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    The King of Thieves (Private)


    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

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    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

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    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by ZhuFeng 24th April 2015, 8:54 pm


    Zhu sighed as she stood at the edge of the desert that was to be the site of her next job. She hated the desert nothing but heat, sand in every last crevice, and nothing but a total nuisance. However it had gotten considerably worse since her blessing by the scorekeeper. Now her body was more on display than ever and she had a good notion that her skin would be much darker than it currently was. Not only that, but she had a long mane of hair that would attract the sand, and the dirt like no other. Not to mention the sand seemed to get into new places and bring a whole new meaning to the word "torture". She had managed to find a nice boulder to sit on and she went about sharpening her family blade the sound of the whetstone dragging against the metal to make it sing caused her to smile fondly at the blade. She hoped her father was proud of her and her master thought she was worthy of the honor she had been given.

    Currently the warrior was waiting for the partner she had decided to bring with her. Since her return to the guild she knew that she had a mission from the scorekeeper and that was to spread her word. The best way to do that however was to start with those who were close to her. She had already begun with Kihia and her teammate Xavier, and now she was moving onto her next Teammate known as Ni-Ju Hachi. She didn't know him very well, but from his reputation around the guild and the fact that he was a part of her team Clustering Wishes she could and only assumed that he was a mage of some renown and some worth. So here she would wait on the main road before the dirt path turned into nothing but vast expansive desert with a ruined city just on the edge of eyesight.


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    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by Inspirational Quote 26th April 2015, 4:45 pm

    Ni-Ju sat astride the saddle on Sim's gigantic neck, contemplating the job to come, as the larger then life bird slowly began gliding towards the single ant-like figure located at the edge of the sands below. This would be his first time working with Zhu alone and he didn't intend to start it all off with dropping a sandstorm on her head so he signaled Sim to touch down gently a few hundred yards away from the boulder where his team mate sat waiting patiently and dug his feet into the stirrups to brace himself for landing. Ni-Ju cursed himself mentally as he nearly forgot to shield his face and took a healthy sized mouthful of gritty sand as a result.

    Spitting sand profusely and blinking the dust away as well as possible given the circumstances, Ni-Ju unstrapped himself from the tangle of belts and harnesses that kept him from suddenly floating away if a high wind struck and began sliding down Sim's outstretched wing to the safety of the ground below. Once his feet were solidly in contact with the earth again, Ni-Ju brought his fingers to his mouth and loosed a trio of high pitched whistles to tell Sim that he was free to range for food but to stay close by. Warbling his approval in the same manner as most young birds when pleased, Sim launched himself back into the sky and was seen rapidly winging his way to the southern end of valley in search of some incredibly unlucky creature to make a meal of. Ni-Ju brushed himself off to little avail and sighed over the futility of it. Without further adieu, Ni-Ju covered the distance between himself and Zhu and executed a short bow to start things off. "My apologies for taking my time in getting here, I hope you didn't have to wait long." Ni-Ju said in a friendly tone of voice.


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    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by ZhuFeng 26th April 2015, 5:56 pm

    She heard the flapping of wings above her and this caused her to look very confused. She didn't know of anything that was large enough to create such a sound, but as she looked up and saw the rather magnificent bird above her she couldn't help but wonder how many Voin points the beast would be worth. She thought it would drop down on her so she tensed her muscles and got ready to spring, but much to her surprise the avian flew away from her and landed. From it's neck she could glimpse something coming off of the great bird, and as it flew away leaving the other figure behind she couldn't help but wonder who would own such a beast.

    She had her answer soon enough as a youth who could've only been the person she was waiting on made his approach and stood in front of her boulder making a bow and an apology. She slid the whetstone down her blade one last time making the sweet song that all blades made while being sharpened. She then tucked the whetstone into a small pouch made of leather on her hip before she slowly rose to her feet bowing her head "I wasn't waiting long. You must Be Ni-Ju. I am Zhu Feng. Please to meet you. I had no idea you traveled with such class. I'm very impressed. I trust you know our mission. We are not going to have the element of surprise on our side, so I'd suggest we both be ready for a fight." she said as she slowly sheathed her blade before jumping down from the boulder and turning to walk into the desert sighing softly as she looked around "I hate the desert." she muttered to herself.


