referred to as a demi-god, Vinn has been referred to as a mongrel by other beings since they can’t sense if he is undead, unholy, or a god but they know he isn’t just a simple human. However, among the few of fellow vampire brethren that he has encountered, Vinn is referred to as the pinnacle of their race or the individual who will surpass Vlad Drăculea in time. Their term for him is a Transcendent Vampire which refers to the essences of the godhood which dwell within him as well. Due to his constant tampering or tapping into the twin essences within his physical body, Vinn has the capability transforming between his human form and what could be deemed as his true form.


    Private Life & General Outlook:

    Creation is defined as the act of producing or causing something to exist while the term creator is defined as a person or thing that brings something into existence. Perhaps it is due to his own up bring as the son of a mortician. Gennady Vinn has always had an interest in the forces of life and death. While in his private life, Gennady Vinn refers to himself as such due to his own goal of creating true life with his bare hands and his magic. As such, he can be seen in his own laboratory doing research and patching up the various remains of unnamed and deceased individuals who wouldn’t be missed to the general populace. His research on creating life is hidden from the public, despite there being a bit of suspicion that he is behind the disappearance of a few homeless individuals, runaways, and the like. His research is on the human soul is one of the few things that brings him great joy. Along with this research, he is also researching the origin of all magic in the universe. While calm and collected, Gennady Vinn can be shown to be authoritative almost the point of where one can describe him as tyrannical from time to time. This is part of his personality is shown more when dealing individuals who belittle him or try to command him. It is also exhibited when he is working with his companions and pets as well.

    If he isn’t in his laboratory stitching up and creating undead creatures for his research, he can be seen reading or drinking tea. If he isn’t drinking tea and relaxing, he is dealing with ascertaining information which he can sell off for a bit money or perform his cover job as a mortician. Even in his private life, he generally keeps his gentleman façade up just on the off chance a person arrives or drops in. While under his guise as a mortician, he does exhibit a few odd quirks still. Referring to his deceased clients as his guests and even inviting people to try out a few of his coffins. Gennady Vinn also prefers to maintain an air of neutrality when it comes to most things including the alliance between good or evil. This is because he desires to act in his own self-interest when it comes to things. At one moment, Gennady Vinn could be your best friend or your best nightmare. It is all dependant on his own interests at the moment. It is because of this particular trait, Gennady Vinn can demonstrate moments of sadism and unmatched cruelty dependant on the side he has taken for his self-interests.

    Day To Day:

    A gentleman is typically referred to a man of a calm demeanor, strong perseverance, intellectual thinking, polite yet meaningful speak, and possesses good upbringing. A fighter for the cause of right with words, not guns.  Gennady Vinn is no different from than a regal and refined gentleman who possesses the highest and most exclusive pedigree with his general polite mannerisms and actions ranging from asking individuals about their day, offering them a cup of tea and a bit of conversation, and referring to them as sir or madam.  However, Vinn assumes this mannerism or façade of a gentleman in order to make people feel less threatened when in his presence and to hide his own identity from the general populace.

    He exhibits a few odd quirks while maintaining this façade of a cultured and polite man such as a borderline obsessive desire for sweets. In particular, he is a fan of baked sweets such as cakes, pies, and other pastries. His favorite among these lines of sweets is a unique cake is a plain cake with a brand vanilla whipped topping which acts as the topping or icing and has a strawberry on top. The exact name of this cake always eludes him causing him to have to describe the cake to others including to the individuals who run the bakery which he is fond of and is a regular customer. He is also quite playful to a certain extent enjoying games ranging from chess to even children’s games such as hide and seek.  On top of his enjoyment of games, he is possessed by an undying love of literature in all forms. It is due to this that he can be seen with a book in his day to day or social life.

    However, even with the gentleman façade that Gennady Vinn exhibits while around other individuals and the like, bits and pieces of his own twisted views and such can be witnessed under the right circumstances such as being around the undead or spirits including celestial spirits. While he has no issue with a living woman, he possesses an odd fetish for non-human and undead creatures saying their beauty exceeds anything of living flesh. He actually becomes a bit lecherous around these creatures oddly enough. Rather it is the ashen flesh, or perhaps it is their uniqueness. The reason for this is something that he doesn't fully comprehend or understand. Another instant in which tidbits of his true personality can be witnessed by others in his day to day life is when other individuals disrespect the dead in front of his eyes, demean his research to create human life with his own hands, or demean his research into the source of all magic. Tiny bits of his anger can be seen by others and he reacts violently to them. Or if they are lucky, he will simply attempt to explain to them the glory of his research or why an individual should respect the life.

    As A Mage:

    Defined as an individual who undertakes creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge including knowledge of humans, culture, and society, and then use this stock of knowledge to devise new applications, Gennady Vinn takes the role of researcher when it comes to his use of magic both in his daily life and in combat situations. He is calm and collected in the face of adversity or when challenged by another individual. However, he has a habit of over-analyzing a situation due to his interest in both the magic and the soul of the person or people he is facing battle.

