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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre


    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 19th May 2014, 2:25 am

    With a loud sigh, Orel extended his hand to a side, as a small orb of magical energy formed on top of his palm. Glowing with a frothing, ethereal light, the orb elongated and spread its light around, before materializing into the bow that he wielded. You see, the bird had the ability to summon and de-summon it in the battleground for as long as he liked and he made full use of it.
    So with a small grin that let his canines shine, the avian notched an arrow made with the same magical energy, took an aim at the man who was sprawling on the ground while clutching his stomach and simply let the arrow ride the wind.
    It could be called bull's eye, for it had pierced the man's chest, causing a quick splutter of blood, before his life ceased into nothing. Just then, there was a little shift, from off behind him to his left. He'd heard the foot leave the floor and no one should ever underestimate an eagle's senses. The bird stepped backward once, sideways to be exact, for a momentum wind up and then extended his leg fully into the bottom of one of the Black Lotus's members. The shattering side kick caused the man to stumble back several steps, as he was kept busy by his need to maintain balance.
    By then, Orel had whirled and kicked forward instinctively, as another one of his opponents had lunged while he looked away behind him for the brief moment of the previous kick. Another connection and this man flew backward tumbling as well. It was indeed surprising that they were only attacking him with fists and not any kind of magic, but it was most probably because of the fact that they were not being given the chance to prepare a spell.
    With a little shake of his head, the avian took running forward towards another Black Lotus member, catching it off guard from him actually attacking it, because it was timed when he least expected it.
    The bird started with a running straight kick too the man's torso, since it was the quickest way of landing a perfect and deadly connection, especially without giving him a chance to retort. Jumping a step forward to keep up with his staggering frame, the bird attacked with a colossal left hook. He hopped in his place then, thus delivering a thudding right kick to the side of the magus's face, causing him to stumble and fall on his back. Orel would then grab him by the edge of his shirt and drag it along the ground to gain momentum, as the other Lotus members stared wide-eyed. For them, it was perhaps their worst nightmare, but for Aedre; who was actually busy with her opponent and her blades, it was simply wonderful. Watching it from the corner of her eyes and only in brief glimpses, she knew that her client had provided her the best possible ally.



    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 ObrztW


    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 20th May 2014, 3:58 am

    Orel was actually enjoying himself, as he performed an extravagant skip, hop dance with the beast, whirling it above his head like a lasso as one of the men tried leaping in after attempting to back down and time a jump in. However, Orel merely slammed the hell out of him by landing a strong downward punch on his head. No wonder, something as big as Orel's claw, which was even capable of cutting through metal, was a heavily-dealt damage. It's weight slammed into the attacking man and caused him to fall hard on his legs, as the other man was thrown straight into the air, so that one could see his thin frame landing on the paved road with some deadly accuracy.
    At the same time, Aedre's opponents had turned to three instead of one, for the Black Lotus members had apparently mistook her to be a bit more weaker with her attacks and with more mercy in her heart. Atleast, more than a certain feral beast. For mercy, did not belong to the wilderness.
    The three mages watched her movements carefully and leaped around, drawing swords and howling as they charged forward.
    A lithe and quick-moving form of Aedre rose up from a half-way crouch to the side of them, silent as a ghost, and seeming almost to float, so quick were her feet moving, across the cold ground.
    Shining twin blades came out from the side of her body; a white smile and crystal-blue eyes greeting the charging trio.
    " 'Ere, get her!" One man cried and all three went in the Slayer's direction. Their movements, two stabbing thrusts and a wild slash, were uncoordinated and awkward.
    The woman's right arm went straight out to the side, presenting Excalibur at a perfect angle to deflect the sidelong slash way up high, while her left hand worked over and in, driving the concave side of Elucidator down across both stabbing blades. Down came Excalibur as Elucidator retracted, to slam against the extended swords, and down and across came the darker of the two swords, to hit them both again. A subtle dip and duck backward had the woman's head clear of the outraged man's backhand slash, and Aedre snapped Excalibur up quickly enough to stick the man in the hand as the sword whistled past.
    He howled and let go, his sword flying free.
    But not far, for the Slayer was already in motion with her left hand. She brought Elucidator across to hook the blade as it spun free. What followed was a dance that mesmerized the three thugs. A swift movement of the twin blades had the sword spinning in the air, over, under, and about, with the playing a song, it seemed, on the weapon's sides.
    Aedre finished with an over and about movement of Elucidator that perfectly presented the sword back to its original owner.
    "Surely you can do better than that." the smiling pinkette offered as the hilt of the sword landed perfectly in the hand of the stunned thug.



    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 ObrztW


    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Age : 25
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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 23rd May 2014, 5:56 am

    The man screamed and dropped his weapon to the ground, turning around and running off, only to be followed by one of his comrades. However, before he could get away from the scene, he fell straight into the hands of Orel. Such a bad choice when it came to picking a way; for now he would struggle, just like a small insect caught in a tricky spider's web. The only way out of this web would be to fight, but from the way things were looking, any chances of the men getting away was too thin.
    The third man, though, out of fear or anger or stupidity, came on instead. His sword worked furiously, forward in a thrust then back, then forward higher and in a roundabout turn back down.
    Or at least, it started down.
    Up came the Slayer's magnificent swords, hitting it alternately, twice each. Then over went Elucidator, forcing the sword low, and the woman went into a furious attack, her blades smashing hard, side to side against the overmatched thug's sword, hitting it so fast and with such fury that the song sounded as one long note.
    The man surely felt his arm going numb, but he tried to take advantage of his opponent's furious movements by rushing forward suddenly, an obvious attempt to get in close and tie up Aedre's lightning-fast hands.
    Without the miss of a heartbeat, he found himself without his weapon, though he did not know how. The mage lunged forward, arms wide to capture his foe in a bear hug, only to catch nothing but thin air.
    The woman had slid to his blind-side, his back and had mercilessly let one of her swords slide into his back, missing his spine by only a few centimeters. A deadly attack, one that caused the man to fall onto his knees, as a groan escaped him and the sword came out of his body due to the slow fall. A soft thud and the man was face down, with blood spilling out of his wound and dampening his shirt.
    Not minding of he was already dead or not, Aedre had a foot on the thug's back, between his shoulder-blades, and the pinkette stomped him facedown into the muck.
    "You would do well to stay right there until I ask you to get up." She instructed, just like a mother warning her kids about not stealing cookies. She had a love for discipline, or atleast, it existed when it came to the people around her and still failed to apply for her own self. One could say, she was a pretty unfair in this matter.
    A second later though, her tone changed into that of someone ruminating deeply, "Uh, I actually don't think you're capable of getting up." She concluded, figuring out that her opponent had already greeted his last heartbeat in a matter of a handful of seconds.
    With that, her foot touched the ground, as she gave out a small chuckle and headed off at a leisurely pace to follow the trail of the fleeing duo who were now being handled by Orel.


