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    Clover Town Tavern


    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Posts : 174
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Azureglory 27th October 2013, 2:46 pm

    Kayra entered the Tavern and sat at the back where she could see mostly everything. she saw many people having a good time but mainly focused in on Two men at the bar that were talking about a monster that they had seen in the forest. "AYE! I saw the Beast! it was as big as this very tavern.. teeth that are as sharp as fine needles, Wings that were the span of 3 houses!" The Bald Man went on but this time he involved the tavern folk. "There I was, In the middle of the Forest Scared out of me mind while the Beast Glared into my very soul.. His Talons were as big as you!" he pointed to a large man who looked confused. Kayra still sat at the back wearing a Dark Purple Cloak that Ran Smoothly with Her Curvy Body. Someone all of a Sudden entered the Tavern...

    Last edited by Azureglory on 8th November 2013, 8:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Clover Town Tavern Azure111

    EXP: 112
    Missions Completed: 0 D rank. 2 C rank. 0 B rank. 0 A rank. 0 S rank.
    Missions in Progress: 2 C rank
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Daemon Spade 27th October 2013, 3:53 pm

    in an attempt to escape the pouring rain outside a young figure cloaked in a tattered black cloak covering a set of priestly robes rushed into the tavern and started breathing heavily. As the young man nearly began to cough a young bar maid walked up to him holding a small cup of warm apple cider. "Here drink this it'll warm you up." She said with a warm smile and set the cup down in front of him. The young slowly lifted up his hood reviling a man with short silver hair and piercing crimson eyes. He slowly lifted the cup and drank the warm liquid and felt his body come ablaze with life anew, With a smile the male thanks the kind maid and offered her a tip of ten jewels .


    Clover Town Tavern 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Clover Town Tavern Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 174
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Azureglory 27th October 2013, 4:13 pm

    Kayra Watched as the Young man drank his Cider and motioned to the bar Maid to come over. "Ill have a Large Glass of Ale. thanks" Kayra smiled and Winked while still under her Dark Purple Hood. she examined the Man with short silver hair and piercing crimson eyes and wondered what his tale was. she was focused and almost got caught staring over at him. she quickly coughed and looked away towards the Bar Maid who was coming over to give her the drink she has requested. Kayra Smiled again and gave the maid the money for the drink.


    Clover Town Tavern Azure111

    EXP: 112
    Missions Completed: 0 D rank. 2 C rank. 0 B rank. 0 A rank. 0 S rank.
    Missions in Progress: 2 C rank

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 27th October 2013, 4:17 pm

    A short figure pushed its way past the throng of people who seemed hell bent to listen to the story of the two men. It took a seat at the bar and lifted the brown hood to reveal a face of about 7, with auburn hair and icy blue eyes. The young boy lifted a book from his cloak and asked curtly, "a glass of cider, if you would?" never taking his eyes from the page. He took a pen from inside a hidden bag and began scrawling details from the story being told beside him, he giggled slightly as the drawing and notes created a horrific drawing that looked only to belong in a badly told fairy tale. He failed to notice the cider when it was set before him for some time, finally picking it up after several minutes almost seeming surprised by its "appearance" in front of him.
    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

    Developer/GFX Artist- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 27th October 2013, 4:23 pm

    Lance burst into the tavern with a loud bang. He had a hood over his head so people couldn't see his face and out of his big coat pocket a baby dragon flew out "Hey Lance, can you tell me why we are here again?" Draco said as he flew to the top of his head. Lance shrugged "We are here because we are traveling Fiore Draco, and besides I want to get a beer." Lance said as he examined the area and saw the priest from the encounter with the girl and a girl who he had never seen before. He decided to sit down at a table by himself and his pet. After a while the waitress came up to him and asked if he wanted anything to drink "Uhhh, yes I would like a beer please." Lance said as he took off his coat and placed it next to him.

