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    Find this book (mission): Giyo


    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
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    Find this book (mission): Giyo Empty Find this book (mission): Giyo

    Post by Crocodile 11th January 2013, 5:27 pm

    Giyo,simply with just himself,no bags,no pets,no company.Arriving at Peace Village,Giyo wondered how fast the train that he went the village by could be.Giyo looks around,the peaceful aura the village is giving off attracts him."Well,this calm place is perfect for one thing;a BATTLE!!"Giyo said to himself.He then gives out a sigh."Sometimes,I do really need to throw away this dire need for a battle.It's troubling,at times"He said while scratching his head.

    Walking around the village,Giyo had his attention focused at an old lady.She was sitting on a bench outside her house,just beside the front door.The old lady was reading a book,which kinda reminds Giyo of his job."Well,it does say here that the client loves reading books,and that she is old."Giyo thought to himself while checking the job poster again.Wanting to ensure that he is looking at the right person,Giyo approaches the old lady.

    "Hey ther-"Giyo did not have the chance to finish his sentence,as the old lady suddenly points a sweep at him,threatingly."Stay where you are,young man!" the old lady seems to be panicking."Maybe she thought I am some kinda bad guy,"Giyo thought,while wondering if his face is threatening enough to be thought a bad guy.


    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
    Position : None
    Posts : 437
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Find this book (mission): Giyo Empty Re: Find this book (mission): Giyo

    Post by Crocodile 11th January 2013, 5:46 pm

    "Now now,old lady,calm down,"Giyo said,while shoving the sweep away from him."Are you the one who requested for this?"Giyo showed the poster to the old lady,hoping that she would still remember applying for that job request."Well," The old lady examined the poster, "Yes I think I did."."Whew,thank god you remember." Giyo,relieved that the old lady is finally calming down,proceeds to introduce himself. "Hello,I'm Giyo Graphfey,and I'm from Fairy Tail! I'm here to complete your request!"

    The old lady seems to be surprised."This mission is only for low-ranked mages.You seems strong,so why are you doing this kind of job instead??" The old lady asked."Well,actually..I'm still a low-ranked mage."Giyo said dissappointingly."However,completing this request is now my top priority.So,tell me about this book you want me to find."Giyo continued.

    "Well,you got plenty of spirits there," the old lady said.The old lady then proceeds to invite him into the house,to have som tea,before letting him go for the request."So,this is where you live?Nice place!" Giyo commented.It was not too big,as it was not too small.There seems to be a bed for two nearby."You married?Where's your husband?Well,You guys should be pretty old,so I don't expect you guys to still be working."The old lady,while pouring tea into a small cup,replied "Well,I USED to.But,he died first." Giyo,shocked,replied with guilt "I'm sorry,I didn't know." The old lady ,handing over the cup of tea,her expression says that it's okay.


    Find this book (mission): Giyo Izumok12

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Find this book (mission): Giyo Empty Re: Find this book (mission): Giyo

    Post by Crocodile 11th January 2013, 6:01 pm

    "Now,let me tell you about the book I'm searching for." The old lady started to get serious."Well,the book's name is 'The Magic Awakens'.I don't know how,but there's a humor on that book,and it is still going on." Giyo,getting interested,sips the tea,replying "A humor?Well,that takes this request to a whole new level.What does the humor say?"The old lady,seemingly a bit relaxed, replied in a calm tone. "I don't recall what the humor says,but I do remember something about 'The dead shall be revealed' part of the humor.It says that there's a secret sentence in the book,hidden in a page,and it is unknown what the sentence do.But,it is written in an ancient language."

    "'The dead shall be revealed?' The hell does that mean??" Giyo thought to himself,having finally using his mind for something else rather than a battle."So where do I find this book??In a sacred place?A cave?Ancient ruins?" The old lady smiled, "In the library nearby.They should have it." Giyo was shocked. "Library?Who the hell puts a magical book in a library??" Again,Giyo thought to himself.

    "Yes.But unfortunately,the libraby is facing a little bit problem." The old lady continued,not wanting to pause to see Giyo's facial expression. "Kids are now messing around the library,making it difficult to search for even a comic.Kids nowadays," the old lady gives out a sigh as she talked."Well,they're just kids,what could possibly go hellish?And there ain't no monsters to be fought,so I think it's ok." Giyo said,wanting to ensure the difficulty level of this request,which is his first job.


