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    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread)


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Empty A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread)

    Post by LividFrost 6th July 2014, 2:47 pm

    It smelled of oil.

    The factory creaked and groaned in the wind as Shufa stepped through it. The place reeked rust and abandonment. It reeked of death. She couldn’t believe that she had to go into a place like this, so disgusting and dirty. If she found that little jerk, she was going kill him. But right now, that was not important.

    She needed to find that book first.

    “Where did that buttsucker put the book?” She muttered as she looked around darkly.

    Some stupid boy had taken up a new hobby of stealing her books, which she didn’t mind so much at first, because he would return them the next day. But soon, he began to actually keep them or return them in terrible condition and that was when she got horribly angry.

    No one messed with Shufa’s books.

    Glancing around the area, she finally caught a glimpse of a familiar small satchel. She sighed in relief and stormed over to grab it. She slid her book out to make sure it was still in good shape. Seeing that nothing was wrong, she tucked the book away and took a step back. Her foot hit some hard and-


    The factory exploded right beneath her and sent her flying into the air.

    “God, I’m going to kill that boy!” She cursed as she flew through the air. Zipping into the sky helplessly she turned her head just in time to see a huge looming airship.

    “This is the worst.” She mumble, unable to prevent herself from crashing through the ceiling of the ship, tumbling down and landing on something.... warm? She better not have just killed someone.


    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Aoshik12
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

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    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Empty Re: A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread)

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 8th July 2014, 4:49 pm

    he had been wandering again, reading like always. although often he find new member. but this time the new person found them. she landed on him, although it was a surprise it did not hurt to much. "OW..." he rolls the woman off of him and stands up. "is that how you greet people?" brushing himself off he then offers his hand to help her up.


    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) QGrxNTU

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Empty Re: A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread)

    Post by LividFrost 9th July 2014, 6:55 am

    Probably the only good thing, Shufa decided, was that she had landed on someone rather than a something, especially a something sharp. Gathering her bears, she pushed herself up, not even noticing the hand that had been offered to her.

    Looking up, she found a man standing in front of her, waiting for his question to be answered.

    "Yeah." was all she said, her chronic laziness of the jaw taking action again and that was all she was willing to say. The simplest answer possible.

    "This is?"


    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Aoshik12

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- Novice [250]- Player 
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    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Empty Re: A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread)

    Post by Sonya<3 10th July 2014, 10:09 am

    Yuna had heard tge sound of a large crash and immediately thought of a bomb. She raced through the halls until she managed to reach where the sound had come from. She saw Kiba and a new girl talking. "H-Hi..!" She greeted uncertainly. "I'm Yuna. N-Nice to meet you..!" She turned to Kiba. "Ethan wants to talk to you..." She said quietly. Kiba gave a nod and excited the room after saying good bye and entrusting the girl to her. Yuna gave the girl a bright smile, "What's your name?"


    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) 0006710

    Yuna || Magic || Bank || Fang
    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Coolt137

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Empty Re: A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread)

    Post by LividFrost 10th July 2014, 1:54 pm

    If the first encounter wasn't enough to send Shufa into social despair, this second sure was. At times, she really didn't understand the reason behind the need to introduce oneself, especially if it was very possible that they weren't ever going to meet again, but Shufa decided that it would be best if she responded to this Yuna. She seemed to know this place well enough that Shufa could figure out where she landed and how to get out.

    "Shufa." she finally said after a long pause. "Where is this?" she asked once again.


    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Aoshik12
    Vivian Carmello
    Vivian Carmello

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    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Empty Re: A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread)

    Post by Vivian Carmello 14th July 2014, 2:00 pm

    Vivian had been walking through the halls of Noximus when she heard what sounded like a commotion up ahead. "Hey, let's check that out," Vi said mentally, in a good mood from her encounter with a kindred spirit a day or so ago. "Y-you think we should?" Vivian stammered back. "T-there might be a fight..." "So what?" Vi responded. "If there's a fight, let's join it! I'm in a mood for a good tussle." Vivian sighed. "S-shut up, Vi." Vi scoffed, but quieted nonetheless.
    Up ahead, she saw two girls talking. One looked small and adorable, while the other had a look on her face that said she didn't want to be there. Vivian froze; meeting one new person was bad enough, but meeting two people at once for the first time might be too much for her bruised self at the moment. She ran and hid behind a nearby pillar, watching both girls cautiously.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- S-Rank- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
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    Posts : 458
    Guild : Aelyst Crux (Dragon Fang Co-Founder)
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    Mentor : Ramen Fighter
    Experience : 75,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Demon Slayer
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    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Empty Re: A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread)

    Post by Sonya<3 14th July 2014, 3:04 pm

    Yuna's green eyes twinkled brightly. "Th-this is the guild of N-Nox Animus," She said happily. Yuna, for one, was glad she had joined the guild. An idea suddenly sprang into her mind. She looked up at Shufa then at the roof, "You are welcomed to s-stay," she said returning her gaze at Shufa, "B-but we just need to talk to G-Guildmaster Zenneth first. A-And are you okay?" Yuna barely noticed movement and turned towards the pillars. "H-hello?" she called out, "A-Anyone there..?"


