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    Haruhi Gushiken


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Curse Of Oni
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    Haruhi Gushiken  Empty Haruhi Gushiken

    Post by Shakil 3rd June 2016, 11:19 pm

    Name: Haruhi 'Xing-Aku' Gushiken
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Birthday: 1/12
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Special Characteristics:

    • Multiple Personality Disorder (DID):

    Haruhi has the unique disorder of Dissociative Identity Disorder, otherwise known as DID or Multiple Personality Disorder. Due to his troubling and traumatic past of sexual enslavement and human auctioning, a second personality had been birthed from the trauma.

    Though the second personality is noticeable at times, it sneaks into his everyday behavior when he approaches topics relevant to his forced behavior or anything relevant to his past. Things as simple as romance, love, children, inferiority, superiority and sexual behavior. Of course, only those observant of his character can notice the change in personas. Otherwise, his sneaky and sadistic personality is often well hidden in his everyday life.

    Haruhi Gushiken  Title454042388
    A dove chirping so lovingly in the day, who couldn't love this little bird?...

    A peace loving, chipper man, Haruhi has a cheerful personality. He is very strong-willed and is not afraid to speak his mind; these traits define him as a straight-forward person. It was this very straight-forward and bold personality that established his self-esteem and confidence in the first place. He can get very enthusiastic about most things that catch his eye and if there is something that remotely interests him, he will instantly act upon and pursue those feelings.

    In more situations than not, Haruhi is probably one of the most social people you could meet. Is he an extrovert? No, no. Introverted if anything, and prefers keeping to himself and his family if anything, but he sees it as no pain to reach out to people when you get bored. No sound than the sound of laughter and happy moments brings a more loving ring to his ears. He can be quite pushy in some situations, especially when others doesn't share an opinion with him, which can be seen as rudeness by some people. But it's his childlike persona breaking through his mouth. Additionally, Haruhi lacks manners to some extent, as he frequently speaks with his mouth full, and tends to be very noisy and untidy around his friends and family. Haruhi also has a certain rebellious side, as he insists to sneak into areas, trick, prank, and whine to get what he wants. He still acts very much child-like and has nothing against some of the most embarrassing acts. Of course, this depends.

    He is shown to be sly in some way and above all, stubborn, especially when it comes names. More often than not, Haruhi finds himself assigning others cute nicknames, much to many's dismay.  Haruhi's not particularly gifted in arts and can be very intrusive. Although he often thinks of unconventional and strange methods to solve relatively simple problems, his eagerness always influences the situation to work to his favor.

    Haruhi is a friendly and considerate guy, who is always concerned about his friends' welfare. Due to his caring personality, he is often seen with a gentle smile on his face. However, he is rather weak-hearted and can get scared easily, when he gets scared he tends to hide behind others or cling to items in some way, making him vulnerable to the simplest of eerie situations. Additionally, not fond of silence when it's not appropriate to his comfort.

    While he can be very serious in dire situations, Haruhi is actually rather playful and mischievous. This may be observed in his various dialogue, where he teases and amuses the people he interacts with. Haruhi is also known to go out of his way to repay those whom he feels indebted to, even if they have only performed a small favor for him.

    Haruhi is also a little bit of narcissist, spending much of his free time carefully grooming himself. Proud of his charming looks, Haruhi shows it off to everyone he meets, even letting them touch it to gauge how silky it is for themselves.

    And much like the white dove, comes the black swan...

    In regards to his disorder, in his everyday life, another persona slips into his behavior. This personality of his, self-referred to as the black swan, is the behavior that slips out with a superiority-complex. In this state, Haruhi sees the world in two parts. But open minded to diversity.

    This aspect of Haruhi exposes his exotic tastes and neglected sadistic attributes. Though many of these aspects may come off as mild, Haruhi would act but the opposite of his other personality. Elegant and assertive, cold and apathetic. Patient but erotic to bloodshed and pain to others in general. A lot may see this part of him as distasteful, but only a select few can notice the mild changes in his everyday behavior. Regardless, in both personas, he can be seen as hopelessly clumsy, though very accurate and precise. These traits give this aspect of Haruhi a more fearful and manipulative

    Otherwise, this persona can come off as overly feminine and seductive, flirty, if you will. Though tending to look down at others, only to a select group of people do the two personalities merge together. This personality often reigns dominant in serious situation and combative scenarios, due to his sadistic taste, he has leeway for leadership as long as his craving for battle are satisfied. Which, to some extent, makes him more or less obedient under any leadership.

