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    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll)


    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Empty Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll)

    Post by Guest 9th January 2013, 12:50 pm

    Alice walked up to the front door. She looked at the adress on her job request paper. [color=red]10205 RiverHeart Road.[/color] she looked at the address on the side of the door. Yeah, this is it. she said walking over to one of the rocks in the garden. She lifted it up and Took the key out from the bottom. She walked up to door, unlocking it with the key, and walked inside. She took a few steps in and saw a piece of paper that read, "Dear Mage", She picked up the paper and began reading it.
    Thank you so much for taking up my job. Good help is so hard to find these days. I have been planning this vacation for months, and you arethe first person to actually want to help watch my house while i was away. I will be gone for just the weekend. I left at 3 pm 1/9. If everything went according to plan you should be there about 1 hour after i have left.
    Alice looked at the clock to her right. wow, 4:02, close enough.She exlaimed as she continued reading.
    Now there are some things i would like you to do while iam gone. I have a leaky roof over the upperfloor guest room that i must have fixed, because my inlaws are coming and we must have this perfect. secondly, please kill any flies you see roaming around the housr, the last thing i need is coming home to a house full of dead flys. Lastly, please do watch out for frank, our neigbors dog. I understand that it is hard for you mages but you musent kill him, if he enteres the house please just return him to the neigbors back yard. Once again, than kyou very much for your assitence, and i hope you do a great job.
    From, your client

    Alice put the leter down and looked around. Guess i should get started huh.

    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Empty Re: Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll)

    Post by Guest 9th January 2013, 12:56 pm

    Alice walked up the stairs and looked inside the guestroom. She could see te whole in the cieling that led to the leakyness. Alice took out one of her keys. gate of the gemini, open! gemini appeared and looked at alice. yes ma'am? they asked her. Can you 2 fix the leaky ceiling? she asked them. Gemini shook their heads. They then morphed together to form a construction worker. thank you so much. Gemini shook their head and started getting to work on the roof. Alice was about to ask if they needed help when 5 flys whisped past her head. oh no you dont, she said taking out her whip. She then preseeded down the hall, following after them. she lashed her whip 5 times, once for each fly. She managed to kill 2 of the flys, but the other 3 managed to fly out of way of the hit. Aliced chassed them down the stairs. Why are they so fast!!! she screamed. after about 30 minutes of chasing the flys she sat down. what ever. she said i'll get them next time. then just to teese her they started flying around her head. OK THATS IS! she yelled. i'm so going to kill all of you. she then started chasing them again untill they flew out of an open window. she quickly slammed the window behind them, making sure they couldn't ge back in. AND STAY OUT!!! she yelled. she was about to sit down again when she saw a book sticking out of a book shelf from the cornor of her eye. she walked up to the book. stars of the night sky. she looked around, i dont think i will get in trouble if i sit down for just a second. she said as she started reading the book.

    Last edited by RogueDoll on 9th January 2013, 1:05 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Empty Re: Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll)

    Post by NPC 9th January 2013, 12:56 pm

    The member 'RogueDoll' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) WeakMonster Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) NormalMonster Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) WeakMonster Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) NormalMonster Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) WeakMonster


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Attack Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Miss Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Attack Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Attack Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Attack


    #3 'Block Dice' :
    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) FailedBlock Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Block Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) FailedBlock Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Block Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Block

    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Empty Re: Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll)

    Post by Guest 9th January 2013, 1:16 pm

    Alice realized that the book was a dictionary for the constelations. This is so cool! she exclaimed as gemin came down the stairs. Ma'am they stared off. Yes Gemi, Mini, what is it?
    we are done with the Leaky roof problem.
    Really? thats great. Let me go look. She said as she put the book down, making sure to put a bookmark in place of where she had stopped reading on. She walked up stairs, past gemini. Gemin bowed their head and Alice laughed. you dont have to bow. I tell ou that like every time i summon you. She then continued walking up the stairs. She took a right and walked down the hall, then right into the guest room. She looked at the roof. wow, you cant even tell there was ever a hole up there. She said giving Gemi and Mini her praise. You guys are like, the best construction wokers ever! she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. She walked started walking down the stairs when a giant fly about the size of her hand flew out of know where. Damn it, she said as she chased the fly down the stairs. not this again. She complained. She chased the Fly around for awhil when she took out her whip. She lashed it at the fy but the fly flew een faster, escaping the whip. Why you little pain in my ass! she yelled slamming her whip against the floow 2 more times. Luckly the whip did no damage to the floor, but sadly it didn't hurt the fly either. oh come on! Give me a break!