    "Hey Lance what was your life like after Griffon had died up to the point were you found me?" Draco flew to the part of the table in front of Lance and sat in front of him. Lance leaned back in his chair and prepared to tell Draco the story when the waitress came and gave him his drink and he nodded as if to say thank you and paid for her drink with a tip of two hundred jewels the lady smiled a very happy smile and walked away. Lance turned back toward Draco and prepared to talk.

    "I heard about Griffons death one week after it happened. After I had heard about it I decided to go and join Fairy Tail in hopes that they could help me find some good in me luckily I found three people who helped me with that...." Lance got cut off when he heard some plates fall.

    Lance looked over at the sound of the crash and saw the waitress who had brought him his drink and a group of ten guys abusing her. Lance stood up from his table calmly and walked over to them "Hey I don't know what the hell she did or what you are trying to do, but I cant just stand by and let you abuse her like this." Lance said as he stared at the group of men. One man who looked strong walked up to him "and what the hell are you going to do about it punk?" Lance shrugged and had a sly look on his face which made the guy get mad and throw a punch at him. Lance moved to the side and punched the man in the face making him pass out of the ground Lance was now surrounded by the group. Lance then saw two guys running at him from both sides of him with metal poles. He ducked and they hit each other hard with the poles making them both knocked out. Lance grabbed one of the poles and stood there until the rest of the seven men came running at him. "You think that is going to stop me?" Lance laughed as he maneuvered around the tavern and in a few second all of them were down and Lance dropped the pole and stood in the middle of the tavern looking at the people staring at him.


    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Guild : Suripingu Mori
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Daemon Spade 27th October 2013, 4:35 pm

    The young priest felt a pair of eyes on him  as he quickly looked up at the maiden who hid her face under a dark purple hood and gave her a gentle smile. As Daemon slowly got up a familiar voice rang through his ears and a small flash of auburn hair as a rather strange fight scene suddenly exploded in front of him. Daemon sighed and headed towards the counter ad promptly sitting next to the maiden in the purple robe and reached in his cloak pulling out a pack of smoke and a small black lighter. After he put a smoke into his mouth and got it lit he let out a thin cloud of smoke with a look of peace on his face before looking at the figure who looked at him before. "Good evening milady how art thou ? "


    Clover Town Tavern 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Clover Town Tavern Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 174
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Experience : 0

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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Azureglory 27th October 2013, 4:42 pm

    Moments Before the Fight-

    Kayra Drank her Big Glass of Ale and grew curious about the Small Boy at the Bar who was writing in a fancy book. -all of a sudden The Bar maiden was pushed. Kayra stood up from her seat and glared. "Not In My Cit---" Her words grew silent as the man who had walked in with a small creature had got up and charged at the men abusing the bar maiden. Kayra watched as he knocked them down with ease and when he was done Kayra stared blankly at him. "hmm.. well.. now i Dont have to use the Amethyst Arts and reveal my magic." Kayra thought to herself as she sat back down to chug her Ale. The Man with the Silver hair lit up a smoke and blew out a cloud before asking Kayra how she was doing. Kayra Looked up at him and Noticed a peaceful look on his face and smiled slightly. "Today I am Well. Its a Bit Rainy outside though... How are you?" Kayra Stuck out her tongue and began to drink once more.


    Clover Town Tavern Azure111

    EXP: 112
    Missions Completed: 0 D rank. 2 C rank. 0 B rank. 0 A rank. 0 S rank.
    Missions in Progress: 2 C rank

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 27th October 2013, 4:59 pm

    Delvic payed little attention to the fight almost not realizing that it had happened at all, he marked the page and slid the book and pen back beneath his cloak and this time withdrew a tiny puzzle block and let its pieces fall upon the tavern bench. He fiddled with the pieces quickly refitting all but the last few into the puzzle.