    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 ObrztW


    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Age : 25
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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 24th May 2014, 7:32 am

    Reaching right up to the place where Orel was handling the four remaining men, Aedre simply let her eyes relish the fight. But, she had not even spent a proper dozen seconds standing, that she felt a quick swipe of air beside her. She slid to one side and noticed a burly, muscle-packed man; holding a huge axe with both his hands. From the looks of it, he could've been another ReQuip mage and was apparently even an expert handler of axes, since he seemed to have no trouble holding the behemoth of a weapon.
    He came at her aggressively and clumsily, sweeping the axe across in front of him, then back across, then up and over with a tremendous downward chop.
    Aedre was pretty nible had little trouble avoiding the three swipes. The miss on the third, the axe diving into the soft ground, left her the perfect opportunity to score a quick thrust, and the thug tore his axe free and set it into a blocking position before him, snapping it this way and that to intercept, or at least deflect, the stabbing sword.
    The pinkette strode forward powerfully, presenting her self too far forward, she knew, at least in the eyes of the other mage. For she knew that this one would underestimate her. Taking the bait, the thug shoved out with his axe, turning it head-out toward the woman and trying to slam her with it.
    A planted foot and a turn brought her right by the awkward weapon, and while she could have pierced the man's chest with either one of her swords, she used her foot instead, kicking him hard in the abdomen.
    She skittered back, and the man, with a groan, set himself again. Aedre waited, allowing him to take the offensive again. Predictably, he worked his way around to launch another of those mighty - and useless - horizontal slashes. This time the Slayer backed away only enough so the flying blade barely missed her. She turned as she came forward past the man's extended reach, pivoting on her left foot and back-kicking with her right, again slamming the man to the front of his body.
    She didn't really know why, but she just felt like doing that. A repetitive number of killings in the past minutes, had made her repeat her actions too. A chain reaction that was caused by some amount of boredom and one that came with the price of her creativity.
    Again, the woman was out of harm's way before the thug could begin to react, before he had even recovered from the sickening pain that was likely rolling up his body.
    He did manage to straighten though, barely, and he brought his axe up high and roared, rushing forward - the attack of a desperate opponent. Excalibur's hungry tip dived in at the man's belly, stopping him short. A flick of Aedre's wrist sent the deadly blade snapping down, and a quick step had the woman right up against the man, face to face.
    "Bet it hurts." she whispered, and up came her knee, hard, aiming straight for his stomach.
    "This is slightly boring, right?" She questioned, almost in a whisper, to none other than herself. But her opponent might have misinterpreted it, for his pupils could be seen widening with fear. The malice in the pinkette's voice was very evident, especially so to the ones she was unleashing it upon; her adversaries.


    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 ObrztW


    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Age : 25
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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 27th May 2014, 4:15 am

    With that one sentence though, Aedre jumped back then leaped forward in a spin, her sword cutting across inside the angle of the downward-chopping axe, the fine blade shearing through the axe handle as easily as if it was made of candle wax. The Slayer rushed back out again, but not before one last, well-placed kick.
    The thug, his eyes fully closed, his face locked in a grimace of absolute pain, tried to pursue, but the down cut of Excalibur made a deep gash on his chest and ripped off some cloth of his shirt.
    One shortened step, and another, and the man tripped up on a small stone and tumbled headlong into the muck. Mud-covered, waves of pain obviously rolling through his body, he scrambled to his knees and swiped at the woman as she stalked in. Only then did he seem to realize he was holding no more than half an axe handle. The swing fell way short and brought the man too far out to the left. Aedre stepped in behind it, braced her foot on the brute's right shoulder, and pushed him back down in the muck.
    He got up to his knees again, blinded by mud and swinging wildly.
    She was behind him.
    She kicked him to the muck again.
    "Stay down." the Slayer warned in her trademark, frosty tone.
    Sputtering curses, mud, and brown water, the stubborn, stunned ruffian rose again.
    "Stay down." The pinkette said, knowing he would focus in on her voice.
    He threw one leg out to the side for balance and shifted around, launching a desperate swing.
    The woman hopped over both the club and the leg, landing before the man and shifting her momentum into one great kick to the crotch.
    This time, as the man curled in the fetal position in the muck, making little mewling sounds and clutching at his groin, the woman knew he wouldn't be getting back up.
    With a sigh and a simple flick of her wrists, both the swords in Aedre's hands disappeared into thin air, leaving not even a small trace of their existence. Which of course, is excluding the carnage that Aedre had unleashed with the use of them. Blood, some faint rotting and morbid smell was left and was actually being carried away by the soft night breeze.
    The blades were now tucked in the safety of a small pocket dimension, made by the chains that were wrapped around Aedre's right hand, which had their effects working on both her arms. A small item from Ca-Elum, one which was extremely handy when it came to carrying weapons and small miscellaneous stuff.
    "Its time to turn this battle to the magical side." The pinkette stated, as she snapped her fingers, causing two magic circles to form on either side of her opponent's head. The circles would cast an ethereal, crystal-blue light, bringing the man's crude facial structure into notice and a grimace onto Aedre's lips.