    Character Info:
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    Inspirational Quote

    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    Age : 33
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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by Inspirational Quote 3rd May 2015, 6:01 pm

    Ni-Ju grinned and straightened back up, eyes aglow with respect for his new compatriot. After all most people who saw his bird brained companion usually ran or at the very least seemed a bit frightened by his presence but Zhu on the other hand had been ready to fight until she had realized that Sim wasn't going to attack. "Very pleased to make your acquaintance as well Zhu. I have taken the liberty of preparing supplies for the both of us should this job prove to be tougher then expected. I hope you don't mind?". With the introductions out of the way, the exotic looking woman sheathed her weapon and began walking towards the relic of a city where their mission awaited. Not one to be left behind Ni-Ju hiked his pack higher up on his shoulders and followed after.

    Arriving at what passed for gates into the city, the duo entered into a place the likes of which Ni-Ju had never seen before. The layout seemed to have been designed by a madman, with buildings haphazardly placed as if some sort of giant child had given his best attempt at building a maze and only afterward decided to instead make it a city. To top it all off the place was covered in enough sand that the first floor of most of the buildings lay at least a few inches below their feet. Turning to face Zhu with one eyebrow upraised sardonically, Ni-Ju asked "Do You want to ring the doorbell or shall I?".


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    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Posts : 541
    Guild : Garou Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
    Third Skill:

    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by ZhuFeng 6th May 2015, 2:52 pm

    She shook her head lightly as they continued to walk towards the ruined city "I don't mind at all. I'm not usually one to bring supplies or the like. I bring water if I think I need it, and here I certainly did. Still beyond that I don't tend to get caught up in preperations. If I'm not good enough to survive without help then the scorekeeper will take points away from the score I rack up while on the hunt. I don't want that." she said with a tone that was more reflective than anything else. As they walked into the ruined city itself she shook her head in disgust. So much sand everywhere, and she didn't know what she would do with all of this disgusting stuff.

    She smiled as she looked at her partner who suggested that she ring the bell. She nodded her head and drew her sword sending a pulse of her own magic into it. Slowly the blade began to change in a cloud of wind and sand. The hilt changed first and it grew stronger in appearance, it's wrapping coming loose and flying about some. The Tsubasa vanishing under a great tuft of fur. The blade itself grew to be more than thrice it's former size and width showing just how powerful it had become. When the transformation was finished the blade was bigger than she was and wider than she was. Yet she easily moved it about with one hand. She gently pressed the flat edge of the blade on her shoulder as she looked at the building that happened to be directly in front of them "The bell has already been rung, and they are coming." she said as the old door burst open and enemies came from it.


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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by NPC 6th May 2015, 2:52 pm

    The member 'ZhuFeng' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    The King of Thieves (Private) StrongMonster The King of Thieves (Private) StrongMonster
    Inspirational Quote
    Inspirational Quote

    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by Inspirational Quote 18th May 2015, 8:22 pm

    Men dressed in the garb of desert dwellers, armed with servicable looking bo staves, flooded out from behind the shattered door to fall upon the pair like a pack of starving jackyls. A high pitched whistling sound caused Ni-Ju to sway backwards, saving him from being nearly brained as the metal capped end of a bo staff swished through the air that his head had formerly occupied. "Not exactly the friendly type are they?" Ni-Ju ventured, drawing the large caliber pistol he kept holstered beneath his vest to block a second attack made before the first had even finished.Using the force of the block to position his weapon in line with his latest assailant, Ni-Ju began rapidly pulling the trigger. Several short rapports from his pistol took the legs out from under his attacker quite nicely and gave Ni-Ju just the space he needed to get through their line and get just a little distance between them and himself. While still fairly mean to fight in short range, it compared nothing to the amount of havoc that the young mage could do from a suitable distance and beside all that he certainly didn't want to get in Zhu's way, with that big sword of her's flying around.