    (sorry these are so short)
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Daemon Spade 27th October 2013, 5:02 pm

    Daemon smirked as the enchanting maiden stuck her tongue out at him. "I am quite well thank you though I'd be doing better if it wasn't raining." He said kindly as he looked at her his crimson eyes showing a small tinged of sorrow in his eyes as if a painful memory  came across his mind but he quickly pushed it aside as he  ordered another order of drinks and handed her one. Heres to being alive and meeting new people . He said as he raised his glass and grinned before down the glass in a few gulps .


    Clover Town Tavern 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Clover Town Tavern Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg
    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

    Developer/GFX Artist- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
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    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 587

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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 27th October 2013, 5:24 pm

    Lance looked the waitress and smiled as she gave him a hug to say thank you and he nodded and walked to a bar where he met the priest from before and a girl with a dark purple cloak and a curvy body. "Hey what's up priest I didn't expect to ever see you again man." Lance smirked as he turned toward the girl "and how are you today?" Lance said as his dragon flew over to him and he started to pet it. He looked at the floor behind him and saw what he had done people were still staring at him to. He sighed and laughed a little "Sorry 'bout that they were messing with her and I had to help her out." Draco layed down in Lance's lap "At least the other you didn't come out Lance." Draco said as he drifted to sleep.

    He ordered drinks for the two sitting next to him and the waitress gave him them for free. He smiled and gave them to the priest and the girl "So what are your names?"



    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 174
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Azureglory 27th October 2013, 5:29 pm

    Kayra smiled Slightly as her Eyes Glowed with Purple, looking into the very soul of the Man who gave her the drink. "I see.. Your name is Daemon Spade.. I see your Past and some of your Future... Apologies, I had to know." Kayra's eyes turned back to the regular Purple and accepted the drink with a smile. "To Being Alive and Meeting New people!" Kayra Drank up and looked over at the Mysterious Boy who was solving a Puzzle. "Hmmm... Ive seen him somewhere before. Do you know him Daemon?" Kayra Pointed at the young boy.


    Clover Town Tavern Azure111

    EXP: 112
    Missions Completed: 0 D rank. 2 C rank. 0 B rank. 0 A rank. 0 S rank.
    Missions in Progress: 2 C rank

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 27th October 2013, 5:42 pm

    Del had finished the puzzle. He withdrew the completed cube into the folds of his cloak and quickly finished his drink, spinning about on the bar stool. He pulled back out the book and jaunted down the solution. Delvic for the first time looked around the tavern, and noticed the girl looking at him. He looked confused at first and then, looked like he had remembered something, shrugged and looking uncomfortable buried his face in another book.
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Daemon Spade 27th October 2013, 5:45 pm

    He nodded then turned over to the fairy tail guild member before. "I am Daemon spade. " Daemon looked at the young boy and thought for a second before slowly walking over to the child. Greetings young one what are you doing here ?" He asked kindly before ordering the kid a glass of apple cider which was quickly brought out the barmaid The fair tail member had helped from before.


    Clover Town Tavern 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Clover Town Tavern Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 174
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Azureglory 27th October 2013, 6:07 pm

    Kayra Noticed the Boy had looked over at her while she was focusing on him and looked up at the ceiling. Daemon had Just walked over to the young boy reading the book when Kayra looked over to the entrance where a Bold, Strong Fellow came in wielding a Battle Axe in his hands, he was followed by two sinister looking men with french mustaches. "Bar Wench! Bring me your Finest Ale!" The Bold man Yelled out rudely to the Tavern. the two men behind him laughed a little as they walked over to the Counter next to me. "Hey Babeh... how about you take off that cloak of yours so i can see whats underneath?" one of the Men said with a rude, commanding tone. the other one laughed and nodded his head as he slammed his hand down on the counter. Kayra Frowned and she looked into the Eyes of the One who Commanded her. Her eyes Glowed Purple and his did as well. a scream was heard by the sinister man and we went insane saying he saw images of demons and spirits all over and that they were out to get him. he ran out of the tavern and the remaining fellow backed a few steps back. Kayra turned around and couldnt help but smile, she then finished her drink.


