Fairy Tail RP

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    Chloe Rhodes

    Chloe Rhodes
    Chloe Rhodes

    Lineage : Gynophobic Grave
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Chloe Rhodes Empty Chloe Rhodes

    Post by Chloe Rhodes 9th September 2014, 12:18 pm

    Name: Chloe Rhodes
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Birthday: December 25th
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Special Characteristics: None


    "Big Things come in small packages." Chloe Rhodes is passionate and determined individual. When she has her mind set on something she determine to see it through and give her best shot. Whether she is trying to impressed the person next door, mastering a new skill or completing a task. Chloe doesn't believe in giving up or abandoning something just because it was harder than expected or turn out to be boring, she looks down on people who do that and won't waste her time hanging around them, in her mind those kinds of people can only bring her down.  Chloe passionate attuide made her quite and stubborn woman as well, when comes to debates, Chloe can be as stubborn as a bull, even if she wrong she continue to act like she right but don't worry her stubbornness can easily been stop with a sandwich. Chloe loves her sandwich maybe a bit too much, she well known to attack anyone; friend, foe or neutral if they dare to steal her sandwiches and if you eat one of sandwiches without ask, lookout she might try to kill you or at the very most beat you down until you can't stand up.  Also she may just drop down to the ground and cry about her sandwich(es) being ate by someone or something other than her.  Chloe Rhodes is very emotional but her sandwiches, she consider herself a sandwich connoisseur and takes the title very seriously. Don't mock her about her love for sandwiches. Chloe also can have angry outburst but they are generally don't happen unless you call her short or any synonym  of the word short if she understands the meaning, calling her a dumb blonde, or messing with her food. Never miss with her food, Chloe doesn't like people messing with her food. She paranoid that someone might to try to drug it so a person or group of people can have their way with her.

    Due to her casual and laid back tendencies. Chloe can be socially awkward at times or she just doesn't care. This can range from burgling into places unwanted or she pops in/interpret people while they doing something in comfort of privacy like bathing, spending time with their loves one or doing something mature. Chloe has a bad sense of timing when comes to things of that nature.  Chloe prefers to laid down than sitting when she in meetings or is hanging out in public places like the bar.  Don't be shock if you see her laying down on a table while she eating or food or reading something.

    In the heat of battle, Chloe is a front line fighter, she prefers she charge right into enemies forces and start swing and smash her massive weapon at them, she isn't one of those brilliant strategic commanders or fancy powerful wizard. Her style of combat is simple. Attack! Attack! Attack!  Keep pressuring your opponent, don't give them any breathing room and overwhelm them. Chloe doesn't worry much about evasion or defensive tactics. She is more like a "Tank" in combat, depending her armor and physical endurance to outlast her opponents. She likes to said that she had excellent stamina that can be useful in many situations, in and out of battle.  Despite her simple minded tactics, Chloe will listen to her more intelligence allies and switch up tactics if she has too. As a leader, Chloe couldn't care less about ordering people around, she would just give some else the burden of leading. But if she force to maintain a leadership role, she would lead by example, fight in with her followers instead of leading from behind and giving out orders.       


    • B.F.S{Big Fucking/Freaking Sword}, Halberds and War Hammers: Due to Chloe's being vertically challenge has taken a liking to using weapons that are large than herself. Tiny weapons barely and rarely hold her interest.

    • Meat and Bread/Sandwiches: Its doesn't matter what type of meat she eating nor doesn't it matter the type of bread is using, Chole loves eating them, its her favorite combination of foods. To Chloe sliced bread with meat in between them was the greatest creation man has invented. Give her a side of fires and she be in heaven.

    • Armor: Chloe is one of those strange person who would prefer to wear armor than actual clothing. Maybe this is her being overly prepared, showing off or way for her to train. Who knows, well actually Chloe knows but she pefers to keep quiet about it. But bug her enough and she will admit that she feels uncomfortable and insecure when she's not wearing armor.

    • Fist-Bumping: This is Chloe favorite way of greeting people. She doesn't like bowing or curtsies or handshakes. She consider herself the inventor of fist bumping and wants to show others this cool style of greeting.

    • Artists/Cook: IF you can draw a picture of her or make her a meal, she putty in your hands. Just as along as you don't comment on her size.

    • Massages: Of course, Chloe loves massages. If your like her and wear armor for the most of the time while wielding a weapon(s) larger than your body. You would also enjoy a good massage as well.


    • The Dumb Blonde Stereotype: Now of course, Chole isn't the smartest person in the world but she hates when people assumed they are smarter than her just because she a blonde bombshell.

    • Her Shortness/Being call short/Making fun of her size: It hard being a short person in a world made for the tall people. Especially when she trying to get a jar of cookies from the highest cabinet. So close but yet so far.

    • Blood Crazy People: Chloe finds people who like blood extremely weird, all they do is talk about tasting the blood of their enemies, bathing in blood, making love with blood and other weird things. Chloe really doesn't enjoy being around these people even if she sees them as a love interest.

    • Shirts: Chloe doesn't like wearing shirts, tank tops or sweaters. Unless its an armored top or goes with armor, she would just prefer to walk around shirtless.

    • Brushy Eyebrows: Instant turn off of Chloe. Not much to explain here. Creepy Eyebrows. A Bit shallow? Sure but everyone has certain things that turn them off.


    • Marriage/Love: The Standard motivation for most, Chloe just wants to find the special person (or people...if you can sway her) to call her lover.

    • To show the world that short people are just as badass as tall people.

    • To taste all the world's sandwiches and find the perfect sandwich.


    • Being Betrayal and/or Abandoned by her Lover: Chloe fears that she won't be able to satisfy her romantic partner and one day she find her lover sharing the bed with someone else.

    • Heights: Chloe doesn't like to talk about it but she isn't too fond of heights. Due to childhood accident.    

    • Knee Arrow: Chloe fears taking an arrow to the knee, she heard of many warriors and wizards alike having their careers end by taking an arrow to the knee.

    General Appearance
    Chloe Rhodes X0wwno

    Height: 4'11
    Weight: 116 lbs
    Hair: She had blonde hair that runs down to the length of her shoulders, actually a few inches past them. She tends to keep her hair in ponytail with bangs on the side of her face.
    Eyes: Light Blue
    Skin Tone: Caucasian  
    Appearance: One of the first things people will noticed about this busty bombshell (if they aren't staring at her chest) is her unusual short size. The doctors told Chloe that she has grown to her full height and will have no more growth spurs. Anyway despite this major setback, doesn't wear anything to make herself look taller like high heels or anything silly like that.

    For General attire, she tends to wear a long, flowing blue (sometimes purple or red) along with an revealing suit of armor (Ironic?). She wears an short armored skirt (black with gold stripe) along with armored bra. That does mediocre job off covering up her melons. Along with this general armor she wears black gloves with metal with metal platting. She also has armored shoulder and neck protector. For footwear she wears metal boots that come up to her knees.


    Guild: Fairy Tail
    Tattoo: Located on her right breast and its purple.
    Rank: D-Rank
    Chloe Rhodes
    Chloe Rhodes

    Lineage : Gynophobic Grave
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Chloe Rhodes Empty Re: Chloe Rhodes

    Post by Chloe Rhodes 9th September 2014, 4:25 pm

    Ready for Judgment. Bump

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
    Position : None
    Posts : 2984
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 75987.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Toxic Scourge
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Chloe Rhodes Empty Re: Chloe Rhodes

    Post by Felicity 10th September 2014, 6:13 am

    Nice work on this app~

    Chloe Rhodes 4ptemh


    Chloe Rhodes ObrztW

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 6:50 am