    Last edited by RogueDoll on 9th January 2013, 1:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Empty Re: Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll)

    Post by NPC 9th January 2013, 1:16 pm

    The member 'RogueDoll' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) NormalMonster


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Attack Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Attack Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Attack


    #3 'Block Dice' :
    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Block Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Block Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Block

    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Empty Re: Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll)

    Post by Guest 9th January 2013, 1:44 pm

    The flies where really annoying Alice off. She started thinking about burning the house down but deep down she knew that was a bad idea. That one big fly now had 2 little buddies. That one fly was now 3 and that annoyed Alice to a whole new level. Alice looked at Gemini. Close! Gemi and Mini looked at their master, Alice. Yes ma'am they sad as they vanashid into smoke. You guys think your so fast? she taunted the flies. I call upon the youthful Princess! she chanted. Andromeda! Adromeda appeared. But she was different. Instead of a kimono, she had on a zip up jacket, and a little white butt shourts. Her red hair was shourter and the top layer was done in a bun. um, what happened... Alice asked her spirit. "What do you mean? i was wearing a kimono becasue before you cam around, i hadn't been summond sense the old world. And kimonos where concidered attractive in the old world, now they are just wierd and unattractive" She looked at Alice. "that reminds me why dont you wear a kimono." Alice was about to argue with Andromida, but then a Fly ran right past her. Andromida, can you please kill those 3. "huh, what ever." she said running up to them with her swords drawn. The 3 flys managed to dadge her first blade, but all got sliced into 2 pieces. "There never let a girl do a job ment for a woment." Andromida taunted as she returned to the spirit world. Alice sat back down with the book. She looked out the window and saw that it was night. its night already? she asked. She looked at the clock. It was 10 pm. the client will be here in like 7 hours, if i want to finish this book i better get reading. she said as she started where she left off.

    Last edited by RogueDoll on 9th January 2013, 1:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Empty Re: Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll)

    Post by NPC 9th January 2013, 1:44 pm

    The member 'RogueDoll' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Attack Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Attack Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Attack Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Attack Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Miss Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Block Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Block Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Block

    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Empty Re: Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll)

    Post by Guest 9th January 2013, 2:21 pm

    Alice fell aleep around 1 am. At 6 am she woke up due to the sun getting in her eyes. huh, i guess i fell asleep. She wondered to herself. She looked at the book. oh, i'm on page 99, i think i remmber seeing that there was only 100 pages in this book. she looked to the back. no, i was wrong, its 1000 pages, not 100. as she slouched in her chair as she looked around. huh, i guess i should get up now, huh. she sniffed herself. ew, i need a bath. she walked upstairs and looked inside the tub, it was spotless. wow, i guess he wouldn't mind if i... she turned on the bath. As it ran she looked at the clock. ok, so its 6:30 , i can finish this bath before he gets here. i mean, he wont be here till like, 12 Alice took off her cloths and got in the bath. this feels so good. she said, slouching down in the bath water. She reached over to turn it off then continued slouching. she fell asleep in the bath water and woke up at like, 11. crap! she yelled. i have like, an hour to get ready! she got out of the bath tub, making sure it was unplugged. She walked over, putting her cloths back on and started drying her hair. She then walked bak down stairs to find that the client was nicking on the door. coming! She opened up the door and the client walked in. "Here you go," he said handing her a giant bag of money. um thank you. she said. can i ask you something?
    "Sure sure, what it is?" the man spoke as if he where beng rushed. That book over there, about the stars, may i borrow it? The man walked over to the book. "This one?" Alice shook her head. well i havn't read this thing sense... actually i havn't read it. You can keep it. he looked around. "Now hurry off before my wifes finds out i hired somebody to watch our house. yes sir aice spoke as she walked out the door. After she walked a few meters away from the house she started reading the book again. After about a mile of walking she got to the last page. what an interesting book. she told her self. Then she shook the book. She wasin the middle of the forest, becasue she new a shourt cut back to Savage skulls. A little key fell out. Is this a celectial key?! she asked herself. She studied it. It wasn't a silver key, or a gold key, it was black. She looked around. might as well give it a try. she stuck the key out infront of her. Black energy covered her body but Alice didn't seem to notice it. I call apon the spirit sealed by hind the gate of this key! the dark energy glowed brighter. please bless me with your apperece, Spirit of the Stars! a giant black creature appeared infront of her.Alices eyes widened at the sigt but only for a few seconds, the black energy died out and Alice laid unconcius on in the forest, as the giant spirit dissapeared back to the spirit world

    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

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    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Empty Re: Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll)

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 9th January 2013, 2:26 pm



    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Misson: Housekeeping (RogueDoll) Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

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