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    Reports and Revelations [Solo Job]


    Lineage : Excitavit Tetria Oculus
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 88
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair (Current) Vanessa Scáthach (Former)
    Experience : 2,282

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fool's Arcanum
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Reports and Revelations [Solo Job] Empty Reports and Revelations [Solo Job]

    Post by Fin 23rd December 2022, 6:13 am

    Fin shuffled through his papers begrudgingly as he searched for a specific document. Upon finally locating said document he put it aside and began filling out a report. Fin had slacked off on is archival duties, as a result he was weeks behind on his reports. Luckily his superiors had been kind enough to give him by the end of the day to complete all of his reports. It wasn't impossible by any means, it only meant Fin was held prisoner behind a desk due to his neglected obligations as a Rune Knight. The Ginger headed mage sighed heavily as he picked a hot cup of coffee, he blew off some steam and took a sip in order to get his fix of caffeine. It would be a long day and Finnegan Fontaine was going to need all the help he could get. The Sevenite man turned his sky blue eyes at the mountain of papers to his left. Taking another sip from his cup he set it down and vowed to himself never again would he procrastinate on his reports. Fontaine paused and thought how he would rather suffer broken bones rather than shift through this busy work, but it was part of his job. The pilgrim, began typing away, quickly filling out details on his reports. Most of the information was rinse and repeat. Finnegan went out on patrol, nothing eventful happened. Or perhaps there were some petty crime he had to quell. The poor mage felt the life wither away at every time he had to retype essentially the same reports over and over again. Luckily the copy and paste function had swiftly became his best friend when it came to writing his reports. After a few hours of riding a caffeine high and slaving away at his cursed paper work, Fin had finally sundered the mighty mountain of papers.

    As a reward for his labors Finnegan Fontaine had meandered his way to the coffee station to acquire himself a disposable cup filled with  the black caffeinated ambrosia. When he came across a cute coworker of his, Daphne. Daphne was one of the new recruits that joined roughly the same time as Finnegan. The two had became fast friends due to being paired up for patrols on many occasions. The orange haired rookie noticed that Private Daphne was also burdened by a stack of papers. Upon seeing this, Fontaine decided to abandon his quest to get a refill for his cup of coffee, and he then swiftly began to reroute his path to lend assistance to his friend and coworker. With a quick few strides Fin had navigated himself towards Daphne, he occasionally nodded and smiled at familiar faces that walked by. Eventually Fin had made his way to Daphne's side taking smaller strides and slowing down to match her pace. Daphne was a shorter young woman, she wore oval shaped glasses with suited her cute onyx black bob cut. She wore the standard combat corps uniform of the Rune Knights, the same uniform which Fin was wearing at the moment. Private Daphne had taken the liberty to wear black boots who's heels had elevated her a few inches from her normal height. She wore very light make up, the girl wasn't a stunner by any means, but she was certainly cute. Cute enough to garner quite a few admirers. Despite this, Fin wasn't romantically involved with Daphne nor did he plan to be. They were friends simple as that.

    "Mornin' Daphne what the craic?" Fin said suddenly as soon as he pulled up to her six. The female rune knight turned her head as she breathed heavily as she lugged the stack of papers. Before She could respond Fin had took a good portion of her burden and began following her. Daphne let out a sigh of relief and gave Finnegan a sincere smile born out of her gratitude.

    "Thanks Fin, you are a life saver." Daphne said, once again showing her gratitude to her comrade in arms. Fin let out a chuckle as he gave her a nod of reassurance. "Don't mention it lass. It's not like we're strangers or anythin'... 'sides a good friend once told me that we should always try to help others if we can." Fin explained, as he briefly gazed down memory lane before continuing his conversation with his fellow rune knight, Daphne.

    "what's all these papers for? If ya don't mind me askin'" Inquired Fin as his sevenite accent accentuated his growing curiosity. His eyes gazed down at the stack catching glimpse of some details on top of the stack of papers. Daphne let out a defeated sigh as she took a turn leading Fin to one of the vacant conference rooms.

    "Someone from the higher ups wanted me to sort through them and then file them accordingly." Daphne explained as she clearly displayed her disdain for busy work. Like Fin, she too much preferred working out there in the field rather than being cooped up inside slaving away at some sort of busy work behind a desk.

    "Ah shite, sounds terrible. You need hand?" Fin asked, despite hating paper work, his desire to help his friends far out weighed whatever reluctance he had for office work. Which is precisely why he offered to lend a hand to his struggling ally. Daphne looked at him, her face a picture perfect image of disbelief.

    "You? Help with office work? Is the world coming to an end?" Daphne let out a playful gasp as she feigned surprise. Fin rolled his eyes and and nodded as if confirming what she heard. "Aye you heard me right Miss Daphne Dwight... I the great and powerful Finnegan Fontaine shall lend you aid to you at your desperate time of need. Rejoice Lass! For I am a merciful and kind friend." Fin said in a grandiose tone of unadulterated sarcasm. The two burst out in a light chuckle as they entered to empty conference room.