    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) 0006710

    Yuna || Magic || Bank || Fang
    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Coolt137

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Posts : 19
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    Age : 26
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    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Empty Re: A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread)

    Post by LividFrost 15th July 2014, 4:20 am

    The girl... stuttered... It roused Shufa's curiosity heavily.

    So this was the guild Nox Animus? She had heard of it before, but she had never thought to actually land in it, both literally and figuratively. She had never bothered to learn more though because the thought of joining a guild just never crossed her mind.

    No, it wasn't that she didn't want to. She just never thought to. (Plus, it seemed like too much social work to find a guild, talk to strangers and join it. She was afraid her jaw would go slack somewhere in the midst of everything and everyone would wonder if she had gone mute when really she had just gone lazy.)

    And now, when an offer was presented, she realized how tempting of an idea it truly was. One thing for sure, she would not be terrorized by little kids who liked to steal books. She wanted to ask more questions, like, "Can I really stay?" and "Is the guildmaster scary?", but in the end, it all spiraled down to a single "Ok. I'm alright."

    Everything else refused to come out of her mouth. Not just because she was lazy, but because she realized that half of those questions were such low intelligence questions that she would shoot herself out of embarrassment if she had actually asked them.

    Now, Yuna glanced over behind the pillars, either psyched out about a mouse or actually noticing someone. Shufa glanced over too, refraining from commenting.


    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Aoshik12
    Vivian Carmello
    Vivian Carmello

    Lineage : Eagle Vision
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    Experience : 125

    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Empty Re: A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread)

    Post by Vivian Carmello 17th July 2014, 6:40 pm

    "You realize that they know you're there?" Vi remarked, annoyed. "Here we are, with some brand new companions available to make, and you just try to ignore it. Why even bother with this magic, if you're going to ignore the bonds right in front of you, waiting to be made?" "W-why are you being mean, Vi?" Vivian stammered back, frightened by Vi's sudden outburst. "You were s-so nice just before..." "I change moods quickly when somebody annoying is around," Vi responded. "Like you." 
    "V-Vi..." Vivian responded, her hands curling into fists despite herself. "Will you just shut up!" Vi was shocked into silence by Vivian's sudden outburst, if only for a moment. "Hey, some feistiness!" She said happily, clapping her hands together in Vivian's mind. "You've had a lot of that lately, haven't you? Good job! By the way, in case you didn't notice, you yelled that out loud." "I-I-I what?!" Vivian stammered, turning beet red as she realized that yes, she had yelled that loud enough for everybody nearby to hear. Turning and revealing herself from behind the pillar, she quickly bowed while stuttering out several apologies. "I-I'm so sorry! T-that wasn't meant for you two at all! M-my name's Vivian Carmello, n-nice to meet you!"
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

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    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Empty Re: A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread)

    Post by Daemon Spade 17th July 2014, 9:59 pm

    And hear I thought I was the only person crazy enough to stay up this late, slurrpppp" a tall eighteen year old male made slurping noises as he walked down up to the group out of a shadowy alleyway with a bowl of ramen in one hand a some chopsticks in the other . Daemon lloked around while devouring his dinner before leaning against a lamp post Why is it that when ever Slurp we get a new member they cause trouble as soon as they arrive?" He asked looking at the new girl with a stoic glance as he pointed his chopsticks at her. "please don't make a habit of it okay milady ?"


    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Empty Re: A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread)

    Post by LividFrost 18th July 2014, 11:02 am

    More people? Shufa really wondered if this was some trick that the boy had ordered, somehow realizing her lack of joy in conversing with others and deciding that it would be funny to surround her with people.

    But she knew better than to blame everything on the boy. He wasn't all powerful.

    She nodded at Vivian, not sure what to make of her entrance, the shouting behind a pillar. Maybe she had a particular dislike of talking to people just like her, but Shufa felt Vivian was probably spying on them.

    "Destroying things is not a hobby of mine." She grimaced, noticing the hole in the roof upon the arrival of the ramen eating boy.

    And neither is talking to others.

    She wondered how many other people she would have to meet on this bizarre day.


    A falling Entrance (Shufa's entrance thread) Aoshik12

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