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    Primary Celestial Spirit Magic


    Summoner of Faith

    Summoner of Faith

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 580
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Secondary - Katherine Wickfield
    Experience : 4986.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Holy Stigmata Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Third Skill:

    Private Primary Celestial Spirit Magic

    Post by JaffaArchfiend 10th February 2015, 3:43 am

    Primary Magic: Primary Celestial Spirit Magic
    Secondary Magic: Secondary Holy Stigmata
    Caster or Holder: Holder

    Celestial Spirit Magic is a type of Magic in which the user summons Celestial Spirits by opening their gates through the use of Celestial Spirit Gate Keys. These Keys are separated into two classes: the more common Silver Keys and the rarer Gold Keys.


    • Has access to a wide range of diverse allies
    • Summons can provide immediate support
    • Spirits can act on their own without much prompting from Kiersa


    • Needs the keys in order to summon anyone.
    • Certain Spirits need certain conditions to be summoned.
    • Each Spirit has their own whims and desires, possibly refusing to follow orders
    • Kiersa herself is more vulnerable than her Spirits


    • Passive: Multiple Summoning. Kind of self-explanatory.

    • Passive: Sense Celestial Magic. Can determine if someone is a Celestial Summoner/Spirit

    • Passive: Celestial Protection: Kiersa herself receives 5% less damage for each Spirit she has summoned out, up to a maximum of 15%.

    • Active: Celestial Empowerment: Once per thread, Kiersa can boost the power of one of her Celestial Spirits by paying double the MP cost of their summon, increasing their rank by 50%. I.E. Capricorn is B-Rank, Kiersa uses double the Mana that would take to summon Capricorn, Capricorn is summoned as B+50% Rank.

    • Active: Purify Spirits: Given Kiersa's past and current leanings towards the holy magical arts, she can utilise that power in combination with her Celestial magic to restore corrupted Spirits back to their original selves.

      It costs twice the MP it would take to summon the Spirit in question, and requires an entire post to cast. An extra post for each Rank higher than Kiersa the Spirit is.

    Signature Spell:




    Last edited by JaffaArchfiend on 1st June 2015, 6:12 am; edited 11 times in total

    Summoner of Faith

    Summoner of Faith

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 580
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Secondary - Katherine Wickfield
    Experience : 4986.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Holy Stigmata Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Primary Celestial Spirit Magic

    Post by JaffaArchfiend 14th April 2015, 4:17 am

    Magic finished now... bumping for mod approvals :3


    Primary Celestial Spirit Magic Kiersa%20Signature2_zpsbeofxgfa


    Rosetta Crawford
    Rosetta Crawford

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Villain- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Embodiment of the 13th
    Position : None
    Posts : 3499
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Sky Emperor Shangdi
    Experience : 367,824.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ten No Kichi
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: Primary Celestial Spirit Magic

    Post by Rosetta Crawford 15th April 2015, 10:49 am

    JaffaArchfiend wrote:Primary Magic: Primary Celestial Spirit Magic
    Secondary Magic: Secondary Holy Stigmata
    Caster or Holder: Holder

    Celestial Spirit Magic is a type of Magic in which the user summons Celestial Spirits by opening their gates through the use of Celestial Spirit Gate Keys. These Keys are separated into two classes: the more common Silver Keys and the rarer Gold Keys.


    • Has access to a wide range of diverse allies
    • Summons can provide immediate support
    • Spirits can act on their own without much prompting from Kiersa


    • Needs the keys in order to summon anyone.
    • Certain Spirits need certain conditions to be summoned.
    • Each Spirit has their own whims and desires, possibly refusing to follow orders
    • Kiersa herself is more vulnerable than her Spirits


    • Passive: Multiple Summoning. Kind of self-explanatory.

    • Passive: Sense Celestial Magic. Can determine if someone is a Celestial Summoner/Spirit

    • Passive: Celestial Protection: Kiersa herself receives 5% less damage for each Spirit she has summoned out, up to a maximum of 15%.

    • Active: Celestial Empowerment: Once per thread, Kiersa can boost the power of one of her Celestial Spirits by paying double the MP cost of their summon, increasing their rank by one. I.E. Capricorn is B-Rank, Kiersa uses double the Mana that would take to summon Capricorn, Capricorn is summoned as A-Rank. Can't go up a full rank. 50% max. Also you won't be able to get up a rank higher than your actual rank

    • Active: Purify Spirits: Given Kiersa's past and current leanings towards the holy magical arts, she can utilise that power in combination with her Celestial magic to restore corrupted Spirits back to their original selves. Needs to be explained further. Does this cost MP, how long does it take etc

    Signature Spell:




    I'd go into more depth on this, but firstly all ACTIVE abilities have to use the spell template itself, so have strengths, weaknesses etc. So your summon itself has strengths and weaknesses and so should each of its abilities.


    Primary Celestial Spirit Magic Zack2_by_gramcrackers-d8ker96

    Primary Celestial Spirit Magic Zack_by_ravenart5-d8j23c0

    Primary Celestial Spirit Magic Zackrose_zpse9a22d85
    Current missions(4/6):  get the squid A, King of Fighters(S), Village Protection(A), Repair the House(D)

      Current date/time is 4th June 2024, 7:22 pm