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    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by ZhuFeng 19th May 2015, 12:42 am

    Zhu watched the men come out with almost no emotion on her face instead adopting the still face she was used to. Still as the men closed in and Ni-Ju was forced to back off, but the sound of gunfire caused Zhu to smirk. It would be a perfect battle with her up close and Ni-ju able to cover her with long range this was going to turn into a slaughter. Still she had to make a show and as one attacker began to wind up for a swing she was flowing her magic into her blade. As the magic was sent into it the blade began to slowly become covered in a crystaline substance.

    When the attack came she leapt back out of range with a smirk and slashed her blade in a great arc. From it ten giant shards of crystal rained down onto the enemy. Several enemies were damaged more than once. Three of the wizards including the one who had been dropped by Ni-ju were injured. The one who was already on the ground suffered three of the shards in his body which spelled his end as one was sticking out of his head. Two more magi suffered two crystals each. A leg, the stomach, a shoulder, and the chest. These weren't fatal wounds, but serious enough to cause their ability in combat to suffer to a significant degree. When Zhu landed however she smirked and licked her lips slowly "This had better be fun!!" with that she charged forward slashing her blade down against one of the newly injured opponents only to have a staff block her path. She and the mage traded several strikes before the skull on her eyepatch began to shriek. She didn't do anything but leap away just as a fire ball landed in the spot she had previously occupied. She slowly turned her gaze toward the mage hate filling her eye as she hated all fire magi with a passion, and this would be a merciless slaughter now.



    Character Info:
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    Inspirational Quote

    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by Inspirational Quote 24th May 2015, 5:12 am

    From his position of relative safety, Ni-Ju watched as his partner went to work on their would be attackers, blurring the line between swordsmanship and magecraft with all the predatory grace of a longtime hunter of things far more dangerous then mere desert bandits. Not one to leave all the heavy lifting to someone else, gifted though they may be, Ni-Ju began sighting down the barrel of his weapon. His first shot tore through the hand of a bandit that had mistakenly thought to exploit a percieved opening in Zhu's defenses, sending several of the man's fingers flying up to greet him. A second shot following immediately after went slightly off the mark, taking his intended target high up on his thigh rather then the kneecap that the missile was meant for. Choosing his next target carefully as the first fell to the sands bleeding out, Ni-Ju almost failed to spot that two of the bandits had pulled back once Zhu had begun attacking and positioned themselves behind their brethren. Judging from the fireball that had nearly struck his companion and the ease by which the remaining desert men closed ranks to protect the men who were casting, these fellows had fought mages on more then one occasion and had most likely worked out quite a few strategies on how to deal with magic users of various stripes. Grinning maliciously over the surprise that lay in store for them, Ni-Ju waited until the two men had marshalled their magics for another strike before releasing a bit of his own magic into the fray. Twin fireballs that had probably been intended for Zhu promptly detonated in the outstretched hands of their caster's, throwing the two mages backward a dozen feet with the force of the explosion and setting their robes alight. Fighting off the urge to shout some heroic nonsense, Ni-Ju took aim once more and began raining hell down on the remaining elemental upstarts.



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    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by ZhuFeng 25th May 2015, 2:10 am

    Zhu frowned deeply as she watched the annoying fire wizards began to get more fire spells ready. However their fire attacks were cut short when they suddenly exploded in hand. Zhu glanced back with her good eye to her partner who seemed to be holding his own. It was strange. She didn't think he was a gun mage, or a requip mage like that either, but still she wasn't going to ask questions right now. She looked to the injured mages and shook her head lightly "Ni-Ju. I won't kill those who are not worth voin points. The ones you make incapable of fighting you will have to end. I refuse to." she said loud enough for him to hear. She looked to one of the bandits who was speared by one of her adamantine shards.

