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    Clover Town's railroad blockade! [Job/Luceam]

    Noah Springfield
    Noah Springfield

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 27
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    First Skill: Spirit Energy Magic
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    Clover Town's railroad blockade! [Job/Luceam] Empty Clover Town's railroad blockade! [Job/Luceam]

    Post by Noah Springfield 20th February 2019, 8:21 pm

    Job quest:

    It was a naturally beautiful day in Clover town, the sun's luminous rays gave warmth to the citizens in the town. The sky having a rather soft blue color to it, with the strands of cirrus type clouds roaming the open sky. The crisp air blowing through the town to give a perfectly comfortable balance of fresh cold air, combining with the warmth from the sun to make a very enjoyable atmosphere. Whilst the wind blew by, the paper of the job request form which Noah held in hand flapped along with the breeze, his Prussian colored hues was focused on the description that was printed on the paper. Reading the description a few dozen times could have been an under statement for him. A small group of consisting of a goblin and vulcan had blocked off the rail tracks to lead out of Clover Town with a giant tree log. It was a big hassle for traders and locals alike. His thrill for this mission knew no limits. It was his first mission as a guild member of Aurora.

    The afternoon rush of citizens flooded the entire town center, at this point people were close enough to be shoulder to shoulder from one another while passing by. This did not bother Noah in the least, his eyes fixated onto the job request paper before he finally decided to turn his head to the left side of himself. His eyes focusing towards the young pink haired individual who accompanied him on this mission. It felt almost an honor to have the actual guild leader of Aurora take Noah onto a mission with her. Though some would take this matter a bit serious, Noah couldn't help but feel a bit of joy from such a thing. He decided to engage in conversation with the pink haired woman to further get to know the individual on his journey to the train station.

    "Y'know I haven't fought many goblins during my time traveling. You think these guys will give us any trouble once we run into them?"

    Though Noah was saying this in efforts to fish out the personality of the guild leader that walked beside him along the stone covered road to their destination. Keeping a rather enthusiastic facial expression, the smile never broke from after his lips parted from his statement he made.

    WC: 392.

    Last edited by Noah Springfield on 23rd February 2019, 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Clover Town's railroad blockade! [Job/Luceam] Empty Re: Clover Town's railroad blockade! [Job/Luceam]

    Post by Luceam 22nd February 2019, 12:58 am

    Current outfit:

    Luna wanted to take a simple job, and she figured it was best to get to know the members of her guild as well. She knew little about the man she was accompanying, but since the job was simple she decided to look nice for once. All her qipao sets were torn up and in the process of being fixed and altered. She figured there was nothing wrong with at least trying to look nice, she did accessorize with the Lightning Dragon Eye on her left middle finger, while the Golden Zodiac key of Scorpio was attached by a thin gold chain necklace.

    She enjoyed the weather and how everything seemed peaceful, however she knew better as the situation was easy but quite horrible. Goblins were horrible schemers and Vulcans were dangerous in populated areas, a Goblin manipulating a Vulcan is a dangerous situation for any normal individual. Luna however saw this as a perfect example to test the new wizard's skills, and was glad once he was done analyzing the job ad to ask questions. "Good question but not the right one to ask. If they wouldn't give us trouble, we wouldn't be here. Dealing with Goblins are similar to Humans, but sub par intelligence that is compensated by above average strength when you compare them to humans. When a job relates to Goblins, not to be racist, but they don't just walk away easily. However they have a habit of opening cans of worms they aren't prepared for by leaping before they look, such as the Vulcan."

    Luna pondered on the delicate nature of the situation, and treated it as another reason for her to be involved, in case anyone got seriously hurt. The Vulcan was the real threat here, as the tree could be removed almost immediately but trying to do such would be a reckless act. It would be wise to avoid sending the party into a rage fueled state if it can be avoided. "What you should be most concerned on is the Vulcan and collateral. I've seen Vulcans and have a full counter measure in case of emergency, as long as he's sober enough at least. As soon as the Vulcan makes eye contact with a woman, a Goblin's word means nothing and the Vulcan relentlessly pursues the woman, unless the woman looks enough like a man then it won't go full love crazy. This is a property protection/repair based job first, not all desires are said outright in a job flier. The client wants the railways functional, which means they cannot end up as collateral. Nature fairies may be great healers, but we aren't iron fairies, I can't fix a railway on the spot without unnatural magic."

