Fairy Tail RP

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    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 509
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    B-Holder Empty B-Holder

    Post by Imai-chi 22nd June 2023, 4:04 am


    Mythical (+)


    Proof of purchase:
    [Proof of Purchase by Previous Owner]
    [Proof of Possession]

    Though Bosco is quite closed off from the rest of the world, it is no secret that the high-tech country makes up for its lack of wars with other countries and people by having a never-ending war with the magical creatures living in the untouched wilderness surrounding them. Once a month a magical beast will mercilessly try to level one of their big cities. While most of the technology developers see this invasion as a testing ground for new and more devastating tech, one particular tech genius sees it as an ugly reminder of what he lost.

    This man once had a gorgeous lover. His plans on Valentine’s Day three years ago was to meet her in a restaurant atop the tallest building in his city. After showing her the sights and sharing a delicious meal, he’d planned to propose to her under the gently swaying strings of lights on the balcony. He’d make her his. They’d be happy. However, a giant monster attacked, ruining his plans in the worst way. The man was on the battle squad, so he had no choice but to go. Donning his mechanized exoskeleton suit, he reluctantly left her there. Everything within him wanted to grab her up in his arms and take her with him, but he couldn’t fight with his arms occupied. Rationalizing that not only was the building much taller than most monsters and that the base was one of the most reinforced in the whole city, he thought his lover would be safe. Reluctantly, he left her behind and in the ensuing battle, the magical beast revealed massive tentacles that towered double his height, and crashed into the very balcony he’d thought safe. With ring still in his pocket, he watched his lover die on that day of love and hope.

    Cursing the design of his current suit, the heartbroken and frenzied man took to his lab to create something that would have solved his problem. Never again would he lose someone he loved because he could not hold them. He created a new exosuit that had an extra set of arms called the A-Holder, but was not satisfied. Just an extra set was enough, so he tossed it and got back to work. Four extra sets of arms coming from the back should do, more than enough to hold and protect anyone he cared about as he fought. The second version was called the B-Holder. The finished exosuit brought him no solace, though, since now that his feverish energy and distraction from the grief had passed, he realized he had no one left to protect. He disappeared after that. No one knows what happened to him, but all his developed technology slowly trickled out into the public all over Earthland, including his ambitious B-Holder.

    B-Holder PDRfovs


    Name: Protection Protocol: Level 1
    Rank: D+
    Category: Auxiliary
    Type: Passive
    Description: The electricity sparks through the terminals and circuits within the suit, providing its defensive capabilities with extra power. It buffs Technique Durability passively by 65%.

    Name: Protection Protocol: Level 2
    Rank: User Rank Advanced (Up to C+)
    Category: Auxiliary
    Type: Passive
    Description: More electricty sparks through the terminals and circuits within the suit, providing its offensive capabilities with extra power. It buffs Strength passively. [D- 65%, C- 75%]

    Name: Protection Protocol: Level 3
    Rank: User Rank Advanced (Up to B+)
    Category: Defensive
    Type: Burst - Anti-Piercing
    Durability: User Rank Advanced Burst Durability (x3)
    Range: Self
    Speed: Self
    Duration: Advanced User Rank Max
    Description: As each set of arms close around the user in a tight embrace, they form a barrier of protection around them. This protection is so strong that no piercing effect can pass through it, still imbued with the wish of its creator to protect the one they loved from any and all harm, an effort ultimately futile, as tragic as it is. Benefits from increases to Technique Durability.

    Name: [Custom ability for the user to design]
    Rank: User Rank Advanced (Up to A+)
    SP Cost:
    Description: [Must be a Technique]

    Name: [Custom ability for the user to design]
    Rank: User Rank Advanced (Up to S+)
    SP Cost:
    Description: [Must be a Technique]

    Name: Bosco Kaiju Barrage
    Rank: H+ (Unlocks at H Rank)
    Category: Offensive
    Type: Burst - Buff, Charge
    Damage: 200 HP per post (1,000 HP max)
    Range: Melee
    Speed: Melee
    Duration: Up to 5 posts
    Description: While the B-Holder was primarily designed to protect, what good is protection from monster and other threats if you can’t also eliminate them? This attack was specially programmed to store power to be unleashed later to cause devastation. By clasping the sets of hands behind the user’s back by one set per post, it creates a closed power circuit to charge the upcoming attack. The user loses access to those arms to both attack and protect, but the increase to power is nothing to sneeze at. Once 4 posts have passed since the ability's activation and all eight arms are clasped on the 5th post, all eight limbs will work together with the user’s arms to unleash a hellish barrage of punches upon anyone within melee reach, releasing the stored power for more damage. The attack can be unleashed at any point during the ability's duration, but will only deal the charged damage. If the ability is not used on the 5th post after its activation it will automatically be cancelled. With the expectation of power storage, the suit increases the Strength of the user by 150% for the duration of this ability. This ability deals Melee Damage and uses Strength for its damage calculations.


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:37 pm