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    Archivist of Caprinae

    Aeryn Caprina
    Aeryn Caprina

    Lineage : Arsenal of Spellpower
    Position : None
    Posts : 12
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Archivist of Caprinae Empty Archivist of Caprinae

    Post by Aeryn Caprina 23rd June 2023, 4:58 pm


    Magic Name: Archivist of Caprinae
    Magic Type: Requip (Primary) | Holder (Auxiliary) [Holder Item: Staff of Caprinae]
    Description: Aeryn Caprina. A woman whose ultimate goal is to bring to bear the destruction of the two most opposing armies in Ishgar. However, to say that this is the only goal she has would be a lie. Before they were reduced to a mere handful of members scattered throughout the world, the Caprina clan was known for their skill in shaping naturally occurring Lacrima. As a result, their coming of age tradition was to create something for themselves. Typically a weapon, sometimes a piece of armor.

    The Staff of Caprinae was made by Aeryn the day she came of age. A combination of staff, spear, and a shocking amount of Lacrima big and small.

    It was meant to represent the ties that bound. Each Lacrima tied to a magic a particular family member practiced. Without them, it represents something new. A veritable archive of the entire clan Caprina. This gave Aeryn further ideas. While the individual members of the clan were gone, many of their personal effects remain. Thanks to the creativity and variety of weapons and armor created by the Clan, Aeryn has taken on a new title in her own mind: The Archivist of Caprinae. By mixing Requip spells to bring forth her family's recovered creations with the casting of various magics through her Staff, Aeryn is capable of filling not only any range in battle, but  any role as well. While her preference is certainly for front line damage dealing, she has the capacity for defensive and supportive roles as well, making this magic well rounded in all respects at the cost of having no true specialization.

    Unique Abilities:
    • Ability 1:


    Advanced Spells:

    Name:  Lacrima Network: Clockwork Magic - Grinding Gears
    Rank: D+
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Description: Focusing her magical energies into the Staff of Caprinae, Aeryn levels the point of the spearhead at a distant target before twisting the haft counterclockwise. This causes the normally blue Lacrima to take on the color of weathered brass as a similarly colored magic circle appears both above and below each target. From within these magic circles two massive, rapidly spinning gears appear. These gears will crash into each other, grinding and gnashing against each other--and the target if they don't react quickly enough. This spell also applies a dampening effect to the target, reducing the speed of their spells. This spell can only target up to three individuals at once.

    D-Rank Spells:

    Name:  Star Burst Rifle
    Rank: D
    Requip Type: Weapon
    Grade: Normal
    Duration: 3 Posts

    Star Burst Rifle:

    Every member of the Caprina family designed a unique Lacrimatech piece as a coming of age trial. Each individual designed something different. Designed by Aeryn's father, the Star Burst Rifle is designed in emulation of the modern firearms that Pergrande and Bosco are known for. Fitted with a Lacrima that is shaped in the symbol of a golden cross embedded in one side of the rifle, as well as subtle flecks of silver embedded throughout the wood in seeming veneration of the heavens. This particular Lacrimatech Rifle has been embedded with a Heavenly Body Lacrima, allowing the user to deliver two different shots along with the normal 7.62mm ammunition that it typically fires.

    Ability 1:

    Ability 2:

    Name: Sanguine Blade
    Rank: D
    Requip Type: Weapon
    Grade: Normal
    Duration: 3 Posts

    Sanguine Blade:

    Ability 1:

    Ability 2:

    Name: Lacrima Network: Spinning Magic - Zephyr Impact
    Rank: D
    Duration: 3 Posts
    Description: Choking her grip on the Staff of Caprinae upwards, Aeryn grips the weapon by the wrapped leather near the head as she pours magical energy into it. This causes the head of the staff to take on a greenish tint to the blue crystals atop it as the very air around the weapon begins to violently rotate around the crystal spearhead. Thrusting the weapon at a target causes this building storm of roiling wind to be launched at a target as a rapidly rotating drill of wind. Unfortunately, this spell only operates at Burst range, with the roiling winds dissipating if they go too far without impacting anything.

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:34 pm