    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 ObrztW


    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 27th May 2014, 5:20 am

    A loud shriek would pierce the silence of the night, as the man clutched the sides of his head and let his fingers dig into his own ears. The pain was evidently unbearable and it was making his entire body shake and shiver in desperate need of a relief from this torture. It was the most lovely trick in Aedre's arsenal, one that she adored to use on her enemies and gain an upper hand. Usually, it was only there for inflicting pain and instilling fear in the minds of her opponents. It never played the role of a game changer, but today was slightly different. Aedre knew full well that her adversary was weak now, just on the verge of drifting into unconsciousness; so she definitely wouldn't fail to use his condition to her advantage.
    But as the man continued to make noises that spoke of his pain, Aedre had already shifted her attention to the three remaining men that Orel was dealing with.
    The eagle had just been approached with a strong jet of fire, expelled from the palm of one of the magus's of Black Lotus. Orel had glided to one side, while the wings on his back unfurled with all their glory. A wide and lush wingspan was what the beast possessed and none of this glory shied away from viewers.
    Taking off into the air, the avian swept one of his opponents away from the ground. His claws held the shoulders of the man quite tightly and securely, causing the man to kick, scream and curse in anger. Utterly futile it was, because Orel's claws continued to dig into his very skin with the same strength that would slide through metal. It was like a hot knife working on a slab of butter, but instead of the slab being divided into two pieces, Orel's action brought forth a red liquid that seeped through the layers of clothing and stained his arms.
    "So, do you like flying?" Orel's commanding, yet soothing voice inquired, as his pupils dilated when the trunk of a huge tree came into his vision.
    Behind them, the two other Black Lotus members were cursing and swearing in a loud voice, as they were too pissed of at this one woman and creature that had fallen into their path and became one of their biggest obstacles. A sharp, little thorn in the way.
    At the same time, the mage who was sprawled on the ground had fallen into a state of unconsciousness, since he was too weak to deal with the extreme pain that seemed to beat inside his head after the casting of Aedre's spell.
    However, his fall-down did not bring any notable changes in the pinkette's stance, for she was still ready to go against anyone who was ready for a marvelous defeat. Afterall, that's what weaklings met after having their paths cross with the merciless Slayer.


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    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Age : 25
    Experience : 75987.5

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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 30th May 2014, 5:14 am

    Orel glided through the air with simple ease, his experience with this rather gifted activity clearly showing when he made some sharp twirls mid-air and changed his direction by small amounts.
    Reaching up closer to the tree trunk that he was aiming for, the eagle would spin about in the air with great speed, while holding the mage by his shoulders and spinning him along. A few seconds later, deeming the motion as enough gathering of kinetic energy, Orel loosened his grip on the man; thus causing him to mewl in fear. What happened next was only to be expected, as the eagle completely left the man and he collided head-first into the trunk and Orel's spin came to a stop.
    By placing his hands on his hips and striking a triumphant pose in mid-air, the bird enjoyed the sight of a bloodied, bruised and limp body of his enemy; one that had already drifted into a sleep from which he'll only wake up after several days. Not dead, but hurt in the worst possible way, such that his own limbs would refuse to work for him.
    At the same time, Aedre's eyes had noticed a little piece of parchment sticking out of a pocket in the jacket of her unconscious opponent. Scrunching up her eyebrows in a bemused way, the woman knelt down beside him and pulled out the paper and started to unfold it carefully. For some reason, this action of hers caused something in the other two men to snap and they exchanged some looks with each other. For one part, they were afraid to approach the pinkette or her companion for a fight, but simultaneously, they knew the importance of the piece of paper in her hand.
    'A map, eh?' The Slayer wondered, as her blue orbs scanned it and figured out that it was a map of this very village; since it looked similar to how the place seemed from the sky. Her short trip in the air with Orel had paid its role well and helped her in identifying.
    However, she also came upon a little X that was made in one corner of the map, probably a few miles away from where she currently stood. An area that was surrounded by a bit of lush and dense part of the forest; a perfect place for a secret hideout. Especially so for a Dark Guild that was supported by only a bunch of weaklings.
    'Trash and a pathetic waste of time.'
    "Give it back to us!" One of the men screamed, as he hurled a orb of light in Aedre's direction, one that hit her right arm when she tried to block it. A small pang of pain is all that she felt, as the same arm touched the ground beneath her lightly. The woman's eyes glowed an incandescent blue as she stared down the man who had attacked her. The tips of her fingers glowed a bright blue, as the round itself began to rumble slightly. The men exchanged a worried glance with each other as even Orel turned behind to witness what was going to happen next.
    The sound of roaring water, exactly similar to the water of the sea.
    "Know how to swim?" The pinkette's frosty voice questioned teasingly, as a smirk formed onto her features.

    Last edited by Aedre on 2nd June 2014, 11:54 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Age : 25
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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 30th May 2014, 5:17 am

    The ground cracked slowly, as an expanding reverse of blue water gushed out from right beneath the two men's feet, tossing them high into the air and letting their vocal chords pain due to the sheer amount of effort that was wasted in letting out hoarse screams. Apparently, they had a fear of heights and definitely realized that once the geyser comes to a stop they were going to fall onto the ground straight on their bodies with no cushioning at all.
    Besides, the little bit of glimpse to the future wasn't all, because the water that hit them was almost boiling with a furious heat; a temperature which could give them some painful scalds.
    "Let's get out of here." The pinkette stated, her eyes fixated onto Orel, who, with an obedient nod, swept past her and picked her up in a bridal carry.
    The duo set for the skies once again, as the eagle questioned curiously, "So where's our next destination now?"
    "Right there." Aedre spoke, a single finger pointing in the direction of a mountain. With a hesitant nod, the avian shot up his speed, while the Slayer fumbled with the map in her hand. Fighting against the wind that tried its best to steal the piece of parchment away, Aedre focused on the evident X made in the direction of their flight.
    "It seems to be right behind that mountain." She said nonchalantly, as she turned her vision back to look at the carnage she unleashed.
    'Think I gave the villagers a little cleaning project.' She thought, as a chuckle escaped her lips.
    'You also saved them.' Orel's voice replied in her head, causing a small grimace to form on Aedre's features.
    'You know that I didn't mean to. Their well-being is not of importance to me, I did what I was told. Its the way the mage business works.'
    'What if I say... you did it for your own sick pleasure?'
    'Perhaps I did.' The pinkette replied with a smirk, as she rested her eyes back on their destination.
    'You're indeed a strange person.'
    'What do you mean?'
    'You're limited in your nature and infinite in your desires. Like a... fallen god who remembers heaven. Yes, a god indeed.'
    "You know that you're sounding a bit weird, right?" Aedre questioned aloud, feeling the need to break the thin silence that reigned over them. However, her question was only given an answer with a nod and the young woman couldn't help but notice that the bird's eyes had a strange glint to them.
    "Nevermind that. We're here." With that statement, Orel's feet hit hard ground and he lowered Aedre slowly. Straightening herself up, the pinkette looked around slowly. They seemed to be standing in a rather huge clearing, covered by thick and dense forest on all sides. The most intimidating enemy of all time; nature, stood guard to this place.
    The parchment in Aedre's hand was folded open once again and blue eyes roamed over it for a confirmation.
    "This is the place."
    "What place?!" A voice shouted from a side, as about nine men made their way out of nearby shrubs, bushes and trees. It was an ambush.

