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    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken

    Akira Tatsumi
    Akira Tatsumi

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
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    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken Empty Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken

    Post by Akira Tatsumi 2nd June 2014, 7:17 pm

    Job Details:


    Akira Tatsumi
    Akira Tatsumi
    Akira Tatsumi

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
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    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken Empty Re: Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken

    Post by Akira Tatsumi 5th June 2014, 5:27 pm

    Axel was very cranky getting up in the morning. He had done a job the day before, and it went on till nightfall. He got back to his house a few hours after midnight, and thus has only had two or three hours of sleep. He had to wake up though, because he did not want his schedule ruined over an extended job. Once Axel got out of bed, he took a shower, and fixed his hair up, to it's usual style, spiky, just how he likes it. Before going out, Axel passed his dining room, and began to flash-back. Axel was sitting at his family dining table with his father and sisters eating cereal. "So, Axel my boy, how goes Fairy Tail? I remember your mom took me to visit once. I wonder if they are as crazy everyday as they were the day I went. Are they?" asked Axel's father. "They get louder every day dad. Anyway, Fairy Tail is doing fantastic! People going on jobs everyday, and there is always a few people to talk to. I myself usually read, but when I am in the mood I have a little chat," Axel replied.

    "Ewww, mages! I can't believe you are one of them! They are always dirty and filthy coming back from requests! That is why me and Julia are going to be fashion designers," said Axel's sister Julie. "Well, I would love to debate with you on how awesome mages are, Julie, but I must get going now," said Axel hastily, as he took one last bite of his cereal before throwing(missing) the bowl in the sink, which crashed on the floor instead, breaking it. He left out of the house quickly as to not get shouted at for breaking yet another bow

    Axel snapped back to reality, and realized he would never have a time like that again, since his family had fell apart on that fateful day. Axel tried to forget about it for the day, and immediately went for the guild hall. Axel got to the guild hall as soon as he could, and quickly worked his way around the large crowd of rowdy mages until he made it to the job board. Axel looked at a particular job form with interest, so he took it off the board and went to his usual table to read it further. Axel was intrigued with this job because it spoke of Lycans, people who transformed into wolves in the dead of night. These Lycan go berserk once a night every fifty years, and sometime this week would be that exact night. Axel wanted to take this job, but on the safe side, he asked a mage to go with him. Axel went over to the table of the lightning mage Nightken to discuss the job. "So, Nightken. Do you want to go on a job with me? In the haunted village, a few days from now, the Lycans of the village will go crazy and terrorize the others of the village. I want you to help me stop them. Here are the rest of the details if you want in," said Axel, as he put the job form on the table were Nightken could read it.

    WC: 543

    Last edited by Axel Rover on 7th June 2014, 5:25 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Akira Tatsumi

    Electric Reaper

    Electric Reaper

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    Lineage : Cursed Seal
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    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken Empty Re: Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken

    Post by Nightken 6th June 2014, 9:41 pm

    Sitting at his usual spot in Fairy Tail Nightken was drinking some coffee while reading that morning newspaper. "Hmm so it'll be clear skies for the next week that is good for the people growing plants." He said aloud before taking a drink of his coffee. Before he could put his cup down Axel put a job poster in the way. Looking the the job over he agreed to go with him on the job after he finishes his morning coffee. After about five minutes he finished off his coffee and put his newspaper in the recycle bin. "If we're going to do this job we're going to be thorough." He said to Axel as he grabbed his duster off the back of his seat. "We'll meet back here in ten minutes. If you're not here by then I'll be leaving without you." As he said that his body became coated in black lightning and in the blink of an eye he was gone. In a matter of seconds he gathered all of what he needed, stored it in his cursed seal and had arrived back at the guildhall in about four seconds. "You have ten minutes before we leave." He said as he showed back up.

    WC: 207


    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken For_nightken_of_ftrp_by_tehfrostyheart-d72m9kl
    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken 5Wr4WuE

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    Akira Tatsumi
    Akira Tatsumi

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
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    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken Empty Re: Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken

    Post by Akira Tatsumi 7th June 2014, 6:30 pm

    Axel was delighted that Nightken accepted his offer to do the job with him. He knew he would not be able to take down the wolves without a fellow mage.  Night told him to come back in ten minutes, than vanished within the blink of an eye. All Axel saw when he left was black-colored lightning. A few seconds later, Night came back and restated to Axel to come back to him in ten minutes. Axel, still astonished of Night's teleportation skill, went to the table he usually goes to to read. Axel was not going to read however, since he needed more than ten minutes to read a book, and when Axel read a book, he continued to read until it was finished, as it was a habit of his. Instead he would sit in his seat and think about things. As he was relaxing in the his seat however, A voice came from behind him.