    Luna began to wonder whether or not her attire was a mistake, but shrugged it off. She knew that she could handle this job easily. After all, she was more or less here to see what Noah could do, and possibly give him some new experiences.

    WC 500


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn
    Noah Springfield
    Noah Springfield

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 27
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Energy Magic
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    Clover Town's railroad blockade! [Job/Luceam] Empty Re: Clover Town's railroad blockade! [Job/Luceam]

    Post by Noah Springfield 23rd February 2019, 10:49 pm

    Just by listening onto her comments on the mission, Noah understood quickly she has gained quite the experience underneath her belt as a mage, which was to be expected from someone of her status. Though it was still helpful of her to give out some key points in the nature of the Vulcan and Goblin. Noah however was already imagining how he would want to approach these creatures. Most wouldn't want to look forward to an all out battle between such creatures, but this was quite the opposite for Noah. He would much rather settle it this way, to help guarantee that the other Vulcans and Goblins in the area would never decide to plot another scheme such as this.

    Though his right eye brow would loft up in question to the response of the woman stating her counter measure against these creatures if things were to some way go south. Being quite curious at first to what this plan consisted of. But, that curiosity soon went out the window once he heard her mention to prioritize the extent of damage that could potentially happen on the railway itself. This mean't if Noah wanted to fully engage the enemies, he would have to take extra steps to make ensure the railway can still be functioning by the end of the confrontation. His eye lids lowered themselves half way to his hues, his visuals shifting away from the woman's gaze. Responding in a tone that seemed to be that of disappointment. "Crap. . that means if we do get into a brawl with these guys, i'll have to make sure it's done off the tracks. . maybe even having to lure them away. And here I was hoping to just jump right into it. We'll see how it goes, I wouldn't want the guy who put in the request to pay us short if the railways got damaged and delayed the trains even further."

    Once more his eyes were now adjusting to what was in front of him. There was a huge crowd of people covering the streets, but Noah was able to make out a rather large structure ahead of them. Off in the distance was a large rectangular shaped structure. The walls having a smooth red brick tower as it's exterior wall design. A more distinguishable appearance was the large glass paneled dome that covered the center of the establishment. For the front entrance was mostly open door, it looked like anyone could just walk through the over pass to enter. When Noah had finally finished scanning the exterior of the entrance, off the corner to his eye, he saw one of the lacrima powered trains pull in with what looked to be cargo trailers that was attached to it.

    This was for certain now, the mages had finally reached the destination of the job quest. Clover Town's own train station. Noah quickly pointed with a shout of joy that soon left his mouth. "Ahh look! I think that's the station right over there! Come on lets hurry so we're not waiting for too long!" Noah started to accelerate his walking speed in attempt to cut through the crowd to shorten the time of reaching the entrance. Once finally maneuver through the people, he approach the premises while both eye brows raised gently, even smirking in satisfaction. "Hm, well now lets try to quickly get through the hassle of speaking with the guy who requested the job. Then hell, maybe even find a good bar to drink at tonight!"

    Quickly turning himself to Luna, motioning her to come towards him so he could walk to the receptionists desk with her. Making his way to the first empty window that showed an available employee. The front desk receptionist woman who wore a fitted black vest over her long sleeve white button up shirt, smiled warmly at the two who approached her. "Good afternoon and welcome to Clover Town Train Station! How may I be of assistance for you today?"

    Noah took the request job form and placed it on the counter in front of him, sliding it towards the woman. "Hey there! Me and my friend are here in response to a job quest send by the head lead Alert! We are mages here to deal with the blockade!"

    Once the woman took the application paper and skimmed through it, she looked at Noah and Luna with a brighter smile than the last. "Ahh splendid! Thank you for accepting our application on such short notice. Please give me one moment while I go fetch Albert himself!" Soon after the young lady responded, she turned herself to go walk to the back door, knocking gently and patiently waiting for a moment for the door to open up.