    He raised his staff in an atempt to attack. Sadly however he was far too weak to actually pull off a magical attack. Zhu rolled her eyes as she muttered a quick prayer. Then with two swift slashes of her blade the mage's chest was cut open, and so was his neck barely holding his head onto his shoulders. Zhu turned her attention to the remaining bandit magi who were still ready to fight. Of course there were now six men severely wounded, and two burning. She looked to these burning magi as they began to roll on the dessert floor attempting to snuff out the flames. She frowned as she moved to these magi only to be forced to retreat once more by a flaming tornado holding her blade in front of her snarling like an animal "I HATE. FIRE!" She bellowed in anger.

    90% Mana remaining
    Kongosoha (Sword Skill) 1/5 CD remaining
    2/20 enemies slain
    4 enemies now at half health.


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    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by Inspirational Quote 5th June 2015, 3:33 am

    The sound of Zhu's voice reminding him to finish off his targets, snapped Ni-Ju out of the single minded state that he, more often then not, found himself caught up in when trouble began rearing its ugly head. He wasn't exactly sure what "Voin Points" were but finishing what you started was something easy enough to understand and had been drilled into Ni-Ju since his early years spent near the Holy Castle. Training his weapon over those he had wounded, Ni-Ju began to take care of the grisly business at hand. His first three shots took the one handed bandit who had earlier attempted to hit Zhu from behind in the left side of his chest, ushering him from this world in less time then it would have taken to whisper a prayer for his journey to come. The two bandits who had been set aflame were dealt with in a similar manner, each taking several large rending wounds to center mass as they rolled in the sand, trying to put out the flames that threatened to consume them. A squeamish feeling began to make itself known in the pit of Ni-Ju's stomach. Killing a human being wasn't something that made him very comfortable in the best of circumstances but there was no real recourse when dealing with those who had chosen to fall to such a level as these men who robbed others of not only their livelihood but also any possibility of a future. Putting off his darkening thoughts for another sleepless night, Ni-Ju focused his attention on providing the cover that would keep Zhu from being overwhelmed.

    Finished off the three bandits that were wounded by me. Also just wanted to say I am very sorry for taking so long to post in this.


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    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by ZhuFeng 5th June 2015, 11:41 am

    Zhu managed to see the fire and the wind mage who had been working together to create the flaming tornado. There were four magi who were uninjured and still ready to fight. Zhu sighed as she shook her head and sheathed her blade dismissing it from her belt. She then pressed her hands together before pulling them apart to have her favorite weapon form. She gripped the shaft and lifted it up towards the sky before she leveled it and let the lightning bolt from around the blade shoot out towards a mage who was trying to form a fire spell in his hands. The bolt of lightning stopped the spell from happening and this allowed Zhu to close the gap.

    She rushed forward towards her target and slashed the blade of her Kwan Dao along the mage's torso before she simply pulled it back and impaled him upon it. This sent him to the other side and dropped the amount of mage's who could fight them. She wasn't allowed to rest however as the mage who was near the fire mage she had just ended lashed out with his staff. This didn't hinder the warrior at all however as she swung her polearm's blunt end and deflected the strike, but she and this mage were now locked in battle.

    80% Mana remaining
    Kongosoha (Sword Skill) 2/5 CD remaining
    Green Dragon Duration Begin
    Dragon Strike CD Begin
    Enemies slain: 12/20
    Enemies injured: 5
    Enemies at full health: 3

    It's alright IQ I realize you are busy and have things to do. Post as often as you can


    Character Info:
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    Inspirational Quote

    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by Inspirational Quote 12th June 2015, 2:37 pm