    "Why are you still at this guild, when you can be looking for the traders that killed your father? It will mend your broken spirit, I can tell you that." It took Axel a second to realise the voice came from his sword. Ragna decided to rain on his parade today. "First of all Ragna, I have no idea were my sisters are. Second of all, I need more time to think. I still do not understand why they would..." Axel stopped a bit, thinking of the time he witnessed his father's death. "Look, when I hear of something, then we can go. Until then, stay quiet, will you?" replied Axel. "Can we atleast kill something? I am sooo bored right now." said Ragna. "I won't guarantee any deaths, but I assure you we will get to kick some ass in the next few days, so stop your whining," replied Axel. Ragna finally decided to shut up, and Axel sat back peacefully for five more minutes.

    Once time passed, Axel went back to Nightken's table. "I am ready when you are. While sitting, I planned it all out. First, We are taking the train to Haunted Village. Second, we will interview a few people to see if they know the people who will become Lycans on the day of the perfect moon. We will then try to hunt them down and talk to them before the night of there transformation. Remember, they have full control until that one night, so we need not attack them before then. If you understand the plan, let's roll out," said Axel, as he opened the guild hall door, and kept it open for Nightken.

    WC: 438


    Akira Tatsumi

    Electric Reaper

    Electric Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Guild Master- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Cursed Seal
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 32
    Mentor : Izunagi Blackwing(Dead)
    Experience : 13,894

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    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken Empty Re: Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken

    Post by Nightken 12th June 2014, 8:15 pm

    They decided to leave a few days before the full moon giving them time to get all of their plans set up. "If we're going to be dealing with werewolves for this job how exactly are we going to try containing them so we don't have any casualties?" Nightken asked Axel as they sat at the empty train station waiting for their train to arrive. Thinking of several different possible situations that could happen he figured they'll do the usual Fairy Tail thing and wing-it if things go array. The train arrived in ten minutes of them waiting at the station. There was about twenty people getting off of the train before they went on. When they got to their seats he noticed they were in an empty train car. "This actually works out for us this allows us to talk about how we'll do our plans since this is a long trip there and while we're there try keeping your sword quiet because they're already suffering enough." He said to Axel while with the last part looking at his sword. While they were on the train Nightken decided to take a nap until they get to their stop.

    After about two and a half hours they arrived at Clover Town, throughout the train ride he was asleep the entire time. They had to travel from Clover Town to the Haunted Village, deciding to fly instead of walk to make it a shorter trip from there. Once they arrived at the village the villagers started to act weirdly when they landed and saw Nightken's wings before they disappeared. "Guess we should of walked up to the village instead of flying in." He said to Axel before walking towards the tent that had an old man sitting in front of it. "Hi we're here about the job you you sent the fliers about." He said to the old man.



    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken For_nightken_of_ftrp_by_tehfrostyheart-d72m9kl
    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken 5Wr4WuE

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    Akira Tatsumi
    Akira Tatsumi

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
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    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken Empty Re: Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken

    Post by Akira Tatsumi 18th June 2014, 3:21 pm

    Night got up from his seat, and met Axel at the door, leaving the guildhall. As they walked to the train station, Axel thought about the job for a second. He thought that maybe he should have just stayed in the hall and read a book, because he had a bad feeling in his head about the wolves. If Axel knew anything about the animal, it would be that they are vicious, and in packs they take turn killing there pray. lone-wolves are no less deadly, as they think harder when not in a pack of dependable wolves. "I can read your thoughts, fool. I am a much more complex demon than you thought I was. First of all, you are a scaredy-cat if you are afraid of these werewolves, because trust me, I have fought much worse in my prime. And second of all, nothing to worry about. Just lend me your body and I will single-handedly murder every werewolf in that village," said Ragna, who was in Axel's head. This was new to Axel, as he did not know the demon who manifested his blade could read minds. This just made Axel more aware of the demon, and that he had to find a way to get rid of him. "Aren't you a wolf-type demon, so you are telling me I should stand up to you? If that is the case, I will never bend to your will. Just taking your advice, Mr.Wolf," replied Axel in his mind. Axel heard Ragna growled loud enough so that Night could hear it. Axel hoped he did not, since he wanted to keep Ragna under wraps, so that the guild would never know Axel was harboring a dangerous demon in his sword.