    Clover Town Tavern Azure111

    EXP: 112
    Missions Completed: 0 D rank. 2 C rank. 0 B rank. 0 A rank. 0 S rank.
    Missions in Progress: 2 C rank
    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

    Developer/GFX Artist- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
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    Age : 23
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 27th October 2013, 6:14 pm

    Lance looked at the woman he was sitting next to with amazement "What the hell was that?!" Lance said with a small smile. He was now interested in this girl and wanted to know more about her "What's your name?" Lance said leaning back in his seat "You know I met that priest in Era. He almost burned down an inn when some guys attacked us." he talked for a while before drifting off to sleep. The screams coming from the man had woken Draco up and when Lance went to sleep he sighed "He really is a peacefull sleeper." Draco said before turning to the girl "My names Draco the cute a lovable dragon!"



    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 27th October 2013, 6:18 pm

    "My name is Delvic, I'm just here traveling to the Blue Pegasus" He said quietly to the priest, he then turned on his stool and looked at the women, "And Kayra, knows better then to use that plague of hers on normal people, your really a problem child!" He directed his gaze on her and looked reprovingly upon her. He dropped down and walked over to Lance to say, Thank you for the girl, but seeing him asleep he passed by. He then kicked the stool out from underneath Kayra.
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Guild : Suripingu Mori
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Daemon Spade 27th October 2013, 6:50 pm

    with a slight glare Daemon wlked back over to the counter and returned to his seat next to the maiden looking to her as the guy who stayed behind attempted to attack her from behind with a sledge hammer. Moving quickly Daemon pulled the girl into his lap causng the guy to smash the chair she was sitting in, Daemon glared at the chump then as he was trying to get back up daemon implanted his sandal into the mans skull cauing him to fly backward into the wall, As Daemon's adrenaline rush simmered down he noticed that the maiden was still in his lap causing a slight blush to appear on his face * "you okay ? " He asked quietly praying to seiryu that she doesn't see this as an attempt to hold her .


    Clover Town Tavern 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Clover Town Tavern Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 174
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Azureglory 27th October 2013, 6:58 pm

    Kayra Looked at the FairyTail Guild Member. "I am Called The 'Amethyst Princess' Kayra L Terra. The Priest Almost Burned down an Inn eh? hmmm.. I saw darkness, but seeing into his soul i saw a lot of pain... I trust him." Kayra Smiled and Turned around to Order another Drink, Ignoring the small Creature that spoke. Kayra Chugged the next couple of drinks ignoring everything for a short time.


    Clover Town Tavern Azure111

    EXP: 112
    Missions Completed: 0 D rank. 2 C rank. 0 B rank. 0 A rank. 0 S rank.
    Missions in Progress: 2 C rank

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Posts : 174
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Azureglory 27th October 2013, 7:06 pm

    "Delvic is that you?! i knew i knew you from some---" Kayra's stool was kicked from under her causing her to fall into Daemon's Lap and at the same time a Giant Man with a Hammer Smashed where she was sitting. "The Hell." Kayra Attempted to get up from the Lap but had drank wayyyyy too much and kept falling right back into the lap of the Priest. "Damn it.. Drank to much." Kayra Finally got up and as she did the large man had gotten back up from being kicked into a wall, the man charged with great speed at both Kayra and Daemon.


    Clover Town Tavern Azure111

    EXP: 112
    Missions Completed: 0 D rank. 2 C rank. 0 B rank. 0 A rank. 0 S rank.
    Missions in Progress: 2 C rank
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Guild : Suripingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
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    Second Skill: Imperal Demon
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Daemon Spade 27th October 2013, 7:15 pm

    Daemon grinned and began to pray to his god asking for his blessing s both Kayra and Daemon appeared to suddenly vanish from the seat they were in but in fact thye had simply turned invisible. While the maiden continued to fall into Daemon lap he smirked slightly ad whispered softly to her. "seems like yu've had a little to much milady ." He said sweetly as he slowly got out of the chair with karya then jumped back behind the counter landing skillfully and silently as the thug tackled the chair and Lance along with it sending the three of them flying at the window .