    With Zhu busy engaging one of the trio that remained standing, Ni-Ju decided that his covering fire was no longer needed and focused his attention on the two bandits that were still free to act. It was a good thing that he did, because just as his attention shifted, both mages combined their efforts and unleashed a torrent of wedge shaped blades of fire and air in his direction with the clear intent of putting what they deemed to be the weaker of the pair out of the fight permanently. Ni-Ju could have laughed at their sheer stupidity. Apparently they hadn't caught on the first time when he had set their buddies aflame but elemental magic was next to useless against someone like him. Unable to give more warning then a shouted "ZHU, MOVE!!!" after the first blade of super heated air narrowly avoided making him quite a bit shorter, Ni-Ju centered his magic on the blades that were leaving the bandit's hands and let loose one of his more dangerous spells, a macro'ed Firestorm detonation. With a dull "Thud!" noise similar to what you would hear from some sort of large falling object making contact with the ground, the bandit's spells suddenly exploded outward in front of them, forming four tall tornadoes made from pure flame that sucked in the bandits before they could even cry out for help and began tossing the two between them as each firestorm vied for dominance. Holstering his weapon as he went, Ni-Ju ran forward towards the flames to make sure that he hadn't once again harmed his team mate in his haste to stop from being attacked.



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    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior's Heart
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    Mentor : Master Zheng Mao
    Experience : 1287.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requip: The Warrior
    Second Skill: Metamorphosis Magic
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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by ZhuFeng 12th June 2015, 10:32 pm

    As Zhu and the mage were locked in combat they traded blows with almost equal skill. The Fire Mage's were a bit slower however, and he was more on the defensive than Zhu was. Clearly the skill rested with the Warrior of Lamia Scale. As she landed the first slash at the fire Mage's arm she heard the warning. Without a moment of hesitation she slammed the butt of her weapon into the Mage's face forcing him to stumble backwards into the inferno. Meanwhile Zhu was jumping back as quickly as she could in order to avoid being caught up in the four flaming tornadoes. Sadly the injured magi, as well as the one who was Zhu's former opponent weren't so lucky.

    They were all swept up in the inferno. Zhu snapped her gaze to her teammate and trembled as she clutched her weapon. She had never forgotten her injuries brought on by the Fire Mage she had stopped from rampaging and the fact that he had removed her guild crest from her body by burning her torso to a cinders back when she was still a man, and since she had developed a deep hatred for all fire mages. Still there was something off about this particular brand of fire magic that Ni-Ju was using. She would have to talk to him after this battle and she simply looked at the magi that were burning up in the fire tornadoes. She didn't know how long they would last, but she still held her weapon at the ready in case one of the fire mages attempted retaliation, or somehow got free.

    80% Mana remaining
    Kongosoha (Sword Skill) 3/5 CD remaining
    Green Dragon Duration 1/4
    Dragon Strike CD 1/5
    All living enemies are consumed by the fire tornadoes there IQ


    Character Info:
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    Inspirational Quote

    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by Inspirational Quote 20th June 2015, 5:26 pm

    Upon getting closer, Ni-Ju watched as Zhu dispatched the last of their enemies by the simple expediant of slamming the butt of her weapon against his head, causing the bandit to fall back into the flames of his firestorm. Relief flooded the young mage's features as he realized that Zhu hadn't been harmed by his magic. Too many times in the past, he had accidently hurt someone he was working with and the thoughts of his failures still haunted him. Ni-Ju reholstered his weapon as he got within touching distance of Zhu and stopped to watch as the firestorms began burning themselves out, leaving nothing behind but ashes and four large pools of molten glass. Turning to face his partner once the firestorms were no more, he was surprised to find that she was shaking and staring at him with what he had to guess was more then a little fear. He wasn't exactly sure what he had done to provoke such a responce but he immediately felt bad for having done so. After all, so far as he was able to tell the two of them had worked quite well together. Unsure of how to react given the circumstances, Ni-Ju decided to be forthright and just ask."Did I possibly do something to offend you?"


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    The First Kenpachi

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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by ZhuFeng 22nd June 2015, 3:02 pm

    As the firestorms continued on Zhu watched them her eye shifting back to look at the boy who had caused their existence in the first place. She was perplexed she didn't think that his magic was strictly fire magic, but it was definite that he had some ability with it. She would have to know in what capacity he could use fire magic before they could move on. She wouldn't let him burn her up like the mage who had before. It didn't take long for her to notice that he was moving closer to her, but to what end she couldn't be sure. Still she thought it best to diffuse the situation, by dismissing her pole-arm. Now without weapon and within striking distance she looked to her comrade now.