    Find this book (mission): Giyo Izumok12

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
    Position : None
    Posts : 437
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
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    Find this book (mission): Giyo Empty Re: Find this book (mission): Giyo

    Post by Crocodile 11th January 2013, 6:13 pm

    "Alright then,I better get going! Thanks for the tea." Giyo said as he waved at the old lady.Wanting to finish this fast,Giyo proceeds by rushing towards the library.Along the way,he could see people on vacation,working mages,and even mages with pets. "Ugh..pets.." Giyo said in a sick tone,having remembered how allergic he is towards pets.On the way,he saw a group of kids playing around,running and chasing,thus making a small and lovely ruckus."Kids,"Giyo sighed,not wanting to be distracted by how puny can they be.

    Arriving in front of the library's entrance,Giyo stopped running."Well,I guess this is the place the old lady was talking about." Giyo entered the library.The door creaked by each push he gives onto the door.The library is empty,except that there are two persons,possibly librarians,sitting on the counter."Hey,I need your help," Giyo said,while approaching them."I'm looking for a book,and it's titled 'The Magic Awakens'.Do you have it here?" Giyo continued.

    One of the ladies,possibly interested in serving Giyo that evening,stood up,replying "Well,we do,but there seems to be a bit of a problem here," Giyo then cuts the sentence by saying "Kids are messing around with the books,right?" The lady seems shocked. "Well,yes,it's true." "Well,whatever.Just let's help me find it." Giyo continued,not wanting the kids to be a source of a trouble for him to find the book and complete the request."Well then,if you say so.This way,please," The lady said in a soft tone.


    Find this book (mission): Giyo Izumok12

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
    Position : None
    Posts : 437
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Find this book (mission): Giyo Empty Re: Find this book (mission): Giyo

    Post by Crocodile 11th January 2013, 6:30 pm

    "Well,here we are." The lady brought Giyo to a hall,with its size doubles the size of the old lady's house."Well,I'll search here,and you search there,okay?"Giyo started giving commands.The lady accepted and went to the other side to find it.Starting with the leftmost shelf,Giyo started examining the book's title,one by one."Well,I hope those kids didn't hide it anywhere far.Don't want to waste too much time in this place." Giyo said,intending to leave as soon as he could,as he dislikes books.

    "the magic..the magic...the magic...Dammit,these kids are good hide and seek players!Giving me troubles,dammit." Giyo commented,as he is now starting to get stressed.As he continued searching,a book with a very weird writing took Giyo's attention."Hm..Wonder what this book means.The writings seems to be in an ancient language format." Giyo examined the book,its cover being plain red.Clueless,Giyo decide to call for the librarian for help.

    "Ah,this is it!" the lady shouted."That's the book?Well,that was easy,"Giyo is relieved,having finally found the book."Now let me bri-," Giyo's sentenced,unfinished as a kid went on and grabbed the book away."DAMMIT! KID GIVE IT BACK!!" Giyo shouted,pissed off.He is now planning to use his magic to chase the kid.


    Find this book (mission): Giyo Izumok12

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
    Position : None
    Posts : 437
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
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    Find this book (mission): Giyo Empty Re: Find this book (mission): Giyo

    Post by Crocodile 11th January 2013, 6:47 pm

    "You twerp,get back here!" Giyo,still shouting for the kid."Uhm,honestly,I don't think that kid WILL stop.You might want to chase him." Giyo,wanting to wait no more,unleashes his magic."You forced me,kid." Giyo said as a blue-ish purple colored magic circle spurts out of his legs.

    "Stop right there!!" Giyo shouted as he launches himself towards the kid using his Gravity Manipulation spell.Easily catching on the kid,Giyo grabs him by the shoulders,making the kid stop."Now,hand over that book,I need it." Giyo stopped,releasing the kid's shoulder.The kid,seemingly wanting to hand over the book,revealed that it was only a feignt as he suddenly continued running.

    "Sheesh.Come on." Giyo used his GM spell to make to kid stop running.The gravitational pull on the kid's legs are too powerful for him to move it away from the ground,freezing him."Now,seriously hand over the book.I've had enough of this game."The kid smirked,having another plan on his side.He suddenly throws the book towards the front door.Giyo,shocked,turns away to catch a glimpse on the flying book,only to see it snatched away by a group of kids.


    Find this book (mission): Giyo Izumok12

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Find this book (mission): Giyo Empty Re: Find this book (mission): Giyo

    Post by Crocodile 11th January 2013, 7:01 pm

    "AH! KIDS!" Giyo shouted,as he start chasing the kids."Thanks for the help!" Giyo shouted towards the librarian,while chasing for the kids."I never thought kids could give me this much trouble!DAMMIT!" Giyo said,while rushing in an incredible pace.Giyo,well known by his intensive training,finds running at a pace like that easy,as a piece of cake,as people refers to it.