    Last edited by Aedre on 3rd June 2014, 6:51 pm; edited 2 times in total


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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by NPC 30th May 2014, 5:17 am

    The member 'Aedre' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 3rd June 2014, 11:09 pm

    Aedre turned to face the owner of the voice, as her pupils dilated and a chuckle escaped her, "This place. Your little secret burrow... But sadly, you couldn't hide anymore."
    The statement made the man clench his fist in anger, as one could notice him muttering a few curses beneath his breath. An enemy with a small temper, it seemed.
    A cocky grin formed on his features, as he made a hand-sign to one of his approaching companions.
    "I'll deal with this madam."
    A look of fear crossed the other mage's face almost instantly, for it looked as if her will-be opponent was quite strong indeed; cause power had always commanded respect and it'll never cease doing so.
    "That's not really fair." Orel's voice interrupted Aedre when she was about to speak and her words were muffled with a gentle flutter of her lips and a slight bit of startled air.
    The pinkette's opponent raised a single eyebrow in question and was met with a rather... unexpected answer.
    "If she fights you, I would like an opponent too." The answer was downright honest and the Slayer couldn't help but smile at this childish behavior. She had really expected Orel to own a much more refined and mature personality.
    One of the Black Lotus members sniggered as he spoke, "You have us." With that single statement, three knives were thrown in Orel's direction, one of which passed just over Aedre's head when she ducked.
    Before the blades could even reach a single foot near the avian, his wings unfurled into the open and he flew straight for the man responsible for the throw. On the other hand, the knives simply lodged themselves into a nearby tree.
    However, these set of events did not faze the strongest member of Black Lotus, for he was already busy preparing a spell. He was in a focused stance, eyes closed and an aura of dark energy sprouting all around him. Both the palms of his hand were closed together, as a small orb of shadows formed in between them, only to grow bigger in size when the distance between the man's palms increased. A small, triumphant smile lit up Aedre's face as she watched, 'I know where this is going.'
    The man's eyes opened in a tenth of a second and his palms were already separated, while a projectile of darkness made its way in Aedre's direction at almost blinding speeds.
    It collided with her body, as a colossal explosion occurred around her and the noise filled up the immediate area. The explosion was in the shape of a perfect orb; just due to some inherent characteristics of the spell itself.
    Roars of simultaneous laughter issued from the men's side, as they considered the pinkette done for.
    However, instead of dissipating into thin air, the shadows of the explosion would shrink in size, as if concentrating right to its very center.
    "Wha---" The caster couldn't even complete his sentence, as his vision fell on the shrinking mass of darkness.


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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 4th June 2014, 2:31 am

    The entire orb shrunk around Aedre's frame, or well... the person that was supposed to be Aedre. At that very moment, each and everyone on the battlefield would've had a strange desire to rub their eyes and look once again.
    Standing right in the same place, she seemed to be a different person altogether. The pink-hair that had only reached upto her shoulders before, was now extended right up to her back and even changed its color to a pure, snowy white. The familiar blue eyes had taken a strange transition to a startling green and if one were to notice carefully, her skin had achieved a slight tan.
    Not only that, a swirl of water was rippling around her entire body in massive circular motions, seeming as if it was a personal hurricane. But, the most striking feature in both these changes was embedded in her aura, since the water had taken a very odd, dark tint to it; a corrupted facade.
    While this was only in terms of appearance of these changes, Aedre was feeling something that, when put into words, could be called as a massive surge of power. Her entire body felt as light as a feather, her strength seemingly multiplying with each passing second and that strange understanding that she could take a Dragon head-on, if she wanted to.
    "What are you doing?!" The man whispered a question, his eyes unknowingly pleading for an answer. The now white-haired woman clenched her fingers into fists, feeling and enjoying this new found power.
    'This is just plain wonderful... but, question is, what is it?' A questioned that loomed in her head, as she simply pushed her feet against the ground and felt her entire body gliding on the air with ease. It was almost akin to flying without wings.
    "Payback is in order, I think." She muttered with a dull look, while landing a roundhouse kick on the man's head and then a spinkick on his chest. The force of the hit was so strong that he flew straight off his feet and crashed into a nearby tree's trunk and Aedre landed a massive axe kick straight to his skull.
    The moment her legs hit the ground, the water that surrounded her ceased to a much smaller size, with a height comparable upto Aedre's knees.
    "I hope the receiving end feels nice Mister---?."
    "Charles Piertsz. Don't worry though... I'll make sure you remember this name." He spoke, as nearby shadows gathered around one of his hand and formed a lash-like object.
    Charles stood up, trembling on his feet, as he wiped away some blood from the corner of his mouth and with a swift movement, swiped the lash at Aedre's body. It stuck like a bubblegum to her right arm... but unfortunately for her opponent, the woman could not feel anything at all.
    Her eyes rested onto the place where the lash was attached and for the first time, had a glimpse of her hair that rested on her shoulder.
    An odd eeep noise escaped her, as she scrunched her eyebrows in disbelief.
    "What the hell?!"


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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 4th June 2014, 3:39 am

    Undoubtedly, it came as quite a surprise for Aedre when she noticed the white strands, momentarily wondering if it was just a trick of light.
    'Now, this is seriously annoying...' She concluded, thinking of how many times her appearance had changed in such a small span of time. If the woman actually possessed a good sense of humor, she could have made a joke on how being a mage made you feel like a chameleon. Well that and the fact that everyone wasn't in the same boat as her. Some had it much better. But if anything, this little transformations helped her in keeping her identity a secret. She was the kind of dark mage who wanted to just keep out of the way of the magic council, no matter how much rage she held over it. An urge to destroy the entire establishment was always there in the back of her mind, but such an idea would need some great sacrifices to come into fruition. Also, at the moment, she needed to get stronger. The Council was, afterall, made up of some of the most powerful mages of all time. It would be a difficult task, maybe even seeming impossible for a single person.
    With a disappointed click of her tongue and with the decision to take a look over her new-found appearance later on, Aedre's left hand grabbed the lash with her boosted strength and tugged over it strongly. It came off only with the effort of unwrapping a single candy and Aedre shot a cocky grin to her opponent when she noticed the look on his face.
    "I sense that you like to see your tricks fail."
    With that single, nonchalant sentence, Aedre's body snapped into being made of water, as she moved ahead with some insane and praiseworthy speed.
    Not wanting to lose the element of surprise, Aedre would begin her attack with a magically augmented jump with one leg while kicking with her other; aiming straight for his head, then landing with the kicking leg down and the jumping leg up into another kick, landing with the first kicking leg, all the while spinning in the air.
    As both her feet would hit the ground, the woman would not miss a heartbeat and make use of the momentum gained with her kick, using it land a haymaker to the other mage's face. She'd then Aqua Step to his left and bring her right knee across her chest, and without a moment's delay extend the leg outward; aiming for his ribs and striking with the sword edge of her foot. A crack like sound could be heard when the kick landed and the man spluttered out a glob of blood and staggered on his feet; all the while clutching the side of his chest and then proceeding to fall straight onto his knees.