    Contrary to his serene appearance and status as a noble, Haruhi, in this aspect, is very flamboyant, peppering his speech with unusual phrases and overall excitable charm. Which is often mistaken for his main personality.

    Haruhi Gushiken  Title255825390

    • White Animals: Particularly white tigers, swans, and doves, Haruhi has the strange attraction to white animals, as it is a mutual attraction. He is often seen alone with birds and other animals, enjoying these periods of peace and isolation.

    • Sweets & Treats: Having the natural sweet tooth, Haurhi is often seen filling himself with an abundance of sweet treats or snacks. However, he lacks temperance and often can't resist himself from eating some, often giving him cavities and other painful struggles.

    • Reading: Although this belongs to his second personality, Haruhi enjoys indulging himself in a good book at times of solitude.

    • Fashion: This pertaining to both personalities, both have a taste in fashion and always make an effort to look good for the public eye, while his secondary personality tends to look good everywhere and always, Haruhi mainly does not pay it mind when at home.

    • Women: Now, mainly Haruhi isn't much of a womanizer, but sometimes catches their eyes with his childlike and 'adorable' behavior. Regardless, he finds himself drawn to women for fun.


    • Bitter Treats: This was to be expected, though he finds a tolerance for them in his other personality, Haruhi typically avoids these sort of dishes and beverages.

    • Responsibility: This mainly applies for both characters, though he at first appears to be a rather easygoing character, he is very strict on himself when it comes to his duties as a friend and person, though typically not enjoying it as a duty and not a personal ambition.

    • Removal of Simplest Pleasures: This goes without saying that Haru does not like living with strict schedules or duties, that being said, enjoys life's simplest delights and despises the idea of it being stripped from him.


    • The Thrill of Battle: Haru finds that his greatest willpower is pulled from the enchanting sensation of bloodshed. Whichever form it may be. Bloodshed would also entice this pinnacle of willpower.

    • Life & Death: Experiencing life and death situation every single day as a adolescence, Haruhi has learned that chances to life are not given, but earned. He believes that a constant display of strength and fair morals will earn him these chances, and feels a obligation to test others if they are worthy of such an opportunity. Strictly for his secondary persona.

      He sees both life and death as beautifully cruel things in of themselves, cherishing each one of them.

    • Companionship: Ever since he was younger, Haru has strived for greatness to protect his own glory and to inspire others’. But along the way, despite his confidence in independence, he yearns for protecting those he cares about.


    • Gore: It is a disgusting thing, and he can hardly stomach it. He often panics. Strictly for his primary persona.

    • Death: He isn't afraid of death, but dying with regrets. Whatever they may be.

    • Starvation: Living with illness and little food as a teenager, he has grown and developed a mild fear of starving.

    General Appearance

    Haruhi Gushiken  Title132777444
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 126 Lbs
    Hair: Snow-White
    Eyes: Fluorescent Yellow
    Skin Tone: Pale
    Appearance: Haruhi is typically seen wearing long white robs and shawls, as if to represent the concept of a swan, adorned with other small details such as cotton, gold chains and metallic plates that cover the majority of his outer thighs. Otherwise, he is seen wearing traditional japanese clothing, if not what's 'in trend'.


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: Belly of the character, pure white.
    Rank: D-Rank
    Edward Von Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 341
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: TakeOver: Angel Soul
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Haruhi Gushiken  Empty Re: Haruhi Gushiken

    Post by Edward Von Aurence 4th June 2016, 3:09 pm

    Tears flow forth my eyes as the only female character of yours is dead. But I must approve this character nonetheless. Approved by Vinn.


    : Magic : Vault :Plot And History [In Progress]

    Jobs: D : 6 | C : 0 | B : 0 | A : 0 | S : 0 | SS : 0 | 10y : 0 | 100y : 0

    Current EXP Total: 150
    Total EXP Needed To Rank Up: 1200

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:34 pm