    Gennady Vinn also possesses an additional quirk in the form of being  “honor-bound” when the situation meets his fancy. He won’t attack foes who he deemed too weak and even spare them. However this dependent on the situation or rather if his own interests at the moment require the person to live or to die. Gennady Vinn also possesses a bad habit of allowing his targets to show their full power to him. This means he will allow a foe to buff themselves up or heal themselves before fighting him. Despite this, he isn’t above petty tricks and such if he knows that the situation is not advantageous to him or if he doesn’t feel like dealing with a full on engagement with an individual. He also has a bad habit of collecting dead bodies on the battlefield in order to fuel his research. When facing an individual who has lost his interest, he casts them off like the insignificant fly that the individual is or he attempts to put them in their place like a tyrant.

    While working underneath another individual, Gennady Vinn’s mannerisms remain remotely the same for the general part. He is polite and formal to the person in charge and will do what has been requested of him as long as he has the freedom to do his research or rather analyze anything that peeks his immediate interest. However, if his life is the immediate danger he has no qualms of abandoning a mission or job for the sake of his own survival. This bit extends to when he is a leader of a group. He will lead the group to the best of his abilities attempting to ensure their survival to the highest degree. But when push comes to shove, he will not sugar coat the fact their lives are in their own hands. Despite this still, Gennady Vinn has a bit  of medical experience due to his research and his magic. This enables him to heal light injuries and perform emergency care if the situation arrives for such a thing.


    • Baked Desserts: Gennady Vinn possesses a borderline obsessive desire for sweets. In particular, he is a fan of baked sweets such as cakes, pies, and other pastries. His favorite among these lines of sweets is a unique cake is a plain cake with a brand vanilla whipped topping which acts as the topping or icing and has a strawberry on top. The exact name of this cake always eludes him causing him to have to describe the cake to others including to the individuals who run the bakery which he is fond of and is a regular customer.
    • Books: A bookworm is depicted as an individual who is devoted to the pursuit of the printed word or an individual who spends a great deal of their time studying books. Gennady Vinn is no different than your classical bookworm finding comfort in the printed word enjoy both works of fiction and works of nonfiction. However, his preference is nonfiction due to his innate desire to understand more about the natural and magical world around him. Because of this, Vinn can normally found with a tome or book in his general possession either reading it or just having it on his person at any time.
    • The Undead/Monsters: Gennady Vinn possesses a fondness of the undead and such to the point where it is akin to love. This twisted and perverse fondness can range from just pure respect for the dead, due to the fact that he uses the deceased in his research, to the point where it is a sensual desire toward them as well. At times, he can be seen talking to them like they were living. Some of the things that he converses with them about range from how they died, his plans for them, or how beautiful he thinks they are. This fondness, however, doesn’t just include the undead. He can be seen doing the same thing to monsters other creatures that he deems as being beautiful.
    • Music: Defined as the either vocal or instrumental or the combination of both in a such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion, Gennady Vinn finds great enjoyment listening to the lovely sounds of most music while his favorite being the music of classical origins. While he finds enjoyment in the sounds, Vinn has also learned to the play the violin to a certain degree. He is no maestro or master of the instrument, but his skills with the stringed instrument are nothing to scoff at or ignore for he has been told that his music is capable of evoking a variety of emotions within people.


    • Individuals Who Sell Their Souls: There aren’t many things that Gennady Vinn finds wonderful in the world or obtains his interest in some sort of way. However, there are a few things that he has a particular disdain toward. Individuals who fail to realize the importance of their soul or would sell it without a second thought sicken him to a maddening degree. The actions he takes toward these individuals is dependent on his mood at the moment. Therefore, his actions could range from attempting to murder said individual or an attempt to lecture them on the importance of their soul. He would remind them in this instance that now their future is lost for something as petty as a moment of revenge and the like.
    • Those Who Disrespect The Dead: There aren’t many things that Gennady Vinn finds wonderful in the world or obtains his interest in some sort of way. However, there are a few things that he has a particular disdain toward. Individuals who fail to realize the importance of their soul or would sell it without a second thought sicken him to a maddening degree. The actions he takes toward these individuals is dependent on his mood at the moment. Therefore, his actions could range from attempting to murder said individual or an attempt to lecture them on the importance of their soul. He would remind them in this instance that now their future is lost for something as petty as a moment of revenge and the like.
    • Those Who Fail To Understand The Importance Of His Research: There aren’t many things that Gennady Vinn finds wonderful in the world or obtains his interest in some sort of way. However, there are a few things that he has a particular disdain toward. Individuals who fail to comprehend the importance of his research or the reason behind it. Humans who fail to understand the desire to create and experience what deities and such have been experiencing for eons. Or the learn what is the true source of magic which has been eluding us for all of this time after being lost to the ever-flowing of time. Like with a number of other things that irk him to a significant degree, the actions he takes is dependent on  his mood at the moment.
    • Losing His Freedom: Freedom. The freedom to choose and follow his own path in life. This type of freedom is something that Gennady Vinn values greatly and the thought of someone else making decisions for him and choosing how he should live his life. Something like that is one of the few things he hates the most. He prefers to act in accordance with his own wishes and desires. Rather they make him a hero or a villain.