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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 4th June 2014, 6:02 am

    With a soft sigh, the white-haired woman would walk calmly to her opponent's front, bend-over slightly and pick his face up by the chin.
    "So, how do you like my treatment Charles?" She questioned teasingly, her eyes glinting with a strange sort of pride. Maybe it was because of the power she had just unlocked for herself, for it made her feel simply fabulous. The power could be best described as a drug and anyone that consumed it could tell why. It made her feel indefeatable, a feeling that is dreamed of by every single mage out there. It was something that needed to be harnessed over a long period of time, but for someone like Aedre; someone who had managed to train under a dragon, it came off as natural ability.
    "You little---" Charles began to speak, but was instantly cut off by Aedre.
    "---Oh, this is surprising. I actually remember your name! But... its time to change that." With that one statement, a black sword materialized in Aedre's right hand; her trusted weapon of choice, Elucidator.
    "Say hello to hell for me~"
    A groan escaped the man's lips in the moment the sword was driven through his stomach. Once again, blood splattered on the ground and colored the Slayer's hand as well. She de-summoned the sword while it was still inside her enemy's body and gave him a gentle push on the shoulder, one that caused him to lay down on his back almost involuntarily.
    Turning behind, she met the deep gaze of the eagle and gave him a reassuring blink. For some reason, she could sense a sort of strange worry on his features.
    Just then, one of the lower ranked enemies tried to attack her with a punch to her face; which Aedre successfully blocked with her palm. She closed her fingers around his fist, while using her leg to land a shattering side-kick to his waist.
    This made his stance waver slightly and Aedre made use of this momentarily influence to her advantage by hitting his face with a haymaker and then grabbing hold of the collar of his shirt.
    "Mister tree has been lonely for too long." She spoke mysteriously, as her pupils glowed a bright red for a single heartbeat. Unlike other Slayers, Aedre had some extraordinary control with her temper in a battle.
    With a sharp intake of breath, the woman picked up the man with her two hands with surprising ease and threw him straight into the trunk of a nearby tree. Due to the force of the collision, the man lost his consciousness and fell in a position similar to sitting with his back onto the trunk.


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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 7th June 2014, 3:16 am

    Orel had witnessed Aedre's transformation, slightly surprised that it came so soon, but enthusiastic at the same time. This basically meant that his destiny was close to be fulfilled; tantalizingly close. What had remained hidden inside the young woman had finally surfaced. The moment he had been waiting for ever since the task had been assigned to him. He had been reluctant at first, for the thought of betraying his true master and going along with his apprentice seemed ridiculous to him. Master was very important for the avian and he had refused a million times over, only to be met with a calm explanation as to why he would need to accompany the apprentice. For the safety, because the apprentice was important for the master. Apparently, a key player in his entire plan.
    'Your instructions will be followed.' He assured himself, a thought that was actually directed to his master, as he gave the sky a fleeting glance, almost expecting the person to fly straight in front of him.
    "Take this!" A shout pealed into his ears and Orel noticed one of the men barraging in his direction, his fist cocked up to the side of his face, in an attempt to punch the bird straight in the face.
    Little did he know.
    Raw skin made a cruel contact with the metal-hard beak of the bird, as blood welled out of his fingers almost instantly and Orel only stood unfazed.
    "So you even possess a brain... you puny human?" He pulled a question with the nonchalant face that he usually possessed, before throwing an earth-shattering uppercut into the man's face, causing him to fly a little off his feet and into the air. However, Orel himself would jump higher and then axe-kick him back to the ground. Using his body, the avian struck it to spin backward and swung his arm around to land a haymaker to the mage's face.
    "You annoy me way too much." He spoke, a certain rage clearly dripping off his voice while he continued his assault with some deadly combos of kicks and punches.


    At the same time, Aedre was dealing with the remaining six men all at once. It could have gotten quite troublesome if she wasn't experiencing the state of this insane power that surged within her; but now that it did, she was able to manage them quite effectively. A magic crest had appeared and she had swung her hand horizontally infront. Upon the ground it would brighten beneath her hand and with a quick flash of dark blue light converged into Aedre's body itself. For a split second, the woman tensed her entire body and smirked to herself, before she touched the ground, and propelled herself into the air once again with the use of her hands and feet blasting her into the air. Throwing her hands above her head to blast herself forward toward the mages, she stretched a leg outward and would burst into dark tainted water. As she came into contact with at least one of them, her entire body would have the streams of water cause an explosion that would blast them all outward with bruises around their bodies.


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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 12th June 2014, 3:06 am

    The six men had fallen straight onto the ground due to the little hurricane that swirled around Aedre's frame. It was still there, making her presence even more imposing than it normally was.
    'Its time to end this...' She concluded in her head, as a low rumbling could be heard from beneath the ground and the feeling of intense magical pressure coursing through the very particles of the soil can be felt by anyone who is trained in the art of magic. In a heartbeat, an ethereal dark blue light would surround all the six men's bodies, causing them to panic with the anticipation of what would happen next.
    With a small, graceful smile on her lips, Aedre crossed both her arms in front of herself, as she beckoned to Orel, "Give me a little lift, will you?"
    As soon as he heard her voice, Orel looked up, his grip on his opponent's collar loosening; before he gave up on it completely and let the man slide onto the floor. The mage had already been hit black and blue, for his face looked bruised and body extremely weak. As if he wouldn't be able to stand on his own legs if asked to.
    With a momentary flutter of his wings, the bird took to the air and caught the white-haired woman by the shoulders, only to lift her up in the air as well. The moment they were a safe distance from the ground, Aedre spoke, "I've been feeling that these trees need some watering."
    With that, she pulled back her crossed arms, as a low rumbling sound could be heard from the bowels of the earth.
    Suddenly, at a certain distance away, a sort of frothing white line had started to coalesce into existence, as it was also being suspended into the air with a wall of water that formed beneath it, as if emerging out of the ground. In a matter of a dozen seconds, two massive walls of water were imposing over a good portion of the forest, similar to a frozen-into-place tsunami.
    'That'll do.' A thought echoed in her mind, as the Slayer whipped her hands to either sides, causing the said walls to move towards the six men who were still trying to scramble onto their feet.
    For the next few minutes, only the sound of splashing water and trees being uprooted could be heard. In fact, if one were to close their eyes for a second, they might mistaken themselves to be near the sea.
    "You have some tendency to leave a mess behind you, right?" Orel questioned curiously, as his eyes grazed over the entirely wet forest and the men who had ended up unconscious or probably even dead due to the impact of their bodies with the nearby vegetation.
    "You've analyzed me quite well." Aedre replied, while the avian maneuvered them out of the forest area and seemed to be taking off in the direction of their client's house.


