Fairy Tail RP

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    Aiden's Story

    Aiden Blaze
    Aiden Blaze

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Pyron
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Warrior of Fire
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Aiden's Story Empty Aiden's Story

    Post by Aiden Blaze 18th June 2012, 3:10 pm

    History: Aiden's story started the night his family was killed. When Aiden was 6 years old his town was attacked by the greatest magical beast ever a dragon.Aiden slept soundly in his bed awaiting the next day. Aiden suddenly hopped up out of his bed terrified. He ran full speed to his parent's room. He woke them up and explained his nightmare to them frantically trying toget them to get up and leave the house. Aiden said over and over that a dragon was coming to kill them. His parents just laughed and told him dragons didn't exist sending him back to bed. He walked back to his room, and on the way out passed his broter who was 12." Scaredy cat" mocked his brother. Aiden went back to sleep with peace of mind, but the next time he woke up it wasn't pretty.

    Aiden smelled smoke and heard screams of terror. When he looked out of his window he saw black fire everywhere. The flame burned everything to the ground. He hurried to his parents room to warn them of the danger, but when he got to their room it was crushed by none other than a dragon. The creature was black with red x scars over both the eyes. It looked at Aiden with the intention of killing him, but before it could he was saved by a man. He had scarlet red hair and was atleast 6ft10 . Aiden sat still in shock as flames crept up behind him about to be burned Aiden's brother pulled him out of the way. He put Aiden on his back and ran out the front door.

    Aiden still in shock didn't make a sound he didn't even move. When they made it outside the black dragon grabbed Aiden's brother, and the man grabbed him. They were taken in two different directions Aiden reched for his brother and his broter reached for him, but in the end they were torn apart. Aiden passed out while he was being taken away from his burning town. He woke up the next day to the mysterious man staring at him. He began to cry until "silence"!!! Fearing the man Aiden stopped immediatly. "Tell me boy what is your name"? "I'm Aiden Blaze." "Tell me why did that dragon want to kill you Aiden"?" How should I know I'm not a dragon". "I just figured you might but I guess not. Anyway if I know that beast as well as I think I do he'll come after you again, so I'm going to train you, but first I'll have to find out why he wants you"." When do we start"? "Now, whatever he wants can't be good". Then Pyron realized that he was the boy of legend. The elemental warrior of fire, the boy with the blood red hair. There was a legend that spoke of a child with red hair who would become the elemental warrior of fire, and destroy the black dragon. Upon discovering this Pyron unlocked his power early to train him.

    The man and Aiden began to create a bond between them. As the months went by he made an elemental mage out of Aiden and a son. He taught Aiden all the basics and a few other things, but just like any good mentor he knew that Aiden would not progess if he kept holding his hand, and so he left without a word. Aiden thought it was funny because he had a dream of this the night before. Aiden thought it was a coincidence, but he knew that even if Pyron was gone he would always be watching him.

    Aiden knew even without Pyron he would have to keep trainng and getting stronger, so when the dragon came for him again he would be ready. He decided to become a mage that way he would always be able to use his powers and learn new thing. For a long time he wondered from town to town until one day he heard of a strong guild of wizards who were known as Fairy Tail. He folowed up on all of their missions and finally decided to become a member of their great guild. He often left for long amounts of time. Traveling became his thing living where ever he wanted, but he had only one true home the guild of Fairy Tail.

    RP Sample: Aiden stood alone surrounded by fire. He inhaled air and exhaled fire. Then shouted "roar of the fire" dragon as he put his hands by his mouth and spit fire, this was not the real thing of course, but Aiden couln't hepl but to pretend. When he joined the guild he heard of the great salamander. He was now an offical fire mage, and as such had to stay in top condition. He was training for a battle that was nigh. He had taken his jacket off fearing it might get burned. Than he began to absorb air into the pores all over his body. Then yelled "Blazing Explosion" releasing fire from all around him causing mass destruction, but also burning off all of clothes including his underwear. It also left burn marks all over his body. "Damn it's still incomplete" said Aiden right before passing out. Later that day he was discovered in the middle of a scorched field completly naked. "I told that dumb ass to take it easy. Ah well I guess it can't be helped". The man put Aiden over shoulder his shoulder and started walking towards the town once there he bought a room and a fresh pair of clothes reclothing his friend and leaving. Aiden awoke to see a cieling above him. "Heh thats Axel you tell him not to interfere, but he does anyway". Aiden checked out of the room and started to leave the building, but was intercepted by a woman who happened to see him before he was reclothed. She invited Aiden to her room, he then smiled and said "I could spare an hour or two".

    Face Claim:Sekima Hiwatari Anime:Buso Renkin


    I'll burn you until there nothing left not even ashes!!!!!!!!

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 11:49 pm