Fairy Tail RP

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    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
    Position : None
    Posts : 31
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Divine Blessing: Mountain Striker
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill: None

    Flare! Empty Flare!

    Post by Mine 18th May 2016, 11:47 am

    Name: Victoria "Flare" Underwood
    Gender: Female
    Age: Thirteen
    Birthday: January 3rd
    Sexuality: "Sexu-what?" (Asexual)
    Special Characteristics:
    -Her left leg is covered in burn scars up to her knee. These scars are usually covered by bandages.
    -She has a tattoo that covers her whole back.
    -She speaks in an old-style Midi dialect.

    Flare is a studious person by nature and was deemed a prodigy by her former master. She enjoys reading and learning more than anything. If one were to look for her, a library would be the best place to check. Despite her love for learning, she is not anti-social at all. Flare likes to kind other people, especially other mages, to talk to. In fact, she sees human sources as the best form of education. She can act either calm or aggressive depending on the situation. True to her appearance though, Flare is very childish in they way she acts and handles things. She has been known to hold grudge over the pettiest of things like people forgetting her name. Flare grew up in a small town where she knew just about everyone. Because of this, she is quick to trust and easy to fool. The young girl also has an innocent and forgiving heart. In spite of all this, it should be noted that this girl is very destructive. She enjoys using her fire magic as much as she can, even when one would seem it inappropriate. Flare has burned down more structures than she can count, and is usually very sorry only after the fact. She also had the tendency to be overdramatic while preforming everyday task due to her wild imagination. In short, Flare is your typical sweet and smart child who likes to burn things.

    Flare comes likes to have fun while she is in battle but is smart and knows when and where to fight seriously. If she is fighting a weaker with the intention to teach, she holds back. If she is fighting with the intention to neutralize a threat, she acts serious. If she is fighting someone who really isn't a threat, she toys with then a little. It all depends on the situation. Flare doesn't really like to fight with an ally though since she is forced to coordinate her attacks with there’s. It's more of a hassle to her than anything, but if the situation calls for it she won't complain. Fighting directly under a supervisor is just a annoying, but again, if she has to she would show any form of disobedience. Flare has never had to lead anyone in battle since she is still so inexperienced herself, but if she were to do that, it wouldn't be too much of a challenge for her. She would think tactically, and call commands as she saw fit. She is physically weak and has to rely on med to long range attacks to get by. In life or death situations, Flare doesn’t joke around at all. Whether it is her life, or the life of someone else, these are the times that Flare is truly serious. Her mind becomes totally focused on the fight at hand, and she uses only her strong spells to end the fight as quick as possible. She is able to take failure pretty easily compared to most. If she loses a fight (and that person isn’t out to kill) she usually tries to befriend that person in hopes that they will fight again.

    Fire- Flare is a bonafide pyromaniac. She enjoys seeing things burn and has been known to start fires in appropriate places, like in public. Her love for fire started at a very young age, and influenced her to become a fire mage.

    Sweets- Flare is a major sweet tooth. Despite her slim build, she consumed an unhealthy amount of sugar daily. She grew up eating nothing but tasteless food as a younger child, so when she finally had enough money to buy junk food on a daily basis, she got addicted.

    Magic- Although fire magic is her favorite type, she is fascinated with all forms of magic. When she was a child she would constantly read about different types of ancient and lost spells. She had both a general understanding, and appreciation for all forms of magic.

    Reading- Tends to read a lot of history and magic related books, but her taste doesn't stop there. She enjoys all kinds of books, from non-fictional autobiographies to fantasy light novels and everything in between.

    Compliments- Who doesn't like to be complimented for there hard work? Differently not Flare. In fact, she sometimes gets disappointed when her hard work goes unnoticed.

    Dark Mages- She feels like dark mages gives magic in general a bad name. To her, magic is something that should be used to better the lives but worsen them. She can't stand it when someone abuses their magic her malevolent reasons.

    Curses- These things can't even be considered magic. They bring nothing but illness and devastation. Though she had never really seen one in real life, she had read enough about them to absolutely hate them.

    Arrogant People- She doesn't like to feed other peoples ego, so she usually disregards people with big heads.

    Murderers- Flare values human life above all other things. Whether it be sanctioned executions, or cold blooded murders, she hates the idea of somebody taking the life or someone else. The only time killing someone is acceptable to her is in self-defense, but even then should would rather look for an alternative.

    Being treated like a child- She is aware of the fact that she is younger than most mages, but still hates to be treated like a child. When people comment on her appearance as childish, or make fun of her height, it usually puts her in a bad mood. This ties in with her dislike for arrogant people.

    Knowledge- She wishes to know more about magic and the world around her. She one day hopes to know more about magic than anyone else in the world.

    Become a well known Mage- Her love for magic also pushed her to want to become on of the best. She hopes to one day match the skill level of a guild master, or maybe become a guild master herself.

    Teaching- Although she enjoys learning and practicing magic, she feels like her true mission in life is to teach it. She wishes to teach magic to anyone that is willing to learn. Flare feels like everyone deserves a chance to become a mage, no matter who they are.


    Death- It's a basic fear that most people have. Though it doesn't control her life, it should be noted that Flare is truly afraid to die because she doesn't know what happens after death.

    The Unexplainable- If it can't be explained through math, science, logic, or magic that it is truly something to be feared.

    Losing her Magic- Though this might never happen, Flare fears that one day she will wake up and be unable to preform spells. It's a rather silly thing to think about but what if it really happens?

    General Appearance

    Flare! Latest?cb=20160318061237

    Height: 4'7'' (140 cm)
    Weight: 70 lbs (31.7 kg)
    Hair: Short dark brown hair
    Eyes: Crimson
    Skin Tone: Light
    Appearance: Flare is a little girl with a childish build. She usually wears a black cloak with a gold border, choker, witch's hat, fingerless gloves, and carries a black staff. One of her legs is covered in bandages to hide a rather gruesome scar.


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: Red Mark on Right Shin (Covered by stocking)
    Rank: D

    Last edited by Mine on 18th May 2016, 4:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Edward Von Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 341
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: TakeOver: Angel Soul
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Flare! Empty Re: Flare!

    Post by Edward Von Aurence 18th May 2016, 12:57 pm

    Hello, Mine. I shall be the one looking over your application today. The first thing is that I appreciate the humor. Just make sure to put sexuality out to the side. Or if your character isn't interested in relationships just put asexual. You can still keep the humorous part. The second thing that needs to be chance is for your guild that it needs to say "Guildless" Then it will be okay. The reason for this is that guildless the group that you would belong to and such. Just a formality. Change that and you are approved.


    : Magic : Vault :Plot And History [In Progress]

    Jobs: D : 6 | C : 0 | B : 0 | A : 0 | S : 0 | SS : 0 | 10y : 0 | 100y : 0

    Current EXP Total: 150
    Total EXP Needed To Rank Up: 1200

    Lineage : Aspect of Vulcan
    Position : None
    Posts : 31
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Divine Blessing: Mountain Striker
    Second Skill: None
    Third Skill: None

    Flare! Empty Re: Flare!

    Post by Mine 18th May 2016, 4:12 pm

    Edward Von Aurence

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 341
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: TakeOver: Angel Soul
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    Flare! Empty Re: Flare!

    Post by Edward Von Aurence 18th May 2016, 4:54 pm

    Flare! MSY0BoP


    : Magic : Vault :Plot And History [In Progress]

    Jobs: D : 6 | C : 0 | B : 0 | A : 0 | S : 0 | SS : 0 | 10y : 0 | 100y : 0

    Current EXP Total: 150
    Total EXP Needed To Rank Up: 1200

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 5:28 am