    Giyo is now catching on to the kids,still running in the same pace."Stop giving me troubles,KIDS!"The kids,suddenly agile,jumps over walls and sets some blockages on his way.Giyo,managing to jump over the obstacles,continues running,now with increased pace and speed."Tch,kids,i'll teach you a lesson!"

    Giyo,finally managing to get himself in front of the kids,stopping them by another GM pull force."Dang,these kids are making me use my magic!" Giyo thought to himself,now starting to feel tired."Now,give me that book." Giyo said while seizing the book from one of the kids' hands."I wonder how can kids like you guys give people so much trouble?" as he says that,the kids started crying.


    Find this book (mission): Giyo Izumok12

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
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    Find this book (mission): Giyo Empty Re: Find this book (mission): Giyo

    Post by Crocodile 11th January 2013, 7:14 pm

    "Whoa! Stop crying kids,you are BOYS! you're not some wimpy girls!"Giyo shouted,wanting to make them stop."We just want to have fun..*sob*..but.." one of the kids replied.Giyo continued, "Well,there is some other way to have fun.You just have to think of it yourselves." Giyo said,wanting to console them. "Just make sure you don't give people any troubles anymore,okay?" The kids nodded,and walked away,smiling happily.Giyo,glad that the chase is finally over,heads back to the library to borrow the book,not wanting to be called a book robber.

    "Hey, I'm back." Giyo said as he entered the library.The previous lady,amazed,replied "Well,that was fast.So,what now?" Giyo continued, "Well,I don't want to be called a book criminal,so I came back to borrow this book." The lady then said "Well,you can have it,since the library is closing forever,anyway," Giyo,shocked,asked the lady "And why is that? The lady again,replied,"Well,the owner,an old lady,died recently,so we're going to shut this library down because no one will be giving away books anyway,as the owner loved reading books."

    "Old lady?" Giyo,seemingly suspicious,starts to remember the old lady that requested this job.After thanking the librarian,the other one seems to be gone,Giyo rushes to the old lady's house."Old lady..??I'm back with the book!" Giyo said,wanting to call out the old lady for her desired book.


    Find this book (mission): Giyo Izumok12

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
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    Find this book (mission): Giyo Empty Re: Find this book (mission): Giyo

    Post by Crocodile 11th January 2013, 7:25 pm

    "So,you finally got it??" The old lady suddenly appeared,shocking Giyo."Well,here's the book you wanted.But,before that I would like to ask a question," Giyo continued, "I wonder if i can join you to read this book,you know,to uncover the humor.." Giyo requested.The old lady nodded,then started to open the book."Here,the secret sentence is here,and it DOES mean 'The dead shall be revealed'," The lod lady explained,Giyo nodding.

    The old lady started reading it, "The dead shall be revealed!" Giyo,expecting something magical to happen,scratches his head as nothing did happen."Well..??" Giyo questioned "It doesn't work then??" Giyo frowned,too bad.The old lady then handed the book over to him "You read this."

    Giyo,shocked,started to read it."Well..'the dead shall be revealed.'"suddenly,the book starts shaking.Beams of light spurted out of the book."What the..!??" The old lady smiled,she can finally tell the truth.


    Find this book (mission): Giyo Izumok12

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Feline Sense
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    Find this book (mission): Giyo Empty Re: Find this book (mission): Giyo

    Post by Crocodile 11th January 2013, 7:36 pm

    The light shone on the old lady."Hey,what's happening??" the lights shining on the old lady,seemingly making her transparent."I can finally rest in peace."
    The old lady said,making everything makes sense now."I knew it.You are th owner of the library,right?That's why you knew so much about the library." "Well,secrets are to be kept,right?" The old lady replied,making Giyo smile."You know,you should tell me earlier."

    The old lady smiled, "I love making people anxious,its my nature," The old lady said,putting a big grin on her face."Thank you,young mage,I owe you a lot." The old lady approaches Giyo,patting his shoulders."Well,job completed then,right?" Giyo smiled as the old lady slowly vanishes.

    That evening,Giyo walked home back to his guild with a smile.He now understands more about life.With the book on his hands,Giyo rushed home,wanting to tell everyone about that story."I'm surely gonna tell them about this!" Giyo said,a big grin on his face.



    Find this book (mission): Giyo Izumok12
    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

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    Find this book (mission): Giyo Empty Re: Find this book (mission): Giyo

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 12th January 2013, 9:38 am



    Find this book (mission): Giyo Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Find this book (mission): Giyo Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Find this book (mission): Giyo Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

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