    • Baked Desserts: Gennady Vinn possesses a borderline obsessive desire for sweets. In particular, he is a fan of baked sweets such as cakes, pies, and other pastries. His favorite among these lines of sweets is a unique cake is a plain cake with a brand vanilla whipped topping which acts as the topping or icing and has a strawberry on top. The exact name of this cake always eludes him causing him to have to describe the cake to others including to the individuals who run the bakery which he is fond of and is a regular customer. This love of sweets has become so strong that heading to the bakery and tasting their sweets has become part of his daily life and one of his motivations for getting up in the morning. When this actually occurred is still eludes him to this day, but it is a habit that he hasn't been able to quit nor does he want to.
    • Knowledge: Knowledge is defined as facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education or as the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. Gennady Vinn is driven by the desire to obtain as much information about the world around him so he may eventually understand the inner workings of the universe itself. This thirst for knowledge is tainted a bit by the fact he understands that knowledge equals power which causes hi
      m to act as a broker of information to a certain degree in order to obtain a bit of standing but normally monetary wealth obtained.
    • True Magic/One Magic: Magic is the power of influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces, and is a practice that has become commonplace in the world. Despite this fact, the true source of all magic has been lost to the world or only a few know of the truth. Gennady Vinn is motivated to ascertain the truth behind all magic and discover the source known as One Magic. The magic that leads to all others in the world.
    • Creation: Creation is defined as the act of producing or causing something to exist. Gennady Vinn is driven by an innate desire to experience the joy of creation that only deities have been able to undertake for millennia. He desires to be able to create human life with his own hands that function completely and normally. However, he hasn’t been able to create or replicate the key component of what makes a human being, a human being. This component is their soul.


    • Termination/Death: Death is defined as the irreversible cessation of all vital functions especially indicated by the permanent stoppage of the heart, respiration, and brain activity. Gennady possesses an innate fear of death or rather an innate fear of true death which is the end of his existence in all forms both physically and spiritually. There is no reincarnation. There is no being brought back to the realm of the living. It is just the end. When he thinks of this possible ending, it fills him with a bit terror and anxiety. This reaction to true death is perhaps one of the few things that make him truly human or rather forces him to realize there is no true thing as immortality in the world.
    • Becoming Soulless: The soul is referred the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being, animal, demon or god which is the essence of any creature and links them to this world. Gennady Vinn fears the idea of losing his soul almost as much as true death. The reason for this fear is to be subjected to the desires and wishes of another regardless of his own free will and losing himself to another person and not being able to rejoin the cycle of life and death. This cycle of life and death is that Vinn believes in is that a person dies and is reincarnated in time.
    • Inability To Continue His Research: One of the most precious treasures in the world to Gennady Vinn is the research on both constructing a functioning human soul and determining the source of true magic. His inability to gather souls and corpses and not be able to continue his research is something he dreads and fears. Due to the fact, he has dedicated most of his being toward these two topics of research and much more.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 144 lbs.
    Hair: Blonde
    Eyes: Light Blue
    Skin Tone: Fair
    Appearance: A male of average stature, Viktor Gennady Vinn possesses the traditional lean and muscular build of men that are showcased on a calendar or in a magazine, despite a lot of  unhealthy foods he consumes on a daily basis.  His hair is blonde and well kept. His eyes are a light blue while his skin possesses a fair complexion.

    While located in his work environment or while outside, Vinn can be seen wearing black oxford loafers as part of his work attire. He dons a white suit that covers his legs and his torso. Around his waist is a black tool belt , Underneath the white suite jacket is a black shirt and white tie. On each of his hands, Sergei wears black gloves. While outside of his work environment, Sergei still wears his signature black loafers.


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: Vinn’s guild insignia or tattoo is located on the top of his right hand in bright red hue.
    Rank: C
    000 WORDS FOR TAGGED ― notes go in here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nec nunc sit amet ante lobortis viverra. Sed pellentesque, nisi ac volutpat bibendum, diam ante bibendum odio, eu aliquam metus felis a arcu. Nulla facilisi. Nunc tempor neque nec tristique dapibus.


    : Magic : Vault :Plot And History [In Progress]

    Jobs: D : 6 | C : 0 | B : 0 | A : 0 | S : 0 | SS : 0 | 10y : 0 | 100y : 0

    Current EXP Total: 150
    Total EXP Needed To Rank Up: 1200

    Viktor Gennady Vinn Empty Re: Viktor Gennady Vinn

    Post by Guest 11th November 2016, 9:10 am

    Viktor Gennady Vinn AESz729

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 5:27 am