    WC: 796



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Clover Town's railroad blockade! [Job/Luceam] Empty Re: Clover Town's railroad blockade! [Job/Luceam]

    Post by Luceam 1st March 2019, 6:56 pm

    Luna walked with Noah through the crowds, she noted how clogged up things were getting and was not surprised in the least. She agreed with Noah on that it would just be simpler that if they could tackle the job immediately, but she knew that was not how things always worked in their line of work. Some jobs could just be tackled right away, others required confirmation with the client. "Well, if we don't at least let him know we're on the job and start a brawl that ends in mass destruction, we're no better then the Goblin. Jobs that involve client property or similar sensitive matters often need to check in with the client. Don't worry, I'm here to make sure no calamity happens. "

    Luna knew that she had quite a way to teach the wizard about some jobs, specifically courtesy in certain jobs. Since the train  company had property and it's very business at stake. Luna had to wonder just how the job would turn out as she and the other wizard waited for the client, who happened to be the supervisor of the station. She looked around at the angry crowd, wondering how bad the situation was. She noticed that all humans within sensing range were immensely angered.  When the man known as Albert came out of his office, it was clear he was under immense stress as he was coated in his own sweat. He was a hefty man,  his office was a wreck there were papers all over the place, the top four buttons of his shirt undone and his tie a wreck.  

    "Ah, you must be the Aurora Wizards." He looked towards Noah in astonishment. "Ah, I heard that the master of Aurora took an interest, I must say you live up to the rumors I heard, you do look formidable." His receptionist sighed as she stood back up to correct the boss. "Sir, you only listened to half the rumors, the Aurora Master is a formidable young woman.  The man seemed to turn red with stress as he slowly looked over to the pink haired lady, embarrassed by the gross mistake. Luna seemed to hide her slight displeasure but she understood he was under a lot of pressure. "I am so sorry, I am stressed, and I can barely pay attention. I just did a sexist, did I? I'm so sorry, I was expecting someone more deadly looking, look, these pesky Vulcan and Goblin are eating away at our business with ludicrous demands."

    Luna calmly spoke to the man, trying to get him to calm down. "It's okay sir, breathe, calm down. We can only help you if you tell us a bit more. For starters how did this mess start, and if it's just a blockade of a single tree, can't your train plow through it?" The man slowly calmed down as his breathing became more stable, wiping the sweat off his face as he composed his tale. "Okay, while normally common to see, Vulcans are usually scared off by the trains, Goblins show up once in a while with half baked schemes but are easy to get rid off. But the Goblin convinced the Vulcan to block the railway with a mighty old tree magically modified so much that our trains can't even dent. It used to house some Nymph or fairy and her whore daughter, what was her name again, Shirain I think, that damn freak didn't think about what that tree could to do us, I swear I will pay for whoever brings me their wi-"

    Luna cut the man off mid sentence as she wasn't going to sit back and let him rant on this subject. Her glare was sharp enough to pierce diamonds at this point. Luna could handle shots at herself but when someone insults her family, she doesn't take that lightly. "That's my mother and sister you're talking about, Shirain and Solaris, fairies, and I am one as well. Fairy wings are illegal by several Fiore laws to even try to acquire considering Fairies die when they are removed. So why don't you worry about the immediate threat to your job before it gets in further jeopardy."

    The man started to shake in his boots as he looked like he was staring at a beast in the eyes before getting on with his story. " OH RIGHT, lovely ladies... Anyway, the rest of the story is as you can guess, they are holding our business hostage for that insane ransom of a gross amount of pies and sherbert. As much as I want to get this over with, paying is not an option, they aren't exactly trustworthy..."

    Luna nodded, understanding perfectly as her demeanor seemed to shift back to normal, focusing on her Noah for the moment. "I'm satisfied, anything you wanna ask him or are you ready to get started?"

    WC 817
    TWC 1317


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn
    Noah Springfield
    Noah Springfield

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 27
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Energy Magic
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    Clover Town's railroad blockade! [Job/Luceam] Empty Re: Clover Town's railroad blockade! [Job/Luceam]