    Once they were at the train station waiting for the train, Night asked Axel what they would do to ensure civilian casualties don't occur. "Well, Nightken, I was thinking we convince the citizens to get away to the next village on the night of the perfect moon, while we fight the wolves. Of course this will be hard, since the werewolves will know, which is why I made our first task scoping the area to see who is who, and possibly being able to detain them during the perfect moon long enough for the citizens to leave. The citizens surely know of the wolves, since they protect the village, and they probably know of the perfect moon too, so it will not be that hard to convince them," answered Axel. The train finally arrived, so the two got on it, and took there seats. Axel listened to Night as he told Axel to keep his blade "quiet" in the village, as the villagers are already weary of the moon. Easy for Night to say, because unlike his blade, Axel's blade actually talks. After two and a half hours, the trained stopped in clover, and Axel and Night flew the rest of the way to haunted village. Landing in the village, the villagers stared at them strangely. The two walked towards a tent that housed the old man that put up the job request. Night told the man he and Axel were there for the job.

    "Oh yes, the job. By coming to me, you must have heard I was a Rune Knight. After I retired, I came back to my home village, and became a sort of a bridge between communications. Anyway, yes, I want you two to do something about the wolf situation. I think the village won't survive if they have another accident like the one fifty years ago, and fifty years before that. The numbers reduce every time, and this time, it will surely be for good, unless you two can stop them. Now, I have no idea exactly who are the werewolves, since they have not needed to use there powers for good, but there might be people around that know something. Please, I am hoping you will help my village, and stop the impending doom," said the man. Axel and Night left the tent. "Hey Night, we have a few days to do this, and it is rather late, so let's sleep at a motel or something, and get up early for investigation," said Axel.

    WC: 711
    OOC: made the old man a rune knight to correspond to the fact that rune knights sent us to deal with the werewolves, not some random old geezer.

    Last edited by Axel Rover on 7th July 2014, 4:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Akira Tatsumi

    Electric Reaper

    Electric Reaper

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    Mentor : Izunagi Blackwing(Dead)
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    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken Empty Re: Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken

    Post by Nightken 27th June 2014, 4:58 pm

    "Axel I'm gonna leave the questioning to you. I'm gonna check out the area." Nightken said to Axel as he walked off. While checking out the area it was clear that they hit a dry season on crop growing making it so they aren't eating that much. Taking a scoop of the dirt in his hand and pouring it he could see that it was as dry as sand. "This isn't good hopefully they have a way of bringing in water to these fields." He said slapping his hands together dusting them off. He started to walk towards the back of the village, but was stopped by a few of the villagers. "Why are you snooping around here?" They asked rather angrily. "Snooping? Well I guess it is snooping, but to be honest I'm just getting a feel for this place so if you don't mind I'll be on my way." Nightken said to them as he walked past them. Trying to get a feel for the surrounding area he continued into the surrounding woods. After walking for about ten minutes he saw a wolf in the woods. It started to snarl at him and glare with yellow eyes. "A wolf showing up when there is going to be werewolves why am I not surprised." He said as he shot a bolt of lightning at a tree next to it causing it to fall. The wolf ran as the tree fell backwards, with the wolf gone Nightken continued to get a feel for the area. "This place isn't good to fight in because they can use the trees to their advantage. I guess we'll just have to figure out who is one and think of a way to deal with them. Holding back so not to kill them is going to be tricky for me." He started to say to himself while walking back to the village.

    Elettro Guard: 10%


    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken For_nightken_of_ftrp_by_tehfrostyheart-d72m9kl
    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken 5Wr4WuE

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    Akira Tatsumi
    Akira Tatsumi

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
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    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken Empty Re: Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken

    Post by Akira Tatsumi 7th July 2014, 4:55 pm

    Axel watched as Nightken went off. Axel himself decided to go to the nearest Inn to get some sleep, and then he would begin investigating the next day. As he walked around town, people looked at him more and more suspiciously, as if he was planning to rob them. One kid came up to Axel and asked him something. "Why are you in this town? Don't people trust the adults of this village to figure things out themselves?" said the kid, as he had a sad expression on his face, and he was also holding a teddy bear in his right hand that he dragged on the ground. The boy looked to be about eight years old. Axel knew that these people were fearing for the upcoming day, but they did not want other people involved. Axel suspected that it was because of there pride as a village. Pride or not, if another person needed someone to help them, Axel was not going to just stand by and watch them fail in their situation.

