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    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

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    First Skill: Arc of Hephaestus
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    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by GoodKidMaadCity 3rd July 2014, 12:26 pm

    Job Info:


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Edward-elric5

    A Wizard's Grace

    The recently done guild tattoo seemed to glow off of Sukaze's hand. It was gold in color, with a slight yellow outline that seemed to make the only words able to describe have to do with holiness in some way. Balling his hand into a fist, the boy couldn't help but smile. He was one step closer to his motives, but a hike away from his dreams.

    "Sukaze, here you go!" exclaimed the terrier hybrid Gold. In his mouth was a job flyer, titled 'A Village in Ruins.' Nodding his head in thank you, Sukaze grabbed the paper with every single bit of information that would be needed. It told of a village's plant problem. A simple job; Sukaze and Gold would just travel to the village, analyze the problem, find a solution, and return to Magnolia.

    Putting Gold on top of his head, Sukaze started walking towards their destination; the Beanstalk Village. He knew of the village's history, it was one of the oldest villages in all of Fiore. Residents lived in tipis, with a large beanstalk in the center simply used for prayer.

    "Where are we headed?" Gold asked with a yawn.

    "The Beanstalk Village. We have to help them with their plant problem." Sukaze said, responding with a contagious yawn of his own. Nodding his head, Gold lazily looked around, before starting a boring yet time consuming game of iSpy. It seemed to work just fine however, as before the pair knew it, they were face first with a giant beanstalk.

    Template by the Doge of Rome

    Last edited by GoodKidMaadCity on 14th July 2014, 8:51 am; edited 1 time in total


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Tumblr_mc1055D9cQ1rn95k2o1_500
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC 1nfPGxr
    Character :: Magic :: Gold (Pet)
    Missions in Progress: 1

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Hephaestus
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    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty Re: A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by GoodKidMaadCity 3rd July 2014, 12:28 pm


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Edward-elric5

    A Wizard's Grace

    As soon as the pair arrived, farmers and villagers gathered around them. Cheers filled the air as each and everyone of them had faith that they would no longer have cursed plants. Everything however quieted down when an old man, about the age of 90, revealed himself. He had long grey hair, and walked with a cane.

    "Our great elder..." a boy next to Sukaze said in astonishment. All of the farmers bowed down, taking Sukaze by surprise. With a grunt, he pulled Gold down from the air to show respect for the man everyone seemed to look up to.

    "Welcome to our village, young wizard and animal. I am Loki, the village elder. Please, I beg of you, solve our problem." Nodding his head and smiling, Sukaze shook the man's hand, the Fairy Tail tattoo glowing in response to some of Sukaze's magical power.

    As the tattoo glowed, a slight rumble could be heard. It was like an earthquake, but harmless. Looking around in confusion, the boy watched as each villager except the great elder rushed to the comfort of their tipis. Catapulting from underground, giant cobs of corn with red eyes flew into the air, landing with pizazz and glamor.

    Sukaze looked at Gold, and after a moment's of silence, the two were on the floor with tears of laughter in their eyes. The great elder seemed to chuckle himself.

    "What are you guys?" Gold asked, flying next to them.

    "We are the Corn Plant Demons! Our master sent us to distinguish the magical presence with our stylish ways!"

    With a blank look on his face, Sukaze yawned. Clapping his hands together, he charged magical power. Spreading them apart, 10 6 inch iron spikes were revealed. "Gold, watch out." he said, and shot all of them at the ridiculously created corn demons.

    Template by the Doge of Rome

    Last edited by GoodKidMaadCity on 3rd July 2014, 12:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Tumblr_mc1055D9cQ1rn95k2o1_500
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC 1nfPGxr
    Character :: Magic :: Gold (Pet)
    Missions in Progress: 1

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty Re: A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by NPC 3rd July 2014, 12:28 pm

    The member 'GoodKidMaadCity' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC NormalMonster

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Hephaestus
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    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty Re: A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by GoodKidMaadCity 3rd July 2014, 12:47 pm


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Edward-elric5

    A Wizard's Grace

    With a silent swear, watched as two of the spikes made contact with one of the corn monsters. Four of them simply went into deep space, and the rest were blocked and/or dodged. 'I shouldn't have judged them on their appearance. I just ran into battle...' Sukaze thought with a sigh. Flying back over to Sukaze, Gold sat on his shoulder.

    "Should I transform?" He asked with a growl. Shaking his head, Sukaze cracked his knuckles. The one the spikes had hit let out a loud shriek, and stepped up forward away from his companions.

    "I want to challenge this barely fashionable boy first!" His voice was high pitched, and he seemed more afraid than confident.