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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 12th June 2014, 4:40 am

    "So, back to your Master's house, eh?" Aedre let her curiosity free in the air, while her eyes remained fixated on a clenched fist of hers. She was pondering on this strange amount of power, the unbelievable; yet-so-believable feeling that she had access to an endless source of magic. It was pretty weird to understand that she was thinking of something like that; considering that it was an almost illogical theory on her part.
    'Magic is surely exhaustible, right?'
    'I've always thought so, for the only magic that is inexhaustible are words. Capable of inflicting injury and remedying it as well.' Orel's voice spoke in her head, as it brought a small grimace onto Aedre's features. She didn't like the fact that the bird could listen to her thoughts, but now she hated it more because he had decided to reply back to even the rhetorical questions.
    'My, my, I displease you a bit, don't I?'
    'No doubt. I've always loved the privacy that my mind provides me. I most certainly won't like the person who intrudes into this space too.'
    A chuckle like voice escaped Orel, as his next thought made its way into her mind, 'Well, I'm dearly sorry for this. But, I assure you that its temporary.'
    'Ofcourse it is! I don't think we're meeting ever again after this event. You stay with your master and I go on my own way; seeking my own goals.' Aedre replied back, albeit in a slightly disappointed tone. For some reason, she had took a little liking to the avian and even if it wasn't the most obvious thing in the world; it was definitely not well-hidden either. The only conclusion; it was because he had helped her with a fight which could have actually been her own to deal with. Provided a company and helped against a few enemies. Besides, even his aura seemed comforting and protective to her.
    'Is that disappointment that I hear?' Orel questioned, cutting Aedre's thoughts in a clean slice.
    In a responsive sitmulus, the white-haired woman stiffened a bit, finding the situation mildly embaressing. She was not used to accepting things so easily, especially to people who she was trying her best to act cold to.
    'Let that be... tell me, don't you want to know what this sudden increase in your magical output is?'
    'Yeah. A bit surprising, isn't it?'
    Only a nod was issued from Aedre's side, as she kept her eyes steadily on the ground below. If anything, she had no plans to allow the avian to read her face expressions too; he was aleady having enough fun with the mind reading.
    'But first... We'll take care of it.' With that said, Orel's frame would start glowing with his trademark golden light; a sign of purity and what-not.
    But, it was more of a sign that the bird was exterting the magical energy out of his own body and for some strange reason it all seemed to collect around his hands that held Aedre securely. From there on, it was actually flowing into the Slayer's body and she couldn't help but feel as if her body would explode due to the immense magic.
    'What the hell are you doing?! I don't feel this... is right.'
    'I know what I'm doing- for this is the only way.'


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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 12th June 2014, 5:40 am

    The avian's magic was absorbed into the Slayer's body as if it was some sponge of-sorts. Without doubt, it instilled a tinge of fear in her mind, but she had no option other than to roll with whatever Orel was thinking at the moment. If anything, his actions were making her body feel even lighter and even more strength seemed to be loaded into her, so much so, that it led Aedre to believe that she was too close to her limit of magical power.
    'Just a bit more.'
    'What are you playing at?! I swear that if something happens to me- I'll make sure to kill you!'
    'Have you lost your mind? How do you suppose you can hurt me if something happens to you?' Orel questioned back, as another mocking laugh issued from his side, causing the woman to cluch her teeth tightly in anger; a seething breath leaving her lips.
    "You--" She began to speak in a pissed-off tone, but broke mid-sentence when she felt her entire body go limp for a split second and then back to normal once again. Normal, in the sense, completely normal. Like how she used to be before consuming the mage's spell.
    'What did you do?' She queried, exhausted as she was, her curiosity never dying. For a handful more seconds, her body felt numb and Aedre seemed to have lost all ability to feel touch. But, ofcourse, she knew that it was only a small after-effect of Orel's actions. Nothing to worry about.
    'Its simple logic; just think of your body as a container of magic. The... well, phase you got yourself into, unlocks the full potential of this container, thus making it feel seemingly endless. But that is definitely not true, for its only a false belief. In other words, your body makes a fool out of you. What I did was supply this container with more magic than it is capable of holding, which causes it to sort-of... burst.'
    Aedre nodded softly, but a second later, her pupils dilated in disbelief, 'You mean you just made my body incapable of using magic?'
    'No, ofcourse not. In a mage's case, the container does not break into pieces. It cracks... a little flaw that will mend itself eventually. But for now, your magic power is immensely low, since the contained magic leaked out of the crack. Getting it?'
    'Kind of.' Aedre thought back, as the mansion of their client came into the periphery of her vision.
    'Here we are. I think, I'll leave the explaining duty to Master himself. He's way more adept at it than me.'
    Aedre's eyebrows scrunched up at the very thought, as she looked up in Orel's direction with a questioning look, "What do you mean? How would the client know of anything that happened in the forest? Not only that, he's just a normal citizen... why would he know anything about magic and how it works?" This time, she had spoken out loud, instead of thinking back a reply. Now that her curiosity had flared up and doubts had emerged inside her mind, the white-haired woman shouldn't be expected to keep quiet. Her questions were important enough to not be a little mental conversation. She needed answers.