     WC: 1,000 words [1 C-Rank Free Form completed]



    Lineage : Excitavit Tetria Oculus
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 88
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Serilda Sinclair (Current) Vanessa Scáthach (Former)
    Experience : 2,282

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fool's Arcanum
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Reports and Revelations [Solo Job] Empty Re: Reports and Revelations [Solo Job]

    Post by Fin 23rd December 2022, 8:32 am

    "I will take your gracious offer Sir Finnegan Fontaine. I thank you thee for lending your assistance to a damsel in distress such as I." Daphne said matching the energy of the grandiose speech Fin has spouted moments before. Fin set down the stack of paper, pretending to throw his back. "A feck, I threw me back. I have injured myself... Alas! I don not think I am physically capable to help you now." Fin said jokingly as he pretended to be injured as he pretended to hobble towards a vacant seat in the conference room.  Private Daphne rolled her eyes as he began spreading out the papers, arranging them in order by date.

    "If you don't want to help, you don't have to be here. But if you walk away I'll tell the rest of our friends that mister Finnegan Fontaine is a yellow bellied liar." Daphne said as she smirked as she glanced up from the papers before her. Fin plopped down into empty chair as he covered his mouth acting shocked. "You would never!" Fin gasped as he rolled his chair next to Daphne.

    "Try me country boy. Make my day." Daphne said in a challenging tone as she shifted through some papers before setting one sheet down on the table. "Alright, alright, I am a man of me word, let me help ya out Daphne hahaha." Fin chuckled as he he began sorting through the papers as well. Most of the documents were case files, and most of the case files were about assault, theft, and the selling and buying of illegal substances. Fin paused for a moment as he picked up a case file that caught his attention. At a glance it was about a simple arrest regarding some dealer, but what piqued the country boys attention was what the dealer was selling. There was a picture of product that the dealer was pandering out. The picture was a bag of white powder of sorts." Fin's eyes narrowed it looked familiar. It was as if he had seen something similar before. Then it dawned at Fin as he came to a realization.

    "Daphne, ya mind passing me that file over there?" Fin asked without lifting his eyes from the file he was reading. Daphne gave Finnegan Fontaine an inquisitive look, but obliged as she reach out and plucked the file from the table top and handed it to her coworker. Fin closed the file and took the file which Daphne had brought to him. "Thanks lass." Fin said quickly as he opened up the file and began reading through it just like what he did for the previous one. Daphne leaned over to take a peep at the File that Fin was currently engrossed in.

    "Whats up? Is there anything wrong with the report?" Daphne asked curiously as she finally took a seat in a vacant chair besides Fin. Fin shook his head no. "No... no.... there ain't anything wrong with the report... I'm Just checkin' something real quick..." Fin explained as he eventually came to the evidence portion of the case file. Once again Fin noticed that the confiscated evidence was the same powder. A coincidence, perhaps, but after digging through the case files, Fin began to notice a pattern. There were similarities. What Fin found odd, all the criminals arrested were all from different gangs, some were lone dealer unaffiliated with any organization. Perhaps they were simply selling similar products, it wasn't an uncommon thing.

    "Daphne... do you happen to know if we still all have the evidence for all these case files?" Fin asked as he put down another case file he had just finished reading. Daphne tilted her head in confusion. "Yeah... we should... weapons, documents etc are all there... for drugs and other substances... samples are taken and sent to the lab for testing and cataloguing." Daphne explained. Fin raised his eyebrows. Of course! If he wanted to find out if his suspicions were correct he just needed to see if the tests all line up.

    "Daphne... are you good here? Or do you still need my help?" Fin inquired as he gestured to the mostly sorted case files. Daphne glanced over their work and thought for a moment.

    "Yes, for gods sakes Fin did you need to be somewhere?" Daphne  gave a worried sighed, it wasn't completely out of the blue for her to assume that. After all Fin had been late to a few important meetings before due to being preoccupied with helping someone.

    "No." Fin paused for a moment going over his mental calendar and planner. Yes, he was in the clear. "No. I don't I just need to ask the engineering department about something. It's not urgent but..." Fin's voice trailed off but Daphne stopped him from finishing his sentence.

    "It's fine you've helped more than enough. Go one. I can see on your face you're up to something. Just don't get yourself into trouble yeah?" Daphne smiled as she shooed her reckless coworker off. Fin smiled brightly as he got up and bolted off. To the Engineering department to see if his hunch had any merit or if he was just over thinking things. With hasten steps he Fin power walked with purpose occasionally greeting his coworkers and friends that passed by. Greeting his fellow rune knights with a smile, a nod or a simple "how ya". Eventually the ginger headed pilgrim had arrived at his destination. His sky blue iris' eventually came to the sign that indicated the location. It was a lab of sorts specifically for testing evidence that has been collected. He entered the lab, noticing a few familiar faces. He recalled that the generals in charge of the engineering  department was none other than the adopted daughters of the Field Marshal and Director. Grappa and Jellisha, a part of the nomad wondered if he would meet the two. However, he focused his attention to his quest at hand, to get answers.

     WC: 1,000 words [1 C-Rank Free Form completed]


      Current date/time is 15th June 2024, 11:43 pm