    Loki, the great elder, sat down. "I knew I felt a great evil energy underground. Of course it was cursed plants. I shall observe you, Sukaze. I feel a great power from you."

    Smirking, the boy with the golden hair prepared to defeat one of the corn demons. "Before we fight, I must ask you your name." his foe said.

    "Sukaze Magato."

    "Well Sukaze Magato, prepare to meet your doom!" The corn demon ran into Sukaze with a slightly faster than average speed, hoping to simply ram him with force.

    Template by the Doge of Rome

    Last edited by GoodKidMaadCity on 3rd July 2014, 12:59 pm; edited 1 time in total


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Tumblr_mc1055D9cQ1rn95k2o1_500
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC 1nfPGxr
    Character :: Magic :: Gold (Pet)
    Missions in Progress: 1

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty Re: A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by NPC 3rd July 2014, 12:47 pm

    The member 'GoodKidMaadCity' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Miss A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Miss A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Miss A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Miss A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Hephaestus
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    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty Re: A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by GoodKidMaadCity 3rd July 2014, 1:00 pm


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Edward-elric5

    A Wizard's Grace

    Standing his ground, and putting out both hands, Sukaze caught the running demon, effectively blocking the attack. Groggily, the demon jumped out of the mage's hand. Once again, the vegetable went for a simple ram into Sukaze, causing the mage to jump in the air, over the running demon.

    Jumping into the air, the corn demon attempted a belly flop onto the smaller sized boy. Backflipping away, Sukaze evaded the attack as his foe hit the ground with a large splat, taking some damage from his own attack. Deciding then to go on offensive, Sukaze ran towards his drowsy opponent. With a yelp, he jumped into the air, and drop kicked his target to the ground. When his foe got up, he wasted no time in going with a punch aimed directly at what would be the corn's face. The fist connected, and the corn was blown back 10 meters.

    "How much hits can you take?" Sukaze said with a smirk, noting on the corn demon's endurance. Damaged, the corn demon, now angry, screamed. "You damaged my fashionable face! You will pay for this you shrimp! I will tear that filthy bionic arm off!"

    Stretching his bionic arm a little, Sukaze smirked once more. "I'll like to see you try!"


    Template by the Doge of Rome

    Last edited by GoodKidMaadCity on 14th July 2014, 8:35 am; edited 2 times in total


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Tumblr_mc1055D9cQ1rn95k2o1_500
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC 1nfPGxr
    Character :: Magic :: Gold (Pet)
    Missions in Progress: 1

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty Re: A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by NPC 3rd July 2014, 1:00 pm

    The member 'GoodKidMaadCity' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Miss A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Hephaestus
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    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty Re: A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by GoodKidMaadCity 3rd July 2014, 2:32 pm


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Edward-elric5

    A Wizard's Grace

    Inhaling a large breath of air, the corn demon then exhaled, shooting out 4, baseball sized pieces of corns at a speed that took Sukaze by surprise. "Woah!" He said, as he prepared his defenses. The first one completely missed it's target, going far left. The second flew at him at point blank however. He jumped over it, successfully evading it. The third one followed almost immediately, causing him to put up both of his arms to block it. The action worked, but he winced at the small pain still dealt. The last and final one seemed to be going slower than the last one, and he ducked, as it flew past him, but hit a tipi instead.

    Looking back the foes, Sukaze shook his head. "This is taking way too long. I'm getting angry and tired at this." Putting his golden hair into a ponytail, the mage took off his large red cloak, revealing a black tank sleeveless shirt, and his full bionic arm. Clapping his hands together, he slowly spread them apart, as magical particles took the form of a spear. They began to form until a full iron spear was created. Swinging it around a little, he sticked it into the ground, and he clapped his hands together once again. Pulling them apart, magical particles formed, and shaped themselves into a shield. On the shield was a great golden hammer. Now equipped with his weapons, Sukaze smirked.  

    "Get ready all of you!"


    Template by the Doge of Rome

    Last edited by GoodKidMaadCity on 14th July 2014, 8:38 am; edited 2 times in total


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Tumblr_mc1055D9cQ1rn95k2o1_500
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC 1nfPGxr
    Character :: Magic :: Gold (Pet)
    Missions in Progress: 1

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty Re: A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by NPC 3rd July 2014, 2:32 pm

    The member 'GoodKidMaadCity' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Miss A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Hephaestus
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    Third Skill:

    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty Re: A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by GoodKidMaadCity 4th July 2014, 1:04 pm


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Edward-elric5

    A Wizard's Grace

    Running towards his foe, the corn demon once again shot two corn baseballs. However, his aim must have been very very off today, since they flew past Sukaze and hit two more tipis once again. With a scream, Sukaze thrusted the spear head forward, stabbing the corn in the face, causing it to turn into a pile of large corn kernels.