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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 13th June 2014, 5:05 am

    'You'll get to know. Just keep some patience.' Orel's voice spoke in her head, an action that made her even more furious, albeit without personal intentions. It was just a result of her sub-conscious mind playing little tricks, so that even the smallest of details managed to snap something inside her.
    'Look, I don't hav---' Aedre began to think back a reply, but only came to a brutal stop when she noticed that Orel was heading straight for a closed window of the mansion; behind which, she could actually see the Master of the house, seated ever-so-calmly, just like he was when Aedre and the bird left for the mission.
    "Hey! Put a brake to yourself or we'll end up crashing!" The white-haired woman exclaimed out loud, but before she could say any further, they had already gotten too near the glass pane and almost instinctively, she had shut her eyes close. However, the anticipated impact failed to come, instead it was replaced by a very welcoming feeling; one akin to passing through a barrier of water and then coming back in contact with normal atmosphere.
    In the matter of a few heartbeats, Aedre felt her feet touch hard ground beneath, the clawed grip on her shoulders had left completely and the air around had gotten a tad bit warmer.
    With a soft, shuddering breath, the Slayer opened one of her eyes and followed it with another in a very slow fashion. Straightening herself up in a split second, her vision first swept over to the window through which Orel had supposedly brought her in. Strangely enough, it was as new as ever, with not even a single crack on it.
    'How is that even possible?' She wondered, half-expecting the avian standing next to her to explain it. But alas, he did not, only leaving the white-haired woman to ponder on it without a suitable answer. She even went as far as to check on her clothes, for she half expected them to be wet from whatever she sensed a few seconds ago. In reality, it had happened so quick that there wasn't much to even figure out. In one of those rare moments, Aedre Crawford was feeling utterly lost.
    Who could have guessed that such a seemingly normal job would turn out to be such an important step in her life? It was surprising indeed. Now that she actually took a moment to think about it, this little task had brought a plethora of changes in her and led to a rather important discovery as well. She had managed to unlock a higher level of her magic and that had brought in another appearance change for the Slayer.
    Orel was present through all this, but surprisingly, he hadn't showcased much surprise at any of these. Infact, he seemed to be know a uncomfortable amount of too-much about them. As if, he had been expecting them to happen.
    'Nah, I'm probably just over-thinking this.' She thought, lost deep in her own contemplation, only to be jolted back into reality when the client's voice met her ears.
    "So, I hope this adventure was fun for you Aedre?" The man questioned and for the first time ever, she noticed his facial features in the pale moonlight.
    An ovular face with a defined, slightly pointed chin and a sturdy jaw line, with dark blue eyes that were rather sharp and seemed to penetrate you with a hawk-like stare. His eyebrows were trimmed and seemed to curve as a natural extension of his little nose. At the moment, his mouth was closed in a thin, straight line, as if he hadn't even spoken and his hair - naturally a light brown in color, was shoulder-length and tied in a ponytail, with loose strands dancing all around his neck.
    The face was held forward in a steady gaze, his eyebrows slightly perched up- questioning the woman without words, as an air of palpable authority swathed around him.


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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 15th June 2014, 7:46 pm

    A strange shiver ran across her spine, but it wasn't because of fear or anything even remotely similar, but more so because of a fleeting feeling that she knew this person. The aura that he gave out, it was familiar in some way. As if, she had known him all too well many years ago and then lost her very memory of it.
    Aedre's lips quivered slightly as she ruminated on some words to say, but only closed down once again when she came to another, rather shocking realization.
    "How did you know my name?" She let the question out, as one of her eyebrows slid up in combination with her questioning stare. There was something fishy about this man, this mansion, Orel and maybe the job as a whole. Aedre had never revealed her name through the entire time she had spent talking to the client, so how in the world did it make sense for him to know her name? She was pretty sure that none of the Kugeki would come and notify him earlier about the one who was going to take upon the job's responsibility. If anything, they would give a fake name, so that her identity as a dark mage would remain a secret. Infact, it actually made sense for Orel to know her name, but not this man. The bird had been reading her thoughts through the entirety of the mission, so maybe he could figure out her name and everything else a well. But how could this man do the same?
    "Explain yourself, otherwise---" She began, almost deciding to order him to speak up, due to the feeling that he might be reluctant to explain himself. However, the man proved her wrong when he cut through her speech, "Just... calm down, will you? I'm pretty sure that before knowing how I came across to knowing your name; you want to know what happened to you back there in the forest?" The man put up a rhetorical query, to which Aedre only grimaced.
    "There. How do you know that I was in the forest? Look, I'll be honest here; you being aware of so many things about me is an un-nerving fact. To me, it does not spell anything good. More than anything, it worries me.... And believe it when I say that I won't be disappointed in my decision to kill you right here and now... If, this continues any longer, that is."
    The man watched her back with the same, non-chalant expression, one that never seemed to wear off, before his lips curled into a half-smirk, "Calm down a bit... and listen. I'll begin with a question, did you see or rather- sense anything different with your magic?"
    Aedre's eyebrows scrunched up as usual, as she tried to concentrate and remember the events that took place only a dozen minutes or so ago.
    "Other than their power increasing in a substantial way... I think---"
    "Ignore power for a while, I want you to talk about the water's appearance."
    "Well, yes, it was a bit darker.... As if it had been tainted with another magic." The Slayer spoke, her voice soft, while she tried her best to grasp the situation. A faint vision reflected in her mind though, a memory of hearing something about a corrupted version of the Slayer magic. They called it....
    "God Slayer Magic."


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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Felicity 16th June 2014, 2:20 am

    The man in front had stated oh-so-calmly, causing Aedre's pupils to widen in surprise; but he continued, "Yes, you were using the power to slays Gods... I know its difficult to believe, but you've witnessed it yourself and I think you do know that I'm speaking the truth. Afterall, the darker counterparts of Dragon Slayers are quite famous too; even though they are a rare sight."
    Listening to him, a part of Aedre wanted to agree with him, because his words made perfect sense. The magic that she wielded back in the forest was corrupted, but she had failed to recognize it for what it was. But, then again, it could not be supported by logic, for she had been trained by Nero; who was a Dragon. She had been using Dragon layer magic for all her life and suddenly, it transforms into God Slayer? Also, even if it had transformed, wouldn't that need her to be trained by a God?
    "It sounds ridiculous to me. Can you give an explanation as to why my powers took such a drastic change?" The Slayer put forth a genuine question, causing the man to break into a gentle smile.
    "Because I wished it to happen." He spoke, while Aedre let out a seething breath of annoyance. One of her fists rose up in the air, trembling slightly, as she was about to bang it on the desk in front.
    However, the man's next few words and actions locked away her anger in a far-far corner of herself, "Afterall, I was the one who taught you..." He said, while standing up from his desk, "... Allow me to prove."
    A bright flash of blinding, white light caused the woman to shut her eyes tight in a reflex, but at its disappearance, when she opened her eyes, what stood in front was just... another surprise.
    A man with long aquamarine hair that stretched to his knees, calm eyes of the same shade and with his entire body covered in a golden Armour that made his aura seem all the more regal.