    He asked her a very peculiar question. It was at this point that Zhu realized the boy had no idea about her past, and why should he she hadn't shared it with anyone, nor would she. She sighed as she looked to the puddles of molten glass that were cooling off "Not on purpose. It is an old wound that has caused some resentment. I hate Fire magic. All forms of it. When I was still in my other form most of my skin was burnt and scared due to a fire mage who had lost his wits. He burned my flesh and it was intense. I have never forgotten the pain or anger. Still I shouldn't have taken your use of the magic so hard. I apologize for any offense you may have taken. Just make sure to warn me before you use such spells." She said looking to him hoping that things would work themselves out. After all she wasn't very good at handling situations like this.

    80% Mana remaining
    Kongosoha (Sword Skill) 4/5 CD remaining
    Green Dragon Duration CD 3/7 remaining
    Dragon Strike CD 2/5


    Character Info:
    Inspirational Quote
    Inspirational Quote

    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by Inspirational Quote 1st July 2015, 2:18 am

    Ni-Ju bowed apologetically after hearing Zhu explain a bit about her aversion to fire. "I really am quite sorry about startling you like that, it was not my intent." Given the current set of circumstances, Ni-Ju decided that it probably wouldn't hurt if he shared a little about his magic to help give her a better idea of who she was working with. "Strictly speaking, I am what could be called a counter elementalist. My magic takes any of the base elements such as water or fire and breaks all of the tiny bonds that keep them together, usually just making them explode. It was only recently that I started being able to do a few more things with the elements that I detonate." Ni-Ju nodded toward the piles of glass as an example. "For all the hassle it causes, my detonations have still helped me through a lot of fairly tough spots." The faint sound of a whole lot of booted feet echoed down through the city streets, causing Ni-Ju to cut his explanation short. It seemed as if there first little escapade at getting into the city had not gone unnoticed and reinforcements were on the way. Looking over the large number of incoming bandits, Ni-Ju couldn't help but raise a sardonic eyebrow. "Think they brought enough men?"

    Last edited by Inspirational Quote on 1st July 2015, 2:20 am; edited 1 time in total


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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by NPC 1st July 2015, 2:18 am

    The member 'Inspirational Quote' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    The King of Thieves (Private) WeakMonster


    #2 'Monster Dice' :
    The King of Thieves (Private) NormalMonster


    #3 'Monster Dice' :
    The King of Thieves (Private) NormalMonster


    #4 'Monster Dice' :
    The King of Thieves (Private) NormalMonster

    The First Kenpachi

    The First Kenpachi

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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by ZhuFeng 9th July 2015, 3:34 am

    Zhu sighs heavily as she shakes her head in disgust as she hears all of the footsteps that were coming towards her and her partner. Truly these thieves were starting to get very desperate, and it was going to be quite the battle to get through them all. Still she wouldn't let this deter her. She looked to her partner with a small smile "i'll take the twenty on the right, you the twenty on the left?" she asked with a wicked smile on her face. She inhaled slowly as she felt her body begining to change and morph. Her cells were seperating and growing to cause two appendages to appear on her back. These appendages began to grow and expand in size taking a very familiar shape to some. It wouldn't be until the appendages grew feathers that it would be obvious what they were.

    Her body also began to change becoming slimmer looking and far more agile in appearance. Finally, she stood there looking like some sick twisted angel. She held out her left hand and in it appeared a simple looking katana. In her right hand however a glove appeared over her hand and three triplet blades phased into existance. She looked to her partner and nodded her head lightly "This is where the Blade Angel comes into battle." with that she flapped her wings and took to the air. She flew towards the swordsmen and recruits. As soon as she reached a certain distance she hovered in the air and sent her levetating swords forward in a spining circle and this circle colided with two swordsmen who were stunned by the transformation they had just witnessed and they were cut to ribbons droping dead to the sand under them. Zhu wasn't done there however she launched herself towards a recruit and brought her katana up to slash at him. Luckily he wasn't totally useless and paried the blow, but it wasn't enough as Zhu was far more skilled with blades and she quickly brought her blade back to cut his head clean off. She was already painting the desert crimson with the blood of these thieves.