    Clover Town Tavern 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Clover Town Tavern Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 174
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Amethyst Arts
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Azureglory 27th October 2013, 7:23 pm

    Kayra Stood Up swaying side to side out the broken window and into the small field where Lance and the large man landed. "Hey! you! im your app-- upp-- i.." she almost could not speak but seemed to let it be as it was. the large man got up and charged at Kayra and swung with great speed, Kayra instantly got sober and jumped out of the way, Her fingernails Grew 6 inches long and Glowed Purple. "Lets see how you like this!!!! 'Amethyst Shards!!!!' " she chopped the air in an X formation towards the Large man making the Nails made of Crystal Fly into the man's vital points. the man fell to the grass and Kayra walked back to the Counter to order another Drink.


    Clover Town Tavern Azure111

    EXP: 112
    Missions Completed: 0 D rank. 2 C rank. 0 B rank. 0 A rank. 0 S rank.
    Missions in Progress: 2 C rank
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Daemon Spade 27th October 2013, 7:34 pm

    Daemon gaped at her accuracy then quickly grabbed her a bottle of ale and two glasses pouring them both a drink and smirked at her. Now that was amazing Kayra. He said with a evil grin as he raised his glass to her staring straight into her eyes as if to try to read her mind but quickly looked away and downed his glass as a thick red blush covered his cheek signaling that he was starting to get drunk. A few mins later Daemon was sitting next to kayra with one last drink in front of him but with his head on the counter.


    Clover Town Tavern 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Clover Town Tavern Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg
    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

    Developer/GFX Artist- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 27th October 2013, 7:38 pm

    Lance got up off the grass and walked over to the Kayra because she had just saved him. A small blush filled his face as he sat down "I could of handled that...." He said as he downed another drink knowing deep inside that he was thankful that she had just saved him and bought her another drink.

    "I'm Lance Knighthunter and this is my partner Draco!" Lance said the blush getting heavier and Draco couldn't help but laugh.



    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 174
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
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    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Azureglory 27th October 2013, 7:45 pm

    Kayra Drank the Drink Daemon had poured and when he was sitting there passed out she Looked to take any Rare magical item that was on him. - mean while lance had sat next to her blushing with a drink in his hand for Kayra, Kayra Quickly took the drink, Drank it and Smiled. "thank you for the Drink! I am Kayra L Terra and Ive gotta go!" Rushing out the door with he things she had stolen from Daemon before he woke up. she couldnt help but smile as she almost got out the door.


    Clover Town Tavern Azure111

    EXP: 112
    Missions Completed: 0 D rank. 2 C rank. 0 B rank. 0 A rank. 0 S rank.
    Missions in Progress: 2 C rank
    Daemon Spade
    Daemon Spade

    The Dark Moon

    The Dark Moon

    Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Posts : 1298
    Guild : Suripingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lunar
    Second Skill: Imperal Demon
    Third Skill:

    Clover Town Tavern Empty Re: Clover Town Tavern

    Post by Daemon Spade 27th October 2013, 7:53 pm

    A small knife flew through the air embedding itself into the wall by the door which was thrown by nun other then the since just a few seconds ago passed out Daemon who slowly got to his feet and wobbled over to her and grinned devilishly as he took back the pouch she took and pulled out small black leather book but left the money and handed it to her. nect tyme u ned my hlp jst let me know." He said as he looked into her eye the tinged of sorrow is all but gone now .


    Clover Town Tavern 52dd7fbb-1401-4e27-ac12-76ac0e3ff649_zps83e93be7

    Clover Town Tavern Coolt110

    Battle theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv08zFNjTtw

    End of the world Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_S-UpM7dbcg

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 6:50 am