    "Comes as a bit of a surprise, I know. But here is the wonderful Poseidon~" The man spoke, his tone almost musical and his voice changing to something much.... Nero-like.
    For a split second, Aedre's breath caught in her chest as she watched him with a blank face, but when she regained, all that came out of her was, "Who are you?"
    One of the man's hand, which was busy caressing his own hair as a style statement came off it, "Well, I just introduced myself.... Also, can't you even recognize my voice?"
    "Nero...? I know full well that its not possible. He was a Dragon... while you're... you are... you're what?"
    Perhaps for the first time in her life, the Slayer was sounding so hopeless and was not even embaressed at the realization. Afterall, she was reacting in a way similar to how anyone in the world might have done when put into such an odd situation. The information was jumbled up like a million pieces of puzzle and there was now way that she could put it back properly.
    The man sighed, as he folded his arms over his chest, "You're rather dense, aren't you?"
    Squinting her eyes with a menacing look, Aedre replied, "No. I'm not. You're the one at fault here, cause you're unable to explain yourself... I feel like I should just leave." With that, Aedre took a simple turn and stormed past Orel; who had actually turned back into his bird-like form and was perched upon a smaller table.
    'Wait. Give him some time, will you? It does not come easy to him either.' The soothing voice spoke in her head, making the white-haired woman stop abruptly in her track.
    "Thank you, Orel." The blue-haired man spoke, as Aedre could feel his footsteps approaching in her direction; which made her turn around on instinct.
    "A Dragon named Nero never existed---"
    Aedre's pupils dilated for what seemed like the hundredth time today, as she opened her mouth to protest against this lovely made-up story that this guy was about to spew out. Well, she wasn't buying it. Just because he had Nero's voice did not mean that he could babble out nonsense. She had seen Nero, witnessed his powers, she had learned from him; all of that couldn't be fake. No, not even in her wildest dreams.
    However, she was simply silences with a raised hand and the man began speaking once again. Something about him, compelled to make her shut her mouth. It was really a strange day.
    "Illusions are really simple to make, especially when you have the powers of a God. I wasn't joking when I said I'm Poseidon, even though it really seemed like that... This voice is real, my child. I was Nero or maybe I am still... For I am what you perceive."
    A short pause, as he gazed into the eyes of the woman he could proudly call his daughter.
    "Back when you were brought to me, you were a kid and there are... certain reasons as to why I had to wear the mask of the Water Dragon. Hell, I have no idea if a Water Dragon exists or not. But, I needed a student and when Blaize brought you to me, I just couldn't resist... To prove it- do you remember the time when Nero used to disappear for a few days?"
    "Yes." Aedre replied, with a severe lack of words to say and maybe a complete shutdown of her mind. It just seemed so un-real to her. Was this a dream? And if it was, it was only a nightmare.
    "Well, it was because I had other matters to attend to and I was not even allowed to stay in touch with humans for too long. Even Nero used to say that the disappearances was for important jobs, right? Do you really think a Dragon like him had anything important to do? Anything more important than taking care of a child that he had pledged responsibility to? It was my foolishness, I lacked a bit of logic back then. Besides, since you were a kid, I wasn't expecting you to question me about much... Then came the time that I had to disappear for a long time and knowing that you were more than ready for the outside world, I left. Simply following the ways of the other Dragons; leaving without a trace... But I did make arrangements for you, arrangements that Blaize carried out quite successfully. Like, handing you the twin swords and also the Shadow Dragon Lacrima. The latter of the gift even served a bigger purpose... that is, to taint the Dragon Slayer magic that you possessed. I mean, disguised as a Dragon, I could never teach you God Slayer.... But, that's what I really wanted to do. To give you the power of slaying much more than mere mortals; to slay the immortal and divine. If you take some trouble, you'll figure out that the Dragon lacrima no longer exists withing you, for it served its purpose of tainting your magic... making it substantially stronger now."
    Aedre listened, simply listened, because as she did so, the man's story seemed to make sense. Even if it was all a lie, she could digest it. She wasn't believing that Nero would ever return... so why would she care now?
    "I see, its... fine by me." She spoke, her voice dull after the overload that Poseidon made her go through. However, there was one thing that bugged her, blame it all on the amount of concentration and nit-pickiness that she was gifted with.
    "You said that you needed a student for some specific goal, right?" She questioned, her eyes gazing at the moonlight that made its way from the nearby window.
    "You're smart..." He spoke, while chuckling, not realizing that he was just saying something that was exactly opposite of what he said a few minutes ago "...But, yes, I did."
    "And what would that goal be?"
    "I'm very glad that you asked..." Poseidon stated, as he extended his arm outward and made a little book materialize in his palm.
    "...This little diary of mine has all the answers, actually, the fruit of my hardwork of an entire decade. Take it." His armored hand placed the book infront of Aedre's eyes and she only took it from him without an objection.
    "You need me to fulfill your goal? Your desire?"
    "Ofcourse silly. Why else would I hand that diary over to you then?"
    With a sigh, the woman fingered through the pages, taking note of the fanciful writing in it. It was filled, every single page of it. The God surely wrote a whole lot.
    "Your magic is still unstable, by the way. I'd like you to visit Peregrande for a while... You have some surprises waiting for you there. And oh, you'll be rewarded for what you'll be doing for me. Its important and you're important to me too... So, I'll pamper you with a few gifts once in a while."
    "Mhm... and what am I supposed to do in Peregrande?"
    "Training. To have better control with your new-found powers. Orel will explain the plans very nicely."
    "...Orel?" Aedre worded in a doubtful tone, as her eyes turned to gaze at the eagle.
    "Yeah, he'll be your constant companion from now on. Its really hard for me to say goodbye to him... but its for your safety." He stated, while looking out the window.
    "Ah, its late now, time for me to leave. Orel, take good care of my daughter, won't you?"
    The eagle only nodded back in reply and ruffled his wings, as if to make himself look alert.
    "H-Hey- you never explained the power surge that I experienced in the forest!" Aedre exclaimed, her eyes squinting a bit, while Poseidon's form was disappearing from sight like a paper shredded to tiny pieces; accompanied by the bright light from before.
    "I'll leave that to Orel." He said, the last few words slipping from his tongue, before he disappeared completely and the room was brought back to its dark state.
    The Slayer stood silent for a couple of seconds, trying to remember what-all she discovered in that one single day and what-all she changed within herself.
    "What are you waiting for now? Let's move! I still have to take care of this mansion and turn it to what it was a few days ago..." Orel grumbled to his own self, while the white-haired woman followed him through the corridors of the mansion; lost in her own thoughts.



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    Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre - Page 2 Empty Re: Freedom Is A Myth | Job | Solo | Aedre

    Post by Guest 16th June 2014, 2:33 am


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