    I say since there is no number for how many recruits there is ten. So 40 enemies total. So 20 per person. Also Zhu is down to 17 enemies.


    Character Info:
    Inspirational Quote
    Inspirational Quote

    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by Inspirational Quote 18th July 2015, 12:50 pm

    A small quip from Zhu concerning how they would divide the available opponents left Ni-Ju grinning as the exotic looking mage activated a portion of her magic and began transforming before his eyes. Once she had achieved a state that somehow reminded him of the pictures he had seen of avenging angels in the religious texts of his youth, she gave him a short nod and announced "This is where the Blade Angel comes into battle." mirroring his thoughts closely, before launching toward her selected group of foes to wreak havoc. Turning his attention to his own portion of bandits, Ni-Ju drew his weapon once again and began taking careful aim. Twenty charging targets meant that his even with accurate shots he would need to slow down their movement if he intended to keep them away from him. Spotting the motley collection of water skins and flasks that hung from the waists of the bandits, a sudden and quite vicious idea popped into his mind that he decided to act upon. Focusing upon the air in the top of of their water receptacles, Ni-Ju unleashed a Macro'ed Air detonation and paused for just a moment after, before following with a Macro'ed water detonation at the liquid that had been freed by his first attack. The resulting chain of explosions tore through the ranks of the bandits and sent a cloud of sand shooting outward following the near deafening set of dull thudding "Booms!" that his spell had produced. When the sand had cleared enough that he was able to make anything out, it was revealed that his little idea had borne more fruit then he had imagined and had quite nearly cut his number of opponents in half, leaving those that remained in a daze..


    Last edited by Inspirational Quote on 19th July 2015, 12:16 pm; edited 2 times in total


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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by ZhuFeng 19th July 2015, 1:24 am

    Still as the battle raged on Zhu was showing her prowess even more now. She avoided another slash from one of the weak rookies, and took his head off with her blade. It was clear to see that she had the advantage in martial skill over most if not all of the thieves here assembled. With her sword in her left hand and the flying dragons being used by her right. She turned and moved her right hand slashing through two more thieves before they could finish closing the distance between them and her. The two more experienced thieves were still no match for her, herself, but still the numbers could overwhelm her. This is why she continued to strike and then take flight in order to fly over the area and drag her flying dragons through the enemy ranks.

    This was the best of her strategy as she took out three more men with this strategy landing in the middle of the fray. Of course she wasn't invicible and suffered a blade slash to one of her wings. She let out an angry shriek and turned to slash a swordsman in half with the three dragons, and to impale a new recruit on her blade. This was the fool who had dared to make her bleed, but she had to commend him for his bravery. Still he would die and add to her points making her an even greater warrior.

    60% Mana remaining
    90/100 HP remaining
    Angel's Abilities(D Rank Secondary) Duration 1/5
    Flying Dragons (C Rank) Duration 1/6
    Steel Claw weapon in Left hand (Weak Rank)
    Green Dragon Duration CD 5/7 remaining
    Dragon Strike CD 4/5
    9/20 remain. Flying Dragons deal 3 C rank hits each time it cuts through. So killing people with one series slashes is easy.


