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    Lord Halbyrt "Hal" De Buiosera


    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
    Position : None
    Posts : 6
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Porphyric Hemophilia
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Lord Halbyrt "Hal" De Buiosera Empty Lord Halbyrt "Hal" De Buiosera

    Post by Kyuuji 29th September 2013, 11:04 am



    Name: Lord Halbyrt "Hal" De Buiosera
    Species: Demi-human (Vampire)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 216 (looks 19)
    Birthday: 4th January
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Special Characteristics: During the night, his eyes turn red. He also has two sharp canines near the front of his mouth, and a bite mark on the side of his neck covered in black rings. Finally, he permanently has absurdly sharp nails to the degree that they're almost knife like.


    Personality: Hal is extremely upper class, and has been all of his life. When he was still alive, he belonged to a noble family in Ministrel and now that he's "dead" he's been technically immortal for the last several hundred years. Plus, after having lived for over a century and a half, he counts as one of the old ones and is thus respected even among the vampire community, what little there is of one anyway. Because of this upper class background, he's rather different from the majority of members of Sabertooth. Whilst he lacks the same habit of looking down his nose at people that most members of the guild has, he still has the obsession of becoming stronger. He feels like his eternal life is a result of him being weak, and is thus reminded every time that he almost dies that he should be getting stronger rather than just waiting around, letting the world move on without him.

    However, beyond that little wish of his, he frequently has a hard time understanding people. He was raised in a different country, and a different time period, so his culture is a lot different than that of other people. He sees the culture nowadays as strange and ludicrous, people are wearing clothes that people from his time wouldn't be caught dead in, and the sheer amount of adult material that's going around nowadays in the open... well, it's almost too much to believe. It is this reason that he likes to be able to get peace and quiet, so that he can just think about the world and his place in it, which is preferably as far away from the nearest child as possible, they just keep yelling. Despite his calm and calculated nature, he will often yell at children since they piss him off so much. This has caused people who only see him on such occasions to see him as a freak, which he can fully understand since, technically, he is one.

    Unfortunately for him, he has several deep-seated psychological issues. For one thing, he has a habit of being extremely self-controlling to a degree of ridiculousness. He could literally sketch out a map of his bowel movements with the amount that he tries to control his life, and besides that he also has a minor inferiority complex, and as such will always be trying to be better because he feels like he can never be good enough. The fact that he has survived this long is just proof that he's a failure, because if he was strong enough to fight the vampire that turned him he wouldn't have lived this long. Whereas most people see eternal life as a blessing, he sees it as a curse, and not just for this reason. He has seen the people around him whither and decay, and at times it can make it hard for him to build a serious relationship with other people.

      Dancing: This was something that he picked up during his childhood back in Ministrel, but he is a massive fan of dancing. Dancing is, in his opinion, the best way someone can communicate their feelings and thoughts without having to say anything, and thus is perfect to call people out with
      Ministrel: Ministrel is, was, and always will be the place that he calls his home. He's moved to Fiore as part of exploring the world, but he will always see Ministrel as the place that he will come back to one day when everything else is finished and when he feels like he can stop.
      Quiet: When you've lived long enough, conversation can become repetitive and dul. Not that he dislikes company, but he does find it more relaxing to have perfect silence around him, as it helps him reflect on his life.


      Boors: He was always trained to be the perfect child of the Buiosera family, so when people go against the manners that he was taught as a child he finds them to be offensive and crass, and will often say things that he would know well enough not to say in other circumstances out of annoyance at them.
      Children: Well, it is said that when a man leaves an army, he dislikes soldiers because it reminds him what he lost or what he once was. It's this same line of thinking that has spawned him to dislike children, since he never got to have a proper childhood in the way that they have.
      Weak people: There are many reasons why he despises weak people, he sees them as the plague of the world, that good people wouldn't get hurt if everyone was strong enough to protect each other, and it is this reason that he sees weak people as not only those who can't fight well, but those who fall to corruption easily.


      Becoming the strongest: He wasn't strong enough to protect himself all those years ago, and ever since he has felt like it's his mandate to get stronger, to be able to protect not only himself but those around him. It's his way of life, and it's his mission.
      Restored Nobility: The Buiosera family has lost a lot of the fame that went with it's name. two hundred years ago, it was the height of class and good grooming, and now it's little more than a remnant of times past. He feels like it's down to him to restore the nobility and to make people respect his clan once again.
      Peace: Despite his need to get stronger, he also wants to be able to keep the peace as well as he possibly can. this might contradict with his desire to get stronger, but he has seen what all out battle can do to people and does not want to witness it ever again.


      Death: Vampires find it a lot harder to die than most, especially since that "burn in sunlight" stuff was all a bunch of hooey, but that doesn't stop him fearing death. It can happen to him, and to one who's surpassed mortality into a never-aging continuum, it only falls to him to realize just how horrible his death will be since he no longer has the option of dying peacefully in his bed.
      Defeat: He needs to be stronger, and to be defeated by something means that you're either not strong enough or that you screwed up. It is this reason that he finds defeat something that's completely shameful and should be avoided at all costs.
      War: When someone lives long enough, they are bound to live through war at least once in their life. He wasn't killed in it, but he was able to see humans for what they were, and quite honestly it's terrifying.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5' 11'' (180.3 cm)
    Weight: 64 Kilograms (141.1 lbs)
    Hair: Long flowing red hair, pulled up into a ponytail that falls down to his coccyx
    Eyes: Green
    Skin Tone: Light (Caucasian)
    Appearance: Hal is an ectomorph, his body always remaining thin no matter how much he eats. That may have to do with his disease, but it's also been something that's been active for his entire life, albeit on a smaller scale. He's not as tall as some people, but he stands head and shoulders over most of the girls within his guild, and his aura seems to help that effect. Despite not being as tall as some, when angry he appears to grow several inches, although nothing in actuality happens. It's merely a trick of perception known as the "fight or flight response" where you see things as scarier than they are when you know that they are a threat.

    His clothes are rather outdated, with a long robe that acts like a shirt with a tail at the front, and a pair of loose trousers. He permanently wears slip on shoes, finding them easier to take off than other kinds, and besides they don't get damaged quite so easily by his sharp nails. Finally, he has a habit of wearing warmer colors, such as red and orange, although that's simply out of preference. Unlike most of his kind, he tries to avoid wearing black, due to finding it quite a dull color.


    Guild: Sabertooth
    Tattoo: Back of his neck, hidden by his hair. It's colored maroon.
    Rank: D

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Musashi's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 1490
    Guild : None.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None.
    Experience : 75,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Refraction: Moonlight
    Second Skill: Refraction: Final Hour
    Third Skill:

    Lord Halbyrt "Hal" De Buiosera Empty Re: Lord Halbyrt "Hal" De Buiosera

    Post by TehDMCmaniac 30th September 2013, 12:20 pm

    Approved. Welcome to Sabertooth, fellow guild member!


    Lord Halbyrt "Hal" De Buiosera 14n37n9

      Current date/time is 17th June 2024, 12:35 pm