    With one defeated, two of the demons tried to ram into Sukaze, hoping the added force would do damage. He put up his large shield, as the two demons' could not bypass the shield, but did take away some of it's endurance as it faded in color. Swinging the spear head, he effectively cut one of the corn demons in half, leaving a pile of corn kernels like the previous one. With three left, Sukaze took a deep breath.

    "Call for backup!" One screamed, as 5 more of the same corn demons popped out of the ground. Silently swearing, Sukaze swung the spear on his fingers.

    "Gold! Come here!" Flying over, the small terrier already knew what to do. His horn began to glow, as did his body similar to the color of a sun. He changed form, changing from his weak fragile body. He grew larger, with larger feet, ears, and gauntlets on his hands. "Golden Sun Level 1." Gold said, his voice now deeper than the high usual voice.


    Template by the Doge of Rome

    Last edited by GoodKidMaadCity on 14th July 2014, 8:42 am; edited 3 times in total


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Tumblr_mc1055D9cQ1rn95k2o1_500
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC 1nfPGxr
    Character :: Magic :: Gold (Pet)
    Missions in Progress: 1

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty Re: A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by NPC 4th July 2014, 1:04 pm

    The member 'GoodKidMaadCity' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Miss A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Miss A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block


    #3 'Monster Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC NormalMonster


    #4 'Damage Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Miss A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack


    #5 'Block Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Hephaestus
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty Re: A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by GoodKidMaadCity 13th July 2014, 6:34 am


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Edward-elric5

    A Wizard's Grace

    Sticking his spear into the ground, Sukaze looked at the eight mythical corn demons all ready to fight. This mission was becoming challenger by the minute, and he noticed the plants dying from the prolong battle. He had to take these beasts out quickly, not only before anymore showed up, but also recharge his mana and rest. He could feel it being drained from his body as the weapons of Hephaestus stayed on the battlefield. The huge cons of the two strong weapons was the immense needed mana to use them both at once over a period of time.

    Clapping his hands together, he let out a battle scream. Pulling his hands apart, magical power surrounded him. A orb began to grow; quite identical to the sun itself as it had pieces of fire, lava and iron in it. The size of a basketball, Sukaze shot it at the top speed it can go, 15mph, at the group of Corn Demons; aiming it at the ground to increase the targets. It made contact with the ground, blowing up in the faces of 3 demons but also causing smoke to swirl all around.

    Once it was cleared, Sukaze appeared, jamming the spear into what would be the neck of one of the corn demons that the orb had hit. It died in a similar fashion to the other too. Looking above, Sukaze saw the large body of another foe, as the corn demon slammed him into the ground, causing blood to spurt out of his mouth.

    Gliding in at a fast, 25 mph, Gold rammed his talons that came with his new form right into the neck of the corn demon that had damaged Sukaze. It screamed, and was heavily injured, but did not die. Getting up, Sukaze wiped his mouth and glared at his foes. He threw the spear much like a javelin at the corn demon that Gold had injured, but it countered this with the signature skill they all seem to have, shooting a large-sized corn at the spear at a faster speed. It hit the spear, causing it to fly right back into Sukaze. Catching it, the spear faded away as the endurance was low for the weapon.

    Three more corn demons shot corn at a running Gold, but using his new form's speed, agility and glided power, he dodged all three of them. With his own battle scream, he aimed his talons at the neck of one of them. The demon ran into Gold with a ram, blocking the pet's attack with an attack of his own.


    Template by the Doge of Rome

    Last edited by GoodKidMaadCity on 13th July 2014, 7:02 am; edited 3 times in total


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Tumblr_mc1055D9cQ1rn95k2o1_500
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC 1nfPGxr
    Character :: Magic :: Gold (Pet)
    Missions in Progress: 1

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty Re: A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by NPC 13th July 2014, 6:34 am

    The member 'GoodKidMaadCity' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Miss

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 40
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arc of Hephaestus
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    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty Re: A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by GoodKidMaadCity 14th July 2014, 8:15 am


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Edward-elric5

    A Wizard's Grace


    Template by the Doge of Rome

    Last edited by GoodKidMaadCity on 14th July 2014, 8:21 am; edited 1 time in total


    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Tumblr_mc1055D9cQ1rn95k2o1_500
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC 1nfPGxr
    Character :: Magic :: Gold (Pet)
    Missions in Progress: 1

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Empty Re: A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC

    Post by NPC 14th July 2014, 8:15 am

    The member 'GoodKidMaadCity' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Miss A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Attack A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Miss A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Miss


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC FailedBlock A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block A Wizard's Grace (Sukaze - Solo) DISCONTINUED OLD TOPIC Block

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 11:07 am