    Character Info:
    Inspirational Quote
    Inspirational Quote

    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by Inspirational Quote 19th July 2015, 1:51 pm

    With the bandit's forces still reeling from his first series of attacks, Ni-Ju had a far easier time then he would have anticipated for following up upon. Taking his pistol in both hands so that his body was pointed in almost triangular fashion towards his opponents, Ni-Ju began to calmly and very carefully, pick out target's unarmored areas and send shots whizzing in their direction. A solid shot apiece to the chests of two recovering bandits quickly put them out of service and their next comrade in line was more then a little unlucky as he caught three directed detonations from Balin just behind his left ear, turning his head into a fine pink mist that spattered over his remaining friends, who seemed a hell of a lot less inclined to fight then they had just moments before. One of the men suddenly began trying to rally those of his fellow bandits that remained in an effort to keep a unified front in the face of the overwhelming losses that they had suffered but that was brought to a sudden halt as a trio of rapports from his pistol left the man's stomach resembling the garbage bin at a slaughterhouse. Before he could take further action against them, the bandits finally broke, deciding that they had had enough, and and began to flee back through the city towards the illusion of safety that their HQ provided. Little did they know that running away was going to accomplish nothing more then giving the Lamia Scale mages a nice clear trail to follow to all the way back to where the crate full of stolen lacrima were being kept. Unwilling to give chase without the aid of his partner, Ni-Ju decided to give himself a moment rest and wait for Zhu to finish doing what she did best.

    7 of his bandits remain alive but are in full flight back to their base.


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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by ZhuFeng 20th July 2015, 1:14 am

    Zhu smiled wickedly as she cleaved another of the weak little recruits in twain. She wasn't about to show mercy on any of these thieves and low lives. Not when her score and the mission were on the line. However, she was starting to watch as her prey were starting to become fearful. She turned on one of the swordsmen who was still giving her the fight she was looking for. She smiled and clashed her weak weapon with his sword before her dragons took off his body from his legs and smirked licking her lips slowly. She spun around and was slashed from the side by one of the more veteran theives, but he didn't live very long to brag about this achievement as he was skewered through by all three of the flying dragons.

    It was at this point that the thieves were starting to know that they had taken on an undertaking that could never be accomplished. When they saw their comrades break and start to run they did as well. Zhu didn't notice this at first killing another new recruit, and another swordsman as they broke and ran. The two remaining recruits saw the bodies stacking and they ran the other way away from everyone else trying to escape and hopefully find another line of work. When Zhu was among the carnage she had wrought and she was covered in blood and bleeding. She glanced over at her teammate breathing softly as she slowly took off into the air "You are going to have to kill them if you want to kill them on the run. I will not put down dogs who have lost the will to fight." she said as she began to fly after them, but in no great hurry as her speed would surpass theirs while they were running and trudging through the sands.



    Character Info:
    Inspirational Quote
    Inspirational Quote

    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by Inspirational Quote 4th August 2015, 12:49 am

    After having been spoken to about finishing off his targets before, Ni-Ju was a little less than surprized when Zhu commented on not being involved should he find it necessary to hunt down the few bandits that had chosen to run rather then finish what they had clearly started. "I ain't the type to attack fleeing enemies unless there is some form of pressing reason for doing so." Was the all he managed to get out before having to sprint down the street in order to keep sight of Zhu as she flew after the fleeing bandits. By the time that he had caught with his partner, she had already tailed the bandits back to a large three story building that from the looks of the bars that covered the windows had probably served as some sort of jail or watch post for the city before a change in trade routes had occured and left this place to dry up and die. Before he could bother to ask Zhu what her plan was for breaching the building however, both Lamia Scale mages were met with the rather strange sight of a large piece of white cloth being waved from one of the lower windows. Looking to his partner with one eybrow raised sardonically, he couldn't help but point out the obvious. "Guess they aren't keen on giving us another go."Entering the building by quite simply pushing the doors open, the two mages were quick to find that the vast majority of the remaining bandits had fled like rats deserting a sinking ship, leaving behind a bare handful of men who proved more then willing to help them find the crate of stolen lacrima that had been secreted away rather then end up like their brethren. Once the crate had been moved outside and readied for pickup, Ni-Ju picked up a small stone and tossed it high into the air, detonating it with the dull roar and bright flash that was the signal for Sim to swoop in and carry both himself and the stolen goods back to where they belonged.



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    The King of Thieves (Private) Empty Re: The King of Thieves (Private)

    Post by Hikachu 11th August 2015, 3:07 am

    The King of Thieves (Private) YdROJZD


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