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    The Annals of Tier Ayne.


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    The Annals of Tier Ayne. Empty The Annals of Tier Ayne.

    Post by Tier 18th June 2012, 1:54 pm

    Taken from the diary of Tier Ayne

    It began like many other days that summer. The sun rose, the family rose with it. Breakfast was made, laughs and love shared endlessly at the table. Finally as the sun broke over our house, it was time to leave. Mom was helping a couple with a new born she had delivered a week ago today. Just stopping in to see how things were. Dad was down the block, helping neighbors replace a few windows that had been broken out during a riot that had happened here two days ago. Saeryth was already at training, his water magic had taken off, exceeding the expectations of many. And myself, stuck at the basics. I could barely get anything going. My magical power was definitely not as great as my brothers, but he was 5 years older, so I still held out hope. But overly, I remember his look when a man in black robes dropped a sheet of paper in front of him. I wasn't sure of it at the time, but it would spell out doom later.

    Supper came early, as Dad was tired and wanted to sleep. Mom sat with him in their room shortly after she cleaned up. I tried to study, but Saeryth had to show me something. I remember his words when we entered the study our parents set up for us, “What's so different about water and blood?” It was then, it all started. Saeryth tried it a few times, and nothing happened, his anger rising with each attempt. The more he tried, the angrier he got until finally, it released. I'm not sure what happened.

    I saw the rune on the floor below him, flowing red water seeped from it, slowly spinning around him until he was fully encased. It was at this time I realized it wasn't water, but blood. It wasn't hard to miss the pain in my brothers eyes. Even at 24, the amount of fear I saw still scares me now. There was a few movements, and a thud from upstairs. I saw him look up, his jaw dropped. I looked up to. Two more runes had etched themselves into the ceiling. Right above us was our parents room. They started first. It started off as screams of confusion, then turned into screams of agony. There were a few sounds from upstairs, and I was left to guess what they were, then nothing. Saeryth and myself looked at each other, we knew what was coming. I dashed towards him, but the bubble of blood repelled me. Then it was his turn, as small blood droplets formed above him for a moment until the became elongated and sharp. The drove into him, cutting ever deeper into his body. His screams echoed through the room, through my head.

    I only get flashes from here. I can remember starting to scream myself. Then the walls ran with blood towards me. Blackness. I remember a hand, and being led from my house. A crowd had gathered. I remember rumors, about there not being a drop of blood in the house, yet everyone had been dismembered. I wasn't sure what had happened. Then I remember a man. Dressed in a black cloak walk by me, he said “He got what he wanted. The magic, and the pact..” Before I could react, he was gone.

    I know now what he meant. It took me while to realize that during the torture of my family, I had been inscribed. Four chains holding a raven carved onto my back. I'm not sure how I do it, but I can keep my brother in check. I release him from his prison inside my body when there's fighting. I personally have no magic power left, but him, hes different. Its like he got both of ours. He casts what he calls “Blood Magic”. I guess he did get what he wanted in a sense. The power, the magic. Now, all I know, is that he can't be released, I know his anger at times. I don't know what his magic can do.. He will stay inside of me, until I need him. I haven't lost control yet, and as long as I keep this up, I won't.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:49 pm