    "Listen here, kid, I am a mage, and mages don't wait for villages to be destroyed by there own people overnight. Why would I let someone die over there pride? You and your village will be saved by me and my friend, not buts!" said Axel. The kid still had a sad expression on his face, and left. 'What the hell is wrong with these people? Have they lost all hope? Surely they believe someone is strong enough to stop the Lycans?' thought Axel. He never faced a Lycan before, but he thought they should not be as hard to face as regular wolves. Axel entered an Inn and got situated in a room. He hoped Nightken would not stay outside and investigate all night. They needed all of there energy if they were going to keep investigating tomorrow. Axel got in the bed provided to him by the Inn, and slept.

    WC: 327


    Akira Tatsumi

    Electric Reaper

    Electric Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Guild Master- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Mentor : Izunagi Blackwing(Dead)
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    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken Empty Re: Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken

    Post by Nightken 12th July 2014, 12:50 pm

    It was getting late when Nightken got back to the village, before going to the inn he stopped at the chief's tent. "Excuse me sorry for bugging you at this hour, but I was curious if you had anything that would help us in a few days?" He asked the chief as he stood out of his tent. Hearing stuff being moved around until a book popped out from under his tent door. Picking up the book up he started to walk off. Once he got into his room at the inn he turned on the light to see the book and saw it was a tome on the lore of what they'll be dealing with. "So this is what he was keeping hidden interesting I'll have to read it in the morning." He said to himself before storing it in his Cursed Seal. He got changed into his night clothes and fell asleep. Nightken was woken up by a crow tapping on his window, to his surprise it was one of the crows that tends to follow him around. Opening the window he saw the bright red apple that was left behind. Cleaning it off he stuck it in his duster pocket as he started to walk back towards the forest. Climbing the tallest tree he sat with his back against the tree and had his legs resting on the branch. Reading the tome he found some interesting information about the lycans they'll deal with in two days. "So if the moon is blocked by any means they temporarily change back to their normal self at that point it is just a matter of keeping them out of the moon light otherwise they turn back into their lycan form. There is some rather interesting stuff in here I might have to see if the chief will let me keep this." He said as he continued to read the tome being about halfway finished reading it and just finishing the apple he had in his pocket.

    Elettro Guard: 10%
    Cursed seal Used:2/7


    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken For_nightken_of_ftrp_by_tehfrostyheart-d72m9kl
    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken 5Wr4WuE

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    Akira Tatsumi
    Akira Tatsumi

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
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    Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken Empty Re: Shine Like the moon - Axel and Nightken

    Post by Akira Tatsumi 13th July 2014, 3:51 pm

    Axel woke up, and soon after that he decided to check up on how Night was doing, so he went to his room and knocked on his door, but no one answered. 'Either he got out of bed early, or he stayed out all night. I surely hope it is the first one,' Axel sighed. Axel walked up to the counter of the Inn and began to talk to the manager. "Hello, I would like to pay for the next two nights for two rooms please,' Axel said to the manager, as he pulled out enough jewels. They were accepted, so Axel and Nightken no longer had to worry about that ordeal. He was being nice when he payed for Night's room. He decided to, since he liked Night, and he usually did a favor for his friends.

    After that, Axel went out of the Inn, but there were three men waiting outside for him, with swords. Axel was pissed from all of the hate he and Nightken were getting. 'What the hell is wrong with you people? I am just trying to help the city, dammit!' Axel thought. "Listen here, you mage. We can handle the perfect moon ourselves. You see, we know you would just foolishly kill the wolves, but they are really good people. Not there fault they are cursed. You should not be able to kill them just because of that!" shouted the man in the middle. "Wait, is that what this is about? Listen, I do not plan to kill anyone. From the start we were just going to restrain them for the rest of the night. I promise!" said Axel. "We do not believe mages. You people should just leave and never other us again!" the man in the middle shouted, then came at Axel.

    He slashed at Axel diagonally, starting from the top left down, but Axel ducked and dodge-rolled to his left, then hit the man with a barrage of fists. The other men came at Axel as well, but he did the same, and beat them up. "Next time, respect those that wish to help you, idiots," said Axel.

    WC: 359


    Akira Tatsumi

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 11:07 am