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    Blood Battle Arts: Squallpath Style


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Faction : -
    Posts : 13
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Battle Arts: Squallpath Style
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

     Blood Battle Arts: Squallpath Style Empty Blood Battle Arts: Squallpath Style

    Post by Crystal0 19th September 2023, 7:56 am


    Magic Name: Blood Battle Arts: Squallpath Style
    Magic Type: Combat Arts(Primary), Blood Magic(Auxiliary)
    Description: Command kicks and punches that conjure a storm's fury. Using blood, let your strikes become lightning.

    Euphelt primarily fights physically, but by sacrificing her blood she can further enhance her physical capabilities by augmenting them with elemental energy, particularly lightning. Her swift strikes become swifter and give her supernatural capabilities to what would be normal combat techniques, all with just a pinprick of blood.

    Euphelt is largely limited by her stamina, something that only comes with upkeep and intense training. She wouldn't be able to handle drawn out fights using the blood aspect of her battle style either, less she faints from blood loss. Euphelt would also need a direct way to draw blood from her body, thus requiring her to actively harm herself to do so. Her knuckle duster is her primary method for drawing blood, modified so it pricks her thumb.

    The history of this battle style stems from vampire hunters, who saw potential in using blood to combat vampires. Not only could blood be augmented with special properties, should a vampire hunter fall in battle, their blood loss and modification would prevent the vampire from feasting on their corpse, giving the hunter one last laugh.
    Unique Abilities:
    • Ability 1: Tempest Strikes: Melee strikes deal bonus electrical damage, increasing in damage the more HP she loses.
    • Ability 2:
    • Ability 3:


    Name: Flashline Kick
    Rank: D
    Duration: 1 post
    Description: Euphelt unleashes a kick that sends her flying in a straight line like a bullet. She can unleash this kick either on the ground or in the air, giving her a degree of mobility.

    Name: Flashline Penetrating Kick
    Rank: D+
    Duration: 1 post
    Description: Euphelt unleashes a kick that sends her flying in a straight line like a bullet. She can unleash this kick either on the ground or in the air, giving her a degree of mobility. In the advanced version, her kick can penetrate weak objects, such as wooden planks, without breaking them, essentially letting her phase through solid objects while still dealing damage.

    Name: Peregrine Hatchet
    Rank: D
    Duration: 1 post
    Description: Euphelt does a flip forward and kicks downward with one leg, driving her foot downwards like an axe swing. If she is airborne, she plummets straight downwards.

    Name: Squallpath: Teslacharge
    Rank: D
    Duration: 3 posts
    Description: By relinquishing a few droplets of blood to produce an electrical field around her body, giving her circular protection from some attacks. Melee strikes channel the field's energy into her point of attack, creating a localised electrical field that increases her melee damage while maintaining the protection around her, but only from the direction of where she attacked.

     Blood Battle Arts: Squallpath Style Empty Re: Blood Battle Arts: Squallpath Style

    Post by Guest 19th September 2023, 4:45 pm


     Blood Battle Arts: Squallpath Style QlhAT3Z

      Current date/time is 9th October 2024, 11:58 am