    Post by Noah Springfield 5th March 2019, 10:05 pm

    Noah's eyes shifted their attention towards Luna, listening to her advisement in keeping the railroad functioning and avoiding such a reckless fight. Bringing his right index finger to gently caress the side of his head, a hesitant laugh would escape his mouth. "Ha. . yeah I understand. Having the railroad destroyed due to a wild fight such as that would set everyone off. We would get blamed more than the goblin or vulcan ever did. Don't need that sort of thing on my conscious today. So i'll come up with a way if we do encounter them." His right hand soon being tucked into his pockets of his lightly shaded beige pants. He couldn't help but draw his attention to the loud background noise of frustrated individuals. It honestly made him feel bad for the employees who were taking on the full frontal force of their rage. This only brought into perspective of the importance in ensuring the success of leaving the railroads operational. By the time Noah left the attention of the crowd, the supervisor Albert had finally made his appearance. Watching the male leave his office, he greeted Noah with the upmost gracious hospitality. Even throwing in such a bold compliment as formidable. Noah's eye brows perked up quickly from the sudden compliment, though he soon realized the misjudgment in appearance which Albert assumed was made from the receptionist's correction. This only encouraged a gentle chuckle to expel from the black haired mage, though he did not mind the short window of praise from Albert. Now his visuals were focused on the anxious supervisor, listening to his story and explanation on how the blockade occurred.

    Listening on through with the man's story, though his attention was really tuned in once Albert had mentioned the origin of the tree log the goblin and vulcan are using to block the tracks. He never has seen an actual fairy himself. It took Noah's interests rather quickly, listening in further onto the details. Though the conversation started to bring forth an unsettling tension between Albert and Luna. Albert made a rather unnecessary comment towards the fairies who harbored the magically reinforced tree. Noah's visuals quickly shifted to Luna, already seeing the slow progress of her face tensing up to give the supervisor a rather harsh, stern look. Hearing Luna's defense on the matter, Noah couldn't help but loft an eye brow up from the words exchanged. It was a jolt of excitement to witness such a person among them had relations with these fairies. Even more that the very person accompanying him was a fairy herself. As much as he wanted to hide the excitement, his hues slowly pulsed a blue glimmer for a second before returning to normal, showing that his magic synchronized with his state of emotions at that time. His sight was completely fixated on Luna, so many questions he wanted to ask, though there was a more appropriate time and place for them. Hearing what she had to say about clipping a fairies wings was something Noah could tell Luna had a strong passion against, it was understandable in all cases, her own kind would be murdered just to be sold for luxury.

    Luna now facing towards Noah, his head jolted up slightly from the question. His eyes were sparkled with curiosity and excitement, it was comparable to an overly excited child. Leaning himself up so he could adjust his standing posture, his left index finger pointed at Luna. "Well one question. . the tree log is reinforced with magic from fairies, so I'm not too sure how easy it will be now to break apart and move if actual trains couldn't even make a dent. I assume you're also familiar with this sort of magic, so. . would you be able to find a way to get rid of the reinforcements or maybe even bypass it? But outside of that. . I am ready to get this show started!" Clinching his right hand into a tight fist, he gently launched the fist into his left palm, his left palm pressing onto his knuckles so they could crack from the small pressure given. His eyes shifting to Albert shortly after. "Just show me which direction the blockade is, we'll handle the rest from here, i'm going to give them a beating so they won't come back around here for a while." Noah said with confidence in his tone.

    WC: 740.



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Equilibrium Equinox
    Position : None
    Posts : 642
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,252,365

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nature Fairy
    Second Skill: AT-X
    Third Skill: Carpo's Prodigy Slayer

    Clover Town's railroad blockade! [Job/Luceam] Empty Re: Clover Town's railroad blockade! [Job/Luceam]

    Post by Luceam 16th March 2019, 1:01 pm

    Luna could've guessed Noah's question, however she had no direct answer to the question to give him. She tried to open her senses to sense the altered tree, hoping to get a glimpse at understanding what was done to it prior to arriving. However she knew that downplaying this at all would be dangerous, and she can't in good conscience promise what she can't accomplish. "I think I can handle the tree, but it might take a few minutes, my mother and I are both Nature fairies, but she has two centuries of experience on me combined with the fact that our enhancements aren't easy to dispel without knowing exactly which regards she modified. Considering my half sister is a fire fairy, could be anything from hardening the bark to fireproofing the whole tree."

    The man, Albert already anxious by the issues of the vulcan and goblin and now worried about incurring the wrath of the fairy quickly pointed in the direction of the blockade. "That way, just in front of the station on the tracks. Just make your way through the crowds and you'll be there."

    Luna nodded, and started to walk towards the scene of the incident.

    WC 199
    TWC  1516


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


    Amelia Thorn

      Current date/time is